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Grant Proposal Draft: 3.30 | Final: 4.

[Description]: Choose a problem in your field that has to do with a lack of

communication, a misunderstanding, a gap in education, or a failure to reach out and
educate some specific non-technical public:
A lack of women in the field of engineering;
A lack of funding for NASA;
A missing set of classes/specialization in your engineering major;
The anti-vaccination movement;
A lack of knowledge of what to do in a tornado;
A lack of knowledge on a young population on diabetes;
Your job in the popular outreach assignment is to research the problem, research possible
solutions, and write a short grant proposal to receive funding for a solution of your own.

[Write a Grant]: In doing so, you will have to choose a specific funding institution,
research and illustrate that this problem is worth addressing and funding to that institution
(using statistics, quotes, and examples), show how this problem negatively affects a
specific subject community (using statistics, quotes, and examples), and research and
propose a concrete solution to be funded.

Because your solution is what your funder is paying for, it is the most important part of
this proposal. Thus, you must both research and discuss the pros and cons of at least three
current attempts at solving the problem and you must propose a well thought out solution
based upon your analysis of those current attempts.

[Required Sections]:
1. Formal Cover Page and Table of Contents (1 Page Each)
2. Abstract/Executive Summary (1 Paragraph)
3. Project Description
a. Statement of Need/Problem Description (1 Page)
b. Goals and Objectives: (1 Page Bulleted List + Appendix Logic Model)
c. Pre-Existing Research on Topic/Literature Review (3 Pages)
d. Methodology Proposal/Plan of Work (2 Pages)
e. Project Evaluation/Deliverables (1 Page)
f. Works Cited (1 Page)
4. Biographical Sketch/Key Personnel (1 Paragraph for each)
5. Budget and Budget Justification: The prices matter much less than the
descriptions and calculations (1-2 Pages)
6. Timeline (Gantt Chart)
7. Letter to partners, matching funders, and collaborators requesting letters of
support (1 Page)

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