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June 20, 2010

The PCIP Footprints The Presbyterian church of Il

Perrot is located at
is the newsletter of the
Presbyterian church of IL 242 5th Ave,
Perrot. It is printed quarterly
Pincourt, Quebec. J7V 5L3
and compiled by Rose-Marie
LeBel. It‟s mission is to help the Phone 514-453-1441

people of the PCIP follow Christ Nivmark1230@gmail.com


Services start at 10:30 am

Page 4
Letter from the desk of Pastor Luke
Page 5
Update from Session
Page 6
List of Elders
Page 7
Our Church Family
Page 7-8
Hospitality corner
Page 8
What‟s new in Sunday School
Page 9
The Family Page
Page 10
Recipe of the Quarter

The lighter side with Reverend



My desire for this newsletter is

A letter from the desk
that it be part of the mission of
of God in our lives, in our church
and in our community. I hope
it does not only inform but that
Pastor Luke
it would transform the body of
Christ and make us of one
mind, mission and vision
aligned with the mind, mission
and vision of Jesus Christ.

To that end I leave you with

This isn‟t the first newsletter at
In my recent sermon series
PCIP and it may come to an
around Pentecost there was an
end as well. That may seem
incredible promise and
harsh but let me explain.
opportunity made in scripture.
Recently a large group of
(Acts 2:38) I summarized it
Elders and ministers from the
with the words: turn, be
Presbyterian Church in
cleansed, be aligned and
Canada (PCC) met at what was
receive. Have you received the
called the Emmaus project. It
promised Holy Spirit? Have you
was a conference designed to
received the Holy Spirit anew?
help with congregational
What are you waiting for? In
health and vitality within the
the words of Peter, “Repent and
PCC. One of the speakers began
be baptized....and you will
with what was thought by some
receive the gift of the Holy
to be an alarming statement
which went something like this,
“God does not care if the PCC
May God bless you richly as He
dies”. He too qualified the
causes you to turn to the Lord
statement by saying that God is
of Life,
on a mission in our world, if we
as a church are not part of Pastor Luke
that mission we may as well
close the doors right now or
God will close them for us.


Christ. (Elder assignments are

Update from Session
posted on the bulletin board)

From the Session of Elders Below is a review of some of the

activities and decisions of
Some of you may be wondering
Session over the past few months
what a Session of Elders is. “I
that have appeared in the
had a session with my
monthly News Capsule.
psychiatrist last month” and
“My Mom told me to respect my  Session continues to work
elders.” “What does that have with the material results
to do with the church?” of the “Charting our
Course” workshop. Thus
The Session (from the Latin
far adjustments to worship
sessio, “to sit”) is the group of
have been made, people
people who provide spiritual
will soon be encouraged
oversight, care and leadership
to bring their own Bibles,
for the church. The Session is
a hospitality committee is
comprised of Elders who are an
being established and
example to the church in
new initiatives in the
speech, conduct, love, faith and
community are being
purity” (I Timothy 4:12). They
are elected by the members of
 A request was considered
the congregation and are
from the Board of
asked to lead the congregation
Managers and brought to
according to God‟s Word and
the congregation for
God‟s Way.
feedback to make changes
to the stage. Changes
Everyone who worships at PCIP
were approved and have
is assigned an Elder. This
serves two purposes. First, it
 A photo directory was
gives people a person to go to
approved and will arrive
when they have questions or
need someone to turn to in the
 A donation of $100 was
church. Secondly, it ensures
approved for YWAM (Youth
that everyone is prayed for and
with a Mission)
encouraged in the faith.
 There are several areas
Elders are asked to visit their
where people can get
constituency at least once a
“plugged-in” to serve the
year to help them mature in


church. A needs list was Pastor Luke Vandercamp 514-

published and posted on 453-1441
the bulletin board. Please
prayerfully consider how Email:
you might get involved. nivmark1230@gmail.com
 As it is the town of
Pincourt‟s 50th
anniversary there will be
opportunities for the
congregation to take part
in the celebration and
share the love of Christ.
One such event will be on
August 21st.

List of our Church

Jack Bauer 514-453-9400
Eric Clegg 514-646-

Janet Evans 514-453-5275

Mark Farrell 514-453-

Ruth Horan 514-453-8057

Doug Richardson 450-455-



Our Church Family

Hello, I would like to introduce
myself and my family. My name drawn to the Presbyterian
is Rose-Marie LeBel, my Church. After a move to Saint
husband‟s name is Phil Lazare, we started coming to
Nangreaves and our youngest this humble little church. We
daughter‟s name is Alicia-Rose, felt welcomed, wanted and
or Allie-cat. We have four needed. Thank you all for
other living children, in order making us feel loved!
are Jenny (two children-
So, what can I do for this
Crystal and Ametyst), Jonas
church and for God? That is the
and his wife Teresa, (three
question. I came up with this
children-Zoran, Elizabeth and
newsletter as a means of
Romeo) , Matthew, and
furthering our relationship
Victoria and her fiancé Sean
with each other and with the
(two children-Aedan and
Lord we serve. I want to use this
Connor). We had an elder son,
as a method of
Mike, who is deceased.
communication, growth and
Phil and I met in 1977, wow! worship. I want us to all grow
That seems so long ago!! We closer to each other and to our
both lived our own lives and King. I hope this paper
then were re-acquainted in encourages us all to walk in
1985. We were married in Christ‟s footsteps together.
1989, and have raised our
I want to use this section of the
children to adulthood. We had
newsletter as a means to get to
just started to live our lives for
know each other better; I want
ourselves, when God had other
to print your stories, who you
plans for us and brought us
are, where you are from and
Alicia-Rose. As always, God
the roads that have brought
knows best! She is the blessing of
you to where you are now. So, I
our lives and we thank God
have started us off, who will be
everyday for her.
My church background is
Pentecostal, Phil‟s is Anglican,
we needed to find middle
ground and found ourselves


Pastor Luke Vandercamp

Hospitality Corner
We have recently started a
Hospitality committee with the
aim of warmly welcoming,
lovingly supporting, and
encouragingly growing, our
members and newcomers alike,
serving each other to the
betterment of the body of
Christ. What‟s new in
We enjoyed our first meeting on Sunday school?
the 10th of June, 2010. It was
productive, fun and
informative. We are working on This past year in Sunday school
several ideas that we hope will (Glory kids) has been an
enhance each of our worship amazing one! I am telling you
experiences. we have the greatest kids! A lot
of the parents have gotten
Looking forward to serving you
involved with the teaching and
in Christ….
helping out, and speaking as
one of them, it has been a real
blessing. Our children are
Elly Warren
learning that God loves them
Janet Evans and wants a personal
relationship with them, they
Ruth Horan
are learning how to use their
Nancy Carito Bibles and memorize God‟s
word, and they are learning
Elke and Eric Clegg
how to pray. I wish you could
Rose-Marie LeBel all hear some of the prayers


these youngsters pray. The

The Family page
openness and innocence they
have towards God is “Doing” Devotions?
enlightening to say the least, I
have been learning from them! Ever wonder if you should be
“doing” devotions? Truth is, we
They pray expecting answers.
shouldn't have to "do" our
They pray believing God cares,
devotions. We are free to live
about their dogs, their school, our lives in devotion to God. In
their problems and all their essence, we should "be" a
lives. They are growing in devotion to God (Romans 12).
understanding and knowledge How do we do this? Spending
of our wonderful Savior, Jesus time in prayer and Bible study
is extremely important to the
the Christ. I am looking
Christian life; it's how we keep
forward to the new beginning
in touch with God. As parents,
in the fall, and I hope more we are called to train our
parents will want come and children in the knowledge and
share in the blessings!! will of the Lord (Ephesians 6,
Deuteronomy 6). Here are a
few ideas to incorporate prayer
and Bible study into your
Rose-Marie LeBel
family's routine.
Parent and teacher/helper
 Start small. Consider a
tool such as a one-year
Bible, but instead of
reading the entire daily
portion with your kids,
why not just read the
Psalm and maybe the
Proverb too. Depending
on the age of your
children, just reading a
few verses from a Psalm
might be enough for one


 Start and/or end the day Every family is different and

with prayer. Starting the key is not how or where it is
your day with a done but that it is done. The
connection point to God home is the primary model for
often creates an Christian life and living. In
expectation of His peace whatever way possible it should
and love in your home. be a reflection of the priorities
Ending the day with Him and values we claim to own.
reminds us who the day By the grace of God we are
was lived for. given families to make an
 Act out a Bible story. eternal difference in the lives of
Read through a Bible those closest to us.
story and have everyone
play a part. I pray God‟s strength and
 Memorize a verse together courage upon you as you lead
as a family. Find a your family in the way of
handful of verses at the Christ.
beginning of the year
that you‟d like to Luke Vandercamp
memorize as a family.
Write them out on pieces
of blank paper. Find a
place to post the verses,
preferably in a place
where everyone will see
them, like the kitchen or
dining room. Routinely
introduce a new verse for
people to learn, as well as
review past verses. You can
make a game of it by
initially posting them in
“hidden” places for the
family to try and find.
You can add “incentives”
for memorizing the verse
the fastest, or knowing the
most verses, etc.


Recipe of the quarter

This was originally a Lemon
Poppy seed Cake recipe,
however, I have used it for
cherry, orange, maple,
almond, banana, blueberry
In a separate bowl combine
and raspberry. You may use
pretty much what ever flavor 3 cups of flour
you wish, which is why I love
1.5 tsp baking powder
this recipe! The original
ingredients are first my 1.5 tsp of salt
additions are to the right in
Combine the dry ingredients
brackets….this is quick and
with the moist, alternating
easy and versatile…happy
with 1.5 cups of milk.
Pour into two loaf pans or one
In a large bowl, beat together:
„bunt‟ pan, and bake at 350 for
2 Cups of white sugar 60 minutes. Let cool. Ice with:

1 cup of oil (water .5 cups of icing sugar

or juice)
2tbsp lemon juice (cherry
3 eggs (slightly beaten) juice, orange juice et….)
1.5 tsp of vanilla extract

1.5 tsp of lemon extract

(whatever flavor you wish)

2 tbsp poppy seeds (cherries,

orange rind, cranberries,
blueberries or raspberries)


The lighter side




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