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tiny (about 1mm) and dark

usually seen moving quickly on the skin when you part the fur
flea dirt (digested pet blood, the fleas source of nutrition) seen on the skin and throughout
the fur
make pets' lives miserable
the life cycle is fairly complex

Vets are often asked what pill, drop, dip, collar, or shampoo works the best to get rid of these
persistent parasites. The answer is that flea collars and flea shampoos rarely will eradicate a flea
problem. Newer topical flea control products, vials containing liquids applied to the skin surface, are
usually effective provided they are used correctly. Newer oral flea products also can be very effective if

Mites andSkinlicedisorders
(Demodex, are Sarcoptes)
one of the most common reasons pets visit their veterinarians.
Problems can develop wherever there is skin, including the ears, around the lips, the bottom of
paws, and around the anus. Whatever the symptoms, problems with your pets skin are hard to
Ear mites Although the causes are varied, most skin problems make themselves known with one or
more of the following signs: itchiness (scratching, licking, chewing, rubbing, scooting-dragging the
bottom parasites
the floor, shaking the head), sores, rashes, hair loss or a thinning coat, bumps,
seeing cycle
ormostly inside
ticks, or the ear
noticing canal
a bad smell, even after bathing.
common in puppies and kittens and in strays
Common causessevere
can cause of skinirritation
problems include
and :
itchiness of the ears ( highly contagious, but easy to diagnose )
Otodectes cynotis ( infestation ="otodectic mange" )
parasites (fleas, ticks, mites and lice)
Demodex mites(papillomas or warts)
infection/inflammation (abscesses, hotspots, scabs, ear hematomas, lick granulomas)
anal gland disorders (infection, impaction)
the skin
food of dogs and cats
atopy (=mange" ( Demodex
allergy to things breatheddemodectic mange
in or absorbed / demodicosis
through the skin) )
Cheyletiella mites

on the skin
cause irritation, dandruff, and itchiness
large, claw-like mouth parts
on cats, dogs and rabbits

can live on humans for a while, causing an itchy rash.

Sarcoptes mites

contagious to other animals and also to people

cause significant skin disease
fairly easy to kill
all contact pets need to be treated simultaneously to avoid transfer of parasites back to the


Ehrlichia - Tick-bourne Bacterial Disease

a type of bacteria that infect dogs and other species worldwide

disease = ehrlichiosis / tropical canine pancytopenia ; commonly transmitted by ticks.

Cuterebra parasite

opportunistic parasite
under the skin of small mammals
the larval stage of the Cuterebra ( uses animal hosts to complete its life cycle )


one-celled protozoan parasite

lives in the intestinal tract
diarrheal disease = Giardiasis (exception may be birds, where is considered a cause of
feather-picking )

small, thin worms

intestinal parasites
common in dogs
three species of hookworms
migration of hookworms through the skin can cause dermatitis of the paws
intestinal parasitism may play a role in an individual's susceptibility to development of


intestinal parasites
common in cats
small worms ( maximum size of 2-3 inches )
thin, whip-like front end and a thicker back end
attach themselves to the walls of the large intestine


a fungus that may or may not create clinical signs

may spread from animals to humans, creating the classic lesion


in dogs and other species

transmitted mainly by ticks
protozoal parasites that attack blood cells


caused by a parasite that lives mainly in the blood vessels of the lung and in the heart
( transmitted by mosquitoes )
seen in dogs (can be fatal /difficult to treat,but easy to prevent)
common preventative drugs: 1) Heartgard (ivermectin) 2) Heartgard Plus Revolution
(selamectin) 3) Interceptor (milbemycin)
Fleas, ticks and mites can transmit other diseases that affect people as well as
animals ( Plague, Lymes Disease, and Scabies ) .

Skin cancer

A tumor is a mass of tissue that grows independently from the tissue around it. It can be benign
(stable , does not spread to other areas) or malignant (spreads to other areas)

Tumors of the skin are seen more commonly in dogs than cats. It is difficult to identify a dermal
tumor and determine if it is benign or malignant just by looking at it, this is often why it is
recommended to use the surgical biopsy to help identify a tumor.

Benign tumors

lipomas (fatty tumors)

sebaceous adenomas
papillomas (mole-like growths)

Malignant tumors

squamous cell carcinomas
mast cell tumors ( Boxers tend to get benign mast cell tumors )

Skin infections can be secondary to many primary problems such as parasites, allergies, trauma
(bites and scratches from fighting), and tumors.

Signs :

rash ( moist and very red )

small red bumps all over / in little patches
multiple crusts and flakes with the loss of clumps of fur
painful swelling or discharge
bad odor

Inflammation is the response of tissues to trauma, and inflammatory lesions can be caused by
parasites, allergies, or anything that leads to excessive licking, scratching, and self-trauma.

Acral Lick Granuloma / lick sore

common skin disorder in dogs

large firm, hairless, lump often on the feet or legs
the spot will become darkened (hyperpigmentation)
the skin becomes rough and thickened (lichenification).

Causes : boredom and anxiety

In other dogs, the type of fur they have makes them at risk for developing inflammatory lesions
between the toes or on the paws.

Folliculitis / inflamed hair follicles

interdigital cysts by some

commonly in Labrador Retrievers
small red boils
quite painful
can become infected due to excessive licking
Ear Problems

Because the ears are an extension of the skin, disorders commonly seen in the skin
(allergies, infections) often affect the ears as well. Infections with bacteria and yeast can lead to :


Excessive shaking of the head and scratching at the ears can lead to :

aural hematoma
swollen external ear flap (pinna)

Certain breeds (Cocker Spaniels) are prone to chronic ear problems due to excessive wax
production and an exaggerated response to inflammation.

Anal Glands

normal scent glands located in the tissue around the anus

contain a foul smelling material used by animals to mark their territory
the material is released when pets have a bowel movement
stools are too soft/ your pet has been constipated the anal gland material
does not empty properly can buildup inside the gland
leads to itchiness, causing your pet to :
lick excessively
scoot across the floor
sit down often with the tail tucked between the legs

Signs for an impaction or an infection include :

a bulge on either side of the anus

a small hole with bleeding or drainage, indicating that the gland has ruptured.
Autoimmune Disease

The immune system, that part of the body responsible for fighting off infections and keeping
your pet healthy, can sometimes turn against itself.

Autoimmune diseases (diseases where the body attacks itself) specific to the skin include a group of
disorders known as Pemphigus.


characterized by bullous (bubble or bladder like) , blisters and crusty pustules on the skin of
the nose, paw pads, ears and lips


causes the formation of ulcers, loss of color around the lips and eyes, and hyperkeratosis
(over production of the top layers of the skin into a thick, horny growth) of the nose and paw


Allergies to pollens, molds, organic fibers (wool) and other tiny particles found in our
environment are extremely common in our pets. Dogs and cats develop allergies to the same things
which we are allergic. Instead of responding as we do with red, runny, itchy eyes, sneezing and sinus
problems, our pets usually get itchy skin. They often lick their paws, chew at their skin or start to
have problems with their ears (waxy buildup, redness, odor or just shaking their head a lot).
Sometimes the only sign you may notice is the fur starts to turn colors, usually a rusty brown. This is
due to your pet licking and chewing their fur or increased tearing from the eyes, both of which can
indicate that your pet has developed an allergy.

Food allergy

manifest similar to atopy, but often have added gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting,
diarrhea or excessive gas.
. : chronic (long term, recurrent) ear infections and waxy buildup

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