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Brooklyn College Association Inc.

Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center

Present: AVP Michael T. Hewitt, Dr. Ronald C. Jackson, AVP Alan Gilbert, Assistant Professor
Veronica Manlow, Mr. Michael Lutz, Professor Len Fox, Mr. Tim Donnelly, Mr. Joseph
Awadjie, Ms. Jennifer Mikhli and Mr. Shmuel Nadler.

Excuse: Dr. Robert Shapiro, Ms. Malka Niknamfard and Assistant Dean Vannessa Green.
Guest (s): Stacy Ann DeSouza, Angela Pena, Alpha Lieufatt-Lewis, Veronica Chin Hing, Nia
Austin, Fred Kneitel, Natalia Guarin Klein, Vishnu Tiwari, Neha Gupta, Yaakov Bressler, Seth
Lendino, Beatrice Gilling Raynor, Ms. Leslie-Ann Williams and Ms. Jessica Bradley.

Quorum was established and the meeting started at 4:12PM

Approval of Minutes:
-The minutes of March 18th, 2015 was presented for approval. Mr. Michael Lutz
motioned to approve and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The motion passes unanimously.

Budget committee Report by Mr. Michael Lutz

Mr. Lutz reported that all items are coming forward with the recommendation of the committee.

Financial Service Report by Ms. Jessica Bradley

Ms. Bradley reported that the semester is coming to a close. All groups are in the process of
paying all open bills and returning club room keys. Space needs are being looked at for next year
by committees.

FY 16 Budgets
Mr. Michael Lutz motioned to pass all the budgets as a block including all held harmless
requests. Dean Jackson has a few questions about some of the budgets.
A. SGS Student Government
B. Student Forensics
a. Mr. Vishnu Tiwari spoke on behalf of the Student Forensics. The group made an
adjustment to their budget by decreasing the amount of money allocated for books
and periodicals, speakers, social and cultural, publicity, meetings, photo supplies
and insurance in order to have more money allocated to their trips with the hopes
of being able to take more students.
Brooklyn College Association Inc.
Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center

C. Student Film Society

a. Ms. Jessica Bradley spoke on behalf of the Student Film Society. They removed
their cable access line but she is unsure if they still need it. Will follow up with
the group for next years expenditures.
D. Excelsior
a. Mr. Michael Lutz spoke on behalf of the Excelsior. There is an increase in their
stipend line because they came to a prior budget and board meeting requesting a
new stipend position for a web editor which they received approval for.
E. Brooklyn College Slam Team
a. In their upcoming budget they allocated money for a coach however Dr. Jackson
states that the number seems odd ($715.33). Ms. Bradley stated that she met with
the group and that number was the remainder of their budget after deducting their
other expenses. They understood that they need to have agreement in place and
have to come to BCA for approval to pay the coach.
F. Nightcall
G. On Campus
H. Riverrun
I. Career CLAS/ Magner Center
J. Lay Advocate Program
a. Ms. Angela Pena spoke on behalf of the Lay Advocate program. They are
requesting to hold money harmless for office supplies to ensure the functioning of
the office. She is unsure of how much money they will like to hold harmless but
whatever fund remains in the budget.
K. Stuck in the Library
a. Mr. Fred Kneitel spoke on behalf of the BCEMS. They are requesting to hold
funds harmless for the future purchase on a new Ambulance.
M. Kingsman
O. BC Radio
P. BC Athletics and Recreation
Q. Brooklyn College Association Operations
R. Study Abroad Scholarship Association
S. Broeklundian
T. Health Clinic
U. Academic Club Association
Brooklyn College Association Inc.
Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center
a. Ms. Veronica Chin Hing spoke on behalf of the Academic Club Association.
There is an increase in their stipend line by $3,950.00; four executive board
positions will be getting a stipend increase because currently their 5th position is
not filled. Ms. Bradley stated that the stipend increase is not currently on the
agenda so the group will have to wait to be heard after all the items on the agenda
are heard because they did not go to budget. Ms. Chin Hing stated that she did
not know they needed to write a formal request for the new stipend position.
Although the money is in the budget for the position there needs to be an approval
for the amount and position.
V. CLAS Student Government
a. Mr. Tim Donnelly presented on behalf of the CLAS Student Government there
was a $600 increase to the meeting line and the stipend line which reflects what
was actually spent. Also it gives them a little leeway because they took away from
the office secretary to increase the stipend line in case the incoming executive
board will like to add or increase stipend position.
W. Graduate Student Organization

Mr. Michael Lutz motioned to pass all the budgets as a block including all the held harmless
requests and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The motion passes unanimously.

Reserve Request
Lay Advocate Program
Ms. Angela Pena presented on behalf the Lay Advocate program. They are requesting $1,719.00
from their reserve to purchase books and periodicals because they currently have only $100.00 in
their books and periodicals line. The books will be in the office for student use. The books are
not available online that is why they have to be purchased.
Mr. Len Fox motion to approve and AVP Alan Gilbert seconded. The motion passes

Request to Spend over $1,250.00

Lay Advocate Program
Ms. Angela Pena presented on behalf the Lay Advocate program. They will like to purchase
books to update their library. Mr. Len Fox motion to approve and AVP Alan Gilbert seconded.
The motion passes unanimously.

Mr. Fred Kneitel spoke on behalf of the BCEMS. They have 2 requests to spend over $1,250.00.
Brooklyn College Association Inc.
Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center

1. They will like to spend $1,465.00 to make repairs to the ambulance.

2. They will also like to purchase a new defibrillator to replace the one they currently have that is
over 10 years old.

They need the defibrillator in order to function under New York City Guidelines.
Mr. Michael Lutz motion to approve both request and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The motion passes

Gospel Choir
Ms. Nia Austin presented on behalf of the Brooklyn College Gospel Choir. They are requesting
permission to spend $3,000.00 on the Whitman Theater for their CUNY Gospel festival to be
held on May 23rd, 2015. The cost includes the space, time, staff and tickets. They have raised
$1,000 to pay the featuring artist David Wright and have received a grant from student
government. The grant will be a onetime deal because their hope is that they will be able to use
the ticket sales money from this years event to fund the event for the next year. They are
charging $10.00 admission for non-BC Students and expect an estimated 300-500 people. The
total cost of the event will be $4,000.00.
Mr. Michael Lutz motion to approve both request and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The motion passes

Trip Approval
Veteran Student Organization
Mr. Seth Lendino presented on behalf to the Veterans Student Organization. They are asking
permission to take 24 students and staff to their annual Memorial Day Trip to Washington D.C.
on May 23rd-25th, 2015. The total cost of the trip will be $9,805.66 at $408.56 per person.
Student contribution will be $125.00 per person, $7,000.00 from grants and $1,000.00 from their
account. Ms. Bradley states that they will need to have the funds in place, contracts signed, and
student contribution to be deposited into their account immediately because it takes time to
reflect in the account. Mr. Michael Lutz also mentions that the group was advised at the budget
committee to start planning early. Mr. Michael Lutz motion to approve both request and Mr. Len
Fox seconded. The motion passes unanimously.

Brooklyn College Association Bylaws

Comptroller Beatrice Gilling Raynor spoke on the changes coming to the BCA Bylaws as a
result of the nonprofit vitalization act several changes has been made to the bylaws.
The changes include:
Brooklyn College Association Inc.
Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center
There needs to be an audit oversight group or an audit committee consisting of
independent directors.
An independent director cannot be an employee at the college, CUNY or the research
foundation nor have any affiliation with the college.
Under that committee, their responsibility is to overseeing financial and accounting
Also they will work with the independent auditors on scheduling audits, maintaining
annual audits and reviewing the results with auditors. They are also responsible for
ensuring compliance with the conflict of interest policy, and reporting all committee
activities to the board.
No direct compensation in excess of $10,000.00 nor be a recipient of a stipend.

There will need to be 2 independent directors. AVP Gilbert states that he has been working with
the President and they have identified eligible persons to serve on the committee and the two
members that will replace two members on the board, replacing 1 faculty member and
1administrator. This will need to be done in order to be in compliance with the new bylaws. Out
of the six students selected, one will be sitting on the audit committee with the independent
directors. Mr. Michael Lutz motion to approve both request and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The
motion passes unanimously.

Request to be heard
It has been practice of the board to not hear non agenda items. Mr. Michael Lutz motion to hear
the Academic Club Association and Ms. Jennifer Mikhli seconded.

Academic Club Association

Ms. Veronica Chin Hing spoke on behalf of the Academic Club Association. They are requesting
permission to increase the stipend line for the next fiscal year and add a new stipend position for
the Secretary. It will be an increase from $4,250.00 to $8,000.00.

President increase from $1000.00 per semester to $1,300.00 Maximum $2,600.00 per year
Vice president remains unchanged $1,000.00 per semester Maximum $2,000.00 per year
Treasurer increased from $400 per semester to $1,000.00 per semester Maximum $2,000
per year
Secretary increase from $50.00 per semester to $700.00 per semester Maximum $1,400.00

Total Stipends will not exceed $8,000 per year.

This passed fiscal year they did not give a stipend to the secretary but they will like to reestablish
the position.
Brooklyn College Association Inc.
Board Meeting
May 13th, 2015 at 4:00pm
Alumni Lounge, Student Center

Mr. Joseph Awadjie motioned to approve and Mr. Michael Lutz seconded. AVP Alan Gilbert
opposed and Dr. Ronald C. Jackson abstains. The motion passes.
Mr. Michael Lutz motioned to add the new stipend position and Mr. Joseph Awadjie seconded.
AVP Alan Gilbert opposed and Dr. Ronald C. Jackson abstains. The motion passes.

Stuck in the Library

Mr. Tim Donnelly motion to hear Stuck in the Library and Mr. Shmuel Nadler seconded.
Assistant Professor Veronica Manlow and AVP Alan Gilbert opposed.
Mr. Yaakov Bressler spoke on behalf of Stuck in the Library. They are requesting permission to
spend over $1,250.00 on their publication. Due to their referendum change they received their
funds late they were not able to plan as well as they would have liked too. They would like to
spend $2,747.00 on printing. That would be a cost of $4.10 per magazine for 40 pages full laser
print gloss magazine which will yield 670 copies. They would like to do this final printing
because they will not be able to publish until the 5th week of school and recruit new writers for
the fall. They already printed $1,250.00 worth of magazine but they will like to print more. The
board recommended that the group hold the money harmless for the next year instead of printing
and hold the magazine for the fall semester.
There was no motion.

Mr. Michael Lutz motion to adjourn and Mr. Len Fox seconded. The motion passes

Meeting Adjourned at 5:11 PM

Respectfully Submitted By Leslie-Ann Williams

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