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Genealogy Affidavit

To all Men know these presents that the second born Daughter called

Childs First-Middle
was delivered live in the flesh and blood unto Fathers First-Middle and his wife Mothers First-
Middle during the first, second of their marriage up on the land area known as CountyName
County State (state) Republic.

Fathers First-Middle was born during the year 9999, Approbation

to Grandfather First-Middle and GrandMother First-
Middle up on the land area known as CountyName We, Fathers First-Middle and Mothers First-Middle, both of
County State (state) Republic. the Family family do hereby acknowledge and officially
Mothers First-Middle was born during the year 9999, approve this record of Genealogy as written and do hereby
to Grandfather First-Middle and GrandMother First- certify that this record as recorded in the Family Bible is
Middle up on the land area known as CountyName true, accurate and does stand as the paramount and
County State (state) Republic.
Grandfather First-Middle was born during the year
official record of things written on this page and we certify
9999, up on the land area known as CountyName that we observed our second born Daughter ,
County State (state) Republic and his wife
Childs First-Middle, place his right
Grandmother First-Middle was born during the year
9999, up on the land area known as CountyName
thumb print in red ink on this page.
County State (state) Republic.
Grandfather First-Middle was born during the year
9999, up on the land area known as CountyName Done this, _______ day of _________________ of the year 20___
County State (state) Republic and his wife
Grandmother First-Middle was born during the year
YEAR, up on the land area known as CountyName I am: ____________________________________________, Father. (Seal)
County State (state) Republic. Al-Moroccan Aboriginal/ Indigene Natural Person - In Propria Persona Mother, All Rights

I am: _____________________________________________, Mother.(Seal)

Al-Moroccan Aboriginal/ Indigene Natural Person - In Propria Persona Mother; All Rights

Daughter right foot print:

Annexed Government Verified Affidavit

_______________________County )
) ss.
_______________________ (State) Republic )

By Special Appearance, before me, a Notary public, Fathers First-Middle and Mother First-Middle, both
of the Family family, affirms that they are the Natural Persons / Divine Beings herein named, meeting
the law of evidence as required and defined in Identity; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right; by
Birthright; and respectively acknowledged being lawfully qualified and competent to execute this
I therefore place my hand and seal thereto done this _______ day of _________________ in the year 20___.

Notary Name: ____________________________________________

Notary Signature: ________________________________________

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