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Would you like to find

your true purpose,

You dont ever need to feel depressed, frustrated,
dissatisfied, unhappy, confused, stressed, helpless...

You can definitely discover true and lasting

Peace, Happiness & Wisdom

Contained within
is the information YOU need.
The Problem
It seems the greatest problem in many peoples lives is a deep sense of
frustration and hopelessness. In Western society almost everyone seems to be
suffering from this in some way. Some people experience it frequently, others only
occasionally. Those who don't seem to experience it at all are often just bottling it up,
refusing to accept their inner-most feelings. The root cause of all this depression is
that our lives seem to lack true purpose. We have a deep inner knowing that there is
more to life than what most of us are experiencing. But the mystical, elusive Meaning
of Life appears as a far distant concept. We feel totally hopeless to find it. So we live
our lives with that vague but very real sense of discontent ever-present.

We try to cover it up with dreams of material success, but we know deep inside
that no level of attainment can bring lasting happiness. We look at the rich and
famous, the wealthy and successful, and see that most often even they are not
satisfied. But we try to fool ourselves - "If I was them, I would be different, I would be
totally happy." Even the people who seem to be looking after themselves, who live
simply and are generally happy and enjoying life, often still have the same inner feeling
of emptiness.

Most often we surround ourselves with as many luxuries as we can afford to

distract us from our inner emptiness. But every time we get something new, the
satisfaction is only temporary and we move our hope for happiness onto some future
event. And we also know that when we die, we won't take those luxuries with us.

All those years of hard work, all the years of enduring long days filled with
anxiety and stress, so that you could eventually drive a nice car, live in a nice house,
have a nice TV, etc. Of course you could only appreciate those luxuries in the small
amount of time off from work, and not during illness, in between moments of pain
caused by personal problems, relationships, financial difficulties, loss of loved ones,
and all the rest of life's ceaseless string of disturbing events and traumatic
experiences... Then your own time of death arrives - were the few moments of luxury
worth a lifetime of hardship?

Life doesn't have to be like that, there is a solution. If you really want to make
the effort to understand and act on the principles in this book, then a whole new way of
living life is in store for you, a life of True Success, True Satisfaction, and True
Freedom. Or you can keep living in depression, hopelessness, anxiety, doubt,
discontent, suffering, and emptiness.

The Choice is Yours.

The sooner you dedicate yourself to this process, the sooner you will find true
happiness, lasting satisfaction, and the real purpose of your life.

The Solution
So we will now discuss one of the most important ideas that you can ever learn.
From childhood we are conditioned to believe that we need to be constantly achieving
in order to be happy, so the need to achieve is translated into a never-ending list of
future plans and dreams. All these plans and dreams are your way of placing hope for
satisfaction in some future event. You will eventually have to accept that this is a false
hope, for external events never bring lasting inner satisfaction.

So obviously then the only way to achieve true inner satisfaction is to not need
anything external to be content. And if you don't need anything external then
obviously you must already have exactly what you DO need - a mind capable of
choosing contentment. So why wait any longer. Choose it NOW. Perhaps you will find
that you need to keep reminding yourself that satisfaction is accessible to you right
NOW. Recall this simple fact often in order to firmly implant it in your mind. It will
definitely work for you. Just remember this :

I CAN be satisfied with my situation right NOW

Now you know that satisfaction is only internal and not related to anything
external, life becomes EASY. To support your new satisfaction, you must stop
striving for external goals to be happy. This does not mean that life becomes

dull and you can't enjoy luxuries and pleasures. It means that if the pleasure is not
immediately available, you remain totally satisfied. Living without the need for plans
and dreams is living simply in the present - being satisfied with whatever you have

You can look forward to some future event, as long as you realize that the event
will not satisfy you any more than you already are. For example, you could look
forward to a well-deserved holiday, a new car, etc, but remaining aware that it will not
add to your inner satisfaction.

Perhaps the planned event will never eventualize, or perhaps it will not be as
enjoyable as you had planned. And if it does eventually occur, and is actually
enjoyable, then the enjoyment is still only a fleeting and temporary experience and
then you will worry about it ending and life becoming dull again. But there would be
no loss of happiness if you had only ever let it be viewed as an event, not a desire for
some future life-improving experience.

By living in a constant state of satisfaction, your enjoyment of everyday simple
things will grow deeper. There is no need to cut yourself off from your favorite
pleasures. But life gets easier when you cut down on indulging in continuous
activities to gratify the senses. Simple eating, simple entertainment, simple comforts
bring the greatest inner rewards. If you feel that you are ready to benefit from these,
move towards them gradually so as not to suffer withdrawal symptoms and end up just
as entwined in the need for sense-gratification again.

Happiness has much in common with satisfaction. You can't be truly happy with
something. You can only be truly happy. There can be no object attached. As soon as
you attach an object to the happiness, it becomes temporary. Whether you are happy
with a person, a possession, an achievement, or anything else, you can be sure that
sometime in the future it's happy-inducing qualities will diminish and you will seek to
find a replacement. Only by stopping the search for an external object of happiness
will you discover the true source of ever-available happiness within. When you can
maintain your connection to this happiness continually, it automatically transforms
your life into joy. Make it a habit to be happy - it is not as hard as it sounds.

There is a story involving a man talking to his blind friend. They were repeating
a conversation they had often. The blind man said, "You keep speaking of this thing
called light, but I don't understand it. Can you hand me some light so I can touch it?"

His friend replied, "Oh no, you can't touch light."

"Oh, well I will taste it then," the blind man said.
"No, no, you can't taste light!"
"Very well then, I will listen to it."
"I'm afraid you can't do that either."
"And I suppose I can't smell it either?"
"That is correct."
"If you will not prove to me it's existence,
I refuse to believe in it!"
"I have heard that there is a wise man visiting our town, let us go and visit him,
perhaps he can help you understand..."
So off they went. Immediately upon hearing the problem, the wise man said, "This man
will never be able to understand light in his present condition. But it seems that his
blindness can be easily healed through a simple operation." So the blind man
underwent the operation and was finally able to see the light.
"I was totally disbelieving in the existence of light, and now I can see it with my own
eyes!" he exclaimed.

This story can be likened to society's attitude to spirituality. Most people in our
culture are like the blind man, refusing to accept spirituality's existence because it is
not directly obvious. Yet if we underwent the operation, that is if we made the effort to
actually live according to spiritual principles, then we would finally observe it's
constant influence in our lives.

Many people believe that spirituality is only an escape for the weak, for those
people who need to hide from the harsh reality of life and suffering, with inevitable
death. It is easy to judge the whole question of spiritual existence by the frustration
and doubt which has arisen through past experience of organized religion. Whilst
innumerable church leaders have displayed obvious hypocrisy and lack of integrity,
and the original messages of most religions' founders have been corrupted or
superseded over time, it would be unfair to rule our spiritual existence as being
entirely false. If wisdom and truth are what you seek, then an open mind, free of
preconceived ideas and judgement, will surely be the most beneficial to you.

The Truth

The soul is here on this planet to learn. It learns through experience. Every part
of life, from the standard daily activities to the totally unexpected dramas, are being
experienced by you for your soul to learn. Every single experience, every situation,
every difficulty, every accomplishment, every work duty, every activity, it is all being
experienced purely for spiritual advancement. Please re-read that last sentence - it is
very important to understand it's far-reaching consequences.

There is nothing you can do in life without affecting your spiritual advancement.
Most people are unaware that they are already actively travelling on their spiritual
journey and have been since birth. Reading this book will help you walk along your
spiritual path with the conscious awareness that your actions are constantly working
towards your spiritual progress.

If you live in accordance with your soul's harmonious nature, then the learning
process of life will be made easier, and life becomes meaningful. At present you are
very often unconsciously conflicting with the natural harmony of your soul, thereby
separating yourself from it and causing you to live in the confusion of purely
materialistic existence. By following the ideals outlined here you will definitely find the
complete inner satisfaction of living in accordance with your true purpose, thereby
reconnecting with the harmony of your soul.

Now we will speak briefly about God. Some people feel uncomfortable with the word
God. God is just a way of referring to the Universal Mind, the consciousness that
exists within everyone and everything. If you wish, you can think of God as the
Source, the Creator, the Provider, All-That-Is, Life, Truth, Christ, Buddha, Allah,
Jehovah, the Divine Father, Divine Mother, or Constant Companion. The Universal
Mind is not concerned with how you actually refer to it - God resides in all forms
throughout the entire universe. The Universal Mind knows that however you refer to it,
it is still essentially the same.

The true peace & happiness that we all spend our lives searching for can never
be found in the material world. For we really are seeking to reconnect with God. In
some of us that desire is not so obvious, but it is always subconsciously present. It is
the source of our dissatisfaction and our deepest motive to keep living, but since the
final goal is not apparent we search elsewhere for lower forms of satisfaction to
distract us from our sense of aloneness.

Some people get confused because they feel that there is some sort of God-
presence is our lives, but if it really exists, why does it not show itself in some way to
help us? Well it has shown itself indirectly through the teachings and wisdom of a
great number of saints and spiritual teachers throughout history.

But it rarely shows itself directly because we have all been given the privilege of
Free-Will. This means that we have a right to choose our thoughts and actions,
including the ultimate choice of believing or disbelieving in our Creator. If the
Universal Mind was directly obvious, we would have no free-will to choose our beliefs.

Even though reconnecting with our source is our ultimate motivation and purpose, the
simple fact is that most people are unwilling to change their current way of living to
become harmonious with their soul. So there is no need for God to be present in their
lives, until they recognize that their self-centred reality is only bringing them temporary

The Universal Mind is always aware when a person becomes ready and willing to
learn Truth and change. So then it ensures that the most suitable teachings become
available according to the individual's needs. This book has definitely landed in your
hands because the Universal Mind feels that you are ready to learn something from it.
That is the way God works. But it is up to your free-will how much you choose to open
up and allow yourself to accept Truth and live in harmony.

The Universal Mind is like an endless ocean. Each one of us is like a single
wave, rising up from the ocean. The ocean and the waves are one and the same, even
though the waves seem small and insignificant. If the waves became calm, they would
merge back into the ocean, discovering their united source. If you live according to
the ideas in this book, your mind will become calm and you will dissolve back into
your source, recognizing your oneness with God.

We sincerely wish you the best fortune in this growth into Understanding, Truth,
and Harmony.

The key to success in your mission upon this planet is something we will term
Right Thinking & Right Action.

Right Thinking & Right Action is about living in harmony with your true nature,
your soul, and God. Then you will discover The Meaning of Life. This is guaranteed.
Right Thinking & Right Action has been taught by absolutely every spiritual tradition,
every religion, every saint, every mystic, every advanced ancient culture. The form of
the teaching has only differed because of the individual needs of the people at that
place and in that time and culture.

In some religious traditions, the founder has stated that their own way was the only
way to reach God. From the larger perspective this is true, since every individual path
to God is only an adaptation of the common path communicated in all traditions.
When they have stated that people should follow them and not anyone else, this has
been with good intent - people without leaders have a tendency to run around like
chickens, always searching for Truth but never actually stopping to put any level of
Truth into their way of living. So the hope is that by forcing allegiance to a single
religion, some stability will be reached. Ultimately there is no need for allegiance, as
long as you take responsibility for your own spiritual progress, through actually living
with the principles of Right Thinking & Right Action.

Right Thinking & Right Action is concerned with developing ideals or virtues,
and discouraging negative qualities. This book will give you all the directions you
need. But putting the directions into practice is not always so simple. Nevertheless, it
must be done if you wish to be truly deeply happy. Rest assured that it is definitely
possible for those with dedication and endurance.

Right Thinking & Right Action corresponds with the core teaching of every
spiritual tradition - to recognise the total Unity of every one of us with God, and to act
in accordance with this viewpoint in order to eventually experience that Unity. Right
Thinking & Right Action is the Path to that goal. Whenever confusion arises and we

leave that Path, we slip into living in a manner that can bring us no lasting satisfaction.
Here is your chance to return to the Path, the true purpose of your life.

Know that your true nature is harmony. Harmony is felt in life as a sense of
positivity and purpose. The alternative of harmony is disharmony. This is felt as a
sense of negativity. The basic idea of Right Thinking & Right Action is to develop our
positive qualities and to cease our negative qualities. It is important not to
immediately condemn ourselves and others for our negative qualities - else we fall
back into a state of negativity & judgement. We must simply see every situation in life
as an opportunity to develop our harmonious qualities.

It is vital to remember that God always ensures that everything is perfect, all is
exactly as it should be. This is not immediately obvious from what we can see around
us, but this is because every soul is learning what they need at their own pace. All
negativity in this world is only temporary, we are all slowly moving back to awareness
of God.

The physical world can be compared to a stage in God's Play, we are all actors playing
our predetermined parts for the benefit of our souls. The whole world, the entire
universe, is just as real as the stage in a theatre. All that takes place on our stage is in
fact only seemingly real, with God and our souls as the audience. Our whole life is like
a story made manifest for us to learn. All difficulties are placed in the story by our soul
in order for us to learn and seek self-improvement. Without obstacles, you would not
become aware of your inner disturbances that leave you vulnerable to disharmony.
Always always always remember to approach all situations with positivity, and trust
that God has your best interests at heart.

Every problem we encounter in life is created by God as part of a learning experience.
This is true for absolutely every type of problem - illness, accidents, relationship
problems, work problems, any life situation that creates emotional or mental
disturbance. Not many people notice that their individual problems are merely the
obvious signposts of a larger learning experience. Sometimes we manage to relieve or
suppress the obvious symptoms through willpower, medicine, or just by ignoring
them, depending on the nature of the problem. But the learning experience that
created the problem will not have dissolved. It will instead be manifesting different or
less obvious symptoms.

God's intention is not just to upset you! It is God's intention for you to become
aware of the negative attitude or quality that has been persistently stopping you from
experiencing your natural harmony. You are in effect separating yourself from your
soul. God is hoping that your difficulty will point you in the right direction towards
ceasing the negativity.

Even if you are being negatively affected by someone else's problems, you can
be sure that the situation is in some way present to reflect a negativity problem of your
own. Otherwise God would not be allowing you to experience it.

When a problem occurs, the best thing you can do is to analyze the situation
fully. Look at the events preceding the problem and see if there was a disharmonious
attitude or expression of negativity in some way. Look at how the problem may be just
one symptom of a continuing series of similar difficulties. By ignoring your lessons,
similar problems keep being repeated. God's hope is that the repetitive pattern will
allow you to recognize the deeper significance of these difficulties.

If the underlying cause is not immediately apparent, then don't be overly

concerned. Occasionally a problem occurs seemingly without provocation in order to
test your dedication to Right Thinking & Right Action. If you wish, you can ask God to
help clarify the cause. In any case, know that you will be presented with the answer if
you remain aware. By releasing your anxiety, you may become aware of it even when
you're not consciously thinking about it. Otherwise, no doubt God will provide another
opportunity for you to learn the same lesson, by creating another similar difficulty for

Ultimately you must learn to take responsibility for your life and all of it's
circumstances and situations. You may think this is an unfair attitude. For example,
some people have been born into certain conditions such as poverty and hardship, or
wealth and ease, or even physical disabilities. And these extreme conditions may
arise at any time during life without any responsibility on the part of the individual. Do
Not doubt that this has all been chosen by the soul even before birth - the conditions
are exactly what is required for that individual's specifically needed lessons. Every
single thing that you experience is of your own doing. Negative experiences can only
be released through becoming aware of your lessons, and developing harmonious
attitudes and qualities. Taking responsibility for your entire life is one of the biggest
steps forward you can make on your spiritual path.

Sufferers of chronic illnesses may have a hard time accepting that they are
responsible for their unending suffering. Let us look at an example. Modern medical
science has concluded beyond doubt that prolonged depression and anxiety is most
definitely the underlying cause of cancer. It is very easy to understand - the depressed
person thinks "Life is terrible, what is the point of living," etc. And so the body acts as
a physical reflection - a body that does not support the living process. By the time the
person is diagnosed, even a renewed will-to-live is not enough to counter the strongly
ingrained negativity of many years. Yet there are many recorded cases of complete
healing without medical treatment in those rare people who have managed to
completely release their negativity and change their entire life attitudes and beliefs to
accept faith, hope, and happiness

Every other illness is the same. Analyze thoroughly the actual nature of the problem,
and you will find that it in some way reflects the prolonged mental state of the sufferer.
We do not suggest that you stop any necessary medication. We do suggest that you
completely transform yourself so that it is no longer necessary. While poor diet or a
biochemical disfunction may have caused the physical illness, it was your soul that
created those conditions to get your attention. You must work at healing yourself of
the physical problem whilst simultaneously healing yourself of the deeper
disharmonious root cause.

So now that you understand, and will start taking responsibility for any
difficulties in your life, you must be sure not to blame anyone, or you will fall back into
negativity. You cannot blame yourself. You cannot blame your parents or those
around you. Since most of us are not aware of the far-reaching effects of our negative
attitudes and actions, how can anyone be to blame?

Also be aware not to blame yourself for helping to create disharmony and
difficulties in the lives of other people through your own negative attitudes and actions
in the past. Be sure that it was the choice of their soul to experience that disharmony
as part of their learning experience. So forgive yourself NOW.

It is your ignorance of spiritual Truth that has caused all disharmony and
suffering, and hopefully it is your new awareness that will help you be responsible for
creating harmony from now on. You can be sure that your soul is hoping you will take
notice and learn, so that God is not forced to keep repeating all your difficulties.

Right Thinking & Right Action

This section provides simple and direct guidance to help you adopt harmony into
your life. It is important to read and contemplate this section slowly and thoroughly.
Much of it may seem obvious, but it is vital to actually live according to these ideals in
every situation in daily life. Now please recognize that we are not trying to preach - we
are not trying to tell you how you must live your life. We are simply suggesting
changes that can be made if you wish to eventually be truly deeply happy.

* One of the most important qualities to develop is equanimity - the ability to keep the
mind calm & stable in any situation. It is this one quality that can save you from
stumbling into countless acts of negativity through frustration, anxiety, and temper.

* And if you do lose your equanimity, at least avoid acting when irritated and upset, or
it'll only make things worse.

* It is very important to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. If you
aren't in control, who is?

* Try to free yourself of the need for continually indulging in trivial sense pleasures.
They act like an addiction that destroys your peace. Why be a slave to your own

* Similarly, give up the need for so many possessions and materialistic expectations.
The satisfaction gained from them is temporary and ultimately leads to ongoing
discontent and the need for more, more, more. Use your discrimination to recognize
the transient nature of physical pleasures.

* Remember to convert negative experiences to learning opportunities. Look at every

negative event as an opportunity to improve, to expand, to prove your endurance and
dedication to positivity and harmony.

* Be totally honest with yourself at all times. Don't allow yourself to ignore your
negativity. Self-deception will inevitably result in a lack of self-respect.

* Don't blame others for your faults, and don't blame yourself either. There is never
anyone to blame, there are only learning experiences. Errors only result from habits
and conditioning learnt from society and those around you. Judging yourself or
others won't solve any problems.

* Don't be ashamed of past errors. The Universal Mind doesn't see you as guilty. It
understands that faults are a natural part of being human. So don't be harsh on
yourself. Forgive yourself just as God forgives you.

* Don't hate your negative qualities - accept them, then work at releasing them. Work
on releasing the limiting habits and conditioning you've received from a confused and
spiritually ignorant society. Release your old limiting beliefs. It is never too late to
change yourself.

* Stop habits through the power of your will - is someone else in control of your
actions? Your habits may be strong, but your will is stronger if you honestly want it to
be. Willpower is like a muscle, it may be a little soft at first but with use it will grow and

* Don't criticize anyone ever, even if they are not present - it only results in you
surrounding yourself with your own negativity. You can give constructive help
instead, but only if it will truly benefit them, and without any judgement.

* Anger, frustration, all forms of negativity are destructive to your well-being. These
harmful qualities should not be suppressed, but instead transformed into harmonious
qualities. Convert negative thoughts into their positive opposite.

* Your soul is the one who, with God's help, plans out the circumstances of this life,
for your greatest spiritual benefit in accordance with your individual needs. Always try
to respond to every situation positively.

* Try to spend more time in silence - it helps calm your overworked mind. Avoid
bombarding the mind with constant trivial entertainment and conversation.

* Try to spend less time in the company of television shows and music that are based
on negativity and violence. It has a big effect on your mental state. Why not instead
go for a walk, a jog, do something creative, or take up some classes.

* Similarly, try to cease exposing your vulnerable mind to the unending and irrelevant
violence and scandal of daily news on television and in the newspaper. The constant
flow of negativity is a prime factor in desensitizing your sense of natural harmony.

* Just as you are in reality a soul at one with God, it is important to remember that so
too is everyone else. That is why all religions have taught the importance of always
treating those around you as equals and friends. But it is difficult for us, with our
current perspective, to understand our essential unity. This viewpoint can only grow
within you if you are willing to try living in a less self-centered manner, considering the
best interests of others as being your own best interests. A good way to start is by
opening to charity - giving of yourself without expecting reward.

* This is developed by giving your time and energy unselfishly to the people around
you, in whatever way is most appropriate. Approach situations asking yourself, "How
can I help?" instead of "What's in it for me?" Give just for the sake of wanting to
help, without seeking reward or recognition. Often the best gifts are those that go
unnoticed. Every time you help anyone, you are subtly helping yourself through the
Unity of all beings. You can be assured that God will reward you. What goes around,
comes around. "As you sow, so shall you reap."

* Most of what you consider to be your needs are not really necessary. Yet you let
yourself get upset when you don't receive them. Be aware of your needs as only being
preferences. Don't be addicted to receiving them.

* Trust in the Universal Mind and it will care for you. Total trust becomes Faith - the
ability to live knowing that everything is and always will be totally Perfect, no matter
how it seems. It may be necessary to have blind faith at first. If you live in Right
Thinking & Right Action, your blind faith will become the faith of experience and
wisdom. Daily problems are nothing compared to the wonder and joy of your goal.
Worrying about things in life is one of the main reasons you feel separated from your
soul. Nothing can harm or upset your soul. So don't allow anything to worry you. It is
your choice.

* Don't strive for constant success -

let life flow smoothly at it's own pace.

* Try to listen to your gut feelings more - they are the voice of your intuition, and are
more in tune with your soul than the overly-rational mind.

* Improve the quality of your life by improving the quality of your thoughts. It is simple
if you actually try.

* Avoid mental stress at all costs - there is never a valid reason to push yourself that
hard. Life was meant to be easy, and it always can be if you let it.

* Recognize that nature and life are based on impermanence - nothing ever stays the
same. Therefore don't place your happiness on anything that is temporary.

* Become aware of yourself as an actor in God's Play, you are only a witness to life's
daily events. You cannot be upset by what you are not attached to. Release your
attachment to everything but your inner state of positivity.

* Live simply. Live in inner freedom.

* Have a supremely optimistic attitude - See only positivity and perfection. This is
exactly what your soul always sees. How enjoyable your life could be, if only you try
to perceive it's Truth - your life is purely a story-tale, unfolding new surprises and
opportunities every day for you to learn and expand.

* It is totally your choice whether you feel happy or sad, content or discontent. These
have nothing to do with external circumstances, they are only in your mind. So
choose happiness and contentment NOW. Choose happiness and contentment in
every moment. If you temporarily lose happiness and contentment, simply choose
them again! It really is that simple. If you make it harder, you are only fooling yourself.
It may take practise and constant reminding for a while, but once it becomes a habit,
your whole life will change.

* Refuse to let yourself be drawn down to the disharmonious ways of those around

* If you have a temper, notice that often it is really caused by your compassion - you
become frustrated only because you want the other person to listen to you so you can
help them for their own good. But does your temper ever help? Try to convert the
temper into kindness without getting frustrated, and you will be far more effective in
helping them.

* Memorizing the following statement may help you overcome the more difficult tests
of your dedication :

- Endurance is the key to ultimate success -

* The joy of finding God is greater than the entire world of material enjoyment put
together. So don't waste time seeking pleasure outside yourself.

* God, the Universal Mind, is always listening. Talking to God can help you. Don't
worry about formal prayers, just speak to God in your own words. By regularly
speaking to the Universal Mind and

trusting that it is listening, you will develop a personal relationship that can help you

* Always try to act in the best interests of others. Be generous in giving your time and
energy. Never take advantage of anyone. Try to always speak and deal with others

honestly. Always respect everyone equally, and recognize that really they are all God
in disguise.

* Consider this - You can only be insulted, humiliated, or upset by someone if you
choose to let it happen. Other people can't upset you, only you can upset yourself by
letting your mind be disturbed. It's always your choice.

* Release resentment. Resentment leads to deeply ingrained negativity. Release long-

held bitterness. Release grudges. Forgiving others, no matter what they've done,
allows you to move on and live life freely. You'll feel so much better for it.

* Try to replace excess pride and over-inflated ego with humility and selflessness.
Avoid activities that lead to ego-inflation, for example being overly serious about
competitive sport or workplace competition. But you should have plenty of self-
confidence, because by making an effort to live in Right Thinking & Right Action, the
Universal Mind is surely on your side and can provide all the strength and ability you
need to progress successfully.

* Remember that daily life is not a chore but an important part of your individual
spiritual journey.

* Try to appreciate nature's beauty and God's gifts.

* Very important - recognize that everything you think and do will come back to you.
So start doing good now.

* Expect success in Right Thinking & Right Action. If the opposite seems to be
occurring, trust that it is just part of the purification process devised by God.

* Don't sabotage your Right Thinking & Right Action with doubt and other
disharmonious thoughts.

* Don't underestimate the harmful power of negative thoughts.

* Don't underestimate the healing power of positive thoughts.

* Don't waste time in the company of disharmonious people - their qualities will
inevitably rub off. Consider breaking off relationships that continually bring you
disharmony. Don't sacrifice your long-term happiness for the security and
sentimentality of relationships. And consider changing employment, if it is interfering
with your harmony.

* Choose friends and relationships that naturally help you develop harmony in positive

* Indulge in luxuries more sparingly, so as to avoid attachment and anxiety.

* Adopt Right Thinking & Right Action by truly changing from your current perspective,
completely influenced by society's negative preprogrammed beliefs, to a new

perspective based on an unbiased and honest viewpoint. Be aware of the way your
surroundings influence you into negative thought, and take steps to change it.

* Reincarnation has been debated by society throughout the ages. Many people
consider that it is only a story-tale for weak people who aren't willing to face the reality
of Death. Yet if we look closer, the concept itself implies strength, not weakness, since
the individual must actually start accepting responsibility for their own future and so
act accordingly. In any case, it is interesting that most of our greatest intellectuals and
philosophers throughout history have accepted reincarnation as a fact, including Carl
Jung, the most highly respected psycho-analyst, who became a believer after years of
research and exploration. In fact research has indicated that even 25% or more of all
Christians believe reincarnation to be true.

* Almost every religion and spiritual tradition throughout history has taught
reincarnation, and even the Christian Bible does in fact teach the idea of rebirth in
many veiled statements. Research has shown that originally there were many direct
references in the Bible, but they were removed by church officials in the 6th century.
This was because most people were complacent in their attempts at Right Thinking &
Right Action because they figured it would be easier to wait for another lifetime with
more opportune circumstances. This was when the concept of hell was created to
scare people into being good. In reality, God has Supreme Forgiveness, Mercy,
Compassion, Understanding, and Love - eternal damnation doesn't quite fit in!

* But your disharmonious thoughts and actions will most definitely have to be
released sometime, either in this lifetime or another. Karma is not punishment as
many people think. It is the healing hand of God. It maintains equilibrium, constant
balance in yourself and the Universe. All disharmony that you create and thereby
attach to yourself always returns in order for you to release and uncreate it. This is
necessary before you can rediscover the harmony of your soul and merge back into
the Source.

* You can compare your current lifetime to be like a single chapter in a giant book.
When we are reborn, we start a new chapter, forgetting all the memories of the last
chapter, our previous life. This is to protect us from dwelling on past pain and
suffering, as well as multitudes of irrelevant memories. But we do carry with us the
qualities and lessons we have learnt.

* Don't fear death - it is inevitable, unavoidable, every moment takes you one step
closer. Trust in the life of your eternal soul. The body may die, but the occupier of the
body will move on. The soul changes it's physical body just as a person changes
clothes when they become worn out. There is no need to concern yourself with past
and future lives, just be concerned with living your best in the time you have in this

* Success and failure are both experienced continually in every aspect of our lives. If
you could try to accept both success and failure as they arise, without attachment to
either, life would become much simpler. Your contentment can remain uninterrupted if
you choose.

* Trust that God makes sure that people only receive what is necessary for their
progress, and never dishes out lessons that are unnecessary or too difficult.

* It is not always easy to perceive signs of spiritual progress - have patience and faith,
and your clarity will come.

* The longer you persist in succumbing to materialistic desires, the more knots you
place between yourself and your natural harmony that will eventually have to be

* Starve negativity by not dwelling on any thoughts that support it - desires, anger,
resentment, etc.

* Don't be attached to your current status, family, friends, achievements, possessions

you have/want, feelings of accomplishment. This doesn't mean you should give them
up, just recognize that they are all temporary and without them you would still be
complete. Depend only on yourself for happiness.

* Give up feelings of superiority, inferiority, or of being a victim of your circumstances.

* Just as a fish living in the sea will never be able to understand the vastness of the
sky, so too while you are living in a physical body, you will not be able to comprehend
the Infinite Perfect nature of God. This is why the greatest philosophers and
intellectuals never reach any definite conclusions - God can never be found through
rational thought. Only by living in Right Thinking & Right Action can we come into
alignment with the Universal Mind and personally experience it in our lives. It is only
through Right Thinking & Right Action that the enlightenment found by all the saints
and mystics of every age can descend upon you. It is guaranteed that as you increase
your dedication to putting the ideals into practise, enlightenment becomes available to
you in increasing levels. It is just around the corner, and requires only your continuing
effort, willpower, and dedication.

* Self-observation and self-analysis are your greatest tools on the Path to Truth. Self-
transformation must be your most vital aim.

* Give up your need for appreciation and the approval of others. Give appreciation and
approval generously to others instead.

* God doesn't want us to be perfect, God just wants us to try - it is better to work at
self-transformation imperfectly than self-degradement perfectly. Give up your fears of
inadequacy, failure, rejection, being judged.

* Acceptance of others includes giving them the right to choose disharmony and
ignorance without criticism and judgement.

* Add up your joys, never your sorrows.

* Be grateful for your enemies and opponents, realising that they are your best
teachers, for they always show you where you are still vulnerable to negativity.

* Roam in the world as a lion of self-control, don't let sense-desires kick you around.

* Everyone has problems. You undoubtedly will be faced with many more problems.
But there is no need to turn these problems into a source of unhappiness and

* Be humble enough to ask the Universal Mind for help. God is more interested in
forgiving us than hearing our excuses. You don't need a scapegoat, just be honest
with God and yourself.

* Some people give up their efforts at Right Thinking & Right Action, because they
decide it's too hard to keep it up for prolonged periods. But you have to accept the
fact that you will need to start sometime, and if you give up now, you'll most probably
have a harder job in the future. So START NOW. And don't give up, no matter how
many hurdles you have to leap.

* You must try to overcome all selfishness. Selfishness is a giant setback in the
progress to Unity.

* It is our God-given privilege of Free-Will through which we become bound in

limitations by continually choosing disharmony. And it is your Free-Will to continually
choose harmony that can and will lead you to Ultimate Liberation.

* Don't let yourself be disturbed and irritated by mere inconveniences.

* Suffering is an unavoidable part of conventional life. Right Thinking & Right Action
act like a spiritual aspirin - problems may still arise, but the pain is absent, there is no
confusion, no frustration, no anger, etc.

* Don't think that Right Thinking & Right Action will result in displeasure and hardship
through having to give up all your luxuries and physical pleasures. Once you get used
to it, releasing your materialistic desires is in fact the best thing you will ever feel -
complete freedom.

* Always choose harmony, but at the same time be prepared to withstand disharmony
if it occurs.

* Important - try to stop your mind from constantly dwelling on the past and planning
for the future. Then you can appreciate the present. Be Here Now.

* Remember that whilst it is your desires that have always brought you happiness in
the past, this pleasure only existed in the few short moments in between the much
longer periods of anxiety, frustration & suffering. You can't choose to preserve all your

materialistic desires and drop your suffering - that is asking the impossible - it is not
going to happen.

* Let the joy in your life arise from simple living and simple pleasures, not from the
continual seeking of fleeting experiences.

* All your attachments, all your worries, all your desires only relate to the temporary
body you are inhabiting - the deeper you realize this, the sooner you will be free.

* When faced with a challenge, there is no need to act like a victim there is never an
appropriate time to choose weakness.

* Try not to be attached to life's circumstances, let the Universal Mind unroll the
experiences of life as it always knows what is best. Remember that all is perfect.

* You are not a human trying to attain spirituality. You are a soul residing in the
temporary tool of a human body, in the process of returning to your natural state of
eternal peace and harmony.

* Realize that you are not really your body, you are not really your thoughts, you are
not really your feelings - these are all temporary. Try to recognize that in essence you
are a beautiful Divine Soul.

* You can overcome any difficulty - let nothing stand in your way.

* Patience is your greatest strength. Patience and endurance will overcome any

* Forget yesterday's problems. Forget tomorrow's dreams. Appreciate your life today.

* Avoid triviality in daily life.

* In order to release your inner fears, doubts, and other negative qualities, you must
turn and face them head on. If you try to hide from them, they will never go away. It is
only by recognizing and accepting them that they can be released. You can try writing
a list of your fears, as well as the things about yourself that you criticize and are
unhappy about. Then work to change these disharmonious attitudes.

* The only true obstacle to your progress is your stubborn attitude to change.

* There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more attractive than the joy of truly living with
God. Physical wealth and pleasure are mere tinsel compared with the inner treasure of
Peace & Freedom. There is no adventure as great, no experience as wonderful, as
your spiritual path & journey to Truth & God.

* Don't feel overwhelmed if self-analysis reveals a host of negative habits - just start
releasing them now before they get any worse.

* Try to stop the endless internal worrying in your mind caused by anxiety and
confusion. Especially become aware when your mind is working too hard - slow down
your thinking. Ask less irrelevant questions, release your worry, doubt, frustration.
And when the mind becomes still you will find the solution to all your problems.
Ultimately you can become aware of the stillness between thoughts - in this silence
you will feel inner peace.

* There is no situation in which the harmony of Right Thinking & Right Action does not
fully apply.

* Living in Right Thinking & Right Action implies that you will consider right use of
your money and right use of your time. The way you put this into practise is up to you,
just keep it in mind.

* Accept responsibility for all your actions. But don't condemn yourself. Live your
best. If you think or act negatively at all, know that it is your choice and you have the
freedom to choose positivity if you wish.

* Once you have started putting Right Thinking & Right Action into practise fully, and
are making solid progress, even more difficulties than usual may arise. These are
God's way of testing your stability and dedication. When faced with the hardest tests,
you must endure, endure, endure, if you wish to pass successfully. Don't worry, you
will be ultimately rewarded. It is always worth it. So keep going.

* Be on the lookout for self-deception - be aware of the source and motive of your
thoughts and actions.

* Don't be afraid of change - it is inevitable.

* Don't be a victim of your circumstances - take action to change anything that stands
in the way of your happiness. Do it NOW.

Above all, give up Negativity & Disharmony.

Develop Positivity & Harmony.

The Body

Now we will briefly discuss the need to look after the body. Your body, mind and
soul are subtly but integrally linked. Caring for the body leads to a more relaxed and
stable mind. And a relaxed and stable mind leads to increased harmony. There is no
need to be obsessed with the body. The most important thing is just to maintain
general fitness and above all to remain free of tension. Some helpful information :

* Regular exercise, in any form, is absolutely essential.

* Try to keep your spine straight by not slouching.

* Try not to breathe shallowly. Breathe slowly and fill the lungs well. This oxygenates
the entire system.

* Try to smile and laugh more - it's even been scientifically proven to be very good for
you at the physical and mental levels.

* Keep your face relaxed, and try not to keep your jaw tightly shut. This releases much

* Stretch your arms, legs, and especially your neck regularly to release tension. Relax
tense muscles throughout the body as soon as you become aware of them.

* Try to soak up a bit of sunshine every day. 15 minutes is enough. Make sure it's
direct sunlight, not through glass, which blocks out some life-sustaining frequencies.

* Give up smoking. It contributes to physical, mental, & spiritual disharmony.

* Don't wear tight clothing, especially tight underwear.

* Wear natural fibers as much as possible - cotton, wool, and rayon. Artificial fibers
mixed with natural fibers are okay.

* Researchers have concluded that the color of your clothes highly affects your mental
states. Wearing black or gray is not usually very good for keeping us happy.
Generally you should try to stick with lighter colours and shades. Always go for the
colours that you feel most drawn to personally. Don't worry about what other people
may think about your clothing changes - it is more important that you are happy.

* Wear shoes as little as possible, let your feet breathe.

Yoga classes are extremely highly recommended. Regular yoga helps your
biochemical, psychological, skeletal, structural, and nutritional well-being, and more.
It also helps detoxify all the body systems and internal organs. It was originally
designed by advanced spiritual teachers not merely as physical exercise but as a
means to Perfect Health in order to help sustain us on our journey to complete
Spiritual Awareness.

Alternative healing therapies help release tension from past problems that are
still being subtly held onto in your body & subconscious. Reiki is of course 1 st choice,
but consider additional sessions of such therapies as deep tissue massage,
Polynesian Kahuna massage, aromatherapy massage, Swedish massage, Chinese
massage, kinesiology, rebirthing, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, acupuncture,
feldenkrais method, alexander technique, myofascial release, breathwork, colonic
irrigation, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic work, vibrosaun, float tank, and

These activities are a much better investment of your time and money than
chasing luxuries and entertainment. The results last longer, and you'll be far happier.

The Influence of Food

Meat contains enormous amounts of artificial growth stimulants, unnatural

hormones and chemicals, and much more. All are toxic to our sensitive organs. There
are many many other reasons, at both a physical and spiritual level. The sooner you
become vegetarian, the sooner your body can start fully healing itself and releasing it's
toxic residues. It is OK to cut back to chicken and fish at first, but it is best to stop
eating even these eventually. If it has a face, don't eat it! As for other food, the most
important thing is to stick to natural, fresh foods with a minimum of additives and

Better Digestion

It is best to stop eating before you get full - you should only eat until your
stomach is 1/2 to 3/4 full. Any more than that results in food not being fully dissolved
and digested properly, which is not good for your body. Always chew thoroughly, this
helps digestion and complete nourishment. Don't drink too much while eating, or your
stomach juices become diluted, resulting in indigestion. Don't eat snacks throughout
the entire day - try to give your digestive system a chance to rest. Try fasting on juice
for 1/2 a day or a full day once a week - your body will be immensely grateful for it's
chance to relax and catch up on the healing work that it's usually too busy to do.


Positive affirmations have a very beneficial effect on the mind, helping you
change your negative habits much more easily. Regular repetition of positive
affirmations brings definite results in a very short time. The following affirmations will
be most effective if read daily, or even twice daily if you wish. If you are serious about
Right Thinking & Right Action, this is a necessity. Read them slowly, with a pause
between each for contemplation, and be sure to expect success - you will soon find
yourself living more harmoniously with less effort. Although it certainly isn't
necessary, you may like to start off by asking for God's assistance.


I am becoming more positive and harmonious every day.


I am releasing all negativity and disharmonious qualities.


I appreciate my present circumstances and

am content and happy right now.

I am replacing anger with forgiveness.


I am replacing frustration with patience.


I am releasing any negative self-judgements -

I accept and appreciate myself as I am now.

I am accepting and appreciating everyone unconditionally,

without judgement, intolerance, or disrespect.

I am trusting that my soul is in control of my life's circumstances.

I recognize that everything is in my best interests
and is going just as it should.

I am remaining open to learning opportunities

as they present themselves to me.

I am giving up any worry and anxiety,

and am staying calm and relaxed in every situation


Above all, develop harmony and positivity. If you wish to be truly happy and live
in accordance with your soul, your deepest aim above all else must be self-
transformation. Accept and appreciate yourself as you are right now, don't ever judge
yourself - all faults are only temporary. But be constantly aware of ways you can
improve. Give up procrastination and idle thought and discussion. Thinking about the
Path will do you little good. Stop seeking answers and start finding their reality in your
life. Live in Right Thinking & Right Action. You must actually walk the Path if you wish
to succeed. Transform these thoughts from words to actions. Make daily life a series
of spiritual victories.

For real benefits you should read this whole book again and again and again.
Otherwise you will have trouble actually developing and retaining the all-important life-
transforming qualities. With repetition, remembrance will grow. With remembrance,
self-awareness will grow. With self-awareness, Right Thinking & Right Action will
grow. With Right Thinking & Right Action, harmony will grow and life's purpose will be


We recommend that you try to fit short meditation sessions into your daily or
weekly schedule. The purpose of meditation is not to have visions and revelatory
experiences. Meditation brings a great sense of well-being, and even beginners
experience this almost immediately. Meditation allows the mind to calm down, thereby
developing natural balance, clarity and harmony. Meditation can be as simple as
closing your eyes and becoming aware of your breath going in and out, listening to the
sound it makes. A popular way of meditating is to use a guided meditation tape, these
are very good and are readily available.

Releasing Negativity

If you have trouble releasing negative thoughts in daily life, the next time they
occur try turning your attention to your breathing. Be aware of the breath going in and
out. Listen to the sound of it. This will usually allow the negativity to be released. If
the negativity returns, repeatedly return yourself to your breath awareness. This will
lead to inner peace at times that would otherwise disturb you greatly. Regular practice
of breath awareness will bring immediate detachment from disharmony.


Most spiritual traditions have taught the importance of Love. It has not been
discussed in this book because spiritual Love cannot be learnt, it can only be
experienced. Spiritual Love cannot be taught, but through Right Thinking & Right
Action you will automatically release the disharmony and negativity that is stopping
you from naturally experiencing Love in every moment. Love is a natural by-product of
living in harmony.


For further introduction into spirituality, try reading "Autobiography of a Yogi"

by Paramahansa Yogananda, "Out on a Limb" by Shirley MacLaine, and "A Search in
Secret India" by Dr Paul Brunton. For more advanced readers we recommend "Hands
of Light" by Barbara Brennan, "Dancing in the Light" by Shirley MacLaine, and "A
Course in Miracles". All these books are good for increasing your understanding of
spirituality, and describe interesting personal experiences, but they are completely
unnecessary because this book already contains all the practical

information you need to know. This book is the result of years of research, combining
the wisdom and experience of saints and holy men of every tradition. You may be
interested in increasing your intellectual understanding, but ultimately it is only by
putting Right Thinking & Right Action into practise that you will actually achieve your
spiritual purpose. In this small book, the complete and thorough mass of spiritual
information relating to Right Thinking & Right Action has been condensed for your

Do not doubt that it is possible to live according to the standards of Right

Thinking & Right Action. All it takes is patience and endurance.

We invite any comments you might have on an anything in this book, or if you
have any questions relating to any aspect of spirituality and life, feel free to contact us.
Donations are very greatly appreciated and go toward various charitable activities.

Ariane McMinn & Colin Jones

PO Box 1819
Byron Bay, NSW.
Australia. 2481.

EMAIL : light@reiki.ac


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