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Application of a modal-based

transient energy function to a

large-scale stressed power system:
assessment of transient stability
and transient voltage dip
Roger Treinen, Vijay V i t t a l and A A Fouad
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 5001 1,

disturbance network is characterized by weak synchron-

In this paper a modal-based transient energy function
izing forces caused by large transmission impedances.
( M T E F ) is used to analyse a large-scale stressed power
Transient stability studies conducted on such systems to
system exhibiting the inter-area mode phenomenon.
verify regional reliability criteria, are not necessarily
The analysis consists o f two parts. In the first part, direct limited to the verification of loss of synchronism. Due to
transient stabili O, analysis o f the inter-area mode is the inherent stress on the system, other parameters may
conducted by determining the dominant modes of oscil- have a pronounced effect on the system dynamic
lation involved in the non-linear interaction. Using the
performance. In particular the transient voltage at certain
machines that have large participation in these modes, buses following a disturbance may be a critical parameter
relevant disturbed machine groupings are formed. These
when voltage sensitive components, such as coolant
groupings are then used in the M T E F m e t h o d for transient motors of a nuclear plant, are present in the power
stability assessment. In the second part, the M T E F is also system.
used to predict the post-disturbance voltage dip at various
This paper describes an analysis of the transient
buses using an energy based criteria.
stability and transient voltage assessment of power
The developed procedures are tested on a 161-generator
systems exhibiting the inter-area mode phenomenon. The
coherency-based dynamic equivalent of the Northern
direct method of transient stability analysis using the
States Power ,s;vstem which is part of the Mid-continent transient energy function 1 is used. This method has been
Area Power Pool in North America.
shown to assess first swing stability accurately when
applied to unstressed power systems. In previous appli-
Keywords." short-term system dynamics, transient stability,
cations of the T E F method to the inter-area mode
security enhancement phenomenon 2 4, the stability assessment results were
'mixed'. In several instances the T E F method resulted in
poor transient stability assessment. The poor results can
be attributed to the fact that the energy exchange
I. I n t r o d u c t i o n
phenomenon was not accurately captured by the T E F
Many power systems in the North American inter- method, when the inter-area mode was characterized by
connection presently operate with a heavily loaded a single inertial mode of oscillation.
transmission system. When subjected to a disturbance, Results from earlier work 4 indicate that the inter-area
these stressed large scale power systems exhibit a mode phenomenon occurs as a result of non-linear
complex dynamic behaviour known as the inter-area interactions between the dominant natural modes of
mode phenomenon. The inter-area mode phenomenon is oscillation of the power system. This explanation leads
characterized by the separation of a large group of to a logical solution of the transient stability assessment
generators, some of which may be far from the disturb- problem by formulating the transient energy in terms of
ance, from the rest of the system. Furthermore, the post the energy associated with the dominant inertial modes.
Modal analysis is used to identify the dominant modes,
Received14 January 1992; revisedand accepted15 October1992 and machines that have a greater influence than others

Volume 15 Number 2 1993 01 42-061 5 / 9 3 / 0 2 1 1 7 - 0 9 1993 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd 117

in a given mode of oscillation can be determined through where
the use of participation factors -~.
In earlier work based on slow-coherency analysis,
Pi : 1),,,i E, G.
Khorasani et al. 6 used a physically based decomposition n

technique to develop the concept of a modal-based

p,,~= ~ [C~jsin(O~-Oil+D~jcos(O ~ Oj)]
i= 1
transient energy function. Using the notion of relevant .jJ- i
disturbed areas, a partial energy function containing only Cij = EiEjBii, D~j = E~EiG~.i
appropriate components of the energy terms was obtained
and used for stability assessment.
The above developments, i.e., the dominant modes Pcol =- ~, (Pi- Pei)
concept and the modal based partial energy function,
have been combined in Reference 7 in the following
M r - ~ Mi
manner. The dominant interacting modes of oscillation i=1
are determined'*. The machines participating in each
mode are found using participation factors. Each domi- and
nant mode is treated as a relevant disturbed area. n number of machines
However, in this work these relevant disturbed areas are G, driving point conductance
replaced by relevant disturbed machine groupings. A P,,i mechanical power input
relevant disturbed machine grouping is a group of Ei internal bus voltage of machine i
machines that have significant participation in a dominant M~ inertia constant
mode. The decomposition in Reference 6 is then invoked Gz~+jB~j the transfer admittance between machines
to obtain a partial modal-based transient energy function i and j
(MTEF). This function is used in transient stability &i, 0~ machine i rotor speed and angle deviations
assessment. with respect to a COI reference frame.
The voltage dip and its time duration may have adverse
The loads are represented by constant impedances and
effects on a power system during a transient. The adverse
the network is reduced to the internal machine nodes.
effects are even more pronounced for the buses at nuclear
plants. The transient dip in voltage following a disturb-
ance results in the tripping of coolant motors and leads
to the plant shutting down because of a loss of coolant. III. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of non-linear
The loss of a major plant further complicates the effect interacting d o m i n a n t modes
of the disturbance and may cause cascading outages. For In Reference 4 a procedure was developed to determine
some systems, this is used as the stability criteria. the dominant non-linear interacting modes and to
The approach used in this paper is based on the identify the machines participating in these modes. This
principle that, following a disturbance, the voltage near procedure consisted of three main steps: (1) the identifi-
the electrical centre of the system dips to a minimum at cation of the dominant modes through modal analysis
the instant the angular swing of the generators on either on the linearization of equation (1) evaluated around the
side of the electrical centre is a maximum. The T E F post-disturbance stable equilibrium point (SEP); (2) the
method can detect the instant of maximum angular swing identification of the machines participating in these
using an energy criterion s'9. In this paper the M T E F is dominant modes through the use of participation factors,
used to determine the instant of maximum angular swing and (3) the identification of the non-linear interacting
in the inter-area mode case. This approach is based on dominant modes by forming the Taylor's series expansion
the premise that the M T E F method accurately accounts of equation (1) about the post-disturbance SEP and then
for the energy exchange phenomenon in the inter-area neglecting all terms higher than second order. This
mode. procedure is very computationally intensive (due mainly
The procedures developed are tested on a realistic to step (3)). However, it was found that, for the stressed
161-generator equivalent of the Northern State Power systems used to test this procedure, the machines that
(NSP) system. NSP is a large utility which forms a part had significant participation in the dominant non-linear
of the Mid-continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) in the interacting modes consisted of those that were advanced
Northern American interconnection. in the controlling UEP, plus a few more machines whose
UEP angles were close to, but yet less than 7r/2 radians
II. M a t h e m a t i c a l model of p o w e r system (advanced refers to machines whose angle in COI at the
The classical power system model is used in this study 1. controlling U E P is greater than ~/2 radians). In the
Using the centre of inertia (COI) reference frame, the procedure reported upon in this paper, the controlling
system equations are given below. UEP, and hence the advanced machines, are already
known. If the dominant modes of oscillation in which
MirTJ)i= P i - P,.i- (mi/mr)Pco, = f/(0) (1) the advanced machines have significant participation can
0i=(7.)i i = 1 , 2 . . . . . n--1 be found, these modes should represent the non-linear
interacting dominant modes in the inter-area mode of
and the nth angle and the nth speed terms O. and &., are separation. Hence the Taylor's series expansion of
defined as equation (1) can be avoided.

On=- 2 (MiOi)/Mn Iil.1 Identification of the dominant modes

The identification of the dominant modes is accomplished
by the linearization of equation (1) around the post-
(7),=- Z (Mi&i)/M. disturbance SEP. The free-response of the post-
disturbance system with initial conditions can be written degree to which the advanced machine participates
as in the mode. These two factors need to be carefully
weighted. This gives the motivation for step (iv)
X ( t ) = ~ cqe~"ui (2) below in that it gives a weighting factor for that
,-1 particular mode in equation (2). The participation
factor then gives the relative participation of the
advanced machine in that mode.
m= 2n-2 (iv) Let the mode corresponding to F~ be a and the mode
x(t) is the perturbation vector of the machine rotor corresponding to F 2 be b, if eJC~b>Pkb/Pk~ the
advanced machine k will be put into mode a.
angles and speeds.
2, is the ith eigenvalue of the linearized system Otherwise, let the mode corresponding to F'2 be a
and let the mode corresponding to ['3 be b, and
is the ith right eigenvector of the linearized repeat the test for the remaining modes in o,h'.
system matrix corresponding to mode i. A note of caution is in order. Not all of the advanced
l; i is the ith left eigenvector of the linearized system machines may have a significant participation in any of
matrix corresponding to mode i. the dominant modes. If this situation occurs, then the
x(o) is the initial condition vector of angles and advanced machine should not be considered while
speeds. performing the above algorithm.
is v~X(O). In conclusion, by performing steps (i) to (iv) for each
All vectors listed above are of length m. advanced machine, a set of modes in which each mode
There are two constraints imposed on the eigenvectors, contains at least one advanced machine, is produced.
they are
]vil12= l.O, and vTiui=1.0
The dominance measure is defined as the scalar IV. M o d a l - b a s e d t r a n s i e n t e n e r g y
value, F,=[cq[. Hui[[2. Where [['112:C"---,R is defined by, function
[[~[2=~.~, where ~ e C " and H implies a conjugate The transient energy function 1 derived from equation (1)
transpose. is given by
II 1.2 Determination o{ the machine participation in 1 " 1 "-1
the dominant modes r = 21=1E Mi~D2 -- M T ~=, ~ (PiMj-- PjMi)(Oij-- O~j)
The relative participation of machine k in mode i can be
determined via the participation factor defined as - ~
"lk{ "= j = i + l

c,j(cos 0,~- cos 0,~)

Pki=Vk~Uu. The participation factor is a dimensionless i=1 j=i+l
quantity. The larger the participation factor the more
participation or influence the machine has in the mode. -ff'f;DijcosOqd(Oi+Oi) } (3)

111.3 Selection of the relevant disturbed machine In order to obtain the desired decomposition of equation
groupings (3) (refer to Reference 6 for detailed derivation) the system
The actual selection of the relevant disturbed machine is divided into r groups, where each group contains at
groupings can now be accomplished by performing the least one machine. The COIs of these r groups form the
following algorithm. slow subsystem. The difference between the C O I angle
For each machine k advanced at the controlling UEP, of each of these r groups and each machine rotor angle
perform steps (i) to (iv) below. Note that machine k within each group constitutes the fast subsystem. For the
corresponds to the kth row of the state vector as given subsequent discussion, two typical groups, e and fl, are
in equation (2) with respect to the rotor angle. denoted, and have centre of inertia angles y~ and y~
(i) Calculate the participation factor for every mode. respectively. As in Reference 6, the rotor angles with
This consists of calculating Pk, = Vk~Uk,,i = 1,3 . . . . . m. respect to the local COls are defined as
(ii) Select the modes in which the participation factor Pk,, X,=Oi--ya, ie~, ~ = 1,2 . . . . . r
i ----1,3 . . . . . m are significant. This consists of selecting
the modes where Pk~, i = 1,3,..., m are greater than and those of the local COIs with respect to the global
a specified minimum value. For the power system COl, 30, as
investigated, typically a value of 0.01 has been used.
~=y~-6 o, :~= 1,2 . . . . . r
Let o,//be the set of modes selected for this advanced
machine k. In other words, Also define
o.#={i:Pki>O.Ol, i = 1,3 . . . . . m}. MT~ = ~ M,
(iii) Rank the modes of .J# in descending order of
F. For example let d be the number of modes The transient energy function (3) can be expressed in
selected in step (ii), then ~# = {[`~, F 2. . . . . Va} where terms of the slow variables y~, and the fast variables
F 1 > F2 > --. > Fa. The advanced machine k may not 2,. Note that the symbol ~ is used to imply a sum-
always be placed in the most dominating mode of mation over all machines in the group e. The transient
,/l. The identification of the mode in which the energy function, in terms of the variables 2,, y~,
advanced machine is to be placed, depends on the ice, c~= 1,2 . . . . . r, is given by
dominance measure of the mode and also on the V = v K E - ] - V PE
where where.~ is the set of relevant disturbed group> and PARI
refers to the partial energy. It should be noted that ~he
Vlqt!= I mi-(:~ ~- M T ~ . ~?;2
, number of relevant disturbed groups in .# is equal t~
2~= 1 = t.... 1. The rth group consists of the machines not
contained in ~
= v,~,,~+ ~ ~,KE
~'--1 ~--1
V. Transient stability assessment using
= vf.V, + K,% 141 the M T E F method
The potential energy is divided into three parts so that In order to determine the relevant disturbed machine
vPE= vPE ~_ PE PE groupings by modal analysis and to assess transient
slow-- Vfast-}- [/fast slow (5)
stability using the M T E F method, it is essential that the
The potential energy components are defined by controlling U E P is known. The procedure used for
determining the controlling U E P is based on the method
K,o. = ~X E (PiMg-- P eMI)(y~#- Y:t~) proposed in Reference 12. A brief outline of this
1 //=~+ 1 j procedure is given below.
(1) Integrate the disturbed system.
V<,,,= ~f MI ( ~~ ~'~ (P,M~-P~M,)(Sc,~ 2[0 Save conditions at clearing.
:e= 1 k T\ i j=i+ 1 Check for exit point, x e, this is encountered when the
summation, ~ 7 - l - j i & i , goes through a zero (i.e.,
+~ ~[ (PiMj -- PjMi)(2ij -- 5i5) goes from a positive value to a negative value).
(2) Integrate the associated gradient system, with x e as
~s the initial condition, to a point, x c, where, ~7= 1[~(0)1
+ y, Cu(cos 2 u - cos xo-) - I~,,
i /=i+1 i j=i+l is a minimum. For a stressed power network, this
(5b) gradient system is typically stiff, hence a variable

Vfast s l w = 0 t = l
i{ii' -
i O=~t+l
y~ C ~ ; [ c o s ( ~ j - S'=#)
step-size integration technique is utilized for its
numerical solution.
(3) Solve the n non-linear equations, Ji(0)=0, for the
controlling U E P with x c as the starting point.
- cos(.%- y~#)]
Transient stability is assessed by calculating the partial
(5c) energy margin given by
i j=i+l i /1==+1


where 0 u and (F ~ are the c o n t r o l l i n g U E P and clearing

.% - ~ + ~j- 2~ . .
IF. ~- Du(sm 2 u - sm 27~) angles respectively. &c~ are the speeds at clearing. If
('~(ij "~is]) A VpA,T> 0 the system is stable. If A VpAR~= 0 the system
is critically stable. Otherwise the system is unstable.
FSh- - J~ ~s x t) - ) J
ix U x~i)- -

Vl. Prediction of transient voltage dip

I^ FS, = 3'uD u[sin(2u + )V~tO-- sm(xu
" ~s ~s
+ Y~tt)]
VI.1 The basic approach
-{- X i .}'~ - - X j - - y ~
In the T E F method, prediction of the transient voltage
~ u - (2~+ 2 , - x~ ~ - ) 7,~ ) - (x~
+ ~,~- x~ s/ - ~'}) dip is made by assuming that it occurs at the instant the
are obtained using the linear trajectory approximation ~ angular swing of the generators on either side of the
for the path dependent integral terms. electrical centre is maximum. This in turn is detected by
The M T E F now consists of: (1) slow energy associated identifying the point on the system trajectory where the
with the centres of inertia of all r groups; (2) fast energies potential energy is maximum 8'9. Thus a system trajectory
associated with inter-machine oscillation within all the r between conditions at disturbance clearing and the U E P
groups, and (3) slow-fast energies associated with the is assumed. The point on this trajectory where the
interactions between the slow energies and the fast potential energy is maximum is then located. The
energies. The decomposition of the kinetic energy in corresponding voltages at the various network buses are
terms of these fast and slow components is clearly then computed.
exhibited in equation (4). Also the slow (5a), fast (5b), For a given point on the system trajectory, the actual
and fast slow (5c) variables are evident in the potential bus voltages can be solved for by solving the matrix
energy equation (5). equation I = Ybu~ V. I is the vector of current injections
Further, in Reference 6 the authors approximate the and has zero components for the non-generator buses.
system transient energy function in terms of the relevant Ybus is the modified admittance matrix, and V is the bus
disturbed groups by including only the machines advanced voltages, which are to be solved for. The vector of current
at the controlling UEP. Similarly, the approximate injections, L is formed by converting the voltage source
(partial) modal-based transient energy function used in representation of the synchronous machine to the current
transient stability assessment is given by source representation. The shunt element of each current
source can now be incorporated into the corresponding
Z V~.~,.~+ l/slow + gslow -}-
Y~ Vf.s.~
~ + ~
I/fast--slow diagonal elements of the admittance matrix to form the
modified admittance matrix, Ybus. The matrix equation
= VI~ART q- VpPAERT (6) 1--: Ybus V can then be solved for the bus voltages, V.
Vl.2 Point of maximum voltage dip minimum along with vpPERTpassing through a maximum.
In Reference 8 a linear trajectory connecting the clearing (2) For a specified time period, if there is more than one
angle, 0 cl, to the controlling U E P angle, 0 u was employed; instant at which the criterion in (1) holds, then the
the one-dimensional bisection method was used to locate difference between V~AERTand V~ERXfor each of these
the maximum potential energy along the trajectory. In instants must be compared. The larger the difference, the
Reference 9 an exponential trajectory was used instead larger the voltage dip will be. Hence the largest difference
of the linear trajectory. It must be noted that the test between VPERT and V~ERT of these instants corresponds
systems used in Reference 8 and in Reference 9 were to the maximum voltage dip.
unstressed. Although in Reference 9 it was stated that It should be noted, however, that extreme care must
the exponential trajectory technique was tested on the be exercised when the energy components are numerically
stressed 50-generator reduced Ontario Hydro system determined, since the energy values are computed at
with only modest success. discrete time instants and are dependent on the integra-
For the NSP system, the critical bus at which the tion step size. As a result, the exact instants at which
transient voltage dip is to be determined is the Prairie these components go through a maximum or minimum
Island 345kV bus. The results obtained by direct cannot be precisely determined.
methods (either T E F or M T E F ) are compared with
those obtained by time simulation using the Electric
Power Research lnstitute's Extended Transient Mid-term VII. N u m e r i c a l results of t r a n s i e n t
Stability Program (ETMSP) 13. Three system trajectory stability assessment
approximations were tried: a linear trajectory 8, an The M T E F method was tested on a reduced model of
exponential trajectory 9, and a Fourier series approxi- the N S P system which contains 161 generators and 901
mation 14. The results were unsatisfactory since the buses. Numerical results comparing critical clearing times
computed transient voltage dip did not compare well are presented below. These were obtained by: (i)
with that obtained by time simulation. It was concluded conventional time simulation (ETMSP); (ii) the M T E F
that the discrepancy is due to the complex dynamic method, and (iii) the T E F method with kinetic energy
behaviour of the inter-area mode. correction. The energy function of method (iii) is given
Careful examination of a number of simulations, by equation (3). The critical clearing times were obtained
showed that the instant at which the m a x i m u m voltage for five different three-phase fault locations. These
dip occurs did not always correspond to the instant where three-phase faults were applied to buses that are part of
the first maximum of potential energy occurred. When the 345kV loop that surrounds the Twin Cities area.
the maximum voltage dip does occur at the instant the Figure 1 is a map depicting this 345 kV loop. The 345 kV
first maximum of potential energy is encountered, the buses at which the faults are to be applied are identified.
system response is dominated by the first swing transient These buses are Coon Creek, King, Monticello, and
and the inter-area mode phenomenon had little effect on Sherco. Also the Prairie Island 345 kV bus is identified.
the voltage dip. On the other hand, when these two In all five cases, the inter-area phenomenon can be
instants do not coincide, the inter-area mode phenomenon witnessed. This is illustrated in Figure 2 which shows
dominates the system response. In the latter case the three unstable angular trajectories in COI reference frame
maximum voltage dip occurs when the potential energy for case 5, a fault at Sherco with a line to Coon Creek
is at a maximum, but this m a x i m u m of potential energy cleared.
is not the first encountered. Hence, in order to identify Generator number 41, at Sherco, is located in
the maximum potential energy that corresponds to the Minneapolis. Generator number 34, at Coat Creek, is
maximum voltage dip correctly, a new criterion is used. located in central North Dakota, over 350 miles from
The criterion has been developed to account for the Minneapolis. Generator number 70, at boundary Dam,
complex dynamic behaviour experienced with a stressed is located in southern Saskatchewan, over 500 miles from
power network. Minneapolis. Notice that the angular trajectory of
For a system exhibiting an inter-area mode type generator 41 peaks, seems to recover in the first swing,
behaviour the criterion simply states that the point on and then tends to separate from the system. Also as
the system trajectory corresponding to a maximum shown, some generators far from the fault become
transient voltage dip is when the difference between V~AERT severely disturbed and tend to separate.
and V~ERX is maximum. It must be noted that for an These generators are shown because they are typical
inter-area mode V~AERTand V~ERTmay go through more of many other generators in the system in terms of
than one minimum and peak; the point of interest is dynamic behaviour for this clearing time. Hence, they
when the difference is at its peak. For a plant mode, or are not the only generators that separate from the rest
when there is one dominant system mode, only one such of the system. The generators shown above were also
peak is encountered. The use of the PrOposed criterion advanced at the controlling UEP, which may give an
is outlined below. indication of which machines will separate from the rest
Along the actual trajectory, the M T E F is evaluated. of the system.
This includes the evaluation of the values of Vfast,,~?
, K E Vslo
wKid Comparison of critical clearing times are presented
and V ~ v . Where below in Table 1. Table 2, shows the corresponding
v KE __ KE
relevant disturbed machine groupings. The relevant
fast..J- Z Vfast,~ disturbed machine groupings in column two of Table 2
were obtained by performing the algorithm outlined in
Now in order to find the point along the system trajectory section III.3.
which corresponds to the maximum voltage dip, the It should be noted that if V~ERXand V ~ v were
following criteria must be met. (1) Within a given time evaluated to include all r groups of machines, A VpART
range, ~owKE and Vfast.:
KE ~ both m u s t pass through a would equal the energy margin obtained by equation (3).
9532 I ~ BUNKER
~9534 ANOK~ TRtU~SFORHERS 3 - 1 5 1 B CORNER(
P~KWO(~ / ~509/
95031 7-1511
/ ' 8-~0 / 95z4

I ;1
c4.p . 9514
"C -T~P- " -- - ./
7-16B'~ S 0
f 1505-1520 COON 9508
CREEK "" -_ - .
;7 ~
,~6 3-17~
1738 , 1774 -1710 '7846
' 16~4 / P A-[-" ]
6~7 ) 9691 i LEXINGTON / 7-1730
7826 )'BOSS LK ITWIN 8-7861 llll~73" 16~5
~1713-7849 ~AKES(~ -1697
M~qINA ( 1.723
~1 ]7"~30q INOIANA~
~ . . ~ E MEOI"C~'E LK PLACE
1757,B 1747 Obz~D~.E
-OIm2~ ALDRICI 1761 1714 ] , 85C
TED~ / 1717 (.~laL e~X

H~LLYWOOD 7806 7816 TRA

7817 ',1 17~ 17~ \~ l BATTLEi i RI\


7-1965 7815/~p..~
' o-/ 7, ~/L~ 1788 ~ 1690 RED ROCK 7 2 6 6 '(
6TOCKY~ A742~3.4
~132 ACONIA 7814 EDINA ~ ~ " ~ 1785.6
) NEW L~} 7804 EXCELSIOR GATE -bl~ _~-P_~lor~ i~o5 L~; COTTAGE
GEN2-1782 ~Z3 INVER HILLS, 1711
:ICA, CREEK 7-1~
)5-"~ /" 8-7811 1702,3 ~E~-(7e* ~ ~----~(
~r BLN::X~ 0 , ; t
,1 ......
i T TAP E1748 J 8"7843 x
- I " 77<]8 ~ !4.0.

7626 i ]C~I~ 9244 LAKE 09293
7623 9ZRI PI~E
ST THOMAS/ N.O.~.~ ~
NEW MARKET. - - 9274
'~027 / 9290 5-16I
~F" - - ~ - " 7627 N.O. VESELI 7614 ISLANO
LESUEUR 77B69, B 6 ~ 7622 5-1602 92L:~
7-1603 SPRING
17673 ) I~IRCLE LAKE 8-7642 L CREEK RE
~ ~15~sEDEN. . . . .~ . . . ) ~ PRAGLE_
9259 I~/. . . _. ~., I_~ _ _ . _
ER' 7676
k 087
I ~
9210 j ~e I\
)1 ~" f';:klTtCt~ I va, , v DIST

Figure 1. Map of the 345kV loop around the Twin Cities area

Note that both equations (3) and (6) are evaluated groups. The energy absorbing capacity between the
between the conditions at clearing and the controlling non-disturbed machines is neglected.
UEP. By summing V ~ T only over the relevant disturbed
groups, the energy associated with the inter-machine
oscillations of the rest of the system (i.e., non-disturbed V I I I . N u m e r i c a l results of p r e d i c t e d
machines) is neglected. By doing so, V ~ T better v o l t a g e dip
represents the energy of separation associated with the The same five contingency cases previously analysed are
critical group of machines. A similar statement can be used to test the accuracy of the procedure for determining
made for summing V~RT only over the relevant disturbed the post-disturbance transient voltage dip. In all five
300 Notice that V~fw, and VfaKE~,pass through a minimum
Clearing time
=O.~ / and V~AERTpasses through a maximum simultaneously at
about 0.52 and 1.96 s. However, the difference between
200 VpPAERTand V p ~ is larger at 1.96 s. Hence it is this point
that is used to solve for the Prairie Island voltage. It is
interesting to note that the plots of Vslow
, K E and Vfast
KE,.~ in
I00 Figure 3 illustrate the oscillatory features of both the fast
and slow subsystems.
Boundary Dam #70 The bottom graph of Figure 3 illustrates the COI angle
i i
of a group of thirteen generators that are located in the
Time (seconds)
2 Twin Cities area. Note here that the COI angle peaks of
the group correspond to the Prairie Island voltage dips.
Figure 2. Unstable swing curves for case 5 The data for the voltage magnitude at the Prairie Island
bus and the post-disturbance system trajectory were
obtained by time simulation (ETMSP). The post-
Table 1. Conlparison of critical clearing times disturbance system trajectory associated with the second
and third graphs was obtained by time simulation
Critical clearing incorporated into the TEF computer program. This time
time (s) simulation consists of a modified trapezoidal method 15.
Time simulation Critical Critical In Table 3, results are shown that compare the voltage
(ETMSP) clearing clearing dip at the Prairie Island 345 kV bus obtained by time
time (s) time (s)
Stable Unstable MTEF TEF*
Table 2. Relevant disturbed machine groupings
Fault at 0.1200 0.1250 0.1124 0.131
Coon Creek Advanced machines
Clear Terminal not in
Case 1 Relevant disturbed relevant disturbed
machine groupings machine groupings
Fault at King 0.1460 0.1465 0.1469 0.168
Clear Red Rock Case 1 (74,77,78)(79)(12,13,35) 8,19,20,24,25,26
Case 2 (31,32)(15)(80)(9,10,11 )
Fault at 0.1175 0.1180 0.1178 0.132 (27)(29,76)(16,17)(65,66)
Monticello (67, 68,69,70,73)
Clear Parkers Lake (21,23,30,33,34,36,37,
Case 3 38,39,40,41,75)(72)(71)
Fault at 0.1250 0.1255 0.1217 0.149
Monticello Case 2 (74,77,78,79)(12,13) 8,15,19,20,24,25,26
Clear Sherco (31,32)(80)(9,10,11,73)
Case 4 (27)(29)(16, 17)
Fault at Sherco 0.1115 0.1120 0.1091 0.144
Clear Coon Creek
41,75)(72)(71 )(76)
Case 5
Case 3 (49)(69)(72) 8,24,26,35,67,68
* This m e t h o d used kinetic e n e r g y c o r r e c t i o n 1.
(65,74, 77,78,80)(22)(28)
cases, the clearing time is set at 0.1 s (6 cycles) so that (48)(44)(12,13,14)(31,32)
each case is stable. (15)(80)(9,10,11)(27)
Through extensive analysis of the system using the (29,30,50,76)(66,70,71,73)
ETMSP time simulation program, it was observed that (19,20,21,23,25,33,34,
there are only two instants during the post-disturbance 42,75)(36,37,45)(16,17)
period in which the voltage magnitude at the Prairie (38,39,40,41,46,47)
Island bus seems to experience a substantial dip. The
first dip usually occurs at about 0.4 s, whereas the second Case 4 (74,77,78,79,80)(76)(71)
dip occurs at about 1.9 s. (9,10)(29,30)(19,20)
The three graphs in Figure 3 illustrate the procedure (65,66,67,68,69,70)
described earlier for case 5. The top graph of Figure 3 (21,23,33,34,36, 37, 38,39,
is comprised of the voltage magnitude at the Prairie 40, 41,75 )(48 )(24)(49)(42)
Island bus and the partial potential energy (with reference (11,25,35,45)
to the conditions at clearing) evaluated along the
post-disturbance system trajectory. Note the two sub- Case 5 (74, 80)(79)(77,78)
stantial voltage dips. This top graph is presented to verify (35)(71)(9,10,11)
the energy based criteria associated with the middle graph (29,30, 76)(19,20, 25)
of Figure 3. (65,66,67,68,69,70)
The middle graph of Figure 3 has the values of V ~ T, (23,33,75)(36,37,42,45)
V~ow, and VfKE (38,39,40,41)(48)(24)
asr ,.~, as evaluated along the system trajectory.
Reference 5 which were formed using slow cohcrcnc~
analysis and are independent of fault location.
While the proposed procedure is computationall~
intensive, it should bc noted that for on-line applications
only certain disturbances may be of interest. F'or each
post-disturbance system operating at a certain nominal
point, modal analysis can be used only once to calculate
the relevant disturbed machine groupings. The M T E F
/11 ~ i ~ i ! i x- i ! i VPE part

- - PI v o l t
method can then be used for transient stability assessmem.
However, the validity of these groupings will be in
question when the system operating point is substantially
changed. The range of operating conditions for a
generator grouping is a subject for future investigation.
In the second part of this paper a procedure to predict
the maximum post-disturbance transient voltage dip is
', ,:L[ 1 1 1 / VKE part
presented. In actuality it is not only the magnitude of
................ VKE slow the dip that is important but also the time duration of
- - ~ fast
this voltage dip. This procedure can be helpful in an
on-line or fast screening environment because it can be
used to test for the violation of a voltage dip limit. If the
voltage does not dip below this limit, the time duration
is irrelevant. Otherwise, further investigation by time
simulation may be required. In the United States the
} ...................
/I ........... ...........
i........... ..........
current regulations state that in a nuclear plant, fi)r the
I:::: coolant motors to be in jeopardy, the voltage must dip
below 0.7 pu for 1 s. None of the contingencies studied
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: here gave results that would require further study with
time simulation. However, if such a disturbance did
, ' I I
occur, it is felt that the proposed technique would perform
Time/seconds) satisfactorily.
The procedure seemed to sort out carefully the instants
Figure 3. Voltage-energy, energy and angle plots for where the given criterion almost held up but where there
case 5 was no substantial dip in the voltage. It also accurately
predicted the post-disturbance voltage dip as can be seen
when compared with time simulation results. The
simulation and by the procedure incorporating the procedure demonstrated (as is illustrated by Figure 3)
MTEF. The times at which the voltage dips do occur that the maximum voltage dip did not always coincide
are also shown for both methods. with the largest peak of partial potential energy.
In cases 3, 4, and 5 the maximum voltage dip occurred
at about l.Os. A smaller voltage dip also occurred at
IX. Discussion and conclusions about 0.4 0.5 s in these three cases. It should be noticed
The technique developed for transient stability assess- that the actual difference between the corresponding
ment effectively combines two independent ideas: (1) voltage dips at about 1.9 s and about 0.4 0.5 s is relatively
dominant mode interaction and (2) the modal-based
transient energy function. These are used to capture the
Table 3. Comparison of voltage dips
energy exchange mechanism which occurs in the inter-
area mode separation, even if it occurs several seconds
Voltage dip (in pu) from
into the transient. This is evident in the critical clearing
times obtained.
Time Error
As illustrated in Figure 2, the system seems to maintain
simulation MTEF percent
stability in its first swing; however, the system eventually
becomes unstable. Whereas the T E F method may
Case l 0.927 0.926 0.108 %
incorrectly categorize this case as stable, the M T E F
(a 0.41 s ,~ 0.44s 7.32%
method results agree with the time simulation results.
Therefore, it is evident that the M T E F method has the
Case 2 0.952 0.9522 ....0.021%
capability to assess transient stability beyond the first
(a 0.38 s (, 0.42 s - 10.53%
The results also reinforce the concept of dominant mode
Case 3 0.922 0.914 0.868%
interactions causing the inter-area mode of separation.
ii~ 1.95s (is 1.94s 0.52%
The relevant disturbed machine groupings are depen-
dent on the disturbance location as well as the system
Case 4 0.934 0.929 0.538%
operating point. The machines in these groupings are
(o 1.88s (a 1.88s 0.00%
placed there because of their strong participation in
certain modes. There is no constraint requiring them to
Case 5 0.904 0.897 0.78 %
be electrically close to each other. These groupings are
,~ 1.92s ,~ 1.96s .... 2.08%
in contrast to the relevant disturbed areas described in
small. Hence if the first instant at which criterion (1), Trans. on Power Systems Vol PWRS-3 (February 1988) pp
which was defined in section V.2, holds is picked and the 239-244
4 V i t t a l , V, Bhatia, N and Fouad, A A 'Analysis of the
voltage solved for, the accuracy of the voltage dip results inter-area mode phenomenon in power systems following large
may be adequate. disturbances" IEEE Winter Power Meetings New York Paper,
The main goal of this work was to demonstrate the no 91WM228-7 PWRS (Feb. 1991)
ability of a criterion based on the M T E F to predict the 6 Verghese, G C, Perez-Arriaga, I J, S c h w e p p e , F C and
Tsai, K W-K "Selective modal analysis in power systems" EPRI
voltage dip during the transient. The method developed
Report EL-2830 (January 1 983)
is general and could be applied without loss of generality 6 Khorasani, K, Pal, M A and Sauer, P W Modal-based
to any load model. However, in this work the constant stability analysis of power systems using energy functions'
impedance load model was used as suggested by the Electric Power andEnergy Systems Vol 8 No 1 (January 1986)
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7 Ray, B "Incorporation of the modal interactions in stressed
tested. power systems using the transient energy function method"
Master's Thesis Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (1991 )
8 Debs, A 'Voltage dip at maximum angular swing in the context
X. A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s of direct stability analysis' Proc. 1989 PICA Conference,
Seattle, Washington (1989) pp366 371
This work was supported by Iowa State University and 9 Sreedhara, R 'Transient voltage dip analysis using the
by a grant from the Northern States Power Co. (NSP) transient energy function method' Master's Thesis Iowa State
to whom grateful acknowledgement is made. University, Ames, Iowa, (1990)
The authors wish to thank Messrs Dan Nordell, Mike 10 Anderson, P U and Fouad, A A Power System Controland
Stability, Vol 1 The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa
McMullen and Craig Turner of NSP for providing the (1977)
data for the study and for their helpful comments and 11 Treinen, R T 'Application of the transient energy function
suggestions method to the Northern States Power System' Master's Thesis
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (1 991 )
12 Chiang, H D, Wu, F F and Varaiya, P P 'Foundations of
the potential energy boundary surface method for power
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Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1992) mid-term stability package version 2.p EPRI Research Project
2 Carvalho, V F, EI-Kady, M A, Vaahedi, E, Kundur, P, 1208-9, Palo Alto, CA (1 991 )
Tang, C K, Rogers, G, Libaque, J, Wong, D, Fouad, A A, 14 Oh, T K 'Correlation of the transient energy margin to
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direct analysis of power system transient stability" EPRI Report State University, Ames, Iowa (1986)
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