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Cellular Adhesion

A ll cells interact with molecules in their environment,

in many cases relying on cell-surface adhesion proteins
to bind these molecules. Multicellular organisms are family (ICAM-1) CD54
particularly dependent on adhesion of cells to each other
and the extracellular matrix (ECM). During development,
carefully regulated genetic programs specify cell-cell
and cell-matrix interactions that determine the architec-
ture of each tissue and organ. Some adhesive interactions
are stable. Muscle cells must adhere firmly to each Integrin L2
other and to the connective tissue of tendons to transmit (LFA-1)
force to the skeleton (see Chapter 39). Skin cells must CD11a/CD18
also bind tightly to each other and the underlying con-
nective tissue to resist abrasion (see Fig. 35.6). On the P-selectin
other hand, many cellular interactions are transient
and delicate. At sites of inflammation, leukocytes roll
along endothelial cells lining small blood vessels and
then interact weakly with the ECM as they migrate
through connective tissue (look ahead to Figs. 30.13 CD43
and 30.14).
Cells use a relatively small repertoire of adhesion
globulin cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs) have one or more extracel-
mechanisms to interact with matrix molecules and lular domains folded like an immunoglobulin domain (orange).
each other. A conceptual breakthrough came when Cadherins have five or more extracellular CAD (cadherin) domains
comparisons of amino acid sequences showed that (maroon) that typically bind the same class of cadherin on a neighbor-
most adhesion proteins fall into five large families ing cell. Ca2+ stabilizes the interaction of neighboring CAD domains.
Their cytoplasmic tails bind -catenin (blue) and other adapter pro-
(Fig. 30.1). Within each of these distinctive families,
teins. Integrins are heterodimers of and subunits that bind a wide
ancestral genes duplicated and diverged during evolu- range of matrix molecules by combinations of 1 of 16 -chains and
tion, giving rise to adhesion proteins with the many 1 of 8 -chains. Selectins have a Ca2+-dependent lectin (carbohydrate-
different specificities required for embryonic develop- binding) domain (green), an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain
ment, maintenance of organ structure, and migrations (blue), and a variable number of complement regulatory domains
(red). Mucins use multiple carbohydrates for interactions with other
of cells of our defense systems. General principles
cells. CD numbers refer to the names of representative adhesion
emerged from characterizing a few examples. Several molecules using the clusters of differentiation nomenclature (see the
important adhesion proteins fall outside the five major text). Single transmembrane helices anchor all these receptors to the
families, and additional families may emerge from con- plasma membrane. Adapter proteins link the cytoplasmic tails of most
tinued research. adhesion proteins to the actin cytoskeleton or, in the case of special-
ized cadherins and integrins, to intermediate filaments. ICAM, inter-
Many adhesion proteins were named before they
cellular adhesion molecule; LFA, lymphocyte functionassociated
were classified into families. Tables 30.1 through 30.5 antigen. (Modified from van der Merwe PA, Barclay AN. Transient
are designed to help the reader with the challenging intercellular adhesion: the importance of weak protein-protein interac-
nomenclature. Many adhesion proteins are named tions. Trends Cell Biol. 1994;19:354358.)

526 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

CD followed by a number. This stands for clusters of A

differentiation, a term used to classify cell-surface anti-
gens recognized by monoclonal antibodies. These names b
were given without knowledge of the structure or func-
tion of the antigen. Hence, members of the four major Dissociated cells Cluster of cells sorted
families of adhesion proteins have CD numbers. of two types with b cells inside
This chapter first highlights some general features
High level
of adhesion proteins and then introduces the five of cadherin
major families: immunoglobulincell adhesion molecules
(IgCAMs), cadherins, integrins, selectins, and
mucins. While learning about each family, the reader Low level Cluster with cells expressing
of cadherin a high level of cadherin
should bear in mind that these receptors rarely act B on the inside
alone. Rather, they usually function as parts of multi-
component systems. Two examples at the end of the
from different tissues are dissociated and mixed together, they spon-
chapter illustrate the cooperation that is required for taneously sort themselves into two layers, with the more adherent cells
leukocytes to respond to inflammation and for platelets inside the less-adherent cells. B, Cells with high concentrations of
to repair damaged blood vessels. Chapter 31 on intercel- cadherin sort inside less-adherent cells. (Based on the work of M.
lular junctions, Chapter 32 on specialized connective Steinberg, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.)
tissues, and Chapter 38 on cellular motility provide
more examples of cellular adhesion.
Integrins stand apart because they bind a variety of
General Principles of Cellular Adhesion ligands: matrix macromolecules, such as fibronectin
(see Fig. 29.14) and laminin (see Fig. 39.9); soluble
First Principle of Adhesion
proteins, such as fibrinogen in blood; and adhesion
Cells define their capacity for adhesion by selectively proteins on other cells, including IgCAMs and one
expressing plasma membrane receptors (cell adhesion cadherin.
molecules [CAMs]) with selective ligand-binding activ-
ity. Generally, expression of the proper mix of recep-
tors is part of a genetic program for cell differentiation. Third Principle of Adhesion
In some cases, extracellular stimuli control expression Cells modulate adhesion by controlling the surface
of adhesion receptors. For example, inflammatory density, state of aggregation, and state of activation of
hormones or endotoxin stimulate endothelial cells to their adhesion receptors. Surface density reflects not
produce E-selectin on demand. only the level of synthesis but also the partitioning of
adhesion molecules between the plasma membrane and
Second Principle of Adhesion intracellular storage compartments. For example, endo-
Many adhesion proteins bind one main ligand, and thelial cells express P-selectin constitutively but store it
many ligands bind a single type of receptor (refer to internally in membranes of cytoplasmic vesicles. When
Tables 30.1 through 30.5). If this one-to-one pairing inflammatory cytokines activate endothelial cells, these
were the rule, adhesion would be simple indeed. vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, exposing
However, many exceptions exist, particularly in the P-selectin on the cell surface, where it binds white blood
integrin family of receptors (Table 30.3), which gener- cells (Fig. 30.13). The importance of surface density is
ally bind more than one ligand, and some ligands, illustrated by an experiment with mixtures of cells that
such as fibronectin, bind more than one integrin. One express different levels of the same cadherin. Over time,
can generalize about the ligands for the several families they sort from each other, with the more adherent cells
of CAMs: forming a cluster surrounded by the less-adherent cells
Most cadherins prefer to bind themselves, so they (Fig. 30.2). Such differential expression of cadherin
promote the adhesion of like cells. These homophilic determines the position of the oocyte in Drosophila egg
interactions (association of like receptors on two follicles. A variety of extracellular stimuli activate intra-
cells) require Ca2+. cellular signaling pathways in lymphocytes, platelets,
Most IgCAMs bind other cell-surface adhesion pro- and other cells. These pathways enhance or inhibit the
teins. These heterophilic interactions (association ligand-binding activity of integrins already located on the
of unlike receptors) may occur between the same or cell surface.
different cell types.
Selectins bind anionic polysaccharides like those on Fourth Principle of Adhesion
mucins. Generally, such interactions bind together The rates of ligand binding and dissociation are impor-
two different types of cells. tant determinants of cellular adhesion. Many cell-surface
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 527

adhesion proteins (including IgCAMs, cadherins, integ- Insights about the functions of adhesion receptors
rins, and selectins) bind their ligands weakly compared came in several steps. Localization of a protein on spe-
with other specific macromolecular interactions, such cific cells frequently provided the first clues. Typically,
as antigens and antibodies, hormones and receptors, or the expression of each protein is restricted to a subset
transcription factors and DNA. The measured dissocia- of cells or to a specific time during embryonic develop-
tion equilibrium constants for adhesion receptors are in ment or both. Next, investigators used specific antibod-
the range of 1 to 100M, reflecting high rate constants ies to test for the participation of the adhesion protein
(>1s1) for dissociation of ligand. This actually makes in cellular interactions in vitro or in tissues. Both human
good biological sense. Rapidly reversible interactions genetic diseases and mutations in mice and other organ-
allow white blood cells to roll along the endothelium of isms produce defects caused by the absence of adhesion
blood vessels (Fig. 30.13). Transient adhesion also allows proteins. Blistering skin diseases called pemphigus illus-
fibroblasts to migrate through connective tissue. In trate the serious consequences when pathological auto-
contrast, the interactions of cells in epithelia and muscle antibodies disrupt adhesion between skin cells expressing
appear to be more stable, perhaps owing to multiple the antigen (see Fig. 31.8). In leukocyte adhesion defi-
weak interactions between clustered adhesion pro- ciency, white blood cells lack the 2-integrin that is
teins cooperating to stabilize adherens junctions and required to bind the endothelial cells that line blood
desmosomes (see Fig. 31.8). The combined strength vessels. These defective white blood cells fail to bind to
of these bonds is said to increase the avidity of the blood vessel walls or to migrate into connective tissue
interaction. at sites of infection. Patients with a bleeding disorder
called Bernard-Soulier syndrome lack one of the adhe-
Fifth Principle of Adhesion sion receptors for von Willebrand factor, a protein that
Many adhesion receptors interact with the cytoskeleton promotes platelet aggregation. Loss of cadherins contrib-
inside the cell. Adapter proteins link cadherins and utes to the spread of some cancer cells.
integrins to actin filaments or intermediate filaments.
These interactions provide mechanical continuity from Immunoglobulin Family of Cell
cell to cell in muscles and epithelia, allowing them to
Adhesion Molecules
transmit forces and resist mechanical disruption.
The IgCAM family includes hundreds of adhesion proteins
Sixth Principle of Adhesion that bind ligands on the surfaces of other cells. Some
Association of ligands with adhesion receptors activates interactions are homophilic binding to the same IgCAM
intracellular signal transduction pathways, leading to on another cell; others are heterophilic with different
changes in gene expression, cellular differentiation, IgCAMs, integrins, other proteins or proteins with sialic
secretion, motility, receptor activation, and cell division. acid. These interactions help specify interactions between
Signaling through adhesion receptors allows cells to different cell types in developing and mature animals.
adjust their behavior based on physical interactions with IgCAMs have one to seven extracellular immunoglobu-
the surrounding matrix or cells. lin domains anchored to the plasma membrane by a
single transmembrane helix (Fig. 30.3 and Table 30.1).
Identification and Characterization The compact immunoglobulin (Ig) domains consist of 90
to 115 residues folded into seven to nine -strands in two
of Adhesion Receptors
sheets, usually stabilized by an intramolecular disulfide
The ability of mixed populations of cells to sort into bond. The N- and C-termini are at opposite ends of the
homogeneous aggregates revealed that mechanisms Ig domains, so they can form linear arrays. Some nervous
exist to bind like cells together. Similar experiments system IgCAMs have three or four fibronectin III (FN-III)
showed that cells also bind matrix macromolecules, such domains (see Fig. 13.13) between the Ig domains and
as fibronectin, laminin, collagen, and proteoglycans. the membrane anchor. Most IgCAMs consist of a single
Biochemical isolation of the responsible adhesion pro- polypeptide, but others are multimeric, with two (CD8)
teins was challenging, but progressed rapidly once or four subunits (see Fig. 27.8 for the T-cell receptor).
monoclonal antibodies (see Fig. 28.10) that inhibit adhe- The C-terminal cytoplasmic tails of these receptors
sion were available. These antibodies provided assays for vary in sequence and binding sites for intracellular
purification of adhesion proteins and cloning of their ligands. The cytoplasmic domains of the lymphocyte
complementary DNAs (cDNAs). With representatives accessory receptors CD4 and CD8 bind protein tyrosine
from each family in hand, cloning cDNAs for related kinases required for cellular activation (see Fig. 27.8 for
proteins was straightforward. Once the first crystal CD4). The cytoplasmic domains of neuronal IgCAMs
structures were determined, the structures of other bind PDZ domain proteins or the membrane skeleton
family members could be modeled using the structures (see Fig. 13.11). An adapter protein links IgCAMs in the
of shared functional domains. nectin family to cytoplasmic actin filaments.
528 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

Differentiated metazoan cells express IgCAMs selec-
2 1 1 tively, especially during embryonic development, when
3 2
4 3 2 they contribute to the specificity of cellular interactions
3 2 1 5 5 1 required to form the organs. Neurons and glial cells
4 1 6 6 2
2 1 express specific IgCAMs that guide the growth of
5 3 2 7 7 3 3
neurites, mediate synapse formation, and promote
the formation of myelin sheaths. In adults, interaction of
endothelial cell intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1
ICAM-1 Nectin ICAM-2 VCAM-1 MAdCAM-1
CD54 CD102 CD106 with a white blood cell integrin is essential for adhesion
and movement of the leukocytes into the connective
B tissue at sites of inflammation (Fig. 30.13).
Like other cell adhesion proteins, IgCAMs participate
in signaling processes. Best understood are interactions
of lymphocytes with antigen-presenting cells during
immune responses. IgCAMs reinforce the interaction of
T-cell receptors with major histocompatibility complex
molecules carrying appropriate antigens on other cells
CD4D1D2 CD4D3D4 CD8/ (see Fig. 27.8). Although individual interactions are
FIGURE 30.3 STRUCTURES OF REPRESENTATIVE IMMUNO- weak, the combination of specific (T-cell receptor) and
GLOBULIN CELL ADHESION MOLECULES. A, Domain maps of nonspecific (CD2 and CD4) interactions with the target
examples with their common names and CD numbers. B, Ribbon dia- cell suffices to initiate signaling.
grams of the lymphocyte coreceptors CD4 (domains 1 and 2 on the left
and domains 3 and 4 in the middle) and CD8. ICAM, intercellular adhe-
sion molecule; MAdCAM, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule; Cadherin Family of Adhesion Receptors
VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule. (For reference, see Protein Data
Bank [PDB; www.rcsb.org] files 3CD4, 1CID, and 1CD8.) The complex architecture of organs in vertebrates relies
on Ca2+-dependent associations between the cells medi-
ated by more than 80 cadherins (Table 30.2). Their name
derives from calcium-dependent adhesion protein.

TABLE 30.1 Immunoglobulin Family of Cell Adhesion Molecules*

Extracellular Intracellular
Examples Structure Ligands Ligands Expression Functions
CD2 2Ig-1TM LFA-3 (CD58) T cells T-cell activation
CD4 4Ig-1TM Class II MHC Lck T cells, macrophages T-cell coreceptor
CD8 Dimer: 1Ig-1TM Class I MHC Lck Cytotoxic; other T cells T-cell coreceptor
C-CAM 4Ig-1TM Self Liver, intestine, WBCs Cell adhesion
F11 (contactin) 6Ig-4FN-II-1TM Neurons Neurite fasciculation
ICAM-1 5Ig-1TM LFA-1, MAC-1 Epithelia, WBCs WBC adhesion
ICAM-2 2Ig-1TM Endothelium, WBCs
L1 (Ng-CAM) [mouse] 6Ig-3FN-III-1TM Self Ankyrin Neurons, Schwann cells Adhesion
LFA-3 (CD58) 2Ig-1TM or GPI CD2 WBCs, epithelia, Adhesion
anchor fibroblasts
MAG 5Ig-1TM Neurons Glial cells Myelin formation
NCAM 5Ig-3FN-III-1TM Self Neurons, other cells Adhesion
Neurofascin [chick] 6Ig-4FN-III-1TM ? Self Ankyrin Neurites Bundling neurites
PECAM-1 (CD31) 6Ig-1TM Self Platelets, endothelium, Adhesion
myeloid cells
TAG-1 6Ig-4FN-III-GPI anchor ? Self Neurons Neuron migration
VCAM-1 7Ig-1TM WBC 4 integrin Endothelium WBC/endothelium
(regulated) adhesion
CAM, cell adhesion molecule; CD, cellular differentiation antigen; FN-III, fibronectin-III domain; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; ICAM, intercellular
adhesion molecule; Ig, immunoglobulin domain; Lck, nonreceptor tyrosine kinase; LFA, lymphocyte functionassociated antigen; MAG, myelin-associated
glycoprotein; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; NCAM, neural cell adhesion molecule; PECAM, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule; TAG,
transient axonal glycoprotein; TM, transmembrane domain; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule; WBC, white blood cells.
*Hundreds are known.

Partial atomic structure.

CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 529

TABLE 30.2 Cadherin Family of Adhesion Molecules*

Type (Examples) Extracellular Ligands Intracellular Ligands Expression Functions
Classic Cadherins
E-cadherin Self Catenins (actin) Epithelia, others Adherens junctions
N-cadherin Self Catenins (actin) Neurons, muscle, Adhesion
R-cadherin Self Catenins (actin) Retina, neurons Adhesion
Desmosomal Cadherins
Desmocollins Self, desmogleins Plakoglobin (desmoplakin, Epithelia Desmosomes
plackophilin, IF)
Desmogleins Self, desmocollins Plakoglobin (desmoplakin, Epithelia, heart Desmosomes
plackophilin, IF)
Atypical Cadherins
T-cadherin Self None (GPI anchor) Early embryos, neurons Intercellular adhesion
-, -, and Self Fyn tyrosine kinase (some) Vertebrate neurons, Self-avoidance
- Protocadherins other cells
Signaling Cadherins
RET protooncogene Self None Endocrine glands, Intercellular adhesion

GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; IF, intermediate filament.

*More than 80 are known. Plakoglobin is also known as -catenin.

Genes for cadherin domains appeared in unicellular

precursors of sponges, representing an early step toward A. Desmosome B. Adherens junction
the evolution of metazoan organisms.
Cadherins generally interact with like cadherins on
the surfaces of other cells in a calcium-dependent
fashion, but some cadherins form heterophilic interac-
tions. Homophilic interactions of cadherins link epithelial
and muscle cells to their neighbors, especially at special-
ized adhesive junctions called adherens junctions and
desmosomes (Fig. 30.4; also see Fig. 31.8).
The structural hallmark of the cadherin family is the
CAD domain (Figs. 30.5 and 30.6), which consists of
approximately 110 residues folded into a sandwich
of seven -strands. This fold resembles Ig and FN-III
domains, but appears to be a case of convergent evolu-
tion. N- and C-termini are on opposite ends of CAD
domains. Ca2+ bound to three sites between adjacent CADHERINS CONNECTING THE PLASMA MEMBRANES OF
CAD domains links them together into rigid rods. Without ADJACENT CELLS. Intestinal epithelial cells were prepared by
Ca2+, the domains rotate freely around their linker rapid freezing, freeze-fracture, deep etching, and rotary shadowing.
peptides. A, Desmosome with associated intermediate filaments in the cyto-
Classic cadherins interact head to head through their plasm. B, Adherens junction with associated actin filaments. (Courtesy
N. Hirokawa, University of Tokyo, Japan. Modified from Hirokawa N,
N-terminal CAD1 domains (Fig. 30.6D) forming strong Heuser J. Quick-freeze, deep-etch visualization of the cytoskeleton
trans-interactions with a partner on another cell. beneath surface differentiations of intestinal epithelial cells. J Cell Biol.
Cadherins on the same cell can interact laterally in 1981;91:399409, copyright The Rockefeller University Press.)
cis-interactions. Three-dimensional reconstructions of
electron micrographs of desmosomes show both trans- has a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor (see
and cis-interactions (Fig. 30.6B). Cadherins are synthe- Fig. 13.10). Cytoplasmic domains vary in size, sequence,
sized with a small domain before the N-terminal and binding sites for associated proteins. The protoon-
interaction strand, which must be removed by proteoly- cogene RET is a cadherin with a cytoplasmic tyrosine
sis to allow binding to another cadherin. kinase domain.
A single -helix links classic cadherins and desmo- Adapter proteins link the cytoplasmic domains of
somal cadherins to the plasma membrane, but T-cadherin cadherins to actin filaments or intermediate filaments
530 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

Eph receptor tyrosine kinases participate in this reaction

E-cadherin to cell-cell contact. Engagement of cadherins at sites of
contact also stops cellular proliferation through the
-catenin binding Hippo signaling pathway of protein kinases. This pathway
Desmocollin-1a inhibits expression of genes required for cell cycle pro-
ICS gression such as cyclin-dependent kinases (see Fig. 41.3).
The mechanism involves phosphorylation of a transcrip-
tion factor, excluding it from the nucleus.
Desmoglein-1 Contact inhibition of growth and motility suppresses
the spread of cancer cells, so mutations disabling
E-cadherin can contribute to the transition from benign
T-cadherin to invasive malignant tumors. For example, genetic
defects in E-cadherin predispose people to stomach
inositol anchor
cancer. The oncogenic tyrosine kinase Src (see Box 27.5)
phosphorylates both E-cadherin and -catenin. This
phosphorylation is associated with loss of adhesion of
epithelial cells, suggesting one way in which transforma-
kinase binding tion might alter cellular adhesion.
In addition to linking cadherins to actin filaments,
-catenin is an active component in the Wnt signal
Tyrosine kinase
transduction pathway that regulates gene expression
during differentiation of embryonic cells (Fig. 30.7).
cellular CAD domains. A single transmembrane segment anchors five Extracellular signaling proteins called Wnts regulate the
examples. A glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) tail anchors T-cadherin. concentration of -catenin available to regulate gene
Intracellular cadherin segment (ICS) domains interact with catenin expression. The pathway was discovered in Drosophila,
adapters to link E-cadherin to actin filaments and desmocollin and where it helps to determine the polarity of segments in
desmoglein to intermediate filaments.
early embryos. Wnts were named from the original
Drosophila gene Wingless and the mouse protoonco-
to reinforce adhesion and maintain the physical integrity gene Int-1. The human genome encodes 29 Wnts.
of tissues (see Fig. 31.8). The cytoplasmic tails of classic Most -catenin in cells is bound to cadherins, but a
cadherins bind along the entire length of the adapter second pool exchanges between the cytoplasm and the
protein -catenin (catenin is link in Greek), a long, nucleus, where it recruits transcription factors to regu-
twisted coil of 36 short -helices (see Fig. 13.10F). late the expression of genes for cellular proliferation and
Monomers of -catenin link -catenin to actin fila- tissue differentiation. Cells synthesize -catenin continu-
ments, an interaction strengthened by tension. -Catenin ously, but it turns over rapidly in resting cells, so little
dimers also stabilize actin filaments. The more compli- accumulates in the nucleus. A cytoplasmic complex
cated cytoplasmic domains of desmosomal cadherins controls degradation of -catenin. The complex consists
(desmocollins and desmogleins) interact with -catenin of two kinasesglycogen synthase kinase (GSK) and
(a relative of -catenin also called plakoglobin) and casein kinase-1and the product of the APC gene
desmoplakin. Desmoplakin links these cadherins to (defective in patients with familial adenomatous polypo-
keratin intermediate filaments (see Fig. 31.8B). The tails sis coli, giving rise to multiple precancerous polyps in
of some cadherins interact with formins, proteins that the large intestine). Phosphorylated -catenin is ubiqui-
nucleate and elongate actin filaments (see Fig. 33.14). tylated and degraded by proteasomes.
Wnts suppress the degradation of -catenin by binding
Signaling by Cadherins and Catenins to seven-helix receptors and another class of receptors
In addition to helping with the mechanical sorting of in the plasma membrane. Several steps downstream in
embryonic cells, cadherins produce signals that influ- an incompletely characterized pathway, the Wnt signal
ence cellular proliferation, migration, and differentiation. inhibits GSK and casein kinase-1. Inhibition of the
For example, interactions between cadherins on epithe- kinases stops proteolysis of -catenin, so ongoing synthe-
lial cells result in contact inhibition of both growth sis of -catenin raises the concentration that is free to
and motility (see Figs. 41.3 and 41.11). Rho-family gua- accumulate in the nucleus. Stem cell proliferation is one
nosine triphosphatases (GTPases) (see Fig. 33.19) of many developmental events influenced by Wnt signal-
mediate contact inhibition of movements. The GTPase ing and adhesion by cadherins (see Box 41.2). Wnt
Rho stimulates contraction at the contact site, while the binding its receptors also activates a parallel noncanoni-
GTPase Rac drives protrusion of the side of the cell cal pathway involving Rho-family GTPases that control
facing away from the contact site. Both cadherins and the cytoskeleton during cell migration.
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 531

A. EM data D. Crystal structures

B. 3D reconstruction from EM



C. Atomic models fit to EM surfaces


FIGURE 30.6 ADHESION BY CADHERINS. A, Electron micrograph of a thin section of a desmosome, colorized to emphasize the plasma
membranes (red) and cadherin extracellular domains (blue). B, Three-dimensional reconstructions of the plasma membrane and cadherin extracel-
lular domains. C, Crystal structure of the C-cadherin extracellular domains fit into electron microscopic reconstructions of intercellular links between
the cells. D, Ribbon diagrams of the crystal structure of a dimer of C-cadherin extracellular domains compared with the book icon for cadherins.
The inset highlights the antiparallel intermolecular interaction of the two CAD1 domains mediated by flexible N-terminal peptides. A conserved
tryptophan fits into a hydrophobic pocket of the partner CAD1 domain, forming the reciprocal interactions. Calcium ions (blue) stabilize interactions
between CAD domains. (AC, From He W, Cowin P, Stokes DL. Untangling desmosomal knots with electron tomography. Science. 2003;302:109
113, copyright the American Association for the Advancement of Science. D, For reference, see PDB file 1L3W and Boggen TJ, Murray J,
Chappuis-Flament S, etal. C-Cadherin ectodomain structure and implications for cell adhesion mechanisms. Science. 2002;296:13081313.)

Wnt receptor

-catenin bound
to cadherin
Free -catenin
-catenin Casein
CYTOPLASM bound to kinase 1
E3 ubiquitin
Transcription Tcf ligase SCFTRCP
factors Degradation
of -catenin by
DNA Gene
NUCLEUS expression

FIGURE 30.7 PARTICIPATION OF -CATENIN IN GENE EXPRESSION. Free -catenin is in equilibrium with binding sites on cadherins
and APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) and may also enter the nucleus, where it combines with Tcf/LEF-1 transcription factors. When -catenin
concentrations are low in the nucleus, Tcf/LEF-1 represses gene expression, but the complex of -catenin with Tcf/LEF-1 activates the expression
of genes for cellular growth and differentiation. Synthesis of -catenin is constant, so degradation determines its concentration in cytoplasm:
glycogen synthetase kinase (GSK) and casein kinase-1 phosphorylate -catenin bound to APC, triggering its ubiquitinylation and degradation.
Extracellular Wnt acts through a seven-helix receptor and another receptor to promote gene expression by inhibiting the phosphorylation and
degradation of -catenin.
532 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

Mutations can alter the balance of -catenin synthesis cadherins, such as those in osteoblasts (OB-cadherin),
and turnover. Loss of APCs or mutations of phosphoryla- kidney (K-cadherin), and muscle (M-cadherin). A giant-
tion sites on -catenin result in excess -catenin that sized cadherin links sensory stereocilia on the hair cells
enters the nucleus and stimulates proliferation. in the inner ear. These tip links pull open ion channels
The cadherin expressed from the RET protoonco- when the stereocilia move in response to sound waves.
gene signals through its cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase
domain (Fig. 30.5). Point mutations in the segment
between the CAD domains and the plasma membrane
Integrin Family of Adhesion Receptors
or tyrosine kinase of RET cause constitutive dimerization Integrins are the main cellular receptors for ECM mol-
of the receptor or activation of the tyrosine kinase ecules (Table 30.3), but some integrins bind adhesion
or both. These mutations cause dominantly inherited molecules on other cells. Their genes arose early in
cancers of endocrine glands. On the other hand, muta- metazoan evolution, so they are present in sponges and
tions that disable RET cause Hirschsprung disease. corals that branched early in the evolution of animals
Autonomic nerves in the wall of the intestines fail to (see Fig. 2.8). Fibroblasts and white blood cells use
develop, causing severe dysfunction. integrins to adhere to fibronectin and collagen as they
move through the ECM. Integrins bind epithelial and
Roles of Cadherins in Organ Formation muscle cells to laminin in the basal lamina, providing the
Differential expression and regulation of cadherins help physical attachments necessary to transmit internal
guide organ formation during embryonic development forces to the matrix and to resist external forces (see Fig.
(Fig. 30.8). Cells with matching cadherins bind together 31.8). These interactions generate signals that control
and exclude cells without those cadherins (or other cell growth and structure. When defects in small blood
appropriate adhesion receptors), although the mecha- vessels need repair, integrins allow platelets to adhere
nism is more complicated than differential affinities of to basement membrane collagen and to each other via
cadherins for each other. For example, cadherins can be plasma fibrinogen (see Fig. 30.14). Together, these
activated or inactivated from inside the cell by signaling interactions are essential for tissue development and
pathways in response to growth factors or other adhe- integrity in multicellular organisms. Genetic losses of
sion proteins. In other situations, IgCAMs facilitate the integrin function result in several human diseases.
assembly of cadherins in adhesive junctions.
All cells of early embryos express several different Structure of Integrins
cadherins, but as soon as the embryo forms three germ Integrins are heterodimers of two transmembrane poly-
layers, the ectoderm on the outside surface expresses peptides called - and -chains, which both contribute
E-cadherin. In its absence, embryos die. Subsequently, to ligand-binding specificity (Fig. 30.9). Vertebrate cells
when ectoderm folds inward to form the neural tube, use a combinatorial strategy to establish their integrin
those cells switch to expressing N-cadherin. Neurons repertoire by selectively expressing a subset of 18 differ-
use protocadherins to avoid making synapses with ent -chains and eight -chains. These chains combine
themselves (see below). Later in development, cells to form at least 24 different kinds of dimers that bind
in specialized organs typically express characteristic different ligands. Alternative messenger RNA (mRNA)
splicing (see Fig. 11.6) adds to the diversity of integrin
A B The ligand-binding domains of the - and -chains
Ectoderm form a globular head connected to the plasma membrane
by 16-nm legs (Fig. 30.9). More than 25 disulfide bonds
stabilize these domains. All integrin -chains and a subset
of integrin -chains have an I domain (inserted domain)
with a bound divalent cation that interacts with acidic
Neural tube residues of ligands. All -chains have an N-terminal
-propeller domain similar to a trimeric G protein
L-CAM (E-cadherin) -subunit (see Fig. 25.9). Interaction of the -chain
Cadherin 6B propeller domain with the -chain I domain holds the
N-cadherin integrin dimer together. Single transmembrane segments
anchor both integrin chains to the cell membrane. Short
FIGURE 30.8 RESTRICTED EXPRESSION OF CADHERINS ( 77 residues; = 40 to 60 residues, except 4 = 1000
residues) C-terminal cytoplasmic tails contribute to effi-
three cadherins before and after the neural tube forms. B, Fluorescent
antibody staining reveals the selective expression of cadherin 6B cient heterodimer assembly.
(green) and N-cadherin (red) in the neural tube of a developing chick The I domains and the -propeller bind at least two
embryo. (Courtesy M. Takeichi, Kyoto University, Japan.) sites on ligands. For instance, integrin 51 binds two
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 533

TABLE 30.3 Integrin Family of Cell Adhesion Molecules*

Extracellular Intracellular
Examples Structure Ligands Me2+ Ligands Expression Function
Fibronectin receptors 51, others Fibronectin Ca Talin, paxillin Fibroblasts, other cells Cell-matrix adhesion
GPIIb/GPIIIa IIb3 Fibrinogen, von Ca Talin, paxillin Platelets Platelet aggregation
Willebrand factor
Laminin receptor 61, 71 Laminin Yes Talin, paxillin Epithelia, muscle Cell-matrix adhesion
LFA-1 (CD11/CD18) L2 Ig-CAM-1, -2, -3 Mg Talin, paxillin All WBCs WBC/endothelium
MAC-1 M2 Ig-CAM-1, Yes Talin, paxillin WBCs except WBC/endothelium
fibrinogen lymphocytes adhesion
Vitronectin receptor V3 Vitronectin, Ca Talin, paxillin Endothelium, smooth
fibronectin muscle, others
VLA-4 21 Collagen, laminin Mg Talin, paxillin WBCs, epithelium, WBC/matrix
endothelium adhesion

CD, cellular differentiation antigen; GP, glycoprotein; ICAM, intercellular adhesion molecule; LFA, lymphocyte functionassociated antigen; Me2+, divalent
cation dependence; VLA, very late antigen; WBC, white blood cell.
*Twenty-four are known.

sites on fibronectin: an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid A -propeller Ig domains

(RGD) sequence on a surface loop of FN-III domain 10
and a secondary site on the adjacent FN-III domain 9 V
(see Fig. 29.14). Both sites are required for binding, so I domain
simple RGD peptides can compete fibronectin from the
integrin. Integrin binding sites of some ligands are on I domain domains
separate polypeptide chains. The RDD binding site for
integrin 11 is on three different polypeptide chains of B (Book integrin icon)
the type IV collagen triple helix.
Binding of extracellular ligands (outside-in signaling)
and intracellular ligands (inside-out signaling) influences
the conformation and activity of integrins (Fig. 30.10).
Without bound ligands integrins bend over on closely
C I domain 1, 2, L, M, X
spaced legs held together by interactions of the trans- (~ 1200 aa)
membrane helices. This closed state has a low affinity -propeller 3, 5, 6, IIb, V
for extracellular ligands owing to an occluded binding (~1000 aa)
site. Ligand binding inside or outside the cell favors an
I domain subunit
open state with widely spaced, extended legs holding (~750 aa)
the head above the membrane. In this conformation the EGFs
exposed ligand-binding site has the highest affinity for FIGURE 30.9 INTEGRIN ARCHITECTURE. A, Ribbon diagram of
extracellular ligands. integrin V3 based on a crystal structure of the extracellular domain.
The I domain is inserted into the sequence of an immunoglobulin-
Extracellular Ligands like domain. B, Integrin icon used throughout this book. C, Domain
models of integrin polypeptides. Both -chains and -chains have
Integrins are more promiscuous than most adhesion
single transmembrane segments and cytoplasmic tails that vary in
receptors, as some bind to several protein ligands, and length. All -chains and some -chains have an I domain (red) that
many matrix molecules bind to more than one integrin. binds a divalent cation and participates in ligand binding. The seven
For example, fibronectin binds to at least nine different blades of the -chain -propeller domains are shown in orange. The
integrins, and both laminin and von Willebrand factor -chain I domain, if present, is inserted between the second and third
of the seven blades of its propeller domain. (A, Based on an atomic
bind at least five different integrins. This promiscuity
model. For reference, see PDB file 1JV2 and Xiong JP, Stehle T,
reflects common motifs in the ligands. Approximately Diefenbach B, etal. Crystal structure of the extracellular segment of
one-third of matrix ligands for integrins involve the integrin V3. Science. 2001;294:339345. C, Modified from Kuhn K,
sequence motif RGD or other simple sequences in oth- Eble J. The structural basis of integrin-ligand interactions. Trends Cell
erwise unrelated proteins. Biol. 1994;4:256261.)
Even in the open state (legs apart), integrins generally
have a low affinity for extracellular ligands. For example,
the micromolar Kd for integrin 51 binding fibronectin
534 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

results in rapid association and dissociation, allowing

C. Open state with
B. Open State ligand bound cells to adjust their grip on fibronectin in the matrix as
I-domain Ligand they move through connective tissue. Nonadhesive RGD
-propeller binding
site proteins, such as tenascin (see Fig. 29.16), may modulate
these interactions by competing with fibronectin and
A. Low affinity other ligands for binding integrins.
closed state

Intracellular Ligands

Cytoplasmic tails of integrins interact directly or indi-
rectly with a remarkable variety of signaling and struc-
tural proteins (Fig. 30.11). These interactions are best
understood at focal contacts, specialized sites where
integrins cluster together to transduce transmembrane
signals and link actin filaments across the plasma mem-
FERM brane to the ECM. The adapter proteins talin and vin-
domain culin link the cytoplasmic domains of -integrins to
actin filaments at the ends of stress fibers. Paxillin links
Drawings based on atomic models derived from crystal structures and integrins to signaling proteins, forming a scaffold for Src
electron microscopy. The bent closed conformation observed in all family tyrosine kinases (see Fig. 25.3) and focal adhe-
crystal structures is inactive. Binding of either an extracellular ligand to sion kinase (an essential tyrosine kinase).
the head or an activated signal transduction protein such as talin to Several types of integrins associate laterally, in the
the cytoplasmic domains can favor the open active state. (Modified
plane of the bilayer, with other transmembrane proteins.
from Xiao T, Takagi J, Coller BS, etal. Structural basis for allostery in
integrins and binding to fibrinogen-mimetic therapeutics. Nature. The best characterized is CD47 (also called integrin-
2004;432:5967.) associated protein), an IgCAM with five transmembrane



FAK (focal
Crk (SH3 /SH2
Src adaptor)

Talin Cas (adaptor)

of parts of two vertebrate tissue culture cells with focal contacts labeled with a fluorescent antibody to phosphotyrosine (orange). Actin filament
stress fibers are stained green with phalloidin. B, Electron micrograph of a thin section of two focal contacts showing fine connections to the
ECM deposited on the surface of the glass coverslip and cross-sections of actin filaments in the cytoplasm. This HeLa (Henrietta Lacks) cell was
grown on a glass coverslip, fixed, and cut perpendicular to the substrate. C, Drawing of the interactions of some of the proteins concentrated
on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane at focal contacts. For clarity, the actin filament interactions (left) are shown separately from some signaling
proteins (right). The rod-shaped dimeric protein talin interacts with the cytoplasmic domains of -integrins and actin filaments. Vinculin interacts
with membrane phospholipids, actin filaments, and talin. An unidentified protein (the question mark) links the adapter protein paxillin to integrins.
Paxillin anchors tyrosine kinases (FAK and Src) and, after phosphorylation, the adapter proteins Crk and Cas. (A, Courtesy K. Burridge, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. B, Courtesy Pamela Maupin, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. From Maupin P, Pollard TD. Improved
preservation and staining of HeLa cell actin filaments. J Cell Biol. 1983;96:5162, copyright the Rockefeller University Press. C, For reference,
see Turner C. Paxillin and focal adhesion signaling. Nat Cell Biol. 2000;2:E231E236; and Critchley DR. Focal adhesionsthe cytoskeletal
connection. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2000;12:133139.)
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 535

segments. Binding of the adhesive glycoprotein, throm- example, integrins on white blood cells (Fig. 30.13) and
bospondin, to the extracellular Ig-like domain of CD47 platelets (Fig. 30.14) require inside-out activation
generates a transmembrane signal through trimeric before they can bind their extracellular ligands. Integrin
G-proteins that contributes to neutrophil and platelet activation also regulates cellular interactions during
activation. development. Cytoplasmic proteins, talin and kindlins,
activate integrins by binding the cytoplasmic tail of the
Outside-in Signaling From Integrins -integrin and separating the two transmembrane
Integrin binding to matrix ligands initiates signals that domains. One pathway downstream from seven-helix
modify cellular adhesion, locomotion, and gene expres- receptors uses a membrane-bound GTPase and an
sion, with the responses depending on the particular adapter protein to bring together talin and the -integrin.
integrin and cell. Extracellular ligands stabilize the open Some cells can mobilize a reserve pool of integrins
state with wide spacing of the cytoplasmic domains. stored in cytoplasmic vesicles within minutes. For
Presumably this physical change influences the activities example, chemoattractants stimulate white blood cells
of signal transduction proteins associated with the cyto- to fuse storage vesicles containing integrins with the
plasmic domains, but the details are not known. Within plasma membrane (Fig. 30.13). Both intracellular and
seconds, the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases shown in Fig. extracellular ligands can cluster integrins in focal com-
30.11 phosphorylate several focal adhesion proteins, plexes and focal adhesions and increase their activities.
including paxillin, tensin, and focal adhesion kinase,
which has a central role in transducing these signals. Biological Functions of Integrins
Within a minute, some cells raise their cytoplasmic Ca2+ With the exception of red blood cells, integrins are
concentration high enough to initiate many calcium- present in the plasma membranes of most animal cells.
dependent processes (see Chapter 26). Experiments with neutralizing antibodies, genetic dis-
Over a period of minutes, ligand binding to integrins eases, and experimental gene disruptions revealed the
also activates Rho-family GTPases that stimulate actin functions of integrin isoforms. For example, many verte-
assembly (see Fig. 33.19) and spreading of the cell on brate cells express 1 and 3 integrins for adhesion to the
ligand-coated surfaces. Other Rho-family GTPases drive ECM, so integrin antibodies inhibit cell migration and
contraction of the trailing edge of moving cells (see embryonic development by competing with fibronectin.
Fig. 38.6). Integrins cluster together in small focal Like null mutations in the fibronectin gene (see Fig.
complexes at the leading edge and grow into mature 29.14), homozygous disruption of the integrin 4 or 5
focal contacts (Fig. 30.11A), also called focal adhesions, genes is lethal during development. Only white blood
which anchor actin filament stress fibers to the cell cells express 2-integrins, which they use to bind endo-
membrane. Contraction of stress fibers applies tension thelial cells lining the walls of blood vessels.
to the focal contacts, which remain stationary as the Other integrins bind adhesion molecules on other
cell advances past them. Rapid rearrangements of the cells. For example, mouse sperm bind integrins on the
linker proteins between the integrins and actin serve egg membrane during fertilization. Integrins cooperate
as a molecular clutch to transmit forces, even as actin with adhesion receptors of the IgCAM, mucin, and
assemble and disassembles. A Ca2+-mediated signal inac- selectin families to facilitate the adhesion of white blood
tivates obsolete attachments at the rear of the cell. cells to endothelial cells at sites of inflammation (Fig.
The adhesiveness of a cell for its substrate (a function 30.13). Other cells supplement the functions of integrins
of integrin density on the cell, ligand density on the with structurally distinct matrix adhesion proteins, such
substratum, and their affinity) determines the rate of as muscle dystroglycans and platelet GPIb-IX-V.
movement. The maximum rate occurs at intermediate Integrins also participate in the decision of cells to
adhesiveness. Rapid association and dissociation of undergo apoptosis, programmed cell death (see Chapter
integrins on matrix ligands allow cells to rearrange their 46). Normal epithelial cells require anchorage to the
hold on the matrix as they move. basal lamina by 4-integrins to grow and divide. When
After several hours of integrin engagement, activation forced to live in suspension or when dissociated from
of the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway the matrix by RGD peptides, these cells arrest in the
(see Fig. 27.6) turns on expression of selected genes. G1 phase of the cell cycle (see Chapter 41) and eventu-
These changes in gene expression contribute to cellular ally undergo apoptosis. Loss of contact with the basal
differentiation during development. Integrins allow cells lamina may contribute to the terminal differentiation
to include the ECM as a signaling input along with other and death of cells in the upper levels of stratified
stimuli operating through different receptors. epithelia, such as skin (see Figs. 35.6 and 40.1). Epi-
thelial cancers typically lose this integrin-mediated,
Inside-Out Signaling to Integrins anchorage dependence for growth, which is one of
Cells fine-tune their interactions with matrix molecules the normal limitations on uncontrolled proliferation in
by regulating the activity of cell-surface integrins. For inappropriate locations.
536 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

Snake venoms contain small, monomeric RGD pro- The defining feature of selectins is a calcium-dependent
teins that inhibit blood clotting by competing with lectin domain (Fig. 30.12) that binds O-linked sulfated
fibrinogen for binding the integrins that activated plate- oligosaccharides containing sialic acid and fucose. The
lets use for aggregation. These disintegrins are potential lectin domain sits at the end of a rod-shaped projection
inhibitors of the pathological thrombosis that contributes composed of complement regulatory domains that is
to heart attacks and strokes. Both small-molecule and anchored to the plasma membrane by a single transmem-
antibody antagonists for integrins are now used as clini- brane sequence.
cal treatments for heart attacks and stroke. Natural ligands for selectins are mucin-like glycopro-
teins expressed on endothelial and white blood cells.
Specific binding to mucins requires selectins to interact
Selectin Family of Adhesion Receptors with both the oligosaccharide and mucin protein. The
White blood cells and platelets use three selectin pro- affinity is low (millimolar Kds), and not highly selective
teins to interact with vascular endothelial cells and each among oligosaccharides. Interaction with the mucin
other. In lymph nodes or at sites of inflammation, selec- protein is less well understood, but one or more sulfated
tins snare circulating white blood cells, allowing them tyrosine residues on the leukocyte mucin called P-
to roll over the surface of endothelial cells and eventually selectin glycoprotein ligand (PSGL)-1 participate in
to exit the blood (Fig. 30.13). Selectins (Table 30.4) also binding P-selectin.
contribute to adhesion in other systems, including the Bonds between selectins and their mucin ligands have
initial binding of early mammalian embryos to the wall high tensile strength (withstanding forces greater than
of the mothers uterus. 100 piconewtons [pN]) but form and dissociate rapidly,

TABLE 30.4 Selectin Family (Lec-CAM) of Cell Adhesion Molecules

Examples Structure Extracellular Ligands Me2+ Expression Functions
E-selectin (CD62E, ELAM-1) Lectin-EGF-6CR-1TM L-selectin Ca Endothelium WBC-endothelium
(regulated) adhesion
L-selectin (CD62L, gp90M) Lectin-EGF-2CR-1TM E-selectin, mucins Ca Lymphocytes, WBC-endothelium
other WBCs adhesion
P-selectin (CD62P, Lectin-EGF-9CR-1TM Mucins Ca Endothelium, WBC-endothelium
GMP-140) platelets adhesion
CD, cellular differentiation antigen; CR, complement regulatory domain; EGF, epidermal growth factor; ELAM-1, endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule
1; GMP-140, granule membrane protein 140; gp, glycoprotein; Me2+, divalent cation dependence; TM, transmembrane domain; WBC, white blood cell.

A. Leukocyte B. Endothelium


L-selectin CD34


N-linked oligosaccharide
PSGL-1 O-linked oligosaccharide Complement
regulatory domains

Lectin domain
EGF domain

FIGURE 30.12 STRUCTURE OF SELECTINS AND THEIR MUCIN LIGANDS. Domain architecture of selectins and mucins exposed on
the surfaces of leukocytes (A) and endothelial cells (B). Complement regulatory domains of the selectins are shown in red. EGF, epidermal growth
factor; MAdCAM, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule; PSGL, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand. (Modified from Rosen SD, Bertozzi CR. The
selectins and their ligands. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1994;6:663673.)
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 537

strong negative charge, these proteins extend like rods
Chemoattractants up to 50nm from the cell surface. Mucins on endothelial
1. Attachment
Integrins cells or white blood cells interact with complementary
2. Rolling selectins on the other cell type. Endothelial mucin CD34
3. Activation interacts with white blood cell L-selectin, whereas endo-
4. Arrest and adhesion thelial P-selectin interacts with white blood cell PSGL-1
strengthening mucin. These interactions depend on anchoring of the
5. Transendothelial cytoplasmic domain of PSGL-1 to the actin cytoskeleton.
Leukocyte migration
Other mucins are displayed on the surface of or secreted
Endothelium BLOOD by epithelia lining the respiratory and gastrointestinal
Basement tracks.
Other Adhesion Receptors
Table 30.5 lists a variety of adhesion receptors that fall
outside the five main families. See Fig. 25.6 for the CD45
BLOOD TO THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Endothelial cells exposed phosphatase, Fig. 31.3 for claudins and Fig. 31.7 for
to inflammatory agents like histamine move selectins to their surfaces connexins.
and snare mucins on neutrophils flowing in the bloodstream (1). As a
neutrophil rolls along the surface (2), chemotactic factors and engage- Galactosyltransferase
ment of mucins activate their integrins (3), causing the neutrophil
The enzyme galactosyltransferase is also an adhesion
to bind tightly to immunoglobulin cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs)
on the endothelium (4). The neutrophil then migrates between the receptor. This enzyme is a resident protein in the Golgi
endothelial cells into the connective tissue (5). (For reference, see apparatus where it glycosylates proteins (see Chapter
Springer T. Traffic signals for lymphocyte and leukocyte emigration: the 21). However, the mRNA for galactosyltransferase has
multi-step paradigm. Cell. 1994;76:301314.) two alternative initiation sites, one of which adds 13
amino acids to the cytoplasmic, N-terminus of this
transmembrane protein. The longer enzyme moves to
on a second time scale. Low forces on these bonds the cell surface rather than being retained in the Golgi
prolong their lifetimes modestly by altering the confor- apparatus. On the cell surface, the enzyme can bind
mation of the selectin, whereas high forces promote oligosaccharides that terminate in N-acetylglucosamine,
dissociation. Consequently, few selectin-mucin bonds which is found on both cell surface and matrix pro-
are required to tether white blood cells to the endothe- teins. The complex of transferase and ligand oligosac-
lium, whereas the brief lifetime of the bonds allows charide is stable, because the galactose-nucleotide
blood flow to propel the cells with a rolling motion over substrate added to the oligosaccharide in the Golgi
the surface of the endothelium (Fig. 30.13). apparatus is not available outside the cell to complete
Engagement of selectins with mucins stimulates the reaction.
signals in both cells that activate integrins and promote During fertilization, a surface galactosyltransferase
adhesion. The process resembles T-cell activation and mediates the initial contact of mouse sperm with the
includes Src-family kinases and adapter proteins with matrix surrounding the egg (called the zona pellucida).
tyrosine phosphorylation sites. However, the links from This association induces secretion of the contents of
the cytoplasmic domains of selectins and mucins to the the sperm acrosomal vesicle, including an enzyme that
signaling proteins is not established. destroys the transferase binding site on the matrix
Inflammatory mediators regulate selectins in multiple so that the sperm can proceed through the zona to
ways. Activation of endothelial cells with histamine or fuse with the egg. The enzyme is present on the surface
platelets with thrombin causes vesicles storing P-selectin of many cells that migrate during embryogenesis
to fuse with the plasma membrane, exposing the selec- and may contribute to their interactions with the
tins on the cell surface. Various inflammatory agents matrix.
stimulate endothelial cells to synthesize E-selectin and
P-selectin. Activation of white blood cells increases the Adhesion Receptors With Leucine-Rich
affinity of L-selectin for mucins and later leads to its Repeats (GPIb-IX-V)
proteolytic release from the cell surface. The platelet receptor for the adhesive glycoprotein
called von Willebrand factor (Fig. 30.14) is a disulfide-
Mucins bonded complex of four transmembrane polypeptides:
The extracellular segments of mucins are rich in serine GPIb, GPIb, GPIX, and GPV. Leucine-rich repeats at
and threonine, which are heavily modified with acidic the end of a long stalk bind von Willebrand factor (see
oligosaccharide chains (Fig. 30.12). Because of their Fig. 28.6 for other receptors with leucine-rich repeats).
538 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

TABLE 30.5 Other Cell Adhesion Molecules

Extracellular Intracellular
Examples Structure Ligands Me2+ Ligands Expression Functions
CD44 Link protein-1TM Hyaluronan Ankyrin Lymphocytes Adhesion to
CD44E Link protein-HS/ Fibronectin, No Many epithelial cells Adhesion to
CS-1TM hyaluronan matrix
Claudins Four TM Claudins No ZO-1, ZO-2, Epithelia Tight junctions
ZO-3, cingulin
Connexins Multispan, hexamer Self No ZO-1 Epithelia, muscle, Gap junctions
Dystroglycans Multisubunit, TM Laminin, agrin Ca Dystrophin Muscle Adhesion, synapse
Galactosyl- Galactose transferase- N-acetylglucosamine No ? Actin Many cells, including Adhesion to cells
transferase 1TM filaments sperm and matrix
Glypican 4HS-GPI anchor Fibronectin, No None Endothelium, smooth Adhesion to
muscle, epithelium matrix
GPIB-IX 7 leucine-rich-1TM von Willebrand Filamin, actin Platelets, Adhesion
factor endothelium
LCA (CD45) 50kD-1TM-tyrosine WBCs Tyrosine
phosphatase phosphatase
Mucins (CD34, Sialylated Selectins No Epithelia, leukocytes Intercellular
CD43) oligosaccharide-1TM adhesion

CD, cellular differentiation antigen; CS, chondroitin sulfate; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; HS, heparan sulfate; LCA, leukocyte common antigen;
Me2+, divalent cation dependence; TM, transmembrane domain; WBC, white blood cell.

Platelets bind to von Willebrand factor to initiate the Examples of Dynamic Adhesion
repair of damaged blood vessels. This interaction also
generates an intracellular signal that enhances affinity Adhesion of Leukocytes to Endothelial Cells
of integrin IIb3 for fibrinogen and reorganizes the Movement of white blood cells from blood into connec-
cytoskeleton. tive tissue illustrates how cells integrate the activities of
selectins, mucins, integrins, IgCAMs, and chemoattrac-
Dystroglycan/Sarcoglycan Complex tant receptors. Infection or inflammation in connective
In muscles, a complex of transmembrane glycoproteins tissue attracts lymphocytes as well as neutrophils and
links a network of dystrophin and actin filaments on the monocytes, the main phagocytes circulating in blood
inside of the plasma membrane to two proteins of the (see Fig. 28.7). Blood cell precursors use a similar mecha-
extracellular basal lamina, 2 laminin and agrin (see nism to enter lymphoid organs and bone marrow.
Fig. 39.17). These protein associations stabilize the In the absence of inflammation, neutrophils flow over
muscle plasma membrane from inside and outside, endothelial cells without binding, because the appropri-
similar to the actin-spectrin network of red blood ate pairs of adhesion molecules are not exposed or
cells (see Fig. 13.11). Genetic defects or deficiencies activated. Infection or other inflammation in nearby
in dystrophin, transmembrane linker proteins of the tissues causes neutrophils to bind to the vascular endo-
dystroglycan/sarcoglycan complex, or 2-laminin cause thelium and to move out of the blood into the tissue.
muscular dystrophy in humans, most likely owing to Neutrophils adhere to the endothelium in three sequen-
the mechanical instability of the membrane, leading to tial but overlapping steps (Fig. 30.13):
cellular damage and eventual atrophy of the muscle. 1. Locally generated inflammatory molecules, including
Chapter 39 provides details on their role in muscle func- histamine (secreted by mast cells), bind to seven-helix
tion and disease. receptors on endothelial cells and stimulate fusion
Nonmuscle cells in other tissues express many of of cytoplasmic vesicles (called Weibel-Palade bodies)
these proteins (or their homologs), where they may with the plasma membrane. This exposes P-selectin,
contribute to adhesion to the ECM. Some pathogens formerly stored in the vesicle membranes, on the
use the dystroglycan complex to bind their cellular cell surface facing the blood. Selectins bind mucins
targets. Arenavirus, the cause of Lassa fever, binds that are constitutively exposed on the surface of
directly to -dystroglycan, and the leprosy bacterium neutrophils, tethering them to the surface. The bonds
binds laminin-2. form and break rapidly, allowing the neutrophil
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 539

Platelet Damage exposes Activated platelets Activated platelets
basal lamina secrete ADP aggregate over
Endothelium defect
Platelet ADP
Basal lamina binds

F. Resting platelet G. Activated platelet

Fibrinogen Platelets aggregate

Three independent when fibrinogen
stimuli activate crosslinks
Inactive fibrinogen
receptor platelets
(integrin IIb3) GP1B
(3) ADP activates IIb3 integrin
E T 7-helix receptors (active) binds
EL fibrinogen
PL IIb3 integrin
G (inactive)
N (2) Thrombin activates
Vesicle ES 7-helix receptors Two pathways
R vWF binds
containing M to collagen activate IIb3
EL binds
TH to vWF
A ADP secretion
Proteins not to scale

(1) Integrin 21
Active collagen receptor binds collagen in
(integrin 21) basal lamina
7-helix ADPreceptor
7-helix thrombin receptor

and aggregation. E, Electron micrograph of a thin section of a platelet adhering to the basal lamina through a tiny defect in the endothelium.
F, Resting platelets circulate in the blood without interacting with the intact endothelium lining the vessel. G, Platelets are activated in three ways.
(1) Binding of 21 integrins to collagen results in firm adhesion. Where the basal lamina is exposed, von Willebrand factor (vWF) binds the collagen.
(2) Platelet GPIb-IX binds weakly to von Willebrand factor, allowing platelets to adhere to the exposed matrix. (3) Thrombin activates seven-helix
receptors. These interactions stimulate secretion of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), which binds seven-helix receptors and activates the IIb3
integrins; then IIb3 integrins bind dimeric fibrinogen and aggregate platelets together. Platelet proteins are not to scale.

to roll along the surface of the endothelium at Defects in either the weak or strong interactions
rates greater than 10m/s as the blood flow pushes compromise the movement of leukocytes into connec-
them along. tive tissue, increasing the risk of acute and chronic
2. Two signaling pathways (seven-helix receptors for infections. One type of human leukocyte adhesion
chemotactic factors and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand deficiency is caused by a genetic defect in fucose
[PSGL]) activate leukocyte integrins from inside the metabolism that interferes with the synthesis of a car-
cell (Fig. 30.10). Activation of approximately 10% of bohydrate ligand on leukocytes that binds endothelial
the neutrophil integrins increases their affinity for selectins. Cells cannot roll, so they fail to initiate the
their ligand by 200-fold, making the third step emigration process. A genetic deficiency of 2-integrins
possible. causes a second type of leukocyte adhesion deficiency.
3. Activated integrins bind tightly to IgCAMs on the White blood cells that lack 2-integrins roll on the
surface of endothelial cells, immobilizing the leuko- endothelium through the selectin mechanism but do
cyte despite the force of the blood flow. Within 2 not bind tightly enough to migrate out of the circula-
minutes, the leukocyte opens the tight junctions tion. Consequently, these individuals are susceptible to
between endothelial cells (see Chapter 31) and bacterial infections.
squeezes into connective tissue toward the source of On the other hand, neutrophils also generate reactive
the chemoattractant. The leukocyte and endothelial oxygen species that can damage tissues at sites of inflam-
cells interact closely during this passage, because they mation or at sites that are temporarily deprived of
share a self-associating IgCAM called platelet endothe- oxygen. Thus, movement of white blood cells into
lial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM). tissues contributes to damage that occurs when blood
540 SECTION VIII n Cellular Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix

flow is restored to an ischemic tissue. Therefore adhe- convert to a high-affinity state (Kd < M) and bind
sion proteins might be targeted therapeutically to miti- tightly to fibrinogen. Dimeric fibrinogen links platelets
gate damage after heart attacks or severe frostbite. into aggregates.
A similar mechanism and a partially overlapping set Agonists activate platelet IIb3 integrins through
of receptors attract blood monocytes and eosinophils to three different pathways:
sites of inflammation. Once they are in connective tissue, 1. Collagen binding to 21 integrin directly stimulates
interactions of monocyte integrins with matrix molecules platelets to activate IIb3 integrins, secrete ADP, and
trigger the expression of genes required for differentia- synthesize the lipid second messenger thromboxane
tion into macrophages (see Fig. 28.7). A2 (see Fig. 26.9).
Lymphocytes (see Fig. 28.9) patrol the body, circu- 2. Damage to blood vessels activates the blood-clotting
lating from the blood through organs to lymphoid proteolytic enzyme thrombin, which binds two related
tissues and through the lymphatic circulation back to seven-helix receptors and signals through trimeric
the blood. This recirculation requires lymphocytes to G-proteins (see Fig. 25.9) to activate integrin IIb3.
recognize endothelial cells in organs and specific lym- 3. von Willebrand factor binding to the platelet receptor
phoid tissues where they exit from the blood. Lympho- GPIb-IX-V activates IIb3 integrins.
cytes use L-selectin, three different mucin-like proteins, Two additional mechanisms augment all these
and 42 integrins to bind to these target endothelial responses. Activated platelets secrete ADP, which binds
cells. Lymphocytes from mice that lack L-selectin two types of seven-helix receptors that amplify the
do not roll on endothelial cells or accumulate in response to thrombin. Aggregation of platelets by binding
lymph nodes. dimeric fibrinogen further stimulates their response to
ADP and thrombin.
Platelet Activation and Adhesion Platelet aggregation is disadvantageous in the normal
Platelets aggregate at sites where damage to vascular circulation, so several mechanisms actively inhibit
endothelial cells exposes the underlying basal lamina platelet activation. Endothelial cells produce both
(Fig. 30.14). This process requires the coordinated nitric oxide and an eicosanoid, prostacyclin (PGI2),
activity of a variety of receptors, including integrins, which inhibit platelet activation (see Fig. 26.9). Nitric
leucine-rich repeat adhesion proteins, and seven-helix oxide acts through cyclic guanosine monophosphate
receptors. These reactions prevent bleeding and bruis- (cGMP), and PGI2 acts through cyclic adenosine mono-
ing, but inappropriate activation of platelets produces phosphate (cAMP; see Fig. 26.1). Antibodies and small
clots in blood vessels, causing heart attacks and strokes. molecule drugs that inhibit IIb3 are used to treat heart
To understand the good effects and avert the bad, attacks.
investigators have studied platelet activation and adhe- The most common human bleeding disorder is
sion in great detail. von Willebrand disease, caused by mutations in von
Resting platelets have a low tendency to aggregate, Willebrand factor or its receptor, the GPIb subunit of
even though they circulate in a sea of ligands, including GPIb-IX-V. Some mutations reduce the concentration of
fibrinogen and the adhesive glycoprotein von Willebrand the factor in blood or reduce the affinity of the factor for
factor. Multiple mechanisms limit the reactivity of its receptor. Remarkably, mutations in either the factor
resting platelets. First, the major integrin, IIb3, has a or receptor that increase their affinity for each other
low affinity (Kd M) for its plasma ligand, fibrinogen. also cause bleeding. These high-affinity interactions
Similarly, the GPIb-IX-V complex has a low affinity cause platelets to aggregate and be removed from the
for soluble von Willebrand factor. Third, the endothe- blood. Loss-of-function mutations in GPIb cause the
lium masks potential ligands, collagen, and von Wille- human bleeding disorder called Bernard-Soulier syn-
brand factor in the basal lamina. The concentrations drome. Individuals with Glanzmann thrombasthenia
of soluble activators, such as adenosine diphosphate bleed abnormally because IIb3 integrin is absent or
(ADP) and thrombin, are low under physiological defective, and their platelets do not aggregate.
Damage to the endothelium usually initiates platelet Self-Avoidance in the Nervous System
activation by exposing platelets to von Willebrand Surprisingly, neurons use adhesion proteins to avoid
factor and collagen in the basal lamina. Under condi- forming synapses with themselves by repelling axons
tions of high shear, GPIb-IX-V interacts strongly with and dendrites from the same cell (Fig. 30.15). Insects
von Willebrand factor bound to basal lamina collagen. use a family of DSCAM1 IgCAMs for this self-avoidance.
This interaction transiently tethers platelets to the basal Alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA in each cell gener-
lamina and favors binding of integrin 21 to collagen. ates a subset of the many thousands of different
Exposure to soluble agonists such as ADP or thrombin DSCAM1 isoforms. These large IgCAMs have 10 Ig-
also activates platelets and promotes their aggregation. domains and six FN-III domains that make homophilic
Within seconds of activation, platelet IIb3 integrins interactions between three Ig-domains of each protein.
CHAPTER 30 n Cellular Adhesion 541

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