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inventory and early literacy assessments.

Carpenter, 2005; Lancioni, OReilly, Camp-

Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. odonico, & Mantini, 2001; Sewell, Collins,
Kirchner, C., & Diamant, S. (1999). Esti- Hemmeter, & Schuster, 1998). Achieving
mates of the number of students with visual such an objective is often difficult, particu-
impairments, their teachers, and orientation
larly with persons whose disabilities also in-
and mobility specialists: Part 1. Journal
of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 93, clude visual impairments (Lancioni et al.,
600 606. 2006), and staff or parental guidance may
Lueck, A. H. (2004). Relating functional vi- continue to be needed (King-Sears & Carpen-
sion assessment, intervention, and out- ter, 2005). This guidance can be time con-
comes for students with low vision. Visual suming for staff members or parents and neg-
Impairment Research, 6(1), 4552. ative for the social image of individuals
Lueck, A. H., Bailey, I. L., Greer, R. B., because it emphasizes their dependence on
Tuan, K. M., Bailey, V. M., & Dornbusch, others (Lancioni, OReilly, & Campodonico,
H. G. (2003). Exploring print size require-
ments and reading for students with low
vision. Journal of Visual Impairment & Attempts were recently made to curb the
Blindness, 97, 335354. problem of dependency in personal care tasks
with the use of assistive technology, which
ensured a combination of verbal prompting
Jeanie Farmer, M.Ed., coordinator for vision in- and preferred stimuli that were automati-
struction, South Carolina School for the Deaf and
Blind, 101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 120, cally delivered on positive performance (see
Columbia, SC 29210; e-mail: jfarmer@scsdb. Lancioni et al., 2002, 2006). Three partici-
org. Stephen E. Morse, OD, MPH, Ph.D., di- pants were involved in the intervention pro-
rector, Feldberg Center for Vision Rehabilitation,
and associate professor, Department of Ophthal- grams described in these studies, and they all
mology, Storm Eye Institute, Medical University of learned to dress themselves. Although these
South Carolina, 1071 Morrison Drive, Charleston, results are encouraging, two aspects of the
SC 29403; e-mail: morsese@musc.edu.
technology that was used in the interven-
tions raise some questions. First, prompts
were delivered at preset intervals, rather
Research Report than upon the failure to respond of partici-
pants. The latter condition would appear
preferable in terms of effectiveness and
Helping Three Persons with
Multiple Disabilities Acquire respect for the dignity of participants
Independent Dressing Through (Lancioni, OReilly, Seedhouse, Furniss,
Assistive Technology & Cunha, 2000). Second, the prompts and
reinforcing stimuli were all auditory. The
Giulio E. Lancioni, Mark F. OReilly, possibility of using various types of
Nirbhay N. Singh, Jeff Sigafoos, Doretta prompts and reinforcing events would be
Oliva, Francesca Campodonico, and
essential for the generalizability of the
Jop Groeneweg
Enabling persons with intellectual or multi- The goal of the study presented here was to
ple disabilities to carry out personal care tasks help three new participants with multiple dis-
(such as washing and dressing) independent abilities acquire independent dressing through
of guidance from parents or staff members an upgraded version of the technology. This
and without prolonged interruptions is a rel- technology provided prompts only for the
evant educational objective (King-Sears & failure to respond and included auditory,

768 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December 2007 2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved
visual, and vibratory stimuli as reinforcing Setting, dressing task, recording,
events or prompts. and reliability
The study was carried out in the participants
METHOD bedrooms by research assistants who were
Participants familiar with the topic of personal care tasks
The participants, Sylvie, Floyd, and Alan and the delicate issue of respect for the par-
(all names are pseudonyms), were 37, 27, ticipants dignity. Sylvies dressing sequence
and 29 years old, respectively. They had consisted of taking and putting on her under-
encephalopathy with a level of functioning pants, undershirt, one sock, the other sock,
estimated to be in the profound range of T-shirt, pants, pullover sweatshirt, right shoe,
intellectual disability. Their age equivalents and left shoe. For Floyd and Alan, the se-
for their daily living skills were about 3 quence did not include the sweatshirt. The
years or younger on the Vineland Adaptive number of items put on by the participants
Behavior ScalesInterview Edition (Spar- independent of the research assistants verbal
or physical guidance (which excluded the
row, Balla, & Cicchetti, 1984). Sylvie was
aforementioned physical support for Alan)
deaf and had minimal residual vision that
and the time required to complete the task
allowed her to enjoy light displays and find
were recorded. Interrater reliability was
fairly large objects within about 1 meter
checked in about 20% of the participants
(about 39 inches) in front of her and at the
dressing occasions. Agreement, which al-
center of her visual field. Floyd was totally lowed for a discrepancy of 30 seconds for the
blind and had typical hearing. Alan was task time and required the same indepen-
totally blind and deaf and, contrary to the dent or dependent score on each task item,
other participants, nonambulatory. These occurred in more than 92% of the occasions
differences in sensory-motor conditions that were checked.
(representative of common variations
among individuals with multiple disabili- Positions of the participants and items
ties) allowed for adaptations and a broader Sylvie and Floyd sat on a chair in front of a
evaluation of the assistive technology used dresser that held all the items required for
in the intervention presented here. All three dressing. Alan sat beside (in contact with) a
participants were considered capable of low table with a large container on it. At the
performing the steps of the dressing task, bottom of that container, there was a shoebox
even though Alan needed some physical with his shoes. On top of the shoebox, there
support to complete the responses of put- were his clothing items. For Floyd, his under-
ting on his underpants and pants because of pants, undershirt, first sock, second sock,
his physical condition. In spite of their gen- T-shirt, pants, right shoe, and left shoe were
eral abilities, the three participants still distributed (from top to bottom) in the eight
tended to have breaks in performance that drawers of the dresser. For Sylvie, who had a
required interventions by staff members. ninth item (a pullover sweatshirt), both shoes
Approval for this research was granted by were in a single drawer. All the dresser draw-
the Scientific and Ethics Committee of the ers were open at the start of the task, and
Lega F. DOro, Osimo, Italy. The partici- Floyd and Sylvie were able to access only the
pants were not capable of signing an in- top drawer and take the first item (under-
pants). Then, they would close the drawer and
formed consent form, so their parents did it
put on the item. Their next response consisted
for them in accordance with Italian law.
of accessing the top drawer of the seven still

2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December 2007 769
open, taking the second item, and then putting 60 seconds led the control system to activate
it on. The same process was repeated at each a pulse-vibrator (prompt) attached to the table
of the following drawers. For Alan, the cloth- for 4 or 5 seconds.
ing items were piled inside the container, with The stimuli that occurred on the removal of
the underpants on top and the pants at the the items from the dresser or container and
bottom of the pile (above the shoebox with that were considered preferred by the partic-
the shoes). ipants (lights for Sylvie; music, songs, and
praise for Floyd; and vibration at the back of
Technology and stimuli the chair for Alan) were selected following
The technology that was used for Sylvie advice from the staff and a brief screening.
involved an optic sensor linked to an elec- The screening consisted of presenting the
tronic control system, which regulated a stimuli recommended by the staff to the par-
multicolor light display and a mini-vibrator. ticipants at least 10 times nonconsecutively.
The optic sensor was placed on top of the Only those stimuli that produced positive re-
dresser and was activated when Sylvie re- actions (such as alerting, orienting, or smil-
moved an item from a drawer, thus uncov- ing) in more than two-thirds of the presenta-
ering reflecting material that was attached tions were retained for the study.
to the bottom of the drawer. This activation
led the control system to turn on the pre- Experimental conditions
ferred light display for 14 seconds. Sylvies The study was conducted according to a mul-
failure to remove an item after a period of tiple baseline design for all the participants
about 60 seconds led the control system to (Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, & Richards,
activate a mini-vibrator (prompt), which 1999). Consistent with the conditions avail-
Sylvia wore at her wrist, for 5 seconds. The able prior to the study, Sylvie had one dress-
vibrator and control system were linked by ing occasion per day (morning), and Floyd
radio signals. If Sylvie did not respond to and Alan had two dressing occasions per day
the vibration within 10 seconds by remov- (morning and afternoon). The performance of
ing an item from a drawer, a new vibratory the participants for the various items of the
event occurred. Sylvies failure to respond dressing task was scored as independent when
to this second event led to the use of phys- the item was put on without guidance from a
ical guidance by a research assistant. research assistant (with the aforementioned
The technology used for Floyd varied from exceptions for Alan) and dependent when it
that described for Sylvie only in that the con- required guidance.
trol system was linked to two tape players, Baseline. The baseline condition included
which presented 14 seconds of preferred mu- 6, 14, and 18 dressing occasions for the three
sic, songs, or excited praise at the removal of participants (Sylvie, Floyd, and Alan), re-
an item from the drawer, and a verbal encour- spectively. The positions of the participants
agement (prompt) if he failed to respond. The and the dressing items were as was described
technology used for Alan included an optic earlier. However, during the baseline phase,
sensor fixed to the container on the table. the technology used in the intervention phase
Activating the sensor, through the removal of was not available, and guidance by a research
a clothing item or shoe from the container, led assistant occurred if a participant had a break
the control system to turn on preferred vibra- in performance of 60 120 seconds.
tory stimulation at the back of Alans chair for Intervention. The intervention condition
14 seconds. Alans failure to remove a cloth- included 81, 156, and 140 dressing occa-
ing item or a shoe for a time period of about sions for the three participants (Sylvie,

770 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December 2007 2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved
Figure 1. Data for Sylvie, Floyd, and Alan. The black triangles represent mean percentages
of dressing items put on independently over blocks of two dressing occasions (only the last data
point of Sylvies intervention includes a single occasion). The circles represent the mean amount
of time (in minutes) required for performing the dressing sequence for the same periods of time
or blocks of occasions.

Floyd, and Alan), respectively. These occa- only occasional guidance from the research
sions were spread over periods exceeding assistants, and the time they required to per-
3.5 months. Procedural conditions differed form it decreased markedly. The mean
from those used during the baseline in that amount of time required for the dressing task
the technology was available and worked during the second half of the intervention
as was specified earlier. periods was fewer than 6 minutes for all the
participants. The differences in the percent-
RESULTS ages of dressing items put on independently
The three graphs of Figure 1 summarize the and the amount of time required for dressing
data for the three participants during the base- between the baseline and intervention were
line and intervention periods. During the statistically significant for all the participants
baseline, the participants (Sylvie, Floyd, and (p .01) on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Alan) put on independently about 60%, 50%, (Siegel & Castellan, 1988).
and 30% of the dressing items, respectively.
Their average times for completing the se- DISCUSSION
quence were 8 to 13 minutes. During the The data, which largely support and extend
intervention, each participant became capable those that were previously reported in this
of performing the dressing sequence with area (Lancioni et al., 2002, 2006), appear

2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December 2007 771
encouraging with regard to the possibility of tioned question and to refine the technology
using technological solutions to promote and its general applicability.
daily self-help skills (see, for example,
Lancioni, Smaldone, OReilly, Singh, &
Oliva, 2005; Wilson, Reid, & Green, 2006). REFERENCES
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cational settings. British Journal of Occu-
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The latter option can be considered important tellectual disabilities: Teaching students
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evant) occurrence and promoting social im-
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et al., 2006). Informal reports suggested that son with multiple disabilities. Behavioral
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stages of the intervention, with usually suc- odonico, F., & Mantini, M. (2001). Promot-
cessful outcomes. ing performance fluency in a person with
The innovative aspects of the technology profound intellectual disability and blind-
and the fact that it seems simple to apply by ness. Behavioural and Cognitive Psycho-
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(Copley & Ziviani, 2005; Parette, 1997). The
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come independent of the technology remains two persons with multiple disabilities. Per-
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M. F., Singh, N. N., & Oliva, D. (2005).
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2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, December 2007 773

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