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Adipocytes or Fat cell can be only found in Mammals

It divided into 2 types

White fat cell (Bad fat) Brown fat cell (Good fat)
White fat cell
Function :
- To store energy (lipid droplets)
- Produce hormones that are then
exceed into the bloodstream
Shape :
- Round shape

How does shape affect its function?


- Its round shape allows them to

be able to carry the most possible
value of lipid
Brown fat cell
Function :
- Burn lipids(calories) in
order to generate heat
This process is called
Shape :
- Polygonal
Why does it have brown color ?
- Iron in the Mitochondria give
the cell its brown color.
Fun facts!!!!!!
- Men have less brown fat cell than women
- Obese or fatter people have very few brown fat cells in their cell
White fat cell
Can be found in
- Thighs
- Waist
- Hips

Brown fat cell

Can be found in
- Shoulder
- Chest area of a
newborn baby

Organelle White fat cell Brown fat cell Both
Types of cell
Mitochondria few many

nucleus Non-central central

Lipid droplets Only big one Many small droplets

70-80% of the cell 40-50% of the cell
Cell membrane Same as general Same as general
animal cell animal cell
Golgi body


Cytoplasm few many




Specialized organelle
: Lipid droplets or fat droplets
Specialized organelle : Lipid Specialize organelle : Lipid
droplets in white fat cells droplets in brown fat cells

Function: to store lipids as a Function: lipid metabolism

single large lipid droplet that necessary for the
heat-generating function of
these cells
Specialized Function of Mitochondria
Mitochondria in white fat cells
express proteins that support
anabolic functions and also degrade
xenobiotics, revealing a protective
function of this tissue.

Mitochondria in brown fat cells

Generates heat (ATP) by

Burn lipids (calories)
(The process called cellular respiration)
How does the function of this cell help keep the organism alive?

1.)Brown fat cell helps to

burn fat and convert them
into heat energy.

2.) White fat is the

largest energy
storage in the body.
Diseases caused by
malfunction of adipocytes
- Fatty foods, with high lipid content, has more
lipids than it can be digested and used right

Treatment : Lifestyle Changes

healthy eating plan
study food weight
fun facts!!!!
Percent of fat people in Thailand comparing to all over Asia
- Obesity can also cause DIABETES by affecting
the fat cell in the belly area from working with
the insulin. As you know, insulin is the hormones
that pull out the sugar to use.

Treatment : Check Your Blood Sugar

Diet and Exercise
lifestyle styles

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