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Transformative Robotic Education for the Realization

of Malaysian National Philosophy of Education

Sau Cheong Loh1, Chu Kiong Loo2, Hock Chuan Loh3, and Yoke Kit Lim4
Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science and Information
Technology, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hong Qin Sdn Bhd, 12-2 Street Wing, Sunsuria Avenue Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Research Assistant, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract. Rapid advancement in technology has called for the needs on training
students to be creative and innovative as well as possess high quality problem
solving skills in meeting the demand and enhancing quality of life in the 21st
century. This paper reveals that robotic education has the potential to become
an effective teaching tool focuses on enhancing students understanding and
hands-on experience towards scientific subjects as well as to enhance their
physical, emotion, spiritual and social developments. In this paper, we propose
a holistic robotic education support program, namely the Transformative
Robotic Education (Trans-RoE), which aspires to fulfill the Malaysia National
Philosophy of Education in line with the implementation of Secondary School
Standard Curriculum (KSSM), and to promote Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in line with Malaysias
national vision to produce highly skilled workers to meet the demand of the 21st
Century. It is hoped that this program will spearhead the formal training of
robotic education in the Malaysian educational system for the long term
benefits of the nation.

Keywords: Transformative Robotic Education, National Philosophy of

Education, Holistic development.

1 Introduction

Technology has become increasingly important in most aspects of everyday life for
individuals around the world. The advancement has not only limited to the
development of communities, improve quality of life, it has also heightened the
awareness towards the needs on training students, to enhance students learning and

K. Omar et al. (Eds.): FIRA 2013, CCIS 376, pp. 416426, 2013.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Transformative Robotic Education for the Realization of Malaysian National Philosophy 417

overall development, to be creative and innovative as well as possess high quality

problem solving skills in science, mathematics, technology and engineering; in order
to unleash their full potential, to be able to apply the learned knowledge and skills
into real world through inventing more advance technological devices, prepare them
well to enter the 21st century workforce [1].
Having said that, it is not uncommon to observe that in Malaysia, many primary
and secondary schools are still adopting the conservative style of learning, with larger
attention being placed on the exam-oriented system in justifying students overall
abilities. Such learning mean had ignored the adoption of innovation which inhibited
the expansion of creativity and critical thinking of students [2].
Singh [3] further explained that as students in Malaysia have been conditioned to
be spoon-fed due to passive learning, it has caused majority of the graduates lacked in
soft skills, such as planning and organizing, problem solving and decision-making,
human relation, work ethics, achievement-orientation and pro-activity. Moreover,
factor such as absence of high performing teachers also contributed to such condition,
as Malaysian teachers in general are still adopting traditional teaching methods,
without being creative and innovative in bringing up the best of their students. Singh
[3] further suggested that it is important to modify, adopt and integrate a broad-based
and holistic curriculum, to be carried out by competent teachers, in order to improve
students performance.
Numerous successful educational experiments and up-to-date curriculum or
approaches which utilized robotics has proven it as an effective tool [4], [1],
especially for teaching science and mathematics among all level of school students [5]
as well as technology and engineering course for high school and undergraduate
students [6], [7].
In view of the abovementioned current situation in Malaysia, this paper discusses
the use of robotic education as an effective tool to brighten the educational prospects
of students.

2 Purpose
This paper discusses the potential of a robotic education program in becoming an
effective teaching tool focuses on enhancing students understanding and hands-on
experience towards scientific subjects as well as to enhance their physical, emotion,
spiritual and social developments. This program, namely the Transformative Robotic
Education (Trans-RoE), aspires to fulfill the Malaysia National Philosophy of
Education in line with the implementation of Secondary School Standard Curriculum
(KSSM), and to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) education in line with Malaysias national vision to produce highly skilled
workers to meet the demand of the 21st Century.

3 Theoretical Framework

Jean Piaget proposed that individuals biological maturation and evolutionary play an
important effect on humans learning process and overall development [8]. He stated
418 S.C. Loh et al.

that with this natural maturation, it allows individuals as young as early childhood, be
able to actively explore, process knowledge and construct unique and subjective
understanding based on experiences gained from the world; as they undergo the four
stages of cognitive development, through assimilation and accommodation [9].
Similar concept can be applied to adolescence as well. It is believed that as students
engage in the robotic education program, it would benefit them in exploring,
experimenting and constructing knowledge and skills; allowing them to engage in
critical period to resolve problem and expressing their understanding through
invention and creation. The process will enable students to develop spiritually as they
start to value their creation and ownership of their product, as well as to develop
social skills as they work with their teammates [10].
Similar with Piaget, Papert [11] also agreed that human are all active learners who
are able to construct knowledge and skills. However, the difference is that Papert [11]
realized the significant of hands-on experience and the importance on the use of
manipulation of tools [12]. He believes that realistic experience allow individuals to
be consciously engaged in a concrete construction which in turn allow them to be
better in constructing the newly obtained knowledge and skills into abstract concept,
as cited in [13]. Robotic education is one of the learning methods consistent with
Papert [11]s focus, where students are provided with variety of robotic tools to obtain
knowledge and skills throughout the trial-and-error construction process [14], [10].
Clayson [12] added that, not only does it help in developing the students cognitively
as students engage in the constructionist class and being able to resolve the problem
and create their own product, it helps in leveling up their confidence level.
In addition to Jean Piaget and Seymour Papert, Vygotsky [15], another
psychologist, focuses on individuals cognitive development by proposing the
importance of social context and social interaction in assisting the development of
cognitive skills. Therefore, as students join the robotic education program, an
environment will be created for students to be able to work in group and gain support
from their teammates as well as having teachers as their facilitators. Such existing
support and assistance are able to enhance students learning, bring up the best of
their potential, and build up their social skills by allowing then to have discussion
with teammates working through a project and resolving problem with a sense of
respect towards others opinions.

4 Robotic Education

An exciting new entrant into the prefabricated robot kit arena is the Bioloid, from
Korea-based Robotis company. This will be the model used in this study. Bioloid is
an educational robotic construction kit for building robots using special modular DC
servo blocks [16]. These smart serially controlled servos allow the users to build
multiple types of robots such as a humanoid, a puppy, a spider or a car. The Bioloid is
a robot kit where the users can build anything they desire, just like the LEGO sets.
Unlike the LEGO sets, the robot is built with blocks that are actuated, so the joints
Transformative Robotic Education for the Realization of Malaysian National Philosophy 419

can move. The name Bioloid comes from the words Bio + all + oid which means
any living thing can be built in the form of a robot.
Research conducted on high school students [17], [18]; on middle school students
[19]; on middle and high-school student [20]; and on primary and lower secondary
students [21], [4], revealed that robotic education play significant role in improving
students understanding towards the academic subjects of physics, mathematics, logic
and science; as the learning concepts are being connected to the real world, students
were able to involve in group discussion with teammates and share opinions to obtain
best solutions for problem.
Other than focusing on the advantage on how robotic education can enhance
students academic learning, new finding on how robotic education can benefit
students on other developmental aspects had also been discovered. Goh and Aris [22]
found that throughout the construction process, it is able to build up students sense of
empathy towards the robot. On the other hand, Psycharis and colleagues [17] proposed
that the program helps in enhancing students level of self-esteem which indirectly
increases their interest to learn further. In addition, Williamson [23] revealed that
through educational program, students realize the importance of hands-on experience
in learning and this experience has enabled them to feel more comfortable in writing
computer programs, which in turn build up their interest to pursue a major in
engineering, science, or technology as they proceed to college level. Alimisis [34] also
states that the hands-on experience obtained through robotic education had served as a
valuable opportunity to upgrade young childrens creativity level and also enhance the
sense of achievement among them, as they develop the robot [24].
Based on the obtained results as revealed, it is clearly shown that the advantages of
incorporating robotic education to students learning would help not only the uni-
dimensional development, but rather, it is to develop the students multi-
dimensionally. These at all, are in line with the Malaysian National Philosophy, which
emphasizes in nurturing individuals holistically through physical, emotion, spiritual,
intellectual and social that ultimately to produce balanced citizens.

5 Malaysian National Philosophy of Education (NPE)

The Malaysian National Philosophy of Education (NPE) was developed and

documented in the year of 1987 with its aim to create good citizens and good human
beings, by nurturing individuals to develop aspects of emotion, spiritual, physical,
social and intellectual, in a holistic and integrated manner.
With balanced development from all aspects, only then Malaysia citizens who are
knowledgeable and competent, high moral standards, responsible and capable of
achieving higher level of personal well being will be produced. Rahman and Ahmad
[25] shared that to achieve the nations vision on preparing the next generation to
become knowledgeable, trained and skilled individuals with strong emphasis on the
use of technology are needed to meet the gradual needs for community development,
thus fulfilling the principles of NPE.
420 S.C. Loh et al.

6 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has often been
justified as a new meta-discipline, since it is created by integrating all the four related
disciplines together. Morrison [26] outlined the advantages of STEM in developing
problem solving, innovation, invention, self-reliant, logical thinking, and
technologically literate skills among the students.
Goh and Aris [22] summarized the benefits that can be obtained by students for
the following curriculum areas:
(a) Science: enhance investigating energy, forces and speed
(b) Technology: able to program and control input and output devices
(c) Engineering: enhance the skills on developing solutions, selecting and
building materials together as well as testing and evaluating the end product
(d) Mathematics: able to apply mathematics to obtain accurate measurements for
robotic construction
STEM education does not just represent a classroom teaching approach or a specific
curriculum model; through many ways, a STEM programming can be formulated.
Such flexibility would easily allow teachers to execute any activities related to STEM
education [27]. Activities such as robotic education should be put into consideration
in relation to the implementation of STEM education; as robotic education too, is a
form of activity, not only allowing students to learn, but also allowing them to
develop better functional skills from all developmental aspects [28], [4], [29].

7 Secondary School Standard Curriculum (Kurikulum

Standard Sekolah Menengah KSSM)

As mentioned by Singh [3], Malaysias educational system is still conservative by

placing much attention on students academic performance and tends to neglect in
developing students functional skills. Moreover, the form of summative assessment
which only focuses on assessing students academic performance had neglected the
students potential in other aspects. In 2012, the new syllabus for ICT is reinforced for
A-Level students. The purpose of implementing the new syllabus is to provide
students with knowledge and skills in ICT, so that they are prepared for further
studies or careers related to ICT. Other than providing students with classroom
teaching and coursework, practical works are offered to students that allow them to
master all the concepts and skills effectively, that in turn enable them to be
competent, creative and critical towards ICT. Moreover, throughout the process,
higher order thinking skills such as logical thinking, problem solving skills and other
related soft skills can also be developed [30].
Transformative Robotic Education for the Realization of Malaysian National Philosophy 421

8 Transformative Robotic Education Program

Transformative Robotic Education (Trans-RoE) program is uniquely developed to

serve as a new education tool that can emphasize on holistic development of students,
thus helping students and the nation to fulfill its National Philosophy of Education
[Fig. 1]. It is high time that Trans-RoE be taken into consideration, in order to serve a
better learning environment for students in Malaysia. Trans-RoE utilizes Bioloid and
its programming software developed by Robotis in the process of training. In addition
to that, a comprehensive module on how to train teachers and students in applying
robotic as an effective learning tool will be developed.
Within the Trans-RoE program, sensory motor integration is being emphasized
under the students physical development aspect. Sensory motor integration is very
important for every individuals maturation process. Daily learning experience
gathered through multiple senses would help to enhance cognitive development [31].

- Balanced emotion
- Balanced mind and body
- Enhanced self-confidence
- Enhanced self-esteem

- Manipulation of robotic - Value creation

educational tools - Value object
- Hands-on experience existence
- Sensory motor integration - Enhanced intuition

- Team work - Knowledge creation

- Respect opinion of others - Innovative idea
- Relationship with others - Enhanced creativity
- Higher order thinking skills (HOTS)

- National Philosophy of Education

- Robotic Education

Fig. 1. Transformative Robotic Education towards realization of National Philosophy of

422 S.C. Loh et al.

Barraket [32], Pedersen and Liu [33] stressed that educators are encouraged to
implement student-centered teaching approaches, such as problem-based learning,
case study or group work; to enhance students interest in learning, and by providing
them opportunities to have ownership throughout the process of learning.
Specifically, students with higher level of interest, willingness and patience towards
certain learning tend to yield a positive outcome, whereas students with higher level
of anxiety and tension towards learning will lead to negative outcomes. Some studies
also suggested balanced emotion as an important element in predicting students
learning outcome. In addition, some researchers revealed that students attitudes
towards learning play an important influence on students learning outcome [34],
[35], [36].
The abstract intuitive thinking also plays an important role in developing students
creativity which in turn may enhance students understanding and problem solving
skills to resolve difficult problems [37]. Even though personal experiences of intuition
is too subjective to be justified as an effective way for learning, nevertheless, by
observing, accepting, trusting and testing this thinking, it helps the students to
appreciate this think and rethink process, that enables them to make sense and
construct their learning experience and resolve problem creatively [38].
Lastly, in terms of social development, students not only learn how to be
respectful, helpful and tolerance to their group mates, they may also acquire
knowledge, skills and good characters from their group mates through modeling. It
was proposed that through social interactions and help from teammates, mutually
shared cognition exists within the group, and every student is able to perform
averagely [39], [40].
Although researchers have expressed through findings on the effectiveness of how
robotic education can enhance students higher order thinking skills, such as logical
thinking, problem solving skills and creativity [17], [19], [18], [4], less research is
done to emphasize the needs and importance in enhancing students skills of
knowledge creation, which can enhance the advancement of community development.
Therefore, there is a need to provide students with activities that can stimulate their
innovative skills.
In Trans-RoE program, a model with five stages was designed [41]. The first stage
is the engagement stage, where students are invited to join discussion, by sharing their
own experiences and belief in order to resolve the problem.
In the second stage, i.e. exploration stage, students start to experiment on a variety
of construction material, controlling devices and software by forming hypothesis and
testing their validity in real condition. Throughout the experimental process, they are
encouraged to observe, evaluate and generalize important aspects, which would help
them better in obtaining the related knowledge and skills.
In the third stage, i.e. investigation stage, students investigate the encountered
problem, search for alternative solutions with their group members as well as argue
for final proposal for creating ideal robotic model. At this stage, a problem-based
learning (PBL) approach can be adopted, where students are given opportunities to
conduct research, integrate theory into practice, apply knowledge and skills to
develop solution for defined problem or task [42]. At creation stage, students
Transformative Robotic Education for the Realization of Malaysian National Philosophy 423

synthesize their solutions, where they draft their ideas on paper or produce the
physical robotic model. Lastly, at the evaluation stage, students complete their robotic
construction, where they are required to present their final product and ready to be
examined and evaluated by other group members and facilitators.

9 Assessment

Outcome-based education (OBE) has been adopted in Trans-RoE. As defined by

Spady [43], OBE is a process of stating clearly what is important for the students to
achieve, organizing the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure the
outcome ultimately happen. Based on OBEs characteristics, Trans-RoE allows
students to have clear information on what knowledge and skills to be learned, and to
be assessed as well as allowing students to take responsibility of their learning; thus
better prepare them to enter higher education and workplace [44].

10 Conclusion

This paper reveals that robotic education is able to assist student to develop
holistically, not just focus on building up intellectual skills, but also serves as a
perfect learning environment that allow for physical development through hands-on
experiment; enhanced social skills as they join the activities, have discussions and go
through problem solving process with their teammates. Lastly, it helps to upgrade the
emotional and spiritual development as well, whereby students are able to learn
through positive experience accompanied with happiness and sense of satisfaction,
leading them to be more thankful on their unique creation and end product of their
hard work. It is high time that, the implementation of robotic education be taken into
consideration in the curriculum development in Malaysia, so that Malaysian students
are able to benefit from such an enjoyable and meaningful learning process.

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