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=== All-in-One WP Migration ===

Contributors: yani.iliev, bangelov, pimjitsawang

Tags: db migration, migration, wordpress migration, db backup, db restore, websi
te backup, website restore, website migration, website deploy, wordpress deploy,
db backup, database export, database serialization, database find replace
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: 5.49
License: GPLv2 or later
All-in-One WP Migration is the only tool that you will ever need to migrate a Wo
rdPress site.
== Description ==
The plugin allows you to export your database, media files, plugins, and themes.
You can apply unlimited find/replace operations on your database and the plugin
will also fix any serialization problems that occur during find/replace operatio
All in One WP Plugin is the first plugin to offer true mobile experience on Word
Press versions 3.3 and up.
= Works on all hosting providers =
* The plugin does not depend on any extensions, making it compatible with all PH
P hosting providers.
* The plugin exports and imports data in time chunks of 3 seconds each, which ke
eps the plugin below the max execution time that most providers set to 30 second
* We have tested the plugin on the major Linux distributions, Mac OS X, and Micr
osoft Windows.
= Bypass all upload size restriction =
* We use chunks to import your data and that way we bypass any webserver upload
size restrictions up to **512MB** - commercial version supports up to **5GB**.
= 0 Dependencies =
* The plugin does not require any php extensions and can work with PHP v5.2.
= Support for MySQL and MySQLi =
* No matter what php mysql driver your webserver ships with, we support it.
= Support WordPress v3.3 up to v4.x =
* We tested every WordPress version from `3.3` up to `4.x`.
= Supported hosting providers =
* Bluehost
* InMotion
* Web Hosting Hub
* Siteground
* Pagely
* Dreamhost
* Justhost
* GoDaddy
* WP Engine
* Site5
* 1&1
* Pantheon
* [See the full list of supported providers here](https://help.servmask.com/know
= Migrate WordPress to most popular cloud services using our completely new exte
nsions =
* [Unlimited](https://servmask.com/products/unlimited-extension)
* [Dropbox](https://servmask.com/products/dropbox-extension)
* [Multisite](https://servmask.com/products/multisite-extension)
* [FTP](https://servmask.com/products/ftp-extension)
* [Google Drive](https://servmask.com/products/google-drive-extension)
* [Amazon S3](https://servmask.com/products/amazon-s3-extension)
* [URL](https://servmask.com/products/url-extension)
* [OneDrive](https://servmask.com/products/onedrive-extension)
* [Box](https://servmask.com/products/box-extension)
* And many more to come
= Contact us =
* [Get free help from us here](https://servmask.com/help)
* [Report a bug or request a feature](https://servmask.com/help)
* [Find out more about us](https://servmask.com)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpWxCeUWBOk]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRp7qTFYKgs]
== Installation ==
1. Upload the `all-in-one-wp-migration` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` dir
1. Activate the All in One WP Migration plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in Wor
1. Configure the plugin by going to the `Site Migration` menu that appears in yo
ur admin menu
== Screenshots ==
1. Mobile Export page
2. Mobile Import page
3. Plugin Menu
== Changelog ==
= 5.49 =
* Test plugin up to WordPress 4.6
= 5.48 =
* Improve support for large databases on export
* Add support for Box cloud storage
* Fix an issue with status on export/import
* Fix an issue with asynchronous requests on export/import
= 5.47 =
* Fix an issue with incorrect file size on export
= 5.46 =
* Add "Restore from Backups" video in readme file
* Display message if backups are inaccessible
= 5.45 =
* Fix an issue with blogs.dir path replacement
= 5.44 =
* Add "Do not replace email domain" option in advanced settings
* Add "ai1wm_exclude_content_from_export" WordPress hook on export
* Add HTML5 uploader
= 5.43 =
* Fix an issue when archiving dynamic files on export
* Support custom upload path for multisites
* Add support for various cache plugins
= 5.42 =
* Catch E_PARSE error on mu-plugins import
* Fix an issue with stop export that doesn't clean up the storage directory
* Initialize new cache instead of flushing the existing one on import/export
= 5.41 =
* Fix an issue when replacing serialized values on import
* List files in chunks
* Convert svg images to png
* Check if backups are readable before displaying them on "Backups" page
* Display version incompatibility notification on export/import/restore screen
* Fix double port issue on Bitnami
* Fix an issue on multisite export with cloud extensions
= 5.40 =
* Test plugin up to WordPress 4.5
= 5.39 =
* Fix a bug in uploads path replacement
= 5.38 =
* Deactivate mu-plugins if fatal error appears on import
= 5.37 =
* Validate the archive before import
= 5.36 =
* Add OneDrive to readme.txt
* Fix a typo on import
= 5.35 =
* Add OneDrive to export/import pages
* Fix a bug when WordPress was used without a db prefix
* Fix a problem when downloading wpress files
* Improve the log system
= 4.19 =
* Fixed an issue with options cache
= 4.18 =
* Fixed an issue with large media files
* Fixed an issue with status file being cached
= 4.17 =
* Set "Tested up to" WordPress 4.4
= 4.16 =
* Fix an issue with the transport layer on export/import
= 4.15 =
* Fix an issue with resovling mechanism on export/import
= 4.14 =
* Fix an issue with database import
= 4.13 =
* Add new mechanism for resolving HTTP requests
= 4.12 =
* Fix an issue with Google Drive extension
= 4.11 =
* Fix content filters on export
= 4.10 =
* Add HTTPS URL replacement
* Fix an issue when PDO is not available
= 4.6 =
* Fix an issue when the plugin was getting stuck on "Done creating an empty arch
* Fix an issue when the plugin was getting stuck during import
= 4.3 =
* Add URL extension support
* Filter "mu-plugins" directory if "Do not export plugins (files)" is checked
* Fix utf8mb4 issue
* Fix translation issue
= 4.2 =
* Fix .wpress.bin format
= 4.1 =
* Add port to the host header on export/import
* Rename .wpress file to .wpress.bin file
= 4.0 =
* Fix file permission checks
= 3.9 =
* Fix could not resolve domain name on export/import
= 3.8 =
* Fix undefined method on Backups page if PHP version is < 5.3.6
= 3.7 =
* Add IPv6 support on export/import
= 3.6 =
* Fixed undefined constant warnings
= 3.5 =
* Exclude core plugin and extensions on export if they have custom names
= 3.4 =
* Made export/import processes more reliable
* Allow the plugin to work with non-default name
* Preserve backups during plugin updates
* Improved find & replace functionality on the serialized data
* Removed backup file name restrictions
= 3.3 =
* Fixed a bug when retrieving export/import status progress
* Fixed a bug when database encoding utf8mb4_unicode_ci is not available
= 3.2.2 =
* Fixed plugin incompatibility during export/import that was reporting that the
process could not be started
= 3.2.1 =
* Added username/password settings for WordPress sites behind HTTP basic authent
* Fixed a bug when exporting/importing without public DNS record
* Fixed a bug when exporting/importing media files
= 3.2.0 =
* Added advanced settings on export page
= 3.1.1 =
* Fixed secret key issue on upgrade of the plugin
= 3.0.0 =
* Added export to File, [Dropbox](https://servmask.com/products/dropbox-extensio
n), [Amazon S3](https://servmask.com/products/amazon-s3-extension), [Google Driv
* Added import from File, [Dropbox](https://servmask.com/products/dropbox-extens
ion), [Amazon S3](https://servmask.com/products/amazon-s3-extension), [Google Dr
* Implemented our own archiving format that reduces export and import by a facto
r of 10
* One-click export with the new simplified export page
* Improved upload functionality with auto-recognizing chunk size on import
* New **Backups** page for storing all WordPress site exports
* Easy restore WordPress site from **Backups** page
* Monitoring availability of the disk space on the server
* Both export and import happen in time chunks of 3 seconds
* Plugin works behind HTTP basic authentication
= 2.0.4 =
* Updated readme to reflect that the plugin is not multisite compatible
= 2.0.3 =
* Fixed a security issue while importing site using regular users
= 2.0.2 =
* Added support for WordPress v4.0
= 2.0.1 =
* Fixed a bug when all user permissions are lost on import
= 2.0.0 =
* Added support for migration of WordPress in Network Mode (Multi Site)
* New improved UI and UX
* New improved language translations on the menu items and help texts
* Better error handling and notifications
* Fixed a bug while exporting comments and associated comments meta data
* Fixed a bug while using find/replace functionality
* Fixed a bug with storage directory permissions and search indexation
= 1.9.2 =
* Added PHP <= v5.2.7 compatibility
= 1.9.1 =
* Fixed an issue with earlier versions of PHP
= 1.9.0 =
* New improved design on the export/import page
* Added an option for gathering user experience statistics
* Added a message box with important notifications about the plugin
* Fixed a bug while exporting database with multiple WordPress sites
* Fixed a bug while exporting database with table constraints
* Fixed a bug with auto recognizing zip archiver
= 1.8.1 =
* Added "Get Support" link in the plugin list page
* Removed "All in One WP Migration Beta" link from the readme file
= 1.8.0 =
* Added support for dynamically recognizing Site URL and Home URL on the import
* Fixed a bug when maximum uploaded size is exceeded
* Fixed a bug while exporting big database tables
= 1.7.2 =
* Added support for automatically switching database adapters for better perform
ance and optimization
* Fixed a bug while using host:port syntax with MySQL PDO
* Fixed a bug while using find/replace functionality
= 1.7.1 =
* Fixed a bug while exporting WordPress plugins directory
= 1.7.0 =
* Added storage layer to avoid permission issues with OS's directory used for te
mporary storage
* Added additional checks to verify the consistency of the imported archive
* Fixed a bug that caused the database to be exported without data
* Removed unused variables from package.json file
= 1.6.0 =
* Added additional check for directory's permissions
* Added additional check for output buffering when exporting a file
* Fixed a bug when the archive was exported or imported with old version of Zlib
* Fixed a bug with permalinks and flushing the rules
= 1.5.0 =
* Added support for additional errors and exceptions handling
* Added support for reporting a problem in better and easier way
* Improved support process in ZenDesk system for faster response time
* Fixed typos on the import page. Thanks to Terry Heenan
= 1.4.0 =
* Added a Twitter and Facebook share buttons to the sidebar on import and export
= 1.3.1 =
* Fixed a bug when the user was unable to import site archive
* Optimized and speeded up import process
= 1.3.0 =
* Added support for mysql connection to happen over sockets or TCP
* Added support for Windows OS and fully tested the plugin on IIS
* Added support for limited memory_limit - 1MB - The plugin now requires only 1M
B to operate properly
* Added support for multisite
* Used mysql_unbuffered_query instead of mysql_query to overcome any memory prob
* Fixed a deprecated warning for mysql_pconnect when php 5.5 and above is used
* Fixed memory_limit problem with PCLZIP library
* Fixed a bug when the archive is exported with zero size when using PCLZIP
* Fixed a bug when the archive was exported broken on some servers
* Fixed a deprecated usage of preg_replace \e in php v5.5 and above
= 1.2.1 =
* Fixed an issue when HTTP Error was shown on some hosts after import, credit to
Michael Simon
* Fixed an issue when exporting databases with different prefix than wp_, credit
to najtrox
* Fixed an issue when PDO is avalable but mysql driver for PDO is not, credit to
* Deleted a plugin specific option when uninstalling the plugin (clean after its
* Support is done via Zendesk
* Included WP Version and Plugin version in the feedback form
= 1.2.0 =
* Increased upload limit of files from 128MB to 512MB
* Used ZipArchive with fallback to PclZip (a few users notified us that they don t h
ave ZipArchive enabled on their servers)
* Used PDO with fallback to mysql (a few users notified us that they dont have P
DO enabled on their servers, mysql is deprecated as of PHP v5.5 but we are suppo
rting PHP v5.2.17)
* Supported PHP v5.2.17 and WordPress v3.3 and above
* Fixed a bug during export that causes plugins to not be exported on some hosts
(the problem that you are experiencing)
= 1.1.0 =
* Importing files using chunks to overcome any webserver upload size restriction
* Fixed a bug where HTTP code error was shown to some users
= 1.0.0 =
* Export database as SQL file
* Export media files
* Export themes files
* Export installed plugins
* Unlimited find/replace actions
* Option to exclude spam comments
* Option to apply find/replace to GUIDs
* Option to exclude post revisions
* Option to exclude tables data

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