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- Rome
- Greece
- Christianity
- Maya Civilization


Geographical Features
- Center of the Italian Peninsula
- Alps Mountains protected Romes north
- Two rivers : Po River and Tiber River
- Surrounded by Mediterranean Sea

- Being at the center creates natural crossroad for trade and cultural
- Distant from other powerful civilizations
- Mediterranean Sea provides protection & allows trading
- Alps provide protection
- Rivers provide settlements


1. According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers,

and demi-gods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753. The legend claims
that, in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version,
where the city would be located) Romulus killed Remus and named the city
after himself. Romulus became Romes first king.
2. Rome was ruled by Etruscans.
3. Romans overthrew the Etruscans and became the Roman Republic
(509 BC)
4. They constructed Appian Way.
5. Rome controlled most of the Italian Peninsula.
6. Rome had wars with Carthage. The wars were called The Punic Wars.
7. Rome controlled Spain, France, Greece, Turket, northern Africa.
8. Julius Caesar conquered France (Gaul).
9. Julius Caesar became a dictator.
10. Octavian or Augusts Caesar became an emperor. (Roman Empire)
11. Rome invaded and conquered Britannia.
12. The Colosseum was built.
13. Mount Vesuvius
14. Rome reached its great size under Emperor Trajan.
15. Hadrians wall
16. The Pantheon was built (dedicated to all Roman gods)
17. Constantine became Romes first Christian Emperor.
18. Emperor Diocletian split Roman Empire into Western Roman and
Eastern Roman. (Eastern Roman became Byzantine Empire)
19. Germany invaded Rome and The Roman Empire ended.

Summary Timeline (Era)

The Roman Republic

- 509 B.C. to 27 B.C.
- Etruscans were overthrown and Rome became the Roman Republic.

- Adopted from Greek
- Have gods & goddesses

Social Class
1. Patricians = The higher class citizens; landowners, aristocrats, leaders
2. Plebeians = The normal citizens; farmers, artisans, merchants, Can
form tribunes (protect rights of the plebeians from patricians)
3. Slaves
- Patricians and Plebeians were considered as citizens. Some selected
foreigners were also considered as citizens. Slaves werent citizens.
- Citizenship Requirements : Pay taxes, Serve in the army, Vote for
members of the Assembly

- A combination of a monarchy (government by a king), an aristocracy
(government by the nobility), and a democracy (government by the people)
- Monarchy Side : Roman Republic is ruled by Consuls.
- Consuls are appointed by the Senate
- During wars, senate can appoint one consul to become a
dictator for six months
- Consuls can only be consuls for one year
- The same person cant be elected as consuls again for at
least 10 years
- One consul can overrule or veto the other consuls
- Only patricians can be consuls
- Aristocratic Side : the Senate.
- 300 members selected by the consuls
- Only patricians, but later plebeians could also be in the
- For life membership
- Propose laws
- Democratic Side : the Assembly
- Elected plebeians
- The voice of the common people
- They make OR reject laws
- Tribunes run the Assembly
- Judges : Magistrates
- Law : the Twelve Tables

Punic Wars not in exam

- 264 B.C. to 146 B.C.
- Punic Wars were the 3 wars of Rome and Carthage
- They were alliance before

The First Punic War

- 264 B.C. to 241 B.C.
- Rome and Carthage wanted to control the same part of the world
- Rome wanted to conquer the Western Mediterranean
- Rome broke the alliance with Carthage and started the war
- Rome won, and got to control Sicily.

The Second Punic War

- 219 B.C. to 201 B.C.
- Hannibal, Carthages general, attacked Rome from the north by battle
elephants (cross the Alps Mountains in seven months)
- Hannibal won the battles on the Italian Peninsula (He was the only guy
to ever win!)
- However, when Hannibal was about to attack Rome, Rome attacked
Carthage. Hannibal was forced to retreat.
- Rome won.

The Third Punic War

- 149 B.C. to 146 B.C.
- Roman senators believed Carthage was too powerful, so they decided
to attack Carthage
- Carthage was completely burned and destroyed. People of Carthage
became Romes slaves.
- So, Rome won. The Roman military became very powerful and no one
dared to mess with Rome. Rome was on its way to become an empire.

The era of Julius Caesar

- Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C.
- Julius Caesar was a high class patrician.
- Formed the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. (Julius
Caesar as a high priest and Pompey and Crassus as consuls)
- Caesar left Rome to conquer Gaul (France)
- When he was way, Crassus died in battle with Pompey and Parthians.
They became Caesars enemy. Pompey and the Senate decided to try to strip
Caesar out of his command. Pompey told Caesar to come back to Rome
without an army.
- However, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river and came back with
his Gaul army. Pompey fled and Caesar won.
- Caesar went to Egypt to kill Pompey, but Pompey was already killed.
Instead, he founded Cleopatra and formed an alliance with her.
- Caesar was appointed as a dictator in 48 B.C. and became a dictator
for life 4 years later. Roman Republic became Dictatorship.
- Caesar was killed (stabbed 23 times) by the Senate led by Brutus and

The Roman Empire

- 27 B.C. to 395 A.D.

From Dictatorship to Empire

- After Caesar died, Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus
formed a Second Triumvirate.
- Antony and Octavian beat Brutus and Cassius committed suicide.
- Antony and Octavian had a fight about the control of Rome.
- Octavian won against Antony.
- Octavian became Romes first emperor. He named himself Augustus
Caesar. Roman Empire began. :D

Pax Romana
- Roman Peace
- 200 years of peace and prosperity
- Trade and travel were enhanced. Appian Way (Roman road) was built.
- Patricians and Plebeians were back to normal.
- The Roman Emperors were good. Trajan, Hadrian (built the Hadrian
Wall), Marcus Aralias (the last good emperor)
- Bad Roman Emperors came. Caligula was good but when he got sick,
he became cruel and violent. Nero was another bad emperor and he set fire
to the city of Rome

The Fall of Rome

- Political issues
- The empire is run by weak emperors
- Lack of clear rules (who should be the emperor?)
- Roman citizens do not want to serve in the military
- Invasions (especially by Germany)
- The empire split into two (Eastern & Western). Emperor
Constantine reunites the empire and moved the capital city to
Byzantium or Constantinople. He also legalized Christianity. Later, the
empire split permanently into Western and Byzantine (Eastern).
Western Roman then ended but Byzantine continued.
- Economic issues
- Rome increases taxes
- Devaluation of currency
- Slavery
- Unemployment
- Climate change ---> failure in agriculture
- Famine
- Social issues
- Civil conflict
- Moral decay
- Citizens lose faith in the empire & they convert to
- The army falls apart

Byzantine Empire
- The Eastern Roman survived and became Byzantine Empire.
Constantines city, Constantinople became Byzantines capital.

Geographical Features
- Black Sea & Aegean Sea
Justinian Era
- Justinian was Byzantines emperor from 527 to 565 CE
- He supported expansion of trade.
- He was a strong leader who controlled the military and made laws.
- Empress Theodora = his wife
- He created the Code of Justinian. He constructed Hagia Sophia.
- Greek Orthodox Church (main religion)

Roman Innovations
- The Forum (heart of commerce, business, and administration of
- Pantheon (center of The Forum)
- The Colosseum (biggest building in the world)
- Roman arches
- Corinthian Columns
- Ptolemy (Roman astronomer) said Earth was the center of the universe
- Roman roads
- Aqueducts (provide clean water)
- First formal medical schools
- Public water system
- Public bathing
- Latin
- Aeneid (book written by Virgil)
- The Twelve Tables
- Christianity

- Jesus of Nazareth was born in the Roman Empire
- He lived in the middle east
- Founder of Christianity

- Monotheistic
- Believe that Jesus is the son of the God and the reincarnation of God
- Believe in life after death, heaven and hell
- The New Testament (Bible) : holy book fo Christianity, tell teachings of

- Augustus Caesar was very traditional
- All Roman citizens must pray to Roman gods
- Anyone who didnt follow the rules would be punished
- Jesus was crucified for not following the Roman rule

The Apostles
- Jesuss teachings were spread by the Apostles (12 disciples of Jesus)
like Paul
- In the Western Empire, Christianity spread slower because the
authorities tried to stop. It spread faster in the Eastern Empire.

- Christianity was finally legalized by Emperor Constantine.
- Emperor Theodosius I adopted Christianity as the official Roman

Two churches
- The western church became the Roman Catholic Church, and the
eastern church became the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox

Latin language Greek/local language

The pope has authority over bishops Patriach & bishops head the church

The pope has authority over kings & The emperor has authority over patriach
emperors & bishops

Priests cant marry Priests can marry

Divorce isnt permitted. Divorce is allowed sometimes

Similarities : They base their faith on the gospel of Jesus and the Bible. They use
sacraments such as baptism. Their religious leaders are priests and bishops. They
seek to convert people.
Geographical features
- Surrounded by seas
- Five major seas : Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Sea of
Marmora, Black Sea
- Two major straits : Dardanelles, Bosporus
- Two major peninsulas : Balkan, Peloponnesian
- Important island : Crete
- East subcontinent : Asia Minor
- Region : Macedonia
- Many mountains, hard to unite

- Cities that control the surrounding countryside
1. Troy
2. Athens
3. Sparta
- macedon( region )
- Greek gods
- Home of greek gods : Mount Olympus
- Athena = goddess of wisdom, crafts, and wars (Athens was named
after her)
- Ares = god of wars
- Zeus = king of the Gods
- Hera = Zeus wife, queen of the Gods
- Heracles = Gatekeeper of Olympus, God of strength, heroes, sports,
athletes, health, agriculture, fertility, trade, oracles and divine protector of
- Apollo = god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine,
sun, light and knowledge (He defeated Python and got oracle Delphi)
- Aphrodite = goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation
- Hades = god of the underworld
- Poseidon = god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses
- Dionysus = god of the vine, grape harvest, winemaking, wine, ritual
madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre

- Greece is popular for producing olives.

- Democracy, Oligarchy, and Monarchy (but most known as Democracy)
- Draconian Law
- Bodies of government (in Athens)
1. The Assembly
2. The Council (lottery)
3. The Courts
- When only one person is ruled like monarchy, they call the ruler

1. Archaic Period (before Greeks introduced democracy)
2. Classical Period (democracy, philsophers)
3. Hellenistic Period (before Greece was conquered by Romans)

- 3 major philosophers : Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

Socrates Plato Aristotle

Socratic method Socrates student Platos student

Know thyself Believed in the idea of wrote Poetics, Rhetoric,

perfection Politics
Died from drinking founded the Academy teacher of Alexander the
hemlock (first western university) great
and wrote the Republic
(book about political

Athens & Sparta

- the most powerful city-states in Greece, fought the Pelopponesian
Wars (Sparta won)

Athens Sparta

Capital & largest city of Greece Just a city

Athena (goddess of wisdom, crafts, and Ares (god of wars)


Democracy (government by the people; Oligarchy (a form of government in

especially : rule of the majority) which all power is vested in a few
persons or in a dominant class or clique;
government by the few)

Women were treated poorly. Women were treated better.

Slaves were treated better. Slaves were treated very poorly.

Boys were educated. Boys and girls had military education.

Boys were taught to be soldiers at an
early age.

Alexander The Great

- Macedonians ruler
- stretched the Greece empire to India


1. Trojan War
- Sparta vs Troy
- There was the wedding between Peleus and Thesis.
- All gods were invited except Eris (The Goddess of Discord)
- Eris left the golden apple and noted that the apple belongs to the
fairest woman.
- Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera wanted the apple.
- They told a young man named Paris (prince of Troy) to decide who's
the fairest of them all.
- Athena promised she would give him wealth, Hera promised she would
give him power, and Aphrodite promised she would give him the most
beautiful woman in the world.
- Aphrodite won and told him about Helen of Sparta.
- But Helen was married to Menelaus, the king of Sparta.
- Paris went to Sparta when Menelaus was away and took Helen back to
- Menelaus found out and declared war against Troy.
- Menelaus had soldiers, islands, but ships can't sail/move.
- Menelaus asked the Oracle. He was suggested to kill his daughter, and
he killed her.
- The ships moved and the Trojan War began.
- There was an important fight between Hector and Achilles. Hector lost.
- Sparta attacked the cities around Troy to stop them from giving
supplies to Troy
- Sparta and Troy kept fighting and they tried to find the way to end it.
- Sparta came out with an idea to create the Trojan Horse, filled with
- They fooled the Troy to believe that Sparta had given up and left the
Trojan Horse.
- The night came and everyone went to sleep. Then the soldiers in the
Trojan Horse jumped out and attacked everyone.
- They kept women to bring them back to Sparta.
- Basically, Sparta won.

2. Persian War
- Persians vs Greeks
- Battle of Marathon : Athens won against Persia
- Battle of Thermopylae : Leonidas led 300 Spartans to fight against the
Persian army of 200,000 soldiers and 1,000 warships.
- Battle of Salamis : Athenians used their ships called triremes to fight
against Persians and they won.

3. Peloponnesian War
- Athens vs Sparta
- after the Persian War
- Sparta declared war on Athens because Athens was getting bigger and
- The First War : Lasted for 10 years, agreed to a truce
- The Second War : Athens won
- Sparta eventually defeated Athens : Athens surrendered

How did Greeks fight?

- Phalanx Formation
- Hoplite
- Dory (spear, main weapon)
- Cuirass (breast plate)
- Greaves (shin guards)
- Hoplon (shield)
- Xiphos (short sword)
- Helmet

- Invented trireme (warship, very fast, maneuverable)

The Sacred Band of Thebes

- Hoplite unit consisted of homosexual couples. The unit was victorious
and proved that the couples protected each other.


- Four national sport festivals in ancient Greece to honor Gods : Olympic

Games, Pythian Games, Nemean Games, Isthmian Games
- Arete & Excellence
- Arete = excellence of any kind, moral virtue
- a concept that believe becoming good at everything is
good for you and it will please the gods
- No women allowed in the festivals.

Olympic Games
- Held every 4 years in Olympia
- Honor Zeus
- Prize : Olive wreath
- Sports :
- Wrestling
- Hoplitodrimos (wear hoplite and then run for 1 mile)
- Pentathlon (Sprint, discus, javelin, long jump, stadion)
- Boxing
- Pankration (wrestling + boxing)
- Stadion (run for 185 meters)
- Chariot Race


Athens Sparta

Most of the girls werent educated. Spartan girls were well educated. They
Women were treated poorly. had the same rights as boys.

Young girls will marry to men 3 times Spartan girls marry at age of 21.
older than them

Take care of the household. Women They could play sport, go hunt, read,
from good family can become priests. and write.

If the womans father died with no heir, On the wedding day, Spartan women
the daughter need to divorce her had to shave their heads.
husband and marry her family
- 250 A.D. to 900 A.D.

Where are they located? The Maya lived in modern-day southern

Mexico and Central America (including
the areas that are today Belize, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras)

What do they grow? They were an agriculture-based society.

They grow corn, beans, squash, and
practice many of the same crafts such
as weaving and pottery

How did their location help them? Their central location made it very
easy for the Maya to trade and interact
with other cultures from North and South

How did they trade? The Maya built a large and complex
system of roads to stay connected with
other cities and people

What is left behind? Mayan ruins include huge ziggarat and

observatories used by astronomers.

Mayan Contributions

1. Created a 365 day calendar by watching the stars

2. The Maya used math and were the first people to use the zero
3. Developed glyph writing using symbols that stood for words
4. The Maya cut slits in the bark of the rubber tree and collected its sap.
They used the dried sap to make water-resistant shoes and clothing.
Rubber was also used to make balls. The Maya played games in enclosed, I-
shaped courts with the rubber balls. These ball games took on a ritual
significance and were an important part of Mayan culture

Mayan Ball Game

- The court was approximately 25 feet wide 75 feet long. The hall was
six inches in diameter and made out of rubber and weighed about eight
pounds. This made the game very difficult to play and could cause severe
injury. In contrast, a modern football is filled with air and weighs less than one

Social Structure
Maya -

20 points for short answer
25 for multiple choices
- picture questions

1. Homer (Greek)
- wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey
- The Iliad is about the Trojan war and The Odyssey is the
- a poet
- human society
2. Aristotle (Greek)
- logic & science
- alexander the greats teacher
3. Pericles (Greek)
- statesman, orator, and general
- during the Golden Age (specifically the time between the
Persian and Peloponnesian wars)
- organized the Athenian Empire
- commanded his people in the Peloponnesian War against
the Greek city of Sparta.
- his ruling period is called the 'Age of Pericles'.
4. Alexander the Great (Greek)
- king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon
- member of the Argead dynasty
- united Greece,
- conquered the Persian Empire
5. Socrates (Athens)
- father of philosophy
- Socrates believed that true knowledge had to be sought
and not taught. To him, life was about internal examination and focus.
He eschewed the idea of focusing on the material.
- socratic method


1. Peloponnesian Wars - Sparta vs Athens
2. persian war - Persia vs Greece
3. punic war - not in exam Carthage vs Rome
4. trojan war - Troy vs Sparta

Greece - Dark Age & Golden Age
- Dark Age : During the Dark Ages of Greece the old major settlements
were abandoned (with the notable exception of Athens), and the population
dropped dramatically in numbers. Within these three hundred years, the
people of Greece lived in small groups that moved constantly in accordance
with their new pastoral lifestyle and livestock needs, while they left no written
record behind leading to the conclusion that they were illiterate.
- Golden Age : The Classical Period or Golden Age of Greece, from
around 500 to 300 BC, has given us the great monuments, art, philosophy,
architecture and literature which are the building blocks of our own civilization.
- era between Persian and Peloponnesian Wars

Difference between sparta and athens

Problem of Athen democracy

- women and children are not allow in war
Socrates - father of philosophy

Difference between Athens and us democracy

legislative executive judicial

Direct and Representative democracy

- Direct : form of democracy in which people decide policy initiatives
- Representative : a type of democracy founded on the principle of
elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct

10 germanic tribes that conquer Rome (barbaric tribes)-no need to remember names

geography question
- Geography: Why can't Greek become unified
- Moutain make greek hard to unite

Marcedonian - monarchy
Sparta - oligar.
Athens - democracy
Leonaidas- greek army against Perian
phillips the great - unified greece

Famous Oracle - Delphi, can talk to apollo

Marathon - persian lose this battle

Father of medicine - hippocrates


Juliet Caesar -story

How many senate 300
Nero put fire to the city
Tribune head of assembly

Why 12 table place in public

-stop plebian revolt
- protect the right of the plebeian

diocletian divide Rome

spartacus led the slaves and fought against the government

- the government defeated this army

Ziggurats in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Maya

similarity = please god

Mesopotamia = connect heaven & earth

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