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Seminario Schenker br


Dr. Emil Awad

Objetivos: Investigacin de los principios que estructuran el anlisis schenkeriano y su aplicacin a

movimientos individuales o piezas pequeas con cromatismo limitado: Contrapunto de Schenker y
los tratados relacionados, Fux, Albrechtberger, entre otros; Armona de Schenker y los tratados
relacionados, Rameau, Salzer, Schachter, C.P.E. Bach, entre otros; Composicin Libre y Las
Obras Maestras de la Msica de Schenker y sus consecuencias analticas, as como tratados
modernos de introduccin al tema y artculos diversos de revistas especializadas. El alumno realizar
una serie de anlisis de obras del repertorio y su trabajo final consistir en un anlisis schenkeriano
con comentario apoyado en las lecturas, artculos relacionados e ideas propias.


Contrapunto Elemental: Salzer, Felix and Schachter, Carl. 1989. Parte 1 The Techniques of
Elementary Counterpoint; Salzer, Felix. 1952. Parte II, Captulo 3.

Armona, Forma y Prolongaciones: Salzer, Felix and Schachter, Carl. 1989. Captulo 8 1 y 2.;
Aldwell, Edward, & Schachter, Carl. 1978. Parte II.; Salzer, Felix. 1952. Parte 1.

Armona Cromtica y Progresiones Lineales: Aldwell, Edward, & Schachter, Carl. 1978. Parte III
y V, Captulo 31 1-13; Salzer, Felix. 1952. Parte II, Captulo 2.; Salzer, Felix and Schachter, Carl.
1969. Captulo 7 4.

Contrapunto prolongado y la escritura coral e instrumental: Salzer, Felix and Schachter, Carl.
1989. Captulo 7 y 8.

Armona cromtica avanzada: Aldwell, Edward, & Schachter, Carl. 1978. Parte VI (incluyendo
Captulo 31 14-18).

Puntos de Repaso:

Dr. Emil Awad

1. El perodo
1.1. Motivo y semifrase
1.2. Cadencias
1.3. Frase
1.4. Frases irregulares
1.5. Perodo paralelo
1.6. Perodo contrastante
1.7. Extensin del perodo

2. Forma cancin como modelo general de forma

3 2 1
2.1. Una parte: A
3 2 "" 3 2 1
2.2. Dos partes: la interrupcin: A: I-V // A: I-V-I: A: | | A'
2.3. Tres partes abierta:
2.3.1. Direccin armnica (arpegio del bajo) A: I-III | B: III-V | A: I-V-I (Generalmente modo menor)
2.3.2. la interrupcin: A: I-V // B: V-- | I-V-I (Modo Mayor o menor.)
2.4. Tres partes cerrada (Parte A cierra en I)
2.4.1. Nota vecina: rea de acorde vecino: ejemplo
N.V .
5 4 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
A: 7 6 || B(IV) : || A :
2.4.2. Mixtura: Mixtura modal (uso del modo paralelo) A : 3 | B : 3
b | A : 3
2.4.3. Direccin armnica: Movimiento hacia V
2.5. Cinco partes: Tres partes en traslapo A-B-A-C-A (A-C-A)
2.6. Cuatro partes: A: I | B: V | A: I | B: I (algunos la llaman rond-sonata, pero este nombre es una contradiccin)

3. Trminos auxiliares
3.1. Introduccin
3.2. Transicin
3.3. Retransicin
3.4. Codetta
3.5. Interludio
3.6. Episodio
3.7. Coda
3.8. Postludio

4. La forma ternaria "abierta"

4.1. El Minueto
4.2. La Sonatina
4.3. Movimiento en forma Sonata

5. La Forma ternaria "cerrada"

5.1. El Minueto y Tro: A-B-A
5.2. El Rond
5.2.1. Primera forma Rond: A-B-A
5.2.2. Segunda forma Rond: A-B-A-C-A
5.2.3. Tercera forma Rond: A-B-A-C-A-B-A, o A-B-A-C-A-D-A


Aldwell, Edward, y Schachter, Carl, Harmony and Voice Leading, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978.
Atlas, Raphael Eric, Cherlin, Michael, y Lewin, David, Musical transformation and musical intuition : eleven
essays in honor of David Lewin, Roxbury, Mass., Ovenbird Press, 1994.
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Versuch ber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen, Berlin, 1753.
, Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments, trad. de William J. Mitchell, Norton, 1949.
Beach, David, "The harmonic theories of Johann Philipp Kirnberger: their origins and influences", Tesis
doctorado, Yale University, 1974.
, Aspects of Schenkerian theory, New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1983.
Bellermann, Heinrich, Contrapunkt, Berlin, Julius Springer, 1901.
Cadwallader, Allen, y Gagn, David, Analysis of Tonal Music: a Schenkerian Approach, Oxford University
Press, 1998.
Chenevert, James, "Simon Sechter's The principles of musical composition [Grundsatze der musikalischen
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Wisconsin, Madison, 1989.
Cherubini, Luigi, A course of counterpoint and fugue, trad. de James Alexander Hamilton, London, R. Cocks,
Chesnut, John Hind, "Mozart as a teacher of elementary musical theory", Tesis doctorado, University of
Chicago, 1976.
Forte, Allen, y Gilbert, Steven E., Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis, Norton, 1982.
Fux, Johann Joseph, Gradus ad Parnassum, sive Manuductio ad compositionem musicae regularem : methodo
nov, ac cert, nondum ant tam exacto ordine in lucem edita, Vienae, Austriae, Typis Joannis Petri
Van Ghelen ... 1725.
, The Study of Counterpoint from Johann Jooeph Fux's Gradus Ad Parnassum, trad. de Alfred Mann,
Norton, 1965.
Grant, Cecil Powell, "Kirnberger versus Rameau: toward a new approach to comparative theory", Tesis
doctorado, University of Cincinnati, 1976.
Green, Burdette Lamar, "The harmonic series from Mersenne to Rameau: an historical study of circumstances
leading to its recognition and application to music", Tesis doctorado, Ohio State University, 1969.
Holcomb, Margaret Ann, "Rhythmic theories in Schenkerian literature: an alternative view", Tesis doctorado,
University of Texas, Austin, 1984.
Jeppesen, Knud, Counterpoint, The Polyphonic Vocal Style of the Sixteenth Century, Prentice Hall, 1939.
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp, Gedanken ber die verschiedenen Lehrarten in der Komposition als Vorbereitung
zur Fugenkenntniss, Wien, Musikalisch-typographische Gesellschaft, 1793.
Koch, Heinrich Christoph, Handbuch bey dem Studium der Harmonie, Leipzig, J.F. Hartnoch, 1811.
Krebs, Harald Manfred, "Third relation and dominant in late 18th- and early 19th-century music", Tesis
doctorado, Yale University, 1986.
Krehbiel, James Woodrow, "Harmonic principles of Jean Philippe Rameau and his contemporaries", Tesis
doctorado, Indiana Univerity, 1964.
Lerdahl, Fred, y Jackendoff, Ray S., A generative theory of tonal music, MIT Press series on cognitive theory
and mental representation., Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1983.
Lester, Joel, Between modes and keys : German theory, 1592-1802, Harmonologia series ; no. 3, New York,
Pendragon Press, 1989.
, Compositional theory in the eighteenth century, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1992.
Levy, James Marx, "The tonal hierarchy : a discrete, pitch-free model of tonal cognition", Tesis doctorado,
Levy, Janet M., Beethoven's compositional choices : the two versions of op. 18, no. 1, first movement, Studies
in the criticism and theory of music., Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982.
Mann, Alfred, Theory and practice : the great composer as student and teacher, New York, Norton, 1987.
Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm, Abhandlung von der Fuge nach den Grundsatzen und Exempeln der besten
deutschen und auslandischen Meister, Berlin, A. Haude und J. C. Spener, 1753.
Martini, Giovanni Battista, Esemplare, o sia Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto sopra il canto
fermo, Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe impressore, 1774.
Martino, Donald, 178 Chorale Harmonizations of Joh. Seb. Bach, vol. I, Dantalian, 1985.
Mattheson, Johann, Klern melodischer Wissenschaft, Hamburg, 1737.
, Der volkommene Capellmeister, Hamburg, 1739.
Mitchell, John William, "A history of theories of functional harmonic progression", Tesis doctorado, Indiana
University, 1963.
Mooney, Michael Kevin, "The "Table of relations" and music psychology in Hugo Riemann's harmonic
theory", Tesis doctorado, Columbia University, 1996.
Riemann, Hugo, Lehrbuch des einfachen, doppelten und imitierenden Kontrapunkts, Leipzig, Breitkopf &
Hrtel, 1888.
Rothfarb, Lee Allen, Ernst Kurth as theorist and analyst, Studies in the criticism and theory of music,
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988.
Rothstein, William Nathan, "Rhythm and the theory of structural levels", Tesis doctorado, Yale University,
Salzer, Felix, Structural hearing; tonal coherence in music, Dover, 1952.
Salzer, Felix, y Schachter, Carl, Counterpoint in composition: the study of voice leading, Columbia University
Press, 1989.
Schachter, Carl, Unfoldings: Essays in Schenkerian Theory and Analysis, Joseph N. Straus (ed.) Oxford
University Press, 1999.
Schachter, Carl, y Siegel, Hedi, Schenker studies 2, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Schenker, Heinrich, Harmony, trad. de Oswald Jonas, University of Chicago Press, 1954.
, Five graphic music analyses (Funf Urlinie-Tafeln), trad. de Felix Salzer, New York, Dover, 1969.
, Free composition [Der freie Satz]: volume III of New musical theories and fantasies, trad. de Ernst
Oster y Oswald Jonas, New York, Longman, 1979.
, J.S. Bach's, Chromatic fantasy and fugue: critical edition with commentary, Longman music series,
trad. de Hedi Siegel, New York, Longman, 1984.
, Counterpoint : a translation of Kontrapunkt, trad. de John Rothgeb y Jrgen Thym, New York,
Schirmer, 1987.
, The masterwork in music: a yearbook, vol. I, trad. de Ian Bent, William Drabkin, Richard Kramer,
John Rothgeb y Heidi Siegel, William Drabkin (ed.) Cambridge University Press, 1994.
, The masterwork in music: a yearbook, vol. II, trad. de Ian Bent, William Drabkin, John Rothgeb y
Heidi Siegel, William Drabkin (ed.) Cambridge University Press, 1996.
, The masterwork in music: a yearbook, vol. III, trad. de Ian Bent, Alfred Clayton y Derrick Puffett,
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, The art of performance, trad. de Heribert Esser, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Schenker, Heinrich, y Rothgeb, John, Beethoven's ninth symphony: a portrayal of its musical content, with
running commentary on performance and literature as well, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1992.
Schoenberg, Arnold, Preliminary exercises in counterpoint, London, Faber & Faber, 1963.
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