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Tjuan penelitian ini adlh mengkji atau mmbrikan gambran mengenai implmntasi
pembeljaran eknmi berbasis krkter kemndrian kelas XI IPS 2 di sma n 2 sngai
raya kab.kuburya, yg brkenaan dgn perncnaan, plksnaan, dan evaluasi pmbljrn
eknmi brbsis kraktr kmndirian kelas XI IPS 2 di sma n 2 sngai rya kab.kburya.
Pndktan yg d gunakan dlm pnltian in adlh pndktan kualitatif dgn mtde deskriptf.
Dri analisis dta mnjukkn bhwa dlm prncnaan, plksnaan dn evluasi pmbljrn eknmi
brbsis krkter kmndrian guru eknmi tlh mmbt stratgi n mtde pmbljrn yg tdk
trgntng kpda orng lain, aktf dlm brtnya or mngjukan pndpt sesuai dgn mtri yg d
pljri, brsikp n brprilaku ats inisiatif mlai dri kgiatan awl, kgtan inti dan kgtan akhr
pmbljrann dan mengevluasi pmbljran dgn mlkukan pnlain kogntf dn pnlaian prss
yg mnekankan pda penlaian efktif.


The purpose of this research is to review and describe the economy

learning implementation focused on independent character for social (2) class XI
SMAN 2 Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Kuburaya with close to the plan, technic, and
evaluation teaching-learning economy that based on independent character for
social (2) clas XI SMAN 2 Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Kuburaya. The approach that
was used in this research is qualitatif approach within descriptive method. In part
of data analysis showed that in the plan, technic, and evaluation teaching-
learning economy focused on independent character, economy teacher created
the strategy and independent teaching method, asking for the question or share
the opinions based on the material, having good attitude including of the first
step, major step, and last step in teaching and evaluating the teaching-learning
process with do the cognitif assesment and (psikomotor) that emphasize to the
effective assesment.

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