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About Me

Well, I'm 16, ginger, and single. I once won a competition for saying that (well, I was 15 at
the time, so that was different). The prize wasn't a date, I can tell you that much.
Uh, I'm probably one of the darkest people on this planet, and I enjoy it. Pessimistic, but I
still hope for the best - my "Dom" plan is still in effect, though slow developments. Am very
efficient at detaching any emotions, which is great for me, as I can't say I use them much
anyway, so not much changes - my default setting is now emotionless.

I'm a nerd, there's no doubt about that. My loves include, but are certainly not limited to,
Star Wars, Chuck, video games (Xbox 360), surfing the web for fabled Doctor Who finale
spoilers, listening to indie and soundtrack (e.g. Star Wars) music, watching comedies (be it
sitcoms, “dramedies”, quiz shows or Antichrist), writing stories and poems (though they are
not often), reading, and sleeping.
Don't question me on the things I love – if there is any doubt in what I say, you'll know. If I
say Luke Skywalker was born on the fourth moon of Yavin, that's where he was born (but,
just to clear confusion, he was not born on any moon of Yavin, or even Tatooine, he was
born on the Tantive IV, then spent his first 18 years or so on Tatooine, with his aunt and
uncle, hidden from his father, the Sith Lord, Darth Vader... But that's a story for another
time...). If I say Chuck is the most awesome nerd in the world, or Jeff, the best stalker, they
are to be taken as fact, unless I say otherwise. Capiche?

Things I dislike – reality TV, the news, R&B, Family Guy, my Xbox 360 refusing to read
discs, being kept in the dark when something affects me, people who think Russell
Howard or Lee Evans are the best comedians ever, hypocrisy, the “deaf”, double
standards, mess, people who make me do things differently to my proven-to-work method,
people who try to correct me about things I love, people who try to correct me about things
I love when they haven't even watched the finale of Lost at that time, people who say,
“you're only 16”, people who tell me that I'm feeling “teenage feelings” or doing “teenage
actions” (i.e. cocky and last words) when I'm definitely not, and then those same people
say, “I hate people who tell me how I feel, when only I know how I feel”, having to put up
with people, especially when drunk, having to go places I don't want to, being told to do
something when I've already told them I can't do it, then being told off for doing it wrong...

People. I actually dislike people. My friends, I like – they're called friends for a reason.
Despite the lack of emotion and point in/to my life, I have a strong set of morals and
“mottos” in life... For instance, unless someone else is in harm's way, I'm no fighter, and to
help keep that, in addition to other reasons, I'm planning to stay away from the majority of
people in life – I don't plan on going out to pubs/clubs/holidays, I don't plan on drinking
alcohol (I've seen a variety of drunk people, and none entice me to drink), and I don't plan
on having a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, so no kids either, I guess. As for mottos, “whatever
works” - so long as I'm not hurting anyone, let me be.
To be honest, feck the mottos and the morals, I just like being left alone to my own
devices. I'm not a needy person, I certainly don't need luxeries in life. Give me a house to
myself, with a laptop, a TV (and Virgin box), internet and an Xbox 360, as well as the usual
“house utilities”, like a microwave, a sofa, and a table (and chair), and I'll be happy. Let
everyone else go along in life – keep creating video games, movies, TV shows and I'll
keep going to work – I'll take minimum wage at a library – and leave me be. I'll have my
little luxeries of watching TV/films and playing video games, surfing the net and listening to
music, and I'll live on microwave meals and Dr. Pepper, and I'll be happy. Seriously. Maybe
talk to friends through texts or Facebook, maybe have them visit, as I'll happily open the
door and invite them to stay the night. Simple.

There's really not much to me. I want to be happy (thanks to Laura for putting up that John
Lennon post the other week – nice to see I'm not alone), and I don't need much, if
anything, less than I already have, to be so. I'm a pessimistic person because I've seen
the world, even in just my meagre sixteen years on Earth, and I've had enough. Shut me
out from the world, let me be just one of those little insects that march along in life,
blissfully unaware of the troubles that trouble us “Jawas”, as that's all we really are in the
grand scheme of things. Utini!

I've always considered myself a bit of a defeatist. It's not easy to get me “down” as such,
though I can be easily stressed out, but once down, after moping for a short while, I'll
bounce back up, and the process repeats itself. However, I've also turned that defeatist
attitude around to serve me. Following my “Whatever Works”/”Just Want to Be Happy”
policy, once I do enter a situation I don't particularly like (oh yeah, I hate change), I adapt.
I'm pretty good at adapting – maybe going back to the emotionless again – I figure that,
being a “Jawa”, and wanting to be an insect, or, to keep up with the imagery, a “Mouse
Droid”, I figure that my new situation is my current one for the foreseeable future, so if I
don't change, if I don't adapt and start liking my situation, even if it just be showing
enthusiasm for school subjects that I pretty much hate (science, maths), I'm not gonna last
long, and it'll be a losing battle I fight, so I might as well give in, become a defeatist, and
get on with life. And, you know what, it works. Trust me.

Do you know what I'd really love though – I'd love to be a Jedi. I've seen Star Wars, I've
seen the Jedi and I've seen the Sith, I've seen the smugglers and I've seen the bounty
hunters, I've seen the astro-droids and I've seen the protocol droids, I've seen the clone-
troopers and I've seen the CIS, I've seen the rebels and I've seen the storm-troopers. As
much as I love them all, especially the Sith, I want to be a Jedi. I want to walk around the
streets with my cloak, my Padawan braid (why not?), and my Anakin Skywalker Force FX
lightsaber (which I was extremely lucky to buy for £45 from Woolworths – decreased from
£100, which was pretty cheap, by about £20, for one anyway – good luck getting one for
£100 even now!), without being judged as a fool. I won't use the Force to trip up innocent
bystanders (damn you, Bastila!), Force Lightning anyone who tries to mug me, Force
Choke anyone who looks at me the wrong way, or even do a Jedi Mind Trick when I've got
3p or £30 less than I need at the shop.


Oh yeah, that's the other thing I was going to do... A list of upcoming events or things to do
that I think you might be interested in.

1. School Eisteddfod “karaoke performance” - Monday 19th July 2010.

- I've decided that the last memory I want of my five years at St. Illtyds High School
is me making a fool out of myself, singing Styx', “Mr. Roboto”. Y7-9 will be there
anyway, and possibly Y10, but if any Y11's want to come and watch, feel free.

2. Toy Story 3 – Monday July 19th 2010 (UK release date).

- Not sure if we're going to see it on the actual Monday. Send me a message if you're
interested at all.

3. Step-Up to Uni day out - Thursday 22nd July 2010.

- This is for members of the Step-Up programme, and is a chance to meet up with
fellow students from other schools, organised by members, particularly Caelum
Davies, of the programme. Sophia Gardens is the most likely place we're meeting.

4. YouTube video – Soon.

- Very excited about this one. The first of it's kind, and been in the works, both ideas and
development, for quite a while, so a small few of you know some of the details already
(though are sworn to secrecy). Now I've got time off school and everything else, I'm able to
put more time into it, and it's coming along pretty well. It won't beat my inspiration, but I
hope it will stand tall anyway. Please, when it is posted, check it out – you'll know when it

5. St. David's Catholic College – September 2010.

- Well, in September 2010, this is where I'll be heading. Looking forward to it a little,
but I don't expect it to be too different from my last twelve years of school. Just
about an extra hour's walk there and back.
Hopefully studying, English Literature and Language, Film Studies, Media Studies,
Psychology, and Politics (as a “twilight course”, possibly).

6. Fable III and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II – Friday 29th October 2010.
- My final two game purchases of the year. Very much looking forward to both. More
details to come on them soon.

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I) – Friday 19th November 2010.
- I'd be a fool to miss it!

There's probably more, but that's it for now.


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