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Connective Tissues

A nimals use different proportions of matrix macromol-

ecules to construct connective tissues with a range of A B
mechanical properties to support their organs. Bone is a Columnar
stiff, hard solid; blood vessel walls are flexible and elastic;
and the vitreous body of the eye is a watery gel. Plant
and fungal cell walls are functionally similar to the animal Transitional
extracellular matrix but are composed of completely dif- epithelium
ferent molecules. This chapter begins with a discussion
of simple connective tissues then concentrates on carti-
lage, bone, development of the skeleton, and the mecha- LOOSE CT
nisms that repair wounds, finishing with a discussion of
the plant cell wall.

Loose Connective Tissue DENSE CT

Loose connective tissue consists of a sparse extracellular
FIGURE 32.1 CONNECTIVE TISSUES. A, Loose connective
matrix of hyaluronan and proteoglycans supported tissue (CT) underlying the columnar epithelium of the small intestine.
by a few collagen fibrils and elastic fibrils. In addition Light micrograph of a section stained with Masson trichrome stain.
to fibroblasts, the cell population is heterogeneous, B, Dense connective tissue (CT) underlying transitional epithelium in
including both indigenous and emigrant connective the wall of the ureter. Light micrograph of a section stained with
tissue cells (see Fig. 28.1). The loose connective tissue hematoxylin-eosin. (Courtesy D.W. Fawcett, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.)
underlying the epithelium in the gastrointestinal tract is
a good example of this heterogeneity (Fig. 32.1A), with fibroblasts are present to manufacture extracellular
lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, eosinophils, matrix. Other connective tissue cells are even rarer, as
neutrophils, and mast cells, as well as fibroblasts and these tissues are not usually exposed to microorganisms.
occasional fat cells (see Chapter 28 for details on these Collagen fibers can be arranged precisely, as in tendons
cells). This variety of defensive cells is appropriate for a or cornea (see Fig. 29.3), or less so, as in the wall of the
location near the lumen of the intestine, which contains intestine or the skin. Tendons consist nearly exclusively
microorganisms and potentially toxic materials from the of type I collagen fibers, all aligned along the length of
outside world. Loose connective tissue is also found in the tendon to provide the tensile strength that is required
and around other organs. In the optically transparent to transmit forces from muscle to bone. The cornea that
vitreous body of the eye, fibroblasts produce a highly forms the transparent front surface of the eye is also well
hydrated gel of hyaluronan and proteoglycans, sup- organized into orthogonal layers of collagen fibrils.
ported by a loose network of type II collagen. Few defen- Dense connective tissues can also be elastic. For
sive cells are required, as the interior of the eye is sterile. example, the walls of arteries (see Fig. 29.8) and the
dermal layer of skin consist of both collagen and elastic
fibers. Energy from each heartbeat stretches the elastic
Dense Connective Tissue fibers in the walls of arteries. Recoil of these elastic fibers
Collagen fibers, with or without elastic fibers, make up propels blood between heartbeats and affects the blood
the bulk of dense connective tissue (Fig. 32.1B). Sparse pressure.

556 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

Approximately one in 5000 humans inherits a muta- matrix as the macromolecules turn over slowly, but their
tion in a gene for fibrillar collagens type I, type III, or ability to remodel and repair the matrix is limited. No
type V, which causes a range of connective tissue defects blood vessels penetrate cartilage, owing to production
called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Most affected indi- of several inhibitors of endothelial cell growth by chon-
viduals have thin skin and lax joints. Severe mutations drocytes. Thus, all nutrients must diffuse into cartilage
lead to rupture of arteries, bowel, or uterus, often with from the nearest blood vessel in the perichondrium, a
fatal consequences. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome illustrates dense capsule of fibrous connective tissue that covers
the importance of these collagens with regard to the the surface of cartilage. This capsule contains mesenchy-
integrity of the affected tissues. Inheritance is dominant, mal stem cells (see Box 41.2 and Fig. 28.1) that are
as these collagens consist of trimers of three identical capable of differentiating into chondrocytes.
subunits. Given one mutant gene, only one in eight A meshwork of type II collagen fibrils, accounting
( ) procollagen molecules is normal. for approximately 25% of the dry mass, fills the extracel-
lular matrix. These slender collagen fibrils are hard to
see even in electron micrographs but are quite stable,
Cartilage with lifetimes estimated to be many years. Fibrils tend to
Cartilage (Fig. 32.2) is tough, resilient connective tissue line up parallel to surfaces but otherwise are arranged
that performs a variety of mechanical roles. It covers the randomly. Minor collagen type IX crosslinks type II col-
articular surfaces of joints and supports the trachea, lagen fibrils and collagen type XI binds to the surface of
other large airways, the nose, and ears. Cartilage also type II fibrils. Expression of type X collagen is restricted
forms the entire skeleton of sharks and the embryonic to cartilage that is undergoing conversion to bone. The
precursors of many bones in higher vertebrates. The matrix contains several minor adhesive proteins, and
mechanical properties of cartilage are attributable to other proteins inhibit invasion of blood vessels.
abundant extracellular matrix consisting of fine collagen Glycosaminoglycans, including hyaluronan, constitute
fibrils and high concentrations of glycosaminoglycans the second major class of matrix macromolecules. Mol-
and proteoglycans (Fig. 32.3). ecules of the proteoglycan aggrecan attach to a hyaluro-
Chondrocytes synthesize and secrete macromole- nan backbone like the bristles of a test tube brush,
cules for the cartilage matrix, which eventually sur- forming so-called megacomplexes (see Fig. 29.13).
rounds them completely. Chondrocytes replenish the Aggrecan also binds type II collagen. Highly charged

A B. Chondrocyte
Perichondrium Chondrocytes

C. Matrix
Type II collagen

FIGURE 32.2 CARTILAGE AND CHONDROCYTES. A, Light micrograph of a section of hyaline cartilage in the wall of the respiratory tree
stained with periodic acidSchiff stain and Alcian blue. The cartilage capsule of dense connective tissue (perichondrium) and the columnar epi-
thelium lining the respiratory passage are at the top. Inset, Light micrograph of hyaline cartilage stained with toluidine blue. The proteoglycans
in the matrix stain pink. The rough endoplasmic reticulum stains blue. Shrinkage during fixation and embedding creates the artifactual cavity or
lacuna around each cell. B, Electron micrograph of a thin section of hyaline cartilage showing chondrocytes embedded in dense extracellular
matrix. C, Electron micrograph of cartilage matrix at high magnification. This specimen was rapidly frozen and prepared by freeze-substitution to
avoid collapse of the proteoglycans during dehydration and embedding. ER, endoplasmic reticulum. (A, Courtesy D.W. Fawcett and E.D. Hay,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. B, Courtesy of E.D. Hay, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. C, Courtesy E.B. Hunziker, M. Mller
Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland.)
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 557

the larynx, epiglottis, and external ear. Fibrocartilage has

A features of both dense connective tissue (an abundance
of thick collagen fibers) and cartilage (a prominent gly-
cosaminoglycan matrix). It is tough and deformable,
+ +
appropriate for its role in intervertebral disks and inser-
Water Uncapped bottle Capped bottle full of tions of tendons.
compresses water resists compression
Differentiation and Growth of Cartilage
B. Hyaluronan megacomplex trapped by Cartilage grows by expansion of the extracellular matrix
collagen attracts water either from within or on the surface. For surface growth,
mesenchymal cells in the perichondrium differentiate
into chondrocytes that synthesize and secrete matrix
Aggrecan materials. For internal growth, chondrocytes trapped in
Hyaluronan the matrix divide and manufacture additional matrix,
Type II which is sufficiently deformable to allow for internal
expansion. Cartilage has a limited capacity to repair
damage, but stem cell transplants can help some patients.
Many growth factors and their receptors cooperate to
influence the differentiation of precursor cells into chon-
drocytes, the proliferation of chondrocytes, and the pro-
duction of cartilage matrix molecules. These include
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HYALINE CARTILAGE MATRIX. Indian hedgehog (Ihh), members of transforming growth
A, Hydrostatic model of the mechanical properties of cartilage. Water factor- family (TGF- and bone morphogenetic proteins
trapped in the extracellular matrix resists compression. Neither water [BMPs]), multiple fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), para-
alone (in beaker) nor a pliable container (uncapped plastic bottle) thyroid hormonerelated protein (PTHrP), and insulin-
resists compression. However, if water fills a capped bottle, it resists
like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2). Chondrocytes
compression. B, In the cartilage matrix, flexible strands of type II col-
lagen trap proteoglycans, which attract large amounts of water. produce some of these growth factors (TGF-, FGFs, and
Trapped water resists compression because its container, the IGFs). During development, adjacent tissues can induce
network of collagen fibrils, does not stretch. cartilage formation by secreting TGF- and FGF. SOX9 is
the key transcription factor mediating expression of
cartilage-specific genes.
glycosaminoglycans fill the extracellular space and attract
water, the most abundant component of the matrix. Diseases of Cartilage
A hydrostatic mechanism allows cartilage to resist Cartilage fails in common human diseases, including
deformation (Fig. 32.3). Collagen fibrils provide tensile arthritis and ruptured intervertebral disks. Osteoarthritis,
strength (ie, resistance to stretching) but do not resist degeneration of cartilage on joint surfaces, is very
compression or bending. Glycosaminoglycans strongly common in older people and has a complex genetic
attract water, resulting in an internal swelling pressure component attributable to variations in many genes.
that pushes outward against collagen fibrils aligned paral- Rarely, human diseases are caused by mutations in single
lel to the surface of the cartilage. The force of internal genes for cartilage proteins, growth factors or growth
hydrostatic swelling pressure balances the force pro- factor receptors (Appendix 32.1). For example, more
duced by tension on the collagen fibrils. Remarkably, this than 25 different mutations of the human gene for type
internally stressed material can resist strong external II collagen cause disorders of cartilage, ranging in sever-
forces such as those on the articular surfaces of joints. A ity from death in utero to dwarfism or osteoarthritis.
macroscopic analog is a thin-walled plastic bottle filled Mutations in genes for minor cartilage-associated colla-
with water. One can stand on the bottle provided that it gens cause a variety of symptoms, including degenera-
is sealed, whereas neither the empty bottle nor the water tive joint disease. A premature stop codon in chicken
could separately support any weight. aggrecan causes lethal skeletal malformations.

Specialized Forms of Cartilage

Hyaline cartilage provides mechanical support for the
respiratory tree, nose, articular surfaces, and developing For most vertebrates, bones provide mechanical support
bones. Elastic cartilage has abundant elastic fibers in and serve as a storage site for calcium. The great strength
addition to collagen, making the matrix much more and light weight of bones are attributable both to the
elastic than hyaline cartilage. Elastic cartilage supports mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix and
structures subjected to frequent deformation, including to efficient overall design, including tubular form and
558 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

A. Gross-cut section C. H&E stained

Blood vessels in
Haversian canal

Osteocyte in lacunae

bone D. Dry bone

B. Histological section Blood

lamellae Haversian
lamellae Interstitial


E. Osteocyte

Calcified Collagen
Haversian matrix fibrils
canal Spongy
bone Filopodia in
Gap junctions
between cells

FIGURE 32.4 ORGANIZATION OF LONG BONES. A, Longitudinal section of a shoulder joint of a dried bone specimen. Struts of trabecular
spongy bone reinforce compact bone in the cortex. B, A wedge of long bone. Circumferential lamellae form the outer layer just beneath the
periosteum (blue) covering the surface. Osteons (Haversian systems) consist of concentric lamellae of calcified matrix and osteocytes arranged
around a channel containing one or two capillaries or venules. Interstitial lamellae are fragments of osteons that remain after remodeling (Fig.
32.10). Radial vascular channels connect longitudinal vascular channels to the medullary cavity or periosteum. C, Light micrograph of a cross
section stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) showing circumferential lamellae on the left and two Haversian canals. D, Light micrograph of
a cross section of dried bone showing a central interstitial lamella surrounded by three osteons. Narrow canaliculi connect the lacunae housing
osteocytes. E, An osteocyte surrounded by calcified matrix and extending filopodia into canaliculi. (Micrographs courtesy D.W. Fawcett, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA.)

lamination (Fig. 32.4). A superficial layer of compact tissue, called periosteum, or by cartilage at joint sur-
bone surrounds a central cavity that is filled with marrow, faces. Two cell types make bone matrix: osteoblasts cov-
fat, or both and is supported by struts of bone arranged ering the internal surfaces and osteocytes embedded in
precisely along lines of mechanical stress. External sur- the bone. A third cell type, called the osteoclast, degrades
faces of bones are covered either by dense connective bone, recycling matrix components. Blood vessels
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 559

penetrate compact bone through a network of channels matrix. Other crystals form in small matrix vesicles that
to supply the central cavity. Although bone is durable bud from the plasma membranes of osteoblasts and use
and strong, continuous remodeling makes bone much pumps and carriers to concentrate calcium and phos-
more dynamic than it appears. phate. After being released from these vesicles, tiny crys-
tals associate with collagen fibrils. The crystals grow and
Extracellular Matrix of Bone eventually fill spaces between the collagen molecules
Bone is a composite material consisting of type I collagen within the fibrils.
fibrils (providing tensile strength) embedded in a matrix
of calcium phosphate crystals (providing rigidity) (Fig. Bone Cells
32.4E). The calcium-phosphate crystals are similar to Overview
hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] and make up about A balance among the activities of osteoblasts, osteocytes,
two-thirds of the dry weight of bone. Macroscopic and osteoclasts forms, grows, and maintains bones.
analogs of the bone matrix are concrete reinforced Osteoblasts and osteocytes produce extracellular matrix
by steel rods and fiberglass consisting of a brittle plastic and establish conditions for its calcification. Osteoclasts
reinforced by glass fibers. Each of these composites is resorb and remodel bone. An imbalance of these oppos-
stronger than its separate components. Simple extrac- ing cellular activities causes human diseases.
tion experiments illustrate the contributions of the two
components of bone. After removal of calcium phos- Properties of Osteoblasts
phate with a calcium chelator, bone is so rubbery that it A monolayer of osteoblasts on the surface of growing
bends easily. After destruction of collagen by heating, bone tissue uses a well-developed secretory pathway to
bone is hard but brittle. synthesize and secrete the organic components of the
Fibrils of type I collagen, the dominant organic com- matrix (Fig. 32.5). Osteoblasts also act as endocrine cells,
ponent of the matrix (Table 32.1), are arranged in sheets secreting growth factors that control the differentiation
or a meshwork. Covalent crosslinks between the colla- of osteoclasts (Fig. 32.6), as well as cells in other organs.
gen molecules in fibrils make them inextensible. The They also help to form the niche in the bone marrow for
matrix also contains more than 100 minor proteins, hematopoietic stem cells (see Fig. 41.4).
including growth factors, proteins that promote hydroxy-
apatite deposition and adhesive glycoproteins, but few Regulation of Osteoblast Development
proteoglycans. Osteoblasts arise from the same mesenchymal stem cells
Cells that make bone lay down type I collagen as the that give rise to fibroblasts and chondrocytes (see Fig.
substrate for crystallization of calcium phosphate. Some 28.1). Growth factors control the differentiation from
calcium phosphate crystallizes directly in the collagen mesenchymal cells. They include Ihh, a subset of BMPs

TABLE 32.1 Bone Proteins

Name Content Functions A
Bone Minor Transforming growth factor
morphogenic (TGF)- homologs; cartilage Osteoblasts
proteins stimulation and bone Bone Calcified
development and repair
Collagen type I 90% Forms fibrils in the bone matrix
Osteocalcin 1%2% Network of aspartic acid and
-carboxylated glutamic acid side
chains bind hydroxyapatite; Secretory ER
promotes calcification; attracts vesicle
osteoclasts and osteoblasts Type I Golgi Calcified
collagen matrix
Osteonectin 2% Synthesized in developing and
regenerating bone; binds
collagen and hydroxyapatite; may
nucleate hydroxyapatite
crystallization in bone matrix
Osteopontin Minor Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid
(RGD) sequence; binds osteoclast FIGURE 32.5 OSTEOBLASTS. A, Light micrograph of a section
integrins to bone surface of forming bone stained with toluidine blue. Osteoblasts with abun-
Proteoglycans Minor Decorin, biglycan, osteoadherin; dant, blue-stained, rough endoplasmic reticulum lay down bone matrix
may bind TGF- (light green) on the surface of calcified cartilage (light pink). B, Drawing
of osteoblasts. ER, endoplasmic reticulum. (A, Courtesy R. Dintzis
Sialoproteins 2% RGD sequence; binds osteoclast
and from the work of D. Walker, Johns Hopkins Medical School,
integrins to bone surface
Baltimore, MD.)
560 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

A. Osteoclast genesis
Osteoclast RANKL binding to RANK stimulates
Monocytes precursors precursors to fuse and differentiate
into a multinucleated osteoclast

Supporting cells, Sclerostin Proteins
osteoblasts Osteocyte not to scale

B. Bone remodeling C. Osteoclast



Calcified H+ ATPase and

cartilage Cl channels
Cathepsin-K secrete HCl
secreted Sealing
Bone Sealing
zone Ruffled


FIGURE 32.6 OSTEOCLASTS. A, Formation of a multinucleated osteoclast by fusion of monocytes stimulated by the receptor activator of
nuclear factor B ligand (RANKL), macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and other factors. B, Light micrograph of a section of forming
bone stained with toluidine blue showing two osteoclasts degrading bone and calcified cartilage. C, An osteoclast attached to the bone matrix
by a sealing zone, forming a resorption cavity (pink). The cell pumps H+ and secretes lysosomal enzymes into this cavity to resorb the surface of
the matrix. ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; OPG, osteoprotegerin (OPG); RANK, receptor activator of nuclear factor B. (B, Courtesy R.
Dintzis and from the work of D. Walker, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD.)

(see Fig. 24.7), and some Wnts (see Fig. 30.7). Humans many long, slender filopodia that run through narrow
with loss-of-function mutations in a Wnt coreceptor have channels in the matrix (Fig. 32.4DE). Gap junctions
few osteoblasts and low bone density, whereas loss-of- between the processes of osteocytes provide a con-
function mutations in a BMP competitor have the oppo- tinuous network of intercellular communication that
site effect. On the other hand, osteocytes secrete a stretches from cells adjacent to blood vessels to the most
protein called sclerostin that blocks the Wnt corecep- deeply embedded osteocyte.
tor (Fig. 32.6), so loss-of-function mutations of sclerostin Osteocytes can either lay down or resorb matrix in
strengthen Wnt signals and promote bone formation. their immediate vicinity. Circulating hormones influence
Inside osteoblasts, Runx2/Cbfa1 is the master tran- the activity of osteoblasts and osteocytes. In response to
scription factor controlling the expression of genes that the calcium concentration in blood, parathyroid glands
are required to make bone matrix. Runx2/Cbfa1 is part secrete parathyroid hormone, which stimulates osteo-
of a network of transcription factors and microRNAs cytes to mobilize calcium from the surrounding matrix.
with positive and negative influences on osteoblast This feedback loop maintains a constant concentration
differentiation and function. Mouse embryos lacking of calcium in the blood.
Runx2/Cbfa1 have no osteoblasts or osteoclasts. They
make a cartilage skeleton that never transforms to bone. Osteoclast Properties
Humans and mice with just one active Runx2/Cbfa1 Osteoclasts form by fusion of blood monocytes and
gene lack collarbones and experience a delay in the resorb bone, as required for growth and remodeling.
fusion of joints between skull bones. This syndrome is Osteoclasts are multinucleated giant cells specialized
the most common human skeletal defect. for bone resorption (Fig. 32.6). They attach like a suction
cup to the surface of bone. Interactions of a plasma
Osteocyte Properties membrane integrin (V3) with bone matrix proteins
Once an osteoblast has enclosed itself within bone (osteopontin and sialoprotein) help to create a leakproof
matrix, it is called an osteocyte. Long-lived, metaboli- compartment on the bone surface. Osteoclasts amplify
cally active osteocytes are connected to each other by the plasma membrane lining this closed space, forming
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 561

a ruffled border composed of microvilli enriched with Norepinephrine released by sympathetic nerves acti-
H+-transporting V-type rotary adenosine triphosphatase vates osteoblasts to secrete RANKL. This explains why
(ATPase) pumps (see Fig. 14.6) and chloride channels animals and people that lack leptin or its receptor not
(see Fig. 16.13). The combined activities of the H+ pump only are obese but also have dense bones. Osteoclast
and chloride channels allow the cell to secrete hydro- growth factors RANKL, TNF, and interleukin-1 mediate
chloric acid into the sealed extracellular compartment excess bone resorption at sites of chronic inflammation
on the bone surface. This closed space acts like an extra- in rheumatoid arthritis and gum diseases.
cellular lysosome: Acid dissolves calcium phosphate Differentiation of osteoclasts is subject to negative
crystals, and secreted proteolytic enzymes, including regulation by a soluble decoy receptor for RANKL
cathepsin K, digest collagen and other organic com- called OPG (osteoprotegerin), which binds RANKL and
ponents. Degradation products are taken up by endocy- competes for activation of RANK (Fig. 32.6). Estrogens
tosis and transported across the cell in vesicles for inhibit osteoclast differentiation by stimulating osteo-
secretion on the free surface. Amino acids are reused, blasts to produce OPG, so circulating OPG declines in
but collagen crosslinking groups are not, so they are parallel with estrogen levels after menopause. The result-
excreted in the urine, where their concentration is a ing increase in osteoclasts contributes to bone loss
measure of bone turnover. (osteoporosis) in older women.

Osteoclast Formation
Bone marrow supporting cells, osteoblasts, and activated
Formation and Growth of the Skeleton
T lymphocytes produce two proteins that stimulate Both genetic and environmental information direct for-
blood monocytes to fuse and differentiate into multinu- mation of the skeleton. Genetic information predomi-
cleated osteoclasts (Fig. 32.6). These key factors are nates in the master plan and initial development of
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and skeletal tissues, as the size and shape of bones are
RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B characteristic for each species. Subsequently, environ-
[NF-B] ligand, also called osteoprotegerin ligand [OPGL] mental information is important in remodeling of the
or tumor necrosis factorrelated activation-induced cyto- skeleton in response to use. Mutations in genes for struc-
kine [TRANCE]). Both factors are produced locally in tural and informational molecules have provided valu-
bone marrow as transmembrane proteins with the able clues about the genetic blueprint for the skeleton
growth factor domain on the cell surface. These proteins (Appendix 32.1).
control differentiation through binding to their recep- Genetic information is read out on at least two levels.
tors on monocytes by either direct cell-to-cell contact or First, master genetic regulatorsincluding transcription
release of the active domain by proteolytic cleavage. factors encoded by HOX (homeobox) and PAX (paired
First, M-CSF activates a cytokine receptor (see Fig. 24.6) box) genesspecify the developmental fate of each
on monocytes, stimulating a JAK (just another kinase) embryonic segment. Homeoboxes are DNA sequences
kinasesignal transducer and activator of transcription that encode a family of 60-residue protein domains that
(JAK-STAT) pathway (see Fig. 27.9) and turning on bind DNA (see Fig. 15.14). The human genome contains
expression of genes required for the monocyte to dif- 39 HOX genes arrayed in four linear arrays, similar to
ferentiate into a preosteoclast. An important change is those in other animals. HOX genes were discovered in
the expression of a receptor called RANK (receptor for flies as a result of mutations that cause homeotic con-
activation of NF-B, a member of the tumor necrosis version, whereby the fate of one segment is converted
factor [TNF] receptor family; see Fig. 24.9). Once this into another, such as the substitution of a leg for an
receptor is expressed, RANKL can activate preosteo- antenna. The same thing happens in vertebrates: Mouse
clasts through the transcription factor NF-B (see Fig. embryos express Hoxd-4 in the second cervical (neck)
10.21C) to express the proteins required for cell fusion vertebra and more posterior segments. Mutation of
and further differentiation into an osteoclast. Mice Hoxd-4 results in the second cervical vertebra taking on
that lack RANKL form no osteoclasts, so bone resorp- some of the features of the first cervical vertebra. Muta-
tion fails. tions in other HOX genes cause congenital malforma-
Other growth factors, including TNF itself, contribute tions in humans. The pathways from HOX genes to
to this process by acting directly on osteoclasts, but determinants of three-dimensional architecture are still
many stimulators of osteoclast differentiation (eg, para- incompletely understood.
thyroid hormone, vitamin D, leptin) act indirectly Both systematically circulating and locally secreted
by stimulating supporting cells to make RANKL. For growth factors control the proliferation and differentia-
example, leptin, a satiety hormone secreted by fat cells, tion of the cells of cartilage and bone. Mutations in these
acts on neurons of the hypothalamus in the brain that factors and their receptors also cause surprisingly spe-
regulate not only appetite but also bone metabo- cific human skeletal malformations (Appendix 32.1). Cir-
lism indirectly via the sympathetic nervous system. culating growth hormone produced by the pituitary
562 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

gland is a major determinant of skeletal size. Individuals Long bones, such as the humerus, begin as cartilage
deficient in growth hormone are short in stature. Locally models that are replaced by bone (Fig. 32.9). Multiple,
produced growth factors, including BMPs and FGFs and genetically programmed factors induce clusters of mes-
their receptors, control the development and growth of enchymal cells at specific locations to differentiate into
cartilage and bone during embryogenesis, in addition to chondrocytes that secrete type II collagen and glycos-
stimulating repair after fractures. FGF receptors are tyro- aminoglycans. This produces a miniature cartilaginous
sine kinases (see Fig. 24.4). BMPs are related in structure version of the adult bone.
and mechanism to TGF- and are expressed in tissues Bone replaces this cartilage precursor in a series of
other than bone and cartilage (see Fig. 24.7). BMPs are steps that are coordinated locally by production of
part of a system of positive and negative factors that growth factors. Perichondrial cells and proliferating
regulates formation of cartilage, bone, and joints. For chondrocytes secrete PTHrP, which promotes chondro-
example, a BMP called GDF-5 specifies the position of cyte division and growth. In supporting roles, BMPs
joints, but joints form only if noggin protein, an inhibitor promote and FGFs inhibit the growth and differentiation
of other BMPs, is present. of chondrocytes by acting upon populations of cells that
express particular receptors for these molecules (Appen-
Embryonic Bone Formation dix 32.1). Active FGF receptors stimulate STAT transcrip-
Bone always forms by replacement of preexisting con- tion factors (see Fig. 27.9) and/or mitogen-activated
nective tissue. During embryonic development, flat protein (MAP) kinase pathways (see Fig. 27.6). More
bones, such as the skull and shoulder blades, form from mature chondrocytes produce Ihh, which directs the
neural crest cell precursors in loose connective tissue terminal differentiation of neighboring chondrocytes.
(Fig. 32.7). Somehow, information in the genome is read For a long bone to maintain its shape as it grows in
out as the three-dimensional pattern of a skull. Growth size, deposition and removal of bone tissue must be
factors, vitamins (eg, retinoic acid), and local matrix highly selective. For the shaft to grow in diameter, new
molecules, such as glycosaminoglycans, all influence the bone is laid down on the outer surface by osteoblasts at
differentiation of these cells into osteoblasts at specific the same time as old bone is removed inside by osteo-
locations in connective tissue. Osteoblasts lay down clasts (Figs. 32.8B and 32.9).
struts of bone matrix in the loose connective tissue. As Bones grow longer as a result of interstitial growth of
new bone is laid down on the surface of these bone cartilage in the epiphyseal plate and its continual
spicules, some osteoblasts are trapped and become replacement by bone. Chondrocytes contribute to the
osteocytes. elongation of bones in two ways: chondrocytes continu-
During embryonic and postnatal development, genetic ously proliferate in one zone and then rapidly increase
information precisely controls changes in the size and in mass and swell in the adjacent zone next to forming
proportions of flat bones. For example, for the skull to bone (Fig. 32.9B). The hypertrophic chondrocytes
increase in size both externally and internally, osteo- secrete type X collagen and use matrix metalloprotein-
clasts on the outer surface lay down new bone at ases to resorb some of their surrounding matrix. They
the same rate as osteoclasts resorb old bone inside also direct the calcification of the cartilage matrix before
(Fig. 32.8A). These cellular activities are carefully coor- undergoing apoptosis or differentiating into osteoblasts.
dinated to change the proportions of the skull as the Osteoblasts lay down bone matrix on the surface of the
individual matures. cavities in the calcified cartilage. Hypertrophic cartilage

A B Osteocyte



FIGURE 32.7 BONE FORMATION BY INTRAMEMBRANOUS OSSIFICATION. A, Light micrograph of a section of forming bone stained
with hematoxylin and eosin. Calcified bone matrix is maroon. B, Interpretive drawings. Connective tissue mesenchymal cells differentiate into
osteoblasts, which lay down bone matrix (blue). Osteoblasts become trapped as the matrix grows. (A, Courtesy D.W. Fawcett, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA.)
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 563

A Hyaline cartilage B Proliferating
Bone collar Cartilage chondrocytes
ossification 2
center Hypertrophic
Periosteal chondrocytes
bud invades

Periosteal bud 3
blood vessel Calcified
cavity formed cartilage
New apoptosis
cavity Epiphyses
Epiphyseal Invasion of
Epiphyses blood vessel cartilage
ossify with bone

Epiphyseal Epiphyseal
plate (cartilage) plate (ossified)

FIGURE 32.8 FORMATION OF A LONG BONE BY REPLACEMENT OF CARTILAGE. A, The shaft grows in diameter as osteoblasts lay
down bone (tan) on the outer surface of the primary collar of bone and osteoclasts remove bone from the inner surface to form and maintain
the marrow cavity. The bone grows in length by interstitial expansion of the cartilage in the epiphyseal plate and its replacement by bone. B, Light
micrograph of a section of an epiphyseal plate stained with toluidine blue. Cartilage growth, differentiation, and replacement by bone occur in
several zones. Proliferation of chondrocytes and their production of matrix (pink) containing type II collagen are solely responsible for the longi-
tudinal growth of the bone (1). Hypertrophic chondrocytes enlarge and make type X collagen, as well as matrix metalloproteinases that resorb
some of the surrounding matrix (2). Chondrocytes die by apoptosis (see Chapter 46), and the matrix calcifies (3). Blood vessels and osteoblasts
move into spaces vacated by chondrocytes and lay down bone (blue) on the surface of calcified cartilage (4). (Micrograph courtesy R. Dintzis
and from the work of D. Walker, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD.)

A. Skull growth B. Long bone growth

25 years
6 years deposition
7 month Bone
fetus removal

FIGURE 32.9 BONE GROWTH. A, Light micrograph of a section of skull stained with Mallorys trichrome stain and an interpretive drawing.
The skull expands during fetal development and growth to adulthood as osteoblasts lay down new bone on the outer surface (blue) and osteo-
clasts resorb bone (pink) on the inner surface. B, Long bones grow entirely by expansion of cartilage in the epiphyseal plate and its replacement
by bone (tan), followed by resorption (pink). (A, Courtesy D.W. Fawcett, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.)
564 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

ceases to make the factors that inhibit endothelial cell that control remodeling. Sensory nerves are involved in
growth, allowing FGF-2, TGF-, and vascular endothe- some way, but most research has focused on how cells
lium growth factor to attract capillaries as part of the detect fluid flow through canaliculi.
transformation of cartilage to bone. Primary cilia have been implicated in both the differ-
Growth of long bones stops at puberty, when high entiation of bone cells and their responses to mechanical
concentrations of estrogen and testosterone stop prolif- forces. Part of their function must be in hedgehog signal-
eration of epiphyseal chondrocytes so that bone replaces ing (see Chapter 38), but they probably also sense fluid
this cartilage. This closure of the epiphyses throughout flowing through canaliculi as a result of mechanical force
the body occurs over several years in a predictable order, on the bone. Accordingly, some mutations in genes for
so one can judge the maturity of a child by examining components of the intraflagellar transport machinery
epiphyses by radiographic studies. Genetic variations (see Fig. 38.18) cause severe skeletal defects.
in this process of maturation give rise to differences in Formation of the cylindrical units of long bones called
stature. Metabolic and endocrine disorders can also osteons is a good example of well-coordinated remodel-
affect the timing of epiphyseal closure. ing. The process involves two steps (Fig. 32.10). First,
osteoclasts resorb preexisting bone to form long,
Bone Remodeling cylindrical, resorption channels in the same way that a
Bone is amazingly dynamic and is remodeled continu- plumbers snake clears debris from drain pipes. The
ously in response to stresses. Bone cells and matrix turn second step is slower, as osteoblasts take weeks to fill in
over every few years. Reorganization of bone requires these channels by depositing concentric layers of lamel-
two carefully coordinated steps: breakdown of preexist- lar bone against the walls. They lay down matrix at a rate
ing bone by osteoclasts and replacement with new bone of about 1 m of thickness per day until bone completely
by osteoblasts. More than 100 years ago, Wolff realized surrounds the blood vessels trapped in the middle of the
that the strength of a bone depends on use. For example, newly formed osteon. Because resorption channels cut
bones of the racquet arm of tennis players are more randomly through the bone, fragments of older osteons
robust than the bones of their other arm. Thus, mechani- are left behind during the remodeling of mature bone.
cal forces on the bones must generate modulatory signals These fragments are called interstitial lamellae.

A B Forming C D
Cutting resorption
cone cavity

zone Resorption

Closing Haversian
cone system


FIGURE 32.10 BONE REMODELING. AB, Longitudinal and cross sections of a time line illustrating the formation of an osteon. Osteoclasts
cut a cylindrical channel through bone. Osteoblasts follow, laying down bone on the surface of the channel until the matrix surrounds the central
blood vessel of the newly formed osteon. C, Steps in the formation of a new osteon. Parts of older osteons are left behind as interstitial lamellae.
D, Microradiograph of a cross section of a long bone, illustrating the range of ages of the structures. A section of bone is placed on x-ray film,
exposed to x-rays, developed, and examined by light microscopy. Older parts of the bone, such as the interstitial lamellae, are more heavily calci-
fied and therefore absorb more of the x-rays, appearing lighter. Newly formed osteons appear the darkest, as they are the least calcified. Vascular
spaces are empty and fully exposed by the x-rays. (A, Modified from Parfitt AM. The action of parathyroid hormone on bone. Metabolism.
1976;25:809844. D, Courtesy D.W. Fawcett, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.)
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 565

Resorption may release growth and differentiation mutations in the gene for type I collagen. Some are dele-
factors from the mineralized matrix that provide a local tions or insertions, which may be mild. Most patients
stimulus for the next round of bone formation by new with severe disease have point mutations leading to
osteoblasts. replacement of a glycine by a larger amino acid. This
prevents the zipper-like folding of the collagen triple
Bone Diseases helix (see Fig. 29.1), even if only one chain is defective
Osteoporosis, a thinning of bones, is common in elderly per molecule. This poisons assembly and accounts for
people as a result of an imbalance of bone resorption the dominant phenotype. No one knows why these
over renewal. In the United States, osteoporosis results mutations in type I collagen do not affect other tissues,
in 1.5 million painful fractures, costing nearly $20 billion such as skin, which are rich in type I collagen.
annually. Almost half of women suffer from such a frac-
ture at some time in their lives, typically as estrogen
levels decline after menopause. Osteoporosis also occurs
Repair of Wounds and Fractures
at reduced gravitational forces during space flight. The Healing of minor skin wounds is a familiar occurrence
pathogenesis is not understood, but both behavioral (eg, that illustrates the mechanisms controlling the assembly
inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking) and multiple genetic of connective tissue. Repair of connective tissue in the
factors have modest effects. Among many genetic factors, dermis underlying the epithelium proceeds in three
one might be naturally occurring variants of the nuclear stages: formation of a blood clot, assembly of provisional
receptor for vitamin D. This receptor is a transcription connective tissue, and remodeling of the connective
factor required for vitamin D to stimulate intestinal tissue (Fig. 32.11).
calcium uptake and calcification of bone. Variations in Tissue damage ruptures blood vessels, releasing
the genes for type I collagen or bone growth factors may blood that clots to stem the hemorrhage and fill the
also contribute. damaged area. Thrombin, a proteolytic enzyme in
Two strategies are used to treat osteoporosis. The first blood plasma, drives the clotting reaction by cleaving
is to reduce bone resorption using with bisphosphonates the plasma protein fibrinogen to form fibrin. Fibrin
(pyrophosphate mimics) or injection of either OPG or spontaneously polymerizes and is crosslinked to itself
antibodies to RANKL, which interfere with osteoclast and to plasma fibronectin. This provisional extracel-
formation. New inhibitors of cathepsin K are also being lular matrix of fibrin and fibronectin provides physical
tested. The other approach is to promote bone forma- integrity for the clot and an environment for wound
tion with vitamin D, estrogen, calcium, or strontium, but repair. Thrombin also activates seven-helix receptors on
these measures are only partially effective. More prom- platelets (see Fig. 30.14), stimulating them to secrete
ising is injection of an analog of parathyroid hormone matrix molecules (thrombospondin, fibrinogen, fibro-
or antibodies to sclerostin, which promote osteoblast nectin, and von Willebrand factor) and growth factors
activity. (platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF], TGF-, and TGF-
Osteopetrosis is failure of bone resorption, leading ) that initiate the cellular events required to complete
to an imbalance of renewal over resorption. This rare wound repair.
disease of osteoclasts is fatal in humans, owing to bone Chemotactic factors attract phagocytes from the
marrow failure. Recessive mutations in the gene for the blood into the wound. These factors include PDGF, che-
V-type proton-ATPase pump (60%), two genes for a chlo- mokines, peptides cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin,
ride channel (15%), and two genes for proteins involved and peptides from any contaminating bacteria. Neutro-
with the secretory pathway account for most human phils arrive first from the nearby blood vessels, having
cases. Naturally occurring or engineered mutations in attached to activated endothelial cells (see Fig. 30.13)
the genes for essentially any protein required for osteo- and migrated into the connective tissue and clot. They
clast differentiation or function cause osteopetrosis in ingest any bacteria. Then monocytes (using a similar
mice. Osteoclasts are present in bone but fail to function mechanism) migrate into the clot and clear foreign mate-
properly. The disease can be cured in humans and mice rial and any dead neutrophils. The environment in a
by transplantation of bone marrow stem cells to replace wound promotes transformation of monocytes into mac-
defective osteoclast precursors, an early example of rophages (see Fig. 28.6), which synthesize and secrete
stem cell therapy. If the mutation is in the gene encod- cytokines and growth factors that mediate the cellular
ing RANKL, replacement of this growth factor cures events that complete the repair process. In this way,
the disease. platelets, monocytes, and fibroblasts form a relay, passing
Osteogenesis imperfecta is the name of a variety of information from one cell to the next.
congenital fragile bone syndromes. Severely affected During the next phase of repair, macrophages, fibro-
fetuses die in utero from multiple broken bones. Mildly blasts, and capillary endothelial cells migrate into the
affected individuals are born but suffer multiple fractures fibrin clot and reestablish the connective tissue. Endothe-
resulting in skeletal deformities. All of the patients have lial cells form capillary loops that allow blood to flow and
566 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix


A TISSUE. A, Wounding removes some tissue and damages blood
vessels, releasing blood into the defect. B, Blood forms a clot of fibrin
and fibronectin, releasing fibrin peptides, and platelets secrete platelet-
derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-,
Wound in connective tissue all of which attract neutrophils and monocytes. C, Neutrophils ingest
Blood any bacteria. Monocytes clean up debris and differentiate into macro-
phages, which secrete cytokines, attracting fibroblasts and blood
vessels. D, Fibroblasts secrete type III collagen and hyaluronan, which,
in turn, replace the fibrin clot. E, Fibroblasts remodel the provisional
connective tissue with type I collagen, and blood vessels grow back
into the new tissue.

B Clot of fibrin and

fibronectin forms

Platelets secrete
migrate into the clot. They secrete more fibronectin as
Peptides released from
fibrin attract neutrophils they move. Within the clot, PDGF and TGF- from
and monocytes macrophages stimulate fibroblasts to secrete type III col-
lagen, hyaluronan, SPARC (secreted protein acidic and
rich in cysteine), and tenascin. Initially, this loose con-
nective tissue is disorganized and weak. Hyaluronan
C Neutrophils ingest bacteria predominates transiently, but after about five days, it is
gradually replaced by proteoglycans and type I collagen.
Monocytes differentiate
into macrophages Two events complete the repair of the matrix. First,
fibroblasts differentiate into (smooth musclelike) myo-
Macrophages secrete fibroblasts, which contract the collagen matrix, closing
the edges of the wound. This step is particularly impor-
Cytokines attract capillaries
and fibroblasts
tant for large wounds. Second, fibroblasts remodel the
provisional connective tissue to restore its original
architecture with nearly normal physical strength. This
requires resorption of provisional collagen fibrils by
D metalloproteinases (see Fig. 29.19) and assembly of more
robust type I collagen fibrils.
Fibroblasts secrete While fibroblasts repair the connective tissue, the epi-
collagen III and
hyaluronan, which thelium bordering the wound spreads by cell division
replace the fibrin coat and migration to cover the defect. This process of migra-
tion is initiated within hours of wounding. Both the loss
of contacts with neighboring cells at the edge of the
wound and the release of growth factors in the wound
are thought to transform the static epithelial cells into
migrating cells. Keratin filaments that predominate in the
E cytoskeleton of skin epithelial cells are replaced with
actin filaments. Hemidesmosomes that anchor the skin
epithelial cells to the basal lamina are lost, and the cells
Provisional matrix is migrate over the surface of the underlying matrix, which
replaced by collagen I
consists initially of fibrin and fibronectin and later of
collagen. As they go, epithelial cells lay down a new
basal lamina. Depending on the size of the defect, pro-
liferation of epithelial cells might be required to com-
plete coverage of the surface. When it is covered, the
cells begin to differentiate into stratified epithelium.
to provide oxygen. Initially, the endothelial cells are Many parallels exist between repair of a fractured
attracted by growth factors released by platelets, but bone and repair of a skin wound. Blood escapes from
macrophages and dissolution of fibrin provide a more damaged blood vessels and clots at the fracture site.
sustained supply of chemoattractants and growth factors. PDGF released by platelets stimulates mesenchymal
Integrin receptors for fibronectin allow fibroblasts to cells to proliferate in the surrounding tissue. These
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 567

cells migrate into the clot along with blood vessels and preference to its cell surface receptors, limiting its
macrophages. Stimulated by growth factors released ini- effects. In a fibrin/fibronectin clot, cellular fibronectin
tially by platelets and in a more sustained fashion by receptors bind the matrix, stimulating production of
macrophages, mesenchymal cells differentiate into chon- matrix metalloproteinases that are appropriate for
drocytes and osteoblasts that recapitulate the develop- remodeling the matrix. In normal connective tissue with
ment of new bone to fill in the defect. Although the bone less fibronectin, cells produce less metalloproteinase.
that is initially produced to join the fractured ends is The mechanisms that mediate physiological wound
poorly organized, fractures are mechanically stable repair can also contribute to disease. For example, PDGF
within approximately 6 weeks. The fibrin clot is con- that is released from activated platelets in clots at the
verted directly into bone if the broken bone is immobi- sites of wounds initiates the cellular events that are
lized. A cartilage intermediate may form first if the required for repair. On the other hand, when the endo-
fracture is allowed to move. Over a period of months, thelium lining of large arteries is damaged, binding to the
remodeling reestablishes the normal pattern of the bone. exposed basal lamina activates platelets. This stimulates
With time, remodeling can even straighten out bones them to release PDGF, which promotes proliferation of
that are mildly bent at fracture sites. fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in the artery wall, an
In all of these examples, wound healing is coordi- early step in the development of arteriosclerosis.
nated by a variety of growth factors and cytokines
and is supported by the environment provided by the
extracellular matrix. For example, PDGF from platelets
Plant Cell Wall
stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts and attracts The cell walls of land plants are composite materials
them to the fibrin clot at the site of a wound. TGF- consisting of cellulose, other polysaccharides, and glyco-
inhibits fibroblast proliferation but stimulates fibroblasts proteins (Figs. 32.12 and 32.13). Wood and cotton are
to make matrix molecules. The actions of cytokines two familiar examples of cell wall material that is left
and growth factors depend on the local environment behind after plant cells have died. Like the extracellular
in the matrix. In a fibrin clot, TGF- binds to its recep matrix of animals, plant cell walls not only provide
tor on cells rather than the matrix. In the normal con- mechanical support but also may influence develop-
nective tissue matrix, TGF- binds to proteoglycans in ment. Because of these robust cell walls, plant cells are

A B C Microfibrils






FIGURE 32.12 PLANT CELL WALL. A, Confocal fluorescence micrograph of an Arabidopsis leaf with cell walls stained by the periodic
acidSchiff reaction using Acriflavine as the Schiff reagent. BC, Electron micrographs of thin sections of cell walls in the root-like appendages
of the parasitic weed dodder. B, Two cells are separated by an electron-translucent cell wall consisting of cellulose, xyloglycan, and pectins.
The darker area between the two cell walls is the middle lamella, which contains a high concentration of pectins. C, At high magnification,
an oblique section through the plasma membrane and cell wall shows cellulose microfibrils aligned roughly parallel to cortical microtubules
inside the plasma membrane. (A, Courtesy Steven E. Ruzin, University of California, Berkeley. BC, Courtesy K.C. Vaughn, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Stoneville, MD.)
568 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix


Golgi vesicle
with matrix

B. Cellulose synthase Cellulose synthase

monomer complex with 6
enzyme trimers

Microfibrils of
Cellulose Matrix ~18 cellulose
glycans polymers

FIGURE 32.13 CELL WALL SYNTHESIS. A, Confocal fluorescence micrograph of an Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cell expressing tubulin
tagged with cyan fluorescent protein (CFP, shown in magenta) and cellulose synthase CESA6 tagged with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP, shown
in green). This is a superimposition of five successive images taken at 10-second intervals to show green particles of CESA aligned with the
magenta microtubules. B, Ribbon diagram and space-filling module of the crystal structure of a bacterial cellulose synthase showing the eight
transmembrane helices, the glycosyltransferase domain in the cytoplasm between helices 4 and 5, and the growing cellulose polymer (white and
red) threading across the membrane. C, Schematic showing the biosynthesis of the cell wall. ECM, extracellular matrix. (A, Courtesy R. Gutierrez,
J. Lindeboom, and D. Erhardt, Stanford University. For reference, see Paredez AR, Somerville CR, Ehrhardt DW. Visualization of cellulose synthase
demonstrates functional association with microtubules. Science. 2006;312:14911495. B, For reference, see Protein Data Bank [www.rcsb.org]
file 4HG6 and Morgan JL, Strumillo J, Zimmer J. Crystallographic snapshot of cellulose synthesis and membrane translocation. Nature.
2013;493:181186. C, Modified from Cosgrove DJ. Loosening of plant cell walls by expansins. Nature. 2000;407:321326.)

not motile. Therefore the morphology of plants is estab- form a channel for the cellulose polymer across the
lished by the orientation of the cell divisions that occur membrane. These transmembrane enzymes form a
during their development. Two types of forces act on rosette of six particles that are visible by electron
cell walls. Internally, the vacuole of the plant cell applies microscopy, each particle likely to consist of three
a high turgor pressure on the order of one atmosphere. enzyme subunits.
Cell walls also resist a variety of external mechanical Outside the cell the cellulose polymers assemble into
forces that tend to deform the cell. linear crystals called microfibrils. The number of poly-
The main constituent of cell walls is cellulose, the mers per microfibril was long thought to be 36, but 18
most abundant biopolymer on earth. It is a long, is now the accepted number. Hydrogen bonds constrain
unbranched polymer of glucose (see Fig. 3.25). Cellulose the glucose units to face in alternate directions in planar
polymers associate laterally into 5- to 7-nm bundles ribbons (Fig. 3.25A). These ribbons self-assemble later-
called microfibrils (Fig. 32.13C). Two types of ally into planar crystalline sheets, which stack vertically
branched polysaccharideshemicelluloses and into paracrystalline bundles that are held together by
pectinsassociate with cellulose microfibrils along C-HO hydrogen bonds.
with many proteins. Plasma membrane enzymes synthe- Cellulose synthesis moves the rosettes of cellulose
size cellulose, while the other components come from synthase in the plane of the plasma membrane along
the secretory pathway and associate with cellulose paths defined by cytoplasmic microtubules (Fig. 32.13A).
outside the cell. Products of more than 1000 genes are Typically, cytoplasmic microtubules, the tracks of cel-
thought to participate in cell wall synthesis. lulose synthases, and the cellulose microfibrils are all
Plants inherited their genes for cellulose synthases aligned like barrel hoops perpendicular to the axis of
from bacteria. Arabidopsis has genes for approximately cellular growth to allow for directed (or anisotropic)
10 different cellulose synthases. These enzymes consist expansion of the cell wall. Cellulose synthesis continues
of eight transmembrane helices with a cytoplasmic without microtubules but it is not so well organized.
-glycosyltransferase domain similar to hyaluronan syn- Newly synthesized microfibrils are deposited between
thase and chitin synthase (Fig. 32.13B). The active site the cell surface and older cell wall components.
is exposed to the cytoplasm to provide access to uridine A large number of glycosyltransferases and other
diphosphate (UDP)-glucose that supplies the glucose enzymes in the Golgi apparatus synthesize pectins and
added to the polymer. The transmembrane helices hemicelluloses, which are transported in vesicles to the
CHAPTER 32 n Connective Tissues 569

surface for secretion. Pectins are acidic polysaccharides ACKNOWLEDGMENT

that form a gel between microfibrils and play important
We thank David Ehrhardt for his suggestions on revisions
roles in cell wall expansion during growth and develop-
of this chapter.
ment. Hemicelluloses are branched polysaccharides that
coat microfibrils but are less important than pectins.
Primary cell walls, laid down at the time of cellular
growth and expansion, mature with the addition of gly- Capulli M, Paone R, Rucci N. Osteoblast and osteocyte: games without
coproteins and organic molecules, such as lignins (poly- frontiers. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2014;561:3-12.
Charles JF, Aliprantis AO. Osteoclasts: more than bone eaters. Trends
mers of phenylpropanoid alcohols and acids), which
Mol Med. 2014;20:449-459.
contribute to the integrity of the secondary cell wall. Cosgrove DJ. Loosening of plant cell walls by expansins. Nature. 2000;
Covalent and noncovalent bonds are thought to link cel- 407:321-326.
lulose and these other matrix molecules. The great Georgelis N, Nikolaidis N, Cosgrove DJ. Bacterial expansins and related
strength and flexibility of tree branches illustrate the proteins from the world of microbes. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.
remarkable mechanical properties of mature cell walls.
Goldring MB, Berenbaum F. Emerging targets in osteoarthritis therapy.
Cellulose microfibrils are flexible and have a tensile Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2015;22:51-63.
strength greater than that of steel, so they do not stretch. Golub EE. Role of matrix vesicles in biomineralization. Biochim
For a plant tissue to expand, microfibrils and bonds Biophys Acta. 2009;1790:1592-1598.
among wall components must rearrange, processes facil- Martin TJ. Bone biology and anabolic therapies for bone: current status
and future prospects. J Bone Metab. 2014;21:8-20.
itated in plants and bacteria by matrix proteins called
McFarlane HE, Dring A, Persson S. The cell biology of cellulose syn-
expansins. The mechanism is still being investigated, thesis. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 2014;65:69-94.
but expansins may break noncovalent links between the Newman RH, Hill SJ, Harris PJ. Wide-angle x-ray scattering and solid-
polymers transiently, allowing turgor pressure to expand state nuclear magnetic resonance data combined to test models for
the volume of the cell. Genetic defects in expansins cellulose microfibrils in mung bean cell walls. Plant Physiol. 2013;
inhibit the growth of plant tissues and the ripening of
Ornitz DM, Marie PJ. Fibroblast growth factor signaling in skeletal
some fruits, such as tomatoes. Expansins in grass pollen development and disease. Genes Dev. 2015;29:1463-1486.
are one allergen responsible for hay fever. Localized Peaucelle A, Wightman R, Hfte H. The control of growth symmetry
chemical modifications of pectins can also loosen the breaking in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl. Curr Biol. 2015;25:
cell wall and contribute to expansion of plant cells. 1746-1752.
Sobacchi C, Schulz A, Coxon FP, Villa A, Helfrich MH. Osteopetrosis:
Little is known about the molecular basis of plant
genetics, treatment and new insights into osteoclast function. Nat
cells adhering to their cell walls. By virtue of their phy Rev Endocrinol. 2013;9:522-536.
sical connection with their product, cellulose synthases Tao J, Battle KC, Pan H, etal. Energetic basis for the molecular-scale
offer one means of attachment. Other plasma membrane organization of bone. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015;112:326-331.
proteins, including a family of serine/threonine kinases Yuan X, Serra RA, Yang S. Function and regulation of primary cilia and
intraflagellar transport proteins in the skeleton. Ann N Y Acad Sci.
and some proteins with glycosylphosphatidylinositol
anchors, may contribute to adhesion by binding Zhong R, Ye ZH. Secondary cell walls: biosynthesis, patterned deposi-
cell walls. Integrins are conspicuously missing from tion and transcriptional regulation. Plant Cell Physiol. 2015;56:
plant cells. 195-214.
570 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix


Genetic Defects of Cartilage and Bone

Protein Species Mutation Phenotype
Growth Factors
BMP-4 Human Overexpression Fibrodysplasia progressiva; ectopic bone formation
BMP-5 Mouse Null Defective ears and sternum (short ear mutation)
CSF-1 Mouse Null Osteopetrosis; reduced osteoclasts (osteopetrotic mutation)
GDF-5 (TGF- family) Mouse Null Reduced size of long bones; no joints (brachypodism mutation)
Growth hormone Human Null Reduced size of bones
OPG (osteoprotegerin) Human Null Recessive juvenile Paget disease with excess bone remodeling
PTHrP Human Null Reduced chondrocyte growth; epiphyseal plates fused at birth
RANKL Mouse Null Osteopetrosis; no osteoclasts
Sclerostin Human Loss of function Dense bones, van Buchem disease
Wnt1 Human Loss of function Osteoporosis
Signal Transduction Components
c-Src Mouse Null Osteopetrosis; osteoclasts fail to attach to or degrade bone
Connexin 43 Human Point mutations Dominant oculodentodigital dysplasia
FGF receptor 1 Human Point mutation Pfeiffer syndrome; cranial synostosis; long bone defects
FGF receptor 2 Human Point mutation Jackson-Weiss syndrome; cranial synostosis; long bone defects
FGF receptor 2 Human Point mutation Crouzon disease; cranial synostosis
FGF receptor 3 Human Point mutation Gain-of-function mutation; achondroplasia; short, wide bones
LRP5 Wnt coreceptor Human Loss of function Osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome
Transcription Factors
c-fos Mouse Null Osteopetrosis; no osteoclasts
hoxa-2 Mouse Null Deletion of the second branchial arch; duplication of first branchial arch
hoxd-13 Mouse Null Deletion fourth sacral derivatives; duplication third sacral derivatives
msx-1 Mouse Null Cleft palate
msx-2 Mouse Null Craniosynostosis (fusion of skull bones)
Runx2/Cbfa-1 Human +/ Dominant skeletal defects (cleidocranial dysplasia)
Mouse Null No osteoblasts or bone
SOX9 Human Point mutations Dominant cartilage and skeletal defects (campomelic dysplasia)
Collagen and Other Structural Components of Cartilage and Bone
Aggrecan Mouse Missense Recessive cartilage deficiency; dwarfism; cleft palate
Cathepsin-K Mouse Deletion Osteopetrosis
CLC7 Human Point mutations Osteopetrosis
COL1 Human Missense, Dominant osteogenesis imperfecta; fragile bones
COL2 Human Nonsense Dominant Stickler syndrome; chondrodysplasia, eye defects
Human Point mutations Dominant chondrodysplasia and osteoarthritis of variable severity
COL9A2 Human Splicing Defective cartilage with degeneration of knee joint
COL10A1 Human Point mutations Dominant Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with short bones
COL11A2 Human Exon skipping Dominant Stickler syndrome; chondrodysplasia, eye defects
Human Point mutation Recessive severe chondrodysplasia; deafness; cleft palate
Lysyl hydroxylase Human Point mutation Bruck disease; fragile bones
Perlecan Mouse Deletion Recessive defects in cartilage and bone formation
Proton ATPase Human Point mutations Osteopetrosis
Sulfate transporter Human DTDST gene Recessive cartilage defects; short limbs; joint deformation

ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; BMP, bone morphogenetic protein; CSF, colony stimulating factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; PTHrP, parathyroid
hormonerelated protein; RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factor B ligand; TGF, transforming growth factor.

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