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Julius Caesar Project: Political Campaigns Using Rhetoric (Logos, Ethos, and Pathos)

My Group Members:
Campaign Manager: ______________________________________________
Politician: _____________________________________________
Artist: _____________________________________________
Press Liaison: _____________________________________________
In groups of no more than four, you will choose one character from Caesar to
represent as a political candidate running for the office of the emperor of Rome.
Following is a list of candidates. We will draw to see who chooses first.

Caesar Portia
Brutus Marullus
Antony Cicero
Casca Cinna the poet
Cassius The Soothsayer

You must create all of the following in your campaign:

A slogan
A visual (poster, website, PowerPoint, etc.) that includes a logo
A campaign speech

Each of your four team members will choose one of the following roles within
your campaign:
1. Campaign Manager ensures all team members are working together and
leads the team
a. Needs to be: organized, personable/good at communicating
2. Politician Delivers a speech from the perspective of that character
a. Needs to be: confident, passionate, a strong speaker
3. Artist Creates a logo, website, or any other visual for the campaign
a. Needs to be: creative, artistic
4. Press Liaison Handles questions from the audience AND creates questions
for the other candidates, persuades the audience their candidate is the best
a. Needs to be: good at improvising, persuasive

Be sure to include a combination of logos, ethos, and/or pathos in

your presentations. Be prepared to answer which strategy you used and
how you know as a question from your opposing press liaisons as well as from

Group Rubric

Excellen Good Average Needs

tA B C Work
Persuasi Student Student Student Student
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persuas Q&A session,

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strategy not
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Q&A much 13

session. detail. points
16-17 and
18-20 14-15 below
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8 points 6 points
ful final
product. and

7 points


Campaign Manager:
A The groups presentation overall is cohesive and highly persuasive; the
campaign manager has worked to make sure all of his/her group members
are on the same page and their final product is successful.
B The groups presentation overall is cohesive and somewhat persuasive;
the campaign manager has worked to make sure all of his/her group
members are on the same page.
C The groups presentation is lacking somewhat in cohesion or persuasive
effect; the campaign manager has worked to make sure some of his group
members are on the same page.
D The groups presentation is not cohesive or persuasive. The campaign
manager has not ensured that all of his or her group members are on the
same page.

A The speech is highly persuasive and makes an effective use of logos,
ethos, and/or pathos. The portrayal of the candidate is true to his or her
character in the play.
B The speech is persuasive and makes an effective use of logos, ethos,
and/or pathos. The portrayal of the candidate is mostly true to his or her
character in the play.
C The speech is somewhat persuasive and attempts to use either logos,
ethos, or pathos. The portrayal of the candidate may misinterpret his or her
character motives in the play.
D The speech is not persuasive and does not attempt to use logos, ethos, or
pathos. The portrayal of the candidate does not represent the character in
the play.

A The logo or visual created strongly represents the candidates platform
and is highly persuasive. The visual effectively appeals to logos, ethos, and/or
B The logo or visual created adheres to the candidates platform and is
persuasive. The visual effectively appeals to logos, pathos, and/or ethos.
C The logo or visual created somewhat adheres to the candidates platform,
but may contradict it slightly. The visual attempts to appeal to logos, ethos,
or pathos.
D The logo or visual created is unrelated to the candidates platform. The
visual does not attempt to appeal to logos, ethos, or pathos.

Press Liaison:
A The press liaison is able to convincingly respond to questions and claims
by the opponents in the audience. The liaison persuasively appeals to the
audience members to vote for his or her candidate.
B The press liaison is able to adequately respond to questions and claims by
the opponents in the audience. The liaison appeals to the audience members
to vote for his or her candidate.
C The press liaison adequately responds to about half of the questions and
claims by the opponents in the audience. The liaison does not fully convince
audience members to vote for his or her candidate.
D The press liaison does not adequately respond to the questions and
claims of the audience members. The liaison does not attempt to convince
the audience to vote for his or her candidate.

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