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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

SOSC1960 Discovering Mind and Behavior

Summer Semester 2014
Sample Test Questions for Quiz 2

Date: Aug 11, 2014

Time: 9:30 10:10am


Choose the BEST answer and mark all your answers on the MC answer sheet

You should mark only ONE answer for each question. If you mark more than
one answer, you will receive ZERO MARK for that question.

There are a total of 40 questions. Each question carries 0.75 mark.

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You are required to return both the question booklet and answer sheet at the
end of the quiz.

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Student ID: ______________________


1. The strongest correlation of intelligence is shown for
A. non-twin siblings.
B. parent and child.
C. identical twins.
D. fraternal twins.
Answer: C

2. Alissa likes to be around people and is very accurate at judging their needs and
concerns. Alissa would be rated high on which psychological attribute?
A. the g-factor
B. emotional intelligence
C. intrapersonal intelligence
D. linguistic intelligence
Answer: B

3. Natalie is talking on the phone to grandmother. "Oh grandmother, look at the bird
in the tree. Look, he is right there." Natalie is unable to understand that grandmother
cannot see the bird because _______________.
A. transformation in appearance still indicates a change in amount to Natalie
B. she is just developing object permanence
C. she can only view the world from her own perspective, not that of others
D. she has not mastered the understanding of conservation yet
Answer: C

4. A seven-year-old child was angry with her school teacher, but was unaware of it.
After school, she resolved her feelings of frustration by kicking her four-year-old
brother. Which of Freud's defense mechanisms is this child displaying?
A. Projection
B. Sublimation
C. Displacement
D. Regression
Answer: C

5. Shelby is a very outgoing person who likes being around other people and
socializing with them. According to the Big Five trait theory of personality, Shelby
would be considered
A. showing signs of her masculine archetypes in her collective unconscious.
B. high on the stable and enduring personality disposition known as extraversion.
C. conditioned through past reinforcements to be uncomfortable in social settings.
D. using defense mechanisms to protect herself from feelings of inferiority.
Answer: B

6. Dr. Crane is looking for a test that he can use to understand more about his clients'
unconscious motivations. He would be very likely to use a(n)
A. self-report measure.
B. objective measure.
C. projective measure.
D. observational measure.
Answer: C

7. The basic assumption shared by trait theorists is that

A. the unconscious mind is the underlying source of our traits.
B. an individuals traits are consistent across different situations.
C. people possess the traits to the same degree but differ in how they choose to
apply them.
D. traits are learned habits that are modified by reinforcers.
Answer: B

8. Susan is at a residential meeting where everyone except herself expresses the

opinion that there is nothing good about the dormthey'd be better off somewhere
else. Susan knows better, though, and is extremely happy living in the dorm. Based on
research on conformity, what is Susan's response likely to be?
A. She will assert her own opinion.
B. She will angrily get up and leave the room.
C. She will outwardly agree with the rest of the group.
D. She will try to convince others to agree with her.
Answer: C

9. A friend asks you if you will help him research a term paper in his English course
that is due the next day. You politely refuse, feeling that such a large request is
unreasonable. He then asks if you will at least help him locate the books he needs in
the library, and you agree to help. Your friend has produced a change in your
behavior through the _____ technique.
A. foot-in-the-face
B. foot-in-the-door
C. door-in-the-face
D. door-in-the-foot
Answer: C

10. Maria has just moved into a new dorm where each floor has a central lounge that
residents on the floor share. If Maria wants to make as many friends as possible, then
she should hope to be assigned to a room that is
A. far away from the lounge.
B. close to the lounge.
C. on the bottom floor.
D. on the top floor.
Answer: B

11. "I really don't expect her to do well. Fat people are lazy." These statements reflect
A. discrimination.
B. a stereotype.
C. obedience.
D. conformity.
Answer: B

12. Which event would be considered an example of a cataclysmic stressor?

A. Failure of an alarm clock to go off in the morning.
B. The death of a close family member.
C. A recent earthquake in Pakistan.
D. The loss of an election by one's preferred candidate.
Answer: C

13. A city government has installed three new traffic signals along the route traveled
each day by a commuter, which adds five minutes to her travels. According to your
textbook, this is an example of a(n)
A. personal stressor.
B. inoculation for stress.
C. background stressor.
D. cataclysmic event.
Answer: C

14. After the breakup of several relationships, Bruce chose to cope by seeking help
from a counselor to learn better dating skills. What type of coping strategy did Bruce
A. Problem-focused coping
B. Emotion-focused coping
C. Avoidance coping
D. None of the above
Answer: A

15. Mother Theresa devoted her entire career to serving the urban poor in Calcutta,
India. Her humanitarian service consumed nearly all of her time for her last 50 years.
In Gordon Allports personality theory, she had the _____ trait of selfless generosity.
A. cardinal
B. central
C. libidinal
D. secondary
Answer: A


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