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Pin Diagram:

Half Adder:

Block Diagram & Logic Circuit:

Truth Table:
Experiment No. 1b Date:

Design and verify the logic circuit of Half adder using logic gates.
Design and verify the logic circuit Full adder using of Half adder.

a. To understand the principle of binary addition.
b. To understand and to differentiate half & full adder concept.
C.Use truth table, Karnaugh map, and Boolean Algebra theorems in
simplifying a circuit design.
d. To implement half adder and full adder circuit using logic gates

Apparatus Required:

Part Quantity
S.No Component Name
No/Range in Nos
1. Quad 2 input AND Gate IC 7408 1
2. Quad 2 input OR Gate IC 7432 1
3. Quad 2 input EXOR Gate IC 7486 1
4. Prototyping board (breadboard) - 1
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
DC Power Supply 5V Battery
Connecting wires As
7. -


An adder is a part of digital arithmetic circuits that perform arithmetic operation

(addition). An adder is a digital circuit that adds two bits and a carry and outputs a sum bit
and carry bit. A Half-adder will not consider the carry obtained from preceding addition and
can be used only for LSB addition
Full adder:
Pin Diagram:

Full Adder Using Two Half Adder:

Logic Circuit:
Design Methodology:

The required circuits are designed using appropriate truth tables. Each output is
expressed as a Boolean algebraic function of all the inputs. The obtained logical expressions
for each of the outputs are reduced using either Karnaugh maps or Boolean laws.

Karnaugh map:

Karnaugh map is a chart, composed of an arrangement of adjacent cells, each

representing a particular combination of variables in sum or product form. K-map provides a
simple, systematic method of simplifying a Boolean expression, without changing the
functionality of the expression. The simplification leads to reduction in number of gate inputs
during implementation.

Half Adder:

A half adder is a logical circuit that performs an addition operation on two binary
digits. The half adder produces a sum and a carry value which are both binary digits. In the
half adder diagram there are two inputs to the half adder and two outputs. If either of the
inputs is a 1 but not both, then the output on the S line will be a 1. If both inputs are 1s, the
output on the C line will be a 1.

Full Adder:

A full adder is a combinational circuit that forms the arithmetic sum of input; it
consists of three inputs and two outputs. A full adder is useful to add three bits at a time but a
half adder cannot do so. In full adder sum output will be taken from EX-Or gate, carry output
will be taken from OR gate.
Truth Table

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Observation Table:

Half Adder
Input Variable : X ,Y
Output Variable : S, C
LED ON : Green Light : Logic 1
LED OFF : NO Light : Logic 0


Half Adder:
K Map simplification:


Boolean expression:
Sum :
Carry :
Pre Lab Questions:
1. List the gates involved for binary adder?
2. List the properties of EX-NOR gate.
3. Give the expression for sum and carry of an full adder?
4. Define half adder and full adder
5. Minimize the expression using Boolean theorems F= xy + xyz + xz + xyz.
Draw the logic diagram for the minimized function.
6. Name two canonical forms of Boolean algebra.


1. Collect the components necessary to accomplish this experiment.

2. Plug the IC chip into the breadboard.
3. Connect the supply voltage and ground lines to the chips. PIN7 = Ground and PIN14 =
4. According to the pin diagram of each IC mentioned above, make the connections
according to circuit diagram.
5. Connect the inputs of the gate to the input switches of the LED.
6. Connect the output of the gate to the output LEDs.
7. Once all connections have been done, turn on the power switch of the breadboard
8. . Operate the switches and fill in the truth table ( Write "1" if LED is ON and
"0" if LED is OFF
9. Apply the various combinations of inputs according to the truth table and observe the
condition of Output LEDs.

Full adder:
Input Variable : X, Y, Z
Output Variable : SUM(S), Carry (C)
LED ON : Green Light : Logic 1
LED OFF : No Light : Logic 0

X Y Z Sum S Carry C

Full adder:
K Map Simplification:


Boolean Expression:

Sum :

Carry :


Verified the truth table as follows.

Half Adder:
Verified the truth table of Half Adder as S = 1 i.e LED which is connected to S terminal
glows when inputs are A B
Verified the truth table of Half Adder as C = 1 i.e LED which is connected to C terminal
glows when inputs are A B

Full Adder:
Verified the truth table of Full Adder as S = 1 i.e LED which is connected to S terminal glows
when inputs are X Y Z
Verified the truth table of Full Adder as C = 1 i.e LED which is connected to Co terminal
glows when inputs are X Y Z

Conclusion :

1. To add two bits we require one EX- OR gate(IC 7486 ) to generate Sum and one AND (IC
7408) to generate carry.
2. To add three bits we require two half adders.


1. M. Morris Mano - Digital Design - PHI (3rd Edition)
2. R.P. Jain - Modern Digital Electronics TMH
3. Tocci - Digital Systems - (PHI)
4. Morris Mano - Digital logic and computer design (PHI)
5. Malvino/Leach : Digital Principles and Applications

Lab Tutorials:

1. Half Adder adds:

a) 2 bits
b) 1 bit
c) 3 bit
d) 4 Bit
2. Full Adder adds:
a) 1 Bit
b) 2 Bits
c) Three Bits
d) None of above
3. The expression for sum of A, B in the half adder is given by:
a) AB
b) A B
c) A+ B
d) none of these
4. Which expression for the sum of full adder circuit.:
a) AB
b) A+B
c) A B Ci
d) none of these
5. The expression for carry of A, B in the half adder is given by:
a) AB
b) A + B
c) A B
d) none of these
6. Which expression for the Carry of full adder circuit.:
a) AB
b) A+B
c) AB+Ci(A B)
d) none of these
7. The sum of 1110102 and 110112 in decimal form will be
a) 65
b) 75
c) 85
d) 95
8. The digit 0 with carry of I is the sum of binary addition:
a) 1 + 1
b) 1 + 0
c) 0 + 1
d) 0 + 0
9. FULL adder require:
a) Two Half adders
b) One Half Adder
c) Three half adder
d) None of the above

Post Lab Questions:

1. Define truth table and boolean expression?
2. Define combinational circuit?
3. Implement half adder and Full adder with NAND Gate only?
4. Implement half adder and Full adder with NOR Gate only?
5. Prove that Sum of a full adder is a XOR Gate between its inputs?

Pin Diagram:

Half Subtractor:
Logic circuit:

Truth Table:

0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0

Experiment No. 1cb Date:


Design and verify the logic circuit of Half subtractor using logic gates.

Design and verify the logic circuit Full subtractor using of Half subtractor.

a. To understand the principle of binary subtraction.
b. To understand and to differentiate half & full subtractor concept.
c. Use truth table, Karnaugh map, and Boolean Algebra theorems in
simplifying a circuit design.
d. To implement half subtractor and full subtractor circuit uing logic gates

Apparatus Required:

S.No Component Name Quantity in Nos
1. Quad 2 input AND Gate IC 7408 1
2. Quad 2 input OR Gate IC 7432 1
3. Quad 2 input EXOR Gate IC 7486 1
4. Hex invertor (NOT Gate) IC 7404 1
5. Prototyping board (breadboard) - 1
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
DC Power Supply 5V Battery
8. Connecting wires - As required

A subractor is a part of digital arithmetic circuits that perform arithmetic operation

(subtraction). A subtractor subtracts two bits and a borrow and outputs a difference bit and
borrow bit.

Half Subtractor:

The half-subtractor is a combinational circuit which is used to perform subtraction of

two bits. It has two inputs, X (minuend) and Y (subtrahend) and two outputs D (difference)
and B (borrow).

Full Subtractor:
Full Subtractor Using Two Half Subtractor:

Logic Circuit:

Full subtractor:
A full Subtractor is combinational circuit that performs a subtraction between three
bits, taking into account that a 1 may have been borrowed by a lower significant stage. The
3 inputs denote minuend, subtrahend and previous borrow, respectively. The 2 outputs are
difference (D) and borrow(B).

Pre-Lab Questions:

1. Define half subractor and full subtractor.

2. Draw the circuit diagram of 4 bit adder- subtractor.

3. Give three applications of full subtractor.

4. List the advantages of full subtractor.


1. Collect the components necessary to accomplish this experiment.

2. Plug the IC chip into the breadboard.
3. Connect the supply voltage and ground lines to the chips. PIN7 = Ground
and PIN14 = +5V.
4. According to the pin diagram of each IC mentioned above, make the connections
according to circuit diagram.
5. Connect the inputs of the gate to the input switches of the LED.
6. Connect the output of the gate to the output LEDs.
7. Once all connections have been done, turn on the power switch of the
8. . Operate the switches and fill in the truth table ( Write "1" if LED is ON and
"0" if LED is OFF Apply the various combination of inputs according to the truth table
and observe the condition of Output LEDs.

Observation Table:

Half Subtractor:
Input Variable : X, Y
Output Variable : D, B
LED ON : Green Light : Logic 1
LED OFF : No Light : Logic 0


Full adder:
Input Variable : X,Y,Z, D, B
Output Variable : D, B
LED ON : Green Light : Logic 1
LED OFF : No Light : Logic 0



Half Subtractor:
KMap simplification: Difference:

Boolean expression: Difference:

Full Subtractor:
K Map Simplification: Difference:


Boolean Expression: Difference:



Verified the truth table as follows.

Half Subractor:
Verified the truth table of Half Subtractor as D = 1 i.e LED which is connected
to D terminal glows when inputs are X Y.
Verified the truth table of Half Subtractor as B = 1 i.e LED which is connected to B terminal
glows when inputs are X Y

Full Subractor:
Verified the truth table of Full Subtractor as D = 1 i.e LED which is connected to D terminal
glows when inputs are X Y Z
Verified the truth table of Full Subtractor as B = 1 i.e LED which is connected to B terminal
glows when inputs are X Y Z

1. To add two bits we require one EXOR gate(IC 7486 ) to generate Difference and one AND
(IC 7408) and NOT Gate(IC 7432) to generate Borrow.
2. To add three bits we require two half subtractor.


Assessment Marks
Preparatio 30
Performan 30
Record 40
Books: Total 100
1. M. Morris Mano - Digital Design - PHI (3rd Edition)
2. R.P. Jain - Modern Digital Electronics TMH
3. Tocci - Digital Systems - (PHI)
4. Morris Mano - Digital logic and computer design (PHI)
5. Malvino/Leach : Digital Principles and Applications

Lab Tutorials:

1. Half Subtractor subtracts:

a) 2 bits
b) 1 bit
c) 3 bit
d) 4 Bit
2. Full Subtractor subtracts:
a) 1 Bit
b) 2 Bits
c) Three Bits
d) None of above
3. The expression for differene of A, B in the half subtractor is given by:
a) AB
b) A B
c) A+ B
d) none of these
4. Which expression for the differnce of full subtractor circuit.:
a) AB
b) A+B
c) A B Ci
d) none of these
5. The expression for borrow of A, B in the half subtractor is given by:
a) AB
b) A + B
c) A B
d) none of these
6. Which expression for the Borrow of full subtractor circuit.:
a) AB
b) A+B
c) AB+Ci(A B)
d) none of these
7.Full Subtractor require:
a) Two Half Subtractor
b)One Half Subtractor
c) three half Subtractor
d) None of the above
8. The difference of 110012 and 100012 is
a) 10000
b) 01000
c) 00100
d) 00001

Post Lab Questions:

1. Implement half Subtractor with NAND Gate only?

2. Implement half Subtractor with NOR Gate only?
3. Implement Full Subtractor with NAND Gate only?
4. Implement Full Subtractor with NOR Gate only?
5. Implement Full Subtractor in Decoder?

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