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In order to qualify for the research allowance, an academic staff member has
submit either
(a) A fresh research proposal for 2016 (b) Evidence of research for the
year 2016 (c) Evidence of research / Knowledge Dissemination
1) Name of the Applicant
2) Designation
3) Department & Section
4) Category which become eligible
5) Those applying under (a) must provide following information in a
separate sheet / sheets.
a. Title of research project
b. Objective of the research
c. Brief description of research method
d. Project duration (months) & time frame in a proposal
e. Expected date of commencement of project
f. Expected research out put
6) If you applying category (b) or (c) give evidence (at least one of the
following)to prove your eligibility
a. Research work already published or accepted for publication in year 2016
full paper / abstract)
b. Ongoing research project (status of research during the previous
c. Lecturer (probationary) status of research project of the
postgraduate degree program
d. Currently on sabbatical leave with evidence of post-doctoral research/ any
other type of research
e. Book / Monograph / Text book scheduled to published in 2016 any other
type of research of publication (please specify)

Signature of applicant Date
Recommendation and approval


Head of the Section Date

Recommendation of the Research & Publication Committee

Recommended / Not Recommended


Chairman. Research & Publication Committee Date

Approved / Not Approved

Director Date
Title of the book;
Kulliyath e Advia (Principles of Unani Pharmacology)

Aim and Objectives;

To give a in- depth understanding of kulliyath e advia (Principles of
Unani Pharmacology)
To provide insight into the application of kulliyath e advia (Principles of
Unani Pharmacology) in Unani Medical Practice

Methods ;
Compilation of knowledge with regard to kulliyath e advia embedded in
Unani classical Urudu and Arabic texts; literatures and research finding ect,
with accurate interpretation and explanation.

Date of Commencement
1st of January 2017

24 months

Deliverables/ Out puts;

Publication a book

Benefits of the book;

This book will give in-depth understanding of kulliyath e advia
(Principles of Unani Pharmacology) and its applied aspects to the
students as well as Unani scholars.
1. Dr MMM Rifayee
MPhil (Sri Lanka)
Senior Lecturer Gr II
Department of Ilmul Advia

2. Dr AHM Mawjood
M.Pharm, PhD(Japan)
Senior Lecturer Gr I
Department of Ilmul Advia
Title of the book;
Comparative study on nutritional value and Physico- chemical
properties of Prunus amygdalus and Sri Lankan Terminalia catappa

Aim and Objectives;

1. To determine selected nutritional value of Prunus amygdalus and Sri
Lankan Terminalia catappa
2. To determine the Physico- chemical parameters of Prunus amygdalus
and Sri Lankan Terminalia catappa
3. Access major phyto-chemical group s and development of thin layer
chromatography(TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatoghraphy
(HPLC) fingerprinting of Prunus amygdalus and Sri Lankan Terminalia
4. To compare Indian and Sri Lankan varieties of Prunus amygdalus and
Sri Lankan Terminalia catappa in relation to Nutritional, Physico-
chemical and phyto-chemical parameters

Materials and Methods ;

Literary Study
Morphological studies
I. Macroscopic studies
II. Microscopic studies
Analysis of major food groups

I. Macronutrients (Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein)

II. Micronutrients(Selected vitamins and minerals)
Analysis of major phyto-chemical compounds
I. TLC Analysis
II. HPLC Analysis
Physico- chemical Analysis
I. Moiture contents
II. Ash values
III. Extractable value in water and ethanol
IV. pH
V. Fluorescence study

Date of Commencement
1st of January 2017

24 months

Dissenination of project out put

The result of the research will be published through seminar presentations in
a timely manner. This will also be published at end of the research through
the publication in the reputed journal.

Personal resources
Dr LDAM Arawwawwala
Research Scientist,
Industrial Technology Institute,
Colombo 07
Institutional resources
I. Department of Materia medica, IIM University of Colombo
II. Industrial Technology Institute

Researchers; Dr MMM Rifaee, Dr Dr ..

Research Assistant;

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