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Source: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov, Series VIII: Performing Arts

Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov, Series VIII: Performing Arts

Location: Romania
Author(s): Constantina Boghici
Title: Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer Traditions. Landmarks for Dmbovia
Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer Traditions. Landmarks for Dmbovia
Issue: 2/2013
Citation Constantina Boghici. "Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer Traditions.
style: Landmarks for Dmbovia County". Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov, Series
VIII: Performing Arts 2:15-22.
CEEOL copyright 2017

Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov

Series VIII: Performing Arts Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013



Constantina BOGHICI1

Abstract: Although enjoying less diversity, frequency and appreciation than

winter traditions, spring-summer traditions represent important moments in
the work and life of the rural communities. Due to the cultural stratifications
occurred along the centuries, in the spring-summer traditions, certain
magical acts and practices disappeared or their function changed, so that
their spectacular character and social meanings prevailed over the
predominantly ritual functions originating in the ancient practices of our
Getho-Dacian ancestors. Old writings (Herodotus of Halicarnassus,
Xenophon, Hesychius of Alexandria, Pomponius Mela, etc.) describe in detail
the practice of certain rituals in the areas inhabited by Thracians and
Dacians. The Carpathia ritual (related to land cultivation), the celebration of
Dionysus (expressing the joy at the renewal of nature and the gathering of
the crops), the rituals in honour of Apollo and Artemis (the earth was
purified of bad charms before gathering the crops), the bacchic festivals and
the messengers sent to Zamolxis are considered by the researchers as lying at
the basis of the spring-summer traditions and rituals.

Key words: tradition, ritual, archaic, fertility, function.

1. Origin, evolution and meanings of remote past, they used to be largely spread,
these traditions according to the testimonies of different
Romanian scholars. Dimitrie Cantemir, in
The folklore traditions practiced in the his work Descriptio Moldaviae, presents
spring-summer period symbolize the main the practice, at the beginning of the 18th
stages of the rural traditional life in which century, of the Drgaica (crop dance, a
agriculture and animal breeding represent celebration bearing the name of the plant
the main occupations. They preserve Galium Verum) and of the Clu (little
elements reminding of old rituals that horse dance), in Moldova, area in which
would take place at the beginning of the they ar e no longer encountered today.
New Year, which, until not so long ago, Going back to the remote history, we can
used to coincide with the beginning of notice that Cluarii (the tradition of the
spring. They celebrate the joy of natures dance of the little horse riders) was present
renewal or fertility. Nowadays, these in the life of our ancestors, the Thracians,
traditions have restrained their presence in being described by the Greek historian
the Romanian folklore, but in the not very Xenophon, who refers to the warriors

Departament of Arts, Valahia University of Trgovite.

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16 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Series VIII Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

dance called Kolavrismos which some rites that lead to the certainty that the
folklore specialists consider as the Getho-Dacian people were farmers and
predecessor of the Cluari [1, p. 18]. their material and spiritual existence
In the Romanian area, the Clusari are depended on the earth matrix and on the
mentioned in Braov (1536) and at the end solar influence [2, p. 159].
of the 16th century, during the period of the Almost all the spring traditions keep, to
reign of Michael the Brave (Bistrita) a certain extent, combinations of attributes
[1, p. 29]. The meaning of the Clusari of the natural or celestial forces (Scaloian /
and of the Cuci (masked dancers Muma Ploii, Clu).
mentioned by the Romanian literature of The selection and description of certain
the 17th century) [1, p. 40] refers to the traditions that are part of the calendar cycle
rebirth of nature at the coming of spring will be made taking into account the place
and the joy generated by the future crop. and the role of music in them, and also the
The dance called Cluari represents a elements suggesting the ancientness of
stratification of rituals () transmitted by some Romanian traditions.
tradition even since the time of the tribal
society [1, p. 11]. 2.1. Lazrul
Another tradition of Thracian origin is
the Rosalia the feast of the roses (today, Although practiced generally on the Eve
Rusaliile). While initially the celebration of Palm Sunday, Lazrul (The feast of
honoured the memory of the deceased, in Lazarus) has a pagan character despite the
time, it acquired a new meaning, namely attempts of the Romanian Orthodox
that of celebrating the rebirth of nature, Church to give it a Christian meaning (by
which is considered dead during winter, the superposition with the religious
based on an archaic and universal myth celebration). Lazr (Lazarus) the main
[1, p. 158]. character who had left for the woods to
provide food for the sheep, fell from a tree
2. Spring summer traditions. and died. His sisters find him, cry for him,
Description. and bathe him in sweet milk that they
throw in a clean place afterwards.
The traditions corresponding to these Paradoxical is the role of this tradition
seasons are practiced on certain days nowadays (augural) given by the
(Alimori, Cucii, Sngeorzul, Armindeni, functional, content but also structural
Clusul , Drgaica) or depending on the elements (Pleac Lazr la pdure/Cu
necessities determined by the agricultural bard i cu secure/ S taie frunz la oi/Si
works (Paparuda, Scaloianul, Cununa); muguri la mieluei/Am venit acum un
their great majority has an agrarian an/V-am gsit cu gru pe lan/Iar la anul
meaning (Gurbanul, Alimori, Cucii, cnd venim /Sntoi s v gsim/Si cu
Plugarul, Lzrelul, Paparuda, mesele ntinse/Si cu porile deschise /
Scaloianul, Drgaica, Cununa), others are Lazarus leaves for the woods, / With axe
related to animal breeding (Arietul / ruptul and hatchet / To cut leaves for the sheep /
sterpelor/ Smbra oilor, Rvitul oilor) or And buds for the lambs. / When we came a
have different meanings (Strigarea peste year ago, / we found you with wheat in the
sat, Armindeni, Hulitul, Homanul, field / When we come next year again /
Lioara, Clusul): Modern research has May we find you well and healthy / And
highlighted the existence of certain archaic with tables laid / And open gates). Both the
remains in the unfolding of some fertility poetical content and the way how the

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C. BOGHICI: Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer traditions. Landmarks 17

tradition unfolds highlights its similarities notice that, after the fourth verse, a radical
with the carol; girls aged between 4-5 breakup occurs between the initial message
years of age and the age of marriage go of the poetic content and the subsequent
from house to house singing a ceremonial verses, which no longer suggest the death
melody (Figure 1), (and sometimes of the hero, but suddenly turn to the wishes
dancing/ whistling), addressing wishes of of health and prosperity specific for carols.
good health and prosperity to their hosts, Here we might deal, in our opinion, with a
which in turn reward them with presents situation of disappearance of the poetic
(Figure 2). Today, this practice can still be text from the collective memory during
encountered here and there in the history and the taking over of the contents
Romanian villages. A few sequences were of some carols, as the borrowing of some
caught in Bleni Village, Dmbovia texts or melodies from one genre to
County. another being frequent in the Romanian
musical folklore.

2.2. Paparuda

Another spring tradition mentioned by

the reigning prince and scholar Dimitrie.
Cantemir in his work mentioned above is
Paparuda, which has different local
names: papalug, bblug, bbrut,
mmrut, dodoloi [2, p. 161] etc. Like all
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 the old folklore-related phenomena, it was
intensely practiced in the Romanian
The researchers who studied this villages until 30-40 years ago, after which
interesting custom make a parallel between its frequency was less regular. The whole
Lazaruss legend and the Mediterranean ceremony (unfolding, song, verse,
myths related to vegetation, through rhythmic elements) suggests that rain is
certain agrarian gods: Adonis, with the invoked in order to assure rich crops. It is
Syrian-Phoenicians and Greeks, Attis with practiced both preventively, beginning
the Phrygians, Osiris with the Egyptians, with the month of April until June, and
Dumuz with the Sumerians, Tammuz with during the dry periods. Paparuda is
the Assyro-Babylonians [2, p. 158]. embodied by a young girl [3] covered in
Lazrul may be considered a folkloric plant leaves or tree branches on whose
tradition with its own genesis, probably head a wreath of green leaves is placed.
springing from a mentality analogous () Accompanied by her mother / a group of
to that of the legends of the Adonis type [2, old ladies, the paparuda goes through the
p. 160]. It may also be considered an village, from gate to gate, singing, dancing,
evidence of the ancientness of the farming while the ladies accompanying her are
preoccupations in the Carpathian-Pontic- clapping their hands. The lady of each
Danubian area. house where the paparuda goes waters her
The transformation of the initial function with a mug of water, offering her gifts or
given by the death of the hero in one of money. In her turn, the paparuda sprinkles
congratulation (or celebration) could find with water any person she meets on her
an explanation by an analysis of the way, and especially pregnant ladies,
literary text. Reading it attentively, we can

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18 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Series VIII Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

characters that are present in most agrarian 2.3. In one of the folklore areas of the
rituals, symbolizing fertility. Valley of Dmbovia we have also
As melody, paparuda has different local collected an example of Scaloian called
aspects, in agreement to the character of Muma ploii (The Rains Mother) (Perinari
the dance; the song starts with the word 1988) practiced by children until recently,
paparud and the last two syllables (ru-d) having a fertilizing role and invoking the
are repeated, making up a hexasyllabic, rain. The tradition consists in the
and sometimes octosyllabic verse. manufacturing of a doll made of clay, wax
The sound structures corresponding to or dough, prepared as for the funeral ritual,
these melodies have a limited number of laid in a box together with candles and
sounds, from three pitch classes to flowers, simulating a coffin. The group
pentachords or hexachords, scales that made up of children heads to the river,
confirm as well the archaic stratum of the where the box is allowed to float down the
paparuda. In the villages of Dmbovia river, like in the ritual of the liberation at
we met two melody types related to this the water (Datul drumului apei) related to
tradition, both presenting the general the soul of the deceased. On their way to
features of this species, and a diatonic the river, the children lament, singing a
hexachord (figure 3) and heptachord melody specific to their area, this funeral
(figure 4), both major, as sound material lamentation taking place according to
[4, p. 195]. certain fixed patterns. Where there is no
river, the Scaloian is buried by a wheat
field, respecting the same ceremony.
Very interesting is that in the village of
Piersinari, the lament has an
improvisational character, taking place
using a sung prose [4, p. 134], while the
Muma Ploii sample collected from the
same locality uses a melody with a fixed
pattern [4, p. 139]. (Figure 5).
Fig. 3

Sat Pierinari
Inf. Vasile Costandina, 53 ani
Culeg. Boghici Constantina,2002

Fig. 5

The whole ceremony of this tradition

reminds of old funeral practices, despite
the fact that the poetic text has a totally
different content (Muma ploii/ Muma ploii/
Deschide portitele/ S curg ploitele;
namely, Mother of Rain, / Mother of Rain /
Open the gates, / That good rains may
Fig. 4

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C. BOGHICI: Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer traditions. Landmarks 19

come down.) And the sound structure thrown on her house and, according to the
corresponding to a major pentachord, popular tradition, if the wreath stays on the
unaltered by Oriental influences, supports house, then the young lass shall get
the idea that this tradition accompanied by married during the current year [4, p. 140].
a simple melody belongs to an old (Figure 7).
Romanian cultural stratum.

2.4. The moment when the crops are ready

for harvest is marked by the rural
community by means of an ancestral
tradition called Drgaica, mentioned for
the first time by Dimitrie Cantemir in his
work Descriptio Moldaviae. On the day of
the celebration of this tradition (de
Snziene), the girls of the village choose Fig. 7
the most beautiful one of them and call her
Drgaic; she goes with the whole group In the locality of Bleni, Dmbovia
of girls and boys following her to the field County, the group of girls is carried in
of wheat and they make a wheat wrath, chariots led by young lads.
which they put on the head of the chosen These traditions related to ancient
girl. practices in connection to unmarried girls
are frequently encountered in the
Romanian folklore, in most music genres:
spring-summer traditions, verses of some
lasss carols, Vergelul, Steagul/Geavrelele,
and even in some creations in verse
accompanied by music belonging to
childrens folklore (Grgrit rea / Unde
oi zbura / Acolo m-oi mrita, namely Bad
ladybird, / Where you shall fly, / It is there
Fig. 6 that I shall marry.) [4, p. 141].
The traditions of the Drgaica can still
The young people in this group are be met here and there, in just a few places
accompanied by a flag bearer bringing of Muntenia; the research carried out by
along with him a flag, decorated with great personalities who studied the
wheat spikes, garlic, flowers of Galium Romanian folklore concluded that one can
Verum (drgaic) which in the past had a find no more traditions marking the
magic significance , by a whistle blower beginning of the harvest as in the case of
and rarely by a drum player. The group of other peoples, and that the variant
six girls (the meaning of this number has described by Dimitrie Cantemir would
been lost from the collective memory coincide with the moment of the harvest
during the centuries) goes through the [2, p. 163].
village and the neighbouring localities
singing a ritual song, sometimes followed 2.5. Homanul/Popelnicul is also a
by dance songs (Bru, Geamparale, calendar-related tradition, accompanied by
Crligu, Floricica). When they arrive to a ritual song; it can still be encountered as
the family of the Drgic, the wreath is a practice in Oltenia, the area of

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20 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Series VIII Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

Hunedoara and here and there in the season of the beginning of work on the
villages of Dmbovia. Girls and boys go farm). This comes in support of the idea
into the fields or on the hill looking for that this tradition, as well as all the rituals
healing plants and choose especially the related to farming, belong to an old
homan/ popelnic (Inula helenium), which cultural stratum, going back in time to the
they boil and then use the respective tea to tribal type of organization.
wash their hair, so that it may grow healthy
and beautiful. The remains are poured, 2.6. Clusul is a complex tradition, with
along with some salt and bread, at the root numerous meanings, in which dance plays
of the first plant that they dig, while a main role. Today, it is still practiced in
singing at the same time a typical melody. Olt, Dolj, Teleorman, Arges, Ialomita,
Beside this ritual, the tradition also Clrasi County and in the south of
foresees the manufacturing of some Dmbovia County. It was signalled and
household objects (brackets) by the boys described by Dimitrie Cantemir in
seated around a fire [4, p. 140].(Voinesti Descriptio Moldaviae, yet without
Village, Dmbovia County). highlighting its ritual function of fertility
Unfortunately, the melody could no longer bringer.
be reconstituted in the area under analysis. Clusul is made up of 7, 9, 11 members
It is also in a village of Dmbovia (only an odd number), accomplishing
County, Matei Voievod, today a different roles in this ritual: vtaf (group
neighbourhood of Trgoviste town that leader), mut (dumb person-Figure 8),
the tradition called homan overlaps another stegar (flag bearer), vduva (widow), etc.
local tradition, called Tudoria/ Caii lui The group is made up based on an oath
Toader, practiced during the Lent, but not pronounced during a ceremony that takes
necessarily at the same time of the year (it places at the margin of the village. Once
may be the Saturday of Saint Toader, on accepted in the group, each member has
the day of the deceased or during the first the obligation to stay in it for nine years.
week of the Lent). According to the old
popular beliefs this week is charged with
magical meanings; the person who works
during this week shall get numb hands and
feet; there is no partying, no eggs shall be
laid under a hen to get chicken, no magic
songs shall be sung, no walking during the
night is advised (); people can make
friends for life becoming brethren /cross Fig.8
brothers (frai de cruce), women share
bagels for the deceased () charms are The dancers wear traditional peasant
chanted [4, p. 144]. costumes, hats decorated with beads and
Many of the data related to the unfolding ribbons, colourful belts (bte /cingtori)
of this tradition have been lost - an on which embroidered napkins are
important element remained prevalent, attached (sewed with folk motifs) and a
namely the existence of the horses of Saint diagonal belt with other embroidered
Toader/ Theodor (Sntoader), mentioned napkins on it; They also wear traditional
by many legends that highlight four main leather footwear (opanki) with spurs.
elements the horse, the Sun, Saint Dressed like this, they dance throughout
Theodor and the coming of spring (the the village and the neighbouring villages

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C. BOGHICI: Archaic Elements in the Romanian Spring-Summer traditions. Landmarks 21

for 3 days, and the people who see them 3. Conclusions

reward them with gifts (food, fruits, drinks,
money) stored at the house of one of the The literary and archaeological
lads, where the group of clusari live for a documents confirm the fact that the main
while, disconnected from the community occupations of our ancestors, the Getho-
life throughout the period during which Dacians, located in the area of the
this tradition takes place. Carpathians and of the Lower Danube,
Beside the belts worn by the clusari were farming and shepherding they
during their dance, which make us think determined specific artistic practices [1, p.
about the war movements of our ancestors, 4]. The writings of the Antiquity remind of
certain sequences of the dance suggest the existence, occupations and culture of
ancient customs and traditions protecting these peoples, considered a culture of a
the archaic communities from the evil superior type, compared to that of the
forces (battering of the soles, healing using primitive rural patriarchal tribes [6].
garlic, (Figure 9). Even though some traditions are no
longer accompanied by music in certain
Romanian folklore areas, the repertory
pertaining to the spring-summer traditions
includes melodies that give to the
ceremony (just like its structure and poetic
content), a solemn character; through their
simplicity and the low number of pitch
classes, these songs remind of the ancient
origin of these traditions. Despite the fact
that the magic substratum has grown dim
in time, the music preserves its archaic
structures (Lazrul, Paparuda,
Scaloianul, Drgaica), the traditional
patterns and the place it was assigned by
Fig.9 the community during the long and
painstaking evolution of the Romanian
The researchers have made analogies cultural values [4, p. 143].
between the tradition of the cluari and
an old warriors dance described by References
Xenophon, called Kolavrismos [5, p. 32],
whose dancers mimed movements 1. Ghenea, C.C.: Din trecutul culturii
suggesting imaginary wars, a dance that muzicale romneti (From the Past of
may have inspired the cluari, according the Romanian Music Culture).
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Today, the clu, with its picturesque Compozitorilor, 1969.
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and value of the Romanian folk dance. practiced by boys (Maneti, Runcu,
Voinesti). In: Arhiva personala de

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22 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Series VIII Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013

culegeri de folclor dambovitean, 5. Cosma, O.L.: Hronicul muzicii

(Personal archive collections of romneti (Chronicle of Romanian
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