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Radar do Janeiro - Fevereiro- Maro /2017

Um informe bimensal sobre eventos, chamadas de trabalhos, livros, publicaes e muitas

outras coisas legais ligadas s linhas de pesquisa do NISP.

Chamadas de Trabalho/Bolsas

Apply now for the 2017 Penn Summer Social Impact Doctoral Fellows Program:
Submission deadline: March 15, 2017
The University of Pennsylvanias Nonprofit Leadership Program and Center for Social Impact
Strategy invite graduate student researchers to apply for the 2017 Penn Summer Social Impact
Doctoral Fellows Program. . Housing near the Penn campus and $3,000 stipends are provided
to all 2017 Summer Fellows.

9th International Social Innovation Research Conference in partnership with the Social
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Conference and EMES:
December 12-14 2017, At Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Paper abstract and panel proposals due: March 28, 2017
The ninth annual International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC 2017) will explore
social innovation within and beyond the organisation. It invites research-led reflection on the
organisational boundaries recast by social innovation, the systemic imperatives of a growing
focus on social innovation, and the cross-cutting implications of these for theory and practice.
Empirical, conceptual and practice-informed research contributions are encouraged.

Revue Espaces et Socits:

Mlanie Doyon vous propose un appel articles pour un numro de la revue Espaces et
Socits portant sur l'articulation entre biens communs et territoires (en franais, anglais et
Date de soumissions : 15 avril 2017

2017 Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference:

7-8 September 2017, Nottingham Conference Centre
The deadline for submissions is 2 May 2017
This is the leading UK-based interdisciplinary research conference for academics, policy makers

and practitioners with a shared interest in researching issues related to voluntary organisations
and volunteering in the context of contemporary challenges.

2nd Grenoble Post-Keynesian & Institutionalist Conference: INSTABILITY, GROWTH &

Grenoble (France), December 7, 8 and 9, 2017
May 31, 2017: Abstract submission deadline
The purpose of this conference is to question the limits of capitalist economies to provide
society with sustainable and viable economic growth, as well as durable human development.
In line with the 1st Conference in December 2015, the aim of this 2nd Conference is to
contribute to the understanding of the working of market-based capitalist and capitalist-like
economies through the rise of new forms of accumulation, regulation, socialization and the
collective management of instabilities.

Social Enterprise and Networks. Special issue call for papers from Social Enterprise Journal:
Deadline for submission: January 24th, 2018.
Networks, and their role in the entrepreneurial process, has been the subject of significant
study in entrepreneurship literature (see for example Birley, 1986; Greve & Salaff, 2003;
Newbert et al 2014). In contrast, and despite widespread acknowledgement of the importance
of networks for social entrepreneurs (Austin et al, 2006), social enterprises (Jenner, 2016; Lyon
& Fernandez, 2012), and in wider processes of social entrepreneurship and innovation (Smith &
Stephens 2010; Dufays & Huybrechts, 2014), scholarship explicitly examining social enterprise
and networks, and in which relationships between them are centre stage, remains limited.
Similarly, there are still few examples of social enterprise literature applying network based
theories, despite identification by Dacin et al (2011) of networks and social entrepreneurship as
a key area of research opportunity and theory development for scholars in the field. This special
issue aims to contribute towards addressing this gap in knowledge and theory about social
enterprise and networks. We invite empirical and conceptual papers addressing this subject.


Western Decision Sciences Institute 46th Annual Meeting:

th th
April 4 8 , 2017, Vancouver, Canada
The Public Policy and Public Administration track of the WDSI focuses on developing research in
the areas of leadership and decision-making processes within the context of federal, state and
local governments as well as non-profit organizations. It also addresses topics related to
governmental budgeting and financial management at all levels of government.

Leading Effective Foundations:

CEPs biennial national conferences provide philanthropic leaders with resources to maximize
their effectiveness. The 2017 CEP National Conference Leading Effective Foundations will be
held April 4-6, 2017 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. Through talks and panels
with leaders in philanthropy, roundtable discussions, and breakout sessions, the conference
will bring together foundation leaders and major donors from across the country to engage
with the most pressing issues facing the field.

PUPOL 2nd International Conference:

Leadership for Public and Social Value
Milton Keynes (UK), 6th-7th April 2017
Public and social value is important to conceptualise and understand because we live in a
period of profound, fast and simultaneous changes in the economic, social, political, ecological,
technological and organisational systems. In this context, there is an extraordinary moment of
opportunity for leadership scholarship and practice. The aim of the PUPOL (Public and Political
Leadership) international academic network is to contribute to solutions and helps societies
and their leaders address such challenges through research and scholarship focusing on the
role of leaders and leadership in the public and political domains.

11th Annual University of Central Florida Public Administration Research Conference

Managing in a Networked World - Opportunities and Challenges:
April 7, 2017
FAIRWINDS Alumni Center , Orlando, Florida
The conference will focus on emerging public administration issues, the 11th PARC will organize
around the theme, Managing in a Networked World: Opportunities and Challenges.

Colloque "Trajectoires des innovations sociales. Entre innovation et isomorphismes?":

8-9 Mai 2017, Montreal - CRISES/CIRIEC-Canada/TIESS
Colloque organis par le Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), le Centre
interdisciplinaire de recherche et dinformation sur les entreprises collectives (CIRIEC-Canada)
et le TIESS (Territoires innovants en conomie sociale et solidaire) sur le thme "Trajectoires
des innovations sociales. Entre innovation et isomorphisme".
Ce colloque est une activit scientifique (activit # 429) propose dans le cadre du 85me
Congrs de l'ACFAS du 8 au 12 mai 2017.
Lieu: Universit McGill (Montral)

Conference on "The governance of public organisations in the 21st century economy:

June 9th, 2017 - Univerisiy of Rouen (France)
CIRIEC International in partnership with Erasmus Network and Jean Monnet EUsers organizes
an international conference on The governance of public organisations in the 21st century

7th Edition of the Social and Solidarity Economy Academy (Costa Rica):
November, 21-25, 2016


From November 29 to December 3, 2017 at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus
(Brazil), will be held the 6th International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy
with as general theme "Social and Solidarity Economy, Sustainability and Innovation: facing
former and new social issues.

International Turkish Cooperative Congress (Ankara):

(5-7 October 2017)
Several members of CIRIEC will take part in this conference on "Social Economy Networks. Co-
operation for Global Change". This theme will be articulated in 8-10 sub-topics dealing notably
with innovation management, knowledge transfer, accessing financial capital, human capital, ...

Des mergences la reconnaissance. Trajectoires dinnovation:
5 e dition du Colloque international du CRISES. 6 et 7 avril 2017. Universit du Qubec
Montral (UQAM), Montral, Qubec, Canada.

The Many Faces of Nonprofit Governance:

Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A., April 27-28, 2017
This years conference theme, The Many Faces of Nonprofit Governance, reflects both our
appreciation for and recognition of the need to continue to grow our understanding of this
important field. Research on nonprofit boards and governance has developed substantially in
the past decade, and we are learning more every year as scholars and practitioners from a wide
range of disciplines and fields provide important new insights and knowledge about
governance and the work of boards.

VI Colquio Internacional de Epistemologia e Sociologia da Cincia da Administrao:

Esto abertas as submisses para o VI Colquio Internacional de Epistemologia e Sociologia da
Cincia da Administrao que ocorrer entre os dias 26, 27 e 28 de abril de 2017 em
Florianpolis. Submisses encerradas.


Polticas pblicas e governana pblica

To Austerity and Beyond! Third Sector Innovation or Creeping Privatization of Public Sector Services?
Myers, J.
Public Money and Management, volume 37, issue 2, pages 97-104, February 2017.

Abstract: The shift of services out of state provision has been revitalized through a wave of policies
linked to helping people make informed choices about health and social care and to extend competition
and choice. This paper considers the rise of social enterprise and public service mutuals in the UK in the
landscape of austerity, public sector rationalization, and re-structuring and draws on examples to
demonstrate emerging alternative delivery models.

Polticas pblicas para la economa solidaria en Colombia, antecedentes y perspectivas en el

Jarrison Martnez Collazos.
REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, volume 123, February 2017.

Resumen: El siguiente artculo reflexiona sobre las polticas pblicas que se han diseado e
implementando para la economa solidaria en Colombia. Sostiene que en el pas se institucionaliz una
visin restrictiva que la define a partir de ciertas formas organizativas jurdicamente reconocidas, lo que
ha tenido profundas consecuencias en el desarrollo de este sector y en las polticas implementadas
hacia l. Hoy cuando la sociedad colombiana busca poner fin a un conflicto armado que la ha afectado
por dcadas y construir una sociedad en paz, se requiere volver la mirada sobre lo sustantivo de la
solidaridad y la economa solidaria, lo cual implica revisar los paradigmas establecidos.

Sociedade Civil e Esfera Pblica

Substituting for the State? Friendship Societies in Germany

Matthias Freise
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, volume 28, issue 1, pp 184
203, February 2017.

Abstract: Friendship societies are a specific type of voluntary associations that aim primarily to support a
definable public benefit purposeeither an activity or a public or nonprofit entity. Over the past 20
years, these organizations have been mushrooming in Germany and elsewhere. More than 75,000
friendship societies are currently registered in Germany alone, and meanwhile they account for the
majority of newly established associations. However, the general public typically perceives them as
unreliable substitutes for the overburdened state. To assess whether these organizations can actually be
reduced to this substitution function, the article draws on qualitative interviews with 70 chairpersons
from various friendship societies in a German municipality. The study shows that friendship societies do
much more than merely assuming responsibility for public benefit purposes and suggests focusing
further research on the participatory potential of these associations.

Sociedade civil e inovao social na esfera pblica: uma perspectiva pragmatista

Carolina Andion, Luciana Ronconi, Rubens Lima Moraes, Aghata Karoliny Ribeiro Gonsalves, Lilian Brum
Duarte Serafim
Revista de Administrao Pblica, Early View, 2017.

Resumo: este artigo prope uma nova leitura terico-analtica para o estudo dos processos de inovao
social promovidos por atores da sociedade civil na esfera pblica, com base na sociologia pragmtica
francesa. Parte de uma discusso sobre o lugar das iniciativas da sociedade civil na ao pblica na
atualidade. Em seguida, faz uma incurso no debate sobre a incidncia da sociedade civil na esfera
pblica, buscando evidenciar em que a sociologia pragmtica francesa pode auxiliar para uma nova
compreenso desse processo. Finalmente, relaciona os debates sobre ao coletiva da sociedade civil,
inovao social e ao pblica, sob uma tica pragmatista, propondo um enfoque analtico particular
para compreenso dos processos de codefinio e codomnio de situaes problemticas em arenas

Empreendedorismo e Inovao Social

Social Innovation: A Window on Alternative Ways of Organizing and Innovating

Paul Tracy and Neil Stott
Innovation: Organization & Management, volume 19, issue 1, page 51-60, January 2017.

Abstract: The term social innovation is used to describe a broad range of organizational and inter-
organizational activity that is ostensibly designed to address the most deep-rooted problems of
society, such as poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. Theoretically, however, this
presents challenges because many of the ideas and practices grouped under the label of social
innovation may have relatively little in common. In this article, we outline a simple framework for
categorizing different types of social innovation social entrepreneurship, social intrapreneurship, and
social extrapreneurship which we believe provides a useful basis for theory building in this area. We
also offer suggestions for future research with the potential to deepen, extend and refine our typology.

Role of Indigenous Eco-Friendly Technologies and Microfinance for Forest-Living Communities

Livelihoods: case Study of Andhra Pradesh, India
Surayya Teki
Sustainable Development, volume 25, issue 1, pages 1 - 110, January/February 2017

Abstract: Eco-friendly technologies (EFTs) and microfinance provide impetus for securing the livelihoods
of forest-living communities. Use of EFTs arrests the degradation of forests in addition to enhancing
people's livelihoods. Forest-living people adopt unsustainable harvesting methods due to a lack of
access to and unawareness of EFTs. Sustainable harvesting of forest produce by employing EFTs reduced
harm to the forest by 4050%. Microfinance accessibility is essential for the adoption of EFT at
community level for value addition to Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs), which enhanced livelihoods
by 200300%. The main objective of this paper is to investigate how EFT and microfinance provide
impetus to the value addition by NWFPs and the securing of the livelihoods of forest-living communities.


Sociologie des sciences

Yves Gingras

Que sais-je?, PUF, 2017.


Comment le savoir scientifique se constitue-t-il ? Y a-t-il des facteurs

sociaux et culturels qui favorisent le dveloppement des sciences ?
Quelles institutions accompagnent ou freinent ce dveloppement ?
Comment travaillent les savants ? Comment valident-ils leurs
connaissances ? Pourquoi y a-t-il des controverses ? En se penchant
sur les rapports entre science et socit, les sociologues des
sciences ont interrog la manire dont la connaissance scientifique
se construit. Loin de la figure, tantt fascinante, tantt inquitante,
du savant travaillant seul dans son laboratoire, ils nous donnent
voir la recherche en sciences dures daujourdhui comme tant
essentiellement une entreprise collective, souvent transnationale.

Civil Society and innovative publica administration

Edited by Matthias Freise, Friedrich Paulsen, Andrea Walter.

Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsges, MBH + Company, 2015.

399 Pages. Cost: 79 .
To order: www.nomos-shop.de

The relevance of the relationship between public administration,

citizens and organized civil society (in the form of associations and
associations) in the policy process is particularly evident at the local
level. The local politicians are regarded as pioneers of social change,
and administrative reforms are first implemented. It is the local
level that regularly and consistently demands social and democratic
innovation. The anthology aims to reflect from a transnational
perspective the different national patterns of this particular actor
relationship and to analyze current local debates, local patterns of
cooperation and policy approaches (procedures, strategies). The
book is divided into two main parts: The first part covers the
theoretical conception of the relationship between public

administration, civil society and local democracy. In addition, the
concept of innovation underlying this anthology is introduced.
Methodological considerations on the measurability of innovations
and the ability to innovate in the context of public administration
from the bridge to the empirical part of the book. The second part
presents innovations in local policy areas, such as city planning,
housing market and child care.

Strategic Communication for Non-Profit Organisations

Edited by Evandro Oliveira, Ana Duarte Melo and Gisela Goncalves.

Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, 2016. 308 Pages. Cost: US

$70; 65; 55. To order:

Communication in the public sphere as well as within organizational

contexts has attracted the interest of researchers over the past
century. Current forms of citizen engagement and community
development, partly enabled through digital communication, have
further enhanced the visibility and relevance of non-profit
communication. These are performed by the civil society, which is
the organized expression of the values and interests of society
(Castells, 2008) in the public sphere. Non-profit communication
feeds the public sphere as the discursive processes in a complex
network of persons, institutionalized associations and
organizations, whereas those discourses are a civilized way of
disagreeing openly about essential matters of common concern
(Jensen, 2002). Despite the relevance in the public sphere, non-
profit communication was never properly defined within
communication research. The aim of the present book is to offer an
overview and report on Strategic Communication for Non-Profit-
Organisations and the Challenges and Alternative Approaches.
Considering the assumption that a key principle of strategic
communication is the achievement of organisational goals, the
majority of research developed in the field has used business
environments to develop theories, models, empirical insights and
case studies. Here, we take a step towards new approaches
centered on the concept of non-profit in various dimensions and
from various perspectives, showing the diversity and complexity
around this subject and at the same time the need of further
theoretical and empirical work that provides frameworks and also
tools for further understanding of the phenomena.

LEurope des sciences et des techniques

Un dialogue des savoirs, XVe-XVIIIe sicle

Liliane Hilaire-Prez, Fabien Simon, Marie Thbaud-Sorger (dir.)

Presses universitaires de Rennes, [2016], 560 p.
Prix : 22

Ce livre fait changer lhistoire des sciences et lhistoire des

techniques. Ces deux historiographies, complmentaires, nont
pourtant pas toujours t associes. Les techniques ont t
longtemps perues comme des sciences appliques . Il sagit de
dcrypter comment, quels moments et dans quels contextes
sociaux, elles ont pu tre envisages comme subordonnes aux
sciences. Lapproche privilgie ici est sociale, culturelle et
politique. Comment la construction et la diffusion des savoirs ont
transform lapproche du monde et de la nature, la conception
mme du temps et de lespace, dans lEurope moderne ?

Este informe uma publicao especialmente trimestral do NISP baseada em pesquisa prvia dos
responsveis sobretudo em sites e boletins on-line de outros ncleos de pesquisa ligados s reas de
inovao social, economia social, sociedade civil, administrao pblica, sociologia pragmtica e
polticas pblicas. Para esta edio foram utilizados como referncia:

CiriecAgora.org Info Agora of the General Interest and the Social Economy (Boletim do CIRIEC

ECO-SOC INFO (Boletim da Chaire en Economie Sociale da UQAM Quebc - Canad):


Inside ISTR (Boletim da International Society for Third-Sector Research):


OBSERVGO (Boletim do Observatrio de Administrao Pblica da ENAP Quebc - Canad):


Site do Centro de Pesquisa em Inovao Social (CRISES) Quebc Canad:


Site do Grupo de Pesquisa Sociologie Pragmatique et Reflexive (GSPR) Paris-Frana:


Site da Pragmata Association d`etudes pragmatistes Paris Frana:


Centre Alexandre Koyr Frana:



Carolina Andion
Julia F. Graeff
Daniel Ouriques Caminha

Colaboraram com esta edio

Luiza Moriggi da Silva

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