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Wai(alae SchooI

Celebrg Cldhood
Grade 4 Ttacher
Waialae Elementary Public Charter Schoo1
1045 19th Avenue Honolulu, Hawai`i 96816
Phone: (808) 733-4880 Fax: (808) 733-4886
Twitter / Instagram / Facebook: @Waialae

December 2, 2016

o whom it may concem:

l am witing this Iette Of ecommendation on behaif of Nicoie Yamada" MS" Yamada completed he student

teaching at Waiaiae Eiementary Pub=c Charte SchooI in my foh gade cIassoom. ln addition, Ms. Yamada has been

a substitute teache in my cIassoom and is on Vfaiaiae Schoois ``Pefered Substitute List.

As he COOPeating teache, I can attest to he hard wok and passion in the classroom. MS. Yamada is highIy

motivated and consistentiy seif eects to impOVe teaChing practices and techniques. Since starting her intenship, Ms.

Yamada has gone beyond her requiements fo he equied intenship and soIo teaching by fequently aiVIng eaiy and

Staying late duing the schooi day, attending additionaI pofessionaI deveIopment, and voIunteering he time fo grade

IeveI activities. This shows he commitment and dedication in the cIassoom.

Mrs. Yamada has excellent ciassoom management skS. She is fiexibie, Weil oganized, and sets clea behavio

expectations, Students espond positiveIy to he expectations, He patience a=ows he to meet students where they ae at

Whiie keeping them engaged and on task.

WhiIe Ms. Yamada was at Vfaiaiae, She was abIe to become an essentiaI membe Of ou gade levei team, aS

We= as the schooI facuShe eguiar attended facurty meetings and activeIy participated in grade levei aCuiation

meetings. She aiso attended pofessionaI deveiopment sessions inciuding Balanced Liteacy, integated Thematic

Units, and Cisis intervention.

VfaiaIae Schoo=s common coe aiigned and informed. Vle use NGSS to ceate integrated thematic units,

Waiae is a divese schooi and serves a vaiety of student needs inciuding students with lEPs, ELL, SOCio-eCOnOmic

needs, and gifted-talented, and, We ae an inclusion schooi and use inciusive pactices. Ms" Yamada aIso had the unique

OPPOrtunity to be in a doubie cIassOOm/ co-teaChing cIassroom. She taught my homeOOm Class of 22 students and at

times, a tOtai of44 students, When we wouid teachI co-teaCh both ciassooms, In addition, Ms. Yamada was introduced to

and practiced Whoie Bain leachingwithin the classoom.

Again, l give Ms. Yamada my highest of ecommendations. My observation of he is she is a committed educato

Who tuIy cares about teaching the whole chiid" Please feeI fee to contact me if you have any questions.


Juna AIvaei;Ed.

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