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Obesity is a very high fat buildup in the body thereby making weight is outside the limits of the ideal.

A number of complications can arise due to obesity, even some of endangering lives. Some examples
of the serious complications of which stroke, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon
cancer, and breast cancer.

In addition to leading to a number of physical health problems, obesity can also cause psychological
problems, such as stress, and depression. This psychological problem arises because it usually starts
from a sense of confidence that obesity sufferers experiencing changes in body shape.


To find out if your weight includes a healthy weight can be done through a method of
calculating IMT (body mass index). The formula used in the calculation is the weight of the body
in the IMT kilograms divided by height in meters squared (m2). For example if a person's body weight
is 66 pounds and the height 1.65 metres is, then its calculations is 66/(1.65 X 1.65) = 24.2. These
results belong to the category of healthy or normal weight because it still ranged from 18.5 to 24.9.

If the final results tally IMT You less than 18.5 then you are considered underweight. Conversely, if the
result of over 24.9 then you are considered overweight. A persondeclared obese if you have the results
of the calculation of the IMT between 30-39.9. Further, a person is considered obese if the end result of
the extreme BMI over 40.

Causes of obesity
Obesity can occur when we often consume high-calorie foods. Actually eating high-calorie foods is not
always a problem as long as in accordance with the activities that are performed daily. However,
if we spend more time sitting and not offset by active exercise, then the rest of the energy
from these calorie-burning results will be stored in the body in the form
of fat. Gradually, the fatty buildup will increase and make the body look enlarged aka fat.
In addition to high-calorie food and the consequences of the lack of doing exercise,obesity can
also occur because of:

Hereditary factors (genetic)

The side effects of drugs (antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, corticosteroids, and diabetes)
A complication of certain diseases (hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome)
Obesity in Indonesia
Based on data collected by the World Health Organization (World Health Organization/WHO) in 2008,
about 4.8 per cent of the total population of Indonesia are obese. It is estimated, these conditions are
experienced by 6.9 percent men and 2.6 per cent women from the entire population.
Treatment of obesity
Obesity can be handled themselves with discipline implemented healthy eating pattern,
as eating foods low in fat and sugar, as well as exercising on a regular basis. The sport does not need
to be heavy because of the activity of the morning running, cycling, playing badminton, or take a
dip suffices, provided it is done on a regular basis. It is recommended to do a sport 2.5-5 hours per
Handling of doctors can be given if obesity did not manage to overcome despite
his discipline in working out and implementing healthy eating patterns. Sample handling of doctor is
a drug that can reduce the absorption of fat in the digestive tract.

In some cases, obesity will be handled with the operation. Surgery is usually only done if the levels of
obesity are rated very severe so it is feared could threaten the lives of sufferers. Action is
also considered if efforts to lose weight that's been done for some time still no fruition.

Keep in mind that weight loss is carried out by own efforts require time briefly. Therefore it
takes patience for the sake of achieving the desired results and a commitment to maintain it in the
long run.

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