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Local Teacher Suspended ASQ—Winter 2009

On Monday, October 26, 2009, Southwestern High School's most popular teacher, Dan Zinn on Obama 2
DeLong, was suspended. DeLong has taught English at Southwestern for 13 years and
is known for his constructivist methods and risqué reading assignments. After assign- Bonds Laughs Last 2
ing an optional assignment on rhetorical analysis, a parent complained that the content
of the assignment was inappropriate for the sophomore level students. Obama Q&A 4
The article was Moore‘s Capitalism 7
called ―The Gay Animal
Kingdom,‖ and was in Seed Child Abuse 8
(June/July 2006), a science
journal. In it, the author,
Jonah Lehrer , reviews some U P C O MIN G E V EN TS
of Joan Roughgarden‘s recent
breakthroughs in biology‘s  Left-wing School: Sunday,
December 6, 2009, at Southern
academic. Roughgarden is a Illinois University Edwardsville
rogue scholar with what (Peck Hall 2413 and 2414), 9:00
Lehrer shows to have quite a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
the academic portfolio of credentials and evidence to make her case, which is tearing down
 Hands-Off Venezuela: Sunday,
Darwin‘s largest claims about sexual selection. Being an assignment on rhetorical analy- January 24, 2010. For more
sis, the students were supposed to research Lehrer and Roughgarden‘s portfolios from details, ask.
other sources, compare credibility, check citations, confirm facts with refuting biologists,
and other measures of rhetorical analysis. A parent (or more), however, could not get over  Weekly Autonomy Alliance
the graphic explanations of Roughgarden‘s discoveries—the fact that animals have a lot of
sex, and it‘s not always heterosexual. In fact, Roughgarden contends that the dichotomy
between hetero- and homo- sexuality is largely socially drawn; most species do not draw For information on Events, email us
such rigid sexual preferences. at autonomyalliance@gmail.com.

DeLong was suspended, until a special School Board hearing on his case, the
following Monday (November 2). Students made Facebook groups, one that exceeded G ET IN VO V L E D
2,000 members, in less than a week; they attracted news throughout the Midwest, and the
story even received international coverage in some academic and activist networks.  If you have an opinion and
would like it to be printed in
Within days of his suspension, an article was published in Pscyhology Today (an Autonomy & Solidarity Quar-
terly, please, email us, at auton-
academic psychology publication) by Elizabeth Meyer, Ph.D. , explaining, ―How suspend- omyalliance@gmail.com.
ing Mr. DeLong teaches fear and intolerance‖. Professors from every surrounding college
and university were in an uproar over academic freedom. Local LGBT organizations de-  If you would like to involved in
nounced the act as homophobia. Students, former students, parents, and community mem- Autonomy Alliance, local com-
munity organizing, or publishing
bers, all, demanded the return of their most beloved teacher. ASQ, please, email us, at auton-
The night of the hearing, about 150 people showed up at the Southwestern Com-
munity School District Office (Piasa, IL) to support Dan DeLong. After being locked out
of the room and having too many people to fit inside, the crowd were forced outside in the
cold for a total of 6 hours. Article Continued on page 7.
P AGE 2 W INT ER 2009

War and Peace Prizes

By Howard Zinn
I was dismayed when I heard Barack Obama was signed the final peace agreement ending the war in Vietnam,
given the Nobel peace prize. A shock, really, to of which he had been one
think that a president carrying on two wars of the architects. Kiss-
would be given a peace prize. Until I recalled inger, who obsequiously
that Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and went along with Nixon's If only politicians
dressed like
Henry Kissinger had all received Nobel peace expansion of the war, NASCAR drivers...
prizes. The Nobel committee is famous for its with the bombing of peas-
superficial estimates, won over by rhetoric and ant villages in Vietnam,
by empty gestures, and ignoring blatant viola- Laos and Cambodia.
tions of world peace. Kissinger, who matches
the definition of a war
Yes, Wilson gets credit for the League of
criminal very accurately,
Nations - that ineffectual body which did nothing
is given a peace prize!
to prevent war. But he had bombarded the Mexi-
can coast, sent troops to occupy Haiti and the People should be
Dominican Republic and brought the US into the given a peace prize not on
slaughterhouse of Europe in the first World War, the basis of promises they
surely among stupid and deadly wars at the top have made - as with
of the list. Obama, an eloquent
maker of promises - but
Sure, Theodore Roosevelt brokered a peace
on the basis of actual ac-
between Japan and Russia. But he was a lover of
complishments towards
war, who participated in the US conquest of
ending war, and Obama has continued deadly, inhuman mili-
Cuba, pretending to liberate it from Spain while
tary action in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
fastening US chains on that tiny island. And as
president he presided over the bloody war to The Nobel peace committee should retire, and turn over
subjugate the Filipinos, even congratulating a US its huge funds to some international peace organization which
general who had just massacred 600 helpless is not awed by stardom and rhetoric, and which has some un-
villagers in the Phillipines. The Committee did derstanding of history.
not give the Nobel prize to Mark Twain, who
denounced Roosevelt and criticised the war, nor Howard Zinn is the author of "A People's History of the United States,"
to William James, leader of the anti-imperialist "Voices of a People's History" (with Anthony Arnove), and "A Power Govern-
league. ments Cannot Suppress." This article was originally published in The Guard-
ian. Permission obtained to reprint the article from ZNet was granted by
Oh yes, the committee saw fit to give a Howard Zinn.
peace prize to Henry Kissinger, because he

Bonds Laughs Last

By David Zirin
"I think we have other issues in this country to MVP was back in fighting form with his whipsaw bat and
worry about that are a lot more serious. Talk about the scabrous tongue after spending the season more hidden than
athletes that are helping Katrina victims....You know Jimmy Hoffa. For those of us who love Barry Bonds, we do
what? There are still other issues that are more important so precisely because he is so unlovable. He possesses more
(than steroid use in baseball). Right now people are los- than intergalactic talent. He is one of a select few modern
ing lives and don't have homes. I think that's a little more athletes with a fearless comfort telling uncomfortable truths.
serious, a lot more serious."So said Barry Bonds in He is the Sean Penn of Major League Baseball, a Sean Penn
Washington DC last month, hours before crushing a in a Tom Hanks world.
home run in cavernous RFK stadium. The seven-time Predictably, the anti-Bonds furies - surely Tom

“If there is any justice in the world. we will see George W. Bush under the congressional hot
lights long before Barry Bonds.”
Hanks fans all - went to work immediately. Drew Sharp son.
of the Detroit Free Press sniffed, "The man is a phony, His state of mind seems miles from the Bonds six
believing that smacking a ball 450 feet gives him lati- months ago who seemed on the verge of retirement when
tude to talk smack about his enemies -- real or imagined. he said to reporters, "I'm tired of my kids crying... you
Bonds still doesn't understand that he alone created the wanted me to jump off a bridge, I finally did. You finally
environment of distrust that engulfs him." brought me and my family down... so go pick on a differ-
David Whitley of the Orlando Sentinel wrote, ent person." That Bonds was a defeated person, guilty be-
"When he faces New York media, Bonds will say peo- fore proven innocent. He was treated like anabolic carrion
ple should be more concerned about 9/11. In Pittsburgh, by a cadre of media vultures. The sports radio harpies, who
he'll defer to the memory of the Johnstown Flood. By know less about medicine than Dr. Pepper want Bonds
July, he'll be traveling with Cindy Sheehan. If only buried. [I'm not saying steroids aren't harmful. I just be-
Barry's persecution complex allowed him to feel shame. lieve we need to stop treating "Mike and the Mad Dog"
He's reached a state of denial previously occupied only like they represent the American Medical Association.]
by O.J. and Michael Jackson fans." [Whitley's lumping This should be an affront to every fan in the game. They
Bonds in with an accused murderer and child molester is want to bury the only living player with 500 home runs and
actually tame compared to some of what is on the blo- 500 stolen bases, a player who averaged a 30/30 for the
gosphere which seems to have been ghostwritten by entire decade of the '90s; a player who has never failed a
David Duke.] drug test; a player whose home town fans in the Bay have
But with every barb as the season winded down, his back by the thousands; a player without peer. They
Bonds seemed to grow in strength. He led the San Fran- want to bury him, but Bonds is proving to have more lives
cisco Giants to an unlikely playoff run, putting heat on than Freddie Krueger. Now every spiteful reporter, con-
the pitiable San Diego Padres in the National League gressional jock sniffer, and - it must be said - racist "fan"
West. In a fourteen game stretch, the seven time Na- who doesn't want to see the mean Black guy pass the Babe,
tional League MVP rolled out of bed to hit five home gagged on his late season success.
runs with a monstrous .670 slugging percentage. All on The icing on the cake was the comment from Dave
knees a team doctor described as "cartilage on bone." Marin, the spokesman for House Government Reform
Bonds's success was both startling and satisfying. Committee chairman Tom Davis, who is leading the con-
Startling because you just aren't supposed to slug .670 gressional steroid media circus. Marin heard Bonds' com-
after not playing a whole year and being on the wrong ments and said, "It's the type of response folks on Capitol
side of 40. Satisfying because he looked terrific doing it. Hill hear all the time from those who wish attention was
Many a dime-store pundit had gleefully predicted Barry focused on other things," Actually, Mr. Marin, it's the type
would be a physical shadow of his former self. Since of response that is desperately needed. It's frankly criminal
steroid testing kicked into full gear, several players came that your attention is not "on other things." A government
into spring looking like they spent the winter in a sauna. able to destroy and occupy other countries but unable or
Bonds, they crowed, would show up resembling Jimmy unwilling to repair levees should probably get their heads
"J.J." Walker. Instead he came back even bigger, a out of the damn sports pages. If there is any justice in the
happy roll of proud middle-aged flab coating his mus- world. we will see George W. Bush under the congres-
cled frame. Bonds looks like he has spent this off-season sional hot lights long before Barry Bonds.
spending far more time with olive oil than the flaxseed This article was originally published on ZNet, and was retrieved from ZNet, on
variety. He was smiling and talked openly about chasing October 10, 2009. Dave Zirin is the author of "A People's History of Sports in the
United States" (The New Press) Receive his column every week by emailing
down Babe Ruth's magic 714 home runs early next sea- dave@edgeofsports.com. Contact him at edgeofsports@gmail.com

Paulo Freire was a teacher in Brazil who made students interested in Who’s Who?
lessons by relating it to their lives. He argued that students must ob-
tain power over their education to accomplish self-determination.
This accomplishment, he argued, is ultimately achieved by the stu-
dent-teacher relationship being blurred to the point of contradiction.
At this point, students can act as self-disciplined learners autono-
mously from any outside parental, teacher, administrative, govern-
mental, business, or other authority. His most famous book, Peda-
gogy of the Oppressed, must be read by any teacher seeking to seri-
ously empower students to achieve their full potential. Paulo Freire
P AGE 4 W INT ER 2009

Obama: Q & A
Dissident U.S. author Paul Street was interviewed by Brazilian journalist Leonardo Sequeira via e-mail between 10 AM
and 12 PM on September 18, 2009. The interview took place before: the awarding of the Olympics to Rio/Brazil (not Chi-
cago/US), the Orwellian granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama, Obama's claim at the G20 Summit in Pitts-
burgh(where militarized police dispersed protesters with tear gas, pepper spray, batons, and an eardrum-piercing "crowd
control" machine mounted in the turret of a tank) that Iran had been caught with a "secret nuclear weapons facility," the
U.S.-led burial of the United Nations Human Rights Council's Goldstone Report (on Israel's war crimes in Gaza in late
2008 and early 2009), and the efforts U.S. negotiators to weaken rich nations' commitment to serious carbon emission re-
duction measures at global climate meetings (held in late September and early October) in Bangkok.

Q (Sequeira): Is Obama losing credibility in the U.S.? ism are beyond the control of any single politician or policy
A (Street): Yes, to some extent he is. His approval rating maker. Obama walked into power amidst the unfolding of an
fell from 69 percent to 52 percent between January and epic financial meltdown and a related historic "Great Reces-
late August of 2009. That is a very rapid decline by sion" that was obviously not his creation. He inherited two
comparative historical standards. The "honeymoon" is ugly colonial wars (the first one of which, Afghanistan, he
over. According to surveys, most U.S. citizens surveyed completely embraced from the start and promised to expand,
now disapprove of Obama's economic policies and of his of course) initiated by Bush and Cheney and a vast govern-
(very weak and corporate-friendly) efforts at "health ment deficit that was fed by the Bush administration's combi-
reform." A growing number oppose his determination to nation of massive military spending with giant tax cuts for the
escalate and expand the U.S. war in (maybe I should say wealthy. He also inherited a deep popular skepticism of the
"on") Afghanistan, which is something he quite clearly federal government resulting from years of scandal and corrup-
promised to do during the 2007-2008 campaign. tion under Bush and Bill Clinton. He deals with a Congress
The fall in Obama's popularity over the sum- that is itself deeply beholden to corporate and related military
mer of 2009 partly reflects a growing sense that he is interests (this applies to Democrats no less than to Republi-
unable and/or unwilling to undertake policies and actions cans), with a corporate media that is opposed to any serious
necessary to stem increasing unemployment and to pro- progressive policies, and with a fanatical right wing movement
vide universal affordable and high quality health care to and media (far-right "talk radio" and FOX News television)
the citizens. Obama is an effective public speaker and a that is significantly racist and make bizarre accusations, claim-
highly "charismatic" and intelligent, telegenic personal- ing, for example, that Obama is a "socialist. He is a corporatist.
ity. But a silver tongue and good, youthful looks only go Still, Obama has created some of his own problems.
so far when the U.S. official unemployment rates heads He and his business-oriented staff have been too ideologically
toward 10 percent (an honestly calculated rate would be conservative, cautious, and centrist to do the sorts of things
closer to 20 percent) and thousands are losing their required to produce a meaningful economic recovery and to
health insurance and homes each day - all this as the put money in the hands of the poor and working classes. He
"defense" empire) budget (at least $1 trillion per year has been unwilling to pass truly substantive new financial re-
and responsible for nearly half the military spending on forms (including the at least temporary nationalization of lead-
Earth)) has actually increased, while an increasing num- ing financial institutions) or to advance large public works
ber of U.S. soldiers are dying (needlessly) in Afghani- projects or the labor law reform that are desperately needed to
stan, and as the biggest banks get bigger and richer put money and purchasing power back in the hands of the na-
thanks to the actions of the Obama economic team, tion's working class majority. His corporate-managed "health
which is itself made up largely of Wall Street insiders. reform" is nowhere close to what is required to cut costs and
One of Obama's problems is that his campaign provide affordable and quality coverage to everyone. It leaves
and the media built an almost Messiah-like aura around the big insurance and drug companies - and behind them, the
him. The democratic and social expectations surround- big financial institutions - in basic charge of the nation's health
ing his election were inordinately high, particularly in fare future. If Obama was serious about health reform he
the wake of the George W. Bush -Dick Cheney admini- would advance single-payer government insurance on the
stration, possibly the most incompetent and grossly plu- model of Canada, kicking the private insurance mafia out of
tocratic White House in U.S. history. The higher the the health care business altogether. But he isn't serious about it
expectations for "change"$ from a president, the bigger In the May 2009 edition of the centrist U.S magazine
the fall in popularity and credibility when that president The Atlantic, Simon Johnson, the former chief economist of
is revealed to be another all-too mortal and limited politi- the International Monetary Fund, argued that Obama admini-
cian who functions in service to existing dominant do- stration is in Wall Street's pocket to a degree that was prevent-
mestic and global hierarchies and doctrines. ing him attacking the recession to the degree required. In an
Q. If so, is it entirely his fault? article titled "The Quiet Coup," Johnson noted that the [Bush
A. No. The deep underlying problems with U.S. capital- and Obama administrations have both] "taken extreme care not

“The deep underlying problems with U.S. capitalism are

beyond the control of any single politician or policy maker.”
to upset the interests of the financial institutions or to King III, the oldest son of Luther King, didn't hide his happiness
question the basic outlines of the system that got us" by seeing the first Afro-American president on history. Was the
into a Great Recession. "[The] elite business interests dream real?
[who] played a central role in creating the crisis...with A. Most Americans know next to nothing about the real Dr.
the implicit backing of the government" [are] "using King, a self-declared democratic socialist who came near the
their influence to prevent precisely [the] reforms that end of his life to the conclusion that American social (class and
are needed" to end the recession. The Atlantic's editors race) inequality expressed "systemic rather than superficial
concluded that "the finance industry has effectively flaws" suggesting "that radical reconstruction of society itself is
captured our government—a state of affairs that more the real issue to be faced." King agreed with the New Left that,
typically describes emerging markets, and is at the cen- in his words in 1967, "only by structural change can current
ter of many emerging-market crises If the IMF's staff evils be eliminated, because the roots are in the system rather in
could speak freely about men or faulty operations."
the U.S., it would tell us This is not even remotely the
what it tells all countries in perspective of Obama, who has regu-
this situation: recovery will larly and repeatedly expressed his
fail unless we break the "love" for the supposedly noble and
financial oligarchy that is "efficient "American system" of pur-
blocking essential reform. " portedly "free market" capitalism."
Obama is the It is historic that a black fam-
latest embodiment of a ily now resides in the White House in
recurrent problem with what was once a land of black chattel
U.S. politics. Every four slavery but Obama and King are very
years millions of American different historical characters. King
voters are induced to put was a democratic socialist who would
their political hats on, to be leading protests against the state
hope a bit, and then to go capitalist policies of Obama and the
back to sleep. To hope that congress were he alive today.
a savior or at least a more Sadly, Martin Luther King III has
effective manager can be been a rather selfish and bourgeois
installed in the White Does this art point to accurate consistencies, or
character, quite unlike his leftist
House to raise wages, roll does it grossly cheapen Dr. Martin Luther King? father. I should add that the real
back war and militarism, radical reality of Dr. King is deleted
provide universal and ade- Write us, at autonomyalliance@gmail.com.
from standard history texts and
quate health care, rebuild curriculum in the United States. So
infrastructure, fix the envi- are the socialist beliefs of Albert
ronmental crisis, reduce inequality, and generally make Einstein and Hellen Keller for example.
life more livable. The savior can be named Jack Ken-
Progressive activists should always remember that the
nedy (1960) or Bobby Kennedy (1968) or Teddy Ken-
nedy (1979) or Gene McCarthy (1968) or George most important thing about a particular politician or policy-
McGovern (1972) or Jimmy Carter (1976) or Bill Clin- maker is not merely his or her color or ethnicity or gender or
ton (1992) or Adlai Stevenson or Barack Obama, It religion (or non-religion) or age but rather - as the left author
and filmmaker John Pilger put it last spring - "the class he or
doesn't matter. Under the rules of American "corporate-
managed democracy," officially "electable" candidates she serves." As Pilger noted, the George W. Bush administra-
who want a serious shot at lasting power subordinate tion went to unusual lengths to include black Americans
themselves to what the left U.S. writers Edward S. (e.g.Condi Rice and Colin Powell) in top policymaking posi-
tions but was still one of the most conservative and dangerous
Herman and David Peterson call "the unelected dicta-
torship of money," which "vets the nominees of the U.S. administrations of all time.
Republican and Democratic parties, reducing the op- Anyone who said Obama was going be the 21st cen-
tions available to U.S. citizens to two candidates, nei- tury version of Dr. King was revealing deep historical ignorance
ther of whom can change the foreign or domestic pri- Comparing a politician like Obama to the likes of great social
orities of the imperial regime." justice and movement leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. or
Q. There were people who thought Obama could keep Malcom X or Frederick Douglass is like comparing an orange
alive the dream of Martin Luther King of rebuilding a with apples.
free and equal society. In one interview Larry King Q. Is Obama a myth? If he is not a myth, what is he in reality?
Live aired on November 5th of 2008, Martin Luther A. Obama is a calculating politician, like Bill Clinton or for that
P AGE 6 W INT ER 2009

matter like George Bush I and George absurdly accusing her of being a ing new. One hundred days is a very
Bush II though he's a lot smarter than "socialist" president as well. short period, too brief to meaningfully
the last two). The notion that Obama is Q. In the same interview with Larry evaluate the trajectory of a new ad-
some sort of progressive and anti- King, Rev. Pat Robertson, founder of ministration. I found the "first 100
war/anti-empire "left" actor...now, the Christian Coalition, mentioned a days" reporting in the leading press
that's a total myth. His campaign sold comparison made by young people, outlets fairly shallow. It praised
and exploited this myth to win liberal especially the white evangelicals. Some Obama for being some sort of wel-
and "left" support in the Democratic polls show that Obama won 32 percent come "non-" and "post-ideological"
primary campaign but the deeper real- of this group whose age is between 18 and "post-partisan" policymaker with
ity is clear since the election. And it and 29. In other words, they thought he nothing more than a "pragmatic" inter-
was quite clear to many of us well was a kind of Messiah or Moses. Now, est in "getting things done." That
before the election that he was a cen- the media treat him like a sinner. What "analysis" deleted Obama's primary
trist at best - someone who would be happened? service to the rich and powerful within
considered right-wing in many, per- A. This question is not quite clear to and beyond Wall Street. It said little
haps most nations in the world. As a me. I don't see the media treating about his cold betrayal of his liberal
campaigner, Obama liked to say that Obama as a "sinner" quite yet! Domi- and progressive voting base, which
"change comes from the bottom up, nant U.S. media has seemed more will- was already quite clear.
not from the top down." Since he ing to report his difficulties and flaws Still at one point in late
reached the pinnacle of U.S. and global as his popularity has declined, I sup- March, the Washington Post published
power, he doesn't say that much if at all pose. Obama was remarkably popular an excellent commentary by William
anymore. among younger voters in 2007 and Greider. Greider wrote the following:
As the left-liberal U.S. politi- 2008. His support with young adults is "People everywhere [have]
cal scientist Sheldon Wolin predicted naturally going to fade as the growing learned a blunt lesson about power,
in his book Democracy Incorporated: unemployment specter hangs over the who has it and who doesn't. They
Managed Democracy and the Specter heads of college and high school [have] watched Washington run to
of Inverted Totalitarianism last year: graduates and as Obama appears un- rescue the very financial interests that
"Should Democrats somehow be able or unwilling to offer meaningful caused the catastrophe. They [have]
elected, corporate sponsors [will] make solutions. learned that government has plenty of
it politically impossible for the new Q. A study by the Project for Excel- money to spend when the right people
officeholders to alter significantly the lence in Journalism and the Joan want it. ‗Where's my bailout,' became
direction of society." In the United Shorenstein Center on the Press, Poli- the rueful punch line at lunch counters
States' election-focused political cul- tics and Public Policy shows that some and construction sides nationwide.
ture, Wolin elaborated, "the parties set candidates like Obama had a more Then to deepen the insult, people
out to mobilize the citizen-as-voter, to favorable coverage than others. How [have] watched as establishment
define political obligation as fulfilled did he escape from media coverage? forces re-launched their campaign for
by the casting of a vote. Afterwards, A. I read that study. Candidate and ‗entitlement reform - a euphemism for
post-election politics of lobbying, re- early president Obama probably had whacking Social Security benefits,
paying donors, and promoting corpo- the most favorable media coverage Medicare and Medicaid"
rate interests - the real players - takes since Jack Kennedy in 1959-61. For a Greider's column was titled
over The effect is to demobilize the while, it seemed almost like a fawning "Obama Told us to Speak - Is He Lis-
citizenry, to teach them not to be in- love affair. Reporters and media man- tening?" Good question.
volved or to ponder matters that are agers like an eloquent, intelligent, Q. Did the media buy the slogan Yes
either settled or beyond their effi- handsome, youthful, energetic, and we can?
cacy...The timidity of a Democratic optimistic leader. Many were "star- A. Well, sort of, but only insofar as it
Party mesmerized by centrist precepts struck" to a degree that seemed almost meant that "we" could defeat one pro-
points to the crucial fact that, for the ridiculous. After the really terrible big business and pro-military party
poor, minorities, the working-class, Bush-Cheney fiasco, they shared and (the Republicans) and candidate
anticorporatists, pro-environmentalists, fanned a great national hunger for (McCain) with another such party (the
and anti-imperialists, there is no oppo- something and someone "new" - for a Democrats) and candidate (Obama). It
sition party working actively on their U.S. public relations makeover starting didn't buy (or sell) "Yes we can" in
behalf." at the level of the White House terms of building social movements
That formulation has been Obama enjoyed a spectacular "novelty and fighting for democracy in Ameri-
born out pretty well, I'd have to say. I dividend" that media helped create and can workplaces and institutions more
don't think the story would be any dif- sell. By comparison, John McCain and broadly on a daily basis beneath and
ferent if Hillary Clinton had won the Hillary Clinton were the old and stale beyond the quadrennial, corporate-
Democratic nomination and the presi- product lines that had to be pulled off crafted, mass-marketed, narrow-
dency. And by the way, if we had a the shelves along with Bush and Che- spectrum (all viable candidates being
Hillary Clinton White House today, the ney. Now the over-exposed Obama required in advance to embrace state
American right would be stridently and (it's been Obama, Obama, Obama 24/7 capitalism) candidate-centered

on U.S. television and in the press for a long time now --- it "electoral extravaganzas" (Noam Chomsky's term) that
gets ridiculous) has lost some of his novelty and has been ex- pass as the only real "politics" that matter in the U.S..
posed as yet another kind of boring and conservative, big Q. So, can we?
money, corporate-backed politician - another droning, pain- A. Sure, provided that, among other things, we learn, as
in-the-rear officeholder, glad-hander, speech-maker, etc. Chomsky counsels, to define politics more meaning-
Q. How do you evaluate the coverage on first lady Michele fully, in terms of dedicated rank and file activism and
Obama? Was the media trying to make her a new Mrs. Jackie organization beneath and beyond the corporate-
Kennedy? managed dollar democracy's carefully staged show-
A. Sure. The Jackie Kennedy analogy has been quite strong. elections, regardless of their outcomes. There's a lot
From a feminist perspective, it‘s pretty offensive . Michelle more to be said on what's involved in terms of political
Obama was an urbane, highly educated (also Harvard Law, for strategy and how to re-structure U.S. politics so that
what that's worth) big city professional in her own right before public opinion might matter more than it does at pre-
the "Obama phenomenon" went nationwide and global in sent...but that's another interview.
2004. But during and since the 2008 election cycle, she's been
trivialized and domesticated to no small degree - relegated to Paul Street (paulstreet99@yahoo.com)is the author of many
the "fashion" margins in very patriarchal ways. articles, chapters, speeches, and books, including Empire and
Q. Some of the American newspapers like The New York Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO:
Times, The Washington Post, and other media outlets made a Paradigm, 2008); Racial Oppression in the Global Metropo-
commitment with their public by covering Obama's first 100 lis (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007), Empire and
days. What was the result of that coverage? Was that coverage Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO:
worthy? Paradigm, 2004), Segregated Schools: Educational Apart-
heid in the Post-Civil Rights Era (New York: Routledge,
A. The intensive coverage and analysis of a new president's 2005); and Barack Obama and the Future of American Poli-
"first 100 days" is a silly tradition in U.S. journalism. It's noth- tics. (Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2008).

Movie Review
Michael Moore’s

By Alec Plant
Capitalism: A Love Story is Michael Moore's latest numbers and charts, probably familiar to those of who
documentary that takes aim at social problems in America. have spent time on the left, detailing the declining
The film is concerned largely with how struggling banks living standards of the American worker, the reduc-
were given generous bailouts during the economic melt- tion of the tax burden on the wealthy, how real wages
down and how average Americans received nothing but have remained stagnant over the last thirty years de-
foreclosure notices and pink slips. spite that fact that production per worker has skyrock-
eted, and many more statistics. He interviews pilots
Moore does some good work documenting abuses
who make less than employees at McDonald's, and
suffered by workers in a capitalist system. He hones in on
tries to show how their lack of funding leads to poor
a family who's home has been foreclosed, and follows up
performance on the job. Facts and personal stories are
with statistics that detail the housing crisis. He has a pile of
P AGE 8 W INT ER 2009

interwoven effectively been an integral part of capitalism wages and secure jobs, were hard-
since its inception. earned in labor struggles from ear-
The rotund documentarian
lier decades, and were by no means
focuses his attacks heavily on the While Moore touches on
an inherent part of pre-Regan
banking and insurance industries. many of the most distressing prob-
He talks about ―dead peasant‖ in- lems and gluttonous excesses of the American capitalism
surance plans, in which companies capitalist system, he fails to show Another gripe: the film was
take out life insurance policies on how the problems are systemic just too long. It lacked a coherent
their employees and collect huge rather than isolated, and seems to structure and was jumbled. Capital-
settlements if they die. He brings advocate a return to pre-Regan eco- ism felt like it was always about to
out an internal CitiGroup memo that nomics, rather than totally dispens- go for the heart issue, to provide a
celebrates the fact that America is a ing with capitalism. He never ex- nucleus around which the rest of its
plutocracy, and how that's very plicitly advocates socialism, and at points could coalesce, but never did.
good for the business. He pulls times he even seems to be specifi- Instead it just tacked on segment
stunts to try to drive home his cally avoiding the ―S‖ word. Dur- after segment, each one compelling
points. For instance, he tries to walk ing an interview on ―Hannity,‖ he in its on right, but never connected
into the headquarters of a major was asked directly if he advocates to a larger whole.
Wall Street company with a money socialism. Moore avoided the ques- Capitalism: A Love Story tries
bag and asks for the American peo- tion and answered that he supports to strike a balance between con-
ple's money back from the bailout. ―democracy‖. But what is socialism demning capitalism but not being
While over the top and bordering on if not democracy in the economic too radical to distance itself from
juvenile, his theatrics had me enter- sphere? the average American, but in doing
tained and helped break up some of Moore makes reference to the so compromises its ability to make
the drama. However, Moore never ―capitalism of his childhood‖, as if a potent critique. At the end of the
explains how capitalism is an inher- it was a fair system where it was documentary, Moore wonders aloud
ently exploitative system. He fo- possible to work a decent wage and what it will take to rouse the Ameri-
cuses heavily on how deregulation receive a decent living in return. can people to action. Perhaps a clear
led to the creation of lending poli- But, as Michael Moore seems to picture of a post-capitalist economic
cies that contributed to the eco- forget, this was also the capitalism system would stir the American
nomic crisis, but presents these that produced Vietnam and violent consciousness, rather than a vague
problems as if they can be fixed racial conflicts. It's also worth not- shadow of something ―different‖
simply by passing regulatory legis- ing that many of the aspects he and ―democratic‖.
lation, as if booms and busts haven't admires of that era, like higher

Child Abuse: A Hidden Crisis

By Andy Lucker

There are undoubtedly a lot of effects school by friends that their parents pose wounds after saying, ―Look what
the recent economic crisis has had on beat them. More recently, I have Mommy/Daddy did to me…. I‘s a bad
the world, but most of the discussed worked with children who would ex- boy/girl…‖
effects have been in economic insti- Nonetheless, when talking to
tutions. Adults, who write the great parents about hitting children, many
majority of what we read, have paid casually take surprisingly disgusting
little attention to the instability, vio- approaches. ―Sometimes, the kid just
lence, and other effects in the family needs reminded who‘s boss!‖ But, is
that have been indirectly caused by reasserting parental authority worth
the crisis, because the majority of it the cost of drowning out millions of
has not been at their expense. children‘s worthwhile calls for help?
I recall an incident on the play- As the economic crisis has worsened,
ground, in third grade, when an working parents have taken on more
older boy attacked another boy and work hours, had to pay more for
screamed all the way into the Princi- childcare (if not outright refused for
pal‘s Office, ―We need to teach this inconsistency), and have become
boy some manners!‖ I remember
more stressed than before. Many
being told all the way up through
parents unable to find work have
P AGE 9 W INT ER 2009

“Children who have been abused are more likely to abuse drugs, not do well in school, they
are more likely to be obese; they’re also likely to continue that pattern and marry into
violent situations, or be abusive in the future.”
- Rebecca Gordon, Missouri’s KidsFirst
had to withdraw their children from daycare, depriving
them of important socialization. As a result of the eco- progress in resolving kinship problems, Gordon said,
nomic crisis on the family, cases of child abuse discov- ―One of the biggest changes is that we are able talk
ered in St. Louis hospitals have reached new heights. about it in our homes, in our communities, in our
Child abuse, which is caused by everything from schools. The legislature is really dealing with it as a
bad parenting to extreme psychological problems, is a community-based problem and really looking at solv-
violent, neglectful, or otherwise demented behavior . ing it as an investment in the future.‖ Discerning how
Though, it is arguably part of many parenting methods; and when intervention outside of the domestic partners
here, a moderate definition of physically or verbally (by some sort of community or municipal institution)
hurting a child, with no regard for seriously damaging is necessary, can be difficult. I can recall countless
the child. Most psychologists explain it as a behavior occasions where children have confessed a case of
typically handed down from parent to child to be so- abuse to a teacher, friend, or other confidant, but cow-
cially reproduced in the next generation. When children ered to confess in the face of a questioning authority
are raised with violent parents, they assume violence is that could actually intervene and end the abuse.
parenting. Today, families are being put under pressure Understandably, a wrongly suspected parent is a
from the larger economic crisis, with extra stress and caution to instituting reforms. Parents who raise chil-
harsher economic alternatives. dren under healthy social practices shouldn‘t have
The Illinois Department of Child and Family Ser- their children taken away; but no one is suggesting
vices reported a rise in child abuse cases of 5.8% in they should. The concern is one that affects abused
2008; the Chicago area experienced an increase of 9% children more than anyone, so our question should,
in child abuse cases, just in the year 2008. Missouri‘s instead, be: What should we be more cautious of—a
Public News Service reported, ―In Missouri, child wrongly suspected parent, or an abuse case of torture
abuse was up 16 percent during the last economic and neglect that could have easily been ended, along
downturn. Policymakers are currently implementing the with its cycle of violence?
‗Strengthening Families Initiative‘ at child care centers Reforms like the Strengthening Families Initiative
statewide, where providers are currently being trained pose potential for finding problems of abuse and offer-
on building protective factors in families.‖ (November ing proper support, care, and protection; however,
19, 2008) these reforms don‘t resolve the basis on which domes-
tic abuse is founded. (SFI attempts to make it easier
A later report (April 1, 2009) from MPNS quoted
for children to report abuse.) Today, parents are ex-
Rebecca Gordon, of Missouri‘s KidsFirst, saying, ―One
pected to take the ultimate (almost sole) responsibility
in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused
for the upbringing of a successful human being, so-
before the age of 18. If you look at a classroom of kids,
cially, financially, culturally, and sexually. Until these
whether or not your child is abused, your child knows
activities are taken out of the privacy and closed doors
somebody who has been abused.‖ Given the problem is
of domestic life, and children have the opportunity to
so pervasive, it needs to be seen as one that affects us
learn and interact on these bases unhidden, children
all. Those abused go on to interact with the rest of soci-
will unnecessarily miss days of school to hide wounds.
ety and probably the next generation of children.
Parents will continue to feel insecure about their
―Children who have been abused are more likely to
job as a parent and revert to more extreme measures
abuse drugs, not do well in school, they are more likely
and punishments, even when the deck is stacked
to be obese; they‘re also likely to continue that pattern
against them financially. Children will continue think-
and marry into violent situations, or be abusive in the
ing their life is the norm—punishment is torture, truth
is obedience, alcoholism is peace, and freedom is slav-
As Gordon states, the problem is one exhibited,
socially reproduced, and reenacted by a new generation
One place to start is socializing all childcare and
of parents. Because domestic violence is a ―private‖
making these facilities open to all hours. Childcare is
problem, it may not seem as easy to spot as an eco-
another expense that causes working parents more
nomic crisis. This is why it is important that schools
insecurity in the workplace, as well as more stressed
and childcare facilities are closely tied, if not somewhat
out parents. Children must have a place to go that is
combined with institutions like the Department of Child
equal in al these respects—safe and full of care, food
and Family Services. Talking about one of the leaps of

and space, and social interaction—regardless of any parental economic status.

An institutional glimpse of how society could bring this and other ―private‖ matters into the public light was in the
dreams of the educator John Dewey, who sought to have schools that were 24-hour community centers, technical institutes,
academic centers, cultural outlets, eateries, and hubs of public policy discourse. This could pool society‘s resources together
and allow for a more open, less bureaucratic structure to handle any potential domestic problems. Dewey may not have real-
ized it, but he envisioned what feminists have been doing for well over a century – making issues that have been seen as per-
sonal (private), to be seen as political struggles.

If you or someone you know is a victim of child abuse, contact the Department of Children & Family Services, in Illi-
nois: 1-800-25-ABUSE; in Missouri: 1-800-392-3738.
To take a victim of domestic violence to a shelter, call one:
in the Aton, Illinois area, call Oasis Women's Center: (618) 465-1978;
in the Belleville, Illinois area, call Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois: (618) 235-0892;
in the East St. Louis, Illinois area, call Holy Angels Shelter: (618)874-4079;
in St. Louis, Missouri, call Karen House (Catholic Worker) (314) 621-4052.

Continued from front page
The night of the hearing, about 150 people showed repeatedly claimed that he was a successful teacher on the
up at the Southwestern Community School District Office basis that he had them read material that pushed them out
(Piasa, IL) to support Dan DeLong. After being locked of their comfort zone, forcing students to explore ideas
out of the room and having too many people to fit inside, and concepts they had never considered or ideas from
the crowd were forced outside in the cold for a total of 6 which they had been sheltered. DeLong‘s speech set a
hours. After the first five hours, the meeting was re- precedence for future content and its ―appropriateness‖ in
opened to the public, but not everyone could speak. Only his classroom.
representatives could speak from ambiguous groups pre- DeLong, in his speech, declared that the controversy
sent—students, parents, and a reading of a student‘s peti- was never about sexuality or sexual preference. If it was-
tion. n‘t, though, why did the majority of his students think that
Then, the crowd was forced back outside to deliber- it was? Did they understand that heterosexual encounters
ate a verdict and final statement. After midnight, the are never discussed at school?
crowd was allowed back in to hear Dan DeLong deliver a The students are not stupid. They understood that
speech that claimed that he does not think the optional Darwin‘s assumptions and argument about sexual selec-
assignment was age appropriate for sophomore students, tion contains certain sexual engagements. They, also,
that he had received a ―notice of remedial warning,‖ and understood that a scientist must counter-pose ample and
that he would resume teaching again. The students went specific evidence to properly refute a popular thesis. As
nuts in applause, but was this a victory? students of DeLong‘s, they are well-trained thinkers, in
Certainly, this respect.
keeping the Their parents,
most challeng- the Admini-
ing and inspir- stration, and
ing teacher at the School
a school is a Board, on the
victory, but other hand,
that wasn‘t all have not
for which the proved to be
students had as good at
fought. In critical think-
their argu- ing as the
ments online, coming gen-
they defended eration.
DeLong and
P AGE 1 1 W INT ER 2009

These young people proved in- this optional assignment—invoked lock them out in the cold for 6 hours,
credible organization skills, great use surrounding communities to assume before voting against their will.
of the Internet (specifically, Face- that Southwestern‘s Administration Their final decision seems to be one
book), the utmost respect for their was behind the times. of cowardice politics—afraid to take
mentor, and a stunning amount of Altogether, the hearing left some a stand or have an opinion.
participation for high school students. confusion. How controversial will At least the opinions of the Admini-
They offer a glimpse of progress that DeLong‘s future readings be?
may be able to push us further in the Was DeLong‘ speech a genuine
future—to a world with tolerance, no reconsideration of his deci-
heterosexism, academic freedom, and
sions, or a conglomeration of
rampant use of critical thinking skills.
negotiated statements hammered
It will be an interesting contradiction
out with bureaucrats in a 6 hour
to see them interact with their par-
meeting? Was the delay an at-
ents‘ generation, many of whom
tempt to dwindle the 150 angry
found ―The Gay Animal Kingdom‖
protestors with having them all
to be inappropriate.
catch colds, an attempt to post-
This phenomenon may not be pone the verdict until after the
such a clean generational break, nightly news aired, or the result
though. Most of the students at the of belaboring many difficult
core of the organizational work for decisions? As harsh as it is to
DeLong‘s defense were former stu- say this, the interpretation of
dents of his, not current students. many of the community organiz-
These (generally older) students have ers present was that this hearing,
developed a passion for challenging along with a victory that kept his
the status quo and exploring new job, also, was a loss in other
ideas—active participation with a respects.
base of critical thought. If this, and
Many teachers have dis-
not a generational gap, is a major
cussed feeling hesitance to as- stration and the students were
reason for the saving of DeLong‘s
sign potentially risqué texts. Colleges brought in clear, honest contradic-
job, then, it would only speak vol-
and universities are holding more tion. The politicians, on the other
umes the potential effects of educa-
stringent rules on assignments Educa- hand, want to keep their feet in both
tion and pedagogy.
tion students can present in class- camps, which is dragging our stu-
Even more, the district has some rooms. The issue of heterosexism has
unique internal quirks. Southwestern dents behind. It would be interesting
again been sidelined in another to see if an Administration in Ed-
has been known (for better, or worse) school. An Administration that over-
to be one of the least progressive of wardsville would be able to get away
reacted with an incredibly unpopular with a similar suspension, and if an
surrounding districts, on most social decision, again, saved its face, while
issues; however, the School Board‘s Edwardsville School Board would be
making its subordinate publicly able to be so friendly to such a
hearing produced DeLong‘s speech, apologize.
which declared this to be a misrepre- School Board. A plausible outcome
The School Board members of this happening in Edwardsville is
sentation of the community. Regard-
were the only decision makers that that the Administration and School
less, the Administration‘s decision to
were elected by the public, and even Board would not be able to feign
suspend DeLong, encourage firing
they acted cowardly in these respects. social justice, after such blatant het-
him, and attempt to charge him for
Perhaps they are so numb to their erosexism.
child abuse—all merely for having
constituencies that they don‘t care to

Letters to the Editor

If you have an opinion or suggestion for the printing of Autonomy & Solidarity
Quarterly, a comment on a news event, an opinion about a social issue, or would
like to see something published about a specific subject, please, email us, at
Contact us to get involved, if
Keep up to date on local events you have questions, or if you
and issues on our website: would like to voice and opinion
www.autonomyalliance.org to be published, at:
Autonomy & Solidarity
Quarterly is collectively
and democratically edited Economic Needs
and published by
1. Full Employment: As unemployment increases, people become less secure in their job, realizing
Autonomy Alliance. they could be fired. Also, recently fired people have lower expectations for themselves at their next
job. “Beggars can’t be choosers,” and the less unemployed “beggars” we allow, the more security
and higher all of our expectations will be. Of all places to increase employment, too, this must begin
in communities with the highest levels of unemployment.
Autonomy Alliance exists 2. Pass the Employee Free Choice Act!: Workers must be guaranteed their rights to free association,
for general educational free assembly, collective bargaining, and other basic civil liberties.
purposes, to expose all
3. 30-for-40: 30 hours work for 40 hours pay. Increasing leisure time historically correlates with in-
oppressive institutions and creases in innovation, breakthroughs in knowledge, more class consciousness, less stress, better
propose non-oppressive health, and an all around better life. However, there must be an incentive to take leisure time over
solutions, to ally in working less and enduring poverty. This incentive can be done by 30-for-40 and redistributing the
solidarity with other enormous amounts of wealth among the ruling class among those working and living in poverty.
agreed upon events, Kinship Needs
struggles, organizations,
1. No privileges for or discrimination against individuals for any services on the basis of sexual pref-
or coalitions, and to erence, gender identity, or other gender related statuses: Gay marriage may be a reform to increase
network with oppressed tolerance of different sexual preferences. But, it does not address the problem of the government
peoples to act and discuss influencing people's love life. The church and state have provided many incentives (discounted in-
surance rates, not being ostracized, condensed legal documentation on nearly anything, money
in an open, safe, and saved on taxes) for heterosexual couples to marry. Social relationships, especially passionate ones,
shared forum, despite should be free from coaxed obligations like these.
2. Completely socialized daycare facilities: Childcare is another expense that causes parents more
insecurity in life, as well as more stressed out parental figures. Children must have someplace to go
that is safe, with food, with space, has social interaction, and full of care, regardless of any parental
economic status.
AA Points of Unity
3. Shelters and widely known processes for abused family members: Women's shelters are the most
1) Oppose capitalism and common havens for battered women and children. Sadly, not many people know how to get in con-
alienating labor. tact with them or how to properly tap into them. They are also overflowing with sheltered women
and children, but have scarce in resources. They are under funded and lack a voice for people to
2) Oppose all forms of access them. Since the Violence Against Women Act was not renewed in 2005, women must report
sexism. abuse first-hand. Children must be able to testify to authorities specifically about what happened
and how, before they can be taken from abusive parents. We must renew the VAW Act, increase
3) Oppose all forms of funding for shelters, create less bureaucratic and more efficient rescue services for those abused in
racism. homes, and teach children in schools about how to handle such problems. By not teaching them to
properly end domestic violence, we are teaching them to be silent about it.
4) Oppose all forms of
heterosexism. Cultural Needs
5) People should have a 1. Free movement for all and the abolition of national borders: Borders are constructed to confine
say in decisions insofar people and ultimately serve to dehumanize people outside of one’s own borders. NAFTA , the
Bracero Program, and a whole history of US imperialism and racism have played huge factors in
as it affects them. the road to dehumanizing Mexicans and racism against Latinos. In reality, American workers’ will
6) Individuals are entitled only gain more job security and earn higher wages, if the maquiladoras in Mexico are in solidarity
with American workers.
to autonomy to act
separately from the 2. The right to speak one’s own language: If someone attends a school in a Puerto Rican community
in New York, their community should have the right to dictate what cultural respects are held at the
organization, given community. No outside culture should be allowed to mandate what language children speak in the
actions do not violate classroom.
any other Point of 3. Intercommunal control of media: Media in a community should be controlled by those in the com-
Unity. munity, and any media exchange where the cultural community is represented outside should be
proportionally controlled by the community being portrayed. This could eliminate racist caricatures
and cultural misrepresentations of others.

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