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Shannon Diversity Index Lab

Kankanok Vimala
Kewalin Sirirattanaprasert
Patcharapran Siripaipran
Phattarnan Varrathyarom
Mar 14, 2015

In this experiment, two different communities in the same ecosystem are marked by using
1 m 2 Quadrats as a boundary. Then, in order to apply the Shannon diversity index, counting the
number of each species within each area is required. The species which have small amount of
individuals are counted one by one. Thus, the proportion is used for the species that have large
amount of individuals. The collected data is applied to Shannon diversity index to display and
compare species diversity of each area. The final result shows that the second community is
more diverse due to the greater amount of Shannon diversity index compared to the first

Biodiversity is variety of living thing on the Earth that lives and reacts with same and
different species. There are three levels of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.
First, Genetic diversity is varieties of genes in each species. Second, Species diversity is varieties
of species in specific area. Last, Ecosystem diversity is varieties of ecosystem in a region.
Biodiversity has a significant impact toward human beings.[3]
Furthermore, Shannon Diversity Index is one of the measurement method to indicate
species diversity and comprehend structure of species in the area. Another method is known as
Simpson's diversity index. The selection of methods is totally dependent on research question.
First step of Shannon Diversity Index is separate different species and count. Next step is count
every single organism of each species. Lastly, We use Shannon index to find abundance and
evenness of species by using the formula H = - (Pi * ln Pi) which H is a Shannon diversity
index, Pi is number of species and total number of the whole population, S is numbers of species
in population or richness, and is sum of species 1 with species. Therefore, in this lab, we
indicate and compare species diversity of two communities by using Shannon diversity index.[1][2]

1 m x 1 m Quadrats
Data tables and flowchart

1. Find two areas which seems to contain a lot of species visually and located in an
2. Measure the area by 1 m2 for each area by using Quadrats.
3. Count the number of individuals for each species within area at least 5 species.
(For some species may use proportion to get the approximate number of individuals)
4. Create data table for both areas.
5. Calculate for Shannon diversity index to find species diversity of both areas.

Observation : Community #1 is located under the tree. Community #2 is located near the pond.
Main vegetation and animals are grasses and insects for both communities.

Species # Proportion

A 25 1 m2
B 2 1 m2

C 9 1 m2

D 500 20 : 0.04 m2

E 80 1 m2

F 1 1 m2

G 7 1 m2

H 1 1 m2

Total 625
Table 1. Number of Species and Individuals within Community #1

Species # Proportion

I 192 3 : 0.015625 m2

J 320 5 : 0.015625 m2

K 27 1 m2

L 5 1 m2

M 1 1 m2

N 2 1 m2

O 7 1 m2

P 1 1 m2

Total 555
Table 2. Number of Species and Individuals within Community #2
Figure 1. Community #1 Figure 2. Community #2

Figure 3. Species A Figure 4. Species B Figure 5. Species C

Figure 7. Species E

Figure 6. Species D Figure 8. Species F

Figure 9. Species G Figure 10. Species H

Figure 11. Species I Figure 12. Species J Figure 13. Species K

Figure 14. Species L Figure 15. Species M Figure 16. Species N

< Figure 17. Species O

Figure 18. Species P >

Shannon Diversity (H) :

Species # of individuals Pi In(Pi) PiIn(Pi)

A 25 0.0400 -3.2189 -0.1288

B 2 0.0032 -5.7446 -0.0184

C 9 0.0144 -4.2405 -0.0610

D 500 0.8000 -0.2231 -0.1785

E 80 0.1280 -2.0557 -0.2631

F 1 0.0016 -6.4378 -0.0103

G 7 0.0112 -4.4918 -0.0503

H 1 0.0016 -6.4378 -0.0103

Total 625 1.0000 -0.7207

Table 3. Calculation of Shannon Diversity Index for Community #1

Shanon Diversity (H) = -((-0.1288) +( -0.0184) + (-0.0610) + (-0.1785) + (-0.2631) + (-0.0103) +

(-0.0503) + (-0.0103))
= -(-0.7207)
= 0.7207

Species # of individuals Pi In(Pi) PiIn(Pi)

I 192 0.3459 -1.0616 -0.3672

J 320 0.5766 -0.5506 -0.3175

K 27 0.0486 -3.0241 -0.1470

L 5 0.0091 -4.6995 -0.1897

M 1 0.0018 -6.3200 -0.0113

N 2 0.0036 -5.6268 -0.0203

O 7 0.0126 -4.3740 -0.5511

P 1 0.0018 -6.3200 -0.0113

Total 555 1.0000 -1.6154

Table 4. Calculation of Shannon Diversity Index for Community #2
Shanon Diversity (H) = - ( (-0.3672) + (-0.3175) + (-0.1470) + (-0.1897) + (-0.0113) + (-0.0203)
+ (-0.5511) + (-0.0113) )
= - (-1.6154)
= 1.6154

First of all, this lab is proceeded in order to examine the species diversity for two
communities within an ecosystem. The organisms in areas are counted, and the data is taken into
account for calculating the Shannon diversity index. After all, the calculations show that the
second community is more diverse relative to the first community since the results from Shannon
diversity index are 1.6154 and 0.7207 respectively. The first factor which might have an impact
on species diversity in both areas is the surrounding environments. In contrast, the first
community is located under the tree while the second community is located near the pond.
Location is one of the most important factors since it would determine how various types of
species an area would contain. Thus, the second community which located close to the pond
would have been more diverse because of water body. Generally, areas that consist of higher
water amount tend to have more vegetations and animals; its because water is essential to every
life. Therefore, its ordinary that the second community is presenting the greater diversity;
organisms with various niches might prefer to stay close to the pond than under the tree. Another
factor that could affect species diversity is competition. The first community might be affected
by insufficient nutrition in soils since it is located under the big tree. The tree might consume a
lot of nutrients. Whereas the location near the pond has no large competitor like the first one
However, if we look closely into the data, we could vividly notice that species richness of
both communities are equal; the number of species in two areas are the same, which are eight
species. Since the species diversity could be specified by two elements: species richness and
relative abundance, the factor that might affect species diversity in this lab would have been
relative abundance; amount of individuals of each species within the community. Though the
species richness are eight for both, most of the species in the first community: species B, C, F, G
and H, are presented with very low number of members, less than 10.
Another key point to emphasize is possible errors in this experiment. Firstly, by using
proportion to calculate approximate number of individuals for some species, the results might not
be exact the same of what really occurs in actual communities. Secondly, another mistake might
result from our oversight during an observation; all of every species and individuals in each
species which are living there might not be found and counted.
Additionally, after weve done this lab, we believe that this lab could be used for further
study about species diversity. To exemplify, the next experiment could use this experiment as a
reference and test about which factor is actually have an effect on species diversity: amount of
sunlight, water, soil pH, etc. Moreover, to study about Shannon diversity index is beneficial
since it could be utilized to determine and alter the species diversity in requisite areas around the

The second community is more diverse due to the greater result from Shannon diversity index
(H=1.6154) compared to the first community (H=0.7207).
Beals, M., Gross, L., & Harrell, S. (2000). DIVERSITY INDICES. Retrieved March 10, 2016,

from http://www.tiem.utk.edu/~gross/bioed/bealsmodules/shannonDI.html
How To Calculate Biodiversity? (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2016, from

What is biodiversity? (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2016, from


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