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1) Substitua o sujeito da frase pelo pronome correspondente; Observe o

Ex.: Andressa is a student. She is a student.
a. Erlnia and I are teenagers.
b. Regina is a teacher.
c. Lourdes and Izinha are cooks.
d. Roberta is a school coordinator.
e. Sobral is a beautiful city.
f. Emanuela and Bianca are friends.
g. The cat is brown.
h. Thalia and Vitoria are students.
i. Francis Kaio is intelligent.
j. Conceio is a school secretary.
2) Reescreva as frases flexionando o verbo na 3 pessoa do singular.
a. I go to school at seven oclock. (She)
b. We play soccer on Saturdays. (Venicius)
c. I watch TV in the afternoon. (He)
d. I have dinner at 6 oclock. (Breno)
e. We clean the house. ( My mother)
3) 3) Sabe-se que as formas interrogativa e negativa na terceira pessoa
do presente simples(he,she,it) so feitas com 'Does' e 'Doesn
t'.Com isso,faa o exerccio abaixo.
a.Afirmativa: She calls her mother in the morning.
Interrogativa Does she call her mother in the morning?
Negativa She doesnt call her mother in the morning.
b. Afirmativa: He goes to college at night.
c. Afirmativa:It rains a lot in summer.
d. Afirmativa:He likes to eat junk food.
e.Afirmativa:She lives with her parents.

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