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*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "diff_1" is already the name of a rect in cellView

*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "diff_1"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "gate_1" is already the name of a rect in cellView
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "gate_1"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?refObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "rxpinleft" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "rxpinleft"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "rxpinright" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "rxpinright"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "M1_SD_1" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "M1_SD_1"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "M1_SD_2" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "M1_SD_2"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "leftrxext" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "leftrxext"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "rightrxext" is already the name of a rect in
cellView "nmos1v"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "rightrxext"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodAlign: ?alignObj argument is not a valid ROD object Id - nil
*WARNING* rodAlign: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "impla" is already the name of a rect in cellView
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "impla"
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* rodIsFigNameUnused: "pwell" is already the name of a rect in cellView
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: unable to create rectangle named "pwell"
Pcell evaluation for gpdk028nm/nmos1v/layout generated information. See
layer/purpose "marker/error" shape with property "drcWhy" for description. You can
get more details from file /tmp/_pcEvalc14566.
*WARNING* rodCreateRect: command failed
*WARNING* (DB-270001): Pcell evaluation for gpdk028nm/nmos1v/layout has the
following error(s):
*WARNING* (DB-270002): ("dbAddFigToPin" 0 t nil ("*Error* dbAddFigToPin:
argument #2 should be a database object (type template = \"dd\")" nil))
*WARNING* (DB-270003): Error kept in "errorDesc" property of the label
"pcellEvalFailed" on layer/purpose "marker/error" in the submaster.
INFO (XSTRM-223): 1. Translating cellView gpdk028nm/nmos1v/layout as

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