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Language is a communication tool that is essential for human life, which serves
to provide information both orally and in writing. In Indonesia, English became
the international language for the younger generation and the most important
element in student learning at school, Learn English as an international language
school is a must to be able to master the English language in order to follow the
changing times in this globalization era. English is the language most widely
used in the world is the mother tongue of over 500 million people as an
international language.

In the modern era, as now, many students feel lazy and tired of reading. Since
the number of students think that too much time is wasted when it should read
books to hundreds of pages, this occurs because of a lack of understanding of
the students will be reading materials so that students feel lazy and tired of
reading especially those reading the text in English.

In this study the process of learning to read English-language texts that took
place in the eighth grade in junior Neg. 2 Campalagian, is expected to benefit as
a new learning fun for students and to motivate students to participate actively
and develop their creativity so that students do not feel tired during the process
of learning, especially learning to read Because in this study how to encourage
students not to feel bored, do not feel lazy in reading the text, book or other
reading material to hundreds of pages but just read a paragraph by paragraph of
text without having to read the entire book so that students feel comfortable,
interested and have no difficulty in reading, especially in the English language
text reading.

So in this study using the method of skimming as a method that can facilitate
students in the English language text reading without having to read through
hundreds of pages but only finding main ideas, by looking at the title of the
chapter, section, and the first few paragraphs of text in each chapter will be

According Tarin (2013: 33) explains that the Reading glance (skimming) is a type
of reading that makes our eyes move quickly view, pay attention to the written
material to seek and obtain information, and lighting.

While According Nurhadi (1987: 115) also explains that skimming is sweeping the
pages of a book. Men-skim means sweeping the pages quickly to find something
in the search, so someone reading with skimming means not see word by word,
sentence by sentence or even paragraph but felt what he was looking to find,
read at normal speed or carefully.

Skimming method is the most appropriate method for reading texts, books,
magazines, and newspapers to hundreds of pages, although not necessarily a
junior high school student reading through hundreds of pages. However, the
introduction and application of the skimming method can be applied to N. 2
Campalagian junior high school students who can read speed reading skimming
usually about 3-4 times faster than normal reading. Many teachers stated that
the ability to read texts in English as a foreign language to read quickly is a very
low possibility. Student reading speed is still below 200 per minute standard word
especially in the eighth grade junior Neg. 2 Campalagian.

Based on the above problems, researchers interested in conducting research on

"Improving the ability to read English-language text of junior high school
students Neg. 2 Campalagian through skimming method.

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