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Dela Paz, Glen Ford E.

CHE 2015-65033

MATH 2 D CN:38

Reaction Paper

(French Connection)

The French connection simply tackles about business specifically losing of

the money and how did they solve the problem using different perspective by creating
different level/stages of organization with same intention but different task. The Quants
is the one who developing models for instruments they think will work, the traders
reporting to the trenches and they are also the one who is managing the risk, the thinker
of solution is the Structure guys and the last stage of the level is the salespeople who is
not that much familiar of math but knows a lot when in terms of speaking and selling.
With this kind of set up they can at least lessen the risk of losing huge amount of
money. I can see three advantages with this kind of set up. First, the division of work is
much equal, because there are few levels to distribute the work they can divide more.
Second, less burden to the organization or groups, because each level of organization
handling specific task and only dealing with that. And lastly the third, more efficient and
productive, because they focusing according to their strength and capability so with this
one more productive each level will be because they are staying inside their comfort

Mathematics is a wonderful thing to explore it can help you with almost all kind of
problem even in heart/love there is a math just like in the example business problem
can be solved by math. Truly math conquers all it can be mixed with many fields, but it
doesnt mean that if you dont know much about the math you cant do something
productive just like the traders in the article, yes! They dont know much in mathematics
but they can still do something to contribute something productive. I learned with this
article/magazine that math is can also contribute solution without using any formula like
X*1=X, A*0=0 etc. but can give you solution by understanding the problem and
analyzing it carefully
Newly Learned Word in French

Le Monde To Everyone
Example: I would like to give this information to le monde in order to spread the
awareness about the spreading of this particular disease.
Univesite De University of
Example: For me, the top performing university in the whole Philippines is the
Univesite de the Philippines.
Societe Society
Example: We need to do more to help the poor member of our Societe in order to
improve the quality of life in our state.
Poverty is one of the major problem of our Societe so we need to do
something to eradicate this problem.
Generale General
Example: According to Generale he will wash out all the anomaly in his area to
improve the environment and to maintain healthier surroundings.
The Government issued a Generale warning to people to become fully
aware about the H.I.V.
Centrale Central/Center
Example: The Centrale of the universe is the sun, but in me, it is you.
The Centrale and root of all sin is envy. So, you need to put that thing out
of your mind

Reaction Paper
(To Live Your Best Life, Do Mathematics)

Almost all of the math conference happened from the past did not get any
standing ovation, but when the time of Francis Su he brakes the trend because get a
standing ovation for his emotional farewell address. He started it with the story of an
inmate whose sentenced for long time and study mathematics (algebra, trigonometry,
geometry and calculus) for seven years and he ended his speech with a question:
When you think of who does mathematics, do you think of Christopher? my insight
with this part is math is everywhere and there is no such thing as late in mathematics.
Just like in the article a prisoner study math on his own with the textbook he purchases
with this I realized that there is no reason for me not to fully understand the content of
the math and coverage of the subject matter to explore the wonderful world of math and
aside from that my one other realization is its never too late to study math even if you
cant understand the math easily despite of your age, standing etc. its no problem you
can still study math just like in article he study math when hes in prison.

According to Francis Su mathematics can promote human flourishing by building

skill that allowing people to do things that they might not be able to do some things that
possibly they will not experience. It is true that mathematics can help you to gain skill
like critical thinking (game theory) you will able to determine what thing(s) is/are much
needed in order to have a good outcome and output. And he even said that there is a
barrier exist in learning and that is the professor dont teach introductory part of the
subjects, I agree with this one because some professors dont teach introduction and
simply going through the higher level because with the mindset that it is just basic you
dont need to deal with this that much and everyone is expected to become familiar with
the basics. But how about those students whos not familiar yet with the basics? how
they will cope with the topic if you are not going to recap with the basic? I am not
against with the way of their teaching Im emphasizing here is the importance of
introductory classes/ basics because it is the foundation of all major subjects if you dont
understand it you will not be able to deal with the higher level.


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