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The success of an organization depends on a number of factors, among which

the most important is the way in which business is conducted. The
management practice had its genesis at the beginning of civilization and
has grown from the main forms of social, political and economic
organization to the emergence of the Schools of Management Thought
(classical/scientific school, behavioral school and modern approaches
After the Industrial Revolution took place (18th-19th centuries), causing the
wide-spread of factory manufacturing and the growth of organizations size,
People began to search for ways to increase productivity and motivate
The necessity of management ideas arise which lead to founders of
many theories and views on management. Frederick Winslow Taylor and
George Elton Mayo had a significant influence in this area, they
carried out a relevant amount of research and experiments. Between
the Rational goal view about managing people generated by F.
Taylors scientific management and the Human relations view
originated from E. Mayo, can be found similarities and differences,
which will be the basis of contrast and comparison of this report.

Frederick W Taylor

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) was an American inventor and mechanical

engineer. He founded the School of Scientific Management and wrote many
papers and books regarding management concepts, techniques, and views.
Engineering shaped the notions of Taylors theories . His work forms the
cornerstone of much of the management practice of the twentieth century (Key
management ideas).

The transition from the empirical to the scientific management (named so

due to the application of scientific principles in labor) is marked by
Taylors work which was based on the desire to rationalize and
standardize production techniques in the interest of economy, efficiency
and mutual prosperity (Management Theory, john Sheldrake).

Taylor began to notice the first signs of what he considered 'poor management' during
his years as an employee at Midvale Steel Company and at Bethlehem Steel Company.
Since then he became interested in improving worker productivity and the relations
between managers and workers.

He conducted many experiments to find out how to improve productivity. His

solutions to these problems were, therefore, based on his own experience.

Taylor conducted many experiments, first at Midvale Steel Company,

Philadelphia, where he observed gross inefficiency, and loss of various resources,
especially human resources . and later at Bethlehem Steel Company,
Pennsylvania where he noticed that managers were not approaching the right
procedures and that workers were soldiering, having the tendency to not put
much effort into their job . Hence, Taylor promoted a new vision of industrial
work and management as a response to these problems.
The most innovative scientific ideas were analyzing the movements of the
human body during the execution of activities, timing these movements and
reduce the execution time by eliminating unnecessary movements. His concept
was based on the notion that there is always a faster and a better way to
execute a particular job, and this best method can be identified and improved
only through scientific study and through an analysis of the methods used, alongside with
the close study of the time and movements (Taylor,1998, p.9).. The way of performing a
job would no longer be determined by rule- of- thumb or guesswork practices
leading to an increase in workers productivity.

Taylor believed that scientific management also involve a complete change of mental
attitude of all employees both on work and on employees.
In viziunea /cuvintele lui Taylor the principal object of management should be to
secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for
each employee where maximum prosperity refers both to large shares for the organisation
and the owners as well as to the evolution of every branch of the company to its highest
state of excellence(MANAGEMENT THEORY).

It believed conception "of maximum prosperity" so that the entrepreneur this means "the
highest degree of QSO" and the employee "development of every person to a state
maximum productivity '

Taylors contribution to management thinking was to

Prin cercetarile si ideile sale a contribuit in mod decisiv la cresterea
semnificativa a productivitatii muncii angajatilor, a eficientei economice a fabricii
si la reducerea programului de munca care la vremea respectiva era de 12 ore
pe zi ( Kanigel, 1997, Taylor, 1998)

. Era adeptul conceptiei maximei prosperitati astfel ca pentru

intreprinzator acest lucru insemna cel mai mare grad de eficenta
iar pentru angajat dezvoltarea fiecarei persoane la o stare maxima

Pentru Taylor , managementul devine stiintific atunci cand metodele

de munca bazate pe flerul unora sau altora sunt inlocuite cu metode
stiintifice bazate pe analiza

The rational goal model, which Frederick Taylor (18561915)

introduced at the beginning of the twentieth century
The classical management approach is typical to the modern capitalist era.
One of the initiators of this management approach was Frederick Winslow
Taylor (1856-1915)

Elton Mayo
The human relations model, which Elton Mayo (18801949) popularized
in the second quarter of the twentieth century

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