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Marking Sheet for ECUR 325 Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Initial Unit Plan (10% of final grade)

Student name: ___ Tanya Smithson ______

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
(Ready to Intern)
Lesson Planning & Assessment
1. I plan lessons I plan activities I connect my Students would My plans My plans for
and assessment for students to do, activities to demonstrate effectively instruction and
based on or what I will outcomes and outcomes and integrate outcomes assessment are
provincial cover indicators indicators doing what and indicators with designed to respond
curriculum I have planned instructional to my formative
strategies and assessment of
assessment students
2. I make student I plan what I will I plan activities and I have a goal, but it is My goal is clear My goal is clear and
learning goals for talk about what I will cover not written in a way and my instruction effective and my
each lesson/task related to a topic that is easy to is focused on it planned instruction
understand and and activities are
achieve likely to achieve it
3. I know which I can identify the I plan lessons that I choose the I choose I choose instructional
instructional types of use a variety of instructional instructional and and learning
strategies to pick instructional types of strategies best related learning strategies strategies that are
at given times strategies and am instructional to the outcomes and that are best best related to both
comfortable with strategies indicators related to the outcomes and
one category outcomes and indicators and my
indicators students
5. I create I can identify the Some of my I have lesson plans My formative My formative
formative difference assessments could that check what all assessments are assessments tell me
assessments between types of be used while I am students understand focused on the how to change the
assessments teaching part way through the most important plan as I go
class elements of my
6. I create I have a plan to Some of my My assessments My assessments My students help
summative generate a mark assessments are check if students are easy for shape the assessment
assessment focused on the achieved the outcome students to and will understand
outcomes and understand and the assessment easily
indicators check if students
achieved outcomes
Professional Learning and Growth
7. I set and use I wrote down I have goals in I have evidence of I have evidence I have a variety of
goals for some things I some areas where I need to that I have made sources of evidence
enhancing my need to fix improve, and am significant (self, peer, instructor)
professional working towards progress towards that I am making
development specific goals the teaching goals significant progress
I set towards a variety of
teaching goals
Depth and Breadth of Planning Skills
14. I understand My plans teach I understand the My plans allow My plans reflect My plans make it
how to plan for the same things to difference between students to make preparation to meet likely that students
differentiation and all students and adaptation and choices, and I have common learning with different needs
adaptation measure all differentiation basic adaptations needs (disability, would experience
students learning (like more time) EAL, gifted etc.) success
in the same way
15. I create My planned There are portions The planned My planned My entire unit is
engaging learning activities and of my planned instruction and instruction and composed to increase
activities and tasks tasks would be activities, like a activities relate the activities would connection between
interesting for motivational set, learning to student create interest and students and student
students who love that would be interests interaction ownership of
the content interesting for between students learning

16. My planned Student literacies I know key I know key literacies I am describing My students will
activities would could be literacies for my for my subject, and key subject have the opportunity
improve the improved by the subject, but am not have shared them literacies with my to self-assess and
discipline specific planned activities sharing them explicitly with students and the improve literacy
literacy skills of explicitly with students learning activities strategies
my students students would help
develop those in
Unit Planning
17. I can create a All the sections of The CCCs, I have connected my I have tried to add Many elements, like
unit that would my unit plan are knowledge, and/or instructional a variety of assessment or
achieve the filled in skills were unclear strategies to the elements to make differentiation etc.
outcomes and the appropriately or unconnected knowledge and skills it more likely are woven together to
indicators from the indicators students would make it more likely
demonstrate the students could
knowledge and demonstrate the
skills outcome(s)
18. The final task My final My final My final assessment My final My final assessment
in my unit elicits assessment is assessment checks has all the elements assessment will will make the
evidence of related to the how well students of GRASPS but provide clear application of student
application in a content of the unit understand and needs refining to be evidence of my learning relevant and
new situation remember the main clear and focused on students applying useful
points of what I the essential their learning in a
taught understandings performance task
19. I can create a I have completed I have planned a My varied I have many ways My unit assesses
unit that would all the parts of the variety of assessments provide to determine if my outcomes, and has
assess the template related assessments, but some information instruction is effective pre,
outcomes and to assessment their purpose is about student success working including formative, and
indicators unclear a good variety of summative

formative and assessments

Instructor comments: Tanya this is so well done. Very connected to curriculum. Even though you did not complete stage
four I can see many of the elements represented throughout. Be specific in the professional goals you want to attain and how
you plan to measure them. Continue to think about the needs of EAL learners and those who are gifted. They need your
attention and creativity in differentiating lessons. Your assessment plan is great. The performance task is engaging and will
deepen student understanding.

Assignment grade:9/10

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