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Chapter Notes

1. I will break up the book into chunks of chapters. Some chunks may only be one chapter
others will be multiple chapters.

2. You will be reading chapters and completing these notes in class and as homework.

3. For each chunk of chapters, you will need:

a. At least 5 bullet points summarizing what happened

b. An after reading strategy

c. You will also answer questions about chapters read at home as part of these notes

4. Each chunk of chapters will be worth 5 points.

5. I will collect your notes at various points while we read to grade them, but you will need
to hold on to your notes until I collect them.

After Reading Strategies:

1. Asking Questions- Write down questions you have

2. Making Connections- Write down a connection you can make between what happened in
this part of the story to your life, the world, or another text (book, movie, TV show, song,

3. Making Predictions- Write down what you think will happen next based on what

4. Step Inside- Step inside a characters head. Why did they act the way they did? What are
they thinking? How are they feeling?

5. Headline- Write a one sentence summary in the form of a newspaper headline- only give
the most important information and say it in an interesting and eye catching way

6. I used to think Now I think- Complete both sentences to show a change in thinking
that happened because of this part of the story

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