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lets look at another type of essay called argumentative writing. Here, you may be required to either state your stand
on a certain issue (agree or disagree) or to present your point of view.

Some typical exam questions:

1. Co-curricular activities are a waste of time. Do you agree?

2. Large families make happy families.
3. More land should be used for agriculture than for industry. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support you
4. Parents do not spend enough quality time with children. Do you agree or disagree?
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of homework.


Question 1, 3 and 4 require you to make a stand and proceed to support your stand with a few paragraphs.
For question 2, you may present both sides of the argument and finally, state your stand.
For question 5, present both sides of the argument as you are required to discuss the issue.


Lets say you have chosen question 1

Co-curricular activities are a waste of time. Do you agree?

STEP 1: Analyse the question carefully to make sure you understand exactly what you have to do.

TOPIC: Co-curricular activities (The general subject)

THE FOCUS: Co-curricular activities are a waste of time. (The part you are asked to concentrate on)
THE COMMENT: Do you agree? (You have to make a stand whether you agree or disagree).

Then, apply the acronym B.A.G. which stands for B Brainstorm, A Add supporting details and G Get organised.
(as discussed last week in Lesson 5)
Brainstorm for ideas. Note down all the points you have about co-curricular activities. You should have at least four
points. Lets say you have made your list below. Add supporting details.
Get organised. Throw out any ideas that are not relevant.
Decide the order of the points.


STAND: agree
Provide a chance for students to learn about themselves,
Develop other skills not learnt in the classroom
Provide leadership training
Provide an outlet for students to rest and relax


1. INTRODUCTION: Give some background information about the topic and state your stand.

Example: Co-curricular activities are activities that are planned for students after school through activities in clubs and
societies. Students in schools are required to join at least one uniformed society and a club. In my opinion, co-
curricular activities play an important role in a students life and it is certainly not a waste of time.


There should at least be three or four paragraphs with good topic sentences and body sentences.

Example: First and foremost, co-curricular activities provide students with a chance to develop their talents in music,
sports and other living skills. Some students are unable to shine in the classroom but they are superb athletes and
musicians. Co-curricular activities provide an avenue for them to become fulfilled individuals.


Example: Many students and parents are of the opinion that co-curricular activities are a waste of time and they
should be substituted with more beneficial activities. I certainly disagree with that. As we have seen, co-curricular
activities play an important role in a students life. They complement the activities of the classroom. A well-planned
co-curricular programme helps students become wholesome individuals. Thus, co-curricular activities are definitely
not a waste of time.

4. Remember to edit your work.

Read your first draft once through and check the following things:

a. Have you arranged the points well? Is the first point the most important or the least important?
b. Have you included all the points and left out all the irrelevant points?
c. Are there any phrases that are not very clear or sentences that are too long?
d. Are there are spelling mistakes?
e. Have you used punctuation correctly?
f. Are there any grammatical errors?
Persuasive Essay Example: Cell phones - One of Our Greatest
Technologies Misused

Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once developed to get in
contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on the phone while driving has turned
out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers. More than 85 percent of the 100 million cell-phone
subscribers frequently talk on the phone during driving.(www.smartmotorist.com) Talking on the cell phone
while driving should be illegal, because of the dangers they cause. Driving while using the cell phone is one
of the major problems here in the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving. This matter is too
dangerous to let it go unnoticed.

According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional quarterlys web site on
March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed a study in 1999. They appointed a crash risk
factor to using cell phones. In the summer of 2000 it came out to 450 to 1,000 fatalities each year. The
NHTSH says that for every fatality, there are 666 property-damage and injury-producing crashes. There are
about 300,000 and 650,000 different crashes due to cell phones! This same essay states that Japan is one
of the 14 countries banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The accidents caused by the use
of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month, proving cell phones are not necessary parts of the
driving nature.

There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take their eyes off the
road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations that their ability to concentrate may
be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of the people inside the vehicle, and the pedestrians
outside. In order to drive safely, the driver should be able to put 100% of his or her focus on the road. Cell
phones are simply a huge distraction while driving.

It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In these cases, I
agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over somewhere safe to use the
phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait until the car has come to a complete stop. Then
he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels that the emergency is urgent enough to take action right
away, then the person should use the hands free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.

Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a cell phone when
driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the most common cause of car crash
accident, and common cause of death here in the US.

The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many people die due to
distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United
States every year. (www.livescience.com/technology). Another reason to not use the cell phone while driving
is devastating the many lives of the victims and their families in the case of an accident.

When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not increase.\

Feeling thankful is how I feel now. The greatest present to receive is the sense of content and gratitude that
I feel. No matter how much I earn or the value of properties I owe, without sharing, how life can be?

Few years back when I was in school, my mind was set on money and branded items. No matter how badly
life has for me, nothing can bring me further away from my set-mind. From many hardships, I struggle for a
presence, a name, a status. I need to let people know what I have and what I can achieve.

As time passes and sky is unlimited, people change so do I. I turn to God. I turn to my family. I turn to my
faith. Nothing can make me feel more content than myself. I need to satisfy my own need before I make my
way to the world. Love, Peace and Happiness are what I believe now. As I mention earlier on, faith is the
tool for all lives. Imagine a world without faith? How can one trust someone or something? Take for an
example a relation between two sexes. Both need to gain the trust and belief before embarking a journey
together. Its a journey of understanding as well as respect. Nothing can bring two down with the concrete
tools both have.

No matter how much money is flowing in my bank accounts or how many properties waiting in my list, as
long as I dont feel content with myself, nothing would. All these are material visions that count only for a
short period of happiness. I want a long lasting happiness. A happiness that can be shared by everyone even

I turn my life to myself, family and GOD. It revolves with them. Not that Im a 100% believer in God but
somehow or another, it smooths my daily life whenever I trust on something. I believe what comes around
goes around in life. Why one should feels frustrated and irritated when aim is not reached? Why? Ask
yourself deep in your heart? Is it worth the temper-rush? The best way to do is to look at the problem with a
smile on your face and a relax heart. Turn back and dont let your anger out from your box. Think
appreciation that mistakes are made and told to you. All you need to do: CHANGE.

It is as simple as ABC.

In life, if only one can recognize the significant of Trust, Understanding, Faith and Love our world is in its
greatest condition.

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