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All notable changes to this project will be documented here.

## [] - 09.01.2017
- added option "Disable amazon checkout" in module "amazon config" / "plugin SET
UP" tab
- solved bug regarding "checkout" : WooZone_before_user_checkout (feedback from
a client)
## [] - 28.12.2016
- solved "bug" Show Amazon Url as Buy Url didn't work as expected!
## [] - 20.12.2016 - 21.12.2016
- solved the remote images bug /20.12.2016
- solved empty cart when both e-mail options disabled /21.12.2016
- solved bug "cannot put product in trash" on page wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=p
roduct /21.12.2016
## [] - 05.12.2016
- removed the remote access (alternative to ftp connection) module
- solved a bug regarding product prices (occurring when "price setup" option is
set to "Amazon OR other sellers (get lowest price)" and the amazon API response
contains the sequence ['Offers']['Offer']['OfferListing']['Price']['Amount'])
## [] - 26.11.2016
- fixed some notices which occured when php notices are set to be logged or disp
## [] - 20.11.2016
- solved bug "asin grabber" module & "asin grabber for insane mode module" not w
orking anymore
## [] - 15.11.2016
- fixed the HTTPS issue on remote images when ssl is activated
- fixed mandatory e-mail function
- added the option to open buy now button in new/current window
## [] - 01.11.2016
- fixed W3 Total Cache compatibility with WooZone-country-check box on product d
## [] - 31.10.2016
- fixed some missing images (external request pop-up that appeared on the Insane
import module)
## [] - 27.10.2016
- solved bug: product country link in country availability box on product detail
s page didn't contain the affiliate tag
## [] - 23.10.2016
- solved bug "modules/auto_import/init.php" : chage to-category' => '-1' to 'to_
category' => '-1',
- solved bug "Duplicate column name 'image_sizes' for query ALTER TABLE": change
s made in "aa-framework/framework.class.php" in "function update_db()"
- solved bug translate Text "Available" of Activate Product Availability by Coun
try Box
- solved bug "insane import module show prices always as $" - now to right curre
ncy is showed for products
## [] - 10.10.2016
- added new functionality "product countries availability": you can select in fr
ontend, from which amazon shop you want to buy a product (add in woocommerce car
- solved bug "short descriptions" is overwritten at syncing (if "Short descripti
on" sync setting is checked and "Product Short Description" amazon config module
/ Plugin Setup - option is "yes") for variable products
## [] - 27.09.2016
- fixed bug related to plugin amzstore: "Error: Unable to use Advanced Search mo
dule, yet!" which occures even if you have set the mandatory amazon settings
- fixed bug "duplicated nodeid for amazon categories not appearing in insane mod
e module"
- solved issue with generating admin main-style.css file on some servers
- created the .po & .mo files for en_GB: can be found in woozone/languages/
- bug fix: phpQuery "Cannot redeclare class CallbackBody"
## [] - 22.08.2016
- fixed the bug $_REQUEST['do'] from aa-framework/framework.class.php
- probably request to amazon api was dropped! : in some cases where is posible n
ow displays the error received from amazon API
- product in post updates: 2 new options regarding produc in post module now ava
ilable in amazon config / plugin setup tab
## [] - 17.08.2016
- Empty amazon cart: when redirecting from your website cart to the amazon one.
## [] - 28.07.2016
- Added user email collecting & export system before checkout
## [] - 16.07.2016
- Bugfix: sale price for variation child: ex.: India - B01EZVRE8K
- Bugfix: affiliate tag not sent for cross sell box
- Bugfix: sync statuses are not appearing in Sync Log because of a css issue
## [] - 15.07.2016
- Bugfix: cross sell frontend module not displayed properly on responsive & add2
cart button hidden on mobile devices
## [] - 14.07.2016
- Bugfix: description not synced for variation products
- Bugfix: ssl for remote amazon images
## [9.0.2] - 10.07.2016
- Bugfix: description not imported for variation products
## [9.0.1] - 02.07.2016
- Bugfix on dashboard Loading
## [9.0] - 01.07.2016 - MAJOR RELEASE
- Changed the Visual Look and Feel of the plugin.
- Added the most wanted feature: Auto Products Import.
- New error handling messages.
- Several bug fixes.
## [] - 25.05.2016
- added the option to remove duplicate product featured image in product gallery

## [] - 23.02.2016
- added "Close button" to the 'Install default config' message (solved the bug w
hich exists in the version for this close button)
- solved bug: amazon config / plugin setup tab / option "Show buy url as Amazon
url" set on "Yes" changes the link on the woocommerce product page, but not in t
he product in a post widget.
- solved bug regardind the cross sell (Frequently bought together box from front
end product page) prices and currency symbol
## [] - 26.01.2016
- solved the "Warning: Illegal string offset 'request_amazon'..." issue
- added dissmiss button for the default install bar
## [] - 19.01.2016
- solved the bug "checkout redirect to amazon not working" which occures after w
oocommerce 2.5.0 update
## [8.4.1] - 12.01.2016
- solved bug: the amazon config settings were overwritten by some default settin
gs when updating to plugin version 8.4
- solved request: "as of" appears now only once alongside the product price
## [8.4] - 14.12.2015
- solved bug: products synchronization & stats interface breaks on too many prod
ucts in database - now the interface have a pagination system
- update: AA-Team amazon config keys are set by default in "modules/setup_backup
/default-setup.json"; try to generate your own keys after you make some tests wi
th the plugin using AA-Team default keys
- solved bug: "as of" missing for new imported products (bug generated in case t
he product wasn't synced at least once)
- Insane Mode module/ added "check all" selection for products loaded in queue!
- solved bug: "Request-URI too long" which occured on wp admin panel / products
list section
- added the PSP "Modules Manager" module version (with multiple modules activate
/deactivate operation)
- solved bug: which occured when importing variable products with default status
= draft => the variation were not available and the product become "This produc
t is currently out of stock and unavailable."
- solved bug for product attributes: for example when in frontend an attribute l
ike size had only one value (like "one size") the dropdown didn't have any value
## [8.3] - 18.09.2015
- added Amazon API access for Mexico, Brazil (Affiliate IDs configurable in the
Amazon config module)
## [8.2.2] - 26.08.2015
- Fixed "Import Insane Mode" bug:
- when importing products, categories from amazon are not imported in we
- added new option "Fix Product Attributes (woocommerce 2.4 update)" on
Amazon config / Bug Fixes - need to be run for products already existing in webs
ite database
- Fixed "Variations" not displayed anymore bug: for variable products
## [8.2.1] - 30.06.2015
- Fixed issue for items with multiple "Reviews".
## [8.2] - 29.06.2015
Feature Added: New import module called Insane Mode - this allows you to import
50 products at once per general search and 100 products at once per categories /
## [8.1.3] - 29.05.2015
Fix - variable products "Buy at Amazon" button bug: added the product to cart ev
en if the product should be redirected to amazon instead
## [8.1.3] - 28.05.2015
Fix - Content Spinner not working on some servers when using WP_filesystem. Try
to get treasure file with php native function
## [8.1.3] - 05.05.2015
- Already imported function now checks for postmeta "_amzASIN" only on posts tha
t have post_type "product" or "product_variation"
- Tool "Clean Orphaned AMZ Meta" now also deletes "_amzASIN" from postmeta if as
signed to invalid post types. Post Types taken into consideration are only "prod
uct" and "product_variation"
- Product "As of" date & time localization using wordpress admin selected ones (
date & time format)
- Fixed amzStore_bulk_wp_exist_post_by_args - checks only posts that have post_t
ype "product" or "product_variation"
- Fixed when importing a product, if a product has variations, but don't have an
associated feature image, then the first image found from the variations array,
will be used
- fixed bug: product description loose [gallery] when updating: if you choose to
update product description in sync settings, then
the [gallery] shortcode which contains the product images, will be lost after up
- fixed bug: product short description cand be updated at synchronization!
## [8.1.2] - 27.03.2015
- bug fixes on cronjob products synchronization (bug: sync cycle run once but ha
lted after)
- fix "www.amazon./gp/aws/cart/add.html missing domain" issue
- fix "when product has only one variation" issue - with variation attributes
- added new module for reporting - to be send via email
- added new option in amazon config module: "Button buy text" to set globally th
e button buy text for your all your amazon products
- fix on last sync date in product details page - as of date was inccorect and w
as not reflecting the last update date
- Bugfixes on cronjob
- new module "Plugin Cronjobs"
- here you can activate or de-activate the cronjobs associated with our
plugin (see documentation for future details)
- re-designed and greatly improved module "Synchronization log" using the "Plugi
n Cronjobs" functionality also
- re-designed and greatly improved module "Products stats" based on "Synchroniza
tion log" interface
- Fixed tool "Clean Orphaned AMZ Meta".
- On Amazon Config save: Check for and remove mistake in keys after copy/paste t
hem from Amazon
- Fix, configuration problem with special character: "="
- New option to enable/disable product short description on import
- Check if the product have an ASIN meta assigned to it and then display it in t
he price fix ajax table
- New option to create only parent categories from Amazon on import instead of t
he whole category tree
- Fixed the wordpress menu checkbox flicker when asigning a menu in wordpress ad
- Fixed the auto-refresh if trying to bulk edit woocommerce products
- Fixed the CSV bulk import to user specified-category
- Autotrim whitespaces on inputs in the Amazon Config area
## [7.0.6] - 28.01.2015
- Hierarchical list of categories for Advanced Search & CSV import module Import
In option.
- Import also "Sales Rank" attribute to products from Amazon
## [7.0.5] - 26.01.2015
- Added "Sort by Sales Rank" option
- Synchronize option - "Sales Rank"

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