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American Stories and You

Worksheet #1, Class #5

Name: ________________

More Personal Stories

Kates Story: Boston, MA

INTRODUCTION: present memory, tradition, belief or value

In our family, the 16th birthday was a big deal. You get to have a party and invite your friends. All
the birthdays before 16 and after, birthday parties were just celebrated with only family at a
restaurant of your choice and with a cake of your choice, and of course, presents.

BODY: give context, examples, and background information

At 16, not only did I get a party, but it is also the age when I was able to get my drivers license.

For my 16th birthday, I was given a string of pearls from grandmother, Vavoa--we all got pearls
at 16 in my family.

I had my party--it was great, all my friends came and I served a 6-foot long submarine sandwich
made on a 6-foot long roll served on a board.

Then my Dad surprised me by giving me our old yellow 1970 Toyota Corolla that had more rust
than body paint, and I loved it. He also gave me a certificate for a basic mechanics class
through our local community college so that I would be able to change my own oil, change my
own tire, and know if a mechanic was trying to rip me off by fixing things that really didnt need
to be fixed on my car when it was broken.

CONCLUSION: bringing emotional close into story, talking about how it affects present
life (relevance to today)

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

The class was great--I still change my own tires, the car was great--it lasted all the way through

the pearls are still lovely--I will give them to my daughter when she turns 16 and ;

the sandwich will go down in history as the coolest party food ever served at Brookline High

I would say that is my favorite birthday memory.

Ambers Story: Middleville, Michigan

INTRODUCTION: present memory, tradition, belief or value

I believe that whatever environment you are raised in doesnt have to affect the quality of your

When I was sixteen, my home-life was not stable to say the least. My parents fought constantly
and were on the verge of a divorce. Most of the time, with me being the oldest, the anger they
were feeling for each other was taken out in verbal means with me.

I was constantly working in the household trying to pick up the slack and keep everyone happy
so that maybe the problems would just go away. I was an all A student in my junior year in high
school with perfect attendance. I held a part-time job and played sometimes two sports a

BODY: give context, examples, and background information

I decided that my parents problems were not going to interfere with the quality of my life.

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Luckily, I had my grandma and my uncle who lived only a couple of miles away so I decided,
when I got enough courage, that I was going to ask if I could stay with them until I graduated
and moved away to college. With them being so close it allowed me to transition my schedule
easily with sports, work, and school. Finally, after a month of soul searching and courage
building, I moved in with my relatives.

Now that my stress had lessened, I continued my focus on my studies work and sports in my
new nurturing and caring environment. My high school career brought many opportunities with
my grades and my community involvement and allowed me to attend college the year after I

CONCLUSION: bringing emotional close into story, talking about how it affects present
life (relevance to today)

With this experience of taking charge and not allowing my environment to control the quality of
my life, I actually am much more self-sufficient today.

At the age of twenty-two, I own my own home with my husband of three years and we are
expecting our first child. I have a wonderful career with a major insurance company an I hae my
life ahead of me. My family ties with my parents are still demanding but every day brings me
new prospects for bonding.

I did not allow myself to be a victim of circumstance. I made my future what I wanted to it to be. I
believe, like the old saying, If there is a will, there is a way; and I had the will. I am now on my

Your Personal Story

What is one of your most important personal values?

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Which is one personal value you share with your culture.

What values do you share with your host country?

Can you think of some kind of story from your life that represents the importance of your top
value in life?

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Reviewing Cultural Values

not shared shared independence

unconsciously explicitly right

truthful different wrong

collectivism important dependence

family similar nationalism

1. Values are the judgement about whats ____________ in life.

2. Cultural values are often ________ taught, and they are _______ between many

of that cultural group.

3. People often see what they value as _____ and _____, and therefore may not be
able to

understand that people with other values are _______ from them.

4. Individualism is the yin to _______s yang.

Do values affect the way we communicate with each other?

a. Yes; one person perceives certain things as right or wrong based on their values,
and may judge others if they act differently.
b. No; most values are personal and therefore people are used to taking this into
consideration when interacting.

It is common that you may not be aware of your values until you meet someone different than
a. True
b. False

Which top values are shared among Chinese and US culture?

a. Materialism/prosperity

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

b. Family
c. Achievement
d. Nationalism

Circle all the values that could cause conflict when met with each other.

Nationalism vs. Individualism Individualism vs. Relationships Equality vs. Hierarchy

Control vs. Relationships Hierarchy vs. Individualism Saving face vs. Control

Saving face vs. Opinionated Harmony vs. Prosperity Efficiency vs. Relationships

Chinese Values: Positive & Negative

Draw connecting lines to what you think what perception matches which value.

Value Positive Perception

Family keeping high status in the eyes of others

Harmony the goal of all who are willing to work hard and take

Prosperity a system in which people or things are arranged

according to importance.

Relationships a strong sense of cultural and historic pride.

Hierarchy loyalty to and sacrifice for ones family.

Face obligations and commitments connecting people to

each other.

Nationalism preference for predictable, orderly relationships.

Write how this value could be perceived negatively.

Value Negative Perception





American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________




American Values

Value Definition

Control All people have equal opportunities; basic worth is not

assigned to individuals due to gender, birth, race, age,
Take Charge or status. Result: status is not acknowledged.

Individualism Its very important that you mention your opinion

otherwise people wont consider your feelings. Result:
Its up to you afraid of silence in conversation, will look over people
who dont speak up, and very talkative.

Equality People are viewed as individuals who have their own

needs and who need time to be alone. The success of
Level the playing the individual is most important. Result: Americans
field may be viewed as self-centered, isolated, and lonely.

Prosperity Time is valued and limited, therefore saving it is

critically important. Result: progress and efficiency at
American Dream the cost of relationships.

Opinionated People can/should control nature, their own

environment, and their own futures. Result: energetic,
Tell it like it is goal-oriented society.

Efficiency Accumulation of material goods seen as rewards of

hard work. Result: Americans are viewed as caring
Time is money more for things there for people or relationships.

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Other Top American Values

Change/mobility: Change is good/positive; change represents

progress, improvement, growth. New is better. Result: Transient society
geographically, economically, and socially. Think of how casual most
Americans treat their friendships, and how they will easily live far from their
Self-help, accomplishment-driven (symptom of indiv.):
Americans take pride in their own accomplishments. Results: respect is
given for achievements.
Competition/free enterprise: Competition brings out the best, and
free enterprise produces the most progress. Result: Less emphasis on
cooperation, except in some settings (work teams).
Future-orientation/optimism: Regardless of past or present, future
will be better/happier. Result: constantly looking ahead; little value on past
or traditions.
Action and work-oriented: Work is morally right; identity is defined
by work. Results: More emphasis on doing than on being. Time is
wasted if nothing is accomplished or done.
Informality (symptom of equality): Formality is a show of
arrogance and superiority. Result: casual attitudes between people; use of
first name is common. Informality is a way to break down barriers between
people and try to show equality, which is highly valued in U.S. culture.
Dont be surprised if your teacher asks you to call them by their first name.
In the U.S. informality is not meant to be disrespectful.
Directness, openness, and honesty (symptom of efficiency):
Directness is usually not a sign of rudeness of disrespect but rather
openness and efficiency. Americans may become annoyed when someone
is not direct and may view indirectness as a form of dishonesty. Result:
U.S. Americans tend to tell the truth and seemingly disregard a persons
feelings without regard to someone else saving face/honor. U.S.
Americans dont want you to say anything just to please them.

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Planning a Mini Lesson!

You will have 15 minutes to teach some NCSU students next class. You will be responsible with
catching them up on the information covered in the first 4 classes so they can join you in the
class activities.

You should be able to communicate to our new students:

1. What are values?
2. How do they affect the way we communicate with each other?
3. What are chinese values? Examples
4. What are american values? Examples
5. What are some major differences between them? Similarities?

Tips for Planning a Group Presentation

Delegate: its easier if certain people are responsible for individual certain roles.
Have people volunteer for certain roles.
Whos speaking?
Whos making the visual aids?
Whos highlighting the researched info (this worksheet)?
Whos decides the style of the presentation?
KISS : Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Make it clear remember americans are detailed and like things
done efficiently and within a certain time period, only mention whats really
Answer these questions:
Who is presenting what?
What do you say?
When will you know to switch speakers?
Do you need any visuals or props?
Time: what will you do in the first 5 minutes? 10 minutes? How will you end the
last 5? Break this down.

Available Resources

Use chart paper with markers

White board and markers
Laptop for PPT
Worksheets / written information (print out pages created on word/google docs)

American Stories and You
Worksheet #1, Class #5
Name: ________________

Set the scene, describe the time in your life that youre referencing

Bringing reader to actual moment in time

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Emotional close

Connection from example 3

Connection from example 2

Connection from example 1

Introduce the value/belief you will discuss

Set the scene, describe the time in your life that youre referencing

Presenting the challenges of your story, the driving/pushing factors.

Repeat value tying together story


The effects of her choice that she made, changing her circumstance

Repeat value/belief.

Where they are today; how their story has affected their modern life.

Final repeat value/belief in different words.


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