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Angie Martin

This edition published by Indie World Publishing & Author Services via Amazon KDP
Text Angie Martin 2014

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are
used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the authors imagination, and
any resemblance to actual events or places or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. In accordance with U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and
electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful
piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from this book
(other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher.
Thank you for your support of the author's rights.

Cover Art by: Novak Illustration

To learn more about author Angie Martin,
please visit her website at www.angiemartinbooks.com

Indie World Publishing & Author Services
P.O. Box 819
Dewey, AZ 86327

This work of fiction contains adult situations that may not be suitable for children under eighteen years
of age. Recommended for mature audiences only.
Dedicated to Andrea. Without you, your friendship, and our crazy antics, this book would not exist.

In loving memory of John, Grams, and Aunt Carolvery, very special people who can never, ever be
replaced, and will never, ever be forgotten.

So many people were instrumental in the writing of this book. Thank you to my husband, Johnny, who
always supports my crazy dreams and puts up with me more than he should. Thank you to Mom, for
always being there. I have one word for you: ubiquitous. Thank you to Marisa, for providing a comforting
shoulder when its needed, and even when its not. If I ever write a book about Vikings, Ill name one
after you. Thanks to Becky once again for being the best beta reader, and thank you to the rest of my beta
readers who took a chance on my book and provided invaluable feedback.
Finally, thank you to everyone who ever taught me about criminal behavior and forensics. I had some
absolutely amazing professors at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, KS in the Police
Academy building. They taught me so much during my junior college experience, both in class and in the
ACJA LAE. Every college student should be so lucky to have access to these great professors in their
formative college years. To this day, I still miss playing with fake blood spatter.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
More by Angie Martin
About Angie Martin
One Last Thing
Death whispered to Robin Stewart. For what seemed like hours she listened to its seductive call teasing
and tormenting her. Huddled in a corner of the dark room, a blanket of fear curled around her shaking
torso, yet death never quite touched her. Failing to catch its prey, its vicious laugh rolled over the dark
shadows and tried to consume the last of her resolve.
Light extinguished the darkness of the catacomb where death licked at her. Having been deprived of
light since she woke up, Robin squeezed her eyes shut. She tried to speak to whoever turned on the light.
Bile washed into her mouth and acid tickled the back of her throat, causing her to cough into the binding
strapped across her mouth. The painful gag stretched her cheeks to their breaking point and stopped her
from making any distinguishable sounds.
Robin opened her eyes and her vision adjusted to the spray of light from the ceiling. Stains of various
shades decorated the dark concrete walls. Her eyes fell to the cold, smooth tiles on the floor, the grout
between the white squares stained with black and tones of red. The faint smell of bleach explained the
whiteness of the tiles, although every so often, a strange discoloration appeared on them.
With her hands bound behind her back, she pulled her knees up against her chest. She rocked back and
forth several times, and used the momentum to get into a crouching position. Her fingers spread out behind
her and she pressed her fingertips into the tiles to help her stay balanced on her feet.
She continued familiarizing herself with the room, looking for a means of escape or something to use
as a weapon. The floor sloped down on all sides, meeting in the middle at a reddish-brown drain, rusty
from years of neglect. She glanced up at three bare light bulbs dangling from the middle of the ceiling.
Two glowed bright white, while the third flickered yellow-orange. On the far side of the room, plumbing
descended from the ceiling and attached to a hose with a cheap spray nozzle at the end. A stale, musty
stench clung to the air, as if the room had never been exposed to the outside world.
The room had no windows and a lone door acted as the only exit. The possibility of escape made her
want to race toward the door, but Robin remained cautious, not knowing where the door might lead. The
idea of running into whoever turned on the lights in the room made her hesitate.
A memory flashed in the back of her mind and she walked through the last events she remembered. She
had worked her usual Wednesday night shift at the pharmacy. Only Tim and Sherry remained in the store
when she left. There had been half a dozen customers all night, and she used that excuse to leave her shift
an hour early.
Robin wanted to visit her mom at the hospital and still make it home before the spring thunderstorm
outside worsened. The nurse who worked at the hospital on Wednesdays always let her visit her mom
after her night shift, even though visiting hours ended a few hours before she arrived. With cancer ruling
her moms body, the nurse understood the value of every moment they spent together.
At that nights visit, Robin planned on telling her mom about her date last Saturday night. Her mom
lived vicariously through the details of Robins dates, even if they ended in doom. The bad ones gave
them something to laugh about and Saturday nights date was mighty humorous.
Before she left the pharmacy, Tim urged her to borrow his umbrella. She had complained earlier that
she swore she brought one with her, but couldnt find it among her personal belongings in the break room.
Robin thanked Tim for offering his umbrella, yet left without taking it. It wasnt so far from the back
door of the pharmacy to her car. She sloshed through puddles and dodged the bullets of rain, wishing she
had taken advantage of Tims offer. Fiddling with her wet keys, she noticed the burned out parking lot
light above her silver Kia, but she sensed nothing out of the ordinary.
Her fingers fumbled with her keys until she grasped the remote and pressed the unlock button. Though
her clothes were already soaked through, she cursed at the rain flying into the car and onto the seats. When
she set her purse down on the passengers seat, her umbrella looked back at her. She scowled at it. A lot
of good you do me in here, she said. She pushed the key into the ignition and the engine turned over.
Then the man spoke to her.
Robin jumped to her feet at the memory of the voice. Calm and strong, he had told her not to be
alarmed. A sting in her neck and blackness followed his words. Once she woke up, the smell of the
partially finished basement overwhelmed her and the taste of saliva and salty tears dampened the gag in
her mouth.
She wanted to rip out the gag so she could scream and yell, but she didnt know if that would help.
The sound of the rain outside did not penetrate her personal catacomb, and the thick, concrete walls kept
out the whistling wind. Even if she could remove the gag from her mouth, she doubted anyone would hear
her cries for help.
Still, she wanted to be free of the terrible tasting material. The gag made her claustrophobic more than
anything else in her present situation. Having her hands restrained behind her back made getting her gag
out impossible. She tugged and pulled against the coarse binds, her wrists burning with every movement,
but they were too tight.
With the last of the rain still damp on her clothes, the last of her tears streaked down her cheeks with
remnants of hysterical whimpering. Frustration with her inability to free her hands tempted her to lose
control of her fears again. She smothered the next round of tears before they fell from her eyes. She would
not be alone in the formidable basement for long and did not want the man with the melodic voice to see
her in a broken state. Robin needed every ounce of strength and every bit of composure if she hoped to
exploit any opportunity to get away.
The creak of an opening door screamed through the quiet room. A brighter outside light cut into the
dim basement and illuminated the silhouette of a man. He turned around and closed the door, shutting out
the brightness behind him. An ordinary-looking man, he towered above Robin, which wasnt hard since
she barely reached five feet tall.
He stepped toward her, and Robin dedicated the next moments to memorizing the mans features,
searching for things she might use later to identify her kidnapper in a police photo or lineup. Short, dark
hair framed his round, boyish face. Excited steel blue eyes radiated beneath two chickenpox scars on his
forehead. His ears were small in respect to the rest of his head, and one of them had a tiny hole where an
earring used to reside. Most of all, she would remember the charming, chilling smile that crossed his face.
When she escaped, all of these details would help the police find this man.
But she would not escape, Robin realized. Details of this man would do her no good because she
would be dead. If he intended to let her go, he would not have brought her to a cold basement to sit for
hours. He would not have bound her wrists and gagged her mouth, leaving her sense of sight untouched. If
he thought she might escape, she would be blindfolded, unable to view the features of the man who stood
in front of her, studying her like she did him.
The mans hands reached around her head and loosened the gag. His smile grew when it fell from her
mouth. Her first instinct was to scream, but his eyes captivated and hypnotized her. Screaming would do
her no good, not with the silence beyond the walls. This meticulous man would not have brought her to a
place where anyone could hear her. The underlying confidence of his piercing blue eyes confirmed her
thoughts. Beneath the mans handsome features, a monster emerged through those normal eyes. With no gag
covering her mouth, her chin quivered and the tears she suppressed a few moments ago burst forth.
Shhh, the man said. Youre okay. His warm, tenor tones soothed her ears and for a moment, she
believed him.
Please, Robin said in a weak, unfamiliar voice. Her words gurgled out with more tears. Ill do
whatever it is you want. Just get it over with and let me go. My mom, shes very sick.
The man laid his hand on her shoulder and massaged her skin through her cotton shirt. His other hand
went to her face and stroked her damp cheek. The loving and tender motions did not calm her, but raised
goose bumps on her neck and arms.
I understand your need and desire to care for your mother, but for our encounter to be successful there
is something you must understand.
His eyes dug into her thoughts, probed her soul, and controlled her emotions. They implored her to
listen and believe his words. This isnt about you, Robin. Its about something much larger than you can
imagine. You are doing a great thing by being here today.
The man removed his hand from her cheek and clasped his hands in front of his waist. Im afraid your
time with your mother is over. She will, however, succumb to the cancer. The doctors only gave her two
more months.
The coldness that originated with his hand on her cheek spread to her core. He knew her name and he
knew about her moms illness, but Robin had never seen the man before tonight. Her name would be easy
enough to find out, but how could he know about her moms prognosis?
When the doctors say two months, the man continued, sometimes theyre being generous. Take
comfort in knowing she will soon join you in the great beyond. Two months of your mother dying alone in
a hospital bed will be but the blink of an eye for you while you wait for her out there. He waved his hand
in the air, gesturing toward an unseen dimension.
Robins body shook, her hands convulsing within the confines of her restraints. Let me go! My mom
cant survive without me. She has no one else to care for her. The words poured out of her mouth
uncontrolled, and Robin barely heard her voice beneath the fear pounding in her ears. Please!
The man turned around without responding and walked toward the door. After he left the room, Robin
dared to exhale. Something she said must have gotten through to him.
She stared at the door. The man left it ajar and the light that seeped through the slight opening
beckoned her. He must have left it open on purpose, giving her a chance to leave. She only had to walk
through the door.
Salvation waited for her on the other side of that door and the light would lead her there, sparing her
from deaths relentless pursuit. Hope guided Robins feet in the direction of the light, and gratefulness
rejuvenated her heart when she reached the door. Tears leapt from her eyes, propelled by relief this time
instead of fear. Her hands still bound behind her back, she used the tip of her left shoe to nudge the door
The man rushed through the door and grabbed Robins shirt, lifting her just above the floor. He pushed
her toward the wall and the rubber heels of her work shoes squealed against the tiles. Her head slammed
into the cold concrete wall and her hands twisted between the wall and her back.
His fingers wrapped around the sides of her neck and tightened around her throat. Robin choked and
gasped against his hand. Wisps of air found a way into her lungs, but not enough to stop her vision from
blurring. Her eyes bulged and death swirled around her mind, threatening to steal her away from the
The man loosened his grip on her throat, just enough for her to breathe. Robin gulped air into her
burning lungs, but death did not leave her side. The man raised his right hand and showed her the knife.
She had never known a knife to look so sharp.
Robin remembered his earlier words. The man believed she served a purpose. She did not know what
he intended for her, except it would result in her death. Yet if he was only going to kill her, he would have
already squeezed the life out of her. The serrated edge of the knife warned her death would not come that
I want you to scream her name, the man said, his voice as calm as when she heard it coming from
the backseat of her Kia.
He released her throat and his fingers found the bottom of her shirt. He exposed her abdomen like a
patient lover, and the knife moved out of her sight. The cold steel kissed her bare skin and she sucked her
stomach away from the sharp edge.
The mans lips moved against her cheek as he spoke, death whispering in tandem with his hushed tone.
Scream Emilys name. Scream it as loud as you can. When she hears you, Ill make the pain stop.
Chapter One
Mrs. Linder was crazy. Emily Monroe came to that conclusion during the first ten minutes of their initial
consultation. Her assessment of both Mrs. Linders personality and mental health held true today.
Two months ago, Marilyn Linder walked into the offices of Monroe & Reid Investigators with a clear
image that her husband, Randolph, spent his lunch hours entertaining Francine, her longtime bridge
partner. Mrs. Linder described their trysts in such detail that at first, Emily believed she had witnessed the
affair firsthand. When Mrs. Linder admitted the affair was less her eyewitness account and more the
fanatical tales of her trusted psychic, Emily knew the case would require more work than typical for
cheating spouses.
The handset of the phone matted Emilys ear against her head. She readjusted it to keep her tiny gold
stud earring from putting a hole in the side of her head. Unable to get comfortable, she placed Mrs. Linder
on speakerphone.
Doodles filled the top page of the yellow, legal notepad on Emilys desk. She flung the tip of her pen
onto a blank spot in the corner of the page, leaned back in her office chair, and resumed her random
Mrs. Linder, I appreciate that you want us to continue investigating your husband, but he isnt having
an affair with Francine. Theres really nothing more we can do for you here.
Emily, youre such a dear, but you are a bit nave, Mrs. Linder said. Her shrill voice mixed pity
with a hint of condescension, but Emily didnt take her tone to heart.
I will be glad to continue following your husband and try to catch him cheating on you with
Francine, Emily said, ignoring Mrs. Linders words, but after two months, I have not found them
together once. The only time they were even in the same vicinity was last Tuesday night when he picked
you up from bridge. He barely acknowledged her presence.
Cassie Reid popped into the doorway of her office, and Emily looked up. Arms crossed, Cassie
leaned against the doorframe. An amused smile played on her lips. Mrs. Linder? she whispered.
Emily nodded and spoke through the speakerphone with her client. I just hate to take more of your
money since weve found no evidence your husband is having an affair with Francine, or with anyone else
for that matter.
Cassies eyes widened and she signaled to Emily with wild gestures. Emily translated the frantic
charades to mean Cassie wanted her to take Mrs. Linders money since she wanted to part with it.
Emily mouthed the word, Okay at Cassie and continued speaking to Mrs. Linder without any change
in her tone. If you would like us to continue investigating, then you can come in and sign an extension to
your contract.
Mrs. Linder sighed through the phone and Emily detected sadness in her voice. I was so sure he was
having an affair with that...that whore and her new breasts.
Emily did her best not to laugh at Mrs. Linders abrupt commentary, but Cassie couldnt contain her
laughter. Emily decided to forget about re-signing a contract and instead took on the role of psychiatrist.
Mrs. Linder, may I be frank with you?
Of course, dear.
Francine may be eight years younger than you and she may have acquired some recent surgical
alterations, but you offer so much more to Randolph than what she could ever give him. Youre a classy
lady, and I know that goes a long way with him. You shouldnt look at your husband being faithful as a bad
thing, but use this as an opportunity to renew your affection for him. Consider it a refresher for your
You are sweet, Emily. Still, you are a bit nave.
Emily rolled her eyes at Cassie, who held a hand over her smiling mouth. Ill be sure to work on that,
Mrs. Linder.
Now, my psychic said Randolph is having an affair with Francine, and shes a good psychic. She gets
just about everything right. Do you think shes talking about a future affair?
Cassie raised her hand in a good luck wave and disappeared from the doorway. Emily picked up her
pen and flipped to a clean sheet in her notepad for another round of nonsensical drawings. I cant predict
the future for you, but most psychics are not completely honest with their clients.
You mean shes a sham, Mrs. Linder said. Its okay if you just say that, Emily dear. A lot of people
tell me that. I know Randolph gets a bit upset with me when I go see her, but if only you could see what
she can do. Why dont I give her a call for you? Im sure Madame Zelda can tell you everything you want
to know. Maybe she can tell you if theres a nice man somewhere in your near future. A sweet girl like you
deserves a nice man.
Emily paused in her doodling to consider the trite name of the psychic, but thought better of any
comments. Mrs. Linder believed in her psychic too much to try to convince her otherwise.
Her pen moved without thought over the notepad. Emily fixated her stare on the winding lines of her
computers screensaver. They changed colors and shapes on the dusty monitor, hypnotizing Emily with the
random designs. I appreciate the offer, but I think the future is best left unknown and untouched. Why
dont I suspend your case for now? If down the road you find evidence your husband is having an affair,
we can pick up the investigation at that point. Does that sound good to you?
Mrs. Linder chuckled. Oh, Emily, you always know what to say to make things right. I may believe
what my psychic says, but right now I believe you just a touch more.
Thank you, Mrs. Linder.
I really do think shes referring to a future affair. Ill have to ask her about that when I see her on
Emily smiled at Mrs. Linders polite stubbornness. Of course. Ill put your final bill in the mail
And Ill put your check in the mail as soon as I receive your bill.
Emily pressed the speakerphone button on her phone, disconnecting the call. Mrs. Linder might be a
little off center from the rest of the world, but at least she paid on time.
She looked down at her notepad to make a note to have Beverly Anderson, her receptionist and office
manager, send a final bill to Mrs. Linder, but Emily stopped before her pen touched the paper. Seated in
the middle of the doodles were the words, hear me.
Emily dropped her pen and the hair stood up on her arms. She lifted the pad of paper and studied the
words. The chicken scratch letters slanting to the left did not resemble her typical upright half-cursive,
half-print. The distinct Es in the words were in small uppercase, while the rest of the letters were in
lowercase. She recognized the handwriting, having seen it one time before. The same phrase in the same
chaotic handwriting had appeared unannounced on another sheet of doodles just last week.
Since her tenth birthday, when Aunt Susan told her she had the ability to utilize her senses in ways
normal people could not, Emilys talents made her uneasy. Day after day, her mom pounded into her that
Aunt Susan was old and losing her mind. Emily leaned away from her moms warnings and secretly
rendezvoused with her aunt after school for cookies and conversation.
Aunt Susan explained Emilys talents to her and told stories of her own abilities. She knew things
Emily couldnt explain, convincing her that their gifts were real. Though the tales impressed her, she
didnt want any part of special talents. She longed to giggle with other girls on the playground, worry
about math tests, and complain about unfair parents.
Emilys only problem with being like the other kids her age was that she, like Aunt Susan, knew things
she couldnt explain. When she touched Mrs. Wiltons desk, she knew Ben Saunders stole her plastic
apple with the silly worm coming out of the side. The image of her mom sitting in a bar invaded her mind
whenever her mom came home late at night and told Emily she had worked overtime.
During the last twenty-two years of living with her gift, of learning to be around people without
allowing their private thoughts to enter her mind, of expanding and focusing her abilities, not once had
Emilys talents included automatic writing. The words in front of her now, in the same handwriting as the
message last week, told Emily her talents were leading somewhere new, somewhere she didnt want to
The words on the notepad jumped out at her again. Emily absently reached into the top drawer of her
desk and pulled out a black elastic band. She pulled her honey-colored hair into a loose ponytail, taking a
moment to focus on something other than the writing. She leaned her head against the cool leather back of
her chair and closed her eyes.
Her talents came with more problems than she liked. Sensing things she didnt want and hiding her
true self to the world to avoid humiliation both had their share of stress in her life. But the things she
didnt understand, the whisperings she couldnt explain, made her wish for Aunt Susans quiet
explanations over a steaming cup of lavender tea. Then there were the words appearing on her notepad
that downright frightened her.
At the sound of her name, her eyelids lifted. She expected to see Cassie standing in the doorway again,
but the hall leading into her office appeared empty.
Emily frowned and glanced around her cramped office. Everything appeared in its place. Nobody
lurked behind the lush houseplant shooting up from the ceramic planter on the floor. The file cabinets
appeared undisturbed. No shadows crept across the sensible Thomas Kinkade print on the wall to her
right. No reflection jumped out of the decorative mirror on the opposite wall. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Nothing except the words on her notepad that were not in her handwriting.
She didnt take coincidence lightly. In her world, coincidence meant something was out of sorts, but
she rose from her chair and left her office in search of a rational explanation. The hushed voice that called
her name could have been Cassie or Beverly calling from behind a closed door.
Emily moved down the hall and through the smoked glass door to the lobby of Monroe & Reid
Investigators. Beverly stuffed a folded invoice into an envelope and bopped her head to a song on the
oldies station. Beverly smiled at Emily. Im almost done with these invoices. Did you have any others
that you need sent out today?
Mrs. Linder needs her final bill, please, Emily said. She hesitated and glanced around the lobby. No
clients sat on the sofa or in any of the chairs waiting to see her or Cassie. The magazines were tucked into
the wall rack. The coffee maker dripped out the last bit of a fresh pot for their early morning clients.
Beverly had been a wonderful addition to Monroe & Reid last year, Emily reflected. She kept a tidy
lobby and an organized appointment book, all while doing to-the-penny bookkeeping. She even watched
over young ones without complaint while their parents met with Emily or Cassie. But not once in her year
of employment with the firm had Beverly called Emily in any way other than using the intercom.
Emily frowned and turned back to Beverly. Did you call out my name a moment ago?
I sure didnt. I would have used the phone and saved my voice. Maybe it was Cassie.
Youre probably right. Thanks for getting those invoices done, Beverly.
No problem. Ill get Mrs. Linders bill out today as well.
Emily smiled and strolled back through the door leading to their offices. She veered left past the
conference room and into Cassies office. Loud typing greeted her before she walked through the door.
The angry clicks of the keys sounded like the product of a rage-filled email, but it signified nothing more
than Cassies usual method of typing. On the rare occasion when she was upset, her mouse took more of a
beating than her keyboard.
Cassie had the larger of the two offices, part of the deal they made when they started the business
seven years earlier. Emilys last name went first in the company name and Cassie got the larger office
with the window. The deal meant nothing more than pacifying them by giving both women something they
Larger and livelier than the rest of the offices, Cassies space did not resemble a typical workplace.
Instead of Kinkade, Salvador Dalis art graced the office walls. Decked in contemporary furniture,
vibrant orange walls, and enough plants to start a small nursery, the office mirrored Cassies home dcor.
Emily considered it a bit extravagant, but the decorating suited Cassies boisterous personality.
Emily pulled out one of the overstuffed chairs in front of Cassies desk and plopped down into the
plush cushions. Did you call me a few minutes ago?
Cassie paused in her typing and shot a sideways glance at Emily. I havent been on the phone for
some time.
No, I mean call me. Like yell out my name.
Cassie resumed punishing the keys with fast typing. Why wouldnt I have used the phone?
Emily shrugged. I dont know. I heard my name. Or at least I thought I did.
Beverly always uses the intercom, but maybe it was her.
I asked already. My ears must be playing tricks on me.
Cassie spun her chair to face Emily and folded her hands on her desk. How did it go with Mrs.
I suspended her case.
But she paid on time.
But her husband isnt cheating on her.
Alright, you win the moral battle, Cassie said. She flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulders and
settled back in her chair. Mrs. Linder kills me with her psychic stuff. I dont know why you didnt tell
her youre a psychic and her psychic is full of it.
Because shes attached to her psychic and thats not a bond easily broken. She needs to believe in
something she can cling to. If I told her from the get-go that Madame Zelda is nothing more than a scam
artist, she wouldnt have believed me and we wouldnt have gotten her case.
Cassie choked on her laugh. Madame Zelda?
There was a psychic on the ten oclock news last night. Emily picked up a pen off the desk and
twirled it between her fingers. The news, she repeated.
I know that drives you crazy, Cassie said.
He claimed to be able to connect with the dead and made vague assumptions. Asking if they knew
someone who has cancer or died of cancer. Who doesnt know someone who has had cancer?
What letters did he use?
Emily liked to keep track of the initials that entertainment psychics, as she referred to them, used in
readings. The psychic would throw out a seemingly random letter, but one associated with the most
popular names. The person receiving the reading would connect that letter with the name of a person they
knew, erasing skepticism.
M and S were his favorites, Emily said.
He played it safe. Without thinking about it, I can name four people I know whose names begin with
the letter M. Cassie paused and did a quick count on her fingers. Make that five. Thats just first
Connecting with the dead. Those frauds always use that one, as if its possible to talk to the dead.
Because the dead are dead and the only people you can connect with are the living, even on a psychic
level, Cassie said in a singsong tone. She leaned over her desk toward Emily. Ive heard this all
Emily laughed. She gave the same speech to Cassie way too often. Aunt Susan burned those words
into her mind for years, and she couldnt help but repeat it.
She stiffened at the sound of her name. Louder than before, the whisper pressed on her brain like the
vise grip of an unrelenting migraine. Emily bit down on her bottom lip and lifted her hand to her temple.
The reverberation of her name bounced around her mind and singed her nerves. She caught her breath and
the whisper let go of her.
Cassies brow creased. Emily, are you okay? She leaned across her desk and gently took her arm.
As Cassie spoke the words, paleness swallowed Emilys face. The room spun in her peripheral vision
and a wave of vertigo washed over her. I think I need some water. Nausea gripped her stomach and she
laid her hand on her abdomen.
Cassie got up from her desk without question. Emily rubbed her forehead and focused on calming her
queasy stomach. She had never experienced such a physical reaction to a psychic event. Then again, the
whole situation confused her. Whispers, automatic writing. Somehow, it must be connected.
Cassie walked back into the office with a cup of water and set it down in front of Emily. The cold
liquid trickled down her throat and soothed her aching mind. Her strength returned, having been stripped
from her when the voice took over her mind.
What is it, Em? Cassie asked.
I dont know yet. A hint of nausea remained with her. She placed her hand on the edge of Cassies
desk and focused on some papers on the desk to stop the room from swaying.
Cassie took a deep breath and crossed her arms. But its something.
Emily didnt answer. She had read many myths that said channeling spirits caused automatic writings,
but one couldnt connect with the dead because they were dead. Cassie had echoed Aunt Susans
teachings only a few moments earlier. The only people you can connect with are the living, Emily said
under her breath.
Cassie cocked her head to the side. Whats going on?
Emily glanced at Cassie and shook her head. Someone out there used automatic writing to reach out to
her, while the intense whispers were also aimed in her direction. If these two phenomena originated from
the same person, they really wanted Emily to listen, even if what they had to say scared her.
Hear me.
Chapter Two
A crumpled candy bar wrapper tumbled along the side of Highway 54, just inside the Wichita city limits.
The early morning traffic paid no mind to the litter, but slowed to catch a glimpse of the gathering of
police cars and ambulances on the shoulder of the highway. No doubt several of the drivers and
passengers were on their cell phones, letting others know about the crime scene circus.
Parked in front of the Medical Examiners van, Detective Lieutenant Lionel Edwards leaned against
his unmarked patrol car. He tapped his foot on the ground to a silent tempo and mouthed the words of the
song that had played in his car a few moments earlier. Watching personnel crawl over the crime scene in
the field beyond the bottom of the ditch, Lionel had no intention of joining them until forced to do so.
He had not wanted to begin his first morning off in a month by leaving Barbara half asleep on a lazy
Saturday morning so he could visit a crime scene, but the sixth homicide in ten weeks demanded the
sacrifice. Even though he had only planned to sleep late and spend a few hours with Barbara before going
into work, he would not experience the luxury of time off with this case.
Lips mashed together and eyes narrowed, Detective Sergeant Shawn Brandt trudged up the side of the
ditch. Lionel could almost hear Shawns internal sighs. Shawn raised the yellow crime scene tape of the
outer perimeter and passed under the barrier. He tugged his latex gloves off his hands, folding them inside
out. When he reached Lionel, he shoved the gloves in his jacket pocket. You gonna join the party?
I thought about standing up here for another few minutes so you can vouch that I was here, and then
drive back home to Barbara, Lionel told his partner. If Im lucky, shes still in bed.
Shawn cracked an apathetic smile. Youre just lucky to have someone in your bed waiting for you.
Lionel mused that Shawn earned the right to his bitter comment. Though Shawns divorce was
finalized last month, the marriage ended over a year ago. Amber had not been as forgiving as Barbara
when it came to their job pulling them out of bed on their days off. Ambers method of coping with the
stress included a longstanding affair with their neighbor. Through that act of marital betrayal, Shawn lost
his wife, his barbequing buddy, and his house.
Lionel noticed Shawn had buzzed his light brown hair almost down to his scalp since he left the
station last night. New look for the ladies? he asked.
Hilarious. Shawn rubbed his hands together, fighting the bitter cold of the early spring morning. So
you going down there? he asked again.
Is it the same as before?
Why else would I drag you out of bed?
This guy is killing way too fast. Theres not much room for acceleration in his killings. Its like he
started at full speed, but serial killers dont do that.
Shawn held up his index finger. Ah, but remember he has a message for us. Maybe he really wants us
to listen.
Lionel inferred from Shawns tone that he was withholding information. I take it weve confirmed
what the message is.
Shawn motioned for Lionel to follow him, and Lionel planted careful steps down the side of the ditch
toward the crime scene. As a child, he could run up and down ditches without fear. Now in his late
forties, even the slightest misstep would cause a short and unfortunate fall, resulting in a twisted ankle or
similar calamity.
Within the boundaries of the outer crime scene perimeter, officers unnecessary to the investigation
huddled in a group, deep in discussion. Though it might appear to outsiders that the officers were engaged
in important conversation about the crime scene, Lionel imagined they gossiped about their weekend
plans, golf swings, significant others, anything but the gruesomeness in front of them. Not that Lionel
blamed them. It was easier to focus on a world that existed outside of crime when faced with the horrors
of homicide.
Beyond the yellow tape of the inner perimeter, two crime scene investigators combed a grid search
through long-forgotten weeds for additional evidence. The tall weeds glinted gold in the early spring sun,
and some even sprouted dandelions, giving them a much nicer appearance than mere garden menaces.
The investigators waded forward, heads down in search of anything that might help crack the case.
Given the lack of evidence at the other crime scenes, Lionel thought their efforts futile, although
necessary. After six murders, a break in the case was long overdue.
Shawn and Lionel made their way to the center of the inner perimeter and toward their final
destination. Perry Weinberg knelt over a body, while a crime scene technician snapped photographs of the
corpse and immediate area. As Sedgwick Countys Chief Medical Examiner, Perry had performed the
autopsies on the first five homicide victims with the same emotionless expression he wore now. Lionel
did not think badly of him for it. In the twenty plus years Lionel worked with Perry, he had noted that
emotion rarely found its way into Perrys work. He also rarely visited a crime scene this late in his
career, so Lionel surmised the killings affected Perry as much as everyone else.
Twelve hours, Perry said over his shoulder. Ill be more sure when we get her opened up on the
Twelve hours since time of death, Lionel said when they reached Perry. An inexact science, when
Perry said twelve hours he really meant give or take several hours, but Lionel always took Perrys
estimates at face value. With Perrys experience, he was good at getting close to time of death on first
guess, taking into consideration the condition of the body and environmental elements where the body was
Shawn turned to Lionel. Hes dumping them quicker than before. I wish we knew if thats a good
Maybe it is, maybe it isnt, Lionel said. Maybe Id like some hope that he dumped her too fast and
he made a mistake. He bent over Perrys open black bag and stole a pair of latex gloves.
We all want him to make a mistake, Perry said, but I dont think were getting one today.
Just let my poor, tired soul have some hope. He pulled on the latex gloves and walked around Perry.
What can you tell us so far?
Can we get some more photos of the knife wounds on her legs? Perry asked the photographer. He
shrugged at Lionel. No traces of blood around the body. She didnt die here and he cleaned her up before
he moved her.
Just like the others, Lionel said. Standing at the head of the body, Lionel regarded the unemotional
face of the latest victim. She appeared younger than the previous victims, maybe twenty-five at best. No
ID yet?
No clothing, no ID, Shawn said. Just like the others, he added.
Leaves and dirt framed her olive complexion and matted her once silky black hair. Soulless eyes, hazy
with death, stared toward the highway, oblivious to the horrors her naked corpse created. Her contorted,
open slit of a mouth looked as if she wanted to tell Lionel something, which was exactly what she did.
Besides appearing to be the youngest of all the victims, she was also Asian.
Hes changed the ethnicity of the victim this time, Shawn said, reading Lionels thoughts.
A twinge of excitement ran through Lionels body at the sudden change in ethnicity, but he stifled it,
knowing it might not lead anywhere. Unfortunately for us, the victimology is so diverse that it might not
matter, Lionel said. He stared at the body for more clues. She was dumped early this morning, after it
stopped raining.
Shawn raised an eyebrow. Thats what we figure. Her hair isnt wet or even damp, like it would be
if shed been rained on. Ive got Timmons checking on the weather to see what time the rain ceased in this
part of the city.
Lionel crouched next to the body. The viciousness of her death claimed all beauty once displayed on
the woman. Bruises lined her throat and traveled over her naked skin, accompanied by angry red knife
slashes that covered almost every part of her body like clothing.
The injuries were so numerous that they overlapped, and at some points where multiple wounds
collided, Lionel couldnt tell which direction the slashes pointed. Perry would tell them later if they were
upward or downward strokes, how deep they penetrated her body, and how many there were. He would
also be able to discern if the knife used on this victim matched the type used on the others. For a moment,
Lionel reflected that the girl suffered this torture for several hours before her body gave up.
He put up a wall against that thought. Letting emotion in at this very moment could result in
overlooking something while studying the victim. Making a mistake, possibly missing an important piece
of evidence, could result in a seventh girl dying, just as six women already had. Emotion could come later
when he was at home with Barbara, safely hidden in his own world where murder didnt exist and future
victims didnt rely on him and other homicide detectives in the Wichita Police Department to save them.
Finished with his initial examination of the torso, Lionel shifted his focus to the victims hands. Two
fingers on each hand were missing, severed by crude knife cuts between the second and third knuckles.
Tell me this was done postmortem, Lionel said.
Perrys stern look from behind his glasses reflected the coldness of the victims body. Lionel
wondered why he bothered to voice his thoughts to Perry. The previous victims were all tortured while
they were alive.
I wanted you to see the hands before the autopsy, Perry said. He waved at the crime scene
technician, who stopped his photographs. Get someone over here to bag the hands and recover the
Lionel turned his attention to the ground beside the body. The yellow weeds were absent of any blood,
confirming Perrys statement that the murder occurred in another location. It didnt take but a moment for
Lionel to spot the victims four missing fingers tossed next to her hip, nothing more than a brutal reminder
of the killers penchant for torture. The killer didnt take souvenirs. Whatever fingers he removed from the
body during torture were left with the body. Either he wanted no reminders of what he did or he wanted
no evidence lurking around that might point to him.
Shawn gestured toward the victims left thigh. Its got to be the last letter of the message.
Lionel leaned over to get a better look. The erratic, slanted strokes of the capital E were carved into
the victims skin toward the inside of her left thigh. The victims were all branded with a different letter,
sliced into their skin in the exact same location. The running theory was that the letters were a message for
the police. Just as Shawn said, the E on this victim seemed to complete the killers message.
I hope that means hes done, Lionel said, though he knew better. Perry, youll let us know before
you start the autopsy? And make sure to run a rape kit please, even though we know it will probably come
back negative like the others.
I always do, Perry said. I can give you something different about this one right now if you would
like, unless youd rather wait for the autopsy.
Lionel arched a brow. This killer held to a specific routine when killing and the previous victims had
revealed nothing new. Something different could give them a much-needed clue.
Perry pointed to the E carved into the victims thigh. That was done postmortem.
Though unsure what it could add to their investigation, the small change in the killers ritual piqued
his interest. Are you sure?
Of course Im sure, Perry said, as if Lionel called his abilities into question. Lack of blood in the
wound. Theres no way he did that before she died.
Analyzing the new information, Lionel frowned at his partner.
Except to clean the bodies and move them, hes never touched them postmortem, Shawn said.
Lionel pushed up from the ground, grimacing at his creaking knees. Maybe something spooked him.
I dont know and I dont care, Perry said, without looking away from the victim. Thats your job to
figure it out. I just tell you what he did and when.
Thanks, Perry, Lionel said. He and Shawn started away from the crime scene.
First the change in ethnicity, and then he branded her postmortem, Shawn said.
I dont think the ethnicity part means much, Lionel said. Theres never been a connection between
the victims. Age, appearance, social circles. Its all changed with every one of them. No reason to think
he would stick to the same ethnicity every time.
Serial killers dont tend to cross ethnic boundaries. Theres a reason why they choose their victims,
but this one has no apparent reasons for choosing any of these women.
I dont think our guy is like other serial killers.
Sure wouldnt be much fun if we had a textbook case, now would it?
The frustration in Shawns voice infected Lionels thoughts. Six murders, ten weeks, Lionel said.
We need some help.
The feds sent over their profile already. Their team is coming in next Monday to assist on the case.
I dont mean a profile on the killer, and I definitely dont mean the case is ripped out of our hands. I
mean, we need some help. This guy just left us a message on six bodies. We may want this to be the end,
but theres something else going on here. Hes not close to finishing.
We have a profile from the feds and we have a task force. The only help we need is for this guy to
make a mistake. Maybe theres something to the letter being done postmortem. After the body is processed
and Perry does the autopsy
Were going to have the same answers we always do, Lionel said. This guy doesnt make mistakes.
Hes methodical and clean. He uses a common serrated kitchen knife to carve up the victims. He chokes
them at some point, but cause of death isnt asphyxiation. They die from blood loss after extreme torture.
No rape or signs of sexual assault. Then he washes the victim to get rid of any trace evidence, and dumps
her in a public place for quick discovery.
Thanks for reminding me of how helpless I feel against this guy, Shawn said.
Lionel ignored him. Perrys going to say the same things he always does. This body isnt different
from the rest, other than the letter being carved postmortem, which could be worthless to us.
Then what kind of help do you want?
I want to call in a private on this one, before the feds take over in nine days.
Youre not thinking
Emilys a good kid.
Shes not a cop. I admit, shes been great on the cases shes helped other detectives with, but those
have been small time. Theft, missing persons. Shawn stopped walking when they reached Lionels car.
This is a serial killer. Do you really want to get her and Cassie involved in this?
Lionel didnt want either one of them anywhere near the investigation, but Emily could assist in a way
no other person could. She knew things that any other person looking at a crime scene couldnt know. She
could pick up on things by standing in close proximity to someone or something. In all his years of
knowing Emily, he had seen it happen enough to know it was more than coincidence, yet he couldnt
explain it. While he might not understand it, he needed to use it as long as Emily wanted to help.
A fresh pair of eyes couldnt hurt, he told Shawn, who knew nothing of Emilys extraordinary
detective skills. Emilys smart, shes good at what she does, and Im calling her.
It might be a mistake to get her involved. Shes never helped out on a case like this.
I just want her and Cassie to take a look at the files. Maybe theyll see something we havent.
Besides, Cassie took all those criminology and behavioral classes. As far as Im concerned, between
those classes and her time on the force, Cassies just as good as the feds and she doesnt have her own
You may be right. Cassie would be in homicide working this case with us if she were still a cop.
Shawn shrugged. Its your call, so do what you need to. The feds will be here soon enough, demoting us
to answering the tip line. We should try everything we can while we still have a case to work.
Lets get an ID on this one as soon as possible. Maybe he got sloppy and this girl is connected to
another victim or to the killer.
Fingerprints, dental impressions, serial numbers off any implants. Shawn scribbled in his notepad
as he spoke.
Also check missing person reports on Asian women in their early twenties, Lionel added. Hes
never held them for more than 36 hours, so start with new reports and move up to a week.
Im on it, Shawn said. He waved goodbye to Lionel and jogged toward his car.
Lionel looked past Shawn at the Channel 12 news van pulling up alongside the ditch, followed closely
by Channel 10. Damn, Lionel muttered.
He grabbed his cell phone out of his jacket pocket and called Bill Evans, the head of the crime scene
unit collecting evidence. When Bill answered, Lionel said, The vultures are swarming. Tell Perry to put
a rush on it. Finish the photos of the victim and get that poor girl out of the open.
He slipped the phone into his pocket and started toward his car. Lionel remembered the other call he
needed to make and took the phone back out. Number five was the speed dial for Monroe & Reid
As his call rang through, he wasnt sure what to expect from Emily, wasnt even sure he trusted her
unusual detective skills, but he didnt know what else to do. For weeks, they had watched the killer carve
out his message on victims that he tortured for hours before their bodies relinquished their hold on life.
At his car, he rested the phone against his shoulder and flipped open his notepad. He added the last
letter to the others he wrote down at five previous crime scenes. The addition of the last letter completed
the message. Lionel just needed to figure out what it meant.
Hear me.
Chapter Three
Nestled in the corner of an L-shaped strip mall, Ristorante Italiano had not been updated since opening its
doors almost four decades earlier. White paint flaked off two wrought iron benches in front of the
restaurant. The outside walls boasted a fading mural of vine-covered picket fences, wine bottles, and
random bunches of white and red grapes. According to online reviews, the food quality had also
deteriorated under new management.
In front of a cheap, ceramic planter filled with a dying mix of flowers, Jillian Waters wrapped her
arms around her lunch dates neck. Several inches shorter than Jillian, the man raised his head up for a
kiss, and she returned his affection.
Watching their kiss from his vantage point in the parking lot, David Noakes shook his head in disgust.
Her dates selfish kiss took pleasure away from her, without offering anything in return. The awkward kiss
continued, and David frowned. The taste of garlic and bumping noses ensured Jillian would not
experience passion in her last kiss before she died.
Passion belonged in every step of life. David took pride in inserting passion into each moment of his
work, and he would make sure Jillian experienced the ultimate passion before she took her final breath.
Though intended for Emily Monroe, his passion would pass through and consume Jillian until she
embodied it.
Jillian stepped away from her date and walked in the opposite direction toward her black Eclipse.
The smile clinging to her lips indicated she found the poor kiss satisfactory. David thought it a sad thing
for Jillian to settle for less than perfection in a kiss.
For a moment, he considered Jillian unworthy of his work. It wasnt the first time hed had doubts
about her. Over the past several days, she had exhibited many undesirable traits.
But as soon as he came in contact with Jillian, he recognized her as a conduit, and a strong one at that.
Jillian could channel his abilities and direct them toward Emily, allowing him to connect with her. Born
with the gift he needed to exploit to reach Emily, he could not deny Jillian the opportunity to participate in
his work because she had bad taste in men.
Jillian stumbled on her high heel. She recovered before falling to the asphalt, but continued down the
row of cars with a slight limp that pushed the smile away from her mouth and added one to his. Sprained
ankles made the dirty side of his work easier.
Tomorrow morning, while Jillian finished her early shift at the coffee shop, David would wait in her
small apartment for her to come home for lunch, and then convince her to get in his car. Once restrained in
his basement, Jillian would become number seven, bringing him one step closer to reaching Emily.
Number seven for Emily, David thought, as Jillian climbed into her Eclipse. The others before Emily
hadnt been receptive to him. They denied his presence in their mind, shoved him aside, and gave up the
chance to become one with him. After just a couple tries, he realized that each one refused to connect with
him through the women chosen to die for them.
He had wasted too much time with the others. Even during the time he spent seducing them through the
women he used as conduits to reach them, he knew someone else waited for him.
After years of searching the country, the moment David saw Emily, he forgot about all the others.
Emily had brushed up against him in line at a coffee shop and gushed out a polite apology. In that moment,
her immense psychic ability stilled his heart and he knew she would help him fulfill his work and make
him whole.
Yet as difficult as it had been for him to find her, it had taken an even greater patience to connect with
Emily. He had almost stopped trying after number three, but he pushed himself to continue. Then with
number five, he made the connection, and number six strengthened it.
While successful, the last two connections had an unexplainable delay. He almost didnt notice it at
first, as he thought both girls connected with Emily when they screamed her name. It wasnt until several
hours after he dumped number fives body that he sensed Emily and her reaction to the girls voice.
To reinforce the connection, he focused his thoughts on Emily and wrote the words hear me over
and over, until he covered the fronts and backs of several sheets of paper. He resorted to writing the
words on a whim, but it worked. With the last girl, number six, he achieved the same result of reaching
Emily, but only when he scribbled the phrase on paper.
Much stronger than the other women, Jillian would close the time gap and help him forge a bond with
Emily. If Jillian failed him, if Emily didnt remain receptive to him, he would have to give up on her, too.
He didnt want to think about it, as it would force him to kill her, like all the others before her. Jillian
wouldnt fail, though, and soon he would be with Emily, forever.
Chapter Four
The cursor hovered over the print icon on the monitor and Emily punched the left mouse button. She
waited until the printer started up before closing out of the case file on her computer. She disliked the
hours wasted on necessary paperwork, but Cassie had spent that afternoon in the field, leaving Emily to
catch up on case files.
When Monroe & Reid Investigators opened its doors seven years earlier, cases were hard to come by,
the same as any other new business struggling for its place in the world. In those days, Emily loved the
opportunity to do paperwork. Cassies five years as an officer with the Wichita Police Department paid
off during their early search for clients. Well-liked as a police officer, Cassie had planned a lifelong
career in law enforcement, but responding to one bad domestic violence call altered her plans. Shot in the
thigh, she suffered through a lengthy recovery and resigned her position.
Due to her outstanding reputation as a police officer, business trickled in from her contacts on the
force. It turned out to be a great source of referrals, and gave them an occasional case to work. Outside of
Cassies contacts, Emily used every marketing trick she could find to bring in more cases. Between their
hard work to drum up business and word-of-mouth, Monroe & Reid Investigators soon became exactly
what they imagined.
With only the two of them on staff, they often turned away clients and could be choosy about which
cases to take. Despite the onslaught of clients, they long ago decided against adding another investigator
to the firm. Though some of Emilys investigating skills were learned through trial by fire at the beginning
of their partnership, the rest of her skills were ones that neither Emily nor Cassie were eager to make
known to others. The public revelation of Emilys psychic abilities would close the doors of Monroe &
Reid Investigators forever.
They could not hold out much longer without adding new investigators, with both women working
seven days a week. Their increasing workload and desire to expand made hiring a new employee a
necessity, but Emily struggled with how to hire someone and keep them in the dark about her abilities.
Emily pulled the updated pages from the printer and placed them into the folder designated for Mrs.
Linder. She turned to the file cabinet and placed the folder in the bottom drawer, where she kept her
recently closed files. Emily turned the key in the file cabinets lock, but left it there instead of removing it.
After a moment of hesitation, she unlocked the cabinet again and pulled out an unlabeled folder from the
back of the top drawer.
Seated at her desk, Emily opened the folder and took out the only two sheets of paper inside. The
erratic handwriting from the automatic writing incidents faced her, both with the same message: hear me.
It didnt take a handwriting analyst to see the writing on both sheets originated from the same source,
and differed from her own tidy penmanship. The disorganized letters looked like the person writing it had
been rushed with incoherent thoughts crowding them while relaying the message to Emily.
She wondered what she needed to hear. Someone called her name and someone forced her hand to
write these words. Whether both incidents were caused by the same person remained as much a mystery
as the meaning of the words.
After committing the handwriting to memory, Emily spun her chair around so she faced the wall
behind her, and closed her eyes. With the words written in the front of her mind, she shut out everything
around her. She opened her mind and pushed out any stray thoughts, just as Aunt Susan had taught her to
Emily trained her mind on the voice that called her and tried to reconnect to that voice. It was a
female; she had no doubts about that. The voice sounded frantic yet hushed, as if the woman called to her
from a distance.
She reached out further with her mind, searching for a source for the voice, and found nothing but a
recording in her memory. Emily replayed the voice several times, listening for anything she could use to
determine from where the voice came and to whom it belonged. After a few moments of the voice running
on a loop through her mind, she recognized a quality in the voice.
The woman was terrified.
Emily opened her eyes and rotated her chair back around to face her desk. She had not heard fear in
the womans voice before. Now she not only heard it, but the womans fear penetrated Emilys mind and
body, as if she projected her emotions onto Emily. An invisible demon propelled the womans fear, and
Emily wished that demon to remain masked.
Cassie bounced into Emilys office, and Emily shut the file folder. She had not told Cassie about the
automatic handwriting or voices and did not want to disturb her with the news of her evolving talents.
How did it go? Emily asked.
Surveillance is surveillance is surveillance. Cassie sat down and placed her Canon 70D on Emilys
Emily smiled. You got photos.
I got photos. Mr. Friedman sure didnt have much of a problem with his right arm when he bowled a
254 at Vinnies Pies and Pins.
A 254? Emily let out a low whistle. You must have been jumping with jealousy. The last time we
went bowling, I beat you 96 to 48.
Cassie glared at her. And thats precisely why it was the last time we went bowling. That wont ever
happen again.
You seem to have a far better score with these workers compensation cases than with bowling.
Thats the third one youve caught scamming in the last month. I bet Heartland Insurance is going to throw
us a lot more work.
They already have. I called Keith right after I got the evidence and he is thrilled. He said he wants to
talk exclusive contract with us.
Congratulations, Emily said. Now we just have to start working 18 hour shifts, seven days a week
to keep up.
If we get that contract, we have to hire someone else, or even two more people, Cassie said. At
Emilys groan of protest, she added, They can work solely on the Heartland Insurance cases and never
know a thing about...your ways.
I guess we could manage that, Emily said. Besides, I wouldnt want to give up any of the cases I
like to handle to a newbie. We just have to keep any new employees away from all of my cases, no matter
Agreed, Cassie said. Speaking of case overload, Beverly said Uncle Leo called this morning.
I saw that, but I hadnt had a chance to call him back.
I just spoke with him and hes on his way over right now.
Did he say why?
Just a case he wants us to look at. He didnt say much else.
Emily grabbed the folder off her desk, took it back to the file cabinet, and tucked it away in the back of
the top drawer. Locking the cabinet, she said, Since Ive wrapped up the Linder case, I can take on
whatever he brings us. But hes heading up the task force on the serial killer case, so Im not sure what we
can help him with.
Its probably a case for another cop, Cassie said.
Whatever he has for us, it will be good to see him again.
Dont forget about Shawn, Cassie said. She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. His divorce
went through last month.
Emily laughed. You sure dont waste much time, do you? I dont think Uncle Leo would approve of
you hitting on his partner.
What does he know? He was lucky enough to find Aunt Barbara back in the days when finding your
soul mate was as easy as finding a pair of eights in a game of Go Fish.
Why are you so focused on Shawn? Dont you have a date tonight?
Stephen and its the fourth date. Cassie said. She stood up and pushed the chair back to the desk.
Might as well be getting hitched, seeing how we made it this far. Cassie pointed at her. And since
youre going to this thing with me tonight, youll have the pleasure of meeting my future husband. If Shawn
doesnt come around first, that is.
For the third year in a row, Cassie managed to snag an invitation for Monroe & Reid Investigators to
the annual party hosted by Wolk, Trotter & Wolk, one of the largest defense attorney and family law firms
in the country. Though an honor to receive an invitation, Emily dreaded the affair more than a root canal
without Novocain. Conversation with narcissistic defense attorneys might result in high profile and top
dollar cases, but Emily wished Cassie would handle the hobnobbing and let her sit in the office handling
the case files.
Instead of making up an excuse to get out of the party, Emily shot her a superficial smile and said, I
cant wait. I bought a gorgeous black dress just for the occasion.
Ill be okay if you wear a burlap sack, as long as you dont break your arm to get out of the party.
Youre giving me a choice between breaking my arm and going to the party? Emily lifted her eyes to
the ceiling. How high do you think the roof of this building is?
Cassie laughed. Dont you dare try to jump off the roof just to break your arm and get out of going
Emilys phone buzzed and she pressed the speakerphone. Yes, Beverly?
Beverlys kind voice came through the speakerphone. Lieutenant Edwards is here to visit with you
and Cassie. Shall I take him to the conference room?
Thats great, Beverly. Well meet him in there. She turned off the phone and looked at Cassie.
Dont worry. Id rather suffer through this pretentious gathering than land myself in the ER with a broken
arm. Im not that masochistic. Emily locked her computer and stood up. After you, she said, gesturing
toward the door.
You want some coffee? Cassie asked, as they walked toward the conference room. I think I might
grab a cup before we start.
Im good, thanks. Emily turned into the conference room, and Cassie wandered toward the break
When Emily entered the conference room, Detective Lieutenant Lionel Edwards closed his notebook
and stood to meet her. A lean, impressive man at just above six feet tall, Lionels strong features
disappeared under animated facial expressions whenever he spoke. Grey brushed his temples above the
earpieces to his reading glasses, but his otherwise young appearance seemed to defy aging.
Though not her biological uncle, Lionel always treated Emily like part of the family, and she
considered him just that. He smiled, took off his reading glasses, and held out his arms to embrace her.
Good to see you again, Emily, he said, his arms swallowing her petite body.
Emily chuckled and released him. I just saw you last week at Aunt Barbaras birthday dinner.
Must be that old age getting to my memory again, he said. Of course it helps that Barbara is four
months older than me.
She robbed the cradle with you.
Cassie walked into the conference room with her full coffee mug. Uncle Leo! She set down her mug
and hugged him. She looked around the room and frowned. Is Shawn joining us today?
Emily stifled a laugh and sat down at the table.
He had to give a deposition to the prosecutor for the Madison murder trial that starts in a few
Such a sad case, Emily said. Hopefully that one goes away for life.
During a nighttime home invasion, a frantic burglar shot Clive and Tonya Madison point-blank while
they slept. In a room down the hall, their newborn escaped the killers wrath.
Nah, he deserves the death penalty and hell probably get it, Cassie said. Uncle Leo and Shawn
built up a pretty solid case. The good guys win again.
I would rather we didnt have to battle that case, Lionel said. There are times when nobody wins.
It sounds like more is weighing on you than the Madison murders. Cassie took a sip of her coffee.
Do you care to elaborate?
You know me too well, Lionel said. He reached beside him and picked up his briefcase. I have a
case that I would like for you to take a look at. He pulled an unmarked file out of his briefcase. At least
four inches thick, tape reinforced the torn seam.
Cassies eyes widened at the sight of the file. Thats a lot of case for us to look at.
Unfortunately, this is one of eight folders, Lionel said. I cant leave you this copy of the file, but
you can look at it briefly now, and if you want to see more you can come down to the station. I figured
wed start with the most recent and work our way backwards on the timeline.
I can come down on Monday morning to the station, Cassie said. She paused and held up her hand.
Wait a second. What do you mean by most recent?
Emilys fingertips grazed the edge of the folder, and a shadow crossed her mind. She pulled her hand
back. This isnt a missing person or theft case, she said.
I would like you to help out on the serial killer case, Lionel said. We found a new body this
morning, so that makes six victims in ten weeks.
Serial killer case? Cassie asked. As in the one all over the news right now? The same case Aunt
Barbara complains about because youre never home? The case that makes you tell us to be aware of our
surroundings? That serial killer case?
Emily would have laughed at Cassies diatribe, but the file still held her mind in its grip. While plain
and unthreatening, the flaps of the manila folder contained something dark.
Though difficult to tear her eyes away from the file, Emily gathered her resolve and looked at Lionel.
The wrinkles on his brow and displaced corners of his mouth revealed the wear of his job and the toll this
case had taken on him. Extreme emotion, especially distress or pain, gave her something to latch onto and
ignited her abilities. Once she grasped onto a strong emotion, she sensed and even saw things that gave
her weeks of insomnia.
This case is getting bigger than BTK, Lionel said, referring to Wichitas infamous serial killer. I
know both of you are professional, but I still need to say that everything I tell you must stay with you.
Of course, Emily said. The news has been overactive with reports and Im sure there have already
been leaks that you didnt want.
Some leaks here and there, but there has been a lot weve kept out of the news to help weed out false
confessions and quirky tips.
Why do you need our help? Cassie asked. Isnt there a task force set up?
Im heading up the task force. The FBI profile is here, and the feds are sending in a team a week from
Monday to help on the case.
You mean take it away from you, Cassie said.
If you want to look at it that way, Lionel said, but FBI agents arent always the bad guys.
Why is it taking them so long to come and help? Emily asked.
Lionel ticked off events on his left hand as he spoke. Wisconsin has a serial killer case that has been
around longer than ours. Somewhere in Florida, theres a longtime serial rapist who just escalated and
killed three victims within a couple weeks. Dont forget the bombing in Washington, D.C. last week, just
outside of the FBI headquarters.
I guess all of that would keep them very busy, Cassie said.
Were in constant communication with the FBI, but outside of that, we have to wait for them to show
up in nine days. Lionel paused, as if mulling over his next words. Truthfully, we dont have much of
anything to go on at this point, so feds stealing the case away or not, the help is needed. Thats why Im
coming to you. Lionel shifted his eyes to Emily. I think we could use the kind of help that only your firm
can provide.
Emily read the meaning of his words hidden in his strong amber eyes and allowed a brief smile.
Well help however you think we can.
Cassie, your background in profiling will probably do me lot of good. I dont understand a lot of the
psychology behind this behavioral stuff, so maybe you can explain it to an old-timer.
Lets start with victimology. What type of victims is he targeting? Cassie asked.
Thats the thing. Lionel let go of the case file and leaned across the conference table. There is no
set pattern with this one. The victimology is all over the map. One is a brunette, another is blonde. We
have a stay-at-home mom and a professional go-getter. One works out rigorously, while another carries
extra pounds. The victim from this morning is Asian, but the others are Caucasian.
Theyre all women, Emily said.
That seems to be the only thing they have in common. The killer is clean, too. Not a shred of
evidence for us to work with. Its like he took a page out of a forensic handbook.
No wonder with all these crime dramas on television haphazardly educating criminals, Cassie said.
Could it be a cop who is familiar with forensics? Emily asked.
Lionel shrugged. Feds think maybe and I suppose its possible, but Im not sure how much I buy into
that theory.
Forensic information is all over the Internet. Cassie leaned back in her chair. Anyone with an
Internet connection and a will to learn can teach themselves.
True, Lionel said. The other problem is we dont know what method hes using to pick these
women up. Hes taking them at all different sorts of locations. We cant properly educate the public and
potential victims on how to stay safe, outside of telling them to be aware of surroundings and not talk to
strangers. Its our biggest nightmare.
I dont know, Uncle Leo, Cassie said. Our fees can also be pretty nightmarish on big cases. Can the
department afford us on this one?
Lionel held Emilys eyes without answering Cassie, and Emily sensed the meaning behind his glance.
I believe he wants us to do this one pro bono, Emily said.
Pro bono? Cassie asked.
Ill buy you dinner. Lionel offered a weak smile. Unofficially, of course.
I dont recall that our firm does pro bono, Cassie said.
We do now, Emily said.
Of course we do. Pro bono pays my mortgage. Cassie sighed and sipped her coffee. I can tell you
that your killer didnt start here.
Emily tilted her head. How can you tell that?
Six murders in ten weeks, Cassie said. Thats quick with no apparent sense of hesitation. Serial
killers usually start out slow, as if theyre nursing a new desire to life. I bet the first one was just as
pristine and methodical as the other five.
Besides the victimology and maybe a few other minor details, they were pretty well identical,
Lionel said.
Thats why I think hes killed before now, Cassie said. The first time they are usually hesitant.
Theyre learning how to kill. Thats where mistakes are made and MOs are realized. You may not even
recognize the first kill as part of the pattern.
After the first time, they become more secure in their killing. Theyve honed their craft, but the time
between the murders grows shorter because they have a need to do it over and over. Its like an addiction
and when they need a fix, they find a victim.
The profile the feds sent said he may have started somewhere else or started with smaller crimes that
we wouldnt necessarily connect to him, Lionel said. We found no similar crimes in ViCAP, so your
theory, while a very good one, may be a dead end.
Emily raised her eyebrows. ViCAP?
Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, Cassie said. Its a federal database where details about
crimes are stored. She turned to Lionel. Im surprised you didnt find anything that matched, even a
small detail unique to these crimes.
The feds were surprised as well, Lionel said. Our other problem is that with the lack of any kind
of evidence, we dont have much to compare this guy to even if he does have a record.
Is it possible he just hasnt killed anyone before? Emily asked. Maybe hes only committed minor
assaults and when he makes a mistake, youll find his DNA or prints in your computers.
Anythings possible, Cassie said. But if hes this astute and hes never killed before, then hes
either really lucky or a new breed of criminal. Like with superpowers.
We ruled out Lex Luthor early on in the investigation, Lionel said.
Ah, but Lex Luthor doesnt have superpowers, so maybe you were looking at the wrong villain,
Cassie said. Some killers contact the media or police. BTK contacted the media many times before he
was finally caught. I know its late in the game, but it is possible your guy could try to make contact if he
wants more attention.
Lionels ruffled expression responded to Cassies observation without words, Emily noted. With the
slight change in his upright posture, his mind flickered with horrific memories. The images in his mind
were too quick to grab onto, and though Emily didnt want to see what Lionel had stored in his memory
with regards to these murders, she managed to catch a stray thought.
Hes already contacted you, Emily said.
Not directly. Hes... Lionel scrunched up his face.
What is it? Cassie asked.
He leaned across the table and lowered his voice. Girls, these victims were tortured before they
died. Severely tortured over the course of many hours. The bodies have made seasoned officers and
homicide detectives walk away disturbed. Ive never seen anything like it, not even in homicide case
studies. On the inner left thigh of each victim, he carved a letter into their skin before they died. We
believe its some sort of message for us.
Emily gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. He did that to them before they died?
Yes, except for this last one, but we dont know why he changed his routine to do it postmortem. With
the sixth body today weve confirmed the message, although right now it doesnt mean much.
Whats the message? Cassie asked.
Hear me.
The words came to life as they left Lionels mouth and found their way to Emilys ears, where they
crawled over her skin with a sadistic touch.
Like I said, Lionel continued, it doesnt mean much right now. Im hoping something will break
soon and well understand what he wants us to hear.
His voice faded behind Emilys thoughts. She wished he had never called that morning, had never
stopped by the office to offer them the case of a lifetime. A man had killed six women in a swift ten
weeks. No, Emily thought, not killed them. Tortured them to death. Before they died, he carved letters into
their bodies, spelling out a message not meant for the police.
She knew she shouldnt assume the message was for her, but Lionels presence told her someone
wanted her involved in this case. Someone she didnt want to meet.
Emily shuddered.
Unfortunately, other than the message, we have nothing, Lionel said.
You said that for some reason he carved the letter on the victim postmortem this time, Cassie said.
Maybe the autopsy will reveal something new and give you a clue you need.
Emily perked up. When is the autopsy?
Slated for seven tomorrow morning. If Perry doesnt jump the gun and start early, that is.
With the autopsy scheduled for tomorrow morning, a funeral would soon follow. Do you know when
the funeral is? Emily asked.
We got lucky with a possible quick identification from missing persons. The father is coming by to
identify the victim this afternoon. Even if its a successful ID, the medical examiner wont release the
body immediately after the autopsy, not with her being the sixth one.
What about the previous victims?
The fifth victims parents just identified her a few days ago. Her bodys not been released yet, but
there is a memorial service for her. Lets see, Lionel said, securing his reading glasses on his nose. He
flipped open his notebook and consulted his notes. Its tomorrow afternoon at four at Holy Spirit
Catholic Church on Rock Road.
Good thinking, Em, Cassie said. If were at that memorial service, we can talk to family and
friends. Sometimes they open up easier to investigators versus cops. No offense, Uncle Leo.
None taken. I know how it is out there. Ive talked to so many family members in the past couple
months without anything new coming up, but you are more than welcome to try anything. Unofficially, that
Thanks, Emily said. Though the victims family and friends might not tell her a lot verbally, she
could pick up on other things from shaking hands and being in close proximity to a person, especially in
the emotionally charged environment of a memorial service. As time passed, the pain of their loss would
lessen, so the sooner she talked to friends and family, the more chances she had to learn something by
latching onto their pain. If someone who loved the victim had something to tell her about the girls killer,
they would do it now.
I dont have much time to look at this case file today, but I will come by the station on Monday
morning, Cassie said. Is there anything else we should know in the meantime?
If I think of something, Ill give you a call, Lionel said. Just be careful, girls. I know I tell you that
a lot, but be more careful than normal. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, know if anything is out
of place, and dont go out at night alone, not even to walk to your car.
Of course, Cassie said.
Emily could only nod in agreement. Retreating into her thoughts while Cassie and Lionel made small
talk, she focused on the message the killer had carved into his victims, along with the automatic writings
and the voice that called her name. Uncle Leos visit brought the unnerving realization that while she
heard a womans voice, the writing belonged to a man. Not just any man, Emily thought. A serial killer.
Chapter Five
An intimidating twenty-story black glass building in the heart of downtown Wichita housed the corporate
offices of Wolk, Trotter & Wolk. Terrence Wolk began the firm in the same manner that many others
pursued the American dream: fresh out of law school with nothing more than an overabundance of drive
and even more hope.
While there were many myths and legends about the case that made him a star, everyone agreed that
the natural defense attorney had sharp wit, extreme talent, and a killer smile that opened the right doors.
His firm had become a staple in criminal defense and family law, cementing him a respected place in the
halls of justice.
After Wolks death, his children and grandchildren were left to run the firm. The addition of former
hardcore prosecutor and courtroom brawler James Trotter to the firm twenty years ago brought Wolk,
Trotter & Wolk to the tip of the legal worlds tongue. Not only did they have partner lawyers all over the
country to defend clients at a moments notice, in the past four decades they had opened successful sister
offices in every major city across the country, all the while keeping their headquarters in Wichita to stay
true to their Midwest roots.
The Wolk firm had its own private investigators on staff, and it would take a miracle or two for Emily
and Cassie to land a single case for the firm. Yet every year at the annual party, they were able to acquire
cases from other attorneys. As Cassie reminded Emily when she protested going to the gathering, one new
client was worth a thousand parties.
Cassies method of targeting new clients consisted of wearing a low-cut red dress, zeroing in on an
attorney who wasnt married, and flirting like crazy. She floated around the packed room now with her
date, seeking out potential targets for some clandestine flirting under her dates unsuspecting nose.
Emily opted for a less scandalous approach. She vetted potential clients, not with her psychic
abilities, but by the old fashioned method of talking with them, listening to their needs, and bringing it
around full circle as to why their firm needed Monroe & Reid Investigators. During the last two parties,
Cassie had by far won the race in signing on new clients, but Emily stuck to her modest ways.
Tonight, Emily wasnt so much interested in signing on new clients as in hurrying through the party and
niceties so she could go home, tear off the uncomfortable heels and earrings, and enjoy a glass of an
inexpensive Riesling while soaking in a warm milk bath.
Even if she indulged in that luxury, she wouldnt necessarily enjoy it. The automatic writing and
voices pulled on her mind. While only a scary story on the ten oclock news yesterday, the unimaginable
suffering of those six women seemed much closer to her than she liked, with the carved letters on the
victims thighs spelling out the message in the automatic writings.
I hear congratulations are in order, a male voice said behind her. Emily didnt have to see the
source of the voice to recognize the low throttle tone. Nathan Wolk, the eldest grandson of Terrance Wolk,
had a voice that made women salivate. Emily had heard that same gravelly voice whispering to her in a
dark bedroom throughout their seventeen-month dating escapade.
And what would that be for, Nate? Emily asked without turning around.
Nathan moved around her body until he faced her. He had not changed much since their first meeting at
the Wolk, Trotter & Wolk annual party two years ago. Nathan always looked out of place in full dress
uniform, and tonight was no exception. In a sea of standard black tuxedo garb, he sported a black suit and
a bright orange, silk tie with subtle stripes.
A rebellious teenager at heart, Emily recognized his attire as a jab at his father. His tousled sandy hair
revealed that he fought getting dressed for tonights event as much as she had. Much more comfortable in a
worn-out pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt, Nathan preferred roaming the world on a wild adventure in an
obscure location over toiling away in his stuffy office. Emily once enjoyed that aspect of him, with valid
concerns that she could never experience those journeys with him. Despite his full life, Nathan had a deep
void inside, one he filled with Emily by his side. No matter how hard he tried, he never could fill Emilys
own void.
In the end, that same well-traveled, vastly admired man had cried and begged her not to leave. Had it
been anyone else she might have found it a pitiful display, but Nathans sincerity trumped his damp cheeks
while he promised her the world in exchange for marriage. Even now in his comforting, familiar
presence, she wondered if she had been too hasty in her decision to leave him, a wine-induced thought she
entertained on the occasional lonely night.
He laid his hand on her arm with a hint of sadness in his eyes. It wasnt a wasted attempt to get her to
notice him and remember the nights they shared, but Emily did not want her face to reveal that he had the
slightest effect on her.
Heartland Insurance. Exclusive contract. Nathan flashed a perfectly shaped smile and arched an
eyebrow over a clear, hazel eye. Big money.
The contract isnt final yet, Emily said.
Sure it is. Keith called me this afternoon after he spoke with Cassie. He leaned in a little too close.
He said hed found the perfect women for him.
Emily burst into laughter. He did not.
In so many words.
You talk a good game, Nate.
He caught her eyes. Just never could close the deal.
Emily looked down and allowed a small smile. Nathan wasnt exaggerating that last statement. He had
worked hard to escalate their relationship, as hard as he worked any case. Within five months of their first
date, he coaxed her to move in with him. Simple hints such as buying her an extra toothbrush to keep at his
place turned into late night discussions of how to merge her modest furniture into his immodest, large
home. She took the extra key, left a few articles of clothing in his closet, and spent most weekends in his
bed, but never made her move into his home official.
She decided to alter the course of their conversation. Have you made partner yet?
Nathan tightened his jaw. Negative.
I thought after the Waschevski case you would have made partner in a second.
Dad didnt think my closing argument was partner material. Im beginning to wonder if he ever
You pretty much got Waschevski off on double murder charges when all the evidence pointed at him.
A confession made it to the jurors ears before it was excluded from evidence. Yet the jury found him not
guilty by reason of insanity. If thats not partner material
Waschevskis institutionalized at Meadowbrook.
Uncle Leo is still angry about that one. Emily swirled the bitter red wine around the bottom of her
glass. He wanted Waschevski on death row.
He laughed. I could always tell when I did a decent job. Id piss off the great Detective Edwards.
Emily ignored his playful jab at Lionel. So why not make partner? A mental institution isnt bad
considering he could have, and should have, gotten the needle.
Dad thinks I could have gotten an acquittal instead of going for the NGRI defense.
Could you have?
Nathan looked around their immediate area for any snoops. He lowered his voice. Since it will be
leaked to the press tonight for tomorrows headlines, Waschevski has emphysema. Heavy smoker since
his teenage years. With any luck, hell be gone long before his first two years are up. Could I have gotten
him acquitted? Who knows? But maybe I didnt want to take a chance the bastard would survive too long
out there in the real world. You should tell Uncle Leo that not all defense attorneys are bad ones, Nathan
said with a wink.
You always had a bigger heart than your dad.
Which is why Ill someday own this place, but never make partner while Dad is still kicking,
Nathan said. His eyes traveled down Emilys form-fitting black dress and back up to her face. The tone of
his voice transitioned from that of professional banter to the low bass that he used to woo and charm.
You know youve never looked as beautiful as you do tonight. Maybe in a little bit we can ditch this
party and
Hows Trisha doing? Emily asked. I havent seen her yet tonight.
Shes a distraction, Em. Nothing more. His hushed tone quickly extinguished any lightheartedness in
their discussion.
Emily hesitated before responding. Nathan still had his mind set on her, and he reminded her of that
every time their paths crossed. His flighty romance with Trisha Mathers was well known within their
circles as a farce. The only one who didnt seem to know it was Trisha, or more likely, she feigned
ignorance to stay in Nathans good graces. He had a lot more going for him than his looks and killer
charm. Some women would put up with anything to marry a man with that much money.
Im sorry, Em, Nathan said. I know I shouldnt say things like that. Trisha is a good girl who
deserves better, and youve made your choices clear. Sometimes, I just cant help myself around you, but I
suppose you already know that.
Emily smiled and extended her hand toward him. Friends?
A smile crawled across his face. Instead of accepting her hand, he wrapped his arms around her.
Friends dont shake hands, he whispered.
Well, isnt this a cozy reunion?
Emily broke away from Nathan and frowned at Cassie, who chuckled at her own words. Cassie
pushed her way in front of Nathan and enveloped him in a large hug, leaving the man who accompanied
her standing next to Emily.
Cassie, Nathan said. After releasing her from his arms, he pecked her cheek. Still as ornery and
gorgeous as ever.
I always did like you, Nate, Cassie said, with a wistful smile. You have excellent taste in women.
I wish you would tell that to Emily, Nathan said.
Now, now, Cassie said. Dont put me in the middle of your little lovers spat.
Emily glared at her and stopped her leg from kicking Cassie to get her to shut up.
Cassies date reached his hand out to Emily, inadvertently stopping her from assaulting Cassie in a
roomful of witnesses. Im Stephen Gaines, he said.
Emily accepted his firm handshake. Emily Monroe, she said. Emily examined Stephen while he
turned to Nathan and shook his hand as well. Dressed in a black tuxedo, like every other man in the room
besides Nathan, Stephen appeared to be a typical date of Cassies. Tall, blond, with the same chiseled
features that adorned hundreds of cheap romance novels, but in his handshake, she picked up on something
Cassie had yet to discover.
She swallowed the last of her wine and turned to Cassie. I met a potential client you might be
interested in hearing about. She smiled at Nathan and Stephen. You boys dont mind if we talk shop for
a few minutes, do you?
Nathan and Stephen both shook their heads. Well be right here when youre done, Nathan said.
Cassie turned on her heels and matched Emilys brisk pace toward the bar. When they reached the bar,
she asked, So what do you think of my new man? Handsome, isnt he? Hes the most successful
chiropractor in his office and he drives a Porsche
And his wife thinks hes playing poker with friends tonight, Emily said.
Cassie whirled around to face Emily. Did you say wife?
Emily placed her empty wine glass on the bar. Im sorry. I picked up on it when I shook his hand.
Hes worried Jim might call his house because his wife thinks theyre together.
Jims his best friend. Cassie shook her head in defeat. I guess that means Im not going home with
him tonight. I really need to start checking court records on these guys before the first date.
Im sorry, Cass. Four dates with the same guy is a major accomplishment for you.
Thats just plain mean.
But you were practically married to this one! If you really like him you could always start a
polygamist colony.
Hey, he might have proposed tonight if you hadnt ruined it, Cassie said. She sighed and looked in
Stephens direction. I guess Ill finish out the night and tell him off when he takes me home. No need to
raise a stink in the midst of this company.
Emily smiled. Good girl.
And what about you?
What about me?
You could do worse for yourself than Nate, Cassie said in a quiet tone. Poor saps drooling all
over you. Im sure the gossip mill will be churning first thing tomorrow morning. Good thing Trisha isnt
here to see it.
According to him, Trisha is a distraction.
Everyone knows that, Cassie said. Including you.
Emily opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. Someone watched her, but it was more
than a feeling of eyes crawling over her. An invisible person stood right next to her, invading her personal
space and snooping around her mind. Emily rubbed her arms, which had chilled in just a few seconds.
Cassie touched Emilys shoulder. Whats wrong?
Emily ignored her question and looked around the room. She took inventory of all the people she
could see, but no one seemed out of place among the small groups of overdressed legal moguls discussing
business and touting victories. Studying the faces in her immediate vicinity, she recognized quite a few of
the people, and those she did not know appeared harmless.
The invisible entity still by her side, Emilys airway constricted and her breathing shallowed. The
walls pulsated and closed in on her mind, though the person posed no danger. Their warm presence
comforted her, but the close confines in which they held her also alarmed her, throwing her into panic
mode. She needed to find the source of the disturbance and end it.
She continued scanning the room. A man with a purple bowtie stood out in another group of lawyers to
her left. A large laugh bounced through the room, coming from a gangly man at least a head taller than the
others around him. Her eyes followed him as he jetted about the party, joining in the conversations of
others for a few seconds before moving to invade another group.
Emilys eyes landed on an ostentatious woman, whose feathered boa adorned her red dress. The
woman chatted with those around her while waiting in line at the bar in the back of the room. The
invisible person pulled Emily in the direction of the woman, but there were too many people at the bar to
know who called to her. No matter where Emily looked, her eyes always went back to the woman.
Let me get you some water, Cassie said.
Emily gave a slight nod and turned to say something. Before she could open her mouth, the woman in
the red dress moved in her peripheral vision. Emily swung her eyes to the bar, now in full view.
A man leaned against the bar, facing toward Emily. He showed her a genuine smile, and her heart rate
picked up speed. While most women might notice him for his good looks and captivating smile, he caught
Emilys attention for a much different reason. Though standing across a crowded room, Emily felt him
right next to her.
Cassie returned with a small glass of water. Emily, what is going on with you? This is the second
time today youve
Ill be right back, Emily said. She brushed past Cassie and moved toward the man at the bar in the
back of the room.
Good evening, the man said when Emily reached him.
Stop it, Emily said.
The man tilted his head. Stop what?
Whatever it is youre doing to me, she said. You need to stop it now.
A nervous chuckle left the mans lips. Im not sure I know what
You do too know what Im talking about, Emily said. We both know what youre doing, so stop.
His smile fell. Okay. Im sorry for
Emily didnt wait for him to finish. She turned around and headed toward the front doors. She breezed
past the doormen and the crisp spring air bit her skin through the light material of her dress. A handful of
guests braved the outdoors, most with coats on. Rubbing her chilled, bare arms, she wished shed had the
foresight to get her coat before going outside. She slowed her walk and smiled at the other guests.
She moved to the bottom of the steps and peered out at downtown Wichita. After the claustrophobia of
the man crowding her mind, the tranquility of the darkened streets and glow of the nights stars freed her
from captivity.
Leaning against the handrail, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the fresh Kansas air that
only came before and after a good rain. The sky would spit out sporadic drops of moisture while
springtime held onto the city over the next few months. Then the summer thunderstorms, Emilys favorite
type of rain, would begin. She loved the way rain cleansed the earth, and there was no better place to be
in the world than in Kansas when it rained. Tonight, the mere smell of it calmed her jumping nerves.
She needed a moment like this to gather her wits before going back inside the madhouse and facing
more of Nathans advances. She cautioned herself against additional glasses of wine. Too much alcohol
would skew her judgment and cause her to end the night in his bed, a mistake she would never make while
Emilys eyes flew open. Her throat tightened and again a presence came over her that she couldnt
explain. She did not recognize this new feeling as being the attractive man at the bar. That man had a much
different presence than this invisible specter. This menacing force seemed to smother her and darkness
slithered into her mind.
Her eyes darted about as she tried to locate the source of her fear, yet the streets were empty except
for an occasional passing car. The only sounds she heard came from the soiree behind her.
Excuse me, miss?
Her heart jumped into her throat again and she spun around. The man from the bar smiled at her.
Emilys anger grew, fueled by her panic at the unexplained malicious presence. And now youve
followed me outside, she said. Would you like my home address so we can start the stalking the proper
The man ran a hand through his hair, which Emily thought might be more disheveled than Nathans hair
outside of these fancy gatherings. Though combed with a sense of seriousness, defiant longer strands of
mahogany attempted to curl at the ends above his ears. You didnt let me apologize and thats something I
need to do.
Emily bit her inside cheek and tightened her mouth in case any more sarcasm attempted to emerge
unchecked. Go ahead.
A corner of the mans mouth turned upward toward green eyes that glimmered under the lights of the
front entryway. Thank you. What I was saying is Im sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didnt realize

That Im like you?

There arent too many of us, you know.
Why were you doing that to me? You were in my mind, which I didnt even know was possible. You
shouldnt force your way into someones head like that. Its...unethical.
The mans eyebrows shot up. Unethical? Are you with the psychic police?
Emily scoured the nearest bystanders, but it did not appear any of the other guests heard the mans
words. Will you keep your voice down?
Oh, I get it. Youre one of those silent types. He leaned into her and lowered his voice. Dont
worry, I wont let your secret out.
I have my career to think about. Emily shook her head and wondered why she bothered trying to
justify anything to a stranger. Never mind. I dont need to explain my actions to you.
But I need to explain myself to you. Im sensing a slight contradiction.
I dont use my abilities unethically.
Theres that word again. You must be a lawyer.
Im a private investigator.
Then I might need your services one day. What investigating firm are you with?
I own Monroe & Reid Investigators. As soon as the words trickled out, Emily questioned why she
would reveal personal information to the man standing before her.
Im a jury consultant, he said. I could use a good private investigator on some cases, especially
someone with your talents.
Im sure youre very successful on your own with the way you push yourself on others.
The man shrugged. I guess you could categorize me as successful. I signed on to work with Nathan
Wolk a few months ago, and thats a tough guy to work for. I might need help from time to time.
Nathan Wolk, Emily muttered. Shouldve guessed.
Emily shook her head in response.
Can you honestly tell me youve never used your abilities on the unsuspecting?
Emily thought about her handshake with Stephen. Sometimes information leaks out to me. I dont
typically push myself into someones mind.
Dont typically? That means you have done it before.
I have never done what you just did to me, and Ive certainly never done it at a party to some poor
soul across the room who... Emily paused mid-sentence. What were you doing in my head?
The man looked away from her.
Emily glared at him. Youve got to be kidding. You were using your gift to get in my head so you
could pick me up?
I dont think so. Im not sure what happened exactly or why it happened. I just saw you standing at the
bar with your friend and the next thing I knew
Have you ever been married?
No, but
I can see your master plan to manipulate women by using your gift against them has worked
Maybe I simply havent met the right girl yet. I know what you think, but Im really not a bad guy. I
didnt even realize what I
So youre not a bad guy, but you use your powers for evil, Emily interrupted without listening to his
Im not...look, can we start over? Youve completely got the wrong impression of me.
And I prefer to keep it like that. Have a good night
Jake. He thrust out his hand. Jake Hanley.
Emily ignored his attempt at being friendly and crossed her arms without shaking his hand. Have a
good night, Mr. Hanley. Try to leave the other guests alone with their thoughts, if you can manage. She
turned and walked back into the party.
Chapter Six
The connection between them growing stronger, David Noakes sensed Emily a few seconds before she
emerged from the Wolk, Trotter & Wolk office building. Through his binoculars, Emilys expression of
hesitation and realization confirmed she also sensed him. Her expression pleased David, and he closed
his eyes to reach out to her. For a moment, he connected with her mind. Euphoria overcame him as he
tasted what it would be like when they were finally together.
Then the other man strolled out after her and engaged her in conversation. Emily shoved David from
her mind to talk to the man. David had not seen him before, but his presence infuriated him. How dare this
stranger talk to Emily, approaching her at a party like a slab of meat hanging from a butchers storefront?
Emily would never buy into his charade. She was much more intelligent than that and she deserved the
utmost respect. Once they were together, David would treat her better than anyone ever could, always
remaining in awe of her strong psychic abilities and subtle beauty.
David tried to read the man, but as he discovered in his early years, his abilities did not work well on
males. Through his years of research, David learned it was not uncommon to have gender-biased
abilities. Men and women seemed to project on different psychic frequencies, and most psychics were
only able to pick up on one frequency or the other. David could only use his abilities on women.
The man continued speaking to Emily and undermined Davids psychic journey into her mind. Emily
would refuse the man. She had to know that something greater awaited her if she could be patient just a
little longer. David had no reason to think she wouldnt wait for him to finish breaking through. After all,
she had sensed David tonight and readily accepted him into her mind.
As David watched through the binoculars, Emily turned her head so he could better see her face. Her
look of rebuke toward the other man thrilled David. This man didnt concern him. She knew better than to
waste her time on some random man. They were now connected and only death could break their bond.
Despite the growing connection, their bond needed to be strengthened for her to come to him. Jillian
Waters would take their connection to a greater level and bring him one step closer to Emily. It was time
for Jillian to make her sacrifice.
Chapter Seven
Emily woke with a slight wine hangover the next morning. Her alarm agitated the headache that started
drilling into her temples before she woke. With her eyes still closed, she slapped around for the snooze
button and silenced the loud buzzing. She rolled over several times in her bed to find a comfortable,
sleep-inducing position, but sleep eluded her.
Her phone beeped with a new text message. She snatched her phone off the bedside table and climbed
out of bed. The message from Cassie stated that she had no morning appointments and would be in the
office around one oclock. Emily tapped out a simple, Okay, as a text response.
As Emily headed into the bathroom for a shower, she thought Cassies absence this morning would
give her an opportunity to start her research on the murders. She wanted to learn details about the victims
using news articles, rather than troubling Lionel and Shawn at the station, especially since they would be
busy with the autopsy. This afternoon, once she put together some facts about the victims, she would
attend Diane Murphys memorial service with Cassie.
It seemed like the worst time to sign an exclusive contract with a client, and Cassie had an
appointment this week with Keith at the Heartland Insurance corporate office to review and negotiate
terms. Although they would only help the police for the next several days until the FBI arrived, they
needed all of their time and resources to work on the murders and their other open cases before diving
into ones for Heartland.
Though she agreed with Cassie on the need to hire an investigator to work the cases Keith would
throw their way, Emily stalled on placing the actual ad, still concerned about the possibility of someone
finding out her secret. The words of Jake Hanley ran through her mind. He didnt mean to be
condescending when he pointed out she was one of the silent types, but it made her question why she kept
her gifts locked up so tight.
She didnt want to run around, gushing about her talents to everyone, but maybe she was a little
neurotic about secrecy. The idea that victims of a serial killer could be reaching out to her in their final
moments, however, made her never want to tell another soul about her gift. She wished it would just
disappear so she could have an uneventful, normal life.
Emily knew she should have disclosed her suspicions to Lionel and Cassie yesterday morning, but
something stopped her. The significance of the voices and automatic writings still a mystery, she didnt
want to jump the gun without first confirming a connection to the murders. If she talked about the
coincidences, they would become real and justify the fear building inside her. Cassie and Lionel would
pull her off the case if they knew, and she would never find out the reason behind these strange
happenings. To get answers, she had to work the murders.
Best not to say anything and alarm Cassie, she decided. If things got too complicated or if she made
any kind of discovery about the voices and writings, then she could always talk to Cassie about it and get
her opinion on the matter.
Chapter Eight
Coffee sloshed around in Lionels favorite mug, threatening to spill over onto the blur of kitchen tiles
beneath his pacing feet. Barbara stared at him from the breakfast table, her empty plate in front of her.
He ignored her gaze until her voice cut through his thoughts. Honey, just sit down with me and have a
normal Sunday morning breakfast, she said. You have all day to pace by your desk and worry about
your case. For now, I want you to fuss over me. When youre home, youre mine.
Lionel stopped his restless movements and made his way to the table like a robot obeying a new
command from his master. Barbara always used those words to get him to stop living his job at home and
bring him back to her.
When youre home, youre mine was an agreement they made twenty-four years earlier on the night
before their wedding. Barbara didnt hesitate to remind him whenever it seemed he brought the stresses of
his work into their home. Lionel appreciated her candidness, and accepted her correcting him in moments
like this. His home was his sanctuary away from all the madness of the world, and Barbara ruled both him
and their home with nothing but love.
While he always did his best not to dwell on work at home, this morning he couldnt help it, and
Barbara sensed his struggle. He munched on a crispy bacon strip and his eyes traveled over the face of his
always beautiful wife. She appeared much younger than he, with no grey hairs intertwined with her
shoulder-length brown strands and only minimal creases around her trusting dark blue eyes.
Lionel was afraid to open his mouth and talk. He didnt want any of his manic concerns about the case
to emerge in conversation and interrupt the serene morning. Instead, he soaked in her presence as comfort.
When we got married, Barbara said, I knew what you did for a living. I knew being a cops wife
wouldnt be easy. When you made detective, I supported you while knowing that things could be a little
harder for you than when you were a beat cop. Then you transferred to homicide and I feared the things
youd see would leave their mark on you. I knew you wouldnt change, but I also knew you couldnt do
that kind of work without accumulating some scars here and there.
He reached for another piece of bacon instead of inserting his thoughts into the conversation. Over the
course of their marriage, he knew when she expected him to respond and when she expected him to listen.
The congruous way in which they worked together and their accord resulted in very few disagreements.
Im worried about you, Leo.
Barbara had a way of cutting to the thick of things, Lionel thought. She would prep her speech with
soulful reflection, and just when she lulled him with her words, she would slice him open with reality.
Im worried about me, too. He didnt realize the words were coming out until it was too late.
Looking undeterred, Barbara said, Ive seen the news reports. I know these are horrific crimes, but
youve seen a lot of bad things. You of all people can deal with it, and you have been dealing with it just
fine. So what is it about this case that has you so shook up today versus how calm youve been the past
couple months?
Lionel took a quick swallow of sugary coffee. I think I made a mistake.
Barbaras concerned expression indicated that his statement caught her off-guard. Leo, you dont
make mistakes.
I asked Cassie and Emily to help out on this case. Its just for a few days to take a look. Maybe
theyll see something we cant or find a fresh angle we can work, he said, before Barbara could chastise
Impatient tapping of her shoe sole came from under the table, a sign of her disapproval. She sat in
silence and sipped her coffee, but her rapping shoe spoke for her, and Lionel didnt like what it had to
I shouldnt have done it, but Im desperate, he said, holding out hope she would silence her shoe
from interrupting the discussion.
Instead of letting him squirm, he wanted her to voice her displeasure with his decision, but she kept
her mouth clamped shut.
Over-explaining his mistakes to justify them was one of his flaws, but he couldnt stop talking. Too
many women have died and were nowhere close to stopping this guy from doing it again.
He paused and waited for his astute wife to speak. When she didnt, he shifted his elbows to the table,
rubbed his hands over his face, and clasped them together in front of his mouth.
Barbara pushed back her chair and got up from the table, lifting her empty plate. She lowered it next to
the table and brushed a few stray toast crumbs onto the plate. A loud sigh followed and she looked at
Lionel. Cassie may be your niece by blood, but Ive never treated or loved her any less than I would a
daughter. Our daughter.
The words stung Lionel in a way few could. At the beginning of their marriage, they learned of their
inability to conceive a child. They didnt pursue adoption, convinced that somehow they would naturally
become parents, as if they could bend biological defects.
In the end it wasnt her body, but his that betrayed their desires for a family. Over the years he learned
to not dwell on it, but he still thought of his failure as an unforgivable one. Cassie, his sister Annes
daughter, filled the childless void in their hearts, but it didnt lessen their need for a child of their own.
And Emily, Barbara said. Shes like Cassies sister and another daughter for us.
Though upset at his revelation for the moment, later that night in the security of their darkened room,
they would exchange apologies, cast aside their down comforter, and share intimacies like newlyweds.
Until then, he would suffer stern glances from his lovely wife, though she wouldnt bring up the topic
again after this morning. Their ritual of marriage suited them both, but it was always a long wait until
bedtime when they would make things right.
Even knowing this, Lionels need for a scolding overrode his longing to end the conversation. He
wanted Barbara to shout at him that she agreed he made a huge mistake so he could suffer through his
deserved punishment. He lowered his hands away from his face and they clunked down on the table. I
screwed up.
I think you may have, Barbara said, without a hint of condescension in her voice. But youre
desperate, as you said. I dont believe you would have involved them if you knew of another way.
I definitely wouldnt have. Shawn even questioned my decision. I should have listened to him and not
called them.
Barbara blessed him with her small yet powerful smile. When Detective Edwards dwells on his
mistakes, you know hes truly sorry.
With her words, the conversation ended. He reached for the empty bacon plate to clear the table, but
Barbara stopped him with a solid glance. Id like to help my wife with the dishes if you dont mind, he
In fact, I do mind. Youre going to be late for work. Just go on and let us women take care of the
He kissed her and headed toward the hall table for his car keys and wallet. Hed already done enough
damage and wasnt going to push it by disobeying her direct order.
Chapter Nine
The lock picks sank into the deadbolt with ease, and David manipulated them until the lock gave way. He
removed the picks and pushed open the door to the one-bedroom apartment Jillian Waters called home.
He guided the door shut and to all those outside, there was nothing amiss about the third story abode.
Jillian lived alone in a cigarette stench-filled apartment near her work. David always avoided
conduits who smoked, drank, or used drugs. His experiments led him to the conclusion that those who
partook in vices werent as strong as others who kept their bodies clean. Much stronger than the other
conduits before her, David had to make an exception for Jillian, though she smoked over a pack a day. He
also very much desired to kill her.
She lived without the companionship of a small dog or cat. If she chose between the standard house
pets, he suspected her to be a cat person, but he would not be in her home if she had one. Hairs from
animals transferred onto clothing easier than other fibers, and he had no intentions of transporting any
evidence from her home to his, if he could help it.
Edmond Locards exchange principle, a primary rule in forensic science, stated he would take
something with him, such as fibers from her carpet, and he would unknowingly leave something behind.
Because of this, he intended to stay off her carpet to reduce the chances of the exchange occurring.
He had also changed into a brand new pair of shoes before coming inside the apartment building and
left his own shoes in the front seat of his car to better avoid leaving a trace of him in her unit. After he had
Jillian in the backseat of his car, he would replace the new shoes with his old pair. The new shoes would
go into a plastic bag until he disposed of them somewhere far away from both Jillians apartment and his
Even if he did bring a fiber or two into her home by mistake, it wouldnt cause him great concern. His
home had no carpeting and his sedan, the most popular make and model from its year, also had the most
popular color interior. If the police ever linked the disappearances of the women to him, the evidence
would be circumstantial at best. Though he sometimes assumed himself too careful, his analytical nature
had taken him this far and he would not alter his methods.
Standing in the hallway next to the kitchen, David surveyed Jillians apartment. The 735 square foot
layout was identical to the one the apartment complex boasted on their website for Floor Plan B. He
stepped from the entry hallway onto the linoleum floor of the small kitchen and looked at the living room
over the breakfast bar.
Minimal furnishings decorated the living room. A worn-out green loveseat and generic coffee table
both appeared as if she purchased them at either a garage sale or a thrift store. She had a small cathode
television set on an aged, wooden television cart. The potted plant in the corner of the room appeared to
be the only extravagance in the room.
David moved from the kitchen into the main hallway, which also consisted of cheap linoleum flooring.
To the left was a half-bath and further down the hall were Jillians bedroom and the master bathroom. He
crept down the hall and peered through the open door of her bedroom, catching a glimpse of her unmade
Reason overcame his desire to burst into her bedroom and learn more about Jillian, and he ceased his
movements just before he stepped onto the carpet. He couldnt risk picking up fibers or leaving behind a
stray impression of the soles of his size twelves.
Instead of continuing into her bedroom, he pivoted and traced his steps back into the hallway by the
front door. There were two hollow wood doors in the hall. With latex gloves secured over his fingers, he
gripped the doorknob of the second door. Had he tried opening the first door, closest to the front entrance,
he believed he would find the hall closet.
The other door, as was standard for these apartments, would shield the furnace. David pulled the door
open and smiled at his ingenuity. The closet had just enough room for him to stand without touching the
furnace. He situated his body in the opening and closed the door.
David thought out his next movements, re-analyzing the plan for anything that might go wrong. Jillian
worked the Sunday morning shift as a barista at the coffee shop two blocks over. During the week, she
spent her afternoons at Butler Community College taking classes in business. After she returned home
from work on Sundays, she sat at a desk in front of the window facing the street and focused on
homework. David had watched her for many hours sitting at that desk during the last two Sunday
When she came home for lunch today, she would walk down the hallway and toss her belongings on
the kitchen counter. Her next stop would most likely be the restroom, during which he would emerge from
behind the door and wait in the entry hallway. When she moved back into the kitchen to prepare her
lunchtime meal, he would use his gun to coax her to leave her apartment with him. She would come with
him and get into his car, where he would drug her with a good dose of Ketamine, administered in her neck
with an already prepared syringe.
After she rested in his backseat, he would change his shoes. Several miles down the road, on the way
to his house, an alley ran behind a string of businesses. The alley contained several dumpsters for him to
throw away the shoes he wore into her apartment. Plenty of homeless frequented those dumpsters, and a
brand new pair of shoes would not stay there for long.
Once he had Jillian safely hidden in the basement of his farmhouse, he would let her sit in her fear
until it built to an acceptable level. Later tonight, they would begin the arduous but fulfilling task of
contacting Emily.
David smiled and waited.
Chapter Ten
Detective Sergeant Shawn Brandt sat outside the autopsy suite, peering at the drab grey tiles beneath his
polished black shoes. The tiles mirrored his sour expression, and Lionel wondered if the tiles turned
Shawns mood bitter or if he caused the tiles to turn grey. Though Shawn had an increasing amount of
good moments as time moved forth, his face still revealed his overall displeasure with life and his now
ex-wifes affair.
As he had time and again, Lionel thanked God for Barbara. Shawn needed a Barbara in his life, but
women like her were a rarity. It would be a long road for Shawn on his search for one, should he ever
learn to trust women again.
Lionel sat in an uncomfortable padded chair next to Shawn and leaned back. Another beautiful day in
the neighborhood, he said.
Youre late, Shawn said. Perrys almost done. Hes mad enough that he has to do an autopsy on a
Lionels conscience compelled him to offer an excuse for his tardiness. Barbara was berating me.
Shawn glanced up at him for the first time, the sourness in his face replaced by curiosity. Barbara
berating you? That somehow doesnt sound right.
Well, maybe not berating, but she could have started at any second so I had to get out of there.
Shawn laughed, one of his good moments in life. Now I really dont believe you. What was this
alleged berating about?
Involving Cassie and Emily in this investigation.
That would have made sense had you said that from the start. You shouldnt have involved them in
something so nasty.
Lionel picked up on the concern in Shawns voice. Homicide isnt pleasant business, I admit, but I do
think they can help.
How so?
Theyre going to the memorial service for Diane Murphy this afternoon.
Good angle to work. Cassie has a way with people. A small smile played on his lips. Shell
probably have family and friends spilling all their secrets by the end of the service.
I just hope one of those secrets is something we can run with. Otherwise were going to spend more
days in this hallway.
If hes done with his message, do you think its possible hell stop killing?
Lionel scooted forward in the chair and leaned his elbows on his knees. Hes told us that he wants us
to hear something, but we dont know what it is. Until we learn that, he wont stop killing.
Hes a determined one. Messing up my golf game, too, with all this overtime I have to work.
Lionel glanced sideways at Shawn. You dont play golf.
I thought about it. Bought some clubs last week. Theyre sitting in the trunk still, begging to be used.
He stood up, stretched his arms over his head, and leaned to his side. Im just glad you got us out of
viewing this autopsy.
Detective Aurelio has only attended one other autopsy. It will do her some good to see this one and
ask questions. Detective Timmons will guide her questions so she gets used to this part of our job.
I think you just made all that up so you didnt have to go yourself.
Lionel arched his eyebrows and smiled in response.
The door to the autopsy suite swung open and Perry Weinberg ambled into the hallway wearing a
surgical gown, hair net, and shoe covers. He pushed his trademark dark-rimmed glasses around on his
nose. Lionel rose from his chair and joined Shawn to face Perry.
Well, its official, Perry said. She wasnt murdered.
Perrys attempt at humor would have worked better on his assistants, Lionel thought. Of course she
was murdered.
Sorry, boys, Perry said. Official cause of death is heart failure caused by myocarditis.
I didnt play much Scrabble as a kid, Shawn said. Is that some fancy new word for murder?
Im afraid not. Its inflammation of the myocardium. Perry peered over the top of his glasses at
Lionels confused look. Thats the middle layer of muscle in the heart wall. It could have been caused by
something as simple as a virus and it can be fatal, as it was in this case. Her wounds werent quite as
extensive as the previous victims, so the heart failure could have been her saving grace.
She may have died officially of natural causes, Shawn said, but she wouldnt have died when she
did without the torture, so we still have a case of murder.
Which is why Im ruling it as a homicide, Perry said.
Obviously he didnt intend for her to die while he was working on her, Lionel said. He still had to
carve his letter, so he did it postmortem.
Shawn rubbed his forehead. Weve been under the assumption that he stalks his victims extensively
before grabbing them. That way he knows where and how to best take them without any witnesses. If
thats correct, he probably would have known about her medical troubles and not picked her.
An interesting twist, but I think youre reading too much into it, Lionel said. What if she didnt
know about her condition? Even if she did know about it, if she didnt exhibit behavior during his stalking
period to reveal she had a medical problem, then he wouldnt know she had one.
Again, you are in constant need of my insight to solve your tiresome debates, Perry said.
Lionel raised his eyebrows.
She didnt know about the heart condition. When her father identified the body I asked about all
medical conditions and any medications she was taking.
And I bet he said she was in perfect health and no meds, Shawn said.
Ive got her blood off for a rush toxicology screening. That might let us know if your killer gave her
any kind of drugs before she died that may have contributed to cause of death, but it will also tell us about
any recreational drug use. Her dad also said she didnt drink alcohol, smoke, or use illegal drugs. Perry
shrugged. Of course he could be in the dark about the extracurricular activities of his little girl and well
see cocaine on her tox screen. Ill know more when I get the results back.
I cant say it hasnt happened like that before with family members not knowing what their loved
ones are into, Lionel said. But somehow I doubt it in this case. According to the families and tox
screens of the other victims, none of them had vices.
Shawn frowned. Do you think there may be something to that?
What do you mean? Lionel asked.
If this guy is picking up women randomly and there are no connections at all in the victimology, there
has to be a good chance that at least one of them smoked or drank alcohol. Its possible that out of six
women, one might even experiment with marijuana.
Their families all said they didnt smoke or drink, and no drugs showed up on their toxicology
screenings, Perry said. What that means is up to you. I need to get back to work so I can get home at a
decent hour and enjoy my day off, instead of playing detective with you two. If I find out anything else Ill
let you know. He paused at the morgue doors before entering. Almost forgot. No trace evidence on the
body. We searched and searched, but he cleaned her up good, just like all the others.
After Perry disappeared behind the autopsy suite doors, Shawn moved closer to Lionel. Damn the no
trace. I keep hoping
We didnt expect there would be any, Lionel said.
I am curious about this medical history thing. None of these women drank or smoke. Those odds are
pretty slim. Not as many people smoke as they used to so that may not be strange, but at least one of them
would have had the occasional alcoholic beverage.
Its definitely worth looking into, Lionel said. Why dont you check with the families and see if
there are any connections, like all of the victims are recovering alcoholics.
Shawn grinned. Wouldnt it be great if we could tie this to a wayward member of AA? Then we
could wrap this up quickly and I could start working on my golf swing.
It would be great, Lionel said, but I think the odds of that are slimmer than you learning how to
play golf.
Chapter Eleven
Despite swallowing three aspirin with her morning coffee, Emilys headache had not eased up by the time
she reached the office. When she walked into the lobby, Beverly let her know that their previously
scheduled appointments for that afternoon had been rescheduled so they could attend the memorial
service. On Sundays they only had a few scattered appointments, but keeping a few appointment times
open on the weekends allowed them to bring in clients who were unable to meet during the week.
Beverly also mentioned a new appointment scheduled for a ten oclock consultation. Other than that,
their day was free. Emily figured she would use the time to start her research on the murders. She told
Beverly that Cassie would not be in until later, and she would handle the consultation that began in fifteen
minutes, but not to schedule any other appointments.
In her office, Emily created a new case file while her computer warmed up. From her desk drawer,
she took out a notepad along with a manila folder. On the label she handwrote, Uncle Leo. She
determined earlier that she would not give the case a name that would connect it to the serial killer case.
Beverly wouldnt be brought into the loop since they agreed to work the case pro bono.
On her computer, Emily directed an Internet browser to the website for The Wichita Eagle newspaper.
A large article about the murders appeared on the homepage, written for the Sunday edition. She
wondered if it would discuss the newest body from the day before. She opened up the article and found a
link to other news articles about the killings.
In another browser, she performed a news search using the keywords murder and Wichita and
found several articles from newspapers across the country. She had noticed the increased media presence
in her hometown in the past weeks, most of which probably deemed themselves as some type of
investigative reporter who would break open the case before the police. Normally, the media intrusion in
the city would have annoyed her, but the wealth of information now worked to her advantage. She wanted
to see every angle worked by reporters, as one might open up some undiscovered ideas.
Emily pulled up the article from The Wichita Eagle. She leaned back in her office chair, leaving her
hand on the mouse. Sipping her coffee, her eyes traveled across the words on her computer screen.
The article showed large photos of each of the six victims in three rows of two under the glaring
headline, REMEMBERING THE VICTIMS. Thorough biographies of each victim complemented the
photos, exactly what she needed. If two of these women called to her in the midst of their terror, getting to
know them was the first step in figuring out why she was involved.
Glancing over the photos, Emily didnt recognize any of the victims outside of seeing the photos
flashed on the evening news. The first victim, Robin Stewart, was a brunette with true natural beauty. She
worked in a pharmacy during the week. Her mother had been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer three
months before Robins disappearance, and she gave into the disease only a week after a jogger
discovered Robins body.
Morgan Grier, the second victim, was petite in stature but a powerhouse while alive. She ran a martial
arts studio in an inner-city neighborhood and spent her days steering kids away from drugs and gangs. She
had won several awards for her efforts, and was beloved by all who knew her. A photo inset next to her
biography showed candles, cards, teddy bears, and other mementos sitting outside her studio, left behind
by mourners to honor her life and memory.
The third victims lifestyle couldnt have been more different than the first two. As an engineer in the
aerospace industry, Shannon Hales husband supported their large family while Shannon took care of the
kids and home. They had just celebrated the news of expecting their sixth child, with whom Shannon was
twelve weeks pregnant at the time of her death.
Emily paused in her reading. She thought she remembered news reports discussing the third victims
pregnancy, but she had blocked out the gruesomeness. The deaths were brutal enough without considering
that a familys most joyous time had taken such a tragic turn.
She glanced over the rest of the victims in the article. Ashley Norris was a gorgeous blonde who
looked like any one of a thousand other aspiring actresses. She worked for a small-time modeling agency
out of Kansas City, and performed in a local dinner theatre on the weekends to save money for a move to
Los Angeles to pursue her dream of fame.
The fifth photo was that of Diane Murphy, a stout businesswoman with full cheeks and thick glasses
who had nothing in common with any of the other victims. According to the article, her career consumed
her entire life.
The last box showed a young woman, Lucy Kim. A kindergarten teacher by day, Lucy attended Wichita
State University in pursuit of her Ph.D. with the hopes of teaching at a university. The public learned of
her identity late last night.
Emily printed out the article and added it to her folder. She clicked out of the Internet browser and put
the file away in her cabinet. She had hoped to recognize one of the victims or to discover some sort of
connection she had with them, but none of the short bios on the victims sparked any recognition.
As she left her office to refresh her coffee before starting on the other articles, Emily glanced at her
watch and noticed it was nearing time for her consultation appointment. Instead of getting more coffee, she
detoured to a file cabinet at the end of the hallway near Cassies office and took out a new client packet.
She wandered into the conference room and organized her items and her thoughts at the head of the oak
conference room table.
A few moments later, Beverly entered the conference room with her ten oclock consultation. Emily
stood up to greet her potential new client, a welcoming smile on her lips.
Mr. Jake Hanley for his consultation, Beverly said, with a delightful tone and pleasant grin. Emily
retained her own smile long enough for Beverly to exit the room and shut the door.
Emilys smile dissolved and only the thudding of her heart rang in her ears. His eyes had not left hers
since he walked in the room. She should have been left with a creepy feeling from him stalking her all the
way to her office, but a warm flush invaded her neck and cheeks.
I thought you were going to kick me out the moment you saw me here, Jake said. He sat in the corner
chair diagonal to hers and swiveled to face her.
She closed the new client packet in front of her and clicked her pen to retract the ink tip. She laid the
pen down in a slow movement to take a second to figure out what to say. I would have thought so as
well, but I guess Im more curious than that.
They say curiosity killed the cat, he said.
But it never killed a human, Emily said. She knew the answer to her next question before she asked
it. Do you have a case for me?
Im sorry I used that ruse to come see you. Sincerity laced his voice and Emilys guard lowered. I
remember you said you own this firm and I knew it was the best way to see you again. You never told me
your name, but your website has a photo of you. It also says you are open on Sundays, so here I am.
Then its a good thing we offer free consultations.
Jake chuckled, but quickly became serious. I want to apologize to you. He gestured his hands
toward her.
The sheer closeness of his hands jolted Emilys breathing. Her tongue darted across her suddenly dry
lips. Apologize?
You know, for last night at the party. Even though I didnt mean to, what I did to you wasnt right. Im
not a stalker, a creep, or anything else as distasteful.
Emily laughed. Oh, really?
I guess it does look bad that Im sitting here right now, Jake said. I wanted to tell you in person that
before last night, Ive never done what I did to you. I wasnt even sure it was possible to get into
someones head like that, and I wasnt trying to do it. I saw you across the room and couldnt help what
happened. I guess my abilities just took a strange turn. I couldnt control it, and the next thing I knew, you
were scolding me.
Emilys smile fell. She knew all about her talents taking a strange turn. Sometimes those things came
natural to her and before she could process the changes, she was doing something new, like hearing
voices and creating automatic writings.
Jake pushed his chair back and stood up. I understand if you wont accept my apology. He gestured
inward at his chest. I probably wouldnt if I was in your place and someone had done that to me. I guess
I needed to let you know that I am sorry, even if it means nothing to you. He started for the conference
room door.
Your apology would be more sincere if it came with dinner, Emily said. As soon as the words left
her mouth, she wanted to turn and run. She had never said something so blunt and had not intended to say
it to this man.
Jake turned around, his eyes wide and lips parted. And I, uh, definitely want you to know how
sincere I am. When do you, I mean, when are you free? Tonight, maybe?
She offered a shy smile. Tonight works.
How does six sound? I can pick you up here or
Ill be out front. Six oclock tonight.
Jake nodded with a shocked expression, as if he never expected this result from his simple apology.
Ill see you then. He walked out of the conference room door and disappeared out of her sight.
Emily remained seated in her chair for several minutes, terrified to move. What had she done? She
hadnt been on a date in the several months since she ended it with Nathan, or even considered the idea of
jumping back into that scene. Nathan had made her realize how inconvenient her talents were when it
came to romance. It was too hard keeping secrets, and with that came immense pressure when meeting
new men.
But Jake was like her. He had secrets, too.
Emily rubbed her forehead and squeezed her eyes shut. An uninvited vision of Jakes smile beneath
those green eyes penetrated her thoughts, and his musky scent invaded her nostrils. She allowed herself a
moment to think about him as a man, as someone with whom she would love having more than a casual
dinner date.
She grabbed the new client packet off the table and dashed out of the conference room. Jake may be
like her, but that didnt mean she could share all of her secrets with him. How could she ever discuss the
strange automatic writings or the voices that came at the most inconvenient times? Automatic writings
were one thing, but hearing voices ranked high up on the crazy list. How could she explain that to anyone
if she couldnt even understand it?
Dinner with Jake would succeed in taking her mind off the case for a brief hour or two. Maybe she
could even turn him into a good contact for future jobs and make it a successful working dinner. Anything
beyond that would be impossible, at least until she found a good shrink to cure her of being crazy.
Chapter Twelve
If Emily didnt start talking soon, she knew Cassie would assume something was wrong and interrogate
her. Emily never fared well under that kind of spotlight, especially in the confines of a vehicle, and not
when she had so many things she wanted to tell Cassie. She searched for something to say that wouldnt
sound forced and lead Cassie straight to suspecting her of holding back secrets.
Humming along with the radio, belting out a line or two every so often, Cassie didnt seem to notice
Emilys silence. Her head bounced to the beat, the windshield wipers acting like a metronome. Emily
usually mirrored Cassies actions, but Diane Murphys memorial service weighed on her mind. That and
Jake Hanley.
Emily chased Jake out of her mind for the hundredth time since he had left her office that morning. She
had not revealed her upcoming date to Cassie, and she worried that if she thought about it too much, she
might talk about it without being asked. Until Emily knew how things turned out with Jake tonight, Cassie
did not need to know about her date. Besides, Emily expected nothing more than a friendly dinner, during
which they could discuss how they could help each other out in the future on a professional level.
The car sped faster through the rain soaked streets than Emily liked, but she was used to Cassies nail-
biting driving. She watched the city go by under the torrent of yet another spring shower. Listening to the
rain patter on the roof of the car, Emily mused it was the perfect day for a memorial service.
Though the dark rain clouds covering the city spelled gloom and doom, the spring rain would bring
life back to nature, but could never return life to the six victims or restore life for their families. They
were forever impacted by the sick actions of one man whose motivations might one day be exposed, but
never fully understood. Catching the killer could provide a little bit of closure, but not nearly enough to
patch their now broken lives.
Emily briefly reconsidered their intrusion on the memorial service. The invasion into the victims
private life on probably the worst day in their family history made her feel a little guilty, but if they could
find something, even one small clue to lead police to find the man who took her life, it was worth it.
She turned away from the rain-streaked window and toward Cassie. How do you propose we go
about this?
We cant tell them were working with the police, Cassie said. They might not open up to us if they
think weve got anything to do with this investigation.
Maybe we can say were old friends and just go from there. Since Diane went to high school here in
Wichita, it will be easy to say we know her from back then and kept in touch over the years.
Great idea. She was right around our age, so that will work. Which high school did she go to?
Cassie groaned. I used to date a boy from East back in high school and lets just say those are not
good memories.
I remember him. Joshua something, but you called him something else
The Frog, both women said in unison, followed by laughter that generally accompanied memories of
their teenage antics.
Why is it that most of your stories start with a guy you used to date? Emily asked.
What can I say? Im rather experienced in the dating arena.
I dont think thats something to brag about, at least not in public. Emily pointed to the stoplight a
block in front of them. Turn left up here.
I know how to get there, Cassie said. I also used to date a boy from Holy Spirit in high school.
Emily rolled her eyes. You need some sort of dating consultant to get to the bottom of your inability
to settle down. Speaking of which, what happened with Stephen last night?
It was actually beautiful and poetic. I gave him an earful, he gave me an earful of excuses, and then
his wife called my cell phone while we were arguing.
Emilys eyes widened and her mouth fell open.
I didnt recognize the number so I answered it. I never do that, but I was so tired of listening to him
that I thought it was a good way to get out of the conversation. She had checked his cell phone records
because she suspected something was up. She didnt know my number and saw it quite a bit on the bill so
she gave me a ring. I got to tell her right in front of him that he was out on a date with me.
Surely you told her you just found out he was married.
Of course! Im not one for angry, vengeful wives coming to my door unannounced. I told her she
could either keep the sorry bastard or divorce him, but that I was a private investigator and Id be glad to
take her case for a much reduced fee if she needed help with the latter.
What did she say?
Shed give me a call in the next few days.
You are the only person I know who is able to solicit business in the oddest situations.
Gotta make a living somehow. Cassie steered the car into the parking lot of Holy Spirit Catholic
Church and maneuvered into an open parking space toward the back of the lot. She turned off the engine,
but made no move to exit the car.
Emily scanned the sea of parked vehicles. Its packed. she said. At least well have our choice of
people to talk to.
Over the years, weve had to misrepresent ourselves in a lot of places, Cassie said, but this is
probably the grimmest of settings to do our dirty work.
Under the grimmest of circumstances.
I wish I could disagree with you. Cassie gave a strained smile. Lets get this over with.
Chapter Thirteen
Despite having never taken someone from their home, let alone in the middle of the day, David found
taking Jillian quite easy. Walking to his car, she didnt make a sound, call for help, or attempt to fight him.
Persuaded at gunpoint, she climbed into his backseat without argument, where he administered the
Ketamine to keep her out for the duration of the car ride.
Although he was at his best, the top of his game since he started, the ease with which he stole Jillian
away from her home was more than a well-executed plan. It was fate. He was meant to take her and she
would get him closer to Emily.
Back at his farmhouse, Jillian waited for him in the soundproof basement. David took a short glass out
of the cupboard next to the kitchen sink and placed three ice cubes in it. He poured Makers Mark over the
ice, filling the glass. Sitting down at the kitchen table, he lifted the glass to his lips, the start of his pre-
killing ritual. The whiskey burned his throat and warmed his insides with the peace that always came
before the kill.
He sat the glass down on a napkin on the table and picked up the knife he had placed there earlier.
David twirled it back and forth in his fingers, mesmerized by the glint of the sharpened blade under the
yellow glow of the kitchen light. In a few hours, the knife would slice against Jillians skin, occasionally
burying itself into her body. For now, Jillian sat in the cold, dark basement in solitude. The fear of what
could happen to her would build inside of her until it bubbled over in unrestrained emotion and controlled
her every thought. Only then would it be time for him to continue the task of connecting with Emily.
David didnt start out as a killer, nor did he ever intend to be one. In middle school he embraced his
darker side, one he explored through vivid fantasy, but he never thought his fantasies would seep into his
reality. The fantasies were just that, and killing a person was something other people did. People who
were much different than him.
His psychic abilities came to him very early, at the young age of eight. His successful father was too
busy with his career as a neurosurgeon to notice or even care that anything was amiss with his only child.
His mothers social escapades kept her away from the house and out of Davids life for most of his
The absence of his parents didnt bother him much. A popular child at the exclusive private school
where his parents enrolled him, he spent his days in the company of his many friends. His popularity
surprised him given that he didnt like his classmates. The only time any twinge of emotion penetrated his
stoic life was at night alone in his bed, engulfed in his fantasies.
As he grew older, David learned more about his psychic abilities. While very powerful, they were
stunted in growth. Even though he kept his gift hidden and didnt know anyone else like him, he practiced
his talents on a regular basis. He tried to connect with friends at school, with girls he thought were cute,
even with perfect strangers passing by on the street. Each time, he fell far short of his potential.
During his senior year in high school, he one day inexplicably heard the thoughts of his mother without
trying. His father had been in the middle of a complex surgery, one that he had bragged would launch him
into the annals of medical history, when his heart decided it wasnt time for him to be a hero surgeon. The
heart attack turned the doctor into a patient, and he was rushed out of the operating room while another
surgeon took his place at the table.
As they sat in a sterile waiting room for news on his fathers condition, Davids mother reached for
his hand. When they touched, he heard something. He thought he was mistaken when he heard her speak,
since her mouth did not move with the words. The sound, however, did not resonate in his ears, but in his
Before that moment, he could sense the occasional emotion, but now he heard thoughts, and the
thoughts of his mother surprised him. He had always assumed her relationship with his father to be a
sham, one of convenience and of monetary worth only. What he heard contradicted everything he
She continued holding Davids hand tight until a doctor, whom David recognized as a regular guest of
the parties in their home, came out to give them the news of his fathers death. They had tried everything,
but the damage to his heart was too great to save him. The doctor was sincere in his apologies, but David
was not sincere in his grief.
His mother gripped his arm for support. With her hysterical tears came a blizzard of thoughts he
latched onto. Distressed by his fathers death, she didnt know how she would live without him. The
discovery that his mother loved his father came second in surprise to being able to read her thoughts. It
didnt take long for him to understand what triggered this sudden growth in his abilities: extreme emotion.
He had been around emotional people countless times, but it was extreme emotion that made his gift
everything he knew it could be. He had to explore this aspect to reach his potential, and he soon figured
out how to make the most of his gift.
Two weeks after his fathers demise, Davids mother demonstrated just how much she couldnt live
without him. The day after his anticlimactic eighteenth birthday, David found her in bed with her wrists
slit. Her blood dripped into growing pools under each wrist, red drizzling down the comforter and onto
the carpet.
He sat in her plush, rose-covered reading chair for several hours and watched the blood current stop
flowing. A glaze formed at the top of the puddles, like gravy sitting too long in the china boat at
Thanksgiving dinner. The blood fascinated him, forcing him into a hypnotic state while he stared at it. The
only place he had seen so much blood was in his mind, entrenched in a wonderful fantasy.
Watching his mothers lifeless body grow cold, his lack of emotion after his fathers death and
throughout much of his life continued. Staring at her body stirred no grief. No remorse surfaced for not
getting enough time with her. No surge of excitement overcame him at being free of both his parents to do
as he wished. Just the thrill of studying the alluring blood.
Before he called 911, he gathered emotion into his voice. He had learned over the years to create
emotion by mimicking others, and he spent countless hours watching television shows and movies in
order to learn emotion. If he didnt display the appropriate reaction to situations, others would find him
odd and might even suspect him of doing bad things. Duplicating what he saw others do in various
situations worked well for him.
His tactics helped him succeed in school, not just with a perfect grade point average, but in making
friends and having girls follow him in hopes of being his girlfriend. Throughout high school, he only dated
a few times and never kept a steady girlfriend. Even though people surrounded him, he could never get too
close to anyone and risk them finding out the truth about his faux life.
After high school, David disappeared. He withdrew from the world, determined to hone his abilities.
He didnt need to go to college or find a job, a benefit that left him plenty of time to begin his
experiments. His parents both came from old money and his mother hadnt managed to spend even a tenth
of it. They left him enough to last several lifetimes, and David didnt require much to survive.
He traded his childhood home in Los Angeles for a secluded location in Montana. His work required
solitude, and rural Montana provided just that. He paid cash for a ranch, though he gave no thought to ever
farming vegetables or raising cattle. With the closest town over thirty miles away and his ranch sitting on
almost one hundred acres, he had plenty of privacy.
For the next five years, he stalled at developing his gift. He only ventured out when he needed
groceries or supplies. These little trips into town did not allow him to feed off emotions of others. From
time to time, he picked up a girl for a one-night stand to satisfy his physical needs, which in turn sparked
his gift, but he had no other use for women.
He conducted research on the Internet about psychics, but mainly found farce websites with vague
horoscopes and readings he could get for $1.99 per minute. Unable to find anything about real psychics,
David tried to live a normal, solitary life and not think about his gift. He focused instead on criminal
justice, learning everything he could about investigations, crime scenes, and forensics. He wanted to be
prepared in case he ever needed to carry out one of his fantasies.
One evening, while heading back from town with a car full of groceries in anticipation of an imminent
winter storm, David stopped off at a rest stop. He didnt need to use the facilities, but an invisible force
drew him there. He parked next to the only car in the parking lot and followed his intuition.
When he saw the young womans long hair glow red under the dimly lit entrance to the restrooms, he
knew what called him to stop. She turned her head back and forth, studying the map encased by hard
plastic on the wall. From his many stops at this place, David knew the plastic container over the map had
long since eroded with weather blemishes, making it difficult for anyone to decipher the mishmash of
roads on the paper underneath. This girl would never find her desired route on that map.
David acted like he didnt notice her. He breezed past her and walked into the mens restroom. He
waited a few moments inside the stale bathroom with his hand pressed to his nose to block out the myriad
of distasteful smells, then flushed the urinal to keep up appearances.
As he ran water over his hands in the stained sink, his stomach knotted, but he couldnt determine the
source of his anxiety. The prospect of interacting with this woman who he sensed from a distance aroused
his dormant gift and excited him. Even in the restroom, he sensed her thoughts. Though skewed and
difficult to read, her thoughts formed a picture in his mind of the girl staring at the map for answers to
unknown questions.
He tugged open the heavily graffitied door and exited the restroom, happy to see the girl still standing
there. She turned to him, and he gave a polite smile, but did not speak for fear he might spook her if he
initiated conversation.
Excuse me, sir? The womans strong voice was void of any timid strains, despite being in the
company of a strange man in the dark of night at an empty rest stop. Urban legends and warnings given to
young women about the dire things that occur at rest stops didnt seem to frighten her.
Hi, David said, leaving his smile in place.
The girl smiled back, with a bit of sensuality lurking underneath the ordinary gesture. She moved
toward him with purposeful, catlike movements. Are you from around here? she asked.
Yes, maam, he said, adding a bit of Southern twang to his tone. Women tended to trust men with a
Southern accent. If she believed him to be a good old boy, she would have no reason to be afraid.
She tilted her head and gazed at him with wide, dollish green eyes, a look that probably worked on
many men in bar settings. Do you know of any hotels around here? She twirled strands of her hair
between her fingers. A motel would work fine, too. I cant afford much right now so a motel might be
best, just nothing too dirty.
David knew of at least three motels about fifteen miles up the interstate. All were clean and most
likely in her price range. He had visited all of them in the past after picking up a girl at a bar. Im afraid
theres not too much around here. Maybe about an hour or so from here.
The girl pursed her lips in a sorrowful, yet attractive manner. The radio says theres quite a storm
heading in and Im afraid I might be stuck if I cant find anything. She dug her cell phone out of her coat
pocket and waved it at him. Not much in the way of cell service, either.
There was no cell service anywhere between here and his ranch, though David didnt bother with that
technology. The absence of cellular phones in his life helped keep him off the grid. Where are you
headed? he asked.
Out to Seattle. A girlish, flirty laugh floated his way. I know its a dreadful time of year to drive
this part of the country, but my friend is getting married and airline tickets were too pricey given the
bridesmaid dress I had to buy. She inched closer to him. Besides, I thought the scenery might provide
some interest.
Its sure beautiful right here, David said, looking her over. He wasnt lying. At about 53, even with
her heavy winter coat on he could tell she didnt weigh much over 105. A beautiful girl, she knew how to
use her looks to get what she wanted. Right now, she wanted him.
But there was something he wanted much more from her than a one-night stand at a motel. His abilities
raged inside of him, fully awake for the first time since his mothers death. This frail beauty standing in
front of him, staring at him with lust-filled eyes, brought life back into his veins. He had to get her back to
his ranch and learn why she had this effect on his gift.
The storm is coming quick, he said. I was just making the long journey back from town with enough
groceries to ride it out.
Im not sure what to do. I might have to sleep in my car tonight and hope to make it out of here
David extended his hand. My name is David, he said. Despite inserting his introduction in an odd
part of their conversation, he decided to disarm her of any lingering suspicions before suggesting she
come to his ranch.
She slipped her slender, gloved hand into his and said, Im Julie. Even through the leather, her touch
made his powers stronger. He could only imagine what touching her skin would do for him.
Well, Miss Julie, he said, his fake, thick accent propelling every word, you cant sleep in your car
overnight. Even if you leave the car running with the heater, youll possibly run out of gas and freeze to
death. Cant have that happening.
Maybe I can make it ahead of the storm to one of those motels you mentioned. An hour, you say?
Youll never make it in time. The storm is almost here. The store I went to is in the same town with
the motels, and they were battening down the hatches as I left. Its not going to take much longer before it
overcomes us here.
Julie pouted. I knew I should have flown to Seattle. I always seem to have the worst luck.
He rubbed his chin. My ranch isnt far from here, about forty-five minutes. I have an extra bedroom.
Its not much, but its warm. Theres plenty of food and a hot shower as well.
The corner of Julies mouth turned upward in a seducing manner. I suppose Ill have to take you up
on that. I can pay you whatever
David held up his hand. You dont have to pay me a dime. Thats what we do out here, help those in
Well, its a good thing you came along to save this damsel in distress. Your generosity is
Dont mention it. David looked at their cars sitting in front of the rest stop. He didnt want her car
anywhere near his ranch. Though his ranch was private, he couldnt take a chance someone would see her.
If she drove there, she might also remember how to get back someday.
Why dont you leave your car here? he asked. I can drive you back in the morning, as soon as the
roads are clear and safe. Theres no point in us both driving out there. Youll have to double back anyway
in the morning, so you should save the gas since youre on a budget.
Thats very kind of you.
I understand if you want to drive also. We just met and I am a stranger. You may feel safer having
your own car. You can follow me and Ill go slowly so you I wont lose you.
Thats not necessary, Julie said. I trust you. Besides, if we go too slow the storm will catch up to
David smiled. We better get going then before this storm hits. He followed her to his car, wondering
how his ruse to get her back to his ranch worked out so well. He only planned to spend more time with
this woman, to figure out why she affected his gift. Beyond that he had no idea what he was going to do.
After several drinks at his ranch, David succumbed to her seduction. Even with the occasional tryst,
he had not been with many women. He relied on his fantasies to satisfy him, rather than sexual exploits.
Julie preferred the lights to remain on, a rough vixen who encouraged him to be forceful with her.
The longer their encounter continued, the more his thoughts wandered to his fantasies. Images of blood
and death mixed with sweat and skin, and Davids hand traveled up to her neck, an autonomous limb
obeying its own will. Delight filled her eyes with the slight squeeze, but then terror replaced her ecstasy,
and her life started slipping away.
The petechial hemorrhaging in her eyes fueled his desire to end her life, but then he intercepted a
flourish of thoughts from her mind. The sudden twist with his gift changed his mind about killing her too
fast. He loosened his grip on her neck just enough so she sucked in a few breaths to prolong her life. Then
he tightened his grip again. He repeated this same pattern over and over, so he could extend the
experience while she flailed beneath him, attacking him with sharp fingernails and throwing thoughts his
And then she died. David let go of her limp neck and climbed off her lifeless body. He sat on the bed
beside her for hours, much as he had with his mother, studying her like an eager child completing an
experiment for the science fair. Other than missing the blood he craved, her murder trumped every one of
his fantasies.
He replayed the night in his mind until he came to an answer that made sense: terror. Combined with
terror, the extreme emotion he had tapped into with his mother escalated his ability to connect to others
and hear their thoughts. Sex was just another extreme emotion, a vehicle to ignite his psychic gift.
If he could read every thought of his victim in those last moments of life using just terror and emotion,
then pain was the next logical step in expanding his abilities. With pain, he could reach out to others like
him and communicate with them. He just needed more womenconduitswho amplified his gift.
Women like Jillian Waters. In the decade since Julie showed him his lifes meaning, he found many
women who met the standards he required, but none like Jillian. A conduit with an aptitude far above
most other women, she was the key to removing the time delay in his communication with Emily. If he
accomplished that, he would be another step closer to leading Emily straight to him.
Chapter Fourteen
Emily had only attended one funeral in her life, the one for Aunt Susan. Seeing Aunt Susan lifeless in a
coffin had rendered Emily inconsolable. There were times even today when she could close her eyes and
envision Aunt Susan in her casket, wearing her favorite dress, her neck adorned with the pearls Emily
gave her on the birthday before her unexpected death from an undiagnosed aneurysm.
Losing her aunt had the same effect on Emily as if she had lost her mother, and yet her true biological
mom refused to go to the services for her only sister. Since there was no other family to help, Emily
handled all the arrangements on her own, with the assistance of Aunt Susans dear friend, Marta Mendez.
When Emily left her house for the funeral, her mom let loose a barrage of insults directed at both her and
Aunt Susan. Ten years later, she had not run out of mean things to say about either one of them.
Emily wiped away the images from that painful time of her life. The tears in her eyes would help her
look like a mourner for Diane Murphy, but she didnt want to be overcome by grief and overdo the act.
She needed people to trust and open up to her, not console her.
With Cassie on her heels, Emily pulled open one of the heavy, ornate church doors. A young priest
directed them to the sign-in sheet to their left. Cassie walked over to the sign-in sheet while Emily
scanned the lobby. Crammed into the small space, mourners spilled out into the hall that circled the
interior of the round building.
There are a lot of names on the list so far, Cassie whispered when she rejoined Emily. I think some
people are here out of curiosity rather than true mourners.
This could be more difficult than we anticipated, Emily said. Ill go to the photo table to see what I
can find. Maybe you can head into the chapel and start some conversation. Well meet up when the service
Cassie nodded and walked toward the chapel, stopping to shake hands and chat with an elderly couple
near the doors.
Emily moved to the photograph table against the wall. She had committed to memory the pictures of
the other victims and hoped she would spot one of them in the mass of photos of Diane Murphy. If
anything, she might be able to pick up on an emotion of someone near the table and engage them in
conversation to probe further.
Normally reserved for announcements and bulletins during Sunday mass, the table held photographs
from all stages of Diane Murphys life, arranged in chronological order. Mourners came and lingered at
the table for a few moments to take in the images, and then left to talk with others or move into the chapel.
Emily scoured each photograph for anything that could help. She started with the photographs of a
smiling baby on her daddys knee, then a proud kindergartner on the first day of school, all the way
through high school and college graduation. She moved to the end of the table, to more recent pictures of
Diane. Photographs of her with family, friends, and coworkers revealed a happy soul, successful and
content with life. None of the faces in the large arrangement of photographs were those of other victims.
At the very end of the table, a petite woman stood in front of a blown-up photo of Diane. Emily
realized the woman had been there since she and Cassie first entered the lobby. The woman must have
been close to Diane to have spent so much time in front of the photograph, but Emily didnt recognize the
womans heart-shaped face and stick-straight auburn hair in any of the photographs. The woman glanced
up from the picture and smiled at Emily.
Emily returned the smile and said a quiet hello. She started to turn away when the womans voice
stopped her.
How did you know Diane? the woman asked.
Emily moistened her lips and prepared for the lie. We went to high school together.
The womans breath shook in her throat and her large brown eyes welled with tears. She was such a
good student. Straight As all through high school. Valedictorian her senior year. So smart. She lifted her
hand and gestured at Emily. Of course, you know all this since you went to high school with her.
I havent stayed in touch with her as much as I should have after high school. Guilt gnawed at her
for lying, but she pushed forward with hopes that her story could extract some information about Diane
and her killer. Im Emily Monroe, she said, and held out her hand.
Tara Murphy, the woman said, and she shook Emilys hand.
Youre related to Diane, Emily said with surprise. The woman was not in the chapel with the rest of
the family as she would have expected at such a sad event.
Her aunt, Tara said. Her dad is my oldest brother.
Im so sorry for your loss, Emily said. Such a tragedy.
Thank you. Tara looked back at the large photograph. Diane was a wonderful girl. She never hurt a
fly. She didnt deserve this.
No, she didnt, Emily said. She wanted to probe further, curious why Tara didnt appear in any of
the photographs on the table. Were you close to Diane? she asked.
Very, Tara said. Out of all my family, we were the closest. Her parents werent really fond of our
relationship or of me in general, but we still spent a lot of time together. We even had dinner the night
before she went missing.
With Taras words, Emily understood her absence from the photos, but she needed to dig a little
deeper. She had always been able to get others to reveal personal information to her, things they normally
would not share with strangers. Her ability to extract information had nothing to do with being psychic,
but was part of her personality.
Did you have a falling out with her parents? Emily asked.
I dont know if I could categorize it as a falling out. Her dad and I were never close, but not by my
choice. Im considered the crazy one in the family, the one nobody wants to admit theyre related to.
Except Diane, that is. She loved me for who I am and never judged me.
I couldnt imagine anyone would treat you badly, especially family.
Oh, I know I seem normal, but they treat me like a pariah, almost like Im evil or something. Tara
held Emilys eyes and lowered her voice. See, Im a psychic of sorts.
Emily flinched. Taras confession was the last thing she expected to hear.
I dont know why I just told you that, Tara said. Im sure you also think Im crazy.
Emily placed her hand on Taras arm. I dont think that at all, she said. She didnt want Tara leaving
at such a critical moment in the conversation, but more than that, she understood Taras plight and wanted
to provide some comfort. You said youre a psychic of sorts. What do you mean?
I cant explain it exactly. Its not like those people on television who say they can see the future or
talk to dead people. Theyre really just out to take money from people. I get glimpses of things every now
and then. Diane was the only one in the whole family who understood me and wasnt ashamed of my
Emily dropped her hand away from Taras arm. She wanted to reach out to this woman and tell her she
wasnt alone. Emily knew all too well about being shunned by family members, and having the only
family member who understood be taken away by death. Even without being psychic, she sensed Taras
isolation from the rest of her family and her concerns about how she would cope without Diane in her life.
But Emily couldnt reveal her own true nature and admit she had lied about her purpose for being at
the memorial service. There were more people here to speak with, and she didnt want to ruin the
opportunity to get to know them better. She also didnt want to destroy her established rapport with Tara,
in case she needed to speak with her again.
I know it doesnt mean much, Emily said, but I am really sorry about Diane. Even though its under
horrible circumstances, maybe this tragedy will help bring you and your family back together.
Tara tilted her head. I didnt think about that before, but you might be right. I guess all I can do is
hope for the best.
I should probably get into the chapel before the service starts.
Im going to stay here for a little longer, Tara said.
It was really nice to meet you, Tara.
Likewise. Tara shifted her eyes back to the photograph of Diane, lost in her memories of better
Chapter Fifteen
Lucy Kims preliminary tox screen is back.
Lionel looked up as Shawn walked into their shared office waving paperwork around in his hand.
Let me guess, Lionel said. Its negative for everything.
And Detective Edwards wins the prize, Shawn said. He dropped down into the chair behind his
desk. We have Perrys autopsy report also. Outside of the info he already gave us, theres nothing we
didnt expect.
Aurelio and Timmons finished the family interviews, Lionel said. The principal of the school
where she worked called me back, which is a near miracle being that its Sunday. Nothing there to go on,
outside of a potential suitor. We can interview him tomorrow at the school, but I doubt hes our guy.
Have you been able to narrow down when and where she was taken? Shawn asked.
Lionel walked over to the whiteboard against the wall. With black erasable marker, he had detailed a
timeline of the places where they knew the victim had been in the hours leading up to her disappearance.
In red, he circled the block of time where he thought she might have crossed paths with her killer.
Pointing to the board, Lionel said, Last Thursday, Lucy taught her kindergarten class in the morning.
On Thursdays she always leaves right after the morning class so she can go to Wichita State University,
where shes pursuing her Ph.D.
Every Thursday is the same? Shawn asked.
Every Thursday. She showed up at WSU for her class, and then studied in the library until it closed at
eight, just like she does every Thursday. The students working the closing shift that night remember her
because she was the last person to leave and is a frequent visitor to the library at that time of night. They
said she was so engrossed in her studies on Thursday night that they practically had to kick her out. Friday
morning, she didnt show up to teach her class.
What time does kindergarten start?
Nine-fifteen, but the principal said shes usually there around seven with coffee for her and the male
teacher the principal suspects she had a crush on. The principal said when she didnt show for class, his
secretary called her house and nothing. Went straight to voicemail. Thats when the principal called her
father, who is listed as her emergency contact.
Shawn kicked his chair back and put his feet up on his desk. I bet he was no help when you talked to
Not at all. He said he sees her every other Friday for family dinner at his house, but never outside of
that. They talk on the phone maybe once a week, but only for about ten minutes. The only reason he knew
to report her as missing is because her work called him.
Shawn looked up at the board. So we have a span of time from eight Thursday night until seven
Friday morning.
I think we can narrow it down a bit more. Im willing to bet she was taken at the library.
Its a good thought, since she was the last person out the door. Did anyone walk out with her?
She left alone. The students who were working stayed until eight-thirty to close the library.
According to her dad, she didnt own a car, but took the city bus everywhere. Timmons talked to the bus
driver for that route. He doesnt remember her getting on the bus at the library, but he did have a few
people get on at different stops around the campus.
Unfortunately that doesnt mean she didnt get on the bus at the library. He may have forgotten seeing
her since other kids got on the bus at the campus, but at least its a start. How well lit is the parking lot at
Glad you asked, because you get to find out tonight. You have a meeting with Dean Sheila Reynolds
at seven. Shell answer questions and escort you to the library parking lot.
Shawn groaned. Im going to get remarried just so I get a night off every now and then.
Lionel frowned and walked to Shawns desk. Better be careful who hears you say things like that.
Barbara keeps threatening to set you up with one of her single friends. He swiped Perrys reports off
Shawns desk and pointed them at Shawn. Im going to tell her to do it so youll shut up for once about
being single.
Im not complaining, Shawn said. Remember, I have golf clubs in my trunk just waiting for me.
Being single has its perks.
So does being married, Lionel said. He sat down behind his own desk. Thats why youre checking
out the library tonight with Aurelio and Timmons. Ill be at home reading through the family interviews.
You know Barbara absolutely hates me working from home more than when I log late hours at the office.
Shawns eyebrows shot up with a victory smile. Youre right about that. Id much rather be at the
library with some stuffy dean. He grabbed his coffee mug off his desk and left the office for a refill.
Staring at the autopsy report in his hand, Lionels vision blurred over. If either of them had a better
chance at finding something on the killer tonight, it was Shawn. The family interviews wouldnt give him
any information that would lead straight to the killer. Hopefully Barbara wouldnt be too upset with him
bringing death and destruction into their bed to read while she watched her favorite television shows or
read a book.
His fingers touched the framed picture on his desk of Barbara and Cassie on either side of him at El
Dorado Lake on the Fourth of July last year. It had been a great weekend, with hotdogs and hamburgers
cooked on his little Hibachi grill and beautiful fireworks that lit up the lake.
Emily had driven out the morning of the Fourth to join them for the rest of their camping weekend.
Lionel rented a pontoon boat and they floated on the still waters with a cooler filled to the brim with ice
cold beer. Before they lost daylight, Emily snapped the picture of them standing at the back of the boat
with alcohol-induced laughter. Then they finished off the cooler of beer while watching fireworks
explode over their heads.
It was a simpler time, he thought. This case had changed him, changed Shawn, and had even changed
Barbara. Now he had brought Cassie and Emily into the mix. He hated including them in this, though they
were perfect for the job. He didnt want them damaged by this case like everyone else who touched it,
and he prayed he hadnt made a mistake.
Chapter Sixteen
Emilys foot rapped against the floorboard of the car to the soft beat of the radio. Every few seconds she
stole a glance at the clock on the dashboard. The numbers were closing in on six oclock with alarming
speed. Each city block they drove seemed to take years, with her nerves jumping through her body and her
head spinning at the thought of having dinner with Jake.
Cassie and Emily spent the first ten minutes after the memorial service discussing their findings.
While meeting a large number of Dianes friends, Cassie learned nothing new. Emily shared the
information that Dianes aunt Tara was not only the black sheep of the family, but also psychic. Though an
interesting and coincidental tidbit, they concluded it had nothing to do with the case.
The last several minutes of their drive were in silence. Emily wondered if she had made a mistake not
sharing with Cassie that she had a date, but if she told Cassie, it would result in endless questions. She
only hoped Jake was late in picking her up so she could avoid a last minute inquisition.
No such luck, Emily thought, as they pulled into the parking lot of Monroe & Reid Investigators. A
black Jeep sat in the parking lot with dimmed headlights. Who is that? Cassie asked, leaning in closer
to the dashboard and squinting. She steered the car into an empty space near the Jeep, where they could
see the driver.
Emily rubbed the back of her flushed neck and squirmed in her seat. Its just
Hey, I remember that guy. She turned to Emily. Thats the guy you talked to at the party last night.
Then you went outside and came back in to talk with us. I thought you said it was small talk with a
potential client.
I, uh...I may have exaggerated the smallness of the talk.
You talked to him long enough to set up a date? Thats fast work considering you spoke to him for
less than a minute at the bar.
We talked outside, too. Then he came by the office this morning to continue our conversation.
Surprise overtook Cassies face. We just spent the whole afternoon together. When were you
planning on divulging this crucial information?
I was hoping tomorrow after I knew if dinner went well.
Cassie peered around Emily to get another look at Jake. By the looks of him, I think it will go just
fine. At least it better go good. I take back everything I ever said about you getting back together with
Dinner wont go very well if I never get in his Jeep, Emily said.
Oh! Yes, go, get out of here!
Emily climbed out of the car. She rolled her eyes at the sound of the passenger side window rolling
Dont stay up too late. Cassie grinned at her through the open window. It is a work night.
Its always a work night, but Ill be home and tucked into bed at a reasonable hour, Mom.
Chapter Seventeen
Jake couldnt stop smiling when he saw Emily pulling up in the parking lot. Her friend driving the car was
unexpected, but he guessed from their gestures and discussion that her friend also wasnt expecting him.
He recognized her from their company website as the Reid in Monroe & Reid, but she was much more
than that. Their closeness in their exchange combined with the way her friend stole glances in his
direction told him they were best friends.
Emily exited the vehicle after a couple of minutes and made her way over to his Jeep. She lifted her
hand in a little wave, walked around the back, and opened the passenger side door. Her bright smile, as
little as she had shown it to him, was just as he remembered. It was the first thing he had noticed when he
saw her across the room at the party last night. He wanted to keep that smile just where it was for the
remainder of the evening.
Hi there, she said.
As she climbed into the Jeep, he noticed she was wearing a black pencil skirt that stopped just above
her knees and a short-sleeve, white button-down blouse. Hi there, yourself, he said. He gestured to his
jeans. Im afraid I am greatly underdressed for dinner.
An embarrassed laugh accompanied the crimson on her cheeks. Im sorry, she said. She tucked a
strand of her golden, dark blonde hair behind her ear and gazed at him with large, grey eyes. Im actually
overdressed. We just came from a wake and because we were running late, I didnt get a chance to
Jakes expression sobered. Oh no! Im sorry to hear that. Was it someone close?
No, I didnt know them. Um, it was for a case.
You went to a wake for a case? Thats a pretty exciting business you run there.
You have no idea.
I take it that was your business partner who is also your best friend?
Yes, Cassie Reid. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. A crooked smile took over her lips.
How did you know that? Are you stalking me again?
Jake chuckled. I saw her picture on your website. As far as knowing youre best friends, Im a jury
consultant, remember? I get paid to read body language and make perceptive deductions.
Ill have to remember that. So where are we headed?
He started the engine. I was thinking of that new Mexican restaurant over on 29th Street?
Perfect. I love a good margarita.
Then Ill buy you a grande.
After my day, make it two. Emily shook her finger at him. Remember, this is an apology dinner.
Jake smiled. That it is, but only so long as you stop holding the apology over my head after tonight.
She bit her bottom lip and reciprocated the smile. Deal.
Chapter Eighteen
David lifted his glass and swallowed the last bit of Makers Mark. Though he wanted to have another
drink, the bottle was already half-empty. At the sink he rinsed out his glass and placed it in the sink. In
moderation, alcohol had a positive effect on his abilities. It helped loosen his mind and remove
inhibitions. If he indulged too much, the same alcohol impeded his gift to the point where it stopped
functioning until he was out of a drunken state.
His experiments helped him learn how to use alcohol to his benefit, as well as so many other things.
All of his time spent on other women, trying to attract their attention through conduits, had led up to this
moment, to Emily. She had been his destiny before he knew she existed, and Jillian would help him get
closer to her.
David shuffled to the kitchen table and picked up the knife, his instrument to help him communicate
with Emily. With the last two kills she heard him, and with the next ones their connection would grow. He
theorized that, starting with Jillian, it would take three more for her to find him. Then they could be
He smiled at the thought and headed toward the basement door. This was the part of his work he
enjoyed, when he melded his abilities with his chosen conduit and they worked together to make Emily
hear them. Jillian might be not as smart as most of his other women, but she was one of the strongest
conduits he had come across. She also looked like a hell of a screamer, which would make him enjoy
their time together even more.
Chapter Nineteen
Much to Jakes satisfaction, Emilys addictive smile stayed on her face for most of the evening. The more
he saw it, the more it affected him, on both emotional and physical levels. His weightless heart bounced
around in his chest and raced a little faster every time the corners of her mouth lifted toward her soulful
grey eyes.
He had enjoyed the evening more than any other in recent memory and he hated for it to come to an
end. As the waiter cleared off their plates, he feared that at any moment Emily would stand up, have him
drive her back to her office, and quite possibly walk out of his life.
Jake had never lacked in confidence, but Emily made him doubt everything. Watching her sip the last
of her small strawberry margarita, he recognized something special in her. He just wanted to keep her
around as long as he could without screwing it up.
Are you sure you dont want a second one? he asked, wishing she would say yes to ensure more
time with her. Youre a long way off from two grandes.
Emily shook her head. As nice as it sounds, I really cant. I still have to drive home tonight.
Thats why Im sticking with soda, he said, shaking his glass. Though a tall, cold cerveza sounds
great right about now.
Next time you have a beer and Ill take the soda.
He was glad to hear those words, a loose commitment to a second date. Sounds like a plan.
Emily bobbed the straw up and down in her glass and her smile faded.
Whats on your mind? Jake asked.
She moistened her lips and lifted her eyes. I havent met a lot of people like us before. Im curious,
how did you know? I mean, how did you find out about your gift?
Well, to be honest it was my sister who knew first.
Your sister?
My twin sister. She had the same gift that we do. Jake smiled at his memories. Janie was always
the smarter one. She picked up on things much quicker than I ever could. Just before we turned twelve,
she brought to my attention that something was off with us. We both sensed things that we shouldnt have
been able to, but being a typical boy, I ignored it. She explored it and dragged me along for the ride.
Emily laughed. Sounds like a smart girl indeed. She furrowed her brow. You used the past tense
when you talked about her.
Jake hesitated. He had not meant for the date to take such a serious turn. Such topics were usually left
for later down the road, if ever at all, but his painful memories were safe in Emilys caring hands and he
didnt mind sharing with her.
Janie was in a car accident with my mom when we were fourteen. They were the middle car in a five
car pileup. A semi was behind them. She, uh... Jake took a deep breath to steel against the always raw
memory. Janie didnt make it.
Oh no, Jake. Did your mom survive?
She did, but she was paralyzed. My dad couldnt handle Janies death or taking care of Mom. Their
marriage was on the rocks at the time anyway, they were always fighting. He left without much to say to
either of us. It was like we had both died in the crash with Janie. Mom did die about five years later from
a stroke. Im still not sure where my dad went off to.
Emily put her hand over her mouth. That must have been horrible for you.
Some days its still hard thinking about it. I was mourning Janie and angry with my dad for taking off.
For the first year we had a nurse come to help, but with Dad gone, the money ran out fast. Taking care of
Mom without help was difficult enough, but I worked two afterschool jobs just to help make ends meet. It
didnt leave much room for the usual teenage boy antics.
I can imagine, Emily said.
Since I didnt have time to hang out with my friends outside of school, all of them disappeared over
time. Before the accident, life was much different, but afterward that one event consumed my whole life.
Jake cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. It was time for a change of subject. How did you first find
out about your gift?
It was much like you and your sister. I was ten when I started hearing things.
An early bloomer, Jake said.
If you can call it that. Im not sure exactly when we are supposed to bloom. I was too scared to tell
anyone because I thought I was going crazy, but my Aunt Susan was like me and she recognized what was
going on. She took me under her wing.
Its good you have someone like her.
And I wish I still did. She died ten years ago. I needed so much more time with her, but the time we
had is very precious to me.
Thats awful, Jake said. It sounds like weve been through a lot of similar things in our lives. What
about your parents? Did they have this thing? Couldnt you talk to them about it?
My mom assumed we were both nuts. She still does. Emilys forehead wrinkled and she averted her
eyes. I dont know my dad. Mom was quite the alcoholic until a few years ago. She drove him away with
her drinking when I was almost four. Although I wish he had kept in touch with me, I dont necessarily
blame him for leaving her. She is very difficult to deal with.
Do you still speak with your mom? Jake asked.
Yes, although shed rather I didnt. She has early onset Alzheimers with dementia and lives in an
assisted living facility. If I hadnt put her there, the alcohol would have killed her. I still visit her every
couple weeks, but when she recognizes me in a lucid moment, she usually curses at me and throws things.
Books, flower pots, utensils. Whatever is nearby and can fly is tossed in my general direction.
Emily, thats horrible. You shouldnt have to put up with all that.
Its okay. Its the way life is and I deal with it the best I can. Emily grimaced. Im sorry. This isnt
typical first date conversation.
Were not your typical people.
Emily raised her water glass and nodded in agreement. After taking a small sip, she said, Despite our
unusual lives, you seem to have done very well for yourself. Jury consultant for Nathan Wolk. Thats not
an easy job to come by. Its not like he advertises for employees on Craigslist, so you must have made
someone very happy to even be considered. Im sure Janie would be impressed.
I would hope so. Speaking of which, I understand Im on dangerous territory.
What do you mean?
Im on a date with the ex-girlfriend of the big boss. Jake shook his head. That may be a fireable
I know you didnt gain that knowledge using your jury consultant training. How did you find out?
After I came to see you, I went to the office for a little bit and your name was being batted around
like a baseball during spring training. Seems a lot of people consider your relationship a thing of legend.
Legend meaning in the past. She took a long drink of her margarita. We were together for about a
year and a half, but its been over for several months now. If he even considers firing you for being on a
date with me, I will have a lot to say about it.
Good to know you not only have my back, but you have that kind of pull to save my job.
Were still friends and probably always will be, but nothing more. She gave him a wistful glance. I
hope that isnt a problem for you.
Jake took her hand and locked eyes with her. It shouldnt cause too much trouble.
Chapter Twenty
Jillians palpable fear filled the room as soon as David shut the basement door behind him. She sat cross-
legged on the cement floor with her hands restrained behind her back. She made several garbled sounds
through the duct tape covering her mouth.
Walking toward her, David waved his knife back and forth as a greeting. He wanted her to be fully
aware of her fate. She would soon find out how long it would take to reach the end.
Attempting to stand up, she managed to get up on her knees, but fell over and landed on her side. Tears
streaked down her dirty face and she tried to get back up, only to fall again. She gave into her
helplessness, and David watched the visible change in her eyes. They appeared almost blank, as if her
soul had already departed her body in anticipation of death. He had seen this look before and it
enthralled him. Jillian had lost all hope of escape.
Her emotionless stare would soon change again, this time contorted by pain. With the first plunge of
his knife, the first slice across her skin, she would understand that death wouldnt come easily. All the
fear built up in her body over the past several hours would come to the surface and mix with pain,
creating a balanced psychic force with which to reach out to Emily. As long as Emily heard her screams
in the moment she called out, he would achieve his objective for Jillian.
David knelt beside her and teased her skin with his knife. He ran the tip of the blade over her bare
forearm and jumped it over the short sleeve of her work uniform, up to her face. As the knife drew closer
to her eyes, they grew wider and the tears revved up to full speed.
He moistened his lips and turned the blade until it was flush against Jillians cheek, all while watching
the fear in her eyes. The knife bit into her cheek with a slight amount of pressure before he pulled it back.
Jillians muffled scream behind the duct tape told him he accurately assessed how loud she would be
when he got started. Droplets of blood lined the wound the knife left behind, a shallow, diagonal slit from
the top of her cheek and pointed toward her earlobe.
He tugged at the edge of the duct tape until he got a corner loose, and yanked it off her mouth as fast as
he could. She screamed again. David closed his eyes and reveled in the idea that smallest gestures, a slip
of the knife or pulling off of duct tape, caused her every bit of pain she deserved.
Please dont kill me, Jillian said. If you let me go I wont tell anyone where I was or what you
look like. Just please dont kill me.
David lifted Jillian to a sitting position. He sat down on the cold tiles in front of her. He had heard so
many different reasons from women why they should live, why their lives meant so much that the world
could not possibly continue turning without them in it. The excuses, all of them pathetic and
inconsequential, irritated him.
Still, he decided to allow Jillian some hope. If she had hope, it would make her death all the sweeter.
Why, Jillian? he asked. He kept his tone soft and warm to lull her into a sense of security. Why should
I spare you? What do you offer the world that is so important?
Jillians eyes widened and her face came to life. I really dont want to die. Im only twenty-one and I
have so much to live for. My parents would be devastated if I died. I have a lot of friends and I just
started back at school to get my business degree. I know my job at the coffee shop doesnt seem that
important, but it is to those who need coffee in the morning. I might even open a coffee shop of my own
David stopped listening to her spouting out worthless reasons to live and studied the animation in her
eyes and face. She believed her pitiful reasons for living would work with him, that she was so
indispensable to the rest of the world and deserved to live. What she didnt realize was that what she
would accomplish with her death would overshadow everything she had done in life.
As she droned on about all the little things that meant nothing, the psychology behind living with such
an egotistical delusion fascinated David. His work was far more important than anything she had to say,
and therefore nothing would change her fate. He admitted his narcissism was greater than hers, but at least
he wasnt delusional about it.
He held up his hand to silence her. Had he not done that, she might have gone on for hours. Thank
you, Jillian, for that introspective glimpse into the value of your life. He tilted his head back and forth, as
if weighing what she said.
Please dont kill me, she said, her begging a last attempt to make him change his mind. Ill do
anything you want. She raised her eyebrows. Anything.
Im sorry to be blunt about it, but Im not a rapist, Jillian. You can get rid of those notions right now. I
only have one woman on my mind these days and Im not about to cheat on her with the likes of you.
Her only potential bargaining tool off the table, fear returned to her face.
Ill tell you what. If you do an exceptional job tonight, and I mean you do everything I tell you to do
and we accomplish our goals in a reasonable amount of time, then maybe, just maybe, Ill kill you quickly
and not make you suffer quite as much.
Jillians eyes widened and she gasped. But please, you said you wouldnt kill me if
David slapped her across the face. Quit your sniveling. I dont care if youre so important that youre
going to cure cancer.
He stood up and grabbed the top of her head. He pulled her to her feet by the strands of hair in his
hand and she screamed again. If you dont shut your mouth so we can get to work, I wont hold up my end
of the bargain to end your life fast, no matter how much we accomplish tonight. Understand?
Jillian nodded through her uncontrollable tears. Clear, thick discharge dribbled out of her nose and
onto her lips.
Wipe your nose, you disgusting little wench.
With her arms still tied behind her back, she used her shoulder to wipe her nose. Phlegm smeared
across her cheek and mixed with blood from the knife cut.
You just cant help being filthy, can you? David asked. He shoved her against the wall. Lifting his
knife to the bottom of her shirt, he sliced through the material from bottom to top, through the middle of the
steaming cup of coffee on her work shirt. He pulled both sides of the shirt off her shoulders and pushed
them down her arms and over her bound hands.
His eyes considered her soft skin and her rounded breasts held up by a black lace bra. Her work t-
shirt rendered her frumpy and shapeless, but as soon as he pulled the shirt back, his excitement grew at the
thought of slicing through such a young, beautiful body.
The tops of her breasts heaved with every frightened breath she sucked into her lungs, reminding
David of what it had been like to snuff the life out of Julie from Montana while they had sex. The ecstasy
that overcame his body and mind when her eyes rolled back and her body fell limp was unparalleled.
Though he now took pleasure in killing through his perfected ritual, something about his experience with
Julie always stayed with him.
Before he found Emily, one of the only sparks of emotion in his life had been Julies last moments
alive. He not only needed to experience that again, he wanted it. Jillian could be the start of something
new for him. He could still do what needed to be done, but being with her while her warm blood smeared
across his body would be a fitting tribute to his time with Julie.
David squashed the temptation. Waiting for Emily had been quite difficult for him, so difficult that he
momentarily considered this snotty, dirty, filthy thing in front of him as an acceptable substitute. Jillian
was not worthy of him, nor did she even come close to Emily. Reaching Emily was the only thing for
which Jillian was good.
Slowly and deliberately, he wrapped his fingers around her neck. He applied pressure for show, to
remind her who was in charge.
Jillian trembled in his grasp and tears poured out of her eyes. She groaned and squealed against the
weight of his hand crushing her windpipe.
David loosened his grip on her neck. I want you to scream Emilys name. Scream it as loud as you
can, and dont stop until she hears you. If youre a good girl and she hears you quickly, Ill make the pain
stop, as promised. But if youre not a good girl... A corner of his mouth twisted into a sadistic grin. He
had waited far too long to kill Jillian. Even if she reached Emily in the next five minutes, he didnt plan on
stopping the pain anytime soon.
Chapter Twenty-one
Emily tossed her purse and jacket on the arm of her couch and sunk down into a plush cushion. She took a
deep breath, exhaled, and bit down on her bottom lip. She could still taste Jakes tantalizing goodnight
kiss, and it would keep her awake all night.
After she ended her relationship with Nathan, Emily swore she wouldnt get involved again with
another man for quite some time. She had given so much to him that she lost part of her identity while they
were together, and she wanted some time to focus on her. Life, however, seemed to have another plan for
her and threw Jake right in her path.
Emily closed her eyes and tried to slow her racing heart. It hadnt stopped since he took her hand at
the restaurant. The look in his eyes when his hand enveloped hers was different than the look Nathan gave
her all those nights. She didnt realize at the time what it was about Jake, but now she knew. The same
feelings she had for him were reflected in his eyes.
It was more than a mutual spark. Emily was drawn to him in a way she had never experienced with
Nathan, or with any other man. She didnt know if it was their gifts that gave weight to their already
intense emotions, or if it was good old fashioned attraction. No matter what the cause, she had to see him
Their lunch date tomorrow would satisfy that need. Until then, she would dream of that kiss. His hands
pressed into the small of her back, one of her hands seated at the bottom of his neck with the other on his
upper arm. His lips against hers in a soft kiss, but one brimming with desire. When they parted, the
brightness of the full moon illuminated his green eyes. She wished she could stop time and exist forever in
that single moment with him.
Emily opened her eyes and decided to get ready for bed. She had more than enough on her plate with a
serial killer case, hearing voices, and automatic writings to know how to deal with a new man in her life,
especially a man who worked for Nathan. Yet another complication.
She paused when she passed her home office. She changed her mind about bed and retrieved her
laptop so she could do some more online research on the serial killer while enjoying a late night glass of
wine. With her laptop tucked under her arm, she backtracked to the kitchen for the wine.
In the hallway, a familiar sensation tingled in the back of her mind, but she couldnt quite figure out
what it was or where she experienced it before. She forgot all about the glass of wine and wandered back
into the living room. She placed her laptop on the coffee table and sat down on the couch, readying her
mind for whatever was to come.
Emily reached into her purse and pulled out a pen and a receipt from the grocery store. She turned the
receipt over on the flat wooden top of her coffee table and clicked the pen into the ready position.
Touching the tip of the pen to the paper, she closed her eyes.
She emptied out every image and every thought from her mind. Aunt Susan had been a proponent of
clearing ones mind in order to fully magnify the gift, and she spent many hours with Emily teaching her
how to do just that. With all the hustle and bustle of life gone from her mind, she could concentrate on
what she heard and felt.
At first, there was nothing. Then a darkness containing a presence crawled over her, claiming the
shadows of her mind. Though Emilys hand shook with fear, she did her best to stay focused on the
Her breathing deepened and with everything she had, she tried to see into the darkness. Something evil
resided there, but to understand the voices she had to keep pressing. Emily closed off every one of her
five senses the best she could and poured all of her energy into the darkness.
Emilys eyes flew open against her will. The voice sounded as if it was right next to her, but it had
been only in her mind. Her rapid, staccato breathing consumed her and, fearing hyperventilation, she
slowed her breaths.
As she regained control over her breathing, she looked at the paper sitting under the pen. She was
somewhat disappointed that no words appeared on the paper, only random scratches and dots of ink from
her shaking hand.
Emily clicked off the pen and laid it down on the receipt. Her hands retreated to her lap and she
glanced around the room to ensure she was alone. Although no writing appeared on the paper, the
presence was still in the room with her, as if it had escaped the confines of her mind and now surrounded
her. She suddenly wished she had not opened up her mind and allowed entry to the invisible entity.
She made her way to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine. If she went about her normal routine,
focusing on menial tasks instead of the presence, it might disappear. She retrieved a bottle of merlot from
her wine rack and filled up her favorite wine glass almost to the top. Lifting the glass to her lips, she
drank half of the wine. She refilled her glass and replaced the glass stopper on the wine bottle.
As she put the bottle back in its rightful place, she remembered when the presence previously attacked
her mind. She had been standing on the front steps of the offices of Wolk, Trotter & Wolk last night, just
moments before Jake came outside to apologize to her. The person she sensed that night was not Jake, but
someone else nearby who invaded her mind the same as they had tonight.
Emily! Help me!
Emilys stomach churned in tandem with the screams that filled her mind. She quickly set her wine
glass down on the counter and raced toward the guest bathroom in the hall. She lifted the toilet seat lid
and retched and coughed until she emptied the entire contents of her stomach.
She slumped down on the bathroom floor. Sweat dripped from her face, as if she had a terrible fever.
Wiping the back of her hand against her clammy forehead, she prayed she didnt have food poisoning from
the grilled fish and mango salsa she ate at dinner.
Emily swiped a few pieces of toilet paper off the roll and wiped her mouth. She threw the soiled
paper into the toilet, got to her knees, and tugged on the flush handle. So as not to upset her stomach
further, she took tender steps down the hall, through her bedroom, and into the master bath.
After she brushed her teeth and washed her sweaty face, she retrieved the thermometer from her
medicine cabinet and stuck it under her tongue. She dabbed her moist brow with a hand towel, but the
sweat reappeared on her forehead. Her limbs weakened and she sat down on the edge of her bathtub.
Cramps overtook her stomach and she bent over, clutching her abdomen.
The thermometer beeped and she removed it from her mouth. 98.9. Emily turned it over and back
again. The reading in the LCD window was the same. She shook her head. It just wasnt possible. Sweat
dripped from her forehead and weakness claimed her body. Though every bit of food she ate at dinner had
been thrown up, her stomach remained nauseous. She had to be running a fever.
Emily threw the broken thermometer in the trash can. She walked back down the hallway to the
kitchen to clean up the wine she assumed she spilled when she ran for the bathroom. After she cleaned up
the wine, she would go straight to bed, without doing her planned homework. Her sudden illness needed
to disappear before her lunch date with Jake, and a good nights sleep might cure her.
The darkness forced its way through her mind again. Emily turned the corner into the kitchen, but
stopped before entering. Blood spilled out from her wine glass onto the kitchen counter and down to the
floor, where it accumulated in a large pool. Thick red sprays, spurts, and spatter covered the walls and
ceiling. Emily sucked in her breath, and a scream caught in her throat.
Before she could register the sight in her mind, a bright light flashed in front of her eyes and the
kitchen returned to normal. Tipped over on the counter, the glass had released its contents of red wine out
on the counter and a small amount had trickled down onto the tiled floor. Nothing she couldnt clean up
with a little bleach and a scrub brush.
Emily braced herself against the doorway, her mind once again clear. The sweating stopped, and her
stomach no longer twisted. More noticeably, the darkness had retreated into the recesses of her mind,
although it was not entirely gone.
After the thermometer read a normal temperature and seeing the scene in the kitchen, she ruled out bad
seafood. Having heard her name again, tonights events had everything to do with the serial killer case
that she and Cassie never should have taken.
Deciding it best to leave the mess in the kitchen for the morning, Emily flipped off the kitchen light.
More than ever before, she wanted Aunt Susan back to help her filter through the madness. She had
opened up her mind just as Aunt Susan taught her, but instead of finding answers, something dangerous
crawled into her mind. It grabbed hold of her and still had not let go. Even though she wasnt sure how to
get rid of it, she had to try. She could not suffer through another episode like this.
Chapter Twenty-two
Lionel balanced two coffees, a lemon Danish, and a file full of his notes on the case. He dodged other
officers threatening to steal his Danish in the bustling halls of the police station. When he reached
Conference Room B, he pushed open the door with his back, almost spilling Shawns coffee.
Shawn rushed to Lionels aid. You should have called me for backup.
Dont worry about it, Lionel said. He nodded good morning to Detectives Reina Aurelio and
Lawrence Timmons. If Shawn had told me you were coming, I would have brought more coffee.
Timmons pointed to his mug on the table. Thats why I always bring my own. Cant trust Brandt to do
anything right.
Youre really going to start the meeting out like that? Shawn asked with an amused tone.
Lionel situated his notes on the table, making sure both his Danish and coffee were within reach. I
think the mood is very telling of your dealings with Dean Sheila Reynolds last night.
It couldnt have gone better, Aurelio said. We have a new lead.
So I hear, Lionel said. Tell me about it.
We started out by meeting with the dean, Shawn said. When I brought up the idea that Lucy Kim
may have been taken near the campus library, we got what we expected. The college security is top-notch,
there are ample security guards around the campus at night to ensure that would never happen, blah, blah,
were so great, blah, blah.
I gave her a breakdown of the timeline you composed of Kims last day, Timmons said. I let her
know the campus library was the best place for her to have been taken, but we understood if she believed
otherwise. I told her the only way to know what really happened would be taking a look at their ongoing
security measures at the library that time of night, along with any security camera tapes of the area for the
night in question.
And she probably told you she wasnt obligated to share any security tapes with you, to which you
responded by threatening a subpoena, Lionel said.
You got the first part right, sir, Aurelio said, but we didnt threaten a subpoena right away.
Lionel shook his head at Aurelio calling him sir despite numerous requests in the past not to do so.
In her sixth month with the homicide division, she was still hungry enough to remain formal with her
superiors, especially with Lionel, since he had recruited her for homicide.
Lionel gestured to the television at the front of the conference room table. Obviously you changed her
mind somehow, or we wouldnt have a television parked in here with us.
I stepped up and did what needed to be done, Shawn said.
Timmonss laugh rolled across the table. Brandt flirted with her like they were college students ready
to get it on. He stressed the last words in a singsong voice.
Lionels jaw dropped. That was the last thing he had expected to hear this morning. Since his
separation from Amber, Shawn had never so much as hinted he would consider flirting with a woman.
Timmons slapped his hand on Shawns shoulder. She was like seventy or something, but that didnt
stop this young buck from using his best moves. And his best really aint much.
What in the world happened there last night? Lionel asked.
Shawn shrugged. Someone had to take it for the team.
Too bad it didnt work, Timmons said, and let out another roar.
It helped, Shawn said under his breath.
Aurelio didnt appear happy with the lightheartedness of the conversation. Sir, after she declined
Sergeant Brandts unorthodox advances, I explained to her that if she didnt want to help us, then that was
her right. We would get a subpoena, but on the way to talk to the judge, we might release a statement to the
press that the victim may have been taken from the campus and we were seeking witnesses.
Lionels eyebrows shot up. Smart thinking.
Thank you, sir, Aurelio said. I let her know that even if our hunch turned out to be inaccurate, that
kind of publicity wouldnt look good for her or the university, especially after the rape they had on
campus last year. I also reminded her that everything about the case made the national news. She agreed to
turn over the tapes.
Lionel beamed like a proud father. Aurelio was perfect for the assignment, and she balanced out both
Shawn and Timmons as he had expected. She had also done enough homework to know about the previous
crime on the campus, and used that information in the perfect manner.
Thats excellent work, Lionel said. The less time we spend in front of a judge getting subpoenas,
the better.
I still think the flirting helped, Shawn mumbled.
Im sure it did, Lionel said, but first place goes to Aurelio today. Lets see the tape.
This is from the day our victim disappeared, Aurelio said. Its time stamped 5:46 p.m. The view is
of the west side of the building.
Aurelio picked up the remote in front of her and started the tape, which showed vehicles and
pedestrians moving through a parking lot near the library. I have it at half-speed now, Aurelio said.
Keep your eye on the lower right-hand corner.
Black and white cars moved through the lot at varying speeds, with an occasional student crossing the
blacktop. Then he saw what Aurelio wanted to show him. A person wearing a dark jacket with the hood
up and head held down came into view. From the large build of the person, Lionel surmised it was a man.
His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jacket, and he moved at a slow, measured pace while others
dashed about the parking lot. The man zigzagged through parked cars, but never once stopped at a vehicle.
Does the camera rotate at all? Lionel asked.
No, Shawn said. None of the cameras on the campus move. Even though this is one of three
cameras in the library parking lot, you can only see him on this camera.
Though Lionel had also guessed the person to be male, he asked, Do we know for sure its a man?
We find out really soon, sir, Aurelio said.
After the man walked out of view, Aurelio fast-forwarded the tape. When it reached 6:04, she slowed
the action. The man came back into view and walked almost the identical path as he did before.
Thats definitely suspicious behavior, Lionel said.
Exactly, Timmons said. He holds to this pattern through the rest of the tape. We think he doubled
back around by going behind the building. If he walked against the back of the library, there are no
cameras with the right angle to catch him on video.
Twice more, in fifteen to twenty minute intervals, the man maneuvered through the cars in the same
manner. Then at 6:53, the man came back into view for his fifth lap through the parking lot. This time, the
hood of his jacket did not cover his head. Despite the pixilation and the night shadows creeping over the
screen, Lionel could easily tell it was a man with short, dark hair.
The man inched across the parking lot, weaving through the few cars that remained. At every turn,
though, there was not even a glimpse of his face.
This happens four more times. After we see Lucy Kim emerge from the library, we dont see him
again, Aurelio said.
Because he grabbed her when she left, Lionel said. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through
his hair, contemplating what needed to be done next. Timmons, I want you to get this tape along with the
tapes from the other library cameras to the lab. Lets see if we can get them cleaned up. We might be able
to see at least part of his face. Figure out the makes and models of the cars he walks between and
calculate his height. He looks pretty tall from what I can tell, and that could help us find him.
Timmons retrieved the tape from the player and raced out of the conference room without a word.
Aurelio, you seem to have connected with Dean Reynolds, at least on a threatening level. Take two
uniformed officers with you back to her office and lets get our hands on all the other security tapes from
the campus. He may be seen leaving the campus in a car or we might catch him letting his guard down in
another part of the campus and get his whole face. Either way, I want a few cops reviewing tapes around
the clock to get through them as fast as possible.
Aurelio nodded and rose from the table to start her new assignment.
Just a second, Aurelio, Lionel said.
Aurelio paused in the doorway. Sir?
Lets also get all the tapes from the campus starting the day Diane Murphys body was found up
through the day Lucy Kim disappeared.
Great idea, Shawn said. He probably started stalking her as soon as he dumped Diane Murphys
body. If he did, we might see him on an earlier tape.
Ill get a favor called in to start the work on a subpoena, Lionel said. If Dean Reynolds doesnt
release the tapes willingly, let me know and stay on her. With the evidence on this tape, well have a
subpoena within minutes if its needed. I want you right there to get the tapes and bring them back for
review when the subpoena arrives.
Yes, sir, she said.
After she left, Lionel leaned back in his chair and stared at his half-eaten Danish.
This could be the break weve needed, Shawn said. We have one week to catch him before the
feds come in. Its a good thing for us if that is him on the tape.
I know its him, but I also know hes not going to show us his face. It cant be that easy, not with how
careful he is.
Shawn reached across the table and snatched the Danish. He tore off the part where Lionel bit into it
and stole the rest.
Lionel frowned, but didnt confront him. They had been partners long enough for Shawn to get away
with a little thievery here and there. They both knew Lionel had no intention of eating the rest of the
When are Cassie and Emily coming by? Shawn asked, with a large bite of the Danish stuffed in his
Lionel consulted his watch. In about twenty minutes.
Any idea how they fared at the memorial service?
Nope, but hopefully they got something for us to go on. Lionel lifted his coffee mug and swirled the
cooling liquid around the bottom. Why did he walk around the library so many times? He risked
someone seeing him and calling security.
He was stalking her and she was in the library already, Shawn said. He was completely fixated on
Lucy Kim. She had to be his next victim, and he was willing to take a risk that someone noticed him.
I guess if you think about it, a busy school campus really isnt that much of a risk, Lionel said.
Unless a student passed by him a few times, they might not even notice him. The kids we saw on the tape
were solely focused on getting to their destination.
Its a good reason to choose that location, Shawn said. He stalks the women so he knows they are
what he wants, but he also stalks the location where he plans on snatching them. He makes sure its the
perfect spot where he wont get caught.
The school she works at said that she always leaves early to go to classes on Thursday. Then she
goes to the library. I bet she stays at the library until closing every Thursday. He would have known that,
but he arrived at the library well before closing time, in case she altered her routine and left early. He
wanted to take her there, and he had to be sure he would get her.
If she had left the library early, before he arrived, he wouldnt have taken her that night, but he also
wouldnt have waited another week to take her from the library. He would have found another
opportunity, maybe even gone to her apartment.
No, hes not a disorganized killer so he wouldnt have waited for a random opportunity. Lionel
pushed back his chair from the table and stood up. Excitement coursed through his veins, fueled by the
theory they were forming. But youre right. He also wouldnt have waited another week to take her at the
library. He would have had a backup plan. He doesnt leave anything to chance, so he would have made a
contingency plan when he stalked her.
So lets find out what that plan was.
Lionel smiled. He may have made a mistake when he was scoping out a secondary location. Maybe
there are cameras there as well.
But take it a step further. If he had a backup location for Lucy Kim
Then he had a backup location for the other women, Lionel said. Pull a couple guys off the tip line
and have them re-review the statements of the families and friends. Lets put together a detailed routine
for each of the women and identify where the secondary location to take them would have been. Lionel
swallowed the rest of his coffee.
Well check for cameras, witnesses, anything that can help. Shawn moved to the conference room
door and paused before exiting. Were getting closer, he said. We just need another mistake and well
get him.
Another mistake could mean another body. We have to find him before that happens.
Chapter Twenty-three
Watching Cassies face as she examined the photographs of a deceased Lucy Kim, Emily remembered
why she didnt want to go to the police station that morning. The murders were like a toxic cloud that
floated over everyone who came across the case.
Just a half hour earlier, Cassie was bubbling over with excitement at the prospect of seeing Shawn. In
the parking lot, she had adjusted the rearview mirror in her car to apply an extra sheen of lip gloss and
make sure every hair was in its rightful place. When they walked into the conference room, her eyes
expressed nothing but pleasure when Shawn greeted her with a hug.
Cassies infectious smile disappeared upon opening the file. Engrossed in the pages of reports and
photographs, she didnt notice Shawn watching her with an unmistakable light in his eyes. Emily noted
that Shawn had just as much of a teenage crush on Cassie as she did on him, but neither one of them were
willing to make a move for fear of Lionels fatherly protectiveness.
Now was not the time for them to broach the idea of a relationship or even a first date. The death of
Lucy Kim drifted along the thick, silent air in the conference room, and no one seated at the table dared to
speak. There was nothing anyone could say that would be appropriate at this moment.
As Cassie examined the horrors contained within the flaps of the case file, Emily reflected that the
woman she heard calling her name just two days earlier could very well have been Lucy Kim. The timing
of her death, as well as the murder of Diane Murphy, corresponded with the cries that invaded Emilys
Combined with the automatic writings that were identical to the message the killer left on the bodies,
Emily could think of no other explanation than it was the women calling out to her while being tortured.
Yet based on what Lionel and Shawn had told them about the murders, she had heard the voices long after
the women died, as if they were on some sort of psychic time delay.
If the voices she heard were those of Lucy Kim and Diane Murphy, then the voice she heard last night
was a new victim who, while being tortured, reached out to Emily for help. The automatic writing did not
accompany the voice, but the voice had been strong enough to get through on its own. It caused Emily to
become ill while a fog of darkness rolled through her mind.
Since no body had been found, Emily surmised that the time delay had been removed, and she heard
the woman screaming while she was dying. The darkness, however, perplexed Emily. It remained with
her this morning, clinging to the corners of her mind, but it was not propelled by one of the victims. Emily
shuddered at the thought that she might have opened a portal for the killer. If he was like her, he was much
stronger than any psychic she had ever known.
Cassie closed Lucy Kims file, but kept her eyes focused on the table. Lionel and Shawn watched her,
waiting for a comment. When they first arrived in the conference room, Emily declined the offer to look at
the file. It contained photographs of the body where it had been dumped, as well as autopsy photographs,
and Emily didnt want to burn those images into her mind.
Cassies somber expression told Emily she made the right decision. She was not easily shaken, but her
pallid skin and repeated sighing expressed that the images contained within the file were worse than she
ever could have imagined.
She launched the file across the table in a swift slide toward Shawn, who stopped it from flying off
the edge. Ive seen a lot of dead bodies, she said. With all the classes I took, we were shown some
pretty awful things. But that She pointed at the file and locked eyes with Shawn. Hes beyond sick.
I told you it wasnt a good idea for you to look at it, Shawn said.
No, I needed to see it. I might also need to drink a bottle of vodka to sleep tonight, but it helps me
better understand what were up against.
So what are your thoughts? Lionel asked.
The profile the feds sent you is really good, Cassie said. They are absolutely right that hes a
piquerist. A rather extreme case, but its definitely piquerism.
What is that? Emily asked.
Piquerism is a type of killing style, if you will. It describes the act of a killer who gets off on
penetrating the skin of another. Sometimes people include it in really crazy freaky sex, but for the most
part when we talk about someone being a piquerist, its in reference to a killer who stabs his victims for
sexual pleasure.
Thats what confuses me, Shawn said. We found no semen on the body or at the dump site. None of
the victims had any signs of rape or forcible entry.
There doesnt have to be, Cassie said. He would just need to get some kind of sexual gratification
from it. Its possible he satisfied those needs during or after the victims death, but washed off any of his
fluids from the body before dumping her.
Then maybe he could have done it later, and not near the body so he could make sure no evidence
was left behind by accident, Emily said.
Anythings possible, Cassie said. Whatever the case, stabbing these women and slicing up their
skin really turns him on. He gets extreme pleasure from mutilating their bodies while they are alive.
When we spoke on Saturday, you also agreed with the feds that he didnt start killing here, Lionel
The pictures of the bodies only confirm that suspicion. His earlier victims wouldnt have suffered
that much torture. As he killed more women, he needed to go to greater lengths to satisfy his desires.
So he escalated to where he is now? Emily asked.
Exactly, Cassie said. From here, he will get bolder because hell need more and more to achieve
satisfaction. He might start taking women in crowded places or in the middle of the day just to be more
daring and give him more of a thrill. Every part of the crime feeds his desires.
Some people theorize that serial killers might get tired or they want to stop, so they purposely make
mistakes to be caught, Shawn said.
This guy wont stop, Cassie said. He doesnt want to be caught. He wants this to keep going as
long as possible.
But becoming bolder may cause him to accidentally make mistakes, Lionel said.
Theres something I dont agree with on the profile the feds sent over, Cassie said. They said he
may be married or living with a family member. They also said he may hold down a job. While those
things are true of a lot of organized killers, theres no way this guy has a job or lives with someone else.
What he does requires not only complete isolation, but it takes time. If he has a job and a wife, then he has
the spottiest attendance record at work and his wife probably suspects he is having an affair. I just dont
think he can do what he does with those distractions. His whole life revolves around these murders.
Lionel scratched down notes on his legal pad of paper. What youre saying makes perfect sense. I
thought he also must live in a house outside of the city, somewhere isolated.
We have a lot of that around here, Shawn said. But with bodies being left in all parts of the city,
theres no way to tell in what area he might be living.
You said that the message to the police was complete, Emily said to Lionel. He carved hear me
on the bodies. If he isnt going to stop, does that mean theres more to the message?
Cassie shot Emily a look that told her she knew her question was more than curiosity. Its possible,
she said.
The guy has a plan, Lionel said. He has some sort of mission or purpose, but we dont know what
that is. Thats what hear me means. What he wants us to hear is still a mystery.
Do you have another body? Emily asked.
No, Shawn said. Wed like to keep it that way.
Emily swallowed hard before her next question. Her questions were a little too inquisitive and
specific, but she had to know if her theory about another victim dying last night was correct. If hes
escalating, then based on the timeframes of the other murders, is it possible he killed another girl in the
last 24 hours or so?
I really hope that he hasnt, Lionel said, but I suppose its possible.
Cassies eyes drilled holes through Emily. They had been friends for so long that one usually knew
what the other was thinking, but she had kept Cassie in the dark about the voices and the automatic
writings. Cassie would soon suspect something was wrong, if she didnt already.
She needed to change the subject before Cassie got too curious. What else would you like us to help
with? she asked Lionel.
Were reviewing some family statements today, he answered. We may ask you to interview some
family members and see if you can get things out of them that we didnt.
I made a connection with Tara Murphy, Dianes aunt, Emily said.
Lionel wrote the name down. Tara Murphy, he said. I dont recall that name from the family
That doesnt surprise me, Emily said. From what she told me, shes the black sheep of the family.
Diane and Tara were very close, even if the rest of her family wasnt accepting of Tara. If we need to
interview her family, then Tara is the one we would want to talk to. She knew Diane a lot better than the
rest of the family.
Great, Shawn said. Im sure you two will do just as well with the other families if we need you to
talk to them.
She realized Cassie had been silent for quite some time. She appeared to be mulling over Emilys
questions and trying to derive some sort of meaning. Cassie, did you want to look at the rest of the files
while were here? she asked in an attempt to engage her in the conversation and stop her from
I do, but its a lot to go through. It may take a few hours. Cassie turned to Emily. Are you able to
stick around for that long?
I have, um, an appointment at eleven, Emily said. Do you mind if I take the car and you can hitch a
ride back with someone?
I can take Cassie back to your office, Shawn said.
Cassie did a poor job at hiding her smile. That works for me, but dont lie, Em. You dont have an
appointment. You have a lunch date with a boy.
Lionel flipped his notepad to a new page. Whats his name?
Jake Hanley, Emily said. She held out her hand to stop Lionels pen from moving over the paper.
You dont have to check up on him, Uncle Leo. He works for Nathan Wolk and no one gets through those
doors without passing a very detailed background check.
Nathan Wolk? Shawn asked. Isnt that a conflict of interest given your history with him?
Emily wanted to smack Cassie for bringing up the subject, but she opted for verbal revenge. Not any
more of a conflict than you driving Cassie back to our office.
Cassie jumped to her feet and cleared her throat. Uncle Leo, why dont I take a look at the other files
now? If you do need us to interview family members, Id like to familiarize myself with them first.
Sounds good, Lionel said. Shawn, take Cassie to our office and review the files with her. Im
going to check in with Aurelio and see how were coming on those security tapes.
Shawn motioned for Cassie to follow him, and then pointed at Emily. You let us know if that boy
doesnt treat you right.
Emily couldnt help but laugh. Ill make sure he knows that. She waved goodbye.
After they walked out the door, her smile faded. Even though the meeting ended on a light note, the
darkness still twisted in her mind. She wanted it gone, and hoped eventually it would go away on its own,
although she knew better. She never should have opened up her mind in the first place.
Are you okay, Emily? Lionel asked. You seem a bit distracted this morning.
Emily forced a smile. Im okay, Uncle Leo. I guess Im just a little focused on my date.
Is he a good guy?
The best. I think you and Aunt Barbara will really like him, she said without thought, the words
surprising her.
Were already to the point of meeting the family?
Emily scrunched up her face and red crept across her cheeks. I just mean if it gets to that point, you
two will like him. Todays only the second date.
Sounds like he made quite the impression on you for only one date, he said. He studied her face for
a moment. If this case is too much for you, just let me know. I wont think anything less of you if you want
to walk away from it. Quite frankly, Im worried about both you and Cassie being a part of it. I shouldnt
have brought it to you in the first place.
Emily hesitated. It was the out she had been looking for, and Lionel was sincere with his words. It is
a tough case, but I think were okay.
She cringed at her necessary lie. Someone wanted her on this case, and now they seemed to be in her
head. She feared if she walked away from the case now, she would never discover how to get rid of the
Chapter Twenty-four
Emily ambled to her car with Jake by her side. She kept her movements slow, wanting to savor every
second left of their lunch date. The moment she pulled into the parking lot and saw him standing in front of
her favorite deli, she forgot all about the case and the darkness lingering in her mind.
Their planned thirty minute excursion stretched into over an hour, as they shared stories while getting
to know each other better. With every passing minute, Emily grew more convinced that Jake would be in
her life for quite some time to come and there was nothing she could do about it. Not that she wanted to.
When they reached her car, Emily stalled by digging her keys out of her purse. Her fingers grazed them
a few times, but she continued to search the depths of the handbag aimlessly while they talked. The entire
time they had been together, she hadnt noticed the presence in her mind quite as much. As soon as they
parted ways, she would go back to being aware of the darkness with increasing fear. Jake not only helped
her forget, but made her feel safe and protected from the unknown and terrifying presence.
With her key ring wrapped around her index finger, she pulled her keys out of her purse and palmed
them. She turned to face Jake, her back against the drivers side door. Thank you so much for lunch, she
Thank you for joining me, Jake said. What are you doing tonight?
Emily laughed. This is becoming quite a
I hope its a good one.
Emily hesitated and chewed on her bottom lip.
You do that when youre nervous, Jake said.
Do what?
Bite your lip. You did it several times last night and today during lunch.
Emily smiled. I guess I didnt realize. Do you always read the non-verbal cues of girls youre on a
date with?
Occupational hazard, Im afraid.
I keep forgetting your jury consultant training. I need to watch myself around you. Im not really
nervous, just caught a little off-guard by all of this, I suppose.
Me too. Jake took her hands. This isnt something Im used to. I only know that I want to see you
again tonight.
I need to see you again tonight, Emily said. I...I cant explain that.
I cant explain it, either. Nor would I have ever believed this would happen with us. Less than 48
hours ago, you were yelling at me.
I wasnt yelling.
Jake laughed. Oh, you were yelling at me without actually raising your voice.
I guess I was. Embarrassed, Emily shook her head. Im so sorry about that.
No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about. But its part of this. I couldnt understand why that
happened at the party. Even though Im sorry it happened because it invaded your mind, in a way Im glad
it did.
Emily couldnt stop the large smile from crossing her face. I am, too. It really freaked me out at the
time, but Im glad it happened.
Why dont I pick you up at seven tonight?
I have a better idea. Ill text you my address. Let me cook for you tonight.
Home-cooked meal. Cant argue with that. He glanced at his watch. Unfortunately, I have to get
back to work now. Jury selection starts on Monday for the next big trial and Im meeting with Nathan this
Emily furrowed her brow. Are you sure it doesnt make you uncomfortable that
No, Jake said. I trust that your relationship with Nathan is in the past. You dont seem like the kind
of girl who would hold onto a flame for someone while starting one with another.
A flame, huh? Emily moved closer to him and laced her fingers behind his neck. She rose up on the
tips of her toes and pressed her lips to his. Feels more like a fire to me. Seven oclock, my house.
I cant wait, he whispered, and kissed her again.
Chapter Twenty-five
Jake strolled into the offices of Wolk, Trotter & Wolk on a high like he had never experienced. Emily was
more than just an attractive girl with whom hed been on a couple of dates. She rejuvenated him and
brought him back to life. His abilities were considerably stronger than they had been before, especially in
her presence. They connected not only on a physical and emotional level, but also on a psychic one.
As he walked across the wood floors of the buildings top floor, he exchanged hellos with a few of his
colleagues. Oversized black and white photographs on the walls depicted a chronological history of the
firm. The closer to the executive offices he got, the photographs changed from black and white to color
and brought him up to current day. The pictures stopped just before the desk of Nathans executive
Alisha Keller wore her hair in the same tight bun she did every day. Her old-fashioned attire gave off
an air of stiffness combined with superiority, even at her young, fresh-out-of-college age.
Jake attempted to exchange a smile with her before asking for Nathan, but he was unsuccessful as
usual. Though he had an appointment in Nathans office at least once a week for the past four months, she
still insisted on his name to confirm his appointment. Jake held his smile in place while she checked his
name in her computer.
Without a hint of personality, she said, Mr. Wolk will be with you in just a moment.
That was his cue to sit in one of the black leather armchairs. Normally he would pick up one of the
business or law magazines on the glass table next to him and feign interest in what he read, but today
anxiety ruled his thoughts.
Emily loomed in the front of his mind and with that came the reality that he was about to meet with her
ex-boyfriend, his boss. Even though their meeting was regarding the upcoming trial to start on Monday,
Jake was nervous that somehow the omniscient Nathan Wolk had learned of his two dates with Emily.
Emily. Even the thought of her name sent a jolt of electricity through every nerve in his body. He had
never known a woman like her before. It wasnt just that he had never dated another psychic in the past.
She was different all the way around.
Their first date was filled with conversation about private family matters he wouldnt dare share with
another person, as well as things he knew she wouldnt readily disclose about her life and her family.
Jake could open up with Emily in a way he hadnt been able to since Janies death.
He often avoided telling others about his past, or even about his present. Despite being outgoing and
friendly with strangers, he considered himself a private person, only sharing what was absolutely
necessary to establish a rapport. Emily reached deep into the fibers of his being and ripped out
information without trying. He wanted her to know everything about him, and to know him, as much as he
wanted to know her.
The phone beeped at the front desk and Jake watched Alisha press the button on the side of her
headset. She spoke inaudibly for a moment and depressed the button again. Turning to Jake, she said, Mr.
Wolk will see you now. She turned back toward her computer and typed dismissively.
Walking toward Nathans office, Jakes nerves returned. Hand sealed on the doorknob, he paused and
convinced his shoulders to relax. Nathan didnt know about him and Emily, and he just needed to
remember that to get through their meeting. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door.
Nathan stood up from his leather desk chair. Heres my star, he said, hand extended.
Jake took his hand and smiled. I dont know about star, but Im sure trying. He released the
handshake and sat down in the chair across the desk from Nathan.
While the office never ceased to impress Jake, Nathan appeared at odds with his surroundings. The
ominous cherry wood desk took up a large portion of the floor space and the large windows gave a
breathtaking view of the city skyline. Nathan once confided in Jake that he hadnt read a single book that
sat on the mandatory lawyer bookshelves recessed into the walls on either side of his desk.
Nathan pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from a desk drawer. The whiskey didnt seem
to fit with the uptight dcor of the office, the fancy original oil paintings, and oversized flower
arrangements prepared fresh just for that day. Jake imagined Alisha arguing with a highly paid florist
about what type of flowers were appropriate for each day of the week.
When he first met with Nathan several months earlier during his job interview and Nathan pulled out a
similar bottle, Jake had expected cognac or even a fine scotch. Instead Nathans drink of choice was
whiskey, putting them on a more even playing field. Jake didnt recognize the brand name or the bottle, but
he was sure it cost more than he had ever spent on whiskey in a year, even at his high salary.
Lets have a drink, Nathan said. Its been a hell of a day already. I hope you like it neat because ice
just wont keep in desk drawers. He leaned over and laughed. Believe me, Ive tried.
Jake laughed with him. He never failed to share a laugh or a drink with the boss. Nathan poured small
portions into each glass. Jake accepted the glass and took a tentative sip in unison with Nathan. The liquid
smoothed a path down his throat, with a light, fruity flavor that he was not accustomed to tasting in his
bottom of the barrel whiskeys.
He smiled at Nathan. Thats the good stuff.
Im glad you like it. Nathan took another sip. Its my favorite, at least that Ive found so far. He set
his glass down in front of him. Hows our jury looking for Monday?
Really good, Jake said. I think we can get the jury you want and make the prosecution think it was
all their idea.
Youve already vetted all potential jurors?
All but three. Theyve been a little harder to get info on, but theyre toward the bottom of the list and
I doubt youll get that far.
How do I make the jury look like the prosecutors idea?
There are a few jurors on the list that appear good for the prosecution, but they have secrets that will
sway them toward our defendant. You ask the right questions during voir dire, and it will make them look
like the prosecutors dream jurors. Hell snatch them up for you.
Nathan clapped his hands together. I love it!
Just make sure to ask the right questions. Ill have my full report over to you by noon tomorrow.
Nathan raised his glass toward Jake. Like I said, my star. He took another drink. What did I ever
do without you?
Jake gestured at his luxurious surroundings. Im sure you managed.
Nathan laughed again. I did manage, but youre making me succeed. Theres a huge difference.
Im glad I can help, Jake said. He lifted the glass to his lips and drained the remaining liquid.
After you get the report to me, take the next few days off with pay, of course. Well reconvene on
Friday morning at eleven to review the report and talk strategy.
Thats very generous of you, Nathan.
Nate, call me Nate. I keep telling you this.
I was raised to always use formalities. Its hard enough for me to not call you Mr. Wolk, being that
youre my boss.
Dont ever call me Mr. Wolk. Thats the one rule I have around here.
You got it. Jake pushed his chair back and stood up. And thank you for the time off. Ive only been
here a few months and I have very little paid time off accumulated.
Dont worry about PTO, Nathan said. I hate all that HR junk. This wont be on the books at all. As
far as the office is concerned, youre working remotely until Friday.
Thank you, again.
Nathan stood up to see Jake out. If theres anything I can do, just let me know.
The upturned corners of Jakes mouth lowered with concern, as well as a bit of fear. Nathan had done
so much for him in the past several months, starting with when he recruited Jake from the firm he worked
for in Dallas and coaxed him to move back to his hometown. Jakes conscience gnawed at him, and though
he didnt want to tell Nathan about Emily, he worried about what would happen if Nathan found out from
a third party. Nathan, I have to be honest with you about something.
Sure, what is it?
Jake paused, but realized if he hesitated too long he wouldnt go through with his confession. Ive
been seeing Emily, Jake said.
Nathans smile faded. Emily...Monroe?
I didnt know about your history with her until after Id been out with her. I had heard her name in
conjunction with yours before, but I didnt know it was the same Emily until our first date. Its only been
two dates, but I am seeing her again tonight.
Nathan sat back down in his chair and poured more whiskey into his glass. He took a long sip.
Jake sat down as well. You have been so good to me and I have no intention of going behind your
back. Thats why Im telling you now before I see her again.
Nathan sighed. Emily and I have been broken up for quite a few months now, before I recruited you
for the firm. It was a hard breakup, more so for me than her, Im afraid.
Im sorry, Nathan.
Nathan looked up at him for the first time since sitting back down. I know you are. It may undermine
my shiny hard exterior, but I suppose its no secret I still care about Emily. Were just friends, though, and
shes made it clear we will stay that way. I guess I always knew she would start dating again eventually, I
just had hoped she wouldnt.
Jake didnt respond. Guilt flooded him for bringing up the topic and for hurting Nathan, despite being
the right thing to do. Nathan would have one day found out about his dates with Emily on his own, and
Jake didnt want to appear as if he were hiding their relationship.
Dont worry about a thing, Nathan said. Im fine with it. At least I will be fine with it once I get
used to the idea. This wont affect your position with the firm. You didnt know who she was, and even if
you did, you cant help that we had a past relationship. He raised his glass. Besides, Im not that kind of
guy. Nathan finished off his drink.
Thank you.
Just get that report in and then relax until Friday. This will be a big trial for us both.
Jake wondered if Nathan was talking about the courtroom trial, or that of Nathan letting go of his ex so
she could date another man. Jake stood up again. I appreciate everything.
Just keep making me look good.
Of course. He turned to leave, relieved but still a bit concerned about revealing his secret to
And Jake, Nathan said, his voice stopping Jake at the door. Dont hurt her. Thats the only thing I
demand of you. Dont hurt her.
Im not that kind of guy.
Chapter Twenty-six
Dean Sheila Reynolds was much more forthcoming with the security tapes than Lionel predicted. She
complied with Detective Aurelios request to provide every tape they wanted, eliminating the need for a
Lionel spent the afternoon going back and forth between the officers scouring the security tapes and
Shawn, who worked with other officers on determining a secondary snatch location for each victim. If
they could find the killers backup location to take each victim, they might get lucky with additional
witnesses or security tapes.
So far all prospects looked dim and Lionels frustration grew with every passing minute. The
excitement from seeing the killer on tape earlier in the morning had long since vanished. They now had
more dead ends than leads.
Lionel had called Barbara a few hours earlier to give her the news that he would not be home for
dinner. In keeping with her good nature, Barbara didnt allow the slightest hint of disappointment to seep
into her voice. She promised to keep the security alarm activated, and he promised to check in with her
regularly. Sitting at his desk now, poring over Lucy Kims autopsy report for the hundredth time that day,
he wished he was at home with his wife.
Shawns phone rang and he snatched up the receiver. After a cryptic one-sided conversation, he hung
up the phone. They just finished checking out the secondary snatch location for Morgan Grier.
Earlier that day, they discovered where the killer might have planned to take Morgan if his initial plan
of taking her outside her martial arts studio at night didnt work. Her fianc let officers know that every
morning Morgan ran ten miles along the same route she had used for years.
Lionel lowered his reading glasses down to the tip of his nose and peered at Shawn over the tops of
the lenses. What did they find?
No cameras, Shawn said. Well, there are stoplight cameras, but they arent functioning yet. Theyre
more of a scare tactic than for actual use.
Just our luck.
Shawn lifted his eyes toward their office window and knocked on his desk to get Lionels attention.
Better look busy, he said, pointing toward the window.
Lionel turned his head and yanked his glasses off his face. Through the large window that gave him a
view of the homicide detectives under his command, he watched Barbara walk toward his office. She
balanced an aluminum tray on top of a kitchen towel in her arms and a paper bag dangled from one hand.
She fended off nosy detectives trying to steal away the treats she carried.
If youre working overtime, you better convince the wife theres a good reason.
A serial killer is always a good reason for overtime, Lionel said. He held open his office door for
Barbara. What brings you over here? he asked, taking the paper bag out of her hand.
No, Hello, hi babe, how was your day? she said.
Hello, hi babe, how was your day?
Thats much better. She set the tray down on the desk, ensuring it rested evenly on the kitchen towel.
Barbara, you didnt have to go to all this trouble, Shawn said.
Oh, yes I did. She wagged a finger at them. You boys dont need to eat any junk from the vending
machines tonight. Or worse yet, skip dinner altogether.
Lionel swept her close and kissed her. Youre the best wife a man could ever ask for.
Shawn cleared his throat. That remains to be seen.
Lionel let go of Barbara, while she glared at Shawn.
What? Shawn shrugged. I havent seen what you brought us for supper yet. Thats the true
determination of a great wife.
Barbara smiled. You wont be disappointed, I promise. She moved to the aluminum tray and
uncovered lasagna. Mouth-watering steam wafted up from the perfectly cooked pasta with extra
mozzarella dripping around homemade sauce.
Theres enough here to feed the whole division, Shawn said.
Thats the idea, Barbara said. Fresh garlic rolls are wrapped in foil in the bag along with some
brownies, but theres only enough of that for the two of you.
They will be gone before anyone else finds out about the lasagna, Lionel said.
Good boy, Barbara said. She turned to Shawn and placed her hand on his shoulder. And what do
you have planned for dinner Friday night?
I suppose Im eating at your house.
Thats the answer I was looking for. Youve been looking a little scrawny lately. Someone has to
keep you fed and healthy.
Youre too much, Barbara, Shawn said. Its appreciated, as always.
Show your appreciation by being there on time for once, she said. Seven oclock and no excuses
will be accepted for being late. If you boys have to work after dinner, then you can do it in the den with
full stomachs.
Ill make sure he leaves the office when I do so he cant be late, Lionel said.
I was only an hour late last time and it was because of a case, Shawn said. Leo can vouch for me
on that.
Lionel held up his hands. Youre on your own. I have to answer to her when Im late, and so do you.
Just come home to me safe and you dont have to answer for a thing, Barbara said.
Are you sure you dont have a sister? Shawn asked, not for the first time. Younger, of course.
Barbara winked at him. I dont have a sister, but I know lots of younger women that would be perfect
for you.
Go get us some plates and forks, Lionel told Shawn.
Thanks again, Barbara, Shawn said. Ill see you Friday night. He gave her a peck on the cheek
and left the office.
Barbara smiled and nodded. She turned back to Lionel. A few minutes alone? she asked.
He wrapped his arms around her again. Its much needed, he said. He kissed her tenderly. Once
this case is over, were taking a vacation. A nice, long vacation.
As great as that sounds, Id rather we save for the Alaskan cruise you promised me for our
anniversary next year.
Twenty-five years is quite an accomplishment, he said. I think we can swing both. Well just stay a
little bit closer to home for this trip.
I love you, Detective Edwards. She leaned in for another kiss. Please come home soon.
I wont be much longer tonight, I promise. Thank you for everything.
Barbara laughed. Its just lasagna.
Not just the lasagna and not just inviting Shawn over for dinner. Thanks for being so understanding
about me working late every night.
Dont forget working early every morning. And every weekend, too.
Yeah, all that, Lionel said.
Its part of being married to you. Plus youll make it up to me on our vacation.
That I will, he said.
Speaking of which, you better get back to it so you can get home before dawn. Barbara let go of him
and dug her car keys out of her purse.
Let me walk you to the car.
You dont have to do that, she said.
Lionel glanced at Lucy Kims autopsy report on his desk. Yes, I do.
Chapter Twenty-seven
Jake arrived at Emilys house ten minutes early. He pressed the doorbell and hoped he wasnt too early.
He clutched the dozen red roses in his hand like a security blanket held by a child curling up in the dark,
frightened of monsters lurking under the bed and in the closet. His monsters were commitment and, even
more terrifying, love.
Emily posed a threat to his way of life and inability to open himself up to others. Breaking through
chains and destroying walls, she left his emotions in rubble with his heart unprotected. She was unaware
of the effect she had on him, so he couldnt tell her to stop, and he didnt want her to. Jake enjoyed his
He raised his hand to touch the bell once more when the knob turned and the door swung open. Jake
caught his breath as he took in her appearance. Her clothes were on the dressy side of casual, with a
forest green short-sleeved top that flared at the waist, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of black high
heeled sandals that revealed perfectly pedicured toes painted in red. Emily had taken the time to curl her
hair and refresh her makeup since their lunch date. Her large smile lit up her eyes.
Jake lifted the roses to her as a hello.
Emily accepted the flowers. Thank you, she said. You really shouldnt have.
He shrugged. They were in the bargain bin. I didnt want the poor things to be thrown out.
She laughed. I suppose it wouldnt be right to risk the lives of innocent roses, she said. Stepping
back, she ushered him inside.
The aroma of savory spices filled the foyer. Smells amazing, Jake said.
I thought wed go with roasted pork and potatoes with homemade cinnamon applesauce tonight.
Hopefully youre okay with that. I should have asked if you have any allergies or if you are just generally
opposed to anything.
It all sounds fantastic, he said. But I want to know how you have time to make homemade
applesauce with your work schedule.
I wouldnt dream of buying applesauce in a jar. You wont either after you taste it homemade.
Jake smiled in response. He was sure she was right.
I need to get these in a vase before they wither. I wouldnt want that to happen after your display of
heroism by rescuing them.
He followed her down the hall and into the living room. The environment relaxed him, and he
explored the room while Emily wandered off to put the flowers in a vase. The walls displayed large,
framed photographs of sunsets and the vaulted ceiling with wood beams made the room feel much larger
than it was. The cream colored couch matched the recliner beside it, and both faced toward the flat screen
television contained within an oversized wood stand.
In the corner next to a round glass table sat a wooden rocking chair with a flowered pad in the seat.
An old patchwork quilt hung over the back of the rocking chair. The colorful mix of stripes and polka dots
reminded him of quilts that were around his childhood home.
Of all the items in the room, the rocking chair called to him. From its placement in the living room
down to the way the quilt was arranged on its back, the chairs presence exuded a sense that it was more
special than any other material object in her home.
When he reached the chair, he noticed an ornate silver picture frame on the small glass table next to it.
He picked up the picture and stared at the woman standing in a yard next to a little girl in pigtails against
the backdrop of a large oak tree. The black and white of the photograph didnt allow him to see the color
of the girls dress.
The girl clinging onto the womans leg with one arm reflected her love and trust for the woman. The
girl held a Popsicle in her other hand and drippings from the melting treat trickled down her fingers. A
large smile lit the womans face, and her loving, protective hand rested on the back of the girls head.
From his conversations with Emily, he knew who these two people were and the origin of the rocking
Jake turned at the sound of Emily behind him. She walked up until she stood beside him, and her arm
brushed against his. Her touch set his heart ablaze, but he refrained from spinning toward her and kissing
He held the picture up to her. This must be your Aunt Susan and you as a child, he said. And this is
her rocking chair and a quilt she made.
She started making the quilt when she found out my mom was pregnant with me. Melancholy laced
her voice. I know its been years, but I still miss her so much. She was such a kind woman, a beautiful
Jake handed her the photo. Im sure she was, the same as you.
Emily held his eyes with hers, and she reached for the picture. Their hands touched as she took the
frame and Jake couldnt help himself any longer. He lowered his head and met her lips with a tender kiss.
When she broke away from him, she graced him with a smile. Thank you.
For what?
Just for being here tonight. She gave him another quick, delicate kiss.
Jake smiled as they parted. He looked back at the table, while Emily replaced the picture frame. He
picked up a crossword puzzle book from the table. Easy Crossword Puzzles, he read.
She grimaced. I love crosswords, but Im not very good at the harder ones. This lets me pretend Im
Jake laughed. You dont need a crossword puzzle to show how smart you are. He flipped open the
book to the place where a pen marked her spot. The crossword had several letters rewritten throughout
the puzzle, almost to the point that the pens tip cut through the paper. You seem to have struggled with
this one a bit, he teased.
Emily snatched the book out of his hand. I told you I wasnt any good at them, she said. And
pointing out my mistakes negates the purpose of the easy crossword puzzles.
Youre the smartest girl I know, Jake said.
So you know smarter boys than me?
You know what I mean.
She set the book back down on the table. We better eat before dinner gets cold.
He followed her into the dining room. The glass table had two settings on white linen placemats. Two
wine glasses were filled with white wine, next to water glasses with lemon wedges pressed down on the
rim. Wicks glowed with bouncing flames from two white tapered candles in the middle of the table. The
roses he brought her soaked up water in a crystal vase on the side of the table.
She turned to Jake, looking concerned. Too much? she asked.
I never thought I would say this about a candlelight dinner, but no, its not too much. Its rather
perfect. He smiled and looked back at her. Of course a backyard barbeque with t-shirts and beer would
also be perfect, as long as youre there.
Thats a little cheesy.
Yeah, but you make me cheesy.
Then I guess Ill have to learn to deal with it, she said.
She led him into the kitchen, which was just as homey as the rest of the house and the source of the
delicious fragrances. She handed him a white china dinner plate and gestured toward the spread of food
on the counter.
At her insistence, Jake heaped food onto his plate and waited until she had a plateful of food before
heading back to the dining room. He laid his plate down on the far place setting and, in keeping with the
semi-formal dcor, returned to the other side of the table to pull out the chair for her.
Emily laughed. Next time were having that barbeque.
Sounds good to me, he said.
He returned to his seat and, before lifting his utensils to eat, he took in her beauty beneath the allure of
the candle flames. In only two days, Emily had accomplished what no other woman ever could. She
captivated him like no one else and the more he learned about her, the more she hypnotized him. He
always knew he would eventually meet her, the woman he had been searching for, but now that she sat in
front of him, he thought he must be dreaming.
He reached his hand across the table, palm up. She placed her hand in his and electricity shot through
his arm, just as it did every time they touched. Thank you so much for having me here tonight. He
squeezed her hand.
She returned the squeeze. Im hoping that well have more nights like this.
Theres not a doubt in my mind that we will.
Throughout dinner, they exchanged vague tales of cases they worked, since both were bound by
confidentiality. Emily seemed engrossed in everything he had to say, while Jake was simply entranced by
her presence. As they ate, they exchanged glances and smiles across the table like schoolchildren flirting
in the cafeteria.
After they finished eating, Jake declined a second helping of dinner while assuring her that he loved
everything she prepared. Emily rose from the table and retrieved a bottle of wine from the kitchen. You
always seem to know what to say when it comes to our abilities, she said, topping off his wine glass. I
can tell you deal very well with these things.
With what things?
Emily placed the bottle at the edge of the table and went back to her seat. The things people like us
have to deal with. Why is that?
I took a couple of years off between high school and college. I wasnt sure what I wanted to do, but
this gift we have made me question everything, so I traveled. I wanted to find others like us and learn as
much as I could. Jake hesitated as he formed his next words. He did not want to inadvertently insult
Emily. Ive met enough people like us to know that we tend to follow a disturbing pattern.
A pattern? Emily asked.
For the most part, were somewhat reclusive. We think that anyone who finds out about us will
automatically judge us and deem us crazy. I used to be like that myself, but then I realized I didnt want to
spend my life following that pattern.
I follow that pattern, dont I?
Its not a bad thing, Jake said. To a point, we do have to be secretive. We cant run around the
streets shouting to the world that were psychic. I cant tell my friends or coworkers, but that doesnt
mean I have to alter my lifestyle for fear of being found out.
Thats not what Ive done, Emily said.
You only have one employee at your office, right? And I imagine while she doesnt know about you,
Cassie does.
Of course Cassie knows. Shes my best friend. Weve known each other since high school.
And by default shes accepting of your abilities. But you only have one employee in a very busy
office where you already work seven days a week. Not to mention, youre signing an exclusive contract
with Heartland Insurance. Did you have plans to hire someone else?
Emily allowed a small smile, letting Jake know he was on the right track. Cassie and I had discussed
Yet you havent placed an ad, have you? Youre scared someone may find out about you.
Youre right, Emily said. Youre absolutely right, and now that youve made me admit my
shortcomings, Ill place an ad tonight. I suppose I should be ashamed of that.
Jake shook his head. On the contrary, and you dont have any shortcomings. You grew up being told
your gifts were somehow wrong. Your mom instilled that fear in you, so your reaction is natural.
If its so natural, why arent you like me? How do you cope so well?
I think its because Janie was so accepting of everything, much more than I was. After she died, I hid
who I was and lived in the shadows like you do. It took me a very long time, but I finally came to a place
where I realized that isnt what I would have been doing if Janie were alive, and thats not what she
would have wanted for me.
She sounds like a wonderful person. Insightful even as a young teenager. I would have loved to have
met her.
She would have loved you, believe me. Jake paused. May I ask you a personal question?
Emily laughed. As if weve not been personal enough. Every date thus far seems like a trip to the
Jake joined in her laughter. I suppose we have delved much deeper than most do on the first few
dates. Is that why you broke up with Nathan? Because you were scared you couldnt keep hiding who you
are around someone who isnt like us?
Partly. I didnt want to hide a secret from someone if I planned on spending my life with them.
Emily moistened her lips. But the main reason I broke up with Nate is because I knew I would never
love him. He was my first attempt at what youve already accomplished, living normally without fear. It
sounds odd, but I really tried to fall in love with him. Since we had been in a relationship for so long, I
thought it was expected of me.
Cassie thought I was crazy, that any girl could easily fall in love with him, but I couldnt force
feelings that werent there. Somewhere along the way, I didnt fall in love, but I fell into a comfortable
routine and I stayed with him much longer than I should have. Eventually, I realized that wasnt enough for
Jake took a sip of his wine and watched her speak. Hearing her voice merely say the word love gave
his heart a little shock. She took the emotion very seriously, and wouldnt settle for less. Most women in
her position would have stayed with Nathan, for his money and prestige, or even for the comfort she
spoke about. But Emily wasnt most women, and for that very reason he found himself quickly falling for
She gestured with her wine glass. Dont get me wrong. Nate is a truly wonderful man and he
deserves to be with someone who can appreciate him and love him without pretending. I never was that
person, but because I tried so hard to be, it took me time to understand I would never fall in love with
Jake let out the breath he had been holding while she spoke. You cant know how happy I am to hear
that. Not that I thought you were still in love with him or anything like that, but I was a little concerned
that maybe your gift was the only reason you broke it off. If it was and you realized it was okay to be
yourself around him and tell him about your gift, then I was worried you might be tempted to go back to
Nate and I will always be friends. We click that way and thats what made it so easy to be around
him for so long without having mutual feelings for him. Hes the closest thing to a male version of Cassie I
have. Without a spark, though, there was nothing that could salvage our relationship. Emily stood up with
her plate in hand, and came around the table to clear off his plate as well.
Jake mulled over his next words. Emily was being candid with him, answering questions that she
could have avoided. She had opened up to him in a way he hadnt expected. Hiding secrets from her
wouldnt benefit their blossoming relationship. I have to be honest with you about something, he said.
Emily tilted her head with curiosity. Her warm eyes encouraged him to continue with his confession.
After my meeting with Nathan today, I spoke to him about us. I let him know that we had been out on
a couple dates and that we would be together tonight.
Emily nodded. She walked over to the breakfast bar and set down their plates without saying a word.
Racked with guilt and worried he had just destroyed her feelings for him, he said, Emily, I should
have talked to you first, but it was a spontaneous conversation. I was worried hed find out about us and
fire me in some kind of jealous vendetta.
Hes not that kind of guy, Emily said.
So I hear. Jake pushed his chair back and walked over to meet her. He rested his elbow on the
breakfast bar and faced her. I had nothing but the best intentions when I talked to him. I really didnt
mean for any of what I said to come out.
Emily looked down. I guess thats why Nate called me today.
Jake jerked his head back. He called you?
Right before I left the office. Hes stopping by my office in the morning. I figured it was another ploy
to try to get back together.
Im sorry, Em.
Why be sorry? She locked eyes with him. You did nothing wrong. It would be awkward for you to
date me behind his back and thats completely understandable. Id question your integrity if you didnt
struggle with that. If anything, youre honest to a fault.
Her words relieved him and he smiled. Ive never been accused of that.
Well, Im also honest to a fault. Even if its accusing someone else of being honest.
Jake laughed. Youve just talked yourself in circles.
I cant help it. I cant seem to shut up around you, even when I know better than to say another word.
The backs of his fingers grazed her wine-flushed cheek. I dont ever want you to shut up around me.
Even for this? Emily leaned up and met his lips. She kissed him slowly at first. Wrapping her arms
around his neck, she pulled him to her.
His body fit perfectly against her shape, and yet he couldnt get close enough to her. Jake backed her
up against the wall next to the breakfast bar. As the kiss intensified, he reached for the bottom of her shirt.
He slid his hands underneath the material. His fingers pressed against her warm skin just above her waist,
and every part of his body yearned to tear off her restrictive clothing.
Despite wanting to explore every inch of her, he reluctantly pried his hands off her skin, smoothed
down her shirt, and slowed the kiss. When their lips parted, his forehead touched hers and he smiled.
They were both out of breath, and Emily bit her bottom lip.
Damn, he whispered.
I second that.
Jake moved his head back from hers, but kept his hands on her hips. He was concerned that vocalizing
his thoughts would ring hollow to her, but he wanted to have a slow moving and long lasting relationship.
A physical encounter this early in their relationship might do more damage than good.
Emily, I really want to be with you. I havent wanted to be with anyone more than I do when Im with
you. But I dont want to screw this up. I want to take it slow and get it right.
Me, too. Part of me wants to race back to the bedroom and have you stay the night with me, but I
dont want to mess up a good thing. She waved her hand back and forth between them. This physical
attraction will always be there. I never thought I would say this, but I really want to know you before
anything else. I want to know everything there is to know before we go down that path, and I dont want to
waste any time continuing to get to know you.
Of course. Im not about to stop seeing you every chance we get. Ive never met anyone like you
before. Ive never He paused, searching for the right words. Ive never cared about someone as much
as I do for you. Weve only known each other a couple of days and it doesnt make much sense
Yes, it does make sense. Nothing in my life has ever made sense the way this does.
Jake kissed her for a long moment, savoring the taste of her lips. He broke away when his skin
prickled again with desire. We had better go do dishes. I dont know how much more restraint I have left
Emily laughed. Between the two of us, Im sure the kitchen will never be cleaner.
Chapter Twenty-eight
It was always risky driving too long with a body in the trunk of his car. Though David kept every vehicle
he used in good working order and always drove just a hair under the speed limit while following all
traffic laws, any number of things could go wrong. Someone could hit his car in an accident. He could get
delayed in a DUI checkpoint. An overzealous cop could pull him over.
When he first started killing years earlier, he kept the bodies closer to home, but that also held a
number of risks, as it could give police a radius within which to search for him. He weighed the pros and
cons and determined the odds were more in his favor if he scattered the bodies farther away from his
home, rather than dump a number of bodies close to where he lived.
To help him in the task of transportation, every car he used was stolen, and he acquired a new one at
least twice a year. He could not risk registering a car in his name that he would later use to transport a
body. They were all newer vehicles and after taking them, he made alterations to their appearance.
Changing out the license plate, adding a dent here or there, even switching out the VIN plate on the
dashboard with one stolen from a junkyard. He kept several vehicles parked in the barn outside of his
farmhouse, and he used a different one for every errand.
Though he took serious measures not to get caught, the drive to a dump location gave him an
adrenaline-fueled thrill, especially when he drove by a police car with a decaying, mutilated corpse
resting in the trunk of his unassuming vehicle. He laughed at those cops unfortunate enough to drive next to
his car when he transported a body. They never knew what horrors were so close to them.
Tonight, he had yet to encounter any police, which was always better than when his heart raced at one
pulling up behind him. Wrapped in painters tarp, Jillians body hid in the trunk of the Ford Taurus he
selected for this drop. He always prepared the bodies in the same manner. Though in the beginning he
hated the cleaning part of his work, it allowed him time alone with the girl to relish her, and he soon
learned to enjoy caressing away any blood and debris from her skin.
Over time, he developed a ritual for cleaning a body. After donning latex gloves, knee-high rubber
boots, a long rubber coat, and a hair net so nothing from him could transfer onto the girl, the long process
of cleaning the body began. He first worked on the fingernails, even under the fingers he detached from
the girls hand, carefully scraping out any dirt or other debris under them. Once her nails were clean, he
used an expensive coconut shampoo and conditioner so her hair looked as nice as possible. He then
scrubbed her body with a creamy vanilla body wash, rinsed, and repeated. The smell of death would soon
override any special bath products he used to clean her, but at least for a short time the smell was
Once cleaned, he let her air dry. He did not dare use a towel against her skin for fear that fibers from
the towel would catch on her body. When her body was fully dry, he used a large magnifying glass to
double check the body in its entirety. If he found even one fiber, hair, or other evidence, he started the
process all over. Sometimes the meticulous cleaning could take several hours, much longer if he had to do
it more than once.
After he was satisfied he erased all evidence from the body, he rolled the girl into a tarp. From there,
he carried her upstairs and outside to her waiting transport. Before he brought each girl home for them to
fulfill their destiny, he planned out where they would be left for the police to find. He didnt mind if the
police quickly discovered the body because he left behind no evidence linking the girl to him. He took
care of every detail and accounted for every possibility. Even the tarp was destroyed when he returned
David threw his car into reverse and backed down an alley, stopping beside three green commercial
trash bins. The surrounding warehouses had been out of business for quite some time, and the buildings
were on a side street that had very little traffic, especially this time of night. If it had been a Thursday,
Friday, or Saturday night, he might not get away with leaving a body in the alley. A popular country bar
was only a few blocks over, and those nights were the busiest. Monday, however, was not a night when
lonely souls opted to drink too much and dance with strangers in the hopes of spending a few hours with
someone in their bed.
He had scoped out the alley weeks earlier, even though he had not yet decided on taking Jillian. He
encountered Jillian four months ago, long before he found any of the other women, but he wavered on
whether or not she would work out for him. Once he selected her as number seven, he knew this alley was
the perfect place to leave her body.
He switched off the headlights, but left the car running. He peered down the alley with a small
flashlight and confirmed he was alone. Trunk open, he took out the rain slicker he had placed on top of her
covered body and pulled it on over his clothes. He bent his knees and scooped up Jillians covered body.
Laying her on the asphalt about halfway down the alley, he lifted the end of the tarp and rolled her out of
her wrapping, using his gloved hands as little as possible to guide her. Back at his car, he tossed the
bunched up tarp in the trunk.
Gently, he lowered the trunk of the car to limit the amount of noise. He started for the open drivers
side door, but hesitated before getting into the car. Someone else was in the alley with him. David
frowned, as he had just looked up and down the empty alley before taking Jillians body out of the trunk.
Closing his eyes, he searched his mind in an attempt to discover if the sudden rush of fear coming from
the alley was real or imagined. As he emptied his own thoughts from his mind, he reached out to find the
source of the presence. He whirled around, eyes staring into the dark shadows, fully expecting to see
someone there.
David stormed down the alley, upset at the idea that he might have to dispose of a second body that
night. He had never killed someone out of necessity before, but he could not risk getting caught at such an
integral part of his mission. He was now permanently connected with Emily. He had sensed her every
second since he ended Jillians life, and she also felt him. If someone saw him, it could destroy everything
he worked so hard to achieve. He would be forced to kill Emily and leave Kansas to find another woman
to take her place.
He stopped at an opening to his right, where another alley branched off. His eyes adjusted to the dark
and he held still, listening for even the slightest sound. Nothing moved. David closed his eyes again, and
cleared his mind. The sense of someone else in the alley had disappeared. The only thing remaining was
Emilys beautiful presence. He must have imagined this other person, and he was relieved. He didnt want
to kill Emily unless he had no other choice.
As he walked toward his car, he reveled in the idea that she would not be a faraway emotion for long.
He would look into her eyes, touch her warm skin, and know what it was like to have his passion for her
reciprocated. They would truly become one in body, as they already were in mind and spirit. Once she
came to him, she would not be able to deny him, and would accept their destined future together. Now that
Jillian was dead, he would soon hold Emily in his arms, and she would love him.
Chapter Twenty-nine
Lionel pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut against his migraine. The investigation
seemed to be going in their favor for once, and then this. Another victim, dumped in a neglected alley
between two abandoned warehouses.
Shawn strolled up beside Lionel, his expression as dismayed as Lionel felt. He pulled latex gloves on
over his hands. Lets get to it, Shawn said.
Following Shawn to where Perry kneeled over the body, dj vu washed over Lionel as he put on his
gloves. Dumped next to some graffitied trash cans, the girl laid naked for the world to see. As with the
other women, her body was not posed in any particular manner.
You boys need to hurry up and catch this guy, Perry said when they reached him. Hes getting much,
much worse.
Lionel saw what Perry meant by his statement. The body of the victim was sliced up the same as the
rest of the victims, but the girls face was also mutilated beyond recognition. This is different than the
rest, Lionel said. His stomach twisted while he examined the wounds on her face. No part of her face
was left untouched by the killers knife. It feels...personal.
Why would he slash up her face? Shawn asked. If it was to hide her identity, he had to know wed
just get her name through fingerprints or some other means.
Lionel gestured to the six fingers lying on the ground beside the body. If he wanted to hide her
identity, he wouldnt have left those behind.
Its almost like hes showing off at this point, Shawn said. He wants us to see how cruel he can
The letter? Lionel asked Perry.
Perry rolled the girls left leg to the side, revealing the letter E carved into her inner thigh. Hes
back to doing it antemortem.
Shawn grimaced. So she felt every bit of the letter being cut into her.
As far as I can tell, she felt every bit of everything he did to her, Perry said. For this one, death just
didnt come soon enough.
Lionel closed his eyes. The wounds on the girls body lit up the backs of his eyelids. Why did he
carve the same letter as last time?
Who said its the same letter? Shawn said. It could be the start of a whole new word.
Hear me e, Lionel said. Could it be a name?
Your last name is Edwards, Perry said. He motioned for the crime scene photographer to come
over. You can start with her now, he told the photographer.
Lionel rose from the cracked asphalt. Whens the autopsy? he asked.
Tomorrow morning, Perry said. We had a busy couple of nights so were a little backed up, but Ill
try for sooner if I can.
Lionel waved goodbye to Perry and walked back toward his car with Shawn. How would the killer
know my name?
The press conference last week, Shawn said. Your name was mentioned quite a few times, and its
been in the news.
True, Lionel said, but it doesnt seem right. If I was the recipient of the message this whole time,
he would have had to know my name from the beginning.
Unless he was writing a general message and then added your name after he learned you were the
head of the task force.
Lionel stopped at his car, frustration boiling his face. Then why wont he just tell us what he wants us
to hear? His voice became louder as he spoke. Is he trying to say he can really torture someone before
they die? Or that hes mastered the art of chopping off fingers? Or maybe that he can make us look like the
most incompetent detectives in the country? Lionel turned and repeatedly kicked his tire.
Shawn held up his hands. Hey, slow down there.
Im sorry, Lionel said. He balled up his fists and held them down to his sides as he tried to calm
down. Im just getting tired of crime scenes and autopsies. What these women went through before they
died is really starting to get to me.
You dont have to apologize for being frustrated, Shawn said. We all are. Just remember, were on
the same team.
Lionel took a deep breath and unclenched his fists. Then lets start working on witnesses. I want to
know who this girl is and when she was taken. Nothing else matters right now but her identity.
You got it, boss. Shawn jogged off toward his car.
Lionel walked around his car to the drivers side door. He reached for the handle, but hesitated before
he opened the door.
Looking down the alley, the victims face came back to the front of his mind. Something about the way
she was savagely murdered bothered him, just as it had when he first looked at her, before his train of
thought was thrown in a different direction by the letter. Unable to remember what it was that nagged at
him, he climbed into his car and drove away in the direction of the police station.
Chapter Thirty
Emily glanced at the clock and sighed. At any moment, Nathan would arrive for their meeting. She was
nervous, not about seeing him, but about discussing her newfound relationship with Jake. She feared what
Nathan had to say, and why he decided to come see her only after Jake revealed to him that they were
Earlier that morning, Cassie left to meet with Keith about their Heartland Insurance contract. Keith
wanted to review the last details of their contract to make sure both parties were happy, and Cassie was
eager to get out of the office for something other than a case.
Emily was grateful for the reprieve from having to explain Nathans visit to Cassie. She sent Cassie
on her way with the assurance that she would handle the interviews they had scheduled for the morning to
add a new private investigator to the firm. She was determined to prove Jake wrong about her reluctance
to hire a new employee. Though having placed the ad just last night after Jake left, twenty rsums already
found their way to her email inbox. It wouldnt be long before they were training a new investigator.
Even though Emily knew the interviews were necessary, she really wasnt up for them, or work of any
kind. Jake was too far under her skin for her to concentrate with any effectiveness. She had become a
clock watcher, counting down the minutes until that night, when they would spend the evening in with a
movie at her house.
They wanted to see each other for lunch, but Jake was finishing up his jury pool report for Nathan for
Mondays jury selection. Once he completed the report, he would be free to spend as much time with her
as they wanted until Friday morning, his next meeting with Nathan.
She wished they had the luxury of being reckless and shirking any responsibility that kept them away
from each other. Nothing, it seemed, could stop her from thinking about him. The incredible speed at
which their relationship escalated should have petrified her, but she embraced their future. The only thing
more exhilarating than falling in love with this amazing man she met three days ago was the knowledge
that he was also falling in love with her.
Her phone beeped and Beverly called out over the intercom. Mr. Wolk is here to see you.
Emilys nerves jumped. Thanks, Beverly. Just send him on back. He was no stranger to their office,
having visited her several times a week during their dating escapade.
A moment later, Nathan poked his smiling face through her office door. Emily rose from her chair to
greet him and he pulled her to him in a large, familiar hug, lingering just a moment too long. While he sat,
Emily closed her office door.
She decided to sit in the chair next to him, rather than in her office chair behind the desk. As soon as
she relaxed in the chair, she noticed he wore the shirt she had bought him on their trip to a beach resort in
San Diego. A deliberate attempt to make her remember their time together, his choice in clothing both
amused and irritated her. Nathan always knew what cards to play, even when he knew better than to play
After he complimented her appearance, she asked, So what brings you out this way? Do you have a
case for us? She opted to play ignorant, rather than bring up Jake first.
You know we have our own in-house investigators, he said. If it was up to me, we would hire you
for all of our cases. Everyone knows you and Cassie are the best in town.
Thank you, but you didnt come all this way to tell me that.
No, I didnt. I wanted to ask you about Jake Hanley.
His direct approach to the topic reminded her so much of their relationship. Nathan never minced
words, and he had no problem putting her under his spotlight. I met Jake at the party Saturday night.
An unmistakable anguish laced his voice. So its true youre dating him?
You didnt believe him when he told you?
Nathan smirked. You caught me. Maybe I didnt want to believe him.
This shouldnt come as a shock to you, Nate. I was going to start dating again sooner or later. Plus
youve been dating Trisha for a few months now, so you really shouldnt have too much to say about me
doing the same thing.
But its not the same thing. Trisha is a rebound.
Emily flinched at his statement. Do you realize how bad that sounds?
Yeah, he said. It does sound really bad, but its true.
Maybe you should give it a go with Trisha. It could possibly work out between you, but youll never
know if you keep holding her at a distance.
Its much too late for that.
What do you mean?
Imagine you get a bowl of soup in a restaurant. You stir the soup with your spoon and a hair rises to
the top. You can take the hair out of your soup, but you cant eat the soup because you know there was a
hair in it.
And this has what to do with Trisha?
Youre the hair in our relationship.
Im not sure thats something I want to be compared to, Emily said.
My relationship with Trisha will never work because youve been in it, whether you know it or not.
Your relationship with Trisha will never work because youve turned it into a farce. Why are you
keeping her around? Cut the poor girl loose before you hurt her even more.
I already planned on ending it tonight. After I saw you Saturday night, I knew I couldnt keep it going
with her. The whole thing isnt just hard on her, but on me as well. When Im with her, I only think that
shes not you.
Pain stabbed Emilys heart and she accepted responsibility for his inability to get over her as easily as
she did him. She had led him on for so long in their relationship, had played the part of the perfect
girlfriend, even if she didnt realize it until the damage was done.
Im really sorry, Nate. I honestly didnt mean to hurt you. I want nothing more than for you to find
whoever it is youre meant to spend your life with.
I want that, too. I guess its hard because I feel like you were over me the minute you broke it off, and
Ive just been floating around without purpose, hoping youll change your mind and come back to me.
When I saw you Saturday, I thought maybe there was still a chance for us. Then I found out youre dating
You dont want us to get back together, Nate. You think you do, but you deserve to be with someone
who loves you, who will give you everything you need. Im not that person. I will always care about you,
but it stops with friendship.
As much as it hurts to hear that, I know its true. Nathan stood up and started for the door. Im sorry
that I came this morning. I shouldnt have stirred all this up again and Im afraid Im sounding rather
pathetic. He raised his eyebrows and huffed. Again.
You dont sound pathetic. Emily got up and turned toward him. But what do you really want from
me, Nate?
Closure. He walked over to her until she was backed up against the desk. He took her hands in his.
I need closure.
Her nerves kicked into high gear with his close proximity. She wasnt afraid that she would be
tempted to kiss him, but she was worried he might just try in a last ditch effort to get back together. She
shifted uncomfortably. I want you to have that as well, but Im not sure how to give that to you.
Nathan locked eyes with hers. Does he make you happy?
Emily noticed he hadnt used Jakes name since he first brought him up. Weve only been on three
You would know by now if it wasnt going to stick.
Yes, Jake makes me very happy.
Nathan nodded with resignation. I wish I could tell you horrible things about him. I even thought up a
few crazy stories on the way over here to warn you away from him, but I cant lie. I knew there was
something special about him the minute I hired him, and hes been fantastic for the firm. More than that,
hes honest and genuinely nice. I guess you could say hes an all-around great guy, which is rare among
our breed. He sighed and looked away from her. I just wish I knew what he has that I dont.
I know you wont let my relationship with him affect his job, Emily said, but I need for you to let
the idea of us go. Even if I hadnt met Jake, you and I had no chance of getting back together. Just tell me
we can still be friends.
Nathan squeezed her hands. Of course were still friends. I should have known you two would be a
perfect fit. If we arent meant to be together, then I couldnt imagine you with anyone else other than him.
He will treat you right and hell give you the world, Im sure.
Thank you, Nate. You dont know how much your approval of Jake means to me. Emily kissed his
cheek and wrapped her arms around him. Youll find someone so much better for you than I ever was,
she said.
He pulled back from her and smiled. I hope youre right. But when I do, Ill need your blessing as
well. Im not letting our friendship go to the wayside because youve run off and met Mr. Right.
Please dont be too hard on Trisha tonight. She doesnt deserve to suffer because of me.
I promise to make it quick and painless, Nathan said. He opened the office door. And I promise to
stop using your friendship to try to woo you back to me. You are far too important for me to lose you
completely by acting childish. He waved and left her office.
Emily walked back around her desk, fell into her chair, and picked up her cell phone. She typed out a
text message to Jake. Met with Nate, all is good. She pushed send, and then typed out another short text.
Miss you.
She chewed on her bottom lip and stared at her phone, wondering if she said too much too soon. She
didnt want to scare him away, but she also wanted him to know she was thinking about him.
Her phone beeped and his reply text popped up on the screen. Miss you, too. Cant wait until tonight.
Butterflies fluttered around Emilys stomach and heart, and she leaned back in her chair. She had so
much work to do before the first interviewee arrived, but instead she closed her eyes and thought about
the heat of Jakes kiss.
Her phones intercom beeped, dragging her out of her reverie. Beverlys voice filled her office. Ms.
Cobalt is here for her interview, and Cassie is on line one for you.
Please put Ms. Cobalt in the conference room, give her an application to complete, and make sure
shes comfortable. Ill be right with her.
Emily clicked the phone over to the blinking extension. Hey, Cass. Whats going on?
How are the interviews coming? Cassie asked.
Just getting ready to start the first one, Emily said. She pulled up Gina Cobalts rsum on her
computer to print an extra copy. How did everything go with Keith?
Were all set. The terms are exactly how we wanted them. Well both meet with him on Monday
morning to sign the contract. Im heading back to the office now. Oh, and Uncle Leo called. Theres
another body.
Emily drew a sharp breath, and the darkness returned to her mind full force. It had never disappeared
completely, but was simply hiding in the back of her mind while she met with Nate and daydreamed about
Jake. Thats not good, Emily said.
I talked Uncle Leo into letting us go to the crime scene this afternoon. Before Emily could protest,
Cassie said, Dont worry, the body has been taken away already, and theres no blood. I think if we visit
the crime scene, you might pick up on something the police havent.
I agree, Emily said. Ill see you when you get here.
After she hung up the phone, the darkness pressed deeper into her mind, tangling itself in the fibers of
her brain like a thorny weed taking root. She had to search out the source of the darkness to know how to
get rid of it. Walking around the crime scene of the latest body might be the key, especially since the
victim found there had screamed Emilys name while being tortured to death.
Chapter Thirty-one
Stephanie Price transferred the last grocery bag from her shopping cart into the trunk of her car. As she
pushed the shopping cart toward the metal cart corral, another shopper walked up to her and asked if he
could take the cart for her. She gave him a genuine smile and thanked him.
By far, Stephanie was the friendliest conduit David had come across in all his travels. Two weeks
ago, he met her at a bagel shop, where she bought breakfast for the office staff she managed. She didnt
become irritated when the cashier twice read her large order back to her incorrectly, but she repeated her
order with patience and a smile. Everywhere he followed her since that morning, Stephanie exemplified
But a kind heart wouldnt save her.
The strength Stephanie exhibited as a conduit surpassed even Jillian, but he was already geared up to
kill Jillian when he found Stephanie, so she had to wait her turn. Jillian had been so strong, and had
impressively reinforced the connection he had with Emily. It worked to his advantage to kill Stephanie
after Jillian in order to cement their bond.
Since Jillian, Emily was in his mind every second of the day, and even when he slept. It wasnt just
that he thought about her all the time, but he felt her with him. He still had a little ways to go before he
could summon her to come to him, but with every girl in his basement, he came closer to his goal.
Stephanie backed her car out of her parking spot and David watched her weave through the tangle of
cars vying for a parking space at the busy market. While she had been in the store, David walked through
the lot and knelt down on one side of her car, pretending to tie his shoe. With one hand on his shoelaces,
the other hand attached a small magnetic case containing a GPS tracking device on the underbelly of her
He turned on the application he installed in his phone, and in real time watched Stephanies car drive
down the street and toward her home. David turned the key to start the ignition of his own car. With the
GPS device active and functioning, it was time for him to set up the rest of his trap for her.
Every Tuesday evening, Stephanie had a standing date with her two sisters at a small diner. They
always closed out the diner, talking and laughing over burgers, greasy French fries, and chocolate shakes.
The owners of the diner were gracious to their valued regulars, and allowed them to stay in their booth
until just after the eleven oclock closing time.
Stephanie lived in Haysville, while her sisters lived in Goddard. Located on the west side of Wichita,
the diner was much closer to Goddard than to Haysville, giving Stephanie a long drive home. After
dinner, Stephanie made the trek to her house, where she lived with her roommate of three years.
Through his research, he found Stephanies cell phone provider had a five mile dead zone on one of
the rural roads Stephanie always used to drive home. That late on a weeknight, the deserted road in the
middle of that dead zone was the perfect place for Stephanie to run into unexpected road kill.
As David drove toward the place where he would take Stephanie away from the world, he thought
about his perfectly designed plan. His bold assumption that Stephanie would be the only car coming down
the road at that time of night placed an exceeding amount of pressure on him. Everything had to be timed
just right to avoid any witnesses.
One of the riskiest and most complicated kidnappings to date, David enjoyed the risk of the plan
almost as much as he would enjoy the kill. After taking Jillian in the middle of the day, he needed a daring
plan to keep him excited about kidnapping Stephanie. Just like Jillian cooperating with getting into the
back of his car, his plan for Stephanie would go just as smoothly. Very soon, Stephanie would get him
closer to Emily. After that, nothing could come between them.
Chapter Thirty-two
Climbing out of the backseat of Lionels unmarked sedan, Emily didnt know what to expect from the
crime scene. They passed two officers sitting in a patrol car, keeping tabs on the alley. Standing off to the
side while Lionel cleared them to enter the scene, Cassie and Emily pulled their hair up as Lionel had
instructed, so no hairs would accidentally fall and contaminate the scene.
After they donned shoe covers and latex gloves, Lionel admonished the women not to touch anything.
He lifted the crime scene tape as high as it would go. Emily stepped under the tape, but hung back while
Lionel and Cassie walked ahead, discussing the scene in cop lingo Emily didnt understand.
The yet unidentified victim was dead when her killer brought her into the alley, so Emily would not
get any readings from her directly. The killer, on the other hand, might have left a trace behind. If she had
been correct in her assumption that it was this victim she had heard being killed Sunday night, then Emily
would have a strong connection to the crime scene.
Nothing popped out at her right away, so she took the time to look around the alley. Because it rested
between two abandoned warehouses, there was not much to it apart from bits of debris floating in a thin
river of dirty rainwater. Other trash clung for life at the bottom bricks of the parallel buildings, discarded
and abandoned by thoughtless previous owners, much in the same way as the womans killer had left her
Emily noted there were no streetlights above the alley itself, and no other means of lighting down the
narrow path. The lack of lighting and the abandoned warehouse made this place appealing for disposing a
body, as opposed to alleys located off busier streets.
Three metal, dark green commercial trash bins stood against the brick building. Emily assumed the
graffiti on the trash bins to be aged, since the building had been vacant for the past two years. She knelt
down and looked underneath each of the trash bins, but only found more long-forgotten rubbish.
She got to her feet and watched Cassie perform a grid search, just as Emily imagined she learned as a
cop. The darkness flickered in the back of Emilys mind, and she turned her attention to Lionel. He leaned
back against the building and spoke to Cassie, but Emily tuned out his voice. With the darkness pulsating
inside her brain and guiding her instincts, she focused on his moving lips and cleared her mind of all
distractions. Her eyelids fell and she drifted into a hypnotic state.
The entire drive to the crime scene, Lionel had seemed worn out, with very little emotion. Upon
arriving, however, his emotions shifted into something Emily could grasp. Sadness. The crime scene did
not make him angry as she had expected, but left a deep sorrow coursing through his body. Another
woman had died, another life stolen, and he had been unable to prevent it. As with six women before her,
Lionel blamed himself for not stopping the killer, and he hoped he could find something to catch him
before he murdered again.
In the back of her mind, she saw Lionels lips moving, but talking to Shawn, not Cassie. Though she
had never experienced any psychic phenomenon like this, she focused on both the vision and the darkness
that fueled it. In a vignette-style movie playing only for her, they walked through the alley toward the
victims body. Her view shifted from being an observer to seeing Lionels memories of the crime scene
through his eyes.
He lowered his eyes and gazed at the mutilated girl, giving Emily a full view of everything she
avoided seeing in the case file yesterday. She leaned against the trash bin for support and her own eyes
welled with tears behind closed lids, but she didnt try to stop the images.
As Lionel moved his head to talk to someone else at the crime scene, his eyes scanned past an inlet
toward the end of the alley. He had blinked at just the perfect time, so it was out of his peripheral vision
that Emily saw the ragged tennis shoe sticking out from behind the bricks before it quickly moved out of
Emily opened her eyes, ending Lionels memories. Someone else had been at the crime scene while
the police were there, someone who did not want to be found. They might have seen the killer dump the
victims body.
She caught Lionel watching her, as if he knew what she had done. She averted her eyes, embarrassed
at accessing his memories without his knowledge. For a moment, she forgot her discovery.
Are you okay, Emily? Lionels voice was filled with concern, but mixed with curiosity.
Emily nodded.
Hey, guys, Cassie called from down the alleyway, at the inlet where Emily had seen the shoe
sticking out. You need to come see this.
Emily jogged down the alley behind Lionel. When they reached Cassie, Emily realized what she
thought was a small inlet was actually another alleyway.
Did your guys search down here? Cassie asked.
They searched about halfway down. Some of our guys walked farther up, but it was so far from the
actual dump site that there was no reason to search the other alleys that branch off from this one.
Someone else was here, Emily said. They may have seen the killer dumping the body.
Lionel furrowed his brow. What makes you say that?
Cassie pointed to a patch of dirt at the corner of the brick. The toe of a tennis shoe sole was imprinted
on the dust.
Okay, Lionel said, thats a start. But what makes you think they may have seen the killer?
Because they live in the back of this alley, around the corner, and down a ways, Cassie said.
Theres a refrigerator box with an old tarp over it. A shopping cart filled with aluminum cans is next to
the box.
He or she probably heard the commotion this morning when all the police were here, Emily said.
They stuck their head out around this corner to see for themselves, but they didnt let you see them. They
probably took off after that, in case the cops searched for them. Thats enough to believe they might have
heard the killer dumping the body yesterday and looked around the corner to check it out.
Looks like Im getting my moneys worth by hiring you two.
You owe us at least a couple dinners now, Cassie said.
Lets investigate this lead then and question our potential witness, Lionel said.
Cassie stepped in front of Lionel. Not you, Uncle Leo. If this person saw you here this morning and
didnt want to come forward because there were cops, they sure wont want to talk to you now. Emily and
I can handle this.
Lionel regarded both of them and frowned. I dont like it.
Theres a patrol unit at the front of the crime scene and you can hang out with them until we get
back, Cassie said. It might be awhile
Ill wait and Ill do periodic drives around the block to make sure everything is okay. I want one of
you to send me a text every couple minutes so that I know youre okay. Cassie opened her mouth to
protest, and Lionel added, Just text a letter or something from your pocket.
Well do it, Emily said, before Cassie could disagree. If they pushed it, Lionel would insist on
going with them or, worse yet, have other officers come to the scene to find the potential witness. Either
option could result in scaring away that person for good.
Thank you, girls, Lionel said.
After he walked away, Cassie turned to Emily. Did you pick up on anything else besides the potential
The witness did see the cops here this morning. He stood right here and watched from a distance, but
the cops didnt see him. I know this person can help.
Alright, lets take this slowly then. If this witness is homeless like I suspect, we dont know what
condition he or she is in. They could be mentally unstable, could be on drugs, could be intoxicated, or
could be perfectly normal. We need to be on our toes and prepared for anything.
How much money do you have? Both women had left their purses in Lionels locked car, but Cassie
always stuffed extra cash in her jeans pocket for those unexpected moments.
Cassie dug in her pocket, pulled out some ones, and counted. Nine dollars. She flashed a
mischievous smile. You know, I always wonder why I asked you to go into business with me, but some
days that decision actually pays off.
Emily ignored the playful insult. They may not even take it, but its good to have it on hand. Lets go
before Uncle Leo changes his mind.
They started down the alley, both keeping their footfalls quiet so as not to scare the person away.
Emily mused that they worked so well together they rarely communicated a plan during a case. When one
of them spoke, no matter what wild tale they told, the other could follow and keep the ruse going.
Reaching a dead end, Cassie led the way to the left and down another alley. Next to a tall chain link
fence, a dirty tarp with several rips through the material covered the refrigerator box Cassie had
described. The box was turned on its side, lying horizontal across the cracked asphalt.
The ends of a navy blue sleeping bag sticking out of the flaps confirmed that the man or woman used
the box as makeshift sleeping quarters. Emilys heart ached thinking about the person living here night
after night, with no real shelter and not knowing when they might eat again.
Emily walked around the box and found the rusted shopping cart filled with aluminum soda and beer
cans. She paused for a moment and motioned for Cassie to look at the cart. Cassie held up her hands to
inquire what Emily wanted her to see. The cans, Emily whispered.
Cassie scrunched up her face and looked back at the shopping cart. She turned to Emily and mouthed,
Emily smiled as realization dawned on Cassie. The homeless person was nearby and possibly
watching them. They never would have left a precious street commodity alone for very long, and a
shopping cart filled with cans would earn them enough money to buy a few meals.
Movement in the corner of Emilys eye caught her attention. A white cat with black and grey markings
snaked its way toward them. When the cat reached them, it ignored Cassie in favor of Emily. The ragged
cat rubbed its thin white face against her legs. It was not an unusual event for either Emily or Cassie. Aunt
Susan had many times told Emily tales of cats and their sensitivity toward people with gifts like theirs.
Emily tugged off her latex gloves. She crouched down and ran her fingers over its short, matted hair.
Hey there, pretty girl, she said, projecting her voice down the alley. She wanted whoever was watching
them to hear. Whats a sweet little girl like you doing back here?
Hes a boy.
Emily raised her eyes. A man poked his head out from behind a trash bin fifty feet in front of her. She
continued petting the cat and smiled at the man.
His name is Bob. You know, Bob Cat.
She stood back up, while Bob resumed rubbing his cheek against her leg, marking her as his territory.
I like the name a lot, she said.
The man came out from behind the trash bin and started toward them. He likes you. He doesnt
usually like people.
Emily restrained her sympathy for the man dressed in torn pants and a dirty flannel shirt. His tattered
shoes, the same ones that she saw in her vision, appeared to be the newest part of his outfit.
Out of the corner of her eye, Emily watched Cassie took several slow steps away from them, so as not
to disturb the connection Emily had with the man. If she moved too quickly, she risked spooking away the
only possible witness in the case.
When the man reached them, he ignored Cassie and only looked at Emily. Pointing to the shoe covers
on her tennis shoes, he asked, Are you a cop, too?
Im a private investigator. The cops asked me to wear these so I dont accidentally contaminate the
crime scene.
The man flung his hand in Cassies direction, but spoke to Emily. That ones a cop for sure.
Youre right. She used to be a cop, but she answered a bad call one day and was shot in her leg.
Now, shes a private investigator like me.
Once a cop, always a cop.
She extended her hand. My name is Emily.
The man regarded her hand for a long moment before accepting it. Im Sam.
Its really nice to meet you, Sam. She looked down at the cat, who still circled her legs. You too,
Bob. Glancing back at Sam, she asked, Do you know why Im here?
Sam scratched the straggly white whiskers on his chin and studied her. The dead girl. You want to
know who put her there.
Cassie gasped in the background, but Emily ignored her. The man who put her there also killed six
other women. One of them was pregnant. We want to stop him from killing others.
Sam hardened his expression. Do I have to talk to any cops?
Emily faltered for a moment too long.
I do, dont I? He crossed his arms and stepped back. I knew it and thats why I didnt want to get
involved. Im not doing it.
Why dont you trust the police, Sam? she asked.
Ill talk to you because Bob likes you. Sam kept his eyes focused on Emily and pointed in Cassies
direction. Im not talking to her.
Emily glanced at Cassie and gave her a quick nod. She obliged by walking away and around the
corner. Emily knew she would not be far, but she needed to be out of sight for Sam to open up.
In an attempt to further disarm him, Emily took a few steps toward Sam and narrowed the gap between
them. Why dont you trust cops? she asked again.
Sams face softened for the first time since approaching her. Theyre the reason I live here. He
walked around her and stood in front of his shelter. Well, I guess Im the reason Im here, but I still dont
like them.
What happened?
I was an accountant. I was married, had three kids, and a great life, but I used to gamble a lot in
college. I was really addicted, until I met my wife. I cleaned up for her and found a proper job. She spent
money like crazy. Everything I earned ended up going toward new clothes, a new hairdo, or a remodel on
the house. So I thought I could make some quick cash by playing poker.
And you became addicted again, she said.
I couldnt help what I did. Its a sickness I have. When I played my first game and won, I didnt want
to stop. I made a lot of money at first, but then I lost a lot more money. So I borrowed some from the
company I worked for. I planned on paying it back, except I never got around to it because I kept losing
money at poker. So I kept borrowing money.
Thats when you were caught.
I went to prison. My wife left me and got sole custody of the kids. They let me out of prison and I
found a job for a bit while I was on parole. As soon as my parole was over, my boss fired me. I looked
for another job, but no one wanted a felon with a gambling addiction, so I gave up trying to find a job and
I live here.
Tears threatened Emilys eyes, but she restrained from being too emotional. He wasnt asking for
sympathy in his tale, only answering her initial question about not trusting the police, but her heart still
broke for him. Thanks for sharing that with me, she said. I know thats not easy to talk about. Are any
of your children girls?
Melissa and Mary.
Sam, I cant possibly imagine how much you miss them. You didnt get to be a part of most of their
lives, and that must be a horrible feeling. The fathers of the women that were murdered, they are going
through the same thing as you did when you first lost your girls.
He went to his shopping cart and rifled through the aluminum cans.
She pressed on. Even though they watched their girls grow up to be young adults, they will never get
to see them again. Some of them never walked their daughter down the aisle, never held a grandchild in
their arms. For a couple of the fathers, they lost their only child. I know you can relate to these fathers.
You can help stop another father from losing his daughter.
Sam held his eyes to his cans, on a mission searching for something only known to him.
Emily walked over to him. Did you see the man who put the girl in the alley last night?
Yes, Sam said. It was dark, but his trunk was open and I saw his face with that light. Ill never
forget his face.
Can you make an exception and talk to the cops just this one time?
Will you take Bob home with you?
Emily lowered her head, her eyes landing on Bob sitting next to her feet.
Bob likes you. He needs a good home to feed him and take care of him. I cant feed him out here. I
can barely feed myself most days.
I dont know, Emily said. Ive never thought about having a cat before.
If you help Bob, Ill help you.
Bob lifted his head and gazed at her with sad, green eyes. Emily knew it was an illusion but her heart
told her a different story and made her think the cat was communicating his wishes.
Ill take Bob home.
No shelters, Sam said. He goes home with you and he stays home with you forever.
I promise.
Then Ill talk to the cops.
Chapter Thirty-three
I cant believe you did that to me.
Jake shifted on Emilys couch so he could get a better look at her. What did I do to you?
You made me cry. Why would you do that?
He laughed and walked over to the television stand. Pushing the eject button on her Blu-ray player, he
said, I didnt make you cry. The movie made you cry. He removed the disc and replaced it in its case.
I still blame you, Emily said. She picked up her wine glass and drained the rest of the liquid at the
bottom. You knew it would make me cry.
Guilty. He settled down next to her on the couch. But if you didnt cry when Frank Castles entire
family was murdered, then I would think youre completely devoid of all emotion.
It was a really great movie. She snatched the case out of his hands. The Punisher, she read.
Wouldnt it be great if he was out there now, taking care of all those criminals his way?
Vigilante justice is highly debatable, he said. Besides, hes not a real person. What he does on-
screen would never be allowed in the real world.
Emily giggled. He did blow up a lot of stuff. She handed the movie back to Jake. You know you
cried a little, too.
Her words pricked his ego. I did not cry.
I think I saw a little tearing up there.
You were looking at me through a mass of tears in your own eyes. Thats all you were seeing.
Emily leaned in, and all playfulness left her voice. I dont think so.
Her kiss was soft at first, but Jake grabbed the back of her head and kept her close to him. Their lips
matched each other in a heated battle, and her sweet breath entered his lungs. Jake tasted remnants of rich,
full-bodied red wine on her sensuous mouth, fueling his desire. He entangled his hands in her hair as her
smooth, flushed skin caressed the rough stubble on his face. He never wanted to let her go.
The nagging voice in the back of his head started up again, the same one that rambled about
commitment and settling down. It told him to go slow with Emily, and that they needed to wait to take their
relationship further until that perfect moment. It whispered Emily was the girl he had been searching for
his entire life and hed better not screw it up for what he assumed would be an amazing night in bed with
The voice won and he parted from her. He realized she must have the same badgering voice in her
mind when she said, We need to start having all of our dates in a very public location.
He moistened his lips, the lingering taste of her mouth a nice surprise. I think weve shown
incredible self-control thus far.
I dont know how much longer that will last.
A nudge on his calf grabbed his attention. He leaned over to get a look at the freshly groomed Bob.
Now that the movies over, tell me how you just so happened to end up with this guy between last night
and now.
Emily scooped Bob into her arms. The cat responded by rubbing his cheek against hers. Cassie and I
were helping out Uncle Leo on a case
Wait a minute. First you go to a memorial service for a case, and now you adopt a cat. What kind of
crazy private detective agency are you running?
She wrinkled her nose. It does seem kind of strange, but our cases usually arent this interesting.
Uncle Leo. Tell me about him again. Is he Cassies uncle?
Lionel is her moms brother. Because Ive known Cassie since high school, Uncle Leo and his wife,
Aunt Barbara, have always been like family to me.
Where are Cassies parents?
When Cassie turned eighteen, they took the idea of starting their lives over as a literal concept and
moved overseas to England. Theyre living their dream.
Cassie must love to go on visits.
She does, but were so busy at the office that she rarely gets to go. We have each other and we have
Uncle Leo and Aunt Barbara.
Jake scratched under Bobs chin, and Bob closed his eyes to enjoy the massage. How did Bob end up
coming home with you during your case today?
We were helping Uncle Leo out on a case when we met Sam. Hes a homeless guy who also happens
to be a witness Uncle Leo desperately needed. I convinced Sam to help the police, but he would only do it
on the condition that I take Bob and give him a good home. He didnt think Bob would make it much
longer if he stayed on the streets.
Jake regarded Bobs thin sides. I think Sam may have been right about that.
Emily smiled at the cat. Hes already fattened up since I brought him home from the vet today. The
vet cleaned him up, gave him his shots, and declared him good to go. He has a checkup next week to make
sure hes doing well. Im just glad he was already neutered.
And just like that, Bob gets a good home and you become a responsible cat owner.
Do you like cats?
Jake hesitated. They like me.
She grinned and swatted Jakes arm. Thats not an answer. Cats always like people like us.
Fine, he said. I like your cat.
Emily smiled with satisfaction. Bob likes you, too. She put the cat back down on the floor and
picked up their empty wine glasses off the coffee table. Would you like another one?
No, thank you, he said, as she walked toward the kitchen. You go ahead.
You wont think Im a drunk if I do?
Never. Bob jumped up on the couch and climbed on his lap. You deserve it for rescuing this cute
little guy here. Jake resumed scratching his chin.
A minute later, Emily sauntered back into the living room with a half-filled wine glass. He is
adorable, isnt he?
He is, Jake said. Bob walked across his lap and onto Emilys. What kind of cop is your Uncle
Leo? He didnt know where the question came from, but the idea of her working on a case with him
lingered in his mind as an unresolved thought.
Oblivious to his concerned tone, she stroked Bobs fur. Lieutenant in the Homicide Division.
Lieutenant in Homicide. He remembered a press conference he saw on the news a few days earlier.
Isnt that a pretty important position on the force?
Absolutely, she said, her voice laced with pride.
Lieutenant Lionel Edwards?
Her hand slowed in traveling across Bobs back. Yes, thats him.
I suppose with the task force hes heading up for the Wichita Police Department on that serial killer
case, he doesnt have much time for other cases.
How do you know what case hes working on?
There was a press conference last week and he was mentioned several times. Jakes stomach
twisted into little knots of anxiety. If hes working on the serial killer case, then what case are you
working with him?
Bob jumped off her lap, and she reached for her glass of wine. She took a long sip without saying a
No, Emily. Tell me youre not working on that case.
Emily shrugged. I wish I could.
What memorial service did you go to Sunday? he asked.
I shouldnt talk about it.
Em, its important.
The one for Diane Murphy, the fifth victim.
And where did you get Bob from today?
From the crime scene of the body found this morning. Sam witnessed the killer leaving the body last
night. She twisted in her seat and faced him. But the body wasnt there when we visited the crime
scene, so its okay.
Panic swallowed him, and he said, Emily, nothing about this is okay. Theres a guy out there killing
women. What if he was watching the crime scene and saw you and Cassie there? Or what if he was at the
memorial service on Sunday? You and Cassie could have unknowingly put yourselves in danger. Why
would your Uncle Leo have either of you working on this case?
Her eyes pleaded with Jake to understand. The police have nothing on the killer at all. The FBI is
coming on Monday to help out, but until then, Cassie and I agreed to take a look at things and see if we
could find anything new, and we did. We not only found a witness who saw the killer dumping the body
last night, but we got him to agree to cooperate with police. He sat down with a sketch artist this
afternoon and
Emily, I dont... Jake paused. He knew what he wanted to say, but he didnt want the words to come
out wrong. Look, weve known each other since Saturday night. Thats only three days, but I feel like its
been a lot longer than that. With you, I...I know and...and you know. He took a deep breath. His mind
battled against everything his heart wanted to say. I knew the moment I saw you Saturday night.
Emilys teeth tugged at her bottom lip. I knew then, too.
Because of that, I think I have the right to tell you that I dont want you anywhere near this case.
But Jake, just as we know with each other, its the same thing with this case. I knew the minute Uncle
Leo walked into our office that I had to be involved in it.
No, Jake said, shaking his head. That means you shouldnt be involved in this case. You should run
like hell and forget you ever heard about it. His heart jumped into his throat. He moved closer to her on
the couch and gently took hold of her arms. I want you far away from this case. Tell your Uncle Leo that
he needs to find someone else. The tears that she joked about him having during the movie stung his eyes.
Please, Emily.
The seriousness of his words touched her face with sadness. He could tell she wanted to convince him
the case wasnt a problem, but she remained silent. Jake had probably upset her, but he didnt care as long
as he got his point across and she listened. The idea of her being involved with this case in even the
slightest manner terrified him beyond all understanding.
Her resolve faded before his eyes. The FBI is coming on Monday to help out the task force. Until
then, I will only do very minimal work on the case, I promise. Is that okay?
It wasnt okay, Jake thought. It wouldnt be okay until she was back to her cheating spouse and
insurance scamming cases, but since he couldnt force her to stop, it would have to do for now. Ill check
in with you a lot more, he said. Now that Im off work until Friday, I have all the time in the world.
I understand, and Im fine with that. In fact, lets have lunch tomorrow. Im behind at the office so I
cant go out for long, but maybe I can sneak away for little bit.
Then Ill bring lunch to you.
Thank you, Jake, she said with a smile.
He pulled her to him and circled his arms around her. She buried her head in his shoulder and he held
her tight. He wanted nothing more than to keep her safe and provide everything she could ever want or
need. Whatever it took, he would make sure she was protected at all times. He just hoped his instinct
about her needing it was wrong.
Chapter Thirty-four
Stephanie Prices vehicle moved closer to his location on the GPS tracking application. For the past half
hour, David hid in the dark depths of a cold ditch, waiting for her to drive by. If everything worked out
right, her car would stop in the middle of the five-mile dead zone.
As her car neared, he moved into a crouching position, where it would be difficult for her to see him
in the dark. The black tarp he balanced on helped keep his clothing clean of any dirt or debris from the
ditch. He pulled the dead opossum close and tightened the grip of his gloved hands, ready to pitch his
football downfield for the winning touchdown. He had scooped up the road kill earlier in the day on a
nearby road, and the size of the opossum was large enough to make an impact when it hit her fender.
Headlights blared in his direction and he flung the opossum as hard as he could. It bounced off the top
part of her fender and onto her windshield. Her car careened and David took off. Low to the ground, he
ran in the opposite direction to his own hidden car. He jumped in his car and drove toward Stephanies
stopped vehicle. He pulled over on the shoulder of the road, not too far from where he threw the opossum
at her car.
David flipped on his hazard lights and climbed out of his car. As he approached a bewildered
Stephanie, she lifted her arms and shrugged in frustration.
What happened? he asked, with a touch of concern in his voice. Are you okay?
I hit something. It flew onto my hood and smashed my windshield. The whole thing is cracked. Youd
think I hit a deer.
He walked around the car and looked at the blood spattered across the top of the fender near the hood
opening and on the windshield. A large, radial crack spread out from where the opossum crashed into the
drivers side of the glass, while steam from her radiator polluted the air in front of him. He couldnt have
planned the amount of damage the flying opossum caused to her vehicle, and it all worked in his favor.
After hitting her car, the opossum had flown across the road to the other lane. Due to the kindness
Stephanie exhibited with others, David decided to play overly nice and concerned to gain her trust. He
pointed to the dead animal. Opossum, he said.
Ah, jeez, Stephanie said. I feel bad, but I never saw it coming so I couldnt avoid it.
Im going to get the poor guy off the road before someone else runs him over. David walked to the
opossum. Using the insole of his boot, he pushed the animal into the ditch, careful not to step in blood and
innards so he wouldnt leave an impression of his boots.
Thats very kind and thoughtful of you, Stephanie said. Im really glad you found me. I thought it
might be a long time before someone came by.
Do you need me to call someone or maybe AAA for you, or do you have your cell phone?
Stephanie pursed her lips and shook her head. Wouldnt you know were in a dead zone? I was
talking with my roommate, but the call dropped right before I hit that thing.
Yeah, those critters sure come out at the worst times, dont they? He turned around and glanced at
his car. Why dont I go check my phone? Maybe I can get service.
Great idea, Stephanie said. She shivered and rubbed her crossed arms. I dont think I could have
picked a colder night for this.
You wont want to take a chance of doing more damage by starting your car with the radiator
steaming. My car is nice and warm, if you want to hop in while I try to get service. I may even have to
walk quite a ways, so you can wait there to stay warm.
Youre such a blessing, she said, and she started toward his car by his side. I dont know what I
would have done if you hadnt come along.
Im just glad I can help. David opened the passenger side door for her and she climbed in. Do you
mind handing me my cell phone? Its in the console in between the seats.
Sure, Stephanie said.
She turned to get the cell phone, and David withdrew a syringe from his jacket pocket. He uncapped it
with his teeth and wrapped his hand around her face, covering her mouth. She screamed into his hand and
squirmed about the seat. The needle slipped into her neck. She slowed her fight, and surrendered to the
After putting the syringe and cap back into his pocket, David twisted her body and faced her forward,
with her head against the head rest. He leaned into the car and clicked her seatbelt into place. They would
take side roads all the way to the farmhouse, but to any passing cars, Stephanie would appear to have
fallen asleep.
David shut the passenger side door and jogged back to her car. He reached under the passenger side of
her car and removed the GPS tracking device. Should the police find her car after he dumped her body, he
couldnt leave that behind to trace back to him. After he got home and secured Stephanie in the last room
she would ever see, he would use his car to run over both the GPS device and his cell phone to
completely destroy them. The cell phone was a prepaid smartphone, and he had dozens more just like it,
all paid for with cash in different stores.
He slid into the drivers seat and paused to look at Stephanie. Even asleep, he could still sense her
conduit abilities. He brushed back her short blond hair, tucking it behind her ear so he could better see her
kind face.
Much stronger than Jillian and all of the conduits he used to connect with Emily, Stephanie would be
the one he remembered long after he was with Emily. He buckled his seatbelt and shifted the car into
drive. He would have to resist the strong temptation to speed home to get her in his basement and start his
Chapter Thirty-five
Lionel paced the hallway of the morgue, pent up anger fueling his movements. Shawn looked up at him
from his seat outside the morgue doors. Whats up?
Lionel stopped pacing. This has to end. This is the last time were waiting outside these doors. He
sat down in a chair and slumped forward. Seven women.
Youre right, and well find him. Were getting closer, now that we not only have him on the security
tape, but we also have the sketch from the witness.
Even though we can only see the back of his head in the tape, his hair that the witness described is
consistent with the tape.
Are you sure you want to wait to release the sketch to the media? Shawn asked.
Absolutely. Im worried if he sees his picture on television hell run and just start killing elsewhere.
Every cop on the force is looking for him. Hell turn up soon.
Did you talk to Aurelio or Timmons yet about the autopsy?
Not yet. I had hoped they would be here still, but we must have missed them.
The doors to the morgue opened up. Perry held open one of the doors and slipped his glasses on top of
his head. You wanted a leg up on this guy, he said.
Lionel and Shawn both jumped up at the same time. What is it? Shawn asked.
This girl is different. Perry said. I know your victimology has been all over the map, but this one is
not like the rest.
How so? Lionel asked.
Let me show you, Perry said. Aurelio and Timmons saw it at the autopsy, but I wanted you to see it
as well. He turned and walked back into the morgue with Lionel and Shawn at his heels.
Lionel hated going inside the morgue. He saw enough death in his job without having to watch an
autopsy as well. He had attended many autopsies in his career, more than he cared to remember, but he
still had not grown accustomed to them.
The first room beyond the main doors was a prep room for staff and professional visitors. Lionel and
Shawn both donned surgical gowns, latex gloves, face masks, and hair nets. Lionel always felt like a
buffoon in full garb, but he had watched enough autopsies to understand the need for Perrys autopsy suite
After they were dressed, Perry offered them both a jar of mentholatum ointment. Lionel took the
ointment, slathered it under each nostril, and placed his face mask over his nose and mouth. Once Shawn
did the same, they followed Perry through the door with a sign requiring appropriate attire at all times.
Death floated in the clouds over the autopsy suite, observing the mass of stainless steel, bright lights,
and medical supplies below. The large room contained three autopsy tables, each one on a slight slope
with a drain at the bottom of the table. A nozzle that looked like a showerhead dangled over the tables.
Next to each table was a scale to weigh organs. Coiled plastic tubes to drain the body of fluid sparked a
bit of anxiety in Lionels chest. What happened to the body during an autopsy gave him more nightmares
than the crime scenes he visited.
A stainless steel tray with autopsy tools appearing more medieval than those in a dentists office sat
alongside each table. Though Lionel knew everything had a purpose, he avoided looking at the instruments
that were used on the body after death. It was too much of a reminder that some bodies needed to be
violated in a gruesome manner in order to determine the way they died. Their victim was thankfully
covered up to her neck with a white sheet. More than anything else in the autopsy suite, Lionel disliked
seeing the Y incision, even if stitched closed.
After slipping on a pair of latex gloves, Perry walked around her body and lifted up the sheet to pull
out one of her hands. He brought down an overhead light closer to her hand, illuminating her index finger
and pinky, the only digits the killer didnt cut off. Look here and tell me what you see.
Lionel leaned over to take a closer look at her hand. This yellowing around her fingernails, is that
what I think it is?
Perry flashed a rare smile. Your victim was a smoker. From the look of her lungs, a pretty heavy
Lionel straightened with Perrys words. He turned to Shawn, whose face showed he was digesting the
new information with the same excitement as Lionel.
Thats why I wanted to show you. I know youve been looking for this and you needed to see it for
Its definitely something weve been looking for, Shawn said.
So why now? Lionel asked. Why break the one pattern in the victimology we had and kill this
Shes special, Shawn said. Something is different about her and thats why he chose her. He was
willing to go outside his set victimology pattern because theres another pattern, one we dont know
about. Thats why he went to such great lengths to mutilate her face.
Im sure these are all interesting thoughts, but thats your world, not mine, Perry said, his words a
polite dismissal.
We wont keep you, Lionel said. Thank you for showing this to us. When your report is ready,
youll send it over right away?
Of course, Perry said.
Thanks, Lionel said. Ive got to get everything we have over to the FBI for their review.
His statement caught Perrys attention. When are they coming?
Monday, Shawn said. And were to the point that were welcoming the help.
Just so they dont tear apart my work, Perry said. Then Im fine.
Understood, Lionel said. Again, Perry, thank you. This information is invaluable.
Perry escorted them out of the autopsy suite. After they removed their gowns and other protective
wear, they entered the main hallway.
Lionel turned to Shawn. As soon as we get an ID on this victim, I want to know everything about her
we can find. From the time she was born until the time she ended up dead in that alley, I want every
Shawn paused in taking notes. Shes the only one who is different, so there must be a reason for that.
Lets rush the prints through and then get everyone we have on this. I dont care what lead theyre
following, just have them focus on her. Lets look at any connections she may have to other victims,
anything odd in her background that can help us. Look at family and friends as possible suspects.
Shawn continued scribbling in his notepad. Do you think she knew her killer?
Lionel hesitated. It was such a slim chance that she knew her killer, and he second-guessed his hunch.
This victim being a smoker may not mean anything. What they previously perceived as a pattern could
simply be coincidence. The health-nut community was growing at a rapid pace, and it was possible that
six women who ended up murdered by the same man didnt smoke, drink, or do drugs.
But the same instinct that overcame him at the crime scene bothered him again. Since the moment he
saw her body, he couldnt shake the thought that something was off about the murder of this victim. He
wasnt sure why, but one thing kept going through his mind over and over.
Lionel looked up at Shawn. I dont know if she knew her killer, but he definitely knew her. There
was too much anger expelled in the killing for him not to have known her.
Shawn watched Lionel for a moment, as if contemplating his words. His cell phone rang and he dug it
out of his pocket. Sergeant Brandt, he said into the phone. After a brief conversation he ended the call.
We have a missing persons report for a girl who disappeared late last night, Shawn said. Normally
they wouldnt have taken the report since it hasnt been long enough, but because the girl is in the age
group as the other victims they put out an APB on her car. It was just located outside of the city, and its
very strange.
Strange how?
Looks like she hit some road kill and may have gotten a ride somewhere, but her purse and cell
phone are still in her car. Her roommate says that theres a dead zone in that area, and sure enough, the
cell phone in the car has no service.
Lionels instincts jumped. Get a crime scene unit out there now. If our guy is the one who took her,
we dont have much longer to find her.
Chapter Thirty-six
Lionel examined the windshield of Stephanie Prices car. Cracks spread out from the point of impact, and
blood and matter adhered to the glass. This is definitely from something hitting the windshield from the
outside, Lionel said to no one in particular. He followed the blood down the hood to the fender, where
the road kill first hit the car.
Shawn turned to Bill Evans, the supervisor of the crime scene unit that had investigated the crime
scenes for each of the murders. What hit her car? he asked.
Opossum, Bill said. He scratched his balding head with the end of his pen. Its over in the ditch on
the other side of the road. According to the blood trail, it hit near the top of the fender at just the right
angle and speed that it bounced up and crashed into the windshield, flew off the car, and bounced into the
opposite lane. Then it looks like someone kicked it or slid it off the road. Are you sure this is our guy?
There could be a dozen different scenarios for whatever happened.
Better to investigate and be wrong than to have the opposite outcome, Shawn said.
Lionel stepped back and watched one of the crime scene investigators fingerprint the handle on the
drivers side door. With such a meticulous killer, the chances of finding prints other than Stephanies were
slim, but they had to try.
He wandered toward the ditch on the opposite side of the road. Harry Parker, a crime scene unit
photographer, snapped photos of the mutilated opossum carcass. When Lionel peered into the ditch, the
smell of decay overcame him. He covered his mouth and nose with his hand.
Its bad, isnt it? Harry asked. Hard to believe this thing has only been dead half a day. He knelt
down and snapped a few more photos, before giving into the smell and stepping back. With a hand over
his nose, he added, Smells a lot deader than that.
Staring at the corpse of the opossum, Lionel said, Harry, you may be onto something. He twisted and
called out to Shawn to come over.
Shawn shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he walked up to Lionel. Whatd you find?
Lets get animal control out here to take care of this guy, Lionel said. He smells way too dead and I
have some questions for them. Make sure they send a couple of their most seasoned people and a
supervisor, preferably someone high up. I want people who know what theyre talking about.
Shawn knelt beside the opossum and pointed to the midsection, which appeared flatter than the rest of
the body. Are those tire tracks?
Thats what I thought, too, Lionel said, but its hard to tell in all the mess. If they are tire tracks,
then theres no way the opossum was killed by Stephanies car.
They moved in tandem back to Stephanies car. Shawn went to the passenger side front tire, while
Lionel inspected the drivers side tire. No blood or guts clung to the tread. He looked at Shawn, who
shook his head.
Shawn walked over to Lionel, punching in numbers on his cell phone. If you hit an animal thats
already been run over, it wont fly up and hit your fender and windshield.
It sure wouldnt, Lionel said. Your tires would just smash it further into the ground. Ive done it
hundreds of times on these back roads.
Its Brandt, Shawn said into his phone. We need to get animal control out to this crime scene as
soon as possible.
Lionel tuned out Shawns conversation and walked to the ditch by Stephanies car. He ambled up the
shoulder of the road, keeping his eyes glued to the ditch. If their guy had thrown the opossum at
Stephanies car, he would have done so from this ditch so she wouldnt have seen him. Not far down from
the car, a black tarp gripped the wire of a short fence. The dirty tarp didnt appear weathered like
something exposed to the elements for a long period of time.
He raced back to the car and flagged down Bill. Theres a black tarp in the ditch that needs to be
collected. I think our guy waited on it until her car passed. Lets get a couple of people to walk this ditch,
see if there is an impression of his shoes, even if the tread isnt visible. And check the tarp for prints.
If someone was in there, we may just find something. The rain has kept the ground nice and soft.
Have an officer tape off both lanes of the highway going five miles in each direction, and Ill get
patrol out to redirect traffic. If Stephanie was taken by another car, then he may have parked it off one of
these little farm roads. I want people looking for tire tracks, footprints, whatever they can find that may
indicate someone else was here with her last night. Start with collecting that tarp.
Bill gathered his team and barked out the new orders.
Lionel walked back to his unmarked patrol car. He planned on sticking around in case Bills team
found a footprint or something else they could go on. He also wanted to talk with animal control so he
could find out if the opossum was run over, and if so, when approximately that had happened.
Harry was correct in stating the opossum smelled way too dead. That could only be true if the road
kill was already dead and relocated to this spot for the sole purpose of stopping Stephanie Prices car
right where her cell phone happened to have no service.
A deserted road, no cell service, a trusting girl, and intuitive planning. All the ingredients a serial
killer needed to take his next victim. The elaborate scheme followed exactly what Cassie said about the
killer escalating his methods of taking women to get more of a thrill. They just had to find this girl before
she ended up on Perrys autopsy table.
Chapter Thirty-seven
From the time Jake stuck his head through her office door, Emily felt better than she had all day. When he
greeted her with a hug and kiss, the darkness retreated so far back in her mind that she barely noticed it.
She expected Jake to bring fast food or some kind of carryout for lunch. The lunch spread of
blackened mahi-mahi, wild rice, and steamed broccoli surprised her. He seemed pleased with her
enjoyment of the meal.
What do you have planned for the rest of your day off? Emily asked, as he packed their empty plates
and silverware back into his bag.
I dont know, Jake said. Ive not taken a day off in so long that I wouldnt know where to begin.
Even when I moved here for the job, I went to work the next day. It would be nice if you could take some
time off with me.
Emily grinned. I would love to, but Im still so far behind. Cassies been working half the nights
away in the field, and Im just trying to catch up on paperwork from her investigations. I hate that I have to
kick you out when it feels like you just got here.
Dont give it a second thought. What time are you getting out of here?
Around six, but I planned on visiting Mom right after work, Emily said. She squirmed in her seat
with the thought. It shouldnt take too long.
With everything you told me about her, I know thats got to be hard. Do you want me to go with you
for support? I wont intrude when you go into her room, but I can wait for you in the lobby.
Emily wanted nothing more than for Jake to go with her, but she worried about her own reaction to the
visit. If her mom was in a good mood, she would only insult Emily a little bit. If she was in a bad place, it
could get ugly very quick, and Emily might need time to decompress before seeing Jake. She didnt want
him to see her out of sorts and emotionally exhausted.
I appreciate the offer, she said, but I think its best if I go alone this time. Maybe Ill take you up on
that when I go again in two weeks.
Its okay, Jake said. I completely understand. Why dont you just come over to my house once
youre done?
Emily smiled at the compromise. Perfect. By the way, youll be happy to know I had seven
interviews this morning and we have five more scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Im impressed, Jake said. Any early frontrunners?
Actually, theres one girl from yesterday who Im really excited about. I think shed be a great fit
here. Her husbands job transferred them here from Austin, and she has quite the rsum. Cassie started
the background check on her yesterday, and if everything comes back good, then shell start on Monday.
If you already plan on hiring her, then what are you going to do with the others who are
Cassie thinks its a good idea to hire two people, and keep a list of good candidates for the future.
The new contract with Heartland Insurance is going to keep us far busier than we anticipated.
Jake took her hand. Im really proud of you. Youre taking a giant leap forward by interviewing
potential new employees and letting people into your life, when they may accidentally discover your
I think you may have a little bit to do with that.
Only a little bit?
Emily pinched her index finger and thumb together until they almost touched. Just a little, teeny, tiny
Ill accept whatever credit I can get, he said, and pushed himself up from the office chair. He
grabbed onto the armrests of her chair and leaned over for a kiss.
I hope for both of your sakes that this is Jake.
He broke the kiss and straightened up at Cassies voice.
Emily lifted her hand to her mouth and turned to Cassie. What are you doing sneaking in here?
I dont sneak, I move with stealth, Cassie said. She thrust her hand toward Jake. Cassie Reid.
He accepted her hand. Jake Hanley.
Finally, Cassie said, glaring at Emily. I was beginning to think you werent real.
Im not sure how to take that, but its nice to meet you, too, Jake said.
You know how it is, Cassie said. If I act too excited to meet you, youll think Emily talks about you
all the time and that might scare you off. If I dont act excited enough, youll think she doesnt like you at
all and that will scare you off. The perils of dating in todays world.
Jake chuckled. It would take a lot more than that to scare me off.
Cassies eyebrows shot up. That sounds like a challenge and Emily knows how much I love a
Was there something you needed? Emily asked Cassie.
Yeah, Uncle Leo called. He has some more news for us.
Emilys mood deflated and the darkness, which had been absent during her lunch with Jake, flooded
her mind again. Thats not good.
Cassie rested her hand on the doorknob. Never is. We can talk about it in a little bit. Jake, it is very
nice to meet you. Hope to see you again soon.
Likewise, Jake said. Cassie shut the door behind her, and Jake picked up his bag. Its about the
serial killer, isnt it?
Emily nodded. Now that Jake was leaving, the darkness threatened to come out of the shadows of her
mind. The same weakness she experienced at her house when the last victim died crept through her limbs
and teased the edges of her stomach with nausea.
You know I dont like this at all, Jake said.
I promised I would only do minimal work on the case, and I plan on keeping that promise.
You plan on it, but youre not one to just do the bare minimum. Before Emily could respond, he said,
Im sorry. I shouldnt be on you about this. I just want to make sure youre out of harms way.
Despite the gloomy fog in her mind, Emily forced a smile and rose from her chair. I know you do,
and I appreciate it. She gave him a goodbye kiss, lingering to keep him around longer. She did not want
to be alone, and contemplated taking him up on his offer to spend the day together despite the mountain of
paperwork waiting for her.
Call me when youre on your way over tonight? he asked.
Of course, Emily said. She let go of his hand and he left her office. After her door shut, she
collapsed back into the chair and covered her forehead with her hand. A headache set in and she closed
her eyes against the suddenly bright lights in her office.
She regretted not leaving the office with him and not taking him up on his offer to escort her to her
moms assisted living facility. The only one who could keep her mind clear, Jake protected her from the
malevolent entity calling to her from deep inside the darkness. She wouldnt feel safe again until later that
evening, when his arms were wrapped around her.
Chapter Thirty-eight
Crying came in all forms. Whimpering, blubbering, silent tears. Over the years, Lionel had sat through
every possible type of cry. As he had a thousand times before, he wished he had ear plugs to protect his
damaged ear drums.
As Stephanie Prices roommate of over three years, Lindsay Alcott had a lot of reasons to cry at the
disappearance of her best friend. Lionel did not fault her for that, but the hysterical crying had not stopped
since she stepped foot in the police station.
From the way Timmons warned him about her constant crying while he and Aurelio interviewed her at
her house, Lionel thought she would have run out of tears by the time Shawn brought her back to the
interview room. In the sterile room with the two detectives, though, her tears renewed themselves, first
with the concern that she might be in trouble, then with concern for her friend.
They didnt consider for a second that Lindsay had anything to do with Stephanies disappearance, but
they needed to pull every bit of information out of her. Having one of them focused on her comfort while
the other focused on what she could offer the investigation gave them the best opportunity to learn
something new. Because Lindsay appeared more drawn to Shawn, walking closer to him and leaning in
his direction, he took over the role of comforter for this interview. He moved his chair over to Lindsays
side of the table, gave caring pats on her back and arm, and spoke only with a soothing tone.
I dont know what more I can tell you that I didnt already tell the other two detectives, Lindsay said
through her shuddering tears. I told them everything I know.
While Timmons and Aurelio had asked a large number of questions during their interview, Lionel
wanted to try to get more information from her than just the basic overview she provided them. Lets
start from the beginning, Lionel said. Why did you call missing persons to file a report at four oclock
in the morning? What made you think Stephanie was missing?
She never came home last night.
Where had she gone? Lionel asked.
She went into town to have dinner with her two sisters. They always have dinner on Tuesday night
until late.
What does late mean?
The diner closes at eleven and she would head straight home after that. She was never home later
than twelve-thirty, even if she stopped for gas on the way.
Do you know the name of the diner? Shawn asked.
Lindsay rolled her squinted eyes toward the ceiling. I dont know the name exactly. I mean, I do
know it, but I cant remember. Its the one by the train tracks in the west side of Wichita. Its shaped like a
Burger Station? Lionel asked. It was a popular greasy spoon diner that he had been to with Barbara
several times, despite not living on that side of town.
Lindsay snapped her fingers. Thats it.
How long has Stephanie been going to dinner with her sisters on Tuesdays? Shawn asked. Is it
always the same place?
They love Burger Station and thats where they always go. Theyve been meeting there on Tuesday
nights for a couple years now, ever since their dad passed away. It was the last place they had dinner
together with their dad, and it was the Tuesday night before he died. They turned that last dinner into a
She turned to Shawn, water spilling over from her eyes. Their mom died when they were little, so all
they had left was their dad. Now they...only have...each...other. Large heaves divided her last words, and
her tears overcame her.
Its okay, Lindsay, Shawn said, rubbing her forearm. Were going to do everything we can to find
her and weve already fast-tracked the process. But its very important you tell us everything you can.
Even the smallest, most insignificant details can help.
When was the last time you spoke to her? Lionel asked. He already knew the answer to this, and
many other questions, but wanted to test her to see if there were any lies or missed information in her
earlier stories. Though he had no reason to doubt her story, he had listened to people lie about far less
with no apparent motive.
We spoke last night on her way home. She always calls me after she leaves the diner. We never
finished our conversation because the call dropped. Theres a place in her drive home where she has no
service. I tell her all the time to find a different way home, in case her car breaks down in the dead zone,
but she hasnt gotten around to it yet.
Thats very smart thinking, Shawn said.
Did you try to reach her after she dropped the call? Lionel asked.
I didnt try for about ten minutes. Its a big dead zone, and she usually calls me once shes through it.
Last night she didnt call me back, so I tried to call her and it went straight to voicemail.
Did that seem unusual to you? Lionel asked.
No, Lindsay said. She always forgets her phone charger at home, so I figured the phone just died.
What were you talking about last night? Shawn asked.
This guy she met at work. He asked her out, and she told him yes, but she really doesnt like him that
much, at least not like that. She didnt want to hurt his feelings, so she said yes. She was worried that after
they went out, she would have a hard time telling him she didnt want a second date, and she wanted my
Lionel and Shawn exchanged a look. Someone so nice would assume the best in everyone and be
extremely trusting. She probably wouldnt turn down help from a stranger, even from a man on a deserted
road in the middle of the night.
I said she should have just told him she didnt want to go out with him in the first place, Lindsay
continued, but she was too worried about his feelings. I think when they go out on their date Friday night
shell tell him she just wants to be friends.
And would she be? Lionel asked. Friends, that is.
Lindsay bobbed her head up and down. Oh, yeah. She wont lie to him about being friends just to get
him off her back. She really will become friends with him.
She sounds like a very sweet, trusting girl, Shawn said.
The nicest person, Lindsay said.
I take it shes pretty trusting of everyone she meets? Lionel asked.
Absolutely, and sometimes to a fault. She looked at Shawn again, as if they had some sort of bond
and she could confide in him. People arent always so nice, and she gets hurt from time to time, but she
never gives up on people. If someone hurts her, she tries to take the high road and befriend them. She
believes in second chances for everyone. Lindsay giggled and shook her head. Sometimes third
chances, too.
You said that you were worried her car might break down in the dead zone, Lionel said. Did she
have AAA where she could call them if she had car trouble?
Yes, but if she was in the dead zone, it wouldnt do her any good.
Hypothetically, Lionel said, if her car died in the dead zone and she couldnt call you or AAA,
would she be the type of person to accept help from a stranger?
I would advise against it, Lindsay said, but yes. She wouldnt think twice about it.
Lionel stood up, prompting Shawn and Lindsay to do the same. He held out his business card to
Lindsay. I really appreciate you coming in today.
Shawn also handed her his business card. If you think of anything else that might help, please call us
and let us know.
I will, Lindsay said, reading Shawns card. Will you let me know if you find anything?
Of course we will, Lionel said. Sergeant Brandt will show you out.
After Shawn led Lindsay out of the interview room, Lionel slumped down into the chair and looked at
his notes. He had no doubt that the killer had Stephanie Price. He had found the perfect victim in her.
None of the other women would have fallen for this type of ruse, but she would have trusted anyone who
came by to help. If the killer could con her into getting in his car in the middle of the night on a deserted
road, he was more of a deadly chameleon than they ever expected.
Chapter Thirty-nine
Emily never found the assisted living facility to have a pleasant odor. The hallways carried the distinct
odors of ammonia mixed with death, floating among decaying residents who came there to live out their
final years.
Though she couldnt afford much more than this facility, she rested easy knowing the smells inside did
not reflect the care her mom received. The nurses assigned to her mom were kind and gentle, and her
doctor always took the time to explain everything in great detail.
Emily signed into the visitors log and pressed a nametag on her blouse. Simon, her moms favorite
nurse, rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Simon was the first nurse she met when she
checked her mom into the facility six years earlier. As the only nurse who placated her delusional
tantrums without cracking under her insults, her mom took to him.
Easily the most difficult patient in the facility, her mom directed her infamous tantrums not only at
Emily, but also at the nursing and orderly staff. Not even the janitor who attended to her room could catch
a break. She rarely left her room and insisted her meals be delivered to her there, ready to attack anyone
who dared to come through her door. Simon did not let her affect him, but broke down her arrogant walls
and played her game. Even in her most forgetful states, she always remembered Simon.
How is Mom? Emily asked.
Simon released her from his bear hug and they started walking toward her room. Shes dreadful, as
always, Simon said, rolling his eyes. I was off work the past two days, and she refused to take her
medication. Earlier this morning, she threw water in Jennys face and claimed she wanted her executed
for trying to poison her.
So, shes back in medieval times. She gave him a sad smile. Good to know.
Several years earlier, her mom was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, even before the
Alzheimers set in. Her brash behavior became increasingly erratic, and her already sour personality
changed for the worse. She had been caught several times running around the facility half-naked, and had
overeaten to the point of gaining more than fifty pounds during the first six months of her diagnosis.
Her inappropriateness was offset by periods of time when she would stare out the window with
nothing to say. She made up for the holes the Alzheimers left in her memory by creating new worlds in
which she lived. Sometimes she was a duchess, other times a queen, or a wealthy socialite. No matter the
story, at all times she was rich and privileged, and she always hated her burdensome daughter.
Tell Jenny Im so sorry, Emily said. She hated any of the nurses being on the receiving end of her
moms bad behavior.
We all know how your mom is and how sorry you are about it, although you shouldnt be. You didnt
make her like this. We just dont understand why you still come around so often. I wouldnt if she were my
Emily questioned that as well, but locked up her thoughts before she shared them. I have a meeting
with Doctor Luxor next week to see about changing her meds again. If we can just find the right
combination and dosage of pills, maybe we can get her back to somewhat normal and shell stop
terrorizing everyone.
He huffed. Honey, anything would be better than this. Im tired of my co-workers being sent off for
You and me both, Emily said.
Simon stopped in front of her moms door. Best of luck, Em. Ill be nearby if you need help. He
wandered off toward a patient calling for assistance.
She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. Though the residents were allowed to decorate
however they wanted, her moms room was just as sterile as the rest of the facility. After her mom broke
the third plant Emily brought her, Emily stopped trying to decorate her room and gave in to her moms
wishes to leave it a dull beige and grey.
When she first came to the facility, Emily could only afford a semi-private room. It only took a week
before the director of the facility called a meeting with Emily and explained her mom had terrorized her
roommate. She had to either move her mom to a private room or out of the facility altogether.
Emily explained the financial strain with paying for even the semi-private room, and the director
agreed to give her mom a private room at the same cost as a semi-private. Once Emilys business picked
up, she met with the director and offered to pay the normal cost of the private room.
Even with the private room, her mom had been the sole force behind three orderlies and two nurses
quitting their jobs during her first year at the facility. It had been a rough road for all involved in her
moms care, and the extreme burden always weighed on Emily.
This evening, her mom sat beside the window in a reclining reading chair, her grey hair styled in a
regal updo, face painted with heavy makeup complete with red slashes of lipstick. She looked ready for a
night out on the town, despite her wearing her favorite black cotton bathrobe. Her reading glasses were
fixed on her nose, but she didnt have a book in her hands.
Emily sighed with relief. Maybe her mom had slipped back into a silent state, giving them both some
peace during her visit.
She pulled a visitors chair in front of her moms recliner. Keeping her tone soft so as not to startle
her, Emily said, Hi, Mom. Its me, Emily. Ive missed you and I hope youre having a good day today.
Her mom didnt respond. She stared out the window, distance in her eyes and a smile playing on her
Simon said you had some troubles with your medicine. Doctor Luxor said its really important to take
your medicine every day, no matter who gives it to you. The medicine will make you feel better, but only
if you take it.
Her mom shifted in her chair and continued looking through the glass without a word.
I met a man last weekend, Emily said. She was never sure how much of her life she should share
with her mom, but her excitement over Jake didnt allow her to keep their romance a secret. His name is
Jake Hanley and hes wonderful. I think youd like him a lot. He treats me really good, and he might just
be the one. He wanted to come meet you tonight, but I thought you and I should have some time alone
together. Maybe he can come next time and meet you.
No response.
Emily followed her moms gaze out the window. The night left the view blackened, and she wondered
what her mom saw that kept her eyes fixated on the dark courtyard. Business has been really great, she
said. Cassie and I are signing a new contract with Heartland Insurance. Its a lot more business for us, so
were hiring a couple new people.
Her mom lowered her eyes to her fingers.
Were working on a new case, Mom. Its really got me spooked, but I dont know how to tell Cassie
or Jake about whats happening to me, even though I should. I really wish I had you or Aunt Susan around
to help.
Emily pursed her lips at her moms silence. Her mom wouldnt respond to her, at least not tonight.
Given how peaceful her mom looked, she didnt want to stay longer and possibly stir up trouble. It was
always nice to leave her mom on a good note, even though it happened only once or twice a year.
She replaced the visitors chair in the corner of the room, and then went back to her mom. She leaned
over and kissed her forehead. I love you, Mom. Ill see you in two weeks. She turned to leave.
I used to have a daughter named Emily.
She whirled around at her voice. Mom, Im Emily.
Her mom looked Emily over with an air of superiority and snubbed her nose up. Youre not my
daughter, she said. My good-for-nothing daughter is dead.
She didnt let the words affect her. She had heard similar things so often, but she never knew if her
mom said them because she didnt remember Emily or if she wanted to hurt her. No, Mom. Im your
daughter, Emily. Dont you remember me?
Her mom pressed her lips together and sat up straight. She folded her hands on her lap and narrowed
her eyes. When that little brat was two, she started choking on some of my expensive hard candy she
stole out of my crystal candy dish. Her worthless father removed the candy from her throat, but he should
have let her choke to death. Would have saved me a heap of trouble.
The story was not part of her moms fantasy world. Emily had heard many times from Aunt Susan how
her father performed the Heimlich maneuver on his young daughter. It was the last part of her moms
statement that ripped her heart to shreds.
Emily clamped her hand over her mouth. Mom, you cant mean that. Her muffled voice trembled
under the weight of her moms words. Her stomach tightened, and without warning the darkness overcame
her mind. She clutched her stomach and fought against the nausea brewing deep inside her gut.
Hes going to get you. I can smell the filth all over you. Her mom turned toward her, flinging hatred
at Emily from her eyes. You deserve whats coming.
Emily raced out of the room and slammed the door shut. She crouched on the ground outside of the
door with her tear-streaked face buried in her hands and tried to shut out the sound of her moms cruel
laughter from the other side of the door. Someone knelt down in front of her and grabbed her shoulders.
She lifted her head just enough to see Simons kind face.
Oh, Emily, he said, enveloping her in his arms. Whatever she said to you, she didnt mean it.
She meant it, Emily said through her tears. Shes always meant it. Shes just never said it before.
Simon squeezed her tighter. Emily was glad Jake wasnt here to witness her break apart like this, but
part of her wished he was with her now. Despite everything her mom said, her last statements scared
Emily the most. The darkness loomed in the front of her mind, and Emily realized if she didnt find a way
to get rid of it soon, her moms prophecy would come true.
Chapter Forty
Emilys visit to her mother was not going well. Her sadness washed over David as if he experienced the
emotion firsthand. He finished pulling the fitted sheet over the queen size mattress, and sat down on the
edge of the bed for a quick break to catch his breath. When he connected with Emily, he hadnt prepared
for the toll the connection would take. The physical manifestation of their connection probably had a
worse effect on her, but it still taxed him at times and drained his energy.
Earlier that evening, he had followed Emily from her workplace to the assisted living facility where
her mother lived. From his research on her, he learned her mother suffered from frontotemporal dementia
and Alzheimers.
Their relationship was not typical of mother-daughter. He had watched Emily leave the facility enough
times with tear-stained cheeks and red eyes to know they were not tears of sadness for her mothers
condition, but remnants of the frayed emotions she experienced while visiting her mother. That woman
would likely die behind the doors of that facility, and her death couldnt come soon enough for David
after the way she treated her daughter. Maybe once he was with Emily, he would expedite her mothers
After he watched Emily pull into the facility tonight, he drove his car past the entrance and toward his
home. There was no need to stay through her visit, or risk the temptation to go inside the facility itself and
get closer to Emily. It wouldnt be long until she came to him.
He looked around the room he prepared for her. He needed to get a few more things and finish making
her bed. They wouldnt stay long, but he still wanted it to be nice for her for the one night she was here.
After that, they would move to the other house he had ready for them, far away from Kansas. Neither of
them would have to worry about a thing once they were in their new home and sealed off from the rest of
the world.
Stephanie waited for him in the basement. He had gone down earlier in the day to provide her with a
ham sandwich on a small paper plate and bottled water. He gave her no utensils or glass, nothing she
could use to try to attack him. She needed to retain some of her strength so she could contact Emily, and
since he didnt plan on killing her until tomorrow evening, she would need food later tonight and
tomorrow as well.
He didnt mind feeding her. Keeping Jillian for several hours proved beneficial. If he kept Stephanie
alive for two full days, her fear would be at such great heights that she would connect him to Emily on a
much deeper level.
When he delivered her food earlier, her growing fear pleased him. He placed the sandwich and water
in front of her on the ground, and sat down several feet in front of her without saying a word. He watched
her for almost an hour, as she debated whether to eat, and then finally gave into her hunger.
After she ate, she fidgeted and tried to ignore him. A flurry of questions came next. Who was he, what
was she doing there, what did he want with her? The endless questions amused him even more when she
screamed at him and broke down crying.
David picked up the flat sheet from the top of the dresser and finished dressing the mattress. He
headed to the kitchen, ready to make dinner for Stephanie. He couldnt wait to watch her squirm again,
and he knew it would take all the self-control he could muster to not kill her tonight. If only Emily knew
all the sacrifices he made for her. Maybe one day he would tell her.
Chapter Forty-one
Lionel tucked his cell phone into the pocket of his pants. Ever since Lindsay Alcott left the station
yesterday, Emilys name came to mind as someone he wanted to talk with Lindsay. Cassie was
unavailable to go with her, but Emily agreed to go to Lindsays home that afternoon to see if she could get
any other information to help with the investigation.
As he sipped his morning coffee, he stared at his desk phone, waiting for the all-important call from
Shawn to see if they had a match on their latest victims fingerprints. With Stephanies abduction, their
rush on the identification of the last victim fell through the cracks. It happened sometimes, but it didnt
make him feel any better about sitting on an unidentified body.
Movement in the department outside of Lionels office caught his attention and he looked through the
window. Shawn ran through the office with a file in hand and rushed through their office door. Whats
going on? Lionel asked.
We have a match on the prints for our victim. He sat in a chair opposite of Lionel. Jillian Waters.
Where did you get the prints from?
She has a record, Shawn said, with an excited smile that Lionel had not seen on his face in almost a
Assuming he didnt hear Shawn correctly, he flinched. A record?
Well, it would have been a record if she had been prosecuted, but she was never formally charged
after her arrest.
What would the record have been for?
Hit and run. It was four months ago, but like I said, they never prosecuted her. Case never went to
court and no deal was made. Prosecutors decision.
If there was an arrest and no deal made, why would a hit and run not go to court? Lionel asked.
Was there not enough evidence?
Not sure. The lead officer on the case was Betsy Rogers.
A young up-and-comer slated to move up the ranks fast, Officer Betsy Rogers was well-known in the
upper circles of the police department. The divisions were preemptively fighting over her, but Lionel
knew he would win and get her in Homicide. They were all just biding their time until she took her
detective exam.
How did Rogers end up with a case that wasnt prosecuted? Lionel asked. Shes a great officer
and seals up her cases pretty tight.
Im not sure. You want me to get her up here?
Right away, Lionel said. Something is completely off with this victim. First the smoking, the
personal attack with mutilating her face, and now this. I think Rogers may have some answers for us, even
if she doesnt know it. I dont care what shes doing or where shes working. Track her down and Ill get
clearance from the top to pull her.
You got it. Shawn ran off toward the main hallway.
As Lionel headed to the Chiefs office to get approval to pull Officer Rogers from her duties, his mind
raced. Since the case started ten and a half weeks ago with the first body, he was never closer to catching
this killer than he was now. The killer had been captured on a security tape before he took Lucy Kim, and
was seen by a homeless man as he dumped Jillians body.
With Jillians identification, they had more questions that indicated more mistakes. Somewhere in
their building was an officer who knew more about their case than she realized, and she might just be the
key to preventing Stephanie Price from suffering a horrific death.
Chapter Forty-two
Would you like some hot tea? Its kind of a chilly day out there.
Emily smiled at Lindsay Alcott. I would love some tea. Any kind is fine with me.
I had just put the kettle on when you came over, Lindsay said. You look like you take a couple
teaspoons of sugar.
Emilys smile grew. Youre very good at this.
I wish I could be more accommodating. Ever since... Lindsay trailed off and lowered herself into
the recliner next to the couch. Well, lets just say that I havent had it much together.
Thats completely understandable, and youve been more than accommodating. She leaned back into
the plush couch and sorted through her thoughts about how to approach Lindsay to get the most information
from her. Recognizing Lindsays frayed appearance, she settled on casual conversation. Hoping to put
Lindsay at ease, Emily had already opted not to bring a notepad to take notes. Appearing official in any
manner might hinder their conversation.
Youre not a cop, are you?
Emily had heard the same question a hundred times. No, Im a private investigator. My firm helps the
police out from time to time, and they asked me to come here and speak with you today.
Lindsays shoulders dropped and she relaxed in her chair. When Lieutenant Edwards said you were
coming over this afternoon, I was worried it would be all the same questions Ive answered before. Im
so tired of answering the same questions.
I cant promise that I wont ask you some of the same questions, but Im really just here to listen to
you. You can talk about whatever you want, even if its not directly related to Stephanie.
The shrill whistle of the tea kettle jerked Lindsay in her chair. Her hand landed on her chest. Im
sorry. Im a little on edge since Stephanie went missing. If youll excuse me, Ill be right back with our
tea. Lindsay breezed past Emily and into the kitchen.
Emily took the opportunity to roam around the living room. The house had charming, vintage dcor
that seemed much older than the two women who lived there, both of whom were in their late twenties.
The small living room had just enough space for a brick fireplace, allowing occupants to keep warm
during the harsh winter nights.
On the fireplace mantel, Emily examined framed photographs. The left side appeared dedicated to
Stephanie and her family, while the right side had photos of Lindsay and her family. Pictures of the women
together in various locations sat in the center of the mantel. An exotic beach, the St. Louis arch, and the
Grand Canyon were just a few of their travel destinations depicted in the photographs.
We love to travel together.
Emily whirled around at the sound of Lindsays voice. I can tell. From the looks of these photos,
youve been far more places than I ever have.
Lindsay placed two teacups with coasters on the glass coffee table. We probably could afford to rent
a house twice this size, but instead we save our money and pick another vacation spot. Were going to
Canada in two months.
Emily made her way back to the couch. She settled into the cushions and took a sip of the steaming tea.
Lindsay tugged on her necklace and looked off in the distance. Stephanie is so excited to go. She
picked out the location, hotel, everything. Tears welled in her eyes and her voice softened. She always
does such a good job planning our trips. We will never stop traveling together, no matter if were both
married with fourteen kids each.
Emily set her teacup on the coffee table. She decided to change the subject to help get Lindsays mind
off the fact that she might not see her best friend again. Where did you two meet?
In high school. She was such a tomboy back then. I was the girly girl and I kept trying to put makeup
and a dress on her like she was my personal, life-size doll. Lindsay laughed. She hated me for it, but
even though we were complete opposites we clicked so well. I knew from the minute we met that she
would be my best friend for the rest of my life.
Emily crossed her arms, leaned back, and listened to Lindsay tell stories of their youth for the next
half hour. It all seemed very similar to her own story with Cassie. While neither of them had been
tomboys in high school, once they met it was as if they were destined to become best friends.
The more stories she told of the two, the more Lindsays emotional pain became real for Emily. She
couldnt imagine her life without Cassie. It would be like losing a chunk of her soul and she would
probably never recover from it.
Are you going to tell Lieutenant Edwards and Sergeant Brandt everything we talk about today?
Lindsay asked.
Lindsays earlier question about whether Emily was a cop came back to mind. Not necessarily. Ill
only tell them things if its relevant to their search for Stephanie. Is there something you want to tell me
that you dont want the police to know?
Its not related to Stephanies disappearance, Lindsay said. Its stupid, really, and Im not sure why
I would bring it up, except I feel like I can confide in you.
Emily moved to the edge of the couch cushion and touched Lindsays arm. Nothing you tell me is
stupid. As long as it doesnt affect the investigation like you say, I wont tell the police anything. If what
you say might help their investigation, Ill give you the courtesy of letting you know that I need to tell
Youre definitely not a cop, Lindsay said. They would never be that good about things like this.
She let out a sigh. When I met Stephanie, we were both going through a pretty rough time. She was a
stutterer and had been for most of her life. Even though she went through therapy to help her, most of the
kids in high school knew about her previous problems, so it was still tough for her sometimes.
Kids can be cruel, but it sounds like she has a good friend in you.
She helped me as much as I helped her. See, Im psychic, in a strange sort of way.
The hairs on Emilys arms bristled and she tried to keep her composure. What do you mean?
Its not like those who claim to see the future or talk to the dead. Those people are just out to steal
money from the vulnerable and unsuspecting. I sense things. At times its stronger than others, but its
always things that a normal person wouldnt know.
The conversation was virtually identical to the one Emily had with Tara Murphy a few days earlier at
the memorial service for Diane Murphy.
When I met Stephanie, it was as if a puzzle piece of who I am snapped into place. Whenever were
around each other, my psychic tendencies are much stronger than when we are not together.
So, when you said earlier that you havent had it together since she disappeared
Part of that is because of the way she helps my gift function, Lindsay said. I never could understand
it, but thats how it works for me. Stephanie helped me out in high school as I was trying to figure out
what was wrong with me, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Emily withdrew her hand from Lindsays arm. What she described was how Emily felt with Cassie
and the strength that Cassie brought to her gift. Even Lindsays experiences in high school and how
Stephanie helped her cope with her gift reminded Emily of how Cassie helped her in high school.
In just the past few days, Emily had met two women connected to the case who were like her. The
chances of that happening in even a year were very slim. That the women were close with two of the
killers victims couldnt be a coincidence.
She didnt know what it all meant, but there was someone who could help her make sense of
everything. Aunt Susans friend, Marta Mendez, had far more experience with these things than Emily. Not
only could she explain these coincidences, but she could help Emily figure out why the victims called her
name, and how to banish the darkness from her mind before it completely took over.
Chapter Forty-three
At first glance, Officer Betsy Rogers was a homely girl who seemed to be both unconcerned with her
appearance and unable to restrain an out-of-control suspect. Both assumptions were untrue. Department
guidelines allowed women to wear only minimal or natural makeup to remain professional, unless an
undercover assignment required otherwise. Likewise, all female officers wore their hair in such a manner
that it did not touch their uniform collars.
Officer Rogers opted for no makeup and a tight bun, and her appearance reflected the pride of her
position within the force. Her small stature fooled many, but Lionel was well aware that her physical
capabilities far outweighed many of the male officers in her division.
Lionel rose from his chair when Officer Rogers entered his office with a notepad and pen clutched to
her chest. He greeted her, and gestured to the chair across from him. Please, have a seat.
Thank you, sir. The subtle shakiness in her voice conveyed her nerves about the meeting and her
concern about why he had taken her off her patrol route mid-shift.
Officer Rogers, I understand you want to play with the big boys in homicide after you pass your
detective exam.
Yes, sir.
Most rookie detectives have to pay their dues in other divisions before coming to homicide. Why
should we treat you any different?
Sir, my test scores are off the charts. I spent four years in the United States Marine Corps and earned
high commendations. I have a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice, which I obtained while a rookie on
the force, and I graduated summa cum laude.
Lionel smiled. I didnt ask for your rsum.
Officer Rogers relaxed a bit in her chair. My father was a homicide detective with the LAPD for ten
years. He transferred to the Wichita Police Department and finished out his career here before he passed
away. My grandfather also was a homicide detective for the LAPD for most of his career until he retired.
I understand your four older brothers are also detectives. One here in Wichita, one in Omaha, and
two in Kansas City. Are they also in homicide?
No, sir. They are still working their way up.
And you want to beat them.
She allowed a small smile. Yes, sir.
So why not go to the LAPD? With your high test scores and your family history, they would snatch
you up without question. Theyre far more prestigious than this small, Midwest town.
Sir, Wichita is the largest city in Kansas. That may be small to the people in Los Angeles, but to me
its very large and very important. I was born and raised right here in tornado alley. These are my people
and I intend to stay here until I retire.
Her words sealed Lionels decision to bring her into the homicide fold. When do you take your
detective exam?
In two months and three weeks, sir.
I imagine you plan on passing. If you want a run at homicide, you need a test drive first, but theres a
case on your record Im concerned about.
Her forehead wrinkled with confusion. Sir?
Lionel opened the file in front of him and skimmed the details. Four months ago, you answered a call
to a hit and run. Several blocks away from the accident, you arrested a woman named Jillian Waters at her
apartment based on witness statements. The pedestrian she hit was taken to the hospital. He looked up at
Officer Rogers. Why was she released without being formally charged?
She dropped her gaze to the desk.
Did you want to review the file to refresh your memory?
No, I remember the case. She cleared her throat and adjusted in her seat. The man she hit
disappeared from the hospital. We had a witness to the accident, but because Waters fled the scene so
quickly, he couldnt positively identify her. He only knew the make, model, and color of her car, a partial
license plate number, and which direction she headed.
Wasnt the damage on her car along with that witness statement enough to charge her?
Not according to the D.A., sir. Her stern voice had an edge of disdain. He claimed we needed a
victim for it to be a hit and run and that Waters would just say someone else used her car. He said we
couldnt prove otherwise.
You disagreed with his decision to release her?
I felt she could have been put away with the damage on her car and the witness statement. We could
have matched the blood from the broken headlight to the blood taken from the victim at the hospital and
worked with that to get her to make a deal. The D.A. didnt like that because Waters lawyered up as soon
as she was brought in. He didnt want to take the case to trial with such little evidence.
Did you search for the man she hit?
For several days. He disappeared into thin air. He gave a fake name at the hospital and he had no
identification on him at the time of the accident.
Did you find it strange he disappeared from the hospital?
Extremely, sir. She leaned in, as if ready to share a secret. Truth be told, I wanted to find him not
just to charge Waters, but also to find out why he ran. People only run if they are in trouble or if they are
hiding something.
Why didnt you get a sketch of the victim made?
My commanding officer ordered us to stop working the case. He felt we had better things to do with
our time, and he didnt want to pass it off to detectives to investigate.
Do you always do what your commanding officer tells you?
Officer Rogers hesitated. No, sir. I kept looking off the clock for another week and came up empty. I
couldnt use department resources to get a sketch made, but I found something interesting.
Whats that?
At the hospital and in my interview with the victim, he gave the name John Smith, but when the
paramedics asked his name at the scene, he said it was David.
Alarms sounded in Lionels head, but he wanted to give Officer Rogers a chance to relay her theory.
What does that mean to you?
That his real name is David. He was in shock at the time he was hit and mistakenly gave his real
name to the paramedic. Later, when he woke up in the emergency room, he lied about his name. To me, it
means he was running from something and may have had a warrant or been involved in some kind of
illegal activity.
Lionel saw Shawn pacing in front of their office and he waved him in. Officer Rogers, this is
Detective Sergeant Shawn Brandt. Hes been my partner for longer than either of us care to remember.
Officer Rogers got to her feet and shook his hand, clearly impressed with meeting Shawn. Its an
honor, sir. You have a great reputation with the beat cops.
Dont get too excited, Lionel said. Most of it is just rumors.
Shawn laughed, and Officer Rogers slowly joined in the laughter.
Once they were both sitting, Lionel turned to Shawn. Rogers just shared an interesting theory about
the man that Jillian Waters hit. He gave the name David to the paramedics at the scene, but told the
hospital staff and the officers that his name was John Smith. Rogers believes he gave his name correctly
the first time due to shock, but changed it later because he might be in trouble with the police.
Shawn arched his eyebrows. Rogers has a good theory there.
Lionel reached under the folder on his desk and held up the sketch of their serial killer for Officer
Rogers to see. Before he could say a word, her face lit up with recognition. Thats him, she said,
pointing to the picture. Thats David.
Lionel laid down the sketch. Thats what we thought. Im going to let you run with your theory again.
Ive taken you off your beat for the next few weeks to work on our task force thats searching for the serial
killer. Who is your partner?
Officer Andre Wilham, sir.
I havent heard of him. Is he as good as you are?
No, sir, Officer Rogers said with a smile. But hes close and hell make a fine detective someday.
Lionel mused that her answers were getting better the longer the meeting continued. Ill make sure
Officer Wilham gets a solid replacement for a partner while you work with us. I want you to shadow
Detectives Aurelio and Timmons. Do you know them?
Detective Aurelio, sir. Shes an excellent role model for women on the force.
That she is, Shawn said.
Detective Aurelio will teach you how to follow the rules, Lionel said. Detective Timmons will
teach you how to bend them the proper, legal way. The three of you will get a subpoena for hospital
footage from the time David was brought in until he went missing. The hospital wont just release that due
to patient confidentiality, so the subpoena will be necessary. The fact that the sketch of our killer has been
positively identified as your hit and run victim, David, is the primary reason you will give for the
subpoena. Its also justified on the basis that Jillian Waters was identified as our killers latest victim, and
her attack was different than those of the other victims.
He slashed up her face, Shawn said. It was personal.
Officer Rogers scribbled in her notepad as he spoke. Yes, sir.
Youll need to scour the security tapes with other officers until you find him. We need more than just
a sketch on this guy and we need it right away.
Officer Rogers looked up at Lionel with curiosity.
He took another girl, Shawn said in response to her unasked question. Hes had her for almost two
days now and he could kill her at any time, if he hasnt already.
For the first time since entering his office, Officer Rogers faltered. Her lips parted, and her bottom lip
trembled with shaky breathing.
Lionel leaned forward. Do not misinterpret our meeting today, Rogers. It isnt set in stone that youre
coming to homicide once you pass your detective exam. This is a test, not only of your detective skills, but
also of your ability to look at victims who have been ripped away from their loved ones while keeping
your composure at all times.
Homicide is not pretty, Shawn said, and its not what you see on television. Bodies are not always
freshly dead and in good condition. Victims are sometimes extremely young and vulnerable. The one who
commits the crime is sometimes the person you think is least capable of doing so. Next thing you know,
you start having bad dreams, and then the people you love are affected.
If you dont think you can handle it, Lionel said, you can say so and no one will hold it against you.
Most officers cant handle what we deal with here, yet they still have exemplary careers as detectives in
other divisions.
Officer Rogerss resolve returned and she stood up. Sir, I am completely confident in my ability to
handle everything homicide has to offer.
Well see if you still feel that way at the end of this case, Lionel said. Now, go get a subpoena.
Thank you, sir. She turned to Shawn and nodded at him.
As she reached for the doorknob to go, Lionel stopped her. And Rogers?
She whirled around and faced him. Sir?
When you work in homicide, you always do what your commanding officer tells you.
She smiled. Yes, sir.
Chapter Forty-four
The wait was finally over. Stephanies fear spilled out from the basement, seeped through the walls, and
pulled him toward her. David caressed the sharp blade of his knife with his fingertips and descended the
steps to the basement. He ran his tongue across his dry lips and tried to contain his excitement. For two
days, he resisted the urge to kill her, and now he could savor the way his knife would dance across her
skin and slice through her.
Cowering in a corner, Stephanie looked up when he entered the door at the bottom of the steps. As he
neared, he showed her the knife, and her eyes filled with tears, exactly like so many others before her. She
appeared to have been expecting another plate of food, not pain and death.
She stood up and pushed her back up against the wall, as if trying to become part of it.
David stopped walking. Feel free to sit, he said. Lets talk for a bit. He sat down on the floor,
shifted into a cross-legged position, and encouraged her to do the same.
Her eyes darted between his face and the knife. After a long moment, she followed his lead. She took
a couple steps toward him and sat back down on the tiles. When he brought her lunch earlier, she no
longer asked questions or screamed at him. She continued to maintain her silence now, despite his
invitation to talk.
Do you still want to know who I am and why youre here?
She nodded.
First, I have a question for you. He gestured with his knife as he spoke. Why are you so nice?
Bewilderment sparked in her vacant eyes, and David sensed her fear taking a backseat to confusion.
Im sorry?
Everywhere you go, youre friendly to people. You were friendly even to me, and Im going to kill
you tonight.
At his words, Stephanie scrambled backward until she crouched against the wall.
David laughed at her actions. Well, what did you think the knife was for, if not to kill you? She
didnt respond, so he gave her the same nugget of hope that he enjoyed sharing with his other victims.
Your answer to my original question might change my mind about killing you.
As a peace offering, he laid the knife down by his right side. He propped his elbows on his knees and
leaned forward.
Stephanies eyes darted around the room, as if searching for either her answer or for her escape. I-I
never really considered m-myself nice or n-n-not nice or anything else. Im j-j-just myself with p-
Her sudden stutter surprised David. I havent heard you stutter yet.
I st-stuttered as a k-kid. I havent d-d-done it for years.
Its because youre really scared now, David said. Think out the words before you say them and
think about how they sound. The stutter will go away again.
Okay, Stephanie said.
Kids who stutter usually are teased a lot by mean kids. Did that happen to you?
I w-w-w... Stephanie paused and took a deep breath, focusing on her words just as David suggested.
I was teased a lot, she said.
If you know how cruel people can be, why are you so nice? Why invite cruelness into your life?
I never wanted to treat p-people the way those kids treated me. I d-didnt want anyone else to feel
what I felt.
David rolled her explanation around in his mind. Thats the most honest thing Ive heard someone say
when theyre sitting where you are now. Ive heard a lot of lies, a lot of stories, a lot of exaggeration.
Why is it when someone is facing death, do they feel the need to lie? Its never made much sense to me.
Youre such a nice person that I wish I could tell you this will be painless and quick. I just dont
want to lie to someone as honest as you. You almost make me want to be a better person. A vicious smile
grabbed his lips and he held up the knife. Almost.
She lifted her hands and covered her face. Her shoulders heaved with her tears. Please dont, she
said through her hands.
You and I both know that Im not going to let you go. But since youre such a nice person, you should
take some comfort that all the pain you experience is for a really good cause. Youre going to help Emily
and I become part of each other. Thats the only way I can get her to come to me.
Stephanie lowered her hands away from her face. You want me to help you t-trick someone to come
here so you can k-kill them?
No, Stephanie, he said in his softest voice. He stood up. I love Emily. I could never hurt her, but
the only way to bring her here is to hurt you. Unfortunately, I have to hurt you a lot to make that happen.
He pulled her up by her shirt as gently as he could.
As she got to her feet, she gave a preemptive yelp and scream. No, no, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, he said. Now, I want you to scream her name.
Chapter Forty-five
Emily used her toes to rotate the faucet in the bathtub until the water slowed to a drip. Not for the first
time, she wished she had whirlpool jets in her tub to massage the stress of the day away.
That was the wines job, she thought, and lifted her glass to her lips. Where she usually opted for one
glass at the end of the day, lately that one glass had turned into three or four.
The day hadnt been all that bad. After she returned to the office from interviewing Lindsay Alcott,
Emily managed to catch up on most of her paperwork. Cassie finished the background check on Gina
Cobalt, and Emily had the privilege of calling to offer her the job.
The excitement in Ginas voice when she accepted the job had been the high point in Emilys day, until
she saw Jake an hour later. Spending time with him trumped everything else in her life. They enjoyed a
late dinner at a pizza and beer place near her office, and reluctantly parted ways after a long, sensuous
kiss goodnight.
Dealing with the growing darkness all day had drained Emilys energy. She enjoyed the reprieve from
it while with Jake, but it returned once she left his side. Though she intended for the bath and wine to
relax her and help her ignore the presence in her mind, the nausea that came with the darkness curdled her
stomach, making it difficult for her to focus on the paperback mystery novel she tried to read.
She set the book down on the edge of the bathtub next to her wine glass and closed her eyes. She
leaned her head back and the ends of her hair fell into the warm water. If only she had stayed later with
Jake. He had invited her back to his house for a drink and to spend more time together, but with an early
morning fast approaching, she decided to be responsible and go home.
Now she wished they were still together. He was the only one that made the darkness disappear. She
didnt know why he kept it away, except it stemmed from the night they met, when he broke into her mind
without trying. Because of that night, they had an incredible connection. It was the only explanation of why
he could override the entity that wanted to take over her mind.
Tomorrow she planned on taking Cassie to see Marta Mendez to see if she could help Emily with the
darkness. When Aunt Susan was alive, Emily had spent a lot of time at Martas flower shop with Aunt
Susan, where the longtime friends helped her explore her talents and hone her abilities. After she passed
away, Emilys visits became less frequent until she stopped going altogether. Marta reminded her too
much of Aunt Susan, and the painful memories prevented her from seeing Marta.
Emily climbed out of the bathtub and dried off with a fresh towel. She retreated to her room and put on
a pair of pajama shorts and a camisole. As soon as she finished dressing, the throbbing in the side of her
head worsened and her stomach cramped from overwhelming nausea.
Looking around her room, she realized Bob had disappeared while she was in the bathtub. She called
his name, but he didnt run into the room. Even if he had, he wouldnt be able to cure her of her physical
ailments. Only Jake could do that.
She grabbed her cell phone off her dresser and pulled up Jakes number. Tomorrow was a long time
away, and she wanted some help before she spoke to Marta. Jake might know something that could help
once she told him what was happening to her. Even if he didnt, he could repel the darkness and provide
her some relief.
A violent cramp seized Emilys midsection. She grasped the phone and doubled over in pain. The
voice came again and weakness seized her limbs. Her legs failed and she crashed to the ground. The
darkness slithered through her mind, expanding until she felt nothing else. The cell phone slipped out of
her hand, and she lowered her head into her hands. She couldnt handle much more. With Stephanie Price
still missing, it had to be her calling out to Emily. She didnt want to hear Stephanie die in the same
torturous manner as the women before her.
Another cramp gripped Emilys stomach and a vise tightened around her head. Stop it! she cried out.
The longer Stephanie suffered, the closer she got to death. Emily closed her eyes and gave into the pain.
Tell me what you want, she whispered to the entity within the darkness. Just stop hurting her and tell
Bile filled the back of her throat and she crawled into her bathroom. She lifted the toilet seat lid just in
time to throw up her dinner. Her throat turned raw from the regurgitated pizza sauce, and she wretched
into the toilet until her stomach was empty. After several dry heaves forced her to throw up stomach acid,
the cramping in her abdomen subsided just enough for her to sit up.
The taste in her mouth made her want to get sick again. She used the edge of the bathtub to get into a
standing position. At the sink, she rinsed her mouth with water and brushed her teeth. Her reflection in the
mirror alarmed her almost enough to call Cassie to take her to the emergency room. A yellow tint
highlighted her ashen skin, while dark circles encompassed her eyes, as if she hadnt slept in days. As bad
as she looked, her insides were far worse.
Stephanies voice in her head was louder than any of the others before her. Emily prayed it wasnt in
her final moments, that there was still a chance to save her. Hope flickered in the back of her mind. If
Stephanie could make contact with Emily, then maybe the connection worked both ways.
She held onto the edge of the sink, bowed her head, and squeezed her eyes shut. She focused every bit
of energy she had left and peered into the black hole eclipsing her mind. Im here, Stephanie, she said.
Youre not alone. If you tell me where you are, I can send the police.
She had to make contact with Stephanie, had to get her to say more than her name. She tried again.
Stephanie, I need you to listen. I can help you, but you have to tell me where you are.
A shrill, inhuman scream responded. Emily steeled her mind against the horror, focused her thoughts
inward, and again spoke into the darkness. The screams continued. Emily repeated her words, and the
sound of Stephanies screams pierced through her heart.
Emily! Make him stop!
The screams resumed and Emily couldnt stop the tears from flooding her closed eyelids and rushing
down her face. She pressed forward into the darkness, calling Stephanies name, letting her know she
could help.
Suddenly the entity that lived in the darkness embraced Emily, as if he were standing behind her. She
no longer heard Stephanie, but a much deeper voice, soothing yet excitable. He spoke several words, but
Emily couldnt understand anything he said other than her name.
Emilys body shook. Much too late, she realized the danger in what she did. This whole time she
thought she was connecting with Stephanie, but she was really connecting with Stephanies killer. He used
Stephanie and the others to lure Emily into opening up her mind to him, and it worked.
In an attempt to sever the connection, Emily opened her eyes and raised her head. She sucked in her
breath. In the mirror, standing over her right shoulder was Stephanie Price, her face bloodied with knife
Help me, Emily!
Emily screamed.
Chapter Forty-six
Jake raced up the driveway and across the grass toward Emilys front door. Emily sat on the dark porch
wearing a thin, baby blue camisole and black shorts. Her bare feet were planted on the concrete, unaware
of the low temperatures kissing her skin.
Emily looked at him with the pale, frightened face of a child. Though she shivered with violent
tremors, she didnt have her arms wrapped around her body to keep warm, as if she had no idea she was
The torture in her reddened eyes and haunted face confirmed the fearful words she spoke to him on the
phone: Hes killing her. Jake didnt understand what she meant at the time, and still did not fully
Jake held out his hand, but Emily only stared at it. Either she was in shock or she didnt want to leave
the perceived safety of her front porch. He thrust his hand out further, making his intentions clear without a
word. She was going inside whether she liked it or not.
Her trembling hand reached out and transferred the ice cold temperature of her skin to his. Her fear
latched onto his heart and he helped her to her feet. Whatever he was about to encounter, he could not let
her fear overcome him.
Emilys wobbly legs stumbled on the steps, and Jake steadied her with his arm and walked her back
inside the house. After he secured the locks on her front door, he guided her to the living room and sat her
down on the couch. He went to the rocking chair and removed the quilt from the back. He laid the quilt
over her body, covering her arms and legs.
Emily glanced at him with gratefulness in her eyes, but did not speak.
Im going to make you some tea, he said.
Emily nodded and looked away. Her brow creased and she returned to her lethargic state.
After fixing her a hot cup of tea, he sat on the couch next to her and handed her the mug. She pulled the
quilt down to free her hands and accepted the mug. Their hands touched, and he was glad to feel her skin
had warmed. She blew ripples across the tea in order to cool the liquid.
After she took a few sips, Jake dared to speak. Tell me what happened.
Emilys face tensed again. Hes killing her. She turned her head to him and her damp eyes pleaded
with him. She may already be dead. I cant hear her anymore.
Stunned into silence, Jake watched her take more sips of her tea. The fluidity of her movements told
him her body was coming alive from the cold, but emotional pain and frustration controlled her. Who is
being killed and who is killing her? he asked.
Tears stormed her cheeks and she squeezed her eyes shut against them, as if trying to stop the flood.
Stephanie Price.
Her frantic voice cut through Jake. Is that the girl whos missing? Emily, what makes you think
someone is killing her?
She called to me, just like others before her. She screamed my name and cried for help. And then...
Emily stopped speaking before finishing her thought.
Her bottom lip quivered and she fell silent again.
Jake decided to try another route. Do you know whos killing her?
Emilys eyes deadened. Him. Hes killed them all and hes not stopping.
The blood drained from Jakes face, and he made the connection to the case Emily and Cassie were
working on with the police. Do you mean the serial killer?
Emily nodded.
Youre hearing his victims?
They call my name. They scream for me, but I cant help them. I cant stop them from dying.
Are you sure thats what youre hearing? The victims of the serial killer as they are being killed?
I wasnt sure until tonight. I thought it might be, but now I know it is.
Why do they call your name and how do they know who you are?
Emily shook her head. I dont know. I just want them to stop. I cant help them.
How long have you been hearing them?
A couple of weeks. At first they were quiet voices saying my name. I didnt know who was calling
me because I didnt hear the voices until a long time after they died. Then came the writing. I wrote the
words hear me without realizing what I was doing. Those same words were carved out on their skin by
the killer, each victim with a different letter. Why would they call to me and tell me to hear them? Why
would they scream my name and make me write words that are not in my handwriting?
Jake sat speechless at her revelation. The moment they met, he knew she was a powerful psychic, but
what she was saying, while possible, was beyond all bounds of anything with which he was familiar.
Then tonight, Emily said, I saw Stephanie.
Where did you see her?
She lifted her hand and pointed to the hallway. In my bathroom. In the mirror. Her face was cut up
and there was so much blood. She turned to Jake and grabbed his hand, frantic again. Dont you see hes
killing her?
Jake took the mug from her other hand and set it on a ceramic coaster on the coffee table. He wrapped
an arm around her shoulders and took her hand. Im here now, and everything is going to be okay. We
will figure this out together, but to do that, I need you to show me where you saw her.
Emily responded with a nod and shed the quilt from her lap. He followed her down the hall, through
her bedroom, and into the master bathroom. The lights were still on from when she had been in there last.
It looked innocent enough. The walls were not streaked with blood and no dancing ghosts appeared in the
corners. He peered into the oval mirror that hung on the wall, but only his reflection stared back. For a
moment, he wondered if Emily had hallucinated.
He turned to say something to her, but stopped. Emily clung for life onto the door frame. One glance at
the terror on her face told him she had seen something in the reflective glass. Something sinister enough to
cause her to run away without turning off the lights and sit outside in the cold to wait for his arrival. She
had been so spooked by the sight in the mirror that she had not cared enough for her own wellbeing to take
the time to put on a robe or even socks and shoes.
Jake took her hand once more and led her to the bed. He sat her down on the edge of the bed and
kneeled before her. He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. Emily, Im not leaving you. If these victims
are reaching out to you, it may be a warning of some sort. We need to have Cassie come by in the morning
so we can coordinate having someone with you constantly. You are not going to be left alone for a second
until its over.
Relief washed over Emilys face and a few stray tears dampened her cheeks. Thank you, Jake. I
wasnt sure that youd believe me.
He used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. I would never doubt you. But we have to find out why
this is happening and stop it. We should call your Uncle Leo and tell him
No, Emily said, with a strength in her voice that she had not exhibited since he arrived. We cant
tell him, not until I can figure this out.
I dont agree with you, he said. I will, however, respect your decision, but only for a very short
time. I reserve the right to change my mind and call him myself. Im not knowingly going to leave you at
She bowed her head. Okay.
Now, where are your sleeping pills?
Emily lifted her eyes to his face. How do you know about those?
People like us dont sleep very well. You need some rest, so youre taking a sleeping pill.
Theres a bottle of Ambien in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom.
He rose from the floor and kissed her forehead. In the bathroom, he retrieved a pill from the
prescription bottle in the medicine cabinet, added water to a short glass next to the sink, and took them
back to Emily.
She swallowed down the pill without hesitation. She handed Jake the water glass and slipped down
under the covers in her bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his fingers through her hair.
I dont want you to leave, Emily said.
Im not going anywhere. Im staying right here.
I dont have an extra bed. The couch isnt that comfortable, either. Im sorry.
Its okay. Ill sleep on your floor. Im not going to leave you alone in here.
There are some extra pillows in the hall closet, and some blankets, too.
Ill take care of it, and Ill also check the locks.
Jake walked through the house, ensuring every door and window was locked up tight. As he started
toward the hallway, he noticed her cell phone on the dining room table next to her purse. He picked up her
phone and went into her contacts. Finding Cassies name, he pressed the send button and waited for
Cassie to answer. The call went to voicemail, and he left a short message asking Cassie to come to
Emilys house first thing in the morning.
In the hallway, Jake opened the closet and found a couple pillows, an extra blanket, and two pillow
cases. In her dark bedroom, he pulled the cases over the pillows and arranged them on the floor. After
removing his shoes, he took off his jeans.
Jake, I dont want you to have to sleep on the floor. You wont be comfortable at all.
He laid his folded jeans on his tennis shoes. Dont worry about it. Ill be fine.
The bed is big enough for both of us. I need to know youre close. I need to feel you next to me to
make it all go away.
Jake hesitated. With their vow to avoid intimacy until they solidified their relationship, it was hard
enough keeping his hands off her. She also struggled with their mutual agreement. Now he was in her
bedroom in the middle of the night, halfway undressed, and she was in skimpy enough clothing to make his
thoughts stray.
Under different circumstances, he would be concerned about sleeping next to her, about being in such
close proximity in a place where it would be easy to ignore everything they discussed, but not tonight.
Emily was terrified by what she saw and heard, and he wanted to stay close to not only keep her safe, but
to make her feel secure. At any moment the Ambien would take control of her and force her to sleep.
There was no danger that they would be tempted to cross the line.
Jake walked around the bed to the other side with pillows in hand. He lifted the comforter and
climbed into bed, on top of the sheet. Despite the knowledge that nothing would happen between them, he
did not want even the slightest temptation. He rested on his back and listened to her quiet breaths,
assuming her to have already fallen asleep.
Emily rolled over and faced him. She scooted over in the bed until she was next to him. He turned on
his side and, through the shadows, stared into her tired eyes. He brushed her hair back from her face.
I called Cassie from your phone and left her a message to come by first thing in the morning, he
said. She needs to know whats going on, and I think it will help to talk it out with her.
You read my thoughts, as usual. Thanks for calling her. She moistened her lips and smiled.
Jake wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but he was unsure how to even begin to share those
emotions after knowing her only a short time. He didnt want words to rush out unchecked, and possibly
not be reciprocated, so instead he leaned in and gently kissed her.
When they parted, her eyelids fluttered a bit. Are you getting tired? he asked.
Its starting to kick in.
Those pills dont make you sleepwalk or sleep-eat, do they?
The only thing they do is make me sleep, she mumbled.
Jake caressed her face. Then just close your eyes and sleep, Em. Ill be right here when you wake
With her eyes closed, her breathing evened out. Her hand reached for her pillow, and he wrapped his
hands around it, interlocking his fingers with hers. Serenity claimed her face, softening her creased brow
and allowing the corners of her mouth to relax. Knowing the rest of her night would be peaceful and calm,
Jake closed his eyes and drifted toward sleep.
Chapter Forty-seven
The silence in Emilys living room was almost as unbearable as the darkness clamoring for control of her
mind. Emily sipped on a cup of coffee on the couch next to Cassie. Jake sat in the recliner next to the
couch. He leaned forward with his elbows propped up on his thighs, digesting everything she had told
them about the darkness.
They had both vocalized their reaction to her detailed narrative. Cassie was upset Emily hadnt told
her what she was going through, especially since they were helping the police on the case. Jake was
frustrated that when he warned her away from the case, she hadnt mentioned everything that had already
When she explained that merely being in close proximity to Jake eliminated most of the killers
presence in her mind, she did not expect his reaction. She wanted him to understand how important that
made him, how their connection was much deeper than either of them realized. Instead, he voiced that he
was angry with the whole situation, fearful for her, and hurt that she didnt confide in him. He had wanted
to help from the beginning, but she never gave him, or Cassie, that chance.
After Emily admitted and apologized for her mishandling of events, the three of them sat in an
uncomfortable silence. Emily focused on her coffee, while Jake fidgeted in the recliner. Every few
seconds, Cassie started to speak, but closed her mouth before any words came out.
Jake spoke first. Im not sure what to do from here. Our number one priority is to keep you safe, but
how do we eliminate this threat?
We tell Uncle Leo, Cassie said. Theres no way around it. She pointed at Emily. You should
have said something when he brought us this case. As soon as you found out the message carved in the
victims was the same as what you wrote, you needed to tell us. We never should have gotten involved.
This was going to happen whether we took the case or not, Emily said. I was hearing the women
over a week before Uncle Leo came to us with the case. If anything, taking the case helped me better
understand this.
But you invited him in, Jake said. He knocked on the door to your mind and you swung it wide
open for him.
I didnt mean to, Emily said. I thought I was communicating with the women. I didnt realize
You didnt realize he used the women to get to you, Cassie said.
Had you told me about it, Jake said, we would have been able to figure that out together, before
you put yourself in danger.
I still dont understand how this works, Cassie said.
I dont either, Emily said. Thats what I want to find out today. Hes already in my mind, so we
should take advantage of that. If we look into it a little deeper, we can stop him. We can find him and send
the police his way. Maybe theres a way I can use this connection
No! Jake slammed his hand on the table. Absolutely not. Youre not going any further with this,
either of you. Youre both talking about this like its any other case you work. Its not. This is your life
were talking about, Emily. And yours, Cassie. He paused and sadness touched his eyes. Em, you didnt
see yourself last night. What hes doing to you is destroying you and I wont let it go on any longer. Were
calling Leo right now and talking to him this morning.
Talking to Uncle Leo isnt going to change anything, Emily said. If we dont stop him, hell kill
someone else and then that victim will reach out to me, too.
This situation sucks all the way around, Cassie said. There doesnt seem to be a solution that will
get law enforcement turned onto the killers path and not put Emily in more danger.
I need you to back me up here, Jake told Cassie. We cant let this continue. Its too dangerous and
its hurting her.
Jake, Im still with you on this, Cassie said, but maybe we should put off telling Uncle Leo just for
today. We really dont know much about whats happening to her except for a lot of supposition. We need
to put together a much better theory if we ever expect him to understand what were saying.
Emily grabbed Jakes hand and took hold of his eyes with hers. Im not going to do anything
dangerous. Im only going to check out a few things today. No matter what happens or what we find out,
well talk to Uncle Leo tomorrow morning. Well even call him later this afternoon to schedule an
And Im going to his house tonight for dinner, Cassie said, so Ill make sure he sees us in the
morning before he does anything else.
Jakes clenched jaw relaxed a bit, and he squeezed Emilys hand. Nothing can happen to you, he
said. I cant... He moved to the edge of his seat and placed his other hand on top of hers.
Pain clenched Emilys heart. His fear of losing her stemmed from the deaths of Janie and his mom, and
she didnt want him to worry. Nothing is going to happen to me, or anyone else, she said. But I need
your support in this. I cant do it alone.
I have a meeting with Nathan in a few hours, he said. After Im done with that, Ill meet you back
at my house. Were not staying here and youre not staying at Cassies house, either. You two are way too
close, with owning a business together for so long, and he might know everything about Cassie. Youll be
safer with me, at my house. He turned to Cassie. Youd be better off staying at my house as well.
Ill be fine at my house. Im not the one hearing voices. Besides, Ill be at Uncle Leos until late
At least come to my house after dinner, Jake said. I have a spare bedroom that doesnt get much
Dont worry about me, Jake. I have a few guns at my house and Ive been shooting all my life. I feel
pretty safe at home playing Dirty Harry.
Emily smiled despite the seriousness of conversation.
I dont like it much, but if youre sure, then I guess your gun collection can probably keep you safer
than I could. Jake looked at Emily. While were on the topic of safety, he probably knows what you
drive and could have followed you in the past. Your car isnt going anywhere today.
Well leave it in her garage, Cassie said. Ill drop her off at your house when were done this
Jake, Id rather bring it to your house to have it just in case, Emily said. Cassie can follow me to
your house this morning and drop my car off. Then she can drive me around today.
Well stash it in the garage so its out of sight, Jake said.
Bob brushed up against Emilys legs, reminding her that he also needed a place to go. What should
we do with Bob? she asked.
Pack up his litter and food, Jake said. Ill take him home with me now and get him set up before I
go meet Nathan.
Emily smiled at him. Thank you, Jake.
Cassies cell phone beeped with a new text message. She dug it out of her pocket. Sorry, guys. Let me
just Her jaw slacked.
What is it? Emily asked.
Cassie lifted her head and stared at Emily. Its Uncle Leo. They found Stephanie Prices body.
Emily froze and absorbed Cassies words. The darkness that played on the edges of her mind all
morning rolled in like a thick fog. I heard her dying, Emily said. I had hoped... She had resolved not
to break down in front of them, but tears leapt from her eyes and she covered her face with her hands.
Jake jumped out of his chair and sat next to her on the couch. He gathered her into his arms and she
buried her head in his shoulder. Holding the back of her head, he whispered next to her ear. Youre safe,
Em. Were going to keep you safe. Jake tightened his hold on her.
Once again, his arms closed out everything else around her, and the darkness retreated. Dont let me
go, Jake, she said. Please dont let me go.
As soon as I finish this meeting with Nathan, I wont let you out of my sight even for a second. Not
until we get him out of your mind, and even then... He moved back from her and cupped her face in his
hands. Im not going to let anything happen to you.
Embarrassment crept over her cheeks for breaking down in front of him, and she pulled away from
him. Im sorry, to both of you. I should have come to you sooner. If I had, maybe Stephanie wouldnt
No, Em, Cassie said. Dont start down that path. Theres nothing any of us could have done to save
her. We just have to do what we can now to help the police stop him.
Chapter Forty-eight
As soon as Cassies car turned into a parking spot in front of Martas Floral and Gift, comfort cradled
Emily. In the first year after Aunt Susans death, Emily slowly stopped going to see Marta Mendez, and
guilt gnawed at her for neglecting Aunt Susans best friend. Marta would forgive her, but it didnt alter her
remorse at missing out on valuable time with her.
Climbing out of the car, Cassie asked, How is it that youve been keeping so many secrets from me
What do you mean?
You met a guy at the party, you have a date with said guy, you have a serial killer running around in
your mind, and now your aunt had a mysterious friend you never told me about. Who are you?
Emily rolled her eyes. Dont you ever have something you keep to yourself, if even for a little bit?
Cassie paused with her hand on the front door. Im an open book. When I do it, you know it.
And sometimes even when I dont want to know about it, Emily said, following Cassie through the
The store had not changed much since her last visit nine years earlier. The floral arrangements had
been updated with the times, and there were many more shelves of gifts than Emily remembered, but the
layout and dcor of the store remained the same.
One of the employees, with a nametag that read Belinda, greeted them. Emily opened her mouth to
speak when Marta bounced down the main aisle in their direction. Hellos and hugs were exchanged, and
Emily introduced Cassie. Marta gushed about how much Emily had changed since they last saw each
other. Marta let Belinda know not to disturb her, and waved for them to follow her.
The back of the store contained a large storage room, an employee break room, the bathrooms, and
Martas warm and welcoming office, which looked more like a living room than a place to work. Her
desk was tucked away in a corner and two pale yellow couches faced each other around a coffee table.
In the middle of the coffee table was the familiar sight of a plate of cookies and two short glasses of
cold milk. Marta lifted the plate to them. Emily, I made your favorite. Chunky chocolate chip. Cassie,
that means you must be oatmeal raisin with small pecan pieces, since no one else claimed those today.
Cassies eyes widened and she snatched a cookie off the plate. How do you know what kind of
cookies I like? Its the most obscure cookie ever, and nobody likes oatmeal raisin but me.
Emily grinned like a child. Marta knows these things. She bit into her cookie, and warm chocolate
melted in her mouth, taking her back in time to her childhood.
With a mouthful of cookie, Cassie said, So you knew where I could get the best cookies ever, and you
never bothered to bring me here?
Marta flashed a motherly smile. Cassie, were both a little surprised at Emily right now. You could
say I suffer from missing her terribly over the past nine years, so Ive got just a bit more of a gripe than
Emilys remorse came back tenfold. Im so sorry, Marta. Nothing I can say would ever make up for
not coming to see you.
Marta reached across the table and touched the top of Emilys hand. I know youre sorry, and I know
you didnt come for so long because I reminded you of Susan. Youre forgiven. She shifted on the couch.
Now, I see youve met a man. He looks very good on you, and you must keep him around. Susan would
have been delighted.
All this psychic stuff is starting to freak me out, Cassie said. But these cookies are so darn good
that I think I can move past it.
I will bring him to meet you really soon, I promise. Emily swallowed hard. They needed to move
onto the reason for their visit. Marta, I need your help. With Aunt Susan gone, I dont know where else to
Marta lowered her glasses from the top of her shiny, silver hair down to the bridge of her nose.
Come over here. Let me take a look at you.
Emily moved next to Marta on the couch. She felt like she was at the doctors office while Marta
examined her, pushing on various parts of her face, neck, and the back of her head. As a child, when she
first met Marta, she found her ways odd, but soon learned to appreciate her methods.
Marta took Emilys hand in hers and stroked the back of her hand. I want you to close your eyes, she
said. Push all thoughts out of your mind, just like Susan taught you.
Emily lowered her eyelids and started the difficult task of removing all thoughts and emotions. Just as
the last thought escaped her mind, Marta asked, What do you feel? Whats left in your mind?
One word came to Emilys lips, and she said it without thought. Evil.
Marta let go of her hand and jumped back on the couch.
Emilys eyes flew open. What is it?
Youre lost, Emily, Marta said, with sadness in her voice. You are so lost. How did this darkness
get into your mind?
Emily relayed the story to Marta of everything that had happened. She did her best not to leave out a
single detail. Forgetting even one thing could be the difference between getting the help she needed and
living with the darkness forever.
I know what I did was wrong, Emily said, after she finished her story. At the time I truly believed
it was the right thing to do.
He tricked you, Marta said. He wanted you to know the pain of the women, to make you think you
could help them and get you to open your mind up to him. Hes quite pleased with his success.
Sorry to interrupt, Cassie said. How did he get to Emily through these women in the first place?
You dont know? Marta asked, with genuine surprise. When both women shook their head, she
asked, Did Susan ever tell you about conduits?
Not that I remember, Emily said. At least it doesnt sound familiar to me.
I dont know why she didnt tell you, Marta said, but I guess I should have also told you. Conduits
are very important to what we do. We have gifts we can use, but without a conduit, our abilities are not
that strong. A conduit is gifted in their own way. When theyre near someone like us, they channel the
energy around them and send it to us, strengthening our abilities. It works the opposite way, too. A conduit
can channel our abilities and send them out into the world.
Emily connected the dots. So the women he killed were all conduits that he used to reach out to me?
Marta nodded. There are far more conduits than there are psychics in the world, but just as psychics
have varying degrees of abilities, so do conduits. Some conduits are stronger than others. All psychics
have a conduit theyre connected to, whether they know it or not. Conduits make our abilities so much
stronger. They are someone we are very close to, someone we could never live without. If we were to
lose them, our gifts would suffer greatly. My sister is my conduit.
Emily turned to Cassie, her eyes wide. Youre my conduit, she said. Everything from the past
several days, and from her life with Cassie, suddenly made sense.
Cassies lips curled into a lopsided smile. You mean Im special, too?
Marta laughed at Cassies excitement. Of course youre special, Cassie. Without you, Emily would
not be as powerful of a psychic. You make her so much stronger because your conduit abilities are
exceptionally strong. I felt them before you ever entered the store.
Cassies smile grew and she looked at Emily. Im special, too, she said.
I always felt like Cassie filled a void inside of me, Emily said.
Thats why, Marta said. Because shes your conduit. You belong together and nothing will ever
break the bond you share.
Its strange, Cassie said, but I think I always knew all of this. The effect Emily has on me when Im
around her cant be explained. Why would she affect me if Im the conduit in this friendship?
Because Emily is a conduit as well.
Cassie and Emily exchanged a surprised look. Is that even possible? Cassie asked.
Susan and I never thought it was, until she brought Emily to me for the first time. Marta looked at
Emily. We didnt want to tell you until you were older and had a better grip on your abilities. Thats why
you are so connected with that new man in your life. Youre his conduit, and hes the strength you always
needed to explore your abilities. Together, there is so much you can do.
Emilys heart warmed at the thought, but it was short lived. Is this why the killer is having such an
easy time getting into my mind? Because Im both?
Yes, Marta said. There is so much you still have to learn, Emily. Because you stopped coming here
for so long, your abilities are stunted. Even though what youre capable of is only beginning to surface,
because your gifts arent fully developed it makes you more susceptible to him, as well as others that only
seek to do wrong.
The thought that there might be others like the killer terrified Emily, but it also reminded her of what
her mom said at her last visit. Marta, my mom said something to me. Its like she knows whats
happening to me, but I never told her. Is she like me?
Your mom does possess some gifts, but only to a certain degree. She denied her gifts when she
became pregnant with you. See, your father is also psychic, and he has conduits in his family. Thats the
only reason why youre both. Your mom knew that between her, your father, his family, and Susan, you
would be born with incredible talents. She was always jealous of that, so she pushed everything aside in
hopes of not letting you become more powerful than her.
Emilys eyes dampened. She never knew that her mom had the same abilities, or that she was jealous
of Emily. Martas words explained so much of her life, but left her with so many questions, about her mom
as well as her dad. Why would he leave her alone with her mom, knowing how her mom would treat her
because of her gifts?
Emily, this isnt the time to talk about family, Marta said. I promise, one day we will discuss it.
But you have much more important things to focus on now.
The darkness surged in Emilys mind, reminding her of the reason for her visit. She pushed aside the
thoughts of her family. One of the women who died has an aunt that is psychic. The other has a best
friend who is. Were they conduits for these psychics?
Yes, thats correct, Marta said. I hate to ask, because I dont really want to know, but did they die
in a bad manner?
They were tortured quite severely, Cassie said.
He used their pain and their fear to increase their abilities and his, Marta said. She shook her head
like a mother ashamed of her childs behavior. Hes abusing his gift terribly.
Why is he doing this? Emily asked.
He loves you. At least he believes he does. He wants to bring you to him through these conduits so
you can be together.
Emilys insides pulled away from her skin and the nausea returned. He killed the women to get to her,
making her responsible for their deaths. The darkness pushed through her mind, and Stephanie Prices
screams echoed in her ears.
Its not your fault, Emily, Marta said, reading her emotions once again. Dont fall into that cyclone
of guilt and let him gain control over you. I know its difficult, but you have to retain control of your mind.
The more power he has, the more you will lose yourself to him, and the easier it will be for him to get to
Emily thought about Jake getting into her mind the night they met and the way she reacted to it. When
she saw Uncle Leos memories of the crime scene, she had worried about her abilities physically
affecting him, the way the killer affected her. Marta, Ive always been able to pick up on thoughts of
people and even see their memories. Is that different than this killer getting into my mind?
What you can do is something special, Marta said. Not a lot of psychics can do that, but youre just
picking up on thoughts, feelings, and memories, and you arent hurting anyone. What hes doing to you is
much different. He tapped into your mind and connected with you psychically so that hes a part of you
and youre a part of him.
Can this connection affect me physically? Emily asked.
Absolutely. The longer he stays in your mind, the more energy he drains from your body and soul.
Have you been ill?
Quite a bit, Emily said. The first time it happened, I thought I had food poisoning. I ran a fever,
threw up several times, and lost my strength. My body always feels weak now, and I get terrible
Those symptoms are just the beginning of what this connection will do to you. By being in your mind,
hes stripping away part of you. He might also be affected by the connection, but it wont be anything near
what youre going through. Your physical symptoms will get much worse unless he is stopped.
How do we stop him? Cassie asked. Is there some sort of magical, mystical way to kick him out of
Emilys mind?
We dont believe in magic, Marta said. As psychics, were tapped into a part of the brain that
others are not able to use. Theres no magic or mysticism about it, and theres no instant cure to rid Emily
of his presence.
Martas hands illustrated the words she spoke. Imagine theres a beautiful flower garden. One day, a
nasty weed gets into the bottom of the garden. Instead of reaching for the sun and growing upward, it
grows sideways, running just beneath the flowers. Once it spreads all along the roots of the flowers, it
chokes them and grows upward. Soon, the garden drowns in the weed and the flowers die.
Hes the weed, Emily said.
Do you feel him in your mind all of the time now? Marta asked.
Sometimes its stronger than others, but all the time.
Right now, hes spread out all along your mind. Hes starting to grow up to take over your mind. The
longer hes in there, the easier it will be for him to choke out who you are.
So how do we stop him? Cassie asked again.
For a weed that is intricately woven amongst the flowers, you have to use a delicate weed killer so
you dont accidentally kill the flowers. It may take time, but eventually the weed will die. In Emilys case,
she needs to push out the weed as much as possible.
How does she do that? Cassie asked.
When she feels him trying to take over, she needs to push back. She turned on the couch to face
Emily. Dont push back only a little bit, but as hard as you can and with every bit of your strength. It will
be very difficult at first, even painful, but the new man in your life will help you. He knows how to help
you, even if he doesnt realize it.
Jake seemed to be the answer to many things in her life, Emily thought. How long will this process
take? Will he stop killing once hes gone from my mind?
Im afraid it will take a long time, Marta said. Because hes intertwined with your mind, theres no
way to get rid of him quickly. I dont know if he will ever stop killing. Hes evil, just as you said. In this
world, theres not much that can stop that kind of evil.
If Emily pushes him out, Cassie said, he may kill a lot faster. His profile suggests that he wont
stop, and if Emily fights him, it may infuriate him and cause him to do more evil.
Im not sure what to tell you about that, Marta said. I am truly sorry for the women who have died
and those who might be in danger, but Emily is my first concern. She cannot continue to subject herself to
him. It will have far worse consequences for her if she allows him to stay in her mind.
Cassie stood up. I think we have a lot of work to do. Thank you so much for everything.
Yes, Marta, thank you, Emily said. I dont know how to repay you for all of your insight and help.
You can thank me by coming back more often. If you bring this new person in your life here
tomorrow, we can work together to see if we can push the evil out of your mind faster.
Cassie grabbed another cookie for the road. These are delicious, and I will definitely be back, with
or without Emily.
Marta chuckled and gave Cassie a large hug. Youre welcome here anytime. After Cassie walked
out of the office, Marta embraced Emily. You have another question, she whispered. One you dont
want Cassie to know about.
Emily parted from Marta, but held onto her arms. She spoke quietly so Cassie couldnt hear. If I have
to open up my mind to him again, what will happen?
Hell choke out the flowers, Marta said. You will find him, and he will find you. There will be no
more hiding.
Emily moistened her lips and looked toward the floor. She didnt want Marta to continue reading her
thoughts, although she knew it was impossible to keep her out.
Do what you need to, Marta said, but what you are thinking is too dangerous and I fear for your life
if you do it. If you find him, you wont be able to block your mind from him. If he has you, he will not let
go. Keep your mind closed, Emily. At all costs, keep your mind closed.
Chapter Forty-nine
Officer Betsy Rogers knocked on Lionels open office door. He glanced up from his paperwork and
frowned at her. Doors open, Officer, he said. No need to knock.
She took several steps into his office and stood in front of his desk. Thank you, sir, she said. She
turned her head and acknowledged Shawn.
Do you have an update for us on hospital security tapes? Lionel asked.
We retrieved everything we needed and weve reviewed most of it. We found him, sir.
Is it a clear image? Shawn asked.
Very clear, she said. We have it set up for you in the conference room.
Lionel took a second to let his mind process the new break. Lets go take a look.
They followed her to the conference room around the corner from Lionels office. Detectives Aurelio
and Timmons were seated at the table, with a television set at the head of the table, much as it was when
they reviewed the footage from the universitys security cameras.
Aurelio pressed play on the remote, and the images on the television screen came to life.
Lionel watched for a few moments before asking, What are we looking at?
The emergency room, sir, Officer Rogers said. There are three exits available, and there are two
security cameras per door, each one positioned to catch the comings and goings. This is the exit on the far
west side of the ER.
How does someone walk out of an ER after being hit by a car? Shawn asked. Wouldnt he be
uneven on his feet, or at the very least woozy? That should have drawn some kind of attention when he
walked out.
Waters wasnt driving that fast, Officer Rogers said. The doctors report said that he only suffered
some contusions and cuts, maybe a concussion. He possibly had a couple of broken ribs, but he left the
ER before they could get x-rays.
Lionel listened to the discussion around him, but kept his eyes glued to the television. A tall figure
walked toward the camera and looked up for a full view of his face. Excitement pounded through Lionels
body and his limbs tingled. Thats him, he said.
Aurelio pressed pause on the remote, freezing the screen so they could all see his face.
David, a.k.a. John Smith, Officer Rogers said.
It seems to match the other tape, even though on that one we only saw him from the back, Shawn
said. But its almost identical to the sketch from our witness.
Timmons spoke up for the first time. Were getting prints of this made and sent out to all units. Do you
want to distribute this to the media as well?
Yes, Shawn said. List him as a possible witness, but dont say its in connection with the murders.
We dont want to spook him.
Of course, Timmons said.
Officer Rogers and I will get another tip line opened up, Aurelio said.
Looks like another late night answering all kinds of kooky calls, Timmons said.
Its all for a good cause, Shawn said. Weve almost got him, and it wont be long now. No more
Thats what I keep telling myself, Timmons said.
Good work, everyone, Lionel said. We should have him in custody by tomorrow.
Chapter Fifty
As soon as Emily walked through the front door, Jake grabbed her and kissed her. I am so glad youre
back, he said.
Emily blushed at his words and her heart skipped a beat. I missed you, too, she said, and gave him
another kiss.
Is this how its going to be with you two? Cassie asked. I dont know if I can be around you guys if
youre going to be lovey-dovey all the time.
Im surprised you didnt go for the old, Get a room, comment, Emily said.
Cassie laughed. Yeah, well that, too.
Bob came into the foyer and circled Emilys legs. She crouched down and scooped him up in her
arms. And how was this little guy today?
He was surprisingly good, Jake said. He used his litter box and we didnt have any accidents. He
even came out to play when I got home.
Emily kissed Bobs furry head and rubbed her cheek against his soft fur. Youre such a good kitty,
she said, her voice high-pitched, as if talking to a small child.
How did it go today? Jake asked, as they walked into the living room.
We learned a lot. Cassie said.
Emily sat down on the couch with Bob on her lap. Have you ever heard of conduits?
No, I dont think so, Jake said.
Without going into too much detail about their day, Emily explained everything and told him that at
least two of the victims had been conduits. Cassies my conduit, she said, with a large smile.
Cassie winked and pride seeped out with her words. Im special, too.
Seems like youre in a much better mood than earlier today, Jake said. Im glad to see you both
smiling again.
How did everything go with your meeting? Emily asked.
Couldnt have gone better, Jake said. Were all set for the trial on Monday. Until then, Im all
Except tomorrow morning, Cassie said. We have to meet with Uncle Leo to spill everything. You
could always join us, Jake. It might make things go easier if we have another psychic there who can
corroborate what were saying.
I dont know, Cass, Emily said. What exactly are we going to tell Uncle Leo? With everything we
learned, it all sounds so strange.
We tell him how the killer is picking his victims and that youre at the center of it. Those are both
very big pieces of the puzzle that we need to tell Uncle Leo. He can keep you safe, and maybe what we
found out can help him find the guy before he kills again.
But none of it came to us through conventional methods, Emily said.
You still have to tell him, Jake said. Show him the writings you did. That should be enough to
convince him youre telling the truth.
The thought of showing him the automatic writings terrified Emily. What if he thinks I wrote it after
he came to us?
He wont think that, Cassie said. He knows youre different, he just doesnt ask about it. All you
have to do is tell him what happened. Im sure he can figure out how to spin it when he tells others.
But weve never spoken with him about my gift.
Cassie crossed her arms. Jake and I will be there, so you will have all the support you need and we
can both vouch for the whole psychic thing.
Emily looked at Jake for confirmation. He smiled and nodded his approval. She took a deep breath.
Okay, she said. Lets meet with him in the morning.
Im going to call Uncle Leo now and make sure he comes by the office first thing. She dug in her
purse and extracted her cell phone.
Arent you going over there tonight for dinner? Emily asked.
Yeah, but if I dont schedule him now, he may not be able to come by the office before he goes into
the station. I dont want to delay any longer than tomorrow morning.
Emily didnt mind if they delayed the conversation another year. She bit her bottom lip to avoid
making any comments that would start another debate and end with Jake and Cassie ganging up on her. As
a distraction, she ran her hand over Bobs back.
Cassie frowned and gestured to the phone. Voicemail. Into the phone she said, Hi, Uncle Leo! Ill
be there in a couple hours for dinner, but I didnt want to forget... She walked off into the dining room,
still chatting with his voicemail.
Jake sat down on the couch next to Emily. Telling Leo is the best thing you could do.
I know, Emily said. Im just really worried about what hell say.
Dont worry about that. He wont ridicule you, and this is way too important to hold back because of
insecurities. Cassie and I will be there to support you and vouch for you, so theres nothing to fear.
You would really tell a complete stranger about your abilities for me?
I would do anything for you, Jake said.
Emily watched his eyes as he said the words. Marta was right, but he didnt just look good on her, he
felt good, too. Her eyes traveled down his face to his mouth and desire flicked her tongue over her lips.
She leaned over with the full intention of sampling just a taste of him. Her mouth grazed his and she
decided she wanted more.
She scooted closer to him in the middle of their kiss and bumped his nose. Their lips separated and
they laughed over the awkward move. Faces still close together, it only took a second to recover, and the
kiss became heated. Jake wrapped his arms around her and held her captive. Her fingers reached for the
back of his head and threaded through the ends of his hair. She could barely contain her feelings for him,
and they spilled out in her kiss.
Now Im going to say you need a room, Cassie said, walking back into the living room. I cant
even leave you alone for a minute.
Emily backed away from Jake and covered her mouth with her hand in embarrassment. Engrossed in
Jakes kiss, she forgot they werent alone. She was grateful for the untimely interruption. If Cassie hadnt
come in, they might not have stopped.
Im going to go home and grab a nap and a shower before dinner, Cassie said. Ill check in with
you after dinner, unless you prefer I leave you two alone tonight.
Id rather you check in so we know youre okay, Emily said.
The offer is still up for you to stay here, Jake said.
Thank you, but no, Cassie said. We know Emily is his target, and shes safe with you. Knowing
how dinner with Uncle Leo and Aunt Barbara usually goes, well be up late drinking and storytelling. I
might even stay in their spare bedroom, depending on how much Ive had to drink.
I would feel much better if you stayed at his house instead of yours, Jake said. But if you change
your mind about staying here
I wont. Cassie gathered her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Ill see you both bright and
early. She gave a final wave and walked out the front door.
Im so glad you got the answers you wanted, Jake said. I guess I need to get one of those conduits,
A smile claimed her mouth. You already have one.
Jakes curious expression dissolved into one of surprise. I do, dont I? That explains why I feel so
much stronger around you, but how is it possible that youre both?
Apparently I have a rich family history of both psychics and conduits. But it brought you into my life,
and thats all that matters. She brushed her lips against his, and their kiss quickly escalated. Bob jumped
onto her lap and climbed up between them to break them up. They laughed and Jake picked him up to
move him out of the way.
Someones jealous, Emily said. We cant seem to catch a moment alone tonight.
I suppose thats our cue to figure out whats for dinner, Jake said, standing up.
She tugged on his arm, stopping him from walking away. Do you mind if we hold off on dinner for a
bit. I really just want to sit here with you.
Jake smiled and sat back down on the couch. She relaxed against him and he kissed her forehead. She
wasnt sure where her investigation into the murders was leading, but finding out she was the killers
intended target had affected her more than she wanted to admit. She needed some quiet time with Jake to
clear her mind. Having him by her side would keep the killer away, at least for a few moments.
Chapter Fifty-one
Lionel swallowed a mouthful of his favorite beer. It seemed like years since he last had a cold beer, and
he wanted to savor every drop. During a big case, he typically stayed away from alcohol, since a call
could come in at any moment. Tonight, however, it was well-deserved.
Any day now, Shawn said. He lifted a beer bottle to his lips. I know we dont have him yet, but
were so close. Have you called the feds yet to tell them to stay home?
Lionel laughed. Not yet. We need to have him locked up before I can make that call. But youre right.
With his picture all over the television, it wont be long. Someone knows him and theyll turn him in.
I just wish we had gotten to Stephanie Price in time, Shawn said.
Images of the crime scene from that morning ran through Lionels head. She had been tortured the same
as the others, with a new letter carved into her thigh before she died. The new letter nixed the idea that the
killer was communicating with Lionel by spelling his last name. Hear me em, stumped all of the
detectives working on the case.
Stephanie had a few knife wounds to her face, but not nearly as bad as what Jillian Waters went
through. The change in the mutilation reinforced their theory that he was taking residual anger out on
Jillian from when she hit him with her car and ran away from the scene.
At least there shouldnt be any other women, Shawn said, not with his picture circulating the media
outlets. I bet the tip line is ringing off the hook tonight. Im just glad we can take an evening off, because
you know tomorrow is going to be busy.
Dont say that, Lionel said. Youll curse us into working tonight.
Not before I eat dinner. It smells delicious.
It better be. I think its been cooking all day. He got up from his recliner and ambled into the kitchen.
Barbara paced between the refrigerator and the oven. As soon as she saw him, she paused in front of
the oven and grabbed an oven mitt.
When can two hard-working men expect to get a hearty meal tonight? he asked.
She opened the oven door and peered inside. You know I cant take the brisket out too early, she
said. It needs to fall apart and melt in your mouth to be any good. She closed the oven door and tugged
off the oven mitt.
Lionel regarded the curves that her flowered dress accentuated. They had spent so much time away
from each other because of the murders, and Lionel wanted some time alone with his wife. Maybe we
should send Shawn home hungry and forget about the brisket.
She picked up a dishtowel and snapped it at his arm. Detective Edwards, she said. We have
company. I think youve had one too many beers already.
Ive not even finished my first one. He wrapped his arms around her waist. But I dont need any to
know how beautiful you are.
She gave him a quick kiss. Dinner should be ready soon. She pushed him aside and went back to the
oven. She looked through the small window and said, At least I hope so.
Barbara seemed overly obsessed with dinner, but Lionel allowed her to shoo him out of the kitchen.
Rejoining Shawn in the living room, he asked, What are your thoughts on Rogers?
That ones going to be awesome in Homicide, Shawn said. You were really hard on her yesterday,
but she ran with it.
I was hard on her? Lionel asked. How about you? You practically unloaded your whole divorce on
Yeah, I suppose that was a little over-the-top for me, Shawn said. He took a long drink from his
beer bottle. But she came back to work today, so that says a lot about her tenacity.
Well recruit her directly into Homicide as soon as she passes her detective exam. We just need to
keep her grounded. That kind of promotion can go to someones head really quick.
Speaking of keeping people grounded, exactly how long are you going to let her suffer with calling
you sir all the time? Its bad enough Aurelio still does it. Your ego is going to pop all over the office one
Lionel leaned forward with peals of laughter. I wondered when you were going to call me out on
that. I thought Id give it another few days, and then Ill cut her a break.
Shawn laughed and shook his head. Youre sadistic, Edwards.
Barbara wandered into the living room and went to the bay window. She pulled back the curtains and
peered out into the driveway and street.
Lionel exchanged a curious glance with Shawn. Barbara, what are you looking at?
Nothing, dear, she said without turning around.
Why is she so dressed up tonight? Shawn asked in a hushed tone.
I was just wondering the same thing. He looked back at Barbara, who impatiently tapped her foot
and held back the curtain. Barbara, whats going on?
She released the curtain and rotated to face them. Well, Im a little concerned. Her fingers retreated
to her mouth and she gnawed on her fingernails, an old habit that resurfaced whenever she was
particularly stressed.
Are we not having brisket tonight? Shawn asked.
Not exactly, she said. The brisket has been done for about a half hour. Ive just kept it on a low
temperature to keep it warm.
Then why are we waiting around while you pretend to cook it? Lionel asked.
I dont want you to be mad at me, she said. I sort of invited Cassie to dinner tonight.
Why would I be mad at you for that? And why didnt you tell me you invited Cassie to dinner?
I may have had an ulterior motive for dinner tonight. I was sort of trying to play matchmaker between
Cassie and Shawn. Neither of them knew the other would be here.
Lionels face scrunched up. Matchmaker? With Shawn and Cassie? I dont understand.
Shawns face reddened, and he remained silent.
Barbara pointed at Shawn. See? He has a crush on her, and she has one on him.
Lionel laughed. Thats ridiculous. Cassies my niece and Shawns my partner.
Barbara swung her finger around and pointed at Lionel. And thats exactly why no one was ever
going to say anything about it. Because of you.
Lionels mood sobered and his mind numbed. I dont understand, he repeated. Even though he knew
his niece dated on occasion, he never thought of her as being a woman who had actual relationships with
men, especially not with his partner.
Barbara, Shawn said, while I appreciate you stepping in and trying to set us up, why are you
concerned and why do you keep looking out the window?
She was supposed to be here over an hour ago. I keep calling her cell phone, but it just goes straight
to voicemail. I even tried Emily, but after a few rings, hers went to voicemail as well.
Lionel forgot all about Shawn and Cassies potential interest in each other. Are you sure shes not
answering? Youre dialing the right number?
Its her voicemail that picks up.
Lionel rushed to the front closet and grabbed the jacket he wore to work. He had left his cell phone in
the pocket, as he did many nights after coming home. The phones screen listed one missed call and one
voicemail from Cassie. She called my phone, so maybe she just couldnt reach you to let you know shes
running late.
Back in the living room, he put the phone on speaker and played the voicemail. Hi, Uncle Leo! Ill be
there in a couple hours for dinner, but I didnt want to forget to talk to you about something. Em and I
wanted to ask you to come by the office first thing in the morning to discuss the case. We can talk about it
more when I get to your house. Ill see you soon!
Shawn stood up. When did she make that call?
Lionel flipped to his missed calls. Just over three hours ago.
If youll excuse me, Shawn said to Barbara. He pulled his own cell phone out of his front pocket
and walked out the front door.
Barbaras concerned face turned to panic. Whats wrong, Leo? Is Cassie okay?
Lionel placed a reassuring hand on her arm. Im sure shes fine. She probably fell asleep and either
had her phone off from work or the battery died, but were going to go to her house to check on her.
His words failed to comfort her and a mass of tears spilled from her eyes. What can I do? she
Just stay here and be calm. Keep trying both her and Emily. Ill call you as soon as we get to her
house and yank her butt out of bed.
Barbara nodded, and Lionel kissed her damp cheek. I love you, he said.
I love you, too.
Shawn ended his call as soon as Lionel stepped onto the front porch. I have back up meeting us at her
house. Timmons is checking police reports and Aurelio is calling area hospitals in case she was in an
The situation suddenly became real for Lionel and his gut churned. If that bastard took my little girl

Lets not jump to conclusions, Leo, Shawn said, as he started toward his car. We may be
overreacting, and she may very well be at home, safe and sound.
Chapter Fifty-two
We make such a good team, Emily said.
Those lettuce wraps were pretty amazing, Jake said. He put the last plate into the dishwasher. I
dont know how you concocted that sauce, but Ive never tasted anything like it. I could have eaten just
that and been happy.
The wraps were nothing without your shrimp, though, Emily said. I always overcook shrimp and
its so chewy that its not good, but you cooked them perfect.
Like you said, were quite the team.
Well, this half of the team is exhausted, Emily said, flipping off the kitchen light. She laughed when
they walked into the living room. Bob slept on top of the recliner, one leg dangling over the side. Looks
like someone has found a favorite sleeping spot.
Jake chuckled with her. Hes already moved in. Im going to check the locks before we turn in.
Ill get ready for bed. She planted a kiss on Jakes cheek and wandered back to his bedroom. Jake
had set her overnight bag on the end of his bed, and she carried it into the master bathroom. She changed
into a pair of light cotton pajama bottoms and a camisole. After she scrubbed her face and brushed her
teeth, she packed her belongings back into the bag and left it on the bathroom floor next to the counter.
Jake wasnt in the bedroom when she was done, so she took the liberty of pulling down the covers and
selecting a side of the bed. She climbed under the plush comforter. Taking in a deep breath, she
encouraged her limbs to relax so she could get a restful sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day, starting
with an early morning confession with Uncle Leo.
The bedroom door swung open and Jake came through, shivering and rubbing his arms. He shut the
door and walked toward the bed. Its freezing out there. I cant wait until we get some warmer nights.
She rose up on her elbows. What were you doing outside?
After I locked the doors, I realized the Jeep was out front, so I moved that into the garage next to your
car. Then I started worrying about the windows and made sure those were locked.
Youre going to a lot of trouble.
Nothing is too much trouble where your safety is concerned. He sat on the edge of the bed and took
off his shoes.
She stared at him as he pulled off his jeans and tugged his shirt over his head. He threw his clothes in
the laundry hamper and went into the bathroom, going through the motions of preparing for bed without
thought that she was in his room watching him. A warm flush crawled into her cheeks when he came out of
the bathroom, but she couldnt tear her eyes away from him.
Jake stopped walking when he saw her expression. I, uh... He rushed over to the bedroom door and
flipped off the light. I wasnt thinking that youre right here, he said.
Emily cleared her throat and sunk into the billowy mattress. Its okay, she said. I just didnt expect
you to strip down to your shorts right in front of me.
His nervousness came out in his chuckle. Neither did I, and Im sorry. I guess Im getting a little too
comfortable around you.
Oh, dont apologize, Emily said. Her teeth came down on her bottom lip. I didnt mind one bit.
She rolled on her side, and Jake climbed into bed. He lifted his hand to her face and caressed her
cheek with his thumb. After her eyes adjusted to the dark, Emily took a moment to look at him, memorize
the contours of his face, examine his soul through his eyes, and he did the same to her.
They exchanged timid, childlike smiles. They both wanted the same thing, but neither of them spoke.
Her heart beat so hard against her ribs she thought it might break out. With the killer in her mind, she
suddenly felt that their time together was limited, as if at any moment Jake would be ripped away from
her. She didnt want to waste one more second.
You know, Jake said, youre on my side of the bed.
Im sorry about that, Emily said. A mischievous grin took over her face. Or maybe Im not. This
side is big enough for the both of us.
Oh really?
Emily pressed her smiling mouth onto his. Light, sweet kisses evolved into sensual, greedy ones. Jake
reached for the bottom of her camisole and lifted the edge just high enough for his fingertips to grab onto
her bare skin. He rolled her onto her back and hovered over her. His eyes studied her face and he brushed
stray hairs away from her cheek. He lowered his head and met her lips.
Her hands journeyed over the contours of his chest and arms while they kissed. His mouth moved to
her chin and down the front of her neck. He lowered the strap of her camisole off her shoulder and
consumed the freckles between her neck and shoulder. The end-of-day stubble on his face tickled her skin
and forced a moan to escape from her lips.
Jake kissed across her skin just below her collarbone and his fingers probed the top of her cami. Her
hands wrapped around the back of his head and her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip. His mouth
moved back up to her neck, his fingers playing with the top of her cami instead of taking it off. She arched
her head back into the pillow and desire took control of her breathing. Part of her wanted him to hurry up
and rip off her clothes, but the other part wanted him to continue taking his time exploring her body so she
could savor every moment with him.
Without warning, the darkness stretched out in her mind and she pushed Jake away. She didnt know
what triggered the darkness, but it came so fast that she had no time to analyze what happened or why.
Jake moved to her side, his face filled with worry. Emily, whats wrong?
His distant voice entered her mind, but she couldnt seem to answer. Her body trembled, and her arms
and legs went limp. Nausea took control of her stomach, and the fog in her mind impeded her thoughts.
She lifted her hand to her forehead in response to a severe hot flash.
The darkness, she said, rolling on her side to face him. I can feel him, and its much stronger than
before. Her hand flew to her mouth with another wave of nausea. I think Im going to be sick.
What can I do?
She remembered Martas words. You already know... She caught her breath to get the words out.
You know what to do.
His eyes scanned her face. Youre right, I do know, he said. Come here. He moved closer to her
until his body was snug against hers. The night we met, something happened between us and before I
knew it, I was in your mind. Were going to try that again. If Im in there, I can help you push him out.
As soon as Emily heard his words, she knew it was the right thing to do.
Give me your hands, he said. She lifted her hands to him and he laced his fingers between hers. He
pulled their hands up between their torsos and he squeezed her hands tight. Close your eyes, Em. Listen
to the sound of my voice.
She closed her eyes, and in the midst of the darkness, a warm light appeared.
He lowered his head until their foreheads touched. Follow the sound of my voice. I dont want you to
think of anything else but me. Im right here, Emily, and Im not leaving you. We will get through this.
She relaxed against him, and his familiar presence entered her mind. The feeling of him reminded her
of the first night they met, when he was in her mind without explanation. That night she had been
frightened, but now she trusted him and his presence comforted her.
Just when the darkness retreated into the corners of her mind where it normally lived, it pushed back.
Every muscle in her body tensed and her breathing quickened, as the entity within the darkness shoved its
way back into her mind. It thundered through her, and the pain Marta warned her about earlier came as a
flash of lightning and intensified throughout her body.
Youre breathing too fast, he said. Focus on my voice and steady your breathing.
Emily did as he said, but could not get her breathing under control. Her searing lungs seemed to
operate under the will of the darkness, which continued expanding in her mind.
He let go of her hands and cupped her face. Emily, slow your breathing or youll hyperventilate.
Concentrate only on my voice and let me back in so I can help you fight him.
Her head spun in a vortex created by the darkness. She knew it was a combination of hyperventilating
and the killer trying to take her mind, but knowing what was happening didnt help her regain control.
Emily, its just you and me here, so concentrate on us. Feel me here with you. Jakes voice rushed
over her like a calm wave, and his lips brushed against hers as he spoke. Breathe with me, he
His breath warmed her lips and chin, and she no longer struggled to slow her breaths. She matched his
steady pace of breathing, and the darkness retreated again, giving way to Jake. She continued listening to
his soothing tone and her body calmed. Within minutes, his presence radiated as the only thing left in her
mind and a smile formed on her lips. She didnt want him to ever leave her mind.
Several minutes passed before Jake said, I think its safe for me to let go now. I dont think hes
coming back tonight.
She waited to open her eyes until he had retreated from her mind. How did you do that?
I dont know, he said. But now we know how to stop him from hurting you.
Its strange, but I think our connection is stronger than before you did that.
It started the night we met. That first time, it happened naturally, and even though I didnt know your
name, it was as if wed known each other forever. It wasnt as difficult then, since no one else was in
your mind fighting for control.
Theres still a feeling from you being in there, she said. Its almost like a tickle, but its also warm
and calm. What did it feel like to you?
I couldnt read your thoughts, but I felt every part of you and experienced all of your emotions. It was
like touching your soul. Knowing you like that...I cant imagine anything more intimate.
She let her lips touch his in a light kiss. As much as she wanted to be with him in that moment, the kiss
remained gentle and innocent, feeding her emotions rather than her physical needs. She was content just to
love him.
After a moment, they broke the kiss, but their bodies stayed close together. He settled down onto his
back, and Emily lowered her head onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and her eyes shut,
seeking the sanctuary of peaceful sleep.
The darkness took hold of her in the middle of a dream and Emilys eyes flew open. She popped out of
bed and raced for the bathroom. She took a second to slam the door shut and lock it. She didnt want Jake
seeing her like this. One hand clutched the toilet seat lid and the other held back her hair. What was left of
her dinner came up in violent heaves.
Emily! Jake pounded on the door. Are you okay?
She couldnt respond, and she continued vomiting. Jake called her name and pleaded for her to open
the door. The banging on the door fueled the angry headache that gripped her mind. Once her stomach was
empty and the cramping subsided, she flushed the toilet and sat against the wall.
I need a minute, she said through the door. She gathered her strength and used the bathtub wall for
balance as she got to her feet. At the sink, she rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth.
When she exited the bathroom, Jake jumped up from the edge of the bed. He ran to her and took her in
his arms. Are you okay? Is he already back?
Hes back, she said. When he released her, she looked at the clock. They had only been asleep for a
few hours. Why is he back so soon?
I dont know. That should have worked at least for tonight.
Her stomach cramped again and a jackhammer went to work on her brain. She fell to the ground and
grabbed her head, which felt like a book being torn apart by strong hands. Tears sprung to her eyes.
Jake crouched in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders. What is it?
I think my brain is splitting in two, she said.
He touched the back of his hand to her forehead, and then placed his wrist on the back of her neck.
Youre burning up, he said. We need to get you in a cool bath.
Emily shook her head. Its not real. It feels like it is, but its not. The last time the fever came, my
temperature was normal.
Nothing about this is normal.
Help me to the bed.
Jake helped her get to her feet and let her lean on him for support. He propped pillows up against the
headboard and eased her into the bed.
Somethings wrong, she said. This feels different than the rest of the times. She heard a womans
voice in the back of her mind, but she wasnt calling to Emily like the others. What time is it again?
He looked over at the alarm clock on his bedside table. Its just after midnight.
Can you get my purse? Its in the living room.
As soon as Jake left the room, the pain in her head increased. She closed her eyes and fought against
him. Usually an unseen mass of energy, the entity that lived inside the darkness pulsated and filled up her
mind. The womans voice spoke to the entity in a conversational tone, one that she recognized.
Jake returned with her purse and handed it to her. Emily dug out her cell phone and confirmed her
suspicions. Cassie hadnt called after dinner like she promised, but she had missed more than twenty calls
from Aunt Barbara and several from Uncle Leo as well.
Emily, what is it?
He has her, she said. Her chest exploded with pain and she looked up at Jake. He has Cassie.
Chapter Fifty-three
David opened the basement door and gazed at his latest prize, the best of the lot. With her hands
restrained behind her back, Cassie sat in the corner of the room, the same corner as the other women
before her.
But Cassie was different than all the others. She was Emilys conduit and had been with Emily for
many years. Their connection was already in place, and it was stronger than he ever imagined.
Clumps of dried blood matted the blonde hair on the side of her head. The laceration that occurred
during their struggle had stopped bleeding hours earlier, but David hadnt washed the blood away. While
she was still asleep from the Ketamine, he had checked the wound to make sure it wasnt serious.
He could barely contain his excitement, and the urge to rush back upstairs and get his knife
overwhelmed him. With Cassie in his basement, Emily would come to him very soon.
What do you want with me? she asked.
Lets not waste time playing games. You know what I want. Youre going to bring Emily to me.
Ill never help you get to Emily, she said.
Her loyalty to Emily amused David, and he wondered what it would take to break her of that. You
dont really have a choice. I can sense her with you just sitting there.
Why Emily?
Emilys special, he said. Were meant to be together.
If youre meant to be together, why all the theatrics? Why kill eight women to get to her? You could
have just introduced yourself and asked her out.
Cassies nave questions annoyed him, but he decided to indulge her. I have to test her first. If she can
find her way to me, then shes worthy.
So you use these women to contact her? What would you do if she didnt find her way to you?
Id kill her, he said. But I really dont want to do that.
She pondered his words, but appeared unfazed. Youre quite adept at what you do. Have you done
this before?
There have been other women like Emily, he said. I thought they were the ones, but they never paid
much attention to me, not like Emily.
So you killed them, she said.
Youre starting to understand.
I dont think Ill ever understand in the true sense of the word, but I understand why you think you
needed to do what youve done.
I can accept that. They were starting to come to terms and he found it easy to talk with her. He had
spent so much time with women that he couldnt wait to kill, but Cassie was more intelligent than most.
He should have expected as much from Emilys best friend and business partner. Maybe hed have to hold
off on hurting her for a little while.
So why take me? Cassie asked.
I wasted so much time on all the others. No, thats unfair to say. I didnt waste time on all of them
because some were necessary to connect with Emily, but youre her conduit. You are already connected to
her, and on a much deeper level than anyone else. You can help me reach out to her and convince her to
come. He decided to give her hope, one of his favorite parts of the kill. Once she finds me, I will let
you go.
Im sure you understand why Im apprehensive about that arrangement. Maybe I dont want Emily to
come to you. Or maybe I think if she does come, youll still kill me.
David grinned. Youre different than most of the women Ive met.
I would hope so, she said. Since we have a bit of time together, might I ask about your career?
He had never thought about what he did as a career, but he supposed it could be classified as such.
Cassies interest in his work perplexed him. She should be more afraid, and while he could sense some of
her fear, her behavior and words didnt exhibit it. Why do you want to know about my career? he asked.
When I was a cop, I spent a lot of time studying people like you, trying to figure out why it is that you
do these sorts of things. Maybe before you kill me, Id like to find out a little more about you. Who
knows? You might end up liking me and decide to keep me around.
If you studied people like me in the past, then you must be far more scared than youre letting on. You
might view me as a research project, like I see the women who sat in the very spot where you are now,
but if you know Im going to kill you then I still think youre afraid of me.
I am afraid, she said. Ive been afraid since you grabbed me at my house, and Im not going to
insult you by telling you otherwise. But Im also curious, and Id like the opportunity to know more about
Her words fascinated him, far more than any other words spoken by a woman before her. David
decided to use his time with Cassie to his advantage. He had many unanswered questions about his life
and his desires to kill women, and she might be able to provide those answers he sought.
If I answer your questions about my life, will you tell me more about myself? Will you tell me why I
had fantasies about dark things when I was younger and why I had to act on them? Ive always wondered
why I have to do these things.
She pursed her lips and studied his face for a moment. If you tell me enough about your life, then I
might be able to explain some things that youve wondered about.
He was never able to speak with someone about his work, and he thought it might be fun to share his
lifes details for a change. It wouldnt hurt to divulge some of his secrets to her and gain more perspective
on his life and work in the process. She wouldnt be alive later to tell anyone what he said.
David settled down on the floor in front of her, ready for a long and gratifying discussion. Cassie,
you can ask me whatever you want.
Chapter Fifty-four
The detectives and crime scene unit crawled in and out of Cassies house like ants on an anthill. The
Chief had called Lionel to pledge the support of every department in the search for Cassie, but it did
nothing to help Lionels overwhelming helplessness.
When they had arrived at her house and she failed to answer the door, Lionel used his extra key to
enter. Her car was still in the garage and there had been a struggle in her bedroom. There was no doubt
that someone, presumably the killer, took her from her home against her will.
Lionel sat on the hood of Shawns unmarked patrol car, his shoes resting on the bumper. He swung his
gaze across the street, toward the neighbors congregating on front lawns to speculate why the cops had
taken over the normally sleepy cul-de-sac. He had seen neighbors on front lawns many times before while
at a crime scene, but now he wanted to yell at them to mind their own business and stop intruding on his
Shawn jogged down the stone walkway from Cassies front porch. He jumped up next to Lionel on the
hood of his car and pulled off his latex gloves. Have you heard from Emily? Shawn asked.
Nothing, Lionel said. The unit that went to her house said everything appeared to be in order. She
wasnt home, but her doors were locked and intact. They peeked through the garage window on the side
of the house and her car was gone. Theres nothing to suspect she had been taken as well.
Shes probably at her boyfriends house, Shawn said. Well hear from her in the morning when she
wakes up to all your messages.
What did I do? Lionel asked.
You didnt cause this, Shawn said, not for the first time since arriving at Cassies house. Theres
no reason to believe the killer knows Cassie is working on the case. Outside of us and the Chief, hardly
anyone at the station knew about her involvement. You didnt put her in this position.
Shawn was trying to make him feel better, and he was most likely right. The killer probably did not
know Cassie was working the case. She just happened to be his next target.
If this guy had been stalking Cassie like the other victims, Shawn said, she would have noticed it
and reported it to us. If he followed her at all, it was only for a very short time.
Lionel turned to Shawn. Out of nowhere, he asked, Do you really have a thing for Cassie, or is
Barbara reaching?
This isnt the right time, Leo.
I dont know what else to talk about. They wont let me in there and I dont know what to do. I just
dont want to keep thinking about her being gone.
Shawn moistened his lips and his eyes studied his shoes. Cassies a beautiful girl, he said. Shes
smart and damned stubborn. So yeah, maybe I am starting to have a thing for her, but I would never do that
to you. It might be weird for all of us.
Lionel slapped Shawns back. I guess that if someone was to have a thing for her, then youre not so
Not so bad? Shawn echoed. I suppose Ill have to settle for that.
If we get her back, maybe well see about that dinner.
Well get her back, Leo. I swear to you, were getting her back.
Headlights caught Lionels attention. A black Jeep pulled up to the crime scene tape perimeter. Emily
jumped out of the passenger side, while a man climbed out of the drivers side. Uncle Leo! Emily
called, as he walked toward her. She slipped under the crime scene tape and ran over to him.
Lionel gave her a big hug, and Shawn did as well. Lionel noticed the man standing on the other side of
the crime scene tape still, and he waved him over. The man dipped under the tape and moved over to
This is Jake Hanley, Emily said. Jake, this is Uncle Leo and his partner, Shawn Brandt.
Good to meet you both, Jake said, and shook their hands. I just wish it was under different
Same here, Shawn said.
Did you get my messages? Lionel asked.
Emily nodded. What happened?
It looks like he took her from her house, most likely in her bedroom, Shawn said.
Emily lifted her hands to the back of her neck. This cant be happening.
Is there any way the killer knew you and Cassie were working on the case? Shawn asked. I know
you were both being discreet, but did you possibly run across someone who could have been the
No, Emily said. In fact, all of the people we spoke to are women, except maybe a few people at
Diane Murphys memorial and Sam.
Sam isnt our guy, Shawn said.
Uncle Leo, I know there are detectives and the crime scene unit in there, but I have to go in.
Im sorry, Emily, Lionel said, but thats not a good idea. You dont want to expose yourself to that
and you have no police training like Cassie does. You might accidentally contaminate the crime scene.
I have to go in, and Jake needs to come with me. Well wear shoe covers, hair nets, latex gloves, lab
coats, whatever you tell us to wear. Well follow someone exactly as were told, and we wont touch a
thing. Im at her house a lot more than you are and I might see something that can help.
And why does Jake need to go in? Shawn asked.
Emily took Jakes hand. I need him for support. I cant do it alone. Hes a jury consultant and has
investigating experience, so he may be able to help me.
Lionel looked at Shawn for an answer, but he just shrugged.
Emily walked up to Lionel and locked eyes with him. We need to go in, she said in a low tone.
Well be able to find things none of your guys can find. You know thats true.
Lionel did know. He had thought it for a long time. Even though he didnt understand it, Emily could
help in ways no one else could. Thats why he had wanted her and Cassie on the case to begin with. They
were both good detectives, but Emily was different.
He shifted his gaze to Jake. He had never met the man before, but something was different about him,
in the same way Emily was different. She didnt want Jake in there just for support, but because he
possessed the same kind of detective skills. Cassie needed both of them in her house right now.
Okay, he said. You guys can go in. Because shes my niece, Im not allowed inside the crime scene.
You can be my eyes and ears. I want to know everything you can tell me. If you see anything that can help,
let Shawn know when youre inside so he can get a crime scene tech on it immediately.
When we get to the front door, I need you both to sign into the crime scene with the officer standing
there, Shawn said. Ill get approval from the Chief for you both when I go into to the station later. Better
to ask forgiveness than permission, or so they say. Im in charge of this crime scene, so if anyone asks,
youre with me.
Forget this, Lionel said. Im going in, too.
Leo, theres no way the Chief will okay it, Shawn said.
You just said it. Forgiveness later, right?
Shawn threw up his hands. Sure, lets break all the rules tonight. But the same thing goes for you.
Youre not touching a single piece of evidence.
Okay, boss. Lionel followed them to the front door.
Shawn checked them in with the officer at the front door and directed them in putting on necessary
protective gear. He asked Emily to put her hair in a tight bun to minimize the risk of hairs falling out. I
know youre here all the time, he said, and your hair is probably all over her house, but were doing
this the right way.
After they entered the house, Shawn said, The front door locks were picked, but Cassie wouldnt
have noticed anything wrong because she parked in the garage and came in through the door attached to
the laundry room. He surprised her in the bedroom and attacked her in there.
Can we start at the laundry room? Emily asked.
They followed Shawn through the kitchen. Emily walked into the laundry room, while Shawn, Lionel,
and Jake stood in the kitchen near the doorway. Emily turned around and walked toward them, much as
Cassie would have when she first entered the house. After she came home, she set her purse down on the
kitchen counter and went straight for the bathroom.
How do you know she went to the restroom? Lionel asked.
We were together all day. She dropped me off at Jakes house after we were done at work. She
hadnt used the bathroom since lunch, and she didnt use it at Jakes house.
That makes sense, Shawn said. Lets retrace her steps.
They walked back through the kitchen, and Lionel noticed Cassies purse on the kitchen counter, just
as Emily said. He normally would have noticed it when they first walked into the kitchen, but he was
thinking like the uncle of a missing girl, not as a veteran homicide detective.
Stopping in the hallway by the guest bathroom, Emily closed her eyes. She used this bathroom
because it was closest, Emily said, with her eyes still shut. Before she left Jakes, she said she wanted
to take a nap and a shower before going to your house. She would have gone back into the kitchen to get
her purse before taking a nap since she always keeps her cell phone close to her.
But her purse is still in the kitchen, Shawn said.
Thats because he grabbed her when she came out of the bathroom and not in her bedroom, Emily
said. She pointed to the carpet below her feet. Right here is where he grabbed her.
But the struggle is in her bedroom, Shawn said.
Trust me, her cell phone is never more than a few inches from her at all times. She would have gone
back for it after using the bathroom, Emily said.
He picked the locks on the front door and waited for her in the hall closet, Jake said. He walked
down the hallway and stopped in front of the coat closet. He was in here.
Lionel walked slowly toward Jake. How could you know that? he asked.
If you pick the locks of the front door, Emily said, and you want to keep your prints or DNA or
whatever confined to a limited area, this is where you would wait for someone.
Plus he knew Cassie would come into the house through the garage, Jake said. She would have had
to walk through the kitchen and right past this hall closet. If he didnt hear the garage door open or hear
her walk into the house, he definitely would hear her walking down this hall if he was in the closet.
She went into the bathroom, Emily said, with her eyes closed again, and he exited the closet and
waited in the hall, surprising her when she opened the bathroom door.
That sounds very logical, Lionel said. We need to get this closet printed and scoured for any
Shawn called down the hall for a tech and directed them to start on the hall closet. Work your way
down the hallway, too. He may have first grabbed her in the hallway.
How did they end up in the bedroom? Lionel asked.
That one I can answer, Shawn said. She kept one of her guns in the nightstand. Weve already
photographed and bagged it. The rest of her weapons are in a gun safe in her home office, so the gun in her
nightstand is the one she would have gone for first.
When he grabbed her in the hall, it wasnt tight enough to keep hold of her, Emily said. She
wiggled free and ran to the bedroom to get her gun.
It would have been easier to get her gun than going for her cell phone in the kitchen and trying to call
for help, Lionel said. The cell phone option would have taken way too long.
But he caught up to her in the bedroom, Shawn said, and she never made it to her gun.
Can we go to the bedroom? Emily asked.
Are you sure you want to do that? Shawn asked. There is some blood. Its not enough to be serious,
but we think its her blood and she was hurt in the struggle.
Emily drew a shaky breath, and Jake placed his hands on her shoulders from behind her. He leaned
over her shoulder. Em, we dont have to do this if you dont want to.
Yes, we have to, she said.
Shawn nodded and led them into the bedroom. Two crime scene investigators worked on the bedroom,
dusting for prints and collecting evidence. Guys, can you give us a minute? Shawn asked.
The investigators finished what they were working on and left the room. Shawn turned to Emily and
Jake. The room has been photographed and most of the evidence has been collected, but please do not
disturb anything.
Well be extra careful, Jake said.
Emily walked around the room with Jake right behind her.
Lionel shielded his eyes with his hand for a moment. He didnt want to look at the scene where Cassie
had been taken, and he definitely didnt want to see her blood.
When he gathered the courage to look around, the first thing he saw was her bed. The messy comforter
hung off the edge, as if Cassie had tried to climb over the bed and was dragged off of it, or was picked up
and thrown down. The askew pillows and sheets pulled up from the mattress told Lionel there had been a
huge struggle once he had her on the bed.
The previous crimes had no evidence that the killer raped or sexually assaulted any of his victims, but
the thought of his niece being helplessly attacked on her bed and restrained was too much for Lionel. He
looked away from the bed and tried to keep his focus on other things so he wouldnt see it in his
peripheral vision.
Next to the bed was a broken lamp from her bedside table. Her alarm clock was on the floor as well,
along with a capped bottle of water and a paperback novel. Lionel didnt immediately see the blood
Shawn mentioned, so he stopped looking around the room before he found it.
How did he get her out of the house? Emily asked.
We think she was drugged, Shawn said. We found a cap that looked like it could have covered the
needle of a syringe.
If he struggled with Cassie, he probably used his teeth to get the cover off, Jake said.
Thats what we thought also, Shawn said. We had a guy take it straight to the lab to have a tech
swab it for saliva. If they find any saliva, well see if we can pull DNA from it.
Thats a lucky break, Jake said. Is he normally that careless?
Never, Lionel said. But hes been making more and more mistakes.
Ive seen enough, Emily said.
Did you see anything else that might help? Lionel asked.
Emily shook her head. Just the closet and the hallway.
Once they were back outside, Lionel gave Emily another hug. Thank you so much for coming, he
said. You both helped out more than you can imagine.
You have to find her, Emily said. If theres anything else we can do
Youve already helped a lot, Shawn said. Go home and try to get some sleep. Jake, will you be
staying with her?
Ill take her to my house and keep an eye on her, Jake said. I wont leave her alone for a second.
Thats probably best, Shawn said. Well call as soon as we know something.
Lionel watched Emily and Jake walk back to his Jeep. He had always questioned how Emily knew
more than she could possibly know, but tonight he was thankful she could pick up on those things.
You should go home, too, Shawn said. Its not going to help for you to stay up all night with me.
One of us needs to be rested when we review everything in the morning.
Youre right, Lionel said. Ill get a uniform to run me home. Theres no point in making Barbara
come out here to pick me up. She doesnt need to see all of this.
Well find her, Leo, Shawn said. Shell be home safe tomorrow.
Lionel nodded, and walked away to find an officer to take him back home to his wife.
Chapter Fifty-five
Bob was still asleep in his spot on the back of the recliner when they returned to Jakes house. Emily went
straight back to the bedroom without a word, but Jake didnt follow her or try to engage her in
conversation. Silence had filled his Jeep on the drive back, and every time he said something, she would
only nod or shake her head in response.
Jake walked around the house, making sure all the locks were still secure on both the doors and
windows. As an added precaution, he checked the closets in all the rooms to make sure no one was
Back in the bedroom, Emily was still in her clothes. Arent you changing into your pajamas? he
We have so much work to do.
Theres nothing we can do at almost two in the morning. You need sleep, I need sleep. Neither of us
will be effective tomorrow morning if we havent slept.
He has her, Jake. Theres no way I can sleep tonight knowing that shes with him.
He wont do anything to her, not for quite a while. Youre the one he wants and shes your conduit.
Shes the closest thing he has to you. He wont hurt her until he can fully exploit that. You said yourself it
could take time before he starts using her to get to you.
But what if he doesnt wait? Emily said. She mashed her quivering lips together and her eyes
glassed over. Shes my best friend, Jake. I cant take any chances with her life.
Jake pulled her to him. She buried her face in his shoulder and her damp cheeks wet the side of his
neck. Were not taking chances with her life, but we wont do any good by sitting up worrying all night.
Shawn and Lionel are doing everything they can, and maybe theyll be able to get some DNA from the
syringe cap. But we wont know any of that until the morning, so for whats left of tonight, we need to
Youre right, Emily said, and she broke away from him. We cant help her right now. In the
morning, we might have a clearer idea about how to find her. Did you feel him at her house?
As soon as we walked up to her front porch. It was impossible not to. He could still feel him now,
but he hadnt wanted to tell her. The man who took Cassie left a trail of malevolence that was easy to
Jake had never experienced such an evil presence and that same person was in Emilys mind. He
couldnt bear the thought of that monster wanting to get to her. After experiencing the intimacy of her
letting him into her mind, he hated that the killer had forced his way in and invaded her to the point that it
physically drained her and made her ill. Jake couldnt take chances of letting him get anywhere near
I think we should split an Ambien to help us sleep, he said, changing the subject. A full one and
well sleep too late, so Ill cut one in half.
Thats fine, she said. Ill go get ready for bed.
When Jake returned from the kitchen with half of an Ambien tablet for both of them, Emily came out of
the bathroom, dressed in the pajamas she wore earlier. He handed her the pill with a glass of water. She
swallowed it with a sip of water and gave him back the glass for him to take his half of the pill.
After climbing into bed, Emily crawled into his arms. Her chilled body shivered against him, and he
tightened his hold on her. Are you okay? he asked.
Im really scared, Jake, she whispered through the dark. Ive never been so scared.
Dont be scared. Were going to find Cassie and everything will be fine. Im not going to let anything
happen to you. Youre safe here with me. Jake kissed her forehead and held her close. Though he
intended his words to be true, he couldnt tell her that he was just as frightened.
Chapter Fifty-six
Jake had been asleep for at least a half hour before Emily snuck out of his bed. The Ambien he took
would keep him out for a few more hours, giving her plenty of time to go through with her plan.
She eased the bedroom door shut to shield him from any noise she made, and crept down the hallway,
into the living room. She wished shed had the foresight to keep her overnight bag in the living room to
change into some warmer clothes before she left. With her bag in the bathroom, she couldnt change into
something warmer and risk rousing Jake, so her pajamas would have to do.
In the living room, she slipped on her shoes and picked up her purse. At the dining room table, she
dropped her half of the Ambien pill in her purse, having hid it between her fingers after she took the glass
from Jake. She hated the deception, not only then, but what she had to do now. There was no other choice.
She had to find Cassie and she was running out of time.
Emily dug in her purse until she found a piece of paper and a pen. She composed a note to Jake,
explaining everything she could without being too lengthy. She took her cell phone out of her purse and sat
it on top of the note. Even though the police might be able to track her if she had it, taking it with her could
result in Cassie being hurt and she wasnt willing to take that risk.
She removed her car keys from her purse, and took the ignition key off the ring. At the last moment,
she unzipped a pocket in the back of her purse and pulled out an extra key for her car.
Before she moved into the garage, she went back into the living room. Bob popped his head up from
his sleeping spot on the recliner and meowed at her. She scratched behind his ears, leaned over, and
kissed his furry head. Keep Jake company for me until I come home, she whispered.
In the garage, she took the garage door opener out of his Jeep and climbed into the front seat of her
car. She put the extra key in the glove compartment. If things worked out the way she hoped, Cassie would
check the glove compartment first for a key. In high school, Emilys mom refused to allow her to buy a car
with money saved from her after-school job, so she borrowed Cassies car from time to time. Cassie
always left an extra key in the glove compartment for her. She hoped Cassie remembered their
With the other key in the ignition, she pressed the button on the garage door. Though Jakes bedroom
was in the back of the house, there was always a chance he could hear the garage door open and close.
She waited for a moment, but Jake did not run out of the house to find out why she was leaving. The
engine roared to life and Emily threw the car into reverse. Using the gas pedal as little as possible, the car
rolled out of the garage and down the steep driveway. At the bottom of the driveway, she turned onto the
street and closed the garage door.
Emily drove to a nearby mom and pop grocery store that closed several hours earlier. She pulled her
car into the delivery bay behind the store and silenced the cars engine. She wasnt sure what time the
store began taking deliveries, but with the darkness swirling in her mind and the sensation of the killer
from Cassies house, it wouldnt take long for her to contact him.
Her eyes slid shut and she bowed her head. She gripped the steering wheel, focused her breathing, and
called out to him. Remembering Martas warning to keep her mind closed, Emily opened her mind as
much as possible and probed the darkness that resided within.
Moments later, she heard her name. At first she thought it was Cassie, but then she recognized the low
tones as being a mans voice. Relief rushed through her. He hadnt hurt Cassie to the point of making her
call out to Emily.
Having made contact with him, Emily visualized the alley where police had found Jillian Waters. She
threw every detail of that alley into the darkness, hoping that he would pick up on where she wanted to
meet. She had to get them onto familiar territory to ensure Cassies safety.
The voice came back to her, confirming he knew where to find her. Emily opened her eyes. It wasnt
too late to go back to Jakes house, or even to call Uncle Leo, but having anyone else waiting for him in
the alley would put Cassie in danger. Though she had never been more terrified in her life, Emily put the
car in gear and took off toward the alley.
Chapter Fifty-seven
Emily turned off the cars headlights and backed into the dark alley where the mutilated body of Jillian
Waters was discarded. Using the red and white glow of the brake and backup lights to guide her, she
maneuvered through the narrow channel and parked behind the three commercial trash bins.
Cassie and her captor were not there yet, giving Emily a few minutes alone to prepare for their
arrival. The alley provided several options for Cassie once she was out of harms way. If she didnt find
the key Emily left in the glove compartment, Cassie was familiar enough with the area that she could find
her way to a phone and call Uncle Leo. If all else failed, Sam lived around the corner in his homemade
shelter. Because the killer was unaware of Sam, it was one more resource for Cassie to use to get help.
Though his presence in Emilys mind had grown larger than ever before, it would feel much different
once they were face to face. She hoped when he stood in front of her, the darkness in her mind would start
to fade away rather than take over every part of her.
Standing in front of her car, fear racked her body and her rigid joints threatened to lock into position.
Still in her pajamas, she rubbed her bare arms to try and keep warm, but it wasnt nearly enough in the
coldest and darkest hours of the spring night. The cold should have been the least of her concerns, but it
allowed her to focus on something other than what her fate might be once she was with him.
Emily had no illusions regarding what was about to happen. Once she exchanged her freedom for
Cassies, there would be no need for him to hurt anyone else, but she would still be with the man who had
killed eight women to get to her. After that, she had no idea what he would do or how exactly she could
get away if Jake didnt quickly find her. Everything she did depended not only on Cassie getting away
safe, but also on Jake finding her once he woke from his Ambien-induced sleep.
The darkness had so completely filled her mind that she feared she wouldnt be able to find her way
back to Jake on her own. All of the light he left behind after being in her mind would be snuffed out as
soon as she was with the killer. She was asking so much of Jake. Though they had not yet said it, she
believed he loved her as much as she loved him. He wouldnt leave her stranded with this monster for
long, but would find her and direct Lionel and Shawn to rescue her.
The air around her thickened and a car pulled up in front of the alley. It blocked the entryway, with the
passenger side facing her. Leaving the headlights on, the driver exited the car and walked around to the
back seat on the passenger side. Emily gulped down large breaths, so as not to drown in the black circling
her mind like a vulture waiting for her death.
The driver opened the back door and yanked his passenger out of the car. Emily was relieved to see
the shadows of Cassies familiar face illuminated by the interior car light. Her hands appeared to be tied
behind her back, duct tape covered her mouth, and he dragged her against her will down the alley.
He stopped in front of the trash bin closest to his car and Emily got her first look at him. Clean-cut
with short dark hair and striking features, he towered over Cassie. He looked like any other person
walking down the street.
Emily assessed Cassies appearance. Her condition was better than Emily expected, with just a few
bruises and some matted blood on the side of her head. Seeing Cassie alive reinforced that she was doing
the right thing.
I cant believe youre finally here, Emily, he called down the alley. You came alone?
Yes. Im sure you would sense it if someone else was here with us.
Im really glad you didnt bring anyone. It wouldnt have gone well for any of us if you had.
Unfortunately, we still have to go through some precautions. He gestured to the trash bin next to her. I
need you to throw your car keys in there. We cant have Cassie following us now, can we?
As she approached the trash bin, Emily was glad she had prepared for this moment by bringing the
extra key for Cassie. Her car key clanged against the interior of the metal container, signaling a temporary
end to her freedom.
Please, Emily said, let Cassie go. Ill go with you willingly, but I need to make sure shes safe
Cassie shook her head to protest Emilys proposition and squealed from behind the duct tape covering
her mouth. Emily didnt let it deter her plan. Cassies safety was far too important.
He took a gun out from the waistband on the front of his jeans and aimed it at Cassie. Take two steps
forward, Cassie, and get on your knees beside the trash bin, he said. Face the wall and dont look at
either of us.
Cassie followed his instructions, keeping her eyes on Emily until she turned toward the building. She
knelt down on the ground and faced away from them with her head bowed.
Come to me, Emily, he said. Move very slow.
Emily held her hands up to her shoulders and inched toward him, pausing between each step. She only
thought about her breathing and tried to ignore the sickness rising inside her core.
When she was a few feet in front of him, he said, Stop there. Lift up your shirt so I can see your
Emily complied, and turned around so he could see that nothing was tucked into the waistband of her
pajama bottoms.
Keep your back toward me, he said. Im sure you understand why I have to take these measures.
I do, Emily said. His footsteps neared and she kept her hands up next to her head to demonstrate
compliance. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to still her trembling body.
Dont try anything, Emily. I would never hurt you, but I do have the gun on Cassie. Even though she
and I got along well, I have no qualms about killing her if Im forced to. Im going to pat you down and
make sure you dont have anything on you. No weapon, no wire, no transmitter of any kind.
His left hand felt along every inch of her clothing and Emilys stomach hollowed out each time his
fingers pressed into a different part of her body. She kept her hands in the air and reminded herself that
she was doing this for Cassie.
After patting her down, he swung his arm over her shoulder and down to her stomach, restraining her
against him. Matching his backward steps, they moved away from Cassie and toward his car. In his grip,
his touch pumping fear through her veins, her plan suddenly seemed severely underdeveloped.
Wanting to stall the inevitable and hoping for a last minute miracle to save her before she disappeared
into the darkness, she said, I dont know your name.
David, he said. We have to go now, but there is plenty of time to talk later. The gun moved out of
Emilys view, and the next thing she saw was a syringe. Im not giving you very much, he said. Just
enough for us to get home and for you to get a few hours of sleep. It will sting a little bit, and Im sorry for
The needle pierced the side of her neck and Emily cried out. The liquid from the syringe set fire to her
neck. He yanked the needle out of her neck and threw the syringe to the ground. He no longer seemed
concerned with leaving evidence behind now that he had her.
Stand up, Cassie, and walk toward Emilys car.
A blur swiped over Emilys eyes and she had difficulty watching Cassie follow his commands. In her
peripheral vision, she saw the gun lift. She tried to call out Cassies name to warn her, but no words came
out before the gun fired. Cassie fell to the ground, and two more bullets left the gun.
Emily tried again to call out to Cassie, but her limbs gave way and her body collapsed against David.
He helped her into the backseat of the car and she tumbled over on her side. The car door shut and she
lost consciousness.
Chapter Fifty-eight
Jake slumped over the dining room table and propped his head up with his hands. He had read the note at
least twenty times since waking up and discovering Emily was not in his bed. Expecting to find her in the
kitchen, the sight of her purse and cell phone on the table jolted his system. He had raced to the garage,
only to discover her car missing as well. Then he sat at the dining room table and read the note.
The note provided most of the information he needed, but left him with so many questions. She made it
clear that she thought her plan was the only way to get Cassie back alive. Once the killer had her, he no
longer needed Cassie. If she called the police or took Jake with her, she risked getting Cassie killed.
Then her words took a cryptic turn. She pleaded for Jake to find her and bring the cops to get her away
from the killer. She wrote that he was the only one who could find her, but to do so, he needed to have
Cassie to take him to the place they had been yesterday. Although he preferred not to wait for Cassie to
take him, he realized that Emily had never said where they learned about conduits. He wouldnt be able to
find Emily alone, so he had no choice but to wait for word that Cassie had come home.
His heart ached at the last part of her note. She loved him and knew without a doubt that she wanted to
spend her life with him, but first he needed to bring her back from the darkness. Jake wanted nothing more
than for her to have told him that in person before she ran off on her dangerous quest to save Cassie.
He also chastised himself for not having the courage to share his feelings for her before she wrote it in
a note. Both of them had ample opportunity to express their love, to tell each other how crazy it was that
just after a week, they knew they belonged together. Yet neither of them ventured to have that
Jake picked up her cell phone and thumbed through her contacts until he found a number for Lionel. He
answered with a tired and worn voice. Hi, Emily. We dont have anything new on Cassie yet.
Its Jake, not Emily, Jake said.
Silence came from the other end of the phone.
Are you there? Jake asked.
Panic swelled in Lionels voice. Wheres Emily?
She went after Cassie. We both took a sleeping pill when we came home, but I think she only
pretended to take hers. When I woke up, she was gone. She left her cell phone here.
How would she know how to find Cassie?
I think... Jake stumbled over his lie. I think he contacted Emily. It seems Emily was his real target,
not Cassie. He probably took Cassie to get Emilys attention, and it worked.
Where are you now? Lionel asked.
At my house. She left her phone, her purse... He started to tell Lionel about the note, but decided to
hold that information back for the moment.
Okay, stay where you are. Give me a number I can reach you at.
Jake gave him his cell number. What do you want me to do?
Ill call you as soon as I talk to Shawn. Dont use Emilys phone again. Well have you bring it to the
station so we can dump it and see how they communicated.
I really dont want to sit here and do nothing while
It wont be long, Jake, I promise. If Emily was his real target, then its possible he let Cassie go to
exchange her for Emily. Either that or he killed Cassie. I need to talk to Shawn before we do anything else
since he took the lead on the case when Cassie disappeared.
Jake hung up and sat the phone down next to Emilys purse. Bob jumped up on the table and meowed
at Jake several times. I wish you could tell me where Emily ran off to, he told Bob. Or at least you
could have woken me up when she was leaving so I could stop her.
Bob tilted his head back and forth, and stared at Jake with his large, green eyes. He meowed a few
more times, followed by warbling noises that sounded like he was trying to tell Jake something.
Yeah, I cant wait until shes home, either, Jake said. He thought about Emilys note that he withheld
from Lionel. He was acting the same as Emily and Cassie, sneaking around, holding back secrets.
But just as Emily had snuck away to get Cassie, it was now Jakes responsibility to get Emily back,
exactly as her note asked him to do. Once he figured out where she was, he would tell the cops everything
so they could get her away from that monster. Dont worry, Bob, he said. Ill bring her home soon
Chapter Fifty-nine
Emilys gone? Shawn asked. What the hell is going on here?
Lionel shrugged and plopped down into the chair behind his desk. Jake said he thought she went to
find Cassie, and that Emily was the killers target all along.
Of course, the message. Hear me, Em. Emily. Shawn shook his head and huffed. That was his
message from the start and we had no idea.
There was no way for us to know the last word was Emily, let alone that it referred to our Emily.
Wheres Jake now? Shawn asked.
At his house. He called me on Emilys cell phone, which she conveniently left behind so we couldnt
trace her. I told him not to use it again because wed probably want to dump it. I got his cell phone
number so we can call him on that and have him bring it here.
Good thinking.
Anything from the tip line or the swab on the syringe cover?
Nothing. No saliva on the syringe cover and no tip that we can use.
How is this possible? Lionel asked. We have his picture, we have his first name. We have been
right behind him with Stephanie Price, Cassie, and now Emily. How can we have so much, but have so
Shawns desk phone rang before he could respond. Sergeant Brandt, he said into the phone. He sat
up straight and listened to the caller for a minute. Okay, well be right there.
What is it? Lionel asked as Shawn stood up.
They found Cassie.
Lionel jumped to his feet. Is she?
Shes alive and at Wesley Medical Center. She was shot in the arm, but it went all the way through
and she didnt need surgery. The crime scene unit is on the scene where she was shot.
They rushed out of their office, and Lionel got his cell phone out of his pocket. I have to call Jake.
Have him meet us at the hospital, Shawn said. Hopefully Cassie has some answers to help us find
Emily and finally stop this guy.
Chapter Sixty
Lionel and Cassie were engrossed in conversation when Jake walked into Cassies private hospital room.
Jake greeted them both, and asked Cassie how she felt. She said she was fine, but then launched into
complaints about her surroundings, particularly the hospital gown and the sling around her injured arm.
Wheres Shawn? Jake asked. He dragged a chair next to Cassies bed and sat down.
He was coming up the elevator with me, Lionel said, but he took a call from the Chief. Hell be
here in a few minutes. Cassie, why dont you finish what you were telling me about when he took you?
Cassie nodded. He was waiting for me in the hallway when I got out of the bathroom. He grabbed my
arm, but didnt get a good grip on me. I managed to get away from him and ran to the bedroom to get my
gun. He caught up to me fast, and even though I fought him for a bit, I didnt stand a chance. She clamped
her mouth shut and her brow furrowed.
Take your time, Lionel said.
She looked down at her hands, and continued speaking about the encounter. He was much bigger than
me. 64 or 65. He was big, not like overweight big, but really strong. He caught up to me in the bedroom.
I stumbled, hit the nightstand, and gashed open the side of my head. He picked me up like I weighed
nothing and slammed me down on the bed. We struggled, but then he pinned me down. The last thing I
remembered was a needle in my neck. Then I woke up in a basement. It was freezing cold down there and
my hands were restrained behind my back with rope.
Jake thinks Emily was his real target, Lionel said.
She was, Cassie said. When I was in the basement, he told me they belong together. He truly
believes he is in love with her and that she feels the same way about him. Later, he took me to the alley
and Emily was there waiting for us.
How did she look? Jake asked.
She looked... Cassie swung her eyes over to Jake. Im sorry, Jake, but I dont want to sugarcoat it
or lie. She looked absolutely terrified.
Jakes lips parted and his chest swelled with pain and anxiety. Before he fell asleep, Emily had told
him how scared she was. If only he knew her fear stemmed from her plan to surrender to the killer.
What happened in the alley? Lionel asked.
He had her throw away her keys in the trash bin, but she had put an extra key for me in the glove box.
Im so glad she thought that far ahead. After she threw away her car keys, he had me get on my knees and
he had the gun...
Listening to her speak about her ordeal, Jake no longer wondered how she managed to survive in the
grips of the monster that had Emily. Cassies voice reflected an incredible strength and determination, and
Jake surmised she could survive just about anything. He only hoped Emily shared those characteristics.
A commotion in the hallway caused Jake to look up. Shawn rushed into the room holding a folder, his
eyes never leaving Cassie. Are you okay? he asked.
After a little TLC from the docs, Lionel said, shes going to be just fine.
Shawn gushed out more questions. Which arm was shot? Are you hurt anywhere else?
I was shot in the left arm. I have some stitches in the side of my head and a hole in my arm, but other
than that Im doing okay.
Shawn smiled and nodded. Im so glad.
What else can you tell us? Lionel asked. Why did he shoot you in the arm? Why not just kill you?
I dont think hes had much experience with a gun, Cassie said. He was unsure of himself when he
used it. I know it was dark outside, but I wasnt that far away from him. He meant to kill me and if he
were practiced at shooting then he would have. Instead, he hit my arm with the first shot and missed me
entirely with the next two shots. I played dead so he thought he was successful, but he didnt even check to
see if I was alive. If he thought I was still alive, he wouldnt have stopped shooting.
Why would he be so sloppy? Jake asked.
After he fired the third shot, he high-tailed it out of there, Cassie said. Im sure he wanted to get
away from the alley as fast as possible in case someone heard the shots. I had to wait a few minutes until I
was sure he was gone, but then I crawled into the car. The first thing I checked was the glove box, and
there was the key.
Jake was glad that Cassie was on top of things and could sort out the facts of what happened, but he
needed something tangible to find Emily. Until she was home safe, nothing would put him at ease.
How far was the drive from where he held you until you arrived at the alley? Shawn asked.
It was hard to tell because he had me lie down in the backseat and I was blindfolded the whole way.
Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. He held me in a secluded area, like a farmhouse. He blindfolded me in the
kitchen before we left, but even though I couldnt see when we got outside, I didnt hear any street traffic
from the house to the car. I heard a lot of crickets, but no city noise. There also werent any lights that I
could see through the bottom of my blindfold until after we had driven for quite a few minutes.
Lionel scribbled in his notepad. Well get a radius set from the alley and see what we can find as far
as rural homes with basements within that search radius.
Unfortunately, basements are very common out here, she said. The room had a white tiled floor and
concrete walls, with a drain in the center of the room and a hose with a spray nozzle. It has to be his kill
room and also where he cleans the bodies before he dumps them.
How did he communicate with Emily? Shawn asked.
Im not sure, Cassie said.
Shawn took a piece of paper out of the folder and handed it to Cassie. Jake angled his head and saw
six pictures of men in rows of two. The grainy pictures appeared to be ones caught by a surveillance
Cassie pointed to the second picture on the bottom row. Thats him.
After putting the paper back into his folder, Shawn sat on the edge of Cassies hospital bed and laid
his hand on her arm. The crime scene unit picked up a lot of evidence in the alley. They collected the two
spent bullets that missed you plus the one that went through your arm. They also found the syringe he used
to inject Emily, and thats being tested now to see what drug he gave her. But I know you picked up on
something else we can use. Youre too well-trained not to have more for us.
Cassie sighed and fell into a silence. Her eyes clouded, and Jake realized the more she remembered,
the more painful those memories became. She had been through hell, yet in spite of all his sympathy for
her suffering, part of him wanted to shake her into giving up anything and everything she could so he could
pluck Emily out of the same hell Cassie had endured.
Shawn looked up at Lionel. Maybe we should come back later, after shes rested more.
I just needed to collect my thoughts, Cassie said. Docs got me on some pretty heavy stuff for the
pain. Cant say Im not enjoying it from time to time, but it clouds my mind more than relieves the pain.
Lionel smiled. We can let the pain medicine wear off a little and come back in a couple hours.
I wish you would both stop treating me like Im some sort of victim. My best friend is out there and
Im not playing the victim card until shes home. Got it?
Got it, Lionel said. He looked around the room and his eyes settled on Jake. We all want Emily
back right away. Shawn and I will check on the evidence from the alley and see if he left a print
somewhere. Then well sit on ballistics on the off-chance that it turns up something.
I think theres something else you can look at while youre waiting on ballistics, Cassie said. I said
at the beginning of this that hes killed before now. That was just educated conjecture then, but now I
know Wichita is not his first time on the merry-go-round.
How do you know? Shawn asked.
He told me.
Chapter Sixty-one
Emily moved her head from side to side and rubbed her forehead. Her eyelids fluttered open and she
yawned. The dark room helped ease her pounding headache, but it took a few moments for her eyes to
adjust. The shape of a lamp on the bedside table next to her caught her attention, and she groped the
lamps base until her fingers fumbled over the switch.
The blurry bedroom was completely unfamiliar to her, but her memory of events in the early morning
hours came back to her. Though he had Emily, David had still shot Cassie. She had no way to know if
Cassie survived the gunshot that threw her to the ground, but she didnt feel a sense of loss like she would
have expected if the gunshots had been fatal.
She had to trust that Cassies survival instincts had kicked in and she found her way to safety. Emily
didnt have the luxury of wondering what may or may not have happened to Cassie. She needed all her
faculties to focus on getting away from David.
Her vision cleared. She lifted her body up and balanced on her elbows to get a better look at her
surroundings. A flowered comforter covered her body, and the aged dresser across from her needed to be
refinished. The heavy drapes that blocked out the world from view were covered in the same flower
design as the comforter.
Emily rolled over on her side and saw three doors. One was slightly ajar, and she could see enough of
the room to tell it was a bathroom. The door next to it had a hook on the outside with a light blue sundress
hanging from it. Emily surmised there was a closet behind the door. The third door was near the bedside
table, and she guessed it led to the rest of the house.
On the bedside table, next to a vintage alarm clock whose second hand failed to tick, Emily noticed a
piece of paper folded in half with her name on the outside. She picked up the paper and recognized the
handwriting as the same one from the automatic writings. She opened the note and read it out loud. Dear
Emily. Take your time getting out of bed. You will be weak from the drug I gave you. When youre ready,
you can clean up with a shower and put on the dress I picked out for you. I cant wait to see you wearing
it. David.
She placed the note back on the table. The note made the nightmare real. He had used the women to
call to her, to connect with her. Once he was in her mind, he took Cassie to bring her to him. And now she
was here, just as he planned.
The window caught her attention. She would never be able to escape through the front door, but maybe
she could get through the window. She swung her tingling legs over the edge of the bed, realizing for the
first time that she was barefoot. As soon as her weight shifted onto her legs, they turned into gelatin. She
grasped for the edge of the unsteady bedside table and pulled it down with her. The lamp shattered on the
hardwood floor and the table knocked against her head. Her arm landed on the shattered glass and cut her
skin, while her head crashed into the hard floor.
Heavy footsteps closed in on the bedroom door. Despite the pain from her fall, Emily bounced into a
sitting position, scrambled back against the bed, and pulled her knees up to her chest. She wrapped her
arms around her weak legs and put her head down. Drops of blood from the wound on her head dripped
onto her bare forearm while her upper arm stung from the cuts.
The bedroom door flung open and she kept her body secure in a tight, protective ball.
Oh no, David said. What happened?
She lifted her eyes toward the deep voice and saw legs moving in her direction.
David crouched in front of her and touched her arm. Its okay, Emily. Im not upset with you. Its only
a lamp that we can replace. Im more worried about you.
Her body shuddered so hard she thought she might start crying. She was really here with David, a
killer who had mutilated eight women and shot her best friend. Tears spilled from her eyes and she lifted
a shaky hand to her face.
That Ketamine really has you a mess, doesnt it? Lets get you back into bed. After you rest, youll
feel so much better. He put one arm around her and slipped his other arm between the backs of her
calves and thighs. She swung her arm around his shoulder, and he lifted her up and laid her down in the
He knelt down beside the bed and caressed her cheek. Youre going to be okay, it will just take a
little bit for the Ketamine to wear off. Thats why I left you the note, so you wouldnt accidentally hurt
The note, Emily thought. She should have listened to the instructions on his note. Eager to find a way
out, she didnt realize his words were intended to help her.
His fingers touched the side of her head. When he brought them back into view, her blood clung to his
fingertips. He took her arm and turned it so he could see the wounds. Its not as bad as it looks, but you
do have a few pieces of glass stuck in your arm. Well get you cleaned up, but you shouldnt need stitches.
If it turns out you do need them, I can fix that up for you right here. Ill be right back. He walked to the
door, and lifted up the bedside table back to its spot by the bed.
David? she called before he left the room.
He turned around and smiled.
Emily needed to use his infatuation and apparent kindness toward her to her advantage. My head
really aches.
Ill bring you some aspirin.
She forced a smile. Thank you.
David stood in the doorway and watched her for a few moments before disappearing into the hallway.
Emily let out a long breath. Though her body continued shaking, she tried to calm her mind. David
believed he was in love with her, and in his own sick way, he probably did have feelings for her. Because
of that, he would do his best to take care of her, at least for the time being. If she wanted to survive long
enough to escape, she would have to pay attention to everything he said and did, and follow his every
She turned her head and looked at the covered window. Somewhere out there, Jake was searching for
her. She wished she could sense him and reach out to him to let him know where she was, but Davids
darkness overshadowed Jakes presence. David had latched onto her mind so well that it made it hard for
her to feel anything else but him.
David came back into the room with a small bowl, a glass of water, and some medical supplies. He
set everything down on the bedside table, and helped her get into a sitting position. He took a washcloth
out of the bowl and squeezed the water out of it. Pushing back the hair from the side of her head, he
dabbed at the wound with the warm, damp washcloth.
She grimaced with the first couple of touches, and he apologized. He lightened his touch and wiped
away the blood, taking time to rinse the cloth in the warm water several times. Once he was done with her
head, he picked up a pair of tweezers. She pulled her arm away at his first attempt to take the glass out of
her skin, but he coaxed her to stay as still as possible. Though pain shot through her arm as he worked, she
did as he asked.
Emily watched his face as he tended to her wounds. He wasnt what she expected in a serial killer.
Had she passed him on the street she might have considered him attractive. She had heard stories from
Cassie about murderers like Ted Bundy who used their looks to disarm their victims, and she was sure
David had done the same thing. His face had kindness in it while he fixed her up, something for which she
had not been prepared. She would always have to remember his deadly faade so as not to let her guard
down, not even for a moment.
Her wounds cleaned and bandaged, David set his tools down on the table. He caught her watching him
and smiled at her. He touched his hand to her cheek. I still cant believe youre here. Ive waited so long
for this. We are going to be so happy together.
She tucked her fear deep down, hiding it far away from David so he couldnt feel it. If he sensed her
terror, he might turn on her or even hurt her. She needed to remain strong and play into his fantasy. She
lifted her hand, placed it over his, and returned his smile.
Appearing pleased, David rose from the bed. He picked up two white pills from the bedside table and
handed them to her along with the glass of water. The white pills looked different than the generic aspirin
Emily had at home, but she didnt want to antagonize him by asking if he had anything different for her to
take. She thanked him, washed the pills down with the water, and returned the glass to the bedside table.
Maybe some sunlight will help you get your strength back a little faster, he said.
Emily caught her breath. If he opened the drapes, she could see outside the window and plan her
escape. David yanked back the drapes and Emilys heart dropped into her stomach. Black wrought iron
bars ran vertically across the outside of the windows. Though barred windows often contained a locking
mechanism in case of a fire, she was sure he had removed it in anticipation of an escape attempt. She
doubted that the window itself could even open.
She regained her composure before he turned around. Thank you, she said. The sunlight will
definitely help.
If you need anything, let me know and youll have it. For now, just rest and dont worry about the
lamp. Ill get that picked up so you dont step on the glass and cut yourself again. Regain your strength and
then you can get dressed and we can have lunch. Everything is ready for you in the bathroom, and there
are clothes in the dresser for you as well.
Emily glanced at the dress hanging from the closet door. Its very nice.
I knew you would love it. There are a few more in the closet, but I didnt get too much for you since
well have to move it all tomorrow to our new home.
Shock rippled through Emily. She hadnt considered that he would move her to a different location.
She didnt want to press the issue and ask too many questions, in case he became suspicious. Smiling, she
said, Im sure everything you picked out for me is perfect. I cant wait to try on the dress.
It will look beautiful on you, he said. Now get your strength back, and well take things one step at
a time.
He removed a couple pillows from behind her back and she curled up on her side. As she watched
him clean up the broken lamp from the floor, Emily tried to push back against the darkness in her mind, but
her efforts no longer worked. Every so often, he threw a smile her way. With every exchanged glance, she
lost herself in the darkness a little more.
Chapter Sixty-two
Why would he tell you hes killed before? Shawn asked.
He started talking and I kept asking questions, Cassie said. He always planned on killing me, so he
probably didnt care about revealing all these details. He told me about his previous attempts.
What do you mean by previous attempts? Shawn asked.
Cassie looked away and narrowed her eyes. Im not sure. Maybe just killing women in other cities
before he got his methods down.
Jake picked up on her lie. He knew from the shadow that crossed her eyes that she held something
back, but he didnt call her out on her dishonesty in case she had a reason for withholding information
from Lionel and Shawn. They would question her further if they saw the same thing he did.
If this isnt the first place hes killed, we need to find out where he struck in the past, Lionel said.
Miami, Cassie said. Des Moines, Seattle. Both Lionel and Shawn looked at her dumbstruck, but
she shrugged her shoulders in response. I got him talking and he told me. There were a few others I dont
remember, but you can start with those three locations. You should look for similar M.O.s, but probably
not as aggressive or violent as here. Not nearly as many killings, either.
Thats a lot of good information, Lionel said. He must have planned to kill you for sure if he let all
of that out. He looked at Shawn. I think we need to check out this lead right away, along with everything
else we have.
Ill get on contacting the police departments in the cities if you want to check on the evidence,
Shawn said.
Montana, Cassie whispered.
What? Shawn asked.
He started in Montana, she said. There was a girl. She hesitated, as if retrieving memories.
Julie. He killed her first. Picked her up at a rest stop. He talked about her like he holds her in the highest
regard, right under Emily, that is. Julie started it all for him, so it was several years ago.
Youve given us a lot to go on, Lionel said.
Is there anything else? Shawn asked.
His name is David, but I dont know his last name.
Lionel and Shawn exchanged a look. Thats also what we found during our investigation, Lionel
Jakes words stuck in his dry throat, but he managed to get them out. You said he thinks hes in love
with Emily, so that means he wont hurt her or kill her, right?
Cassie turned to Jake with such desperation on her face that it did not require psychic abilities to read
her thoughts. He doesnt plan on hurting her or killing her, but he will.
Fear seized his chest. He tried to speak, but nothing came out.
Eventually, Cassie continued, he will realize that Emily doesnt meet this high expectation he has
of her. She wont be everything he thought and hell become angry with her. He wont be able to help it.
At first, hell just hurt her, but hell get to the point where he will kill her.
Tears seared Jakes eyes. How long would it take someone like him to reach that breaking point?
Cassie looked away from him. 48 hours if were lucky. As volatile as he is, Id be surprised if its
any longer than that. Im sorry, Jake.
Jake slumped over in the chair. He tried to fight the tears welling in his eyes, but a few leaked out and
rolled down his cheeks. He shielded his eyes with his hand.
Lionel walked over to him and laid a firm hand on his shoulder. Jake, well find her before anything
happens to her.
Jake used the last of his strength to look up at Lionel. You have to bring her home, he said. I cant
lose her.
Lionel nodded and motioned for Shawn to follow him out of the room. Shawn gave Cassie one last
smile before he left.
Chapter Sixty-three
After David finished cleaning up the broken glass from the floor, he left Emily alone in the room to rest.
She spent the time trying not to regret her decision to help Cassie. She also called out to Jake whenever
the darkness seemed to retreat a bit in her mind, but she worried about calling out to him too much, for
fear David would know and take action.
About a half hour after David left, Emily tested her legs by focusing on her muscles one by one and
tensing them. They responded without hesitation. Emily sat up straight and moved her legs over the edge
of the bed. She put a slight amount of weight on her legs to make sure they would hold, and slid off the
bed. While a bit wobbly, her legs held up under her weight.
Her first task was to explore the room and see if she could locate or craft a weapon. She needed
privacy to accomplish her goals, and that meant closing the door so David couldnt hear her wander about
the room. She turned the doorknob and shut the door with care.
With her mind clear for the first time since Davids needle punctured her skin, she moved through the
room. She rifled through the closet, thinking she would be able to use a metal or even wooden rod, but he
had removed those from the closet. A few plastic hooks hung on the walls, holding up dresses similar to
the one outside the closet door. She had hoped he had some shoes for her, but none sat on the closet floor.
Her own socks and shoes, removed while she slept, were nowhere to be found. The deliberate move
on Davids part gave her insight into both his organized planning and intelligence. If she managed to
escape, she wouldnt be able to run as fast with bare feet, limiting her ability to get away from him.
Emily turned her attention to the dresser. Only the middle drawer contained any clothing, a handful of
panties and three silk nightgowns. When she raced out of her house in the middle of the night she wasnt
able to change out of her pajamas so she had not been able to put on a bra. He had put none in the drawer
for her. She mused that, like being denied access to shoes, not allowing her to wear a bra was another
way to make her feel helpless around him.
Bracing her hands on the edge of the dresser, Emily bowed her head and closed her eyes. Even though
he had the upper hand, she could not allow him to control her emotions or break her. He would do
everything he could to make her understand he was in control. Even loving actions like cleaning up her
head wound and bringing her aspirin were thinly disguised ways to make her trust him. He wanted her to
be dependent on him for all her needs, while keeping her subservient to his own whims and desires.
She needed to let him think he controlled her, while not relinquishing herself to him. If she let that
happen, she would never find her way back to Jake. The darkness in her mind had already taken over and
extinguished Jakes light. Though grateful it no longer made her ill, she wondered if that was only because
it had almost consumed her.
Continuing her search for a weapon, she found that the toilet paper holder and towel racks were
missing from the bathroom walls. She looked at the toilet seat and noticed he had taken off the lid to the
tank. Everything she could possibly use as a weapon was removed from the room. She imagined the rest
of the house was also void of any potential weapons.
Two clean, white towels sat on the closed toilet seat lid for her use after her shower, along with a roll
of toilet paper. The words of his note came back to her. He wanted her to shower and wear the dress
hanging on the closet door. After ignoring the note ended with her falling and cutting her head and arm,
Emily planned on following the rest of his instructions exactly as dictated in his note.
She turned to the shower and rotated the faucet. She lifted the diverter and water shot out from the
showerhead. Cool water splashed on her hand and she looked around the shower while she waited for it
to warm. A plastic shower caddy containing shampoo, conditioner, and body wash sat in the corner of the
tub. He had provided everything she needed, demonstrating how well he planned for this day. She
undressed and climbed under the warm stream of water.
When she went to the alley to convince him to give up Cassie, she had no thoughts beyond Cassies
safety. There was no master plan to get away from him and get back to Jake. With no weapons available
to her, Emily wondered how long it would take to escape. His smothering feelings for her and the mention
of a move to a new home made his intentions for their lives together clear. The amount of time she had to
get away from him was running out.
Davids efforts controlled even the smallest of details. He had handpicked everything in her room,
from the dress he wanted her to wear right down to the conditioner she rinsed out of her hair. She had no
choice but to use what he gave her and to do everything he said. If she didnt keep him happy at all times,
she could end up like one of his many victims. Even though he treated her with love and respect, he was
capable of atrocities that defied everything he appeared to be. She had seen his handiwork through
Lionels memories. Even for a second, Emily couldnt forget what he could do to her if she stumbled.
She turned off the water and dried her body with the towel. She secured a towel around her body and
a second one over her wet hair. Opening the medicine cabinet to the right of the vanity, she found
deodorant, baby powder, perfume, and makeup.
She crouched on the floor, opened the doors on the vanity, and found a brush and a hairdryer. Because
he picked everything out for her, he was trying to force her to be what he wanted. It would take everything
she had to remember her identity, especially if she were with him for any length of time. She couldnt
succumb to him in that way.
After styling her hair, applying her makeup, and re-bandaging her head and arm, she exited the
bathroom and went to the dresser to get a clean pair of panties. Her insides cringed at the thought of
wearing anything he picked out, especially intimate undergarments, but Emily stepped into the panties and
pulled them on under the towel.
At the closet door, she removed the dress from its hook. Thin straps, lace trim, and red roses added an
elegant touch to the simplistic sundress. The towel peeled away from her body and she slid the dress over
her head. Much shorter than she liked, the dress fell just below the tops of her thighs.
She smoothed down the material and realized it perfectly fit her shape. Either David was an expert at
telling what size women wore, or he had been in her home, rifling through her clothing without her
knowledge. Emily suspected it was the latter. When Jake found her and took her home, she would have to
donate her clothes and get a whole new wardrobe. She couldnt wear any of her clothes knowing David
might have touched them.
Emily hung the damp towels on the wall of the bathtub and folded her dirty clothes, leaving them on
top of the toilet seat. She squirted one last spray of the musky perfume on her neck. She wanted him to be
satisfied with her appearance to keep him happy. Once he was at ease and let his guard down, it would be
the perfect time for her to escape. While she hoped that time came as soon as possible, she feared it might
take weeks for him to get to that point and she didnt know where in the country she would be.
Taking several deep breaths, Emily moved to the bedroom door. It was time for her to face David and
play her part in his chilling charade. She closed her eyes and called out to Jake one more time.
Chapter Sixty-four
As soon as Jake could no longer hear Lionel and Shawns footsteps walking away from Cassies room, he
asked, What are you hiding from Leo and Shawn? What was all this stuff about previous attempts?
Emilys not the first girl hes done this to, Cassie said. Hes tried to connect with other psychics
through victims before now, but wasnt successful so he killed them. Since he connected with Emily, he
thinks they belong together. Now, what are you hiding from them?
Jake took a deep breath. He stood up and dug in the front pocket of his jeans. I never thought in a
million years I would hide something from the police. Jake pulled out the note Emily left for him and
handed it to Cassie.
Ive been doing it for at least that long. My uncle is the police. Cassies mouth moved as she read
the words of the note. When she finished reading, she folded the note and looked off to the side. After a
long moment she raised her eyes to Jakes face. Alright, so now we know what she wants us to do.
Im not quite sure what it is, but we have to do something and very quickly. He pulled his chair up
closer to her bed and sat back down. I cant stand the idea that she is with him and I keep thinking about
what he might be doing to her right now.
She saved my life out there, Jake. Cassies eyes filled with tears. If she hadnt come, I would be
dead or wishing I was dead. We cant leave her there for much longer or he will kill her.
Im not going to let that happen, but I dont know how youre going to take me somewhere if youre
stuck in here with a gunshot wound. Ive been calling out to her all day, but its not working. Its like she
Her note says Im supposed to take you where we went yesterday. Cassie nodded her head and her
eyes lit up. Of course. Its worth a shot, at least.
For the first time since finding the note that morning, Jake had a bit of hope. What is it?
First, you need to get me out of here.
I dont think the doctors will let you out quite yet.
Cassie waved her hand. Forget about the doctors. My clothes are in that closet over there, she said,
pointing across the room. I just need to get this IV out. Well have to time this so the nurses arent
hovering near the room, and I will probably need your help walking straight since Im a little woozy with
these meds.
This is beyond crazy.
Welcome to my world, Cassie said. She tugged at the adhesive tape that secured the IV in the back
of her left hand. Unplug the machine so it doesnt beep all over the place when I take this out.
Jake reached behind the IV machine and found the plug on the wall. He pulled it out of the outlet and
let Cassie know she could remove the needle.
Cassie sat still, her hand resting on the IV needle. You know in the movies how the hero just yanks
this thing out of his arm and runs off to save the girl?
Jake nodded.
Thats not happening today. Youre going to have to do this, because I might just throw up. I hate
You are so lucky I used to have to do things like this for my mom. Jake walked around the bed to her
right side. Look away and itll be easier.
Cassie obeyed him by looking toward the door. Give me a heads-up that youre doing it, okay?
Okay, Jake said. He positioned his hands so he could take the needle out straight. Here we go.
One... He pulled the needle out.
Ouch! Cassie said as quietly as she could. She frowned at him and swung her legs over the side of
the bed. Youre supposed to wait until three.
I never said I was counting to three, Jake said. He walked over to the slender closet in her room and
took out a plastic hospital bag that contained her clothes and shoes. He walked back to the bed, but
averted his eyes when she took off the sling and started removing her hospital gown. Hey! You need to
wait just a second so I can turn around.
This is not the time to be shy, Jake. I need your help getting dressed, she said. I got shot in the arm,
Ah, jeez, he said. This wasnt part of the deal.
Lets never tell Emily about this, okay? Id rather not have that conversation with her.
After Jake helped her dress, he held out his arm. Cassie grasped his arm for support and climbed out
of the bed. I think I can do this, she said, but I wish we could take the morphine pump with us.
Jake steered her to the door of the room. Hold on one second, he said. He opened the door, poked
his head out, and looked both ways. Cassies room was only a few doors away from the stairs, and he
saw no nurses or other staff lingering in the hall near her room. It may hurt a bit, but we need to move
quickly before someone comes this way, he said.
Lets hurry up then.
He led her out of the room and they moved to the stairwell. He opened the door and, holding onto
Cassie tightly, they maneuvered down three flights of stairs. Cassies surge of strength amazed Jake. She
only stopped a few times on the stairs and kept moving without complaint.
At the bottom of the stairwell, he said, Let me go get the Jeep out of the parking garage and
No. Itll look strange if Im standing here by myself. Besides, theres no telling when they might
notice my room is empty and come looking for me.
Jake examined her ashen face. Just promise me you will come straight back here as soon as we find
Oh, believe me, I will. I want all the pain medication Im entitled to.
He managed to get Cassie to the parking garage and into his Jeep without too much trouble. Once she
settled into the seat, she reclined the seat back and closed her eyes. Are you doing okay? Jake asked.
Yeah, she said, in between shallow breaths. Head over to Hillside and turn left.
Jake followed her directions for several minutes. When he parked in front of Martas Floral and Gift,
a strange calm rushed over him. He walked around to the passenger side of the Jeep to help Cassie out.
How do you know about Marta? he asked.
Emily brought me here yesterday. Its where we learned about conduits. Cassie climbed out of the
Jeep with his assistance. Wait. How do you know about Marta? she asked.
I came here all the time with Janie before she died. After that, I didnt come around as much, and then
I moved away from Wichita after high school. Marta makes the best cookies.
They stepped into the store and the ambience whisked him back in time. He could almost see Janie
running up the aisle back to Martas office, where they would eat fresh cookies and ask Marta questions
about their budding abilities.
Marta walked down that aisle now with a welcoming smile. Little Jake Hanley grew up on me, she
said. She enveloped him in her arms. Cassie, its good to see you again as well. In fact, its good that
youre both here, she said, her tone distressed. We need to get to work right away. They followed her
back to her office.
Despite the situation, Jake smiled at the familiar plate of cookies on the coffee table. Peanut butter
with chocolate chips, he said, and reached for a cookie.
Your favorite, Marta said. Cassie, I made a fresh batch of your cookies as well.
I already gained five pounds from the cookies yesterday, she said, but I cant resist another one.
She grabbed a cookie off the plate and steered it into her mouth.
Jake, I always knew you and Emily would find each other one day, Marta said. I just wish you
were here visiting me together instead of under these circumstances.
Jake sat on the edge of the couch across from her. How do you know Emily?
Her aunt and I were best friends for decades until she passed away, she said. I helped Susan teach
Emily most of what she knows. Emily stopped coming to see me not long after Susan died, and there is so
much more for her to learn.
He remembered seeing other kids coming in and out of the shop from time to time. I dont think I ever
met Emily.
You didnt, Marta said. You were always missing each other, but thats okay. You werent meant to
meet until now.
Do you know why were here? Cassie asked.
Her memory-filled, light-hearted expression crumpled into downcast eyes. Emily disappeared into
the darkness early this morning and she needs Jake to find her.
We dont have a lot of time, Jake said. How do I find her?
Marta stared into his eyes. Youve connected with her on such a deep level that I could see you in her
yesterday. You need to use that connection now to find her.
It didnt matter what it took, he would find her. What do I need to do?
Take Cassies hand and both of you close your eyes. Cassie is Emilys conduit and has been for
years, so she will help guide you to her.
Cassie slid her hand into Jakes and he grasped it tight. His eyes shut and he tried to eliminate all
other thoughts from his mind except Emily.
Martas hypnotic tone entered his ears. Cassie, I need you to focus only on Emily. Because youre her
conduit, thinking of only her will create a great energy in your mind. I want you to shift that energy into
Jake through the portal of his hand. Jake, before you do anything, your mind must be clear of every
pollutant. For this to work, nothing can be left in your mind except for Emily.
Jake repeated Emilys name in his mind over and over until he felt nothing else but her.
Bring the connection you have with Emily to the surface of your mind, Marta said. Imagine she is
right next to you. Visualize her, use the strength of your love for her.
Warmth radiated from Cassies hand, and Jake used that energy to call an image of Emily to the front
of his mind. He pictured her lying next to him last night, as he held onto her hand and helped rid her of the
darkness. He could almost feel her next to him, and he had to stop from reaching out to grab onto her.
Jake, I want you to see her walking away from you, but shes leaving a trail of light. Those are your
breadcrumbs. If you follow them, you will find her, but you have to stay focused on her to see them.
His eyes opened, and the world around him had changed. Everything appeared the same, only sharper,
clearer. In his peripheral vision, a small light pulsated. When he shifted his eyes away from it, the light
dimmed. I can see her, he said.
Thats the light youve left behind in her mind, Marta said. It was always there, but Ive given you
a visual cue so you can see what you already sense. Follow it, and you will find her.
Do I need to take Cassie with me for this to work?
No, Marta said. Cassies work is done and she must return to the hospital now. Ill take her there
so you can find Emily.
Cassie, keep your cell phone on, Jake said. As soon as I get an address, Ill call you. Then you can
call Leo so he can get out there right away.
Cassie wrapped her good arm around him in a strong embrace. Please hurry. Bring Emily home.
I will, he said. He walked around the table and hugged Marta as well. Thank you so much, he
said. I couldnt have found her without you.
I know, dear, she said. After all of this is done, I want you to come see me together.
We will. Jake rushed out of the office and toward the front door of the shop. When he reached the
door, Martas voice called his name, and he waited for her at the door.
Marta took his arm and locked eyes with him. Jake, would you give your life for Emily?
His lips parted and his skin prickled. I dont...I dont understand.
Sooner or later you will need to answer that question, so you better be sure of your response. Would
you die for her? Marta let go of his arm and walked back down the aisle toward her office.
Jake remained still for a moment to consider Martas words, and then sprung out the front door and
into his Jeep. The time he had left to find Emily suddenly seemed to be running out.
Chapter Sixty-five
Emily walked through the bedroom door into a hallway, expecting to be able to examine every part of the
house to find an escape route. Her room was at the end of the hall, leaving ample opportunity to explore
other rooms while making her way to David.
Stepping across the hardwood floors, she discovered her room was the only one in that part of the
house. There were no doors or windows in the hallway, no other halls branching off that she could follow.
The homes layout allowed him to isolate her far away from any potential route to the outside world.
She followed indistinguishable sounds to the end of the hall, which opened up to a kitchen. The L-
shaped countertop separated a small dining area from the main kitchen. David worked on a box on the
kitchen table, sealing up the ends with tape. Seeing the box confirmed his earlier statements about
whisking her away to an undisclosed location, one where Jake would never find her.
David looked up from the box and put the tape down on the table. Youre awake, he said. How do
you feel?
Better, Emily said. The darkness swelled in her mind from being so close to him, making it difficult
to think about anything else. My head still hurts a bit.
Your headache should go away soon. His eyes traveled the length of her body and back up to her
face. The dress looks beautiful on you. The moment I saw it, I knew it was made just for you.
Its lovely, really, she said.
You dont have to stand in the doorway and be shy. Come in, lets talk. Im sure you have a lot of
Emily moved into the kitchen at his beckoning. Gesturing toward the box, she asked, When are we
Tomorrow morning, very early. I would like to get on the road by four so we can get a good start on
the drive.
Emilys eyes drifted to the box. His casual words sounded like they were like any other couple
relocating to a new home and she didnt know how to respond to him. She wanted to scream and make a
mad dash for the front door, toward her freedom, but the location of the front door was still unknown to
her. The darkness gripped her again, and she focused on the box so he couldnt hear any of her other
He looked at the box and laughed. I know what youre thinking, but were not taking much with us.
Just a few boxes of clothing and some non-perishable food to get us started when we get there. Ill take
care of finishing the packing and loading the car. You dont have to worry about a thing.
Where are we going?
David smiled. Its a surprise, but youll love it there.
Of course it was a surprise, Emily thought. He wouldnt reveal a location to her on the off-chance she
found a way to communicate that information to someone else.
I have our house all ready for us. The ranch sits on a hundred acres, so we wont have to worry about
neighbors. The kitchen is huge with lots of cooking space and cabinets. Our bedroom is much bigger than
the one here, but overall it still has a quaint, cozy feel.
I dont mean to be disrespectful, but isnt it a little soon for us to share a bedroom? I barely know
I understand your apprehension. I keep forgetting that because you invited me into your mind, I know
you already, but you havent had the same opportunity to get to know me. He clapped his hands. But I
have a wonderful dinner planned for us tonight, which will give us some uninterrupted time together. I
know you love wine, and I bought you both red and white because I dont know which you prefer. After a
few glasses, well know each other so well that it wont be too soon for anything. He took several steps
toward her and lifted his hand to her arm.
Emily jerked her arm back when his fingertips grazed her skin. His jaw twitched and hardened. He
stepped forward and closed the gap between them.
Reminded of the monster that lurked so near to the surface, Emily attempted to diffuse him. Im sorry,
David. I...Im just nervous. Even though Ive felt you in my mind, this is the first time Ive been so close to
you. She raised her eyes to his. I really want to get to know who you are and feel comfortable around
Davids tense shoulders dropped. You will, Emily. Its only lunchtime, so we have plenty of time to
spend getting to know each other before we leave. That should put you at ease about sharing a room with
me. Are you hungry?
The quick change in subject told Emily she had no choice but to follow his lead, not only in this
matter, but in everything else to come. With the idea of sharing a room with David still looming in her
mind, her stomach revolted at the thought of food. Im not hungry quite yet, she said. Maybe a glass of
that wine would be good.
You can have whatever you want. He lifted the box from the table and set it in a corner of the
kitchen on top of a few other boxes. I dont have any wine glasses, but I got some plastic ones for you. I
know theyre far from romantic, but they will have to do until we get to our new house and get some
glasses for you.
Im not above using plastic wine glasses. She pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. He
had thought of everything, even not allowing her to have a wine glass that she could break and use as a
weapon against him.
The cork on the wine bottle popped and Emily jumped. David looked in her direction. She regained
her composure and smiled at him. Her eyes lowered to her hands, avoiding his stare so he couldnt see the
fear brewing in her soul. She had to start playing his game instead of being frightened by shadows and
ordinary sounds.
She didnt know what she would do if he touched her again but from the look on his face when she
moved away from him earlier, she couldnt make that mistake. If she wronged him in the slightest manner,
he would turn on her. At least she wouldnt have to pretend too much longer. Jake should find her soon.
He had to find her, before David took her out of Kansas and the darkness consumed the last of her.
David placed a plastic goblet filled with red wine in front of her and sat down at the table. Im not
much for wine. I prefer hard liquor myself.
I didnt used to like wine, but it grew on me over the years, Emily said. She sampled a small sip. It
tasted bitter and strange, but she didnt want to offend him. Its very good, she said. She lifted the glass
to her lips and took several more drinks.
Im glad its satisfactory, he said. If theres a particular kind you like, let me know and Ill get it
for you next time.
Maybe when we get to the new house, we can go shopping together and I can show you what I like.
Davids face soured. Emily, dont try to trick me.
I wasnt
Dont deny it. Youre trying to make me comfortable and trusting so Ill take you somewhere where
you can try to get away. I expected this might happen at first, so lets get some things straight now.
He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. His grip tightened with the growing anger in his
eyes. Her hand twisted beneath his and she gritted her teeth.
There are rules, Emily, rules you are expected to follow at all times. I dont want to hurt you, but I
wont tolerate you breaking the rules.
Emily shivered under the weight of his stare. The monster threatened to emerge from its hiding place
just beneath the surface of his hard eyes and the darkness grew to an unmanageable size in her mind. His
grip on her hand increased until she thought he might crush her bones in a single squeeze while the
darkness spun in her mind, a cyclone of evil ready to destroy her.
I wont break the rules, David, she said. Just tell me what they are and Ill follow them, I
promise. She placed her other hand on top of his. I want to make you happy.
He loosened his hold on her hand. We can go over all of the rules when we get to the ranch. For now
you need to know that if I leave the house, youll be fully restrained so you cant try to leave. Your arms
and legs will be restrained at night as well. The handcuffs wont be very comfortable at first, but once you
prove to me that you wont do anything stupid, we can talk about letting you sleep without them.
Emily swallowed her fear and remained calm. If thats what you require of me, then I wont fight you
on it.
Thats good, because youll do what I tell you at all times and without question, he said. Our trip to
the new house will be much easier for you if you remember that. The anger in his eyes softened. I want
our relationship to be mutual, and it will be, but Im not blind to the fact that it will take some time for you
to love me like I love you. Just dont make me hurt you, Emily. I really dont want to do that.
I dont want that either, she said. She pulled her hand away from his and rubbed at the pain. The
way he kept saying that he didnt want to hurt her scared Emily as much as the evil behind his eyes.
Hurting people came naturally to him, and she did not want to be his next victim. She wondered, however,
if hurting her was an inevitable action, whether or not she broke his rules. He seemed to already blame
her for anything he would have to do to her.
Lionels words about how David had tortured his victims over several hours came back to her. It
seemed like years had passed since they took on this case, but here she sat, in front of the same man who
did those horrible things that were only words last week. Emily lifted her wine glass and drained the
contents. She wanted the nightmare to end, and if it took a few glasses of wine to help her deal with it
until Jake found her, so be it.
David smiled at her. Are you sure its wise to drink so fast considering you havent eaten anything
At his words, something shifted in her mind. Her face warmed and she lifted her hand to her flushed
cheek. She turned her head, but the room seemed to move in the opposite direction.
Davids smile widened. Are you okay, Emily? he asked.
Emily planted her palms on the table to steady her trembling body. I dont know, she said. I feel
kind of strange, but it feels... She moistened her lips. The sensation of her tongue moving across her dry
lips was greater than anything she had ever felt before, as if nerve endings she never knew existed
suddenly came alive. It feels...
David rose from his seat, and she did the same. She tried to move out of the kitchen toward her
bedroom to get into bed and rest, but her weak legs refused to take her there. She leaned against the wall
next to the hallway.
He walked over to her. How does it feel? he asked, more with curiosity than concern.
Did you give me something? Though he didnt respond, she remembered the aspirin she took earlier
and how her headache still beat against the side of her head. I didnt take aspirin, did I?
I was going to wait until dinner to give it to you, but after seeing you, I couldnt wait any longer.
What did you give me? she asked. While upset at his deception, she had difficulties expressing her
anger in her voice.
He ran his fingers over her chin, and tilted her head toward him. He stroked her electrified skin with
his fingertips, lulling her into a calm state.
Even though his sensual touch comforted her, part of her mind still tried to fight him. Fear drove tears
down her cheeks, but her body stirred with desire. What did I take? she asked.
Something to help you relax so you can enjoy our time together. Dont cry, he said. He cupped her
face and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. I dont want you to be nervous or scared, and theres no
reason to be. Ive waited far too long to be with you, Emily. I just couldnt wait another second. He
lowered his head and touched his lips to hers.
Emily accepted his kiss without hesitation. A small voice in her mind told her to push him away and
try to escape, but she couldnt seem to control the pleasure that came with his kiss. Her fingertips
caressed his cheek, despite her disgust at her actions.
His hands traveled across her back with light touches that woke up her body. Every touch, every
second of his kiss drove through her nerves and into her core. Though she knew he used a drug to control
her and make her more pliable, it didnt help her struggle against him.
David broke the kiss and walked around behind her. He swept her hair off her shoulder and ran his
fingers from her jaw, down her neck, to her shoulder. His lips moved to her ear and he whispered, Tell
me you want me. He lifted the strap of her dress and lowered it off her shoulder. His fingers teased the
freckled skin on her shoulder, leaving behind a wake of goose bumps.
She didnt want him, her mind screamed. With every touch she died a little more inside, but the drug
begged him to keep going. Even if she had the willpower to stop the drug from controlling her body, his
rules required her to do everything he told her without question and she forced the words out. I want you,
David, she said.
I knew you did. His mouth found the side of her exposed neck and he took his time kissing down to
her shoulder. The palm of his hand touched her neck, and he wrapped each finger around her skin until his
hand covered her throat.
The darkness enveloped her mind and almost comforted her. Giving into it, Emily leaned her head
back on his shoulder and closed her eyes. His hands ran over the front of her dress and down to her
stomach. He explored her body over the material of her dress, and she arched her back, pressing her torso
into his hands.
Even though her body responded to him, the little bit of sanity left undamaged by the drug wanted to
know why his touch felt so good. What did you give me? she asked again.
His breath warmed her ear again. Ecstasy, he said. It feels good, doesnt it? Youre enjoying this
far more than I thought you would. The drug is only telling you what you already wanted and allowing you
to experience this without fear. Before long, you wont need anything to know you want to be with me.
She wanted to shout that she didnt want him, she never wanted him, but the drug forced her body to
respond. No longer sure of what was real, her face contorted and her thoughts twisted in her mind.
David dropped his hands to the sides of her thighs and dug his fingers into her skin. Lets get you out
of this dress, he said. He tugged upward on the sundress and raised it toward her hips.
Cool air kissed the newly exposed skin at the tops of her thighs, and Emily regained a bit of control.
She whirled around and stepped back from him. She immediately recognized her mistake of pulling away
and her body trembled with fear.
Anger flashed in his eyes. He snatched her arm and dragged her toward him. Maybe I didnt give you
enough of it, he said.
She squirmed under his grasp. No, its not that, she said. I just dont want to rush into anything. I...I
want us to take our time, David. I want to get to know you first, and it really scares me that were moving
too fast.
We have nothing but time, he said, so well rush into whatever I want. Remember the rules,
She faltered for a moment. The effects of the ecstasy surged through her mind, blending with the
David pulled her body snug against his and the anger vanished from his face. He touched her cheek
and stared into her eyes. I remember the first time you let me into your mind. It was the most amazing
sensation, and its only gotten better since then. Right now, I can feel your emotions. I can feel every part
of you. I can almost read your thoughts.
She let go of all of her thoughts except those of David. She switched her thoughts of him to positive
ones. If he was that deep in her mind, she couldnt let a stray thought set off his anger. I feel you in my
mind all of the time, she said. Theres not a moment that I dont feel you.
He smiled at her revelation. See? Were part of each other now and we always will be. Nothing can
sever our connection. We are meant to be together. He softened his voice. Theres no reason for you to
worry about rushing into something. I wont hurt you. I only want to explore this amazing connection
between us. We both want this, we both need this.
His hypnotic words floated through Emilys hazy mind. There were no more ways to delay unless she
wanted to suffer the same fate as the other women. She needed him to believe she wanted to be with him.
She stood on the tips of her toes and instigated a kiss.
Thats more like it, he said, in between kisses.
Emily slammed her eyes shut. She let him, and the drug, take control of her again.
Chapter Sixty-six
After following the light for twenty minutes, Jake found the house where David had Emily in a rural area
just outside of town. He stopped the Jeep in front of a rickety mailbox worn from time and weather. He
climbed out of his Jeep and walked to the front of a long, dirt driveway. Jakes eyes followed the gravel
path to a white farmhouse in the middle of a tree cluster. The light brightened and he felt Emilys presence
for the first time since leaving Martas shop.
The light Marta gave him as a cue to find Emily beamed from the house, confirming her location. The
darkness in her mind eclipsed the light and Jake wondered what it meant for her safety. Much stronger
than Emily, the same evil he sensed at Cassies home threatened to overcome her.
Jake dialed Cassies number on his cell phone and she picked up on the second ring. Did you find
Yeah, he said. He gave her the address listed on the side of the mailbox.
Okay, Im calling Uncle Leo now. She paused. Jake, are you near the house?
Im at the end of the driveway, quite a ways from the house. He wont be able to see me out here.
Good, she said. Stay there and dont go near the house. Wait for Uncle Leo and Shawn to come
with backup and they will get her out of there. Dont try anything yourself.
They have to hurry. He disconnected the call so Cassie could get the address to Lionel. He leaned
against the back of his Jeep and stared towards the driveway. The light Marta had him follow dissipated
like smoke from a blown-out match. He closed his eyes, but couldnt sense Emily the way he normally
Jake focused on what little bit of her he could find, and tried to bring the feeling of her back. Every
time he found her, her presence immediately faded. He dug deeper into his mind and felt a flicker, a tickle,
which he recognized as Emily.
Stepping away from the Jeep, his feet inched down the driveway. The closer he got to the house, the
more he picked up on Emilys presence. Terror controlled her mind, and panic set into his heart. He could
no longer wait for the cops to show up. His legs raced down the driveway, faster than he had ever run
Chapter Sixty-seven
Lionel walked behind Shawn through the alley, careful to plant his feet in Shawns exact footsteps.
Though Bills crime scene unit had already scoured the alley for evidence, Lionel wanted to preserve the
scene as much as possible in case they missed something.
Evidence had not yet come back from the lab and ballistics, and they still waited on return calls from
the jurisdictions in which Cassie said David killed other women. Instead of banging their heads against
their desks at the station, Lionel decided they needed to take a look at the scene where Cassie had been
shot. They were in the hospital with Cassie while Bills team searched the alley with Aurelio and
Timmons, and though he had the upmost confidence in them, he still felt the need to do another search.
Lionels eyes swung back and forth in a deliberate pattern, but he didnt see anything out of the
ordinary. Bill had already made a second trip back to collect Emilys car keys from the trash bin, a piece
of evidence they were unaware of until Cassie relayed the details of the exchange.
They had also checked the alley for Sam, in case he witnessed anything, but his tarp and shopping cart
were long gone. He most likely relocated to another part of the city where dead bodies didnt land in his
backyard. If the killer did not plead guilty and the case went to trial, they would perform large sweeps of
the city to find Sam so he could testify. They also had his statement and session with the sketch artist on
video just in case they were unable to locate him.
When they reached the end of the alley, Shawn said, Theres nothing else here.
I knew it was a longshot, Lionel said. We just need something, anything.
We will get it. We need to be patient. Something will come up from the evidence, someone will call
in the tip we need.
Being patient isnt helping get Emily away from him.
Lionels cell phone rang and he took it out of his pocket. Cassies name flashed on the front screen.
Its Cassie, he said, and answered the call.
Hey, Uncle Leo, she said. I need to make this quick. I just remembered something else. In the
kitchen where he blindfolded me, there was a piece of mail on the counter. I only got a glimpse, but I think
I remember the address that was on it.
Lionel took out his notepad and pen and jotted down the address. Well get over there right away,
Pressing the end button on his cell phone, he told Shawn, She remembered an address.
They raced to Lionels car, where Shawn punched the address into the GPS. Lionel flipped on the
sirens and lights and pressed the accelerator to the floorboard.
We dont know if this guy has a police scanner, so I want everyone off radios, Shawn said. He
dialed a number on his cell phone. Ill get someone back at the station to coordinate and well turn off
sirens and lights when we get close to the house.
This cant turn into a hostage situation, Lionel said. Emily would never survive that.
Shawn directed the situation over his cell phone and requested backup, S.W.A.T, and paramedics be
dispatched to the location. He also issued instructions to immediately get the necessary warrants in place.
Lionel focused on the road ahead of him. Everything was unraveling for the killer so quickly, and for
that he was grateful. Yet he worried what the killer might do once cornered. With Emily still his current
victim, no one could rest easy. What could catch the killer could also kill Emily.
Chapter Sixty-eight
David reached once more for the bottom of Emilys dress. Though the ecstasy controlled every sensation
in her body, her fear resurfaced. Her hands grabbed at his to stop him from lifting up her dress.
Dont fight me, Emily, he said. That will only make it harder for you.
He shoved her up against the wall and lifted her hands over her head. He pressed his hands into her
arms and pinned them on the wall. Just relax, he said. He pushed his mouth down onto hers.
Emily kept her eyes glued shut. She had no more fight left. If she kept battling him, he would hurt her
and once he started down that road, he might never stop. She couldnt risk her life just to stall the
inevitable for a few more minutes. The only way to stay alive was to let him take what he wanted.
She retreated into her mind, as far as she could go until she found a safe corner where she could curl
up and hide. She didnt want to be here anymore, didnt want to feel his hands on her body, didnt want to
taste his vile kiss. Her consciousness tried floating away as she let go of her senses, but the darkness held
onto her, an anchor keeping her rooted in the horror.
Tears escaped her closed eyelids and she desperately tried to suppress her bodys response to him.
There had to be a way to get through it without knowing what was happening to her. If she could shield
her mind from remembering every repulsive second of David touching her, then saving Cassie would be
worth whatever she had to endure.
He appeared in her mind and Emilys heart swelled with hope. It didnt seem possible, but he was
here. She knew he would somehow find her and he hadnt failed. With Davids mouth ravaging hers and
his hands lifting her dress above her waist, Emily gathered every bit of energy she could find and called
out to Jake from behind the veil of Davids darkness.
David pulled away from her, the monster unmasked. His hand snaked around her neck. Who is Jake?
He smashed his hand against the wall directly next to her head, and his other hand squeezed her throat.
Who is he?
Emily choked against his hand and struggled to pull air into her dry lungs. She tried to speak, but
nothing came out.
Hes here, isnt he? He let go of her neck and the back of his hand crashed into her face. Her head
dropped, and he tangled both hands in her hair on each side and lifted her head. He kissed her fiercely,
and Emily didnt dare squirm. When he ended the kiss, his hands painfully tightened his hold on her hair
and several hairs popped out of their roots. The back of her head slammed against the wall. He pulled her
head forward and threw her head into the wall again. Her brain sloshed back and forth with the recoil, her
eyesight faded, and she fought against losing consciousness.
Emily slid down the wall. David grabbed the hair at the top of her head and yanked her up. He pushed
her through the kitchen, and into another door. The door opened, his hand thrust into her back, and she
crashed to the floor, against the wall of a bathtub. She clung to the edge of the tub, and David rushed out of
the bathroom.
He came back a moment later with handcuffs and dragged her by her hair to the plumbing beside the
white pedestal sink. The cuffs tightened around her wrists, binding her to the pipes.
David knelt down in front of her. He smoothed her hair down and kissed her gently. Im going to take
care of this little interruption. Then Im going to come in here and well pick up where we left off. You
better not think about resisting me or Ill get out my knife. Neither of us wants that, so I know youll do
whats right.
His feet walked away from her and into the kitchen. Though she could only see him from the waist
down, she watched him tuck a sheathed knife into the back of his waistband. He pulled his shirt over his
jeans to cover the knife and walked away.
Emily bowed her throbbing head. She had to stay awake long enough to get through to Jake and warn
him about the knife. With every ounce of strength she had left, she called out to him.
Chapter Sixty-nine
Jake slowed his run and stopped on the grass in front of the house. He had no plan and wasnt sure how
far away the cops were from the house. He only knew he couldnt leave Emily alone with David a
moment longer.
David came through the front door, stepped onto the porch, and walked down the steps. He seemed
confused by Jakes presence, but also appeared ready to deal with him.
Let her go, Jake said.
I dont think so. Im rather enjoying her company. Before your intrusion, we were making our way
back to the bedroom. His lips twisted into a sadistic grin. She tastes so sweet, her skin so soft and
Jakes face reddened and his fingers curled into tight balls at his sides. Let her go, he repeated
through clenched teeth.
David positioned himself a few feet in front of Jake. Shes not going anywhere and youre
trespassing, so why dont we hurry up and settle this? I dont want to keep Emily waiting.
Jake lifted his fists above his waist and waited for David to swing. He dodged Davids first strike, but
the second one hit the side of his mouth. Jake threw a low punch into Davids ribs. Davids hands
lowered and Jakes other fist connected with the side of his face.
David backed up a bit. Feeling overly confident, Jake launched a fist at him again. David blocked him,
and caught Jakes nose twice. His head recoiled with the punches, but he didnt let the blood pouring
down his face stop him from attacking.
They exchanged several punches and jabs, neither one of them truly winning the war. Then Davids fist
landed in Jakes cheek. Jake lifted his hands to block another hit, but David went for his side instead,
stunning him with a painful punch to his kidney. As he bent over, David went for his exposed side and the
subsequent assault crushed Jakes ribs.
Breathless, Jake gathered his strength and smashed his fist into Davids head. He backed up from
David to get a reprieve from the beating, but David stepped up to him. Jake recalled Davids words about
Emily, and he used every bit of his anger and rage. His fist flew out and hit Davids mouth, giving him the
shot he needed.
As Davids head rebounded from the punch, his hands flew downward, out of a defensive position.
Jake hit him again and again, fueled by a shot of adrenaline. David managed to land only one other blow
and Jake repeatedly struck until David crumpled to the ground under his furious attack.
Despite never having a broken nose before, the river of blood freely flowing down Jakes face and the
sharp pain between his eyes told him it was badly splintered. His body flared with pain at even the
slightest movement, but he wasnt done expelling his anger. He rolled David onto his back and climbed on
top of him. Jake threw his fist and landed on his intended target. Again and again, his raw knuckles
crashed against Davids rawer flesh until David lay motionless on the ground.
Jake slumped on his knees, muscles tense and ready to strike again if needed, yet drained of strength.
He stilled his jagged breathing long enough to survey David and watch for any signs of life. He wasnt
sure if he had killed him, and though the thought of killing someone normally would have disturbed him,
he hoped he had somehow managed to extinguish Davids life.
David didnt move.
Jake blew out a long breath. He needed to get to Emily, but pain gripped him and his body refused to
respond to his commands to stand. Instead of rising to his feet and racing to her side, he dropped his hands
to the ground. With a broken nose, at least one broken rib, and a throbbing right hand as just the beginning
of his list of injuries, Jake wondered if he would ever find the strength to move again.
He lifted his eyes to the house and squinted to see the front door that seemed miles away. Somewhere
behind that door, Emily relied on him to save her. Her presence was stronger than it had been since he
arrived, as if she were right next to him. Her voice filled his mind, but he couldnt make any sense out of
the garbled words.
Closing his eyes, he strained to grasp onto a word, any word. Jake made out the sound of his name.
Emily called his name several more times, and he struggled to hear what else she tried to say. Then he
heard one other word.
A flash of white hot pain seared through the right side of his abdomen, and Jakes eyes flew open.
Emilys voice exited his head and her presence left him. The knife pulled out and pierced his flesh again.
The blade freed itself from his body and Jake rolled to his left until he landed on his back. His
breathing shallowed, and he stared up at the sky. Several clouds intertwined and Jake did what he could
to focus on those clouds, rather than the pain. They reminded him of being a child, lying in the backyard
next to Janie, the plush summer grass cushioning his limbs. For hours, they would watch clouds roll
across the sky, forming various shapes. They argued over the pictures the clouds created, each determined
they knew what images floated in the sky better than their sibling.
He thought these clouds resembled a whale, although Janie would have declared them to be something
different. A ship, perhaps. The only thing of which he was certain was that at any moment, they would take
on the shape of something sinister.
Blinding pain tore through the center of his right thigh. Jake tried to lean forward and grab at the
source of his pain, but his frozen limbs resisted movement. He managed to lift his head, just in time to
watch David twist the knife clockwise, ripping and shredding his thigh muscle. Jake did not recognize the
inhuman scream coming from his mouth.
David appeared over him and eclipsed the clouds. His bloody, shattered face barely resembled the
one Jake first saw walking out of the house. Jake thought if David was in the shape of the clouds, it would
be that of a feared medieval creature.
Dont worry, David said. I didnt get your artery. Wouldnt want you to bleed out too fast and not
enjoy all the pain that comes with knife wounds in the stomach.
Jake placed his hand on his abdomen and into a sticky puddle of blood. A moment earlier, he thought
he had won. Hed been close to building enough strength to save the girl. His girl. Now he stared into the
sadistic, broken face of a monster.
The monster grinned.
Ive never killed a man before, David said, but so far, Im really enjoying it. He held the knife up.
Sunlight caught the blade, illuminating the red that dripped down the handle and onto Davids hand.
Jake grimaced at the sight of his blood on the knife. Excruciating pain flared in each of his stab
wounds and he groaned against the agony. The pain released him and a dreamless sleep beckoned. His
eyelids slowly lowered, and his body detached from the pain.
David wrapped his hand around Jakes face and shook his head back and forth, jolting him back to
life. Youre not going anywhere yet. I want you to enjoy this as much as me. Its actually quite
exhilarating. Is it for you as well? He turned the knife downward.
The blade moved with conviction, slicing through his shirt and skin on his left side. Jake cried out at
the penetration of his torso. He tried to move, to shove David off him, but all of his energy was caught up
in the pain.
David withdrew the knife, and Jake screamed. David held the blade up again for him to see the fresh
blood. The sight made his wounds all the more agonizing. If these were his last moments, he didnt want
to see David grasping a knife coated in his blood. He wanted to close his eyes and drift off to sleep with
Emilys face in the front his mind. She was so close to him, so close. But he couldnt reach her, couldnt
muster enough strength to push David away and race to her rescue.
David held the knife flush against Jakes left cheek and leered. I could do this for hours, he said.
Just taking away bits of you, ripping apart your skin, stabbing you randomly. How long can you keep it
up? He pressed the blade into Jakes skin and sliced across his cheek.
Jake cried out again. The pain of the multiple stab wounds overwhelmed him and a tremor controlled
his body.
Would you die for her?
David leaned over, his face only inches away from Jakes. Not long before you came here, Emily
told me how much she wants to be with me. In a few minutes, when Im holding her warm, naked body in
my arms, Ill be thinking about how much I loved killing you. I wish I had more time to do this right and
really make you suffer, but I dont want to keep her waiting any longer.
Would you die for her?
At Davids words, rage surged through Jake, but weakness defeated his anger before he could use it
against David. There was nothing more he could do for Emily. He only hoped he bought enough time for
the police to arrive, before David violated her and hurt her even more. Every second he kept David busy
was one more second Emily was not exposed to him.
Would you die for her?
Yes, Jake whispered. I would die for her.
David sat up straight and angled his head, confusion furrowing his brow. His expression froze as he
considered Jake for a moment. He raised the knife again, positioning it over Jakes chest.
Chapter Seventy
How far out is the S.W.A.T. team? Lionel asked. The GPS let him know they were getting closer to the
address Cassie gave them and he flipped off the sirens and lights.
Shawn matted his cell phone to his ear and relayed Lionels question. Ten minutes, give or take, he
said to Lionel. Backup and paramedics are only a minute behind us.
They rounded a corner. Lionel recognized the address on the mailbox at the end of a driveway and
slowed his unmarked patrol car. A black Jeep was parked beyond the mailbox.
Shawn lowered his cell phone away from his ear and leaned forward in the passenger seat. Is that
Its Jakes, Lionel said. How the hell did he get here before we did?
Lionel slowed the car at the end of the driveway. Shawn handed him his cell phone and hopped out of
the passenger side. He removed his gun from its holster and ran over to the Jeep. After taking a look
inside, he turned back to Lionel and shook his head.
Lionel beat the side of his fist against the steering wheel. He rolled down his window to talk with
Shawn. He must have gone up to the house already, Lionel said.
Stay here and wait for backup. Im going to check out the situation. When everyone gets here, direct
them up the drive. Thats the best thing you can do now. Youre staying here no matter what. Im getting a
little tired of everyone breaking rules around here. Shawn left the car and ran in a crouched position up
the gravel driveway, hugging the tree line that bordered the driveway.
Lionel lifted Shawns cell phone to his ear and spoke to the officer who helped coordinate their
efforts. Brandt just went to the house to assess the situation. We have two civilians at the house now and
a possible hostage situation. Tell S.W.A.T. to get here now.
In the distance, Lionel heard the brief shrill of sirens. As soon as the sound entered his ears, they
turned off, signaling to Lionel they were near. Lionel climbed out of the car to guide the other officers up
the driveway.
Chapter Seventy-one
A faraway crack and pop stole Jakes attention away from the bloody knife. A long moment passed before
Jake realized Davids expression was not changing, nor was the knife lowering into his body. David
slumped over, much as Jake did earlier, and fell face first into the grass next to Jake while his body
covered Jake like a blanket.
Shawns face appeared over Jake. Turning his head, he called out to others that Jake could not see.
Hes alive! Get paramedics out here now! He bent over Jake and rolled Davids body off of him.
Were going to get you to a hospital and fix you up. Wheres Emily?
Jake struggled to speak, but somehow managed to answer. Inside.
Shawn disappeared into Jakes peripheral view, and yelled out Emilys location to the invisible
people around him. Shawns face floated over Jake again. Well get her out of there. Just hang on for
Jake wasnt sure how much longer he could hold on. Coldness crept into his veins and invaded his
body, replacing the pain as his primary sensation. Despite his injuries, all he could think about was Emily.
Get her, he said.
Theyre getting her now. The paramedics are here to help you, but I am not leaving you.
A flurry of activity surrounded Jake. He did his best to respond to the female paramedic who spoke to
him. He gave his name, age, and let her know he had no allergies, but after that his words failed. He
watched the faces in front of him, attempting to keep track of each person while someone cut off his
clothing. A paramedic applied pressure to his stab wounds and Jake screamed, but his dry throat and
mouth muted the sound before it escaped his lips.
The paramedics continued working at breakneck speed, though between the pain and the cold, Jake
couldnt be sure how much time passed while he stared at the sky. The whale in the clouds had long since
disappeared, but hard as he tried, Jake could not force his mind to interpret the new shapes the clouds
Okay, Jake?
He shifted his eyes until he found the source of the voice and saw the female paramedic who had
asked him questions.
Were going to move you onto the stretcher.
His insides curdled as they lifted him several inches off the ground and relocated him onto the
stretcher. Jake closed his eyes and gritted his teeth when the stretcher rose into the sky and rolled over the
bumpy ground. The paramedics stopped the stretcher near the back of the ambulance and Jake watched
two of them climbed into the back of the ambulance in his peripheral vision. Jake caught a glimpse of
Shawn standing to the side, having kept his promise not to leave. He used his last remaining strength to
grab Shawns arm.
Shawn moved closer to the stretcher. What is it?
Jake held onto Shawns arm until he worked up his ability to speak. Em, he said within a jagged,
raspy breath.
Shes coming, Shawn said.
We have to take him now, a male paramedic said. We cant wait any longer.
Just one more second, Shawn said. Give him one more second.
He doesnt have another second.
We found her, sir, a new voice said from somewhere around Shawn. He must have given her
something because she freaked out when we tried to free her. Shes coming, though.
Find out what he gave her so we can tell the paramedics, Shawn said.
Shawn had barely stopped speaking when Emily stood over Jake. She looked him over and grabbed
his hand. She glanced at someone out of Jakes view. Is he going to be okay?
We have to get him to the hospital now, the paramedic said. You need to go as well.
She lowered her eyes to Jake. The blood streaking down her cheek alongside her tears frightened him
about what other wounds she might have. You have to go, she said. Ill be right behind you, I promise.
Emilys face blurred, and Jake moved his lips without sound. He wanted to tell her, needed for her to
know before the ambulance left her behind, but nothing came out of his mouth except a groan. Jake
stopped trying to talk and focused on her eyes and her warm hand in his.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
He repeated the words in his mind over and over as fast as he could. He heard paramedics tell her
they were leaving, but he did not stop his mantra. A black void threatened to swallow the world around
him, but he was determined not to leave until he got through to her.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Emily squeezed his hand. I love you, Jake.
His hand slipped out of hers and he gave into the darkness.
Chapter Seventy-two
Sitting in Martas comfortable office, Emily focused all of her attention on the cookie in her hand. The
past four months had been challenging for everyone involved in the David Noakes case, and it was all she
could do not to think about it. After Shawn fired the shot that ended Davids life, Emilys own life became
a whirlwind of police questions and keeping vigil at Jakes bedside in the ICU. An emergency surgery
claimed his spleen, appendix, gallbladder, a portion of his liver, and part of his small intestine. His
unstable condition in those first few days cast a grim shadow over her.
A frequent visitor to the hospital to check on Jakes recovery, Shawn kept Emily informed of the
developments in their investigation into David. At the farmhouse, police discovered plans to take Emily
to a remote location in Montana, the same ranch where Davids thirst for killing was first satisfied. A
search of the ranch by the FBI uncovered the remains of Julie Kerns. After over a decade of holding out
hope for her safe return, Julies parents buried her and said their final goodbyes. From the information
Cassie provided police, several unsolved murders in various cities were officially tied to David.
Through Shawns description of the side effects of ecstasy, along with the sheer volume of the drug
found in the farmhouse, Davids motives became clear to Emily. He planned on conditioning her to
associate the heightened sensations the drug caused with him. The ranch in Montana provided the
isolation required to mold her into what he wanted while keeping her away from the rest of the world.
Between providing for her and controlling her with drugs, he might have succeeded.
The police questions started out routinely enough, but morphed into things Emily could not answer.
How did David communicate with her? Where was the mail on which Cassie found his address? How did
Jake get to the farmhouse so quickly? The questions overwhelmed her and her silence made her feel
guilty, so she did the one thing she never thought would happen. She hired Nathan Wolk to speak for her,
Jake, and Cassie. With an attorney standing between them and the police, the questions remained
unanswered and the authorities soon closed the case on David Noakes.
After two weeks in the ICU, the doctors became sure of Jakes survival chances and he was moved
into a room of his own. Emily thought the cloud she felt during his recovery would lift, but she soon
realized what she felt did not stem from her concerns for Jake, but from something much darker that David
left behind in her mind. Because he brought the darkness into her life, she assumed it would disappear
after he died. Yet four months after his death, she came to accept that the darkness was now part of her,
and she might never be free.
Emily kept Jake ignorant about her plight. He had already undergone a second surgery to try and repair
the damage to his thigh and was facing another surgery in a week. He required the assistance of a cane to
walk, and his leg caused him constant pain. She didnt want to burden him with the darkness and risk
impeding his progress. Her body had long since grown accustomed to its physical manifestation and she
no longer became ill. With the physical symptoms gone, she learned to shield the part of her mind that
contained the darkness so Jake couldnt sense it.
Marta and Jake laughed, disturbing her train of thought. For over an hour, he and Marta exchanged
stories of the past, talking about Janie, Jake, and Emily as children in her shop. Emily nodded and
chuckled at appropriate times, but her thoughts rested solely with the darkness and the pain Jake had
suffered because of her.
Jake touched Emilys arm and she jumped. She apologized for being startled, just as she had countless
times before. The darkness kept her on edge, making her believe David was still alive and coming for her.
By going against Martas warning and opening her mind to find Cassie, she gave him a stronghold that
lasted long after his death.
Youve been awfully quiet this morning, Marta said. Is everything okay?
Emily smiled to ease Martas concerns. She had yet to tell Marta of the darkness, though it would be
impossible to keep her ignorant for much longer. Yes, of course. Im just thinking about Jakes surgery.
We all want it to help ease his pain, Marta said. Its been a long road, but it will get better for the
both of you.
Jake rose from the couch. As much as we love being here with you, its time we let you get some
work done.
Marta stood up and walked over to him. I am so glad you stopped by. I want to see you again before
your surgery next week.
Absolutely, Jake said, hugging Marta. Well come back before then.
Emily took her time getting to her feet. You couldnt keep us away, not even if you stopped making
Tell Cassie that Ill have her favorites ready for her whenever she wants to stop by, Marta said.
She doesnt need to be such a stranger.
Ill let her know, Emily said. She moved to give Marta a hug, but Marta stopped her.
Jake, do you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Emily?
Not a problem, he said.
Wait, Jake. Emily took his hand. Ill be right back, Marta. She walked with him just outside of the
office and turned to him.
Are you okay? he asked. You have been very quiet all morning.
Im fine. She lifted her hand to his face and ran her thumb along the scar across his cheek, left by
Davids knife. Every time she looked at his handsome face, examined the scar, noticed the slight bump on
his nose where it broke, or watched him limp, all she saw was the damage and pain she caused. She
gently kissed him. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you.
Jake graced her with a smile. I love you, too, Em.
He still had the ability to ease the darkness in her mind, and she hated being away from him for even a
few minutes. Not wanting to keep Marta waiting, she stepped back. I wont be long.
He nodded and disappeared around the corner.
Back in the office, Emily sat down next to Marta on the couch and sighed. Martas talks in private
were always emotionally taxing, no matter how helpful they were.
I know its hard for you to be away from Jake, Marta said.
Very, Emily said. Its like watching a part of me walk away.
Its the same for him, even though he doesnt have to battle the darkness.
Emily bowed her head and moistened her lips. How long have you known its with me?
Its never left you. I didnt want to bring it up before because you must have your reasons for not
telling me, but I cant ignore it any longer. Its tearing you apart.
Living with it on her own was destroying her, Emily thought. Trying to make sure Jake didnt see it
drained her energy and wrenched her soul. I thought when David died, it would disappear. Its connected
to him, so why is it still here?
Marta set her hand on top of Emilys. When you opened your mind and let him find you, the darkness
became a part of you. It found a new home, a place it could reside even though he died.
But its more than that. I feel him living in it, even more so than when he was alive.
It belonged to him. Because he created and owned it, you will feel him there.
I cant keep this up, Marta. Emily stood up and walked to the other side of the office. She leaned
against the wall by the door and crossed her arms. I just cant do this anymore. I want to live my life
with Jake and forget this ever happened.
Marta appeared undeterred by Emilys frustration. You cant. Theres no way to get rid of it now. If
you let him, Jake can ease the darkness for you, but no one can take it away. Thats the sacrifice you made
when you went after Cassie.
Emily bit her bottom lip and rubbed her forehead. She already knew she would never be free of
David, not entirely, but hearing Marta say the words made it real.
The sooner you tell Jake about it, the sooner the two of you can deal with it. He can help you live
with it, but only if you tell him.
Ive tried to tell him, Emily said. Ive tried so many times, but I dont want him to know David is
still with me and that he wont leave. Jake has already suffered too much. For me to ask him to help me
deal with this seems selfish.
You blame yourself for Jakes pain.
Theres no one else to blame but me. I willingly exchanged myself for Cassie and I asked Jake to find
me. He wouldnt have been there if it hadnt been for me.
Marta walked over to Emily and took her hands. You didnt create the monster and you didnt set him
on his path. That was his choice to abuse his gifts and do those horrible things.
I know, but I wish Jake hadnt gone through all this. He only did it because of me. He came so close
to dying, and that is my fault.
Jake made the decision to find you, to offer his life in place of yours, just as you chose to put yourself
in danger to save Cassie. Theres no shame in that and theres definitely no blame to be had by either of
Everything Marta said was true, and though she had thought it a hundred times before, she had yet to
believe the words. It doesnt make me any less upset about his pain. I want to take all of it away from
Thats part of love, always wishing you could take away the pain of the other person.
Yes, but because of my decisions, Jake is suffering and the darkness will never leave us alone.
The darkness adds a whole new dimension to all of your gifts. I really wish Susan was here to help
with this. Ive talked to others about it, others who may have an idea of what to do, but no one knows how
to help. Were on uncharted territory.
She had always turned to Marta for answers, and her inability to guide her frightened Emily. Thats
what scares me the most. Not knowing anything about it, not knowing how to deal with it.
Are you still having a physical reaction to the darkness?
No, Emily said. Not for a few months now.
Marta brushed Emilys hair away from her face. She studied Emilys face, and her hands fell down to
Emilys shoulders. Maybe were approaching this in the wrong manner. You should use the darkness.
Use it? Emily asked. Isnt that dangerous?
Not any more dangerous than ignoring it. If its a part of you, then use it, exploit it, grow with it.
Youve already learned how to suppress the physical symptoms, which means you have control over it.
Your gifts are far more powerful than they have ever been, more powerful than anything Ive ever seen,
and its because of this darkness. Dont run away from that.
But David is part of it, Emily said. I dont want anything to do with him.
He may be part of the darkness, but he doesnt own it anymore. You do. Tell Jake about it and let him
be your strength. He can help you harness the power within the darkness and change it into something you
can use. You might be surprised where it takes you.
Hope broke through Emilys soul for the first time since she realized the darkness was a permanent
fixture in her life. Walking toward the front door of Martas shop, her last words churned in Emilys mind.
For the decade after Aunt Susans death, she relied on herself to get through the twists and turns of her
gifts, but with her abilities ever-evolving, she no longer had that luxury. She needed Jake to help guide
her, to be her strength.
Emily pushed open the front door and stopped. Jake leaned against the front of his Jeep, waiting for
her. She wondered how he had stood there the whole time she was inside, while his leg caused him so
much pain.
Jake stood up straight, his right hand resting on the top of his cane. The darkness receded in her mind,
like it did every time he was near, and Emily raised her hand to her smiling mouth. Her eyes fell to his
outstretched left hand and her racing heart warmed. All ready? he asked.
She fixed her stare on the light in his eyes and bit her bottom lip. Everything she needed to curb the
darkness, to manipulate it, stood right in front of her. He had always been there, but she had been too
blinded by regret to realize it. With Jake, she could defeat David and use the darkness to her advantage. In
every aspect of her life, she needed nothing more than him.
Emily walked over to him and slipped her hand into his. Ive never been more ready.

More by Angie Martin
False Security
Rachel Thomas longs for normalcy, but if she stops running, she could dieor worse. Chased by a
past that wishes to imprison her, haunted by dreams that seek to destroy her, Rachel finds solace in a love
she could not predict. A love she cannot deter.
Mark Jacobson is the man who never needed love. He has his bookstore, his bachelorhood, and his
freedom. In the moment he meets Rachel, he is swept into a world he didnt know existed. One filled with
the purest of love. One filled with betrayal, lies, and murder.
Now Rachel and Mark are forced to face her past. The truth may kill them both.

Reader Reviews for False Security
I HIGHLY recommend this book if you like suspense and surprises. Martin is a master at her craft
and I cannot WAIT to read her next novel! ~ 5-star review from Goodreads

Ms. Martin had me rooting for Rachel and Mark As danger escalated, I found it impossible to stop
reading. A riveting story: if you enjoy romantic thrillers, youre in for a treat with False Security. ~ 5-
star review from Amazon

False Security by Angie Martin is the kind of book I just couldnt stop reading. Its a new haunting
love storyand this author knows how to get me hooked into a tale from the first page. There are
moments of beauty, quiet moments of love, and seething times of terrorFalse Security is a beautiful love
story that you will not want to miss. ~5-star review from Amazon

Excellent read for lovers of suspense thrillers. ~ 5-star review from Amazon

an emotionally gripping thriller. ~ The Wichita Eagle (review of 2004 release)
About Angie Martin
Angie Martin lives with her husband and pets in a California mountain community. She grew up in
Wichita, Kansas and has lived all over the United States. Her work reflects her background and schooling
in criminal justice. She is also the author of the suspense novel, False Security. Angie is hard at work on
her next Emily Monroe novel.

Website: www.angiemartinbooks.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorangiemartin
Twitter: www.twitter.com/zmbchica
One Last Thing
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