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idem Bozulmaz

ECE 430


The name of the school: aziye Tekk Pre-School

The name of the teacher: idem Bozulmaz


Number of Children: 22

Activity Name: Little Sculptors

Activity Type: Language Integrated Art Activity (Individual)

Age Group: 48-60 Months


Cognitive Development

Objective 2. Nesne/durum/olayla ilgili tahminde bulunur.

Indicators: Nesne/durum/olayla ilgili tahminini syler.

Objective 5. Nesne ya da varlklar gzlemler.

Indicators: Nesne/varln eklini ve rengini syler.

Language Development

Objective 6. Szck daarcn gelitirir.

Indicators: Dinlediklerinde yeni olan szckleri fark eder ve szcklerin anlamlarn sorar.
Szckleri hatrlar ve szcklerin anlamn syler.

Motor Development

Objective 4. Kk kas kullanm gerektiren hareketleri yapar.

Indicators: Malzemelere elleriyle ekil verir.

o Colorful Playdough

Words: Sculptor, Sculpture

idem Bozulmaz
ECE 430
Concepts: -


The teacher comes to class with the sculpture from playdough that she created before
the class. Then, she asks children what it can be. Children talk about the sculpture, and the
teacher gives each child opportunity for saying their ideas. After all children say their ideas,
the teacher says that it is my sculpture, she created it from playdough. The teacher mention
sculptor, who sculptor is and so on. And then, she says that children will create their own
sculpture and they will be little sculptors. She shows children colorful playdough and she put
the playdough on the tables. She put yellow playdough on a table, green playdough on other
table and so on. Then, the teacher says children which colored playdough they want; they can
sit surrounding of the table according to color of playdough. All children select the color of
playdough that they will create their sculptures, the teacher says that children sit down their
chairs, and they can start to create their sculptures. And the teacher adds that they can create
their sculptures how they can do it. After each child finished creating their sculptures, the
teacher says that all of them finished their sculptures; however their friends do not know
features of their sculptures, so they can explain their sculptures for their friends because they
have created their sculptures that have different features from each other. And then, all
children explain their sculptures for their friend by showing why it has this shape, this color,
what it represent and so on.


1 Descriptive Questions:

Why did you select this color such as yellow or green?

Which materials did we use in our activity?

When did you create your own sculpture, what did you consider?

2 Sensual Questions:

Where did you have most difficulty in the activity?

Which part did you enjoy more?

idem Bozulmaz
ECE 430
How did you feel when creating your own sculpture?

3 Questions For Gains:

How did you create shape of your sculpture?

Who makes the sculpture?

Which colored and shaped sculptures are there in our class now?

Why did you decide to create your sculpture in this shape and color?

4 Questions Relating to the Life:

Which materials can you create a sculpture except playdough?

Have you ever created a sculpture with playdough or other materials?


The type of parent involvement is volunteering.

Dear parents,

Today, your child created his/her sculpture from playdough and she/he explained why he
created her/his sculpture in terms of shape and color. And, field trip is organized to. This field
trip will take place on 9th Marc at 10:00. I would kindly request your participation in our field
trip to Painting and Sculpture Museum. Please, try to join to the field trip for your child.

Best Regards.


This activity can be applied to children with autism spectrum. The teacher should have
children make this activity as pairs. The teacher should establish eye contact with the child,
and she should be sure that the child listen or look at her when saying directions. And also, the
teacher should say directions frequently.

idem Bozulmaz
ECE 430
Daily Schedule of the Classroom

Starting the day (08:00-08:20)-(13:00-13:20): Circle time activity The teacher and
children speak about learning centers, and children decide at which center they play.
Play Time (08:20-09:20)-(13:20-14:20): Students are directed to the learning center.
Cleaning Time (9:20-9:30)-(14:20-14:30): Personal cleaning is done.
Breakfast (09:30-10:00)-(14:30-15:00): Feeding time starts.
Activity Time (10:15-11:15)-(15:15-16:15): Addition with Bingo
Evaluation Time (11:15-11:30)-(16:15-16:30): The teacher asks to children open
ended questions to evaluate the day.
Rest Time (11:30-12:00)-(16:30-17:00): According to the needs of children, children
are allowed to rest by lying down or with quite activities.
Leaving from the School (12:00-12:30)-(17:00-17:30)

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