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Subjective Part 1 Time 2:45 Marks = 63

Q. 2: Attempt any five parts: 2 x 5 = 10 (Unit # 1, 2, 3)

1. Enlist the main branches of physics.
Physics has been divided into many branches. Some important ones are as following:
(1) Mechanics
(2) Heat and Thermodynamics
(3) Sound
(4) Light (Optics)
(5) Electricity & Magnetism (Electromagnetism)
(6) Atomic Physics
(7) Nuclear Physics
(8) Plasma Physics
(9) Geophysics
(10) Solid State Physics

2. Define electricity and Magnetism.

It is the study of the charges at rest and in motion, their effects and their relationship
with magnetism.

3. What is meant by atomic physics?

It is the study of the structure and properties of atoms.

4. Define nuclear physics.

It deals with the study of properties and behavior of nuclei and the particles within the

5. Which scientific inventions have caused harms and destruction of serious

nature to humans society?
The scientific inventions that caused harms and destruction of serious nature are:
Environmental Pollution
Weapons of Mass Destruction

6. What do you know about physical quantities?

All measureable quantities are called physical quantities such as length, mass, time
and temperature. Physical quantities are divided into base and derived quantities.

7. Describe the characteristics that are common in all physical quantities.

A physical quantity possesses at least characteristics in common. One is its numerical
value and the other is the unit in which it is measured. For example, if the length of the
student is 104 cm then 104 is its numerical magnitude and centimeter is the unit of

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8. Define base and derived quantities.
Base Quantities: Base quantities are defined independently. Seven quantities are
selected as base quantities. These are length, time, mass, electric current,
temperature, intensity of light and the amount of a substance.

Derived Quantities: The quantities which are expressed in terms of base quantities
are called derived quantities. For example, speed, area, density, force, pressure,
energy, etc.

9. Differentiate between base quantities and derived quantities?

The base quantities are defined by themselves, whereas derived quantities are
defined by the help of two or more base quantities.


10. Define the term Unit.

Once a standard is set for a quantity then it can be expressed in terms of that
standard quantity. This standard quantity is called a unit.

11. What do you know about International system of Units (SI)?

In 1960, the General Conference on Weight and Measure adopted a world-wide
system of measurements is known as international system of units (SI).

12. Differentiate between base and derived units.

Base Units: The units that describe base quantities are called as base units. Base
units are seven in numbers. Each base quantity has its SI unit. For example, unit of
length is meter, unit of mass is kilogram.

Derived Units: The units used to measure derived quantities are called derived units.
Derived units are numerous. Derived units are defined in terms of base units and are
obtained by multiplying or dividing one or more base units with each other.
For example, the unit of area (meter) 2 and the unit of volume (meter)3 are based on
the unit of length, which is meter.

13. Name the seven SI base quantities and their SI units of measurement.
The base quantities and their units are given below:
Base Quantities Symbol Unit Name Symbol
Length l meter m
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t second s
Electric current I ampere A
Intensity of Light L candela cd
Temperature T kelvin K
Amount of a substance n mole mol
14. Name the derived quantities and their SI units of measurement.
The derived quantities and their units are given below:
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Derived Quantities Symbol Unit Name Symbol
Speed v Meter per second ms-1
Acceleration a Meter per second per second ms-2
Volume V Cubic meter m3
Force F Newton N or (kg m s-2)
Pressure P Pascal Pa or (N m-2)
Density Kilogram per cubic meter kg m-3
Charge Q coulomb C or (As)

15. Choose the base quantities and derived quantities from the following.
Temperature, Volume, Time, Area, Density, Length

Base quantities: Temperature, Time, Length

Derived quantities: Volume, Area, Density

16. Identify the base quantity in the following:

(i) Speed (ii) Area (iii) Force (iv) Distance

Base quantities are: distance

17. Identify the following as base or derived quantity:

density, force, mass, speed, time, length, temperature and volume.
Base units: length, mass, time, temperature
Derived units: speed, volume, density, force,

18. Pick out the base units in the following:

Joule, newton, kilogram, hertz, mole, ampere, meter, kelvin, coulomb and watt

Base units: kilogram, mole, ampere, meter, kelvin

19. Find the base quantities involved in each of the following derived quantities:
(a) speed (b) volume (c) force (d) work

The base quantities evolved are in

(a) Speed, are length and time (= ms-1)
(b) Volume, are length only (meter cube)
(c) Force are mass, length and time (kgms-2)
(d) Work are kilogram, meter, time (kgms-1)(m)

20. Find base quantities involved in each of the following:

(a) speed (b) volume

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(a) speed,
By definition, speed = Distance / Time (ms-1),
Thus speed is derived from distance and time.

(b) volume,
By definition, volume = Area x length
= length x breadth x height (m3),
Thus volume is derived from length only.

21. Express 1 ml = 1 cm3.

Volume is a derived quantity
1 L = 1000 mL
1 L = 1 dm3
= (10 cm)3
= 1000 cm3
1 mL = 1 cm3

22. Express 1 m3 in litres ........ L or How much water in units of liter can fill
a water tank of 1m3 capacity? Explain
We know that
1m = 100cm
(1m) = (100cm)3
1m3 = 1000000 cm3
We also know that 1000 cm3 = 1liter or 1cm3 = 1/1000 liter
1 m3 = 1000000 x 1/1000 liters = 1000 liters
1m3 = 1000 liters

23. Why area is called a derived quantity?

Area is the multiplication of two base physical quantities length and width. Therefore it
is known as derived physical quantity. Mathematically
Area = length x width
A = Lx W
The SI unit of area is m2.

24. What are prefixes? Give examples.
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The word or letters added before a unit and stands for the multiples or sub-multiples of
that unit are known as prefixes. The prefixes are useful to express very large or small

Prefix Symbol Multiplier Prefix Symbol Multiplier

exa E 1018 deca da 101
peta P 1015 deci d 10-1
tera T 1012 centi c 10-2
giga G 109 milli m 10-3
mega M 106 micro 10-6
kilo k 103 nano n 10-9
hecto h 102 pico p 10-12
deca da 101 femto f 10-15
atto a 10-18

20,000 g = 20 x 103 g = 20 kg 103 = k (kilo)
200,000 ms-1 = 200 x 103 ms-1 = 20 kms-1 103 = k (kilo)
0.00002 g = 20 x 10-6 g = 20 g 10-6 = (micro)
0.000,000,0081 m = 8.1 x 10-9 m = 8.1 nm 10-9 = n (nano)
3 300 000 000 Hz = 3.3 x 109 Hz = 3.3 GHz 109 = G (giga)
4 800 000 W = 4.8 x 106 W = 4.8 MW 106 = M (mega)
( Therefore)
25. Define the following prefixes: (a) milli (b) micro
(a) milli: 1 m = 10-3
(b) micro: 1 = 10-6

26. Write Multiples and sub-multiples of length.

1 km 103 m
1 cm 10-2 m
1 mm 10-3 m
1 um 10-6 m
1 nm 10-9 m

27. Express the following quantities using prefixes?

(a) 5000 g (b) 2000000 W (c) 225 108 s (d) 52 1010 kg
(a) 5000 g = 3
5 x 10 g = 5 kg 103 = k (kilo)
(b) 2000000 W = 2 x 106 W = 2 MW 106 = M (mega)
-8 2 -8 -6
(c) 225 x 10 s = 2.25 x 10 x10 s = 2.25 x 10 s = 2.25 s 10-6 = (micro)

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(d) 52 x 10-10 kg = 52 x 10-10 x 103 g = 52 x 10-7 g = 5.2 x 101 x 10-7 g
= 5.2 x 101-7 g = 5.2 x 10-6 g = 5.2 g 10-6 = (micro)

28. Give the names and symbols of the prefixes used to represent the following values;
a. 10-3 b. 10-6 c.10-9 d. 10-12

Prefixes Names Symbols

10-3 milli m
10-6 micro
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p

29. Name five prefixes most commonly used.

Kilo (103), mega (106), centi (10-2), milli (10-3), micro (10-6)

30. How do the prefixes micro, nano and pico relate to each other?
Micro to Nano:
1 = 10-6
Multiplying by 10-3 and 103 on Right Hand Side:
1 = 10-6 x 10-3 x 103 1 = 103 x 10-9 = 103 n (as 10-9 = n)

Micro to Pico:
1 = 103 n = 103 x 10-9 (as 10-9 = n)
Multiplying by 10-3 and 103 on Right Hand Side:
1 = 103 x 10-9 x 10-3 x 103 1 = 106 x 10-12
1 = 10 p (as 10-12 = p)

Nano to Pico:
1 n = 10-9 Multiplying by 10-3 and 103 on Right Hand Side:
1 n = 10 x 10 x 103
-9 -3
1 n = 103 x 10-12
1 n = 103 p (as 10-12 = p)

31. Your hair grows at the rate of 1mm per day. Find their growth rate in nms 1?
Given data: Growth Rate = 1 mm / day
We have to find: Growth Rate = ? (in mm / s)
As 1 mm = 10-3 m and 1 day = 84600 s
So Growth Rate = 1 mm/day = (1 x 10-3 m) / 84600 s
Multiplying and dividing by nano
Growth Rate = (1x10-3m x n)/(84600xn)s = 10-3nm/84600x10-9s = 11.57 nm/s
Hair Growth rate = 11.57 nms-1


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32. Describe scientific notation? Give an example.
A scientific way to express large or small quantities in some powers of ten is called
scientific notation or standard form.

Rules of Writing a Number in Scientific Notation:

In scientific notation a number is expressed as some power of ten multiplied by a
number between 1 and 10.

1. The standard form of 62750 can be written as 62.75 x 10 3 or 6.275 x 104 or 0.62 x
105. But the number that has one non-zero digit before the decimal i.e. 6.275 x 10 4
is preferably be taken as standard form.

2. The Moon is 384000000 meters away from the Earth. In standard form, it can be
expressed as 3.84 x 108 m.

3. The standard form of 0.00045 s is 4.5 x 10-4 s.

33. The Sun is one hundred and fifty million kilometers away from the Earth. Write
this (a) as an ordinary whole number. (b) in scientific notation.

(a) 150000000 km
(b) 1.5 x 108 km
34. Write the numbers given below in scientific notation.
(a) 3000000000 ms-1 (b) 6400000 m (c) 0.0000000016g (d) 0.0000548 s

(a) 3000000000 ms-1 = 3.0 x 109 ms-1

(b) 6400000 m = 6.4 x 106 m
(c) 0.0000000016g = 1.6 x 10-9 g
(d) 0.0000548 s = 5.48 x 10-5 s
35. Rewrite the following in standard form?
(a) 1168 x 10-27 (b) 32 x 105 (c) 725105 kg (d) 0.02108

(a) 1168 x 10-27 = 1.168 x 103 x 10-27 = 1.168 x 103-27 = 1.168 x 10-24
5 5 1+5
(b) 32 x 10 = 3.2 x 101 x 10 = 3.2 x 10 = 3.2 x 106
(c) 725 x 10 = 7.25 x 10 x 10 kg = 7.25 x 10 x 10 g = 7.25 x 10-3 x 103g = 7.25 g
-5 2 -5 2-5 3

(d) 0.02 x 10-8 = 2.0 x 10-2 x 10-8 = 2.0 x 10-2-8 = 2 x 10-10

36. Write the following quantities in standard from?
(a) 6400km (b) 380000km (c) 300,000,000ms1 (d) Seconds in a day

(a) 6400 km = 6.4 x 103 km

(b) 380000 km = 3.8 x 105 km
(c) 300,000,000 ms-1 = 3 x 108 ms-1
(d) As 1day = 24 hours, 1 hour = 60 min, 1 min = 60 s; so
I day = 24 x 60 x 60 s = 86400 s = 8.64 x 104 s


37. Write the names of some length measuring Instruments you know.

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Length Measuring Instruments:
Following instruments are used to measure length:
(1) The Meter Rule
(2) The Measuring Tape
(3) Vernier Calipers
(4) Screw Gauge

38. What is metre rule?

A meter rule is a length measuring instrument. It is commonly used in the laboratories
to measure length of an object or distance between two points. It is one metre long
which is equal to100 centimeters. Each centimeter (cm) is divided into 10 small
divisions called millimeter (mm).

39. What is least count of metre rule?

One millimeter is the smallest reading that can be taken using metre rule and is called
its least count.

40. Which precautions should be carried out while measuring length with meter
While measuring length, or distance, eye must be kept vertically above the reading
point. The reading becomes doubtful if the eye is positioned either left or right to the
reading point.
41. What is measuring tape?
Measuring tapes are used to measure length in meters and centimeters. A measuring
tape consists of a thin and long strip of cotton, metal or plastic generally 10 m, 20 m,
50 m, or 100 m long.


42. Write a comprehensive note on Vernier calipers?

Vernier calipers
An instrument used to measure small length up to 0.1mm (0.01cm). It was invented by a
French mathematician Pierre Vernier in 1631.

Construction (Scales of vernier callipers)

It consists of two scale i.e. main scale and Vernier scale.

(1) Main scale

It is a fixed jaw with main scale attached to it. Main scale has centimeter and
millimeter marks on it and contains a jaw on its left end.

(2) Vernier scale

A moving scale that has marking of 0.9 mm each. It has total 10 or 20 divisions.
Vernier scale also contains a jaw on its left end.
Vernier callipers are used to measure

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a) The length of a rod or any object
b) The diameter of a sphere
c) The internal and external diameter of a hollow cylinder
d) The depth of a small beaker

43. Define least count or vernier constant of vernier callipers. How it can be
The difference between one small division on main scale division and one vernier
scale division is 0.1mm. It is called least count (LC) of the vernier callipers. Least
count of vernier calipers can also be found as:

Least count of vernier calliper = smallest reading on main scale /no. of divisions on vernier scale
= 1mm / 10 divisions = 0.1 mm
Hence, LC = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm

44. What is zero error of vernier calipers?

To find the zero error, close the jaws of vernier calipers gently. Zero error will exist if
zero line of the vernier scale is not coinciding with the zero of main scale.

45. What is positive zero error of vernier calipers?

Zero error will be positive if zero line of vernier scale is on the right side of the zero of
the main scale.

46. What is negative zero error of vernier callipers?

Zero error will be negative if zero line of vernier scale is on the left side of zero of the
main scale.

47. Describe the two scales of vernier callipers.

Vernier caliper has two scales which are printed on the two jaws of the vernier
calipers; one on fixed jaw and the other on moveable jaw. These scales are:

Main Scale: Fixed jaw has main scale attached to it. It has centimeters and millimeters
marks on it.

Vernier Scale: Moveable jaw has vernier scale having 10 divisions on it such that each of
its division is 0.9 mm in length.

48. What is vernier scale?

Vernier scale is moveable scale. Total length of this scale is 9 mm and is divided into
ten equal divisions such that each of its division is 0.9 mm.

49. What is Main scale?

Vernier Calliper has a fixed jaw with main scale attached to it. Main scale has
centimeter and millimeter marks on it ranges from 0 120 mm or 0 150 mm etc.

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50. On closing the jaws of vernier calipers, zero of the vernier scale is on the right
to its main scale such that 4th division of its vernier scale coincides with one of
the main scale division. Find its zero error and zero correction.

Given data: n=4 L.C. = 0.01 cm, Main scale reading = 0.00 cm
We have to determine:Zero error = ?, Zero correction = ?
Formula: Zero Error = Main scale reading + vernier scale reading
Solution: Vernier scale reading = (L.C x n) = 0.01 x 4 = 0.04 cm
As the zero of the Vernier scale is on the right side of the main scale zero, so error is positive.
Zero Error = + (main scale reading + vernier scale reading) = + (0.00+0.4) = +0.04 cm
Therefore, Zero error = +0.04cm
Zero correction = - 0.04 cm
Note: If error is positive then the correction applied

51. What is the least count of the Vernier Callipers?

Least count of vernier calliper = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm

52. What is the range of the Vernier Callipers used in your Physics laboratory?
Physics laboratory vernier caliper range is 0 120 mm.

53. How many divisions are there on its vernier scale?

Vernier caliper has two scales which are printed on the two jaws of the vernier
calipers; one on fixed jaw and the other on moveable jaw. These scales are:

Main Scale: Fixed jaw has main scale attached to it. It has centimeters and millimeters
marks on it.
Vernier Scale: Moveable jaw has vernier scale having 10 divisions on it such that each of
its division is 0.9 mm in length.

54. Why do we use zero correction (zero error)?

By the use of zero correction the observation taken can be corrected, to get correct

55. What do you understand by the zero error of a measuring instrument?

When zero of Vernier scale does not coincide with zero of main scale, then instrument
has "Zero Error".

56. Why a digital vernier calliper is better than mechanical vernier callipers?
Digital Vernier Callipers has greater precision than mechanical Vernier Callipers.
Because least count of Digital Vernier Callipers is 0.01 mm which is smaller than a
mechanical vernier calliper.

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57. Find the diameter of a cylinder placed between the outer jaws of Vernier
Callipers as shown in figure 1.8.


Zero correction
On closing the jaws of Vernier Callipers, the position of vernier scale as shown in figure
Main scale reading = 0.0 cm
Vernier division coinciding with main scale = 7 div.
Vernier scale reading = 7 x 0.01 cm = 0.07 cm
Zero error = 0.0 cm + 0.07 cm = + 0.07 cm
Zero correction (Z.C) = - 0.07 cm

Diameter of the cylinder

Main scale reading = 2.2 cm
(when the given cylinder is kept between the jaws of the Vernier Callipers as shown in figure 1.8).
Vernier div. coinciding with main scale div. = 6 div.

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Vernier scale reading = = 6 x 0.01 cm = 0.06 cm
Observed diameter of the cylinder = 2.2 cm + 0.06 cm = 2.26 cm
Correct diameter of the cylinder = 2.26 cm 0.07 cm = 2.19 cm
Thus, the correct diameter of the given cylinder as found by Vernier Callipers is 2.19 cm.


58. What is screw gauge? Write its use.

A screw gauge is an instrument used to measure small lengths with accuracy greater
than vernier callipers. It measures lengths up to one hundredth part of a millimeter. It
is also called as micrometer screw gauge.

59. Define pitch of screw gauge.

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The distance between consecutive threads on the spindle is 1 mm. This distance is
called the pitch of screw on the spindle.

60. Define least count of screw gauge. How it can be calculated?

Least count is the minimum measurement which can be measured accurately with the
help of screw gauge. It can be calculated as:

L.C. of screw gauge = Pitch of the screw gauge / Total no. of divisions on circular scale

= 1mm / 100 division = 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm

61. What is zero error of screw gauge?

Close the gap between the spindle and the stud of the screw gauge by rotating the
ratchet in the clockwise direction. If zero of circular scale does not coincide with the
index line, then there will be zero error.

62. What is positive zero error of screw gauge?

Zero error will be positive if zero of circular scale is behind the index line. In this case,
multiply the number of divisions of the circular scale that has not crossed the index
line with the least count of screw gauge to find zero error.

63. What is negative zero error of screw gauge?

Zero error will be negative if zero of circular scale has crossed the index line. In this
case, multiply the number of divisions of the circular scale that has crossed the index
line with the least count of screw gauge to find the negative zero error.

64. A screw gauge has 50 divisions on its circular scale. The pitch of the screw
gauge is 0.5 mm. What is its least count?

Given Data: Total number of division on circular scale = 50 div

Pitch of screw = 0.5 mm
Least count of screw = ?
As we know that,
L.C. of screw gauge = Pitch of the screw gauge / Total no. of divisions on circular scale
L.C. of screw gauge = 0.5 mm / 50 = 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm
The least count of screw gauge is 0.01mm (0.001 cm).

65. What is the least count of a screw gauge? How can it be calculated?
The thimble of screw gauge has 100 divisions around its one end. It is the circular
scale of screw gauge. Thus, least count of a screw gauge can also be found as given
Least count = pitch of the screw gauge / no. of divisions on circular scale = 1mm/100
= 0.01 mm = 0.001 cm
Thus least count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm or 0.001 cm.

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66. What is meant by the pitch of a screw gauge? Give its value.
The distance between two consecutive threads on the spindle of a screw gauge is
called pitch of the screw gauge.

Value of Pitch: Its value is 1 mm.

67. What is the pitch of your laboratory screw gauge?

The pitch of laboratory screw gauge is 1 mm.

68. What is the range of your laboratory screw gauge?

The range of a micrometer is 0 25 mm.
The accuracy of a micrometer is up to 0.01mm.

69. Which one of the two instruments is more precise and why?
(a) Vernier Callipers.
(b) Screw Gauge.
A screw gauge can measure up to 0.01mm (0.001cm) and a Vernier calipers can
measures up to 0.1mm (0.01cm). Therefore, a micrometer screw gauge measures
more accurately than a Vernier calliper.

70. Why screw gauge is preferred over vernier calipers?

A screw gauge can measure small lengths with accuracy greater than vernier callipers
that is why it is preferred over vernier callipers.

71. Which one of the three instruments is more precise and why?
(a) Ruler (b) Vernier calipers (c) Screw gauge

Least count of ruler is 1mm. It is 0.1mm for Vernier Callipers and 0.01 mm for
micrometer screw gauge. Thus, measurements taken by micrometer screw gauge are
the most precise than the other two.

72. Identify and explain limitations of measuring instruments such as metre rule,
vernier callipers and screw gauge?

Every instrument has specific least count. Thus, every instrument is limited to give
1) Least count of metre rule is 1 mm so; it cannot give readings more than 1 mm.
2) Least count of vernier callipers is 0.1 mm, so it cannot give readings more than
3) Least count of Screw gauge is 0.01 mm. It cannot give readings more than 0.01 mm.

73. If the zero of circular scale is above the datum line then explains how we can
correct our reading?

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If the zero of circular scale is above the datum line then the error is called negative
zero error. We can correct our reading by adding the error with the final value.


74. What is a beam balance?

In a beam balance, the unknown mass is placed in one pan. It is balanced by putting
known masses in the other pan. A beam balance may be able to detect a change as
small as of 0.1 g or 100 mg. Its least count is 0.1 g or 100 mg.

75. What is a physical balance?

A physical balance is used in the laboratory to measure the mass of various objects
by comparison.

76. How can we balance a physical balance?

Unknown mass is placed on the left pan and some suitable standard masses are
placed on the right pan that causes the pointer to remain at zero on raising the beam.

77. How does a lever balance works?

A lever balance consists of a system of levers. When lever is lifted placing the object
in one pan and standard masses on the other pan, the pointer of the lever system
moves. The pointer is brought to zero by varying standard masses.

78. What is range of Electronic Balance?

Electric balance carries various ranges: milligram ranges, gram ranges and kilogram

79. How can we measure mass of an object by using electronic balance?

Before measuring the mass of a body, it is switched ON and its reading is set to zero.
Next place the object to be weighed. The reading on the balance gives us the mass of
the body placed over it.

80. Differentiate between electronic balance and physical balance.

Physical Balance Electronic Balance

Physical balance is a modified type of
An electronic machine which gives us
beam balance used to measure small
1 direct reading of mass as we place the
masses by comparison with greater
objects over it is called electronic balance.
2 It is less sensitive. It is more sensitive.
Least count of physical balance is Leas count of electronic balance is 0.001g
0.01 or 10mg. or 1mg.
A laboratory balance is an example of The balances used in sweet and grocery
physical balance. shops are example of electronic balances.

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81. What is the function of balancing screws in a physical balance? On what pan we
place the object and why?

The balancing screws used to level the platform of a physical balance with the help of
plumb line.

The object whose weight is to be measured will be kept in the left pan. Weights will be
kept on the right pan in a physical balance. The reason is that weights are to be
adjusted till it is right to the weight of the object and is convenient since most of us are
right handed.

Useful Informations
The precision of a balance in measuring mass of an object is different for different balances . A
sensitive balance cannot measure large masses. Similarly a balance that measures large masses
cannot be sensitive. Some digital balances measure even smaller difference of the order of
0.0001 g or 0.1 mg. Such balances are considered the most precise balance.


82. What is a stop watch? What is the least count of a mechanical stopwatch you
have used in the laboratories? Or (What is the use of stop watch?)

A stopwatch is used to measure the time interval of an event.

There are two types of stopwatches:
A mechanical stopwatch can measure a time interval up to a minimum 0.1 second.
So least count of mechanical stop watch is 0.1 second.

Digital stopwatches commonly used in laboratory can measure a time interval as

small as 1/100 second or 0.01 second. So least count of digital stop watch is 0.01
83. How is stop watch used?
A mechanical stopwatch has a knob that is used to wind the spring that powers the
watch. The watch starts when the knob is pressed once.
A digital stopwatch starts to indicate the time lapsed as the start/stop button is
pressed. As soon as start/stop button is pressed again, it stops and indicates the time
interval recorded by it between start and stop of an event.

84. Why do we need to measure extremely small intervals of time?

In order to get the more accurate results we need small interval of times.

85. Digital stopwatch is more commonly used in physics experiments. Why?

Digital stopwatch is more commonly used in physics experiments because it is more
accurate than analogue stopwatch. Digital stopwatch can measure time up to 0.01s
while the analogue stopwatch can measure time up to 0.1s.


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86. What is measuring cylinder?
A measuring cylinder is a glass or transparent plastic cylinder. It has a scale along its
length that indicates the volume in milliliter (ml).

87. What is the use of measuring cylinder?

It is used to measure the volume of a liquid or powdered substance. It is also used to
find the volume of an irregular shaped solid insoluble in a liquid by displacement

88. What are the precautionary measures should be taken while measuring the
volume by using measuring cylinder?
While using a measuring cylinder, it must be kept vertical on a plane surface. The
correct method to note the level of a liquid in the cylinder is to keep the eye at the
same level as the meniscus of the liquid.

89. Can we use the measuring cylinder to determine the volume of an irregular
shaped solid?
Measuring cylinder can be used to find the volume of a small irregular shaped solid
that sinks in water. Initially the volume V i of water in cylinder is noted. A small solid
(stone) tie with thread is lowered into the cylinder till it is fully immersed in water and
new reading of volume Vf is measured. After that the volume V of irregular shaped
object is calculated using expression V = Vf Vi.

90. How can we find the volume of a small pebble with the help of measuring cylinder?
To find the volume of a small pebble water is poured in measuring cylinder and noted
the volume of water. Then put the pebble in the cylinder gently. When the pebble is
completely immersed the volume of water is read again. The volume of the pebble is
found by subtracting the first reading from the second.

91. Name any four safety equipments that a school laboratory must have?
The safety equipment that a school laboratory must have are:
First aid box
Fire alarm
Fire extinguisher
Sand and water buckets


92. What are significant figures?
All accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit in an expression are called
significant figures. It reflects the precision of a measured value of a physical quantity.
(a) There are five significant figures in this measurement 3.0066 m.
(b) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 0.00309 kg.
(c) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 5.05 10 27 kg.

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93. Describe the rules to determine the significant figures in any measurement.
The rules to determine the significant figures in a measurement are as follows:

Non-zero digits are always significant. 27 has 2 significant figures, 275 has 3
significant figures

Zeros between two significant figures are also significant. 2705 has 4 significant

Final or ending zeros on the right in decimal fraction are significant. 275.00 has 5
significant figures

Zeros written on the left side of the decimal point for the purpose of spacing the
decimal point are not significant. 0.03 has 1 significant figures, 0.027 has 2 significant

94. How is precision related to significant figures in a measured quantity?

The greater the number of significant figures, the greater the precision. Each
significant figure increases the precision by a factor of ten.

95. Which of the following quantities have three significant?

(a) 3.0066 m (b) 0.00309 kg (c) 5.05 1027 kg (d) 301.0 s
(a) There are five significant figures in this measurement 3.0066 m.
(b) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 0.00309 kg.
(c) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 5.05 10 27 kg.
(d) There are Four Significant figures in this measurement 301.0 s.
Result: In (b) and (c) there are Three Significant figures.
96. What are the significant figures in the following measurement?
(a) 1.009 m (b) 0.00450 kg (c) 1.66 1027 kg (d) 2001 s

(a) There are four significant figures in this measurement 1.009 m.

(b) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 0.00450 kg.
(c) There are Three Significant figures in this measurement 1.66 10 27 kg.
(d) There are Four Significant figures in this measurement 2001 s.

97. A chocolate wrapper is 6.7cm long and 5.4cm wide. Calculate its area up to
reasonable number of significant figures?
Given Data:
Length = L = 6.7cm, Width = W = 5.4cm, Area = A = ?
Solution: As we know that: A = L W
Putting the values in above formula;

Physics 9th Page 18 of 47

A = 6.7 x 5.4 = 36.18 cm2
Note: As, There are only two significant figures in the measurement of length and width
so, in the answer of area the reasonable significant figures will be two.
By rounding off, A = 36 cm2
Result: Area up to reasonable significant figures is 36 cm 2

98. Estimate your age in seconds.

My age is 15 years. Its value in seconds is
= 15 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 s = 473,040,000 s = 4.7304 x 108 s

99. Find the number of significant figures in each of the following values. Also
express them in scientific notations.
a) 100.8 s b) 0.00580 km c) 210.0 g

(a) Significant figures in 100.8 s are 4

Scientific notation of 100.8 s = 1.008 x 102 s

(b) Significant figures in 0.00580 km are 3

Scientific notation of 0.00580 km = 5.80 x 10 -3 km

(c) Significant figures in 210.0 g are 4

Scientific notation of 210.0 g = 2.100 x 102 g

Rounding the numbers

(i) If the last digit is less than 5 then it is simply dropped. This decreases the number of significant digits
in the figure. For example, 1.943 is rounded to 1.94 (3 significant figures)

(ii) If the last digit is greater than 5, then the digit on its left is increased by one. This also decreases the
number of significant digits in the figure. For example, 1.47 is rounded to two significant digits 1.5

(iii) If the last digit is 5, then it is rounded to get nearest even number. For example, 1.35 is rounded to 1.4
and 1.45 is also rounded to 1.4

1. The Study of internal structure of the Earth is:

(a) Atomic Physics (b) Geo Physics (c) Sound (d) Heat

2. The study of matter, energy and their interaction is called:

(a) Astronomy (b) Chemistry (c) Physics (d) Natural Philosophy

3. The physical aspects of light, its properties, and working is studies under:
(a) Atomic physics (b) Optics (c) Thermodynamic (d) Plasma Physics

4. The word Science is derived from Latin word:

(a) Scientist (b) Scientia (c) Scient (d) Scienta

5. Application of scientific principle is called as:

Physics 9th Page 19 of 47

(a) Measurement (b) Natural philosophy (c) Technology (d) Physics

6. A refrigerator is based on the principles of:

(a) Mechanics (b) Thermodynamics (c) Galaxy (d) Electronics

7. Which of the following is base quantity:

(a) Mass (b) Volume (c) Torque (d) Momentum

8. The base quantity is:

(a) Length (b) Force (c) Speed (d) Acceleration

9. A physical quantity possesses characteristics in common:

(a) At least one (b) At least two (c) At least three (d) At least four

10. Which one of the following is not a base quantity?

(a) Temperature (b) Electric charge (c) Electric current (d) Amount of substance

11. The number of base units SI is:

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 9

12. One Cubic meter is equal to:

(a) 100 liters (b) 1000 liters (c) 10 liters (d) 106 liters

13. Amount of a substance in terms of numbers is measured in:

(a) Gram (b) Kilogram (c) Newton (d) Mole
14. Which is not a derived unit:
(a) Pascal (b) Kilogram (c) Newton (d) Watt
15. The number of base units in SI is:
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 9

16. The SI unit of mass is:

(a) gram (b) Kilogram (c) Milligram (d) centigram

17. Which one is a derived unit?

(a) Joule (b) Second (c) Mole (d) Kelvin

18. Which one of the following units is not derived unit:

(a) Pascal (b) Kilogram (c) Newtons (d) Watt

19. One micro g is equal to:

Physics 9th Page 20 of 47

(a) 109 g (b) 106 g (c) 103 g (d) 10-6 g

20. One micro meter is equal to:

(a) 10-6 m (b) 10-3 m (c) 10-9 m (d) 103 m

21. Which one of the following is the smallest quantity?

(a) 0.01 g (b) 2 mg (c) 100 g (d) 5000 ng

22. 1 nano =?
(a) 10-18 (b) 10-15 (c) 10-12 (d) 10-9

23. The terms used internationally for multiples and sub-multiples are called:
(a) Science notation (b) Suffixes (c) Prefixes (d) None of these

24. One femto is equal to:

(a) 10-9 (b) 10-12 (c) 10-15 (d) 10-18

25. An interval of 200 s is equivalent to:

(a) 0.2 s (b) 0.02 s (c) 2 x 10-4 s (d) 2 x 10-6 s

26. Least count of meter rod is:

(a) 1 mm (b) 0.1 mm (c) 0.01 mm (d) 1 cm

27. Which is instrument is most suitable to measure the internal diameter of a test tube?
(a) Meter Rod (b) Vernier Caliper (c) Measuring scale (d) Screw Gauge

28. Least count of Vernier Caliper is:

(a) 0.01 mm (b) 0.01 cm (c) 1mm (d) 1 cm

29. A student claimed the diameter of a wire as 1.032 cm using Vernier calipers. Up to
what extent do you agree with it?
(a) 1 cm (b) 1.0 cm (c) 1.03 cm (d) 1.0

30. Accuracy greater than 1 mm can be obtained by:

(a) Meter rule (b) Measuring tape (c) Vernier Calipers (d) All of above

31. The separation between two Vernier lines is:

(a) 1 mm (b) 0.9 mm (c) 0.1 mm (d) 0.5 mm

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32. The least count of a screw gauge is:
(a) 1cm (b) 0.1cm (c) 0.01 cm (d) 0.001 cm

33. A student noted the thickness of a glass sheet using a screw gauge. One the main
sale, it read 3 divisions while 8th division on the circular scale coincides with index line. Its
thickness is.
(a) 3.8 cm (b) 3.08 mm (c) 3.8 mm (d) 3.08 m

34. Pitch of screw gauge is:

(a) 1 mm (b) 0.1 mm (c) 0.01 mm (d) 0.001 mm

35. If the zero error is negative then the value of zero error would be:
(a) Added to measured value (b) Subtracted from measured value
(c) divided to measured value (d) Multiple by measured value

36. The mass of body is measured with the help of:

(a) Spring balance (b) Stop watch (c) measuring cylinder (d) Physical balance

37. A measuring cylinder is used to measure:

(a) Mass (b) Area (c) Volume (d) Level of liquid

38. The number of significant figures in 0.00580 Km is:

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

39. 0.027 has significant digits:

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4

40. The no. of significant figures in 0.03 is:

(a) one (b) two (c) Three (d) No

41. 1.35 is rounded to:

(a) 1.4 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.45 (d) 1.3

42. Significant figures in an expression are:

(a) All the digits (b) All the accurately known digits
(c) All the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit
(d) All the accurately known and all the doubtful digits

43. The number of significant figures in 0.002070 are:

Physics 9th Page 22 of 47

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6

44. If the last digit is 5, then it is rounded to get the nearest:

(a) Even number (b) Odd number (c) Prime number (d) complex number

45. 1.45 can be rounded as:

(a) 1.5 (b) 1.3 (c) 1.4 (d) 2.0

46. Zeros used for spacing the decimal point are:

(a) Significant (b) Non-significant (c) Doubtful (d) Hypothetical

Chapter # 2

Chapter # 2
100. Differentiate between Rest and Motion.
Rest: A body is said to be at rest, if it does not change its position with respect to
Motion: A body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position with respect to its

101. How many types of motion are there? Or describe type of motion in detail.
Types of Motion:

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(1) Translatory Motion: In which a body moves without any rotation. (Linear, random, and
circular motion)
(2) Rotatory Motion: In which a body spins about its axis.
(3) Vibratory Motion: In which a body moves to and fro about its mean position. (to and fro

102. Define linear and translator motion.

Linear Motion: Straight line motion of a body is known as linear motion. Or
It is the type of translator motion in which a body moves in a straight line.
Example: Aeroplanes flying straight in air and objects falling vertically down, etc. are
examples of linear motion.

Translatory Motion: In translatory motion, a body moves along a line without any
rotation. The line may be straight or curved.
(1) A car and an aeroplane moving along a straight line.
(2) Motion of the rider in Ferris wheel.

103. Differentiate between circular motion and rotatory motion.

Circular Motion: The motion of an object in a
circular path is known as circular motion.
(1) A stone tied at the end of a string moves in a circle.
(2) A toy train moving on a circular track.
(3) The motion of the Earth around the Sun.

Rotatory Motion: The spinning motion of a body

about its axis is called its rotatory motion.
(1) The motion of a wheel about its axis.
(2) The motion of a steering wheel or vehicles.
(3) The motion of the Earth about its geographic
axis that causes day and night is rotatory motion.
104. Define random motion. Rotatory
The disordered or irregular (zig-zag) motion of an object is called random motion. It is
the type of translatory motion in which motion of an object is disordered or irregular.

(1) Motion of insects and birds.
(2) Motion of dust or smoke particles in the air.
(3) Motion of gas or liquid molecules in a container.

105. Define and explain vibratory motion with examples.

Vibratory Motion: To and fro motion of a body about its mean position is known as
vibratory motion.

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(1) Motion of a child and a swing.
(2) Motion of a pendulum of a clock.
(3) The children in see-saw possess vibratory motion.
(4) Motion of hammer of a ringing electric bell.
(5) Motion of the string of a sitar.
(6) A baby in a cradle moving to and fro.

106. What is meant by Brownian Motion?

The motion of gas or liquid molecules along a zig-zag path is known as Brownian
motion. It is a type of random motion.

Mini Exercise
1. When a body is said to be at rest?
A body is said to be at rest, if it does not change its position with respect to surroundings.

2. Give an example of a body that is at rest and is in motion at the same time.
A passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest because he is not changing his position with
respect to other passengers or objects in the bus. But to an observer outside the bus, the
passengers and the objects inside the bus are in motion.

3. Mention the type of motion in each of the following:

(i) A ball moving vertically upward. ___________________________________(Linear Motion)
(ii) A child moving down a slide. _____________________________________ (Linear Motion)
(iii) Movement of a player in a football ground. __________________________ (Random Motion)
(iv) The flight of a butterfly. _________________________________________ (Random Motion)
(v) An athlete running in a circular track. _______________________________ (Circular Motion)
(vi) The motion of a wheel. __________________________________________ (Circular Motion)
(vii) The motion of a cradle. _________________________________________ (Vibratory Motion)


107. Define scalars and vectors. Or Differentiate between scalar and vector

Scalar Quantity Vector Quantity

The physical quantities which are
The physical quantities which are completely
completely described by its magnitude
described by its magnitude (number & proper
(number & proper unit) are called
unit) as well as direction are called vectors.
They change if either their magnitude, direction
They change if there magnitude changes.
or both change.
Vector quantity cannot be added, subtracted,
Scalar quantities are denoted by letters
multiplied, divided by the simple rules of
in ordinary type.
Physics 9th Page 25 of 47
Scalar quantity can be added, Vector quantities added, subtracted, multiplied
subtracted, multiplied, and divided or divided by the rules of trigonometry and
according to the ordinary algebraic rule. geometry.
Two scalars are equal if they have same
Vector always treats as positive.
Vectors are represented by two ways;
It can be represented by the numbers
Symbolic representation
with decimals. (Positive negative)
Graphical representation
Examples: Work, energy, electric flux,
volume, refractive index, time, speed, Examples: Velocity, electric field intensity,
electric potential, potential difference, acceleration, force, momentum, torque,
viscosity, density, power, mass, distance, displacement, electric current, weight, angular
temperature, electric charge, electric flux momentum etc.

108. How vector quantities are represented?

A vector can be represented by the following two methods.

(i) Symbolic representation

In this method a vector can be represented by a letter. An arrow head is placed

above or below the letter. OR the letter is written as bold face such as:
For example a vector can be stated as;

(ii) Graphical representation

Graphically, a vector can be represented by a straight

line having an arrow head in the direction of the vector.
In the fig, the line AB with arrow head at B represents
a vector V. the length of the line AB gives the
magnitude of the vector V on a selected scale.
While the direction of the line from A to B gives the direction of the vector V.


109. Represent a force of 80 N acting toward North of East.

Step1: Draw two lines perpendicular to each other. Horizontal line
represents East-West and vertical line represents North-South
direction as shown in figure 2.15.

Step2: Select a suitable scale to represent the given vector. In this

case we may take a scale which represents 20 N by 1 cm line.

Step3: Draw a line according to the scale in the direction of the vector. In this case, draw a line OA
of length 4 cm along North-East.

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Step4: Put an arrow head at the end of the line. In this case arrow head is at point A. Thus, the line
OA will represent a vector i.e., the force of 80 N acting towards North-East.


110. What is Position?

The term position describes the location of a place or a point with respect to some
reference point called origin.

111. Which is fastest animal on the Earth?

Falcon is the fastest bird on the Earth and can fly at a speed of 200 kmh -1, while
Cheetah can run at a speed of 70kmh-1


112. Differentiate between distance and displacement.

Distance Displacement
The length covered by a body on different The shortest distance between two points
paths is called distance. is called displacement.
It is a scalar physical quantity. It is a vector physical quantity.
It is denoted by "S". It is denoted by "S".
Its SI unit is meter (m). Its SI unit is meter (m).

113. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed Velocity
The distance covered by an object in The rate of displacement of a body is called its
unit time is called its speed. velocity.
Speed = Distance / Time taken Velocity = displacement / time taken
Distance = Speed x time Displacement = velocity x time
S = vt d = vt
SI unit of speed is m/s (ms-1) SI unit of velocity is m/s (ms-1)
Speed is a scalar quantity. Velocity is a vector quantity.

114. What is LIDAR gun?

A LIDAR gun is light detection and ranging speed gun. It uses the time taken by laser
pulse to make a series of measurements of a vehicles distance from the gun. The
data is then used to calculate the vehicles speed.

115. Relation between metre (m) and centimeter (cm)

1 m = 100 cm
1 cm = 1/100 m = 10-2 m

116. Relation between kilometer (km) and metre (m)

1 km = 1000 m
1 m = 1/1000 km = 10-3 m

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117. Define uniform velocity.
A body has uniform velocity if it covers equal displacement in equal intervals of time,
however short the interval may be.

118. Define uniform speed.

A body has uniform speed if it covers equal distance in equal intervals of time,
however short the interval may be.

119. A sprinter completes its 100 meter race in 12 s. Find his average speed.
Total distance = 100 m
Total time taken = 12s
Average speed = Total distance moved / Total time taken
= 100 / 12 = 8.33 ms-1
120. A train moves with a uniform velocity of 36kmh-1 for 10s. Find the distance
travelled by it.
Given data: velocity (v) = 36 kmh-1 = 36000 / 3600 = I0 ms-1
Time (t) = 10 s
S = ?
Formula: S = vt
S = (10 ms-1)(10 s) = 100 m

121. A cyclist completes half round of a circular track of radius 318 m in 1.5
minutes. Find its speed and velocity.

Radius of track r = 318 m

Time taken t = 1.5 min. = 90 s
Distance covered = x radius = 3.14 x 318 m = 999 m
Displacement = 2 r = 2 x 318 m = 636 m
Speed = distance / time = 999 m / 90 s = 11.1 ms-1
Velocity = displacement / time taken = 636 m / 90 s = 7.07 ms-1

Thus speed of the cyclist is 11.1 ms-1 along the track and its velocity is about 7.1 ms-1
along the diameter AB of the track.

122. Define acceleration. Write its mathematical formula. What is its SI unit?
The rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration. It is denoted by a.
Mathematical Formula:
Acceleration = change in velocity/time taken
a = (final velocity initial velocity) / time taken
a = (vf vi) / t

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In S.I system unit of acceleration is m/s2 (ms-2).
It is a vector quantity.

123. Define uniform acceleration and variable acceleration.

A body has uniform acceleration if it has equal changes in velocity in equal intervals
of time, however short the interval may be.

A body has variable acceleration if it has not equal changes in velocity in equal
intervals of time however short the interval may be.

124. Define Positive & Negative Acceleration.

Acceleration of a body is positive when its velocity is increasing with time. The
direction of this acceleration is the same in the direction of velocity.

Acceleration of a body is negative when its velocity is decreasing. The direction of this
acceleration is opposite to the direction of velocity. Negative acceleration is also called
deceleration or retardation.

125. A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20 ms -1 in 8 s. Find its
Initial velocity Vi = 0 ms-1
Final velocity Vf = 20 ms-1
Time taken t =8s
as a = (Vf Vi)/ t = (20 ms-1 0 ms-1) / 8 s = 2.5 ms-2
Thus the acceleration of the car is 2.5 ms-2

126. Find the retardation produced when a car moving at a velocity of 30 ms -1

slows down uniformly to 15 ms-1 in 5s.

Initial velocity Vi = 30 ms-1

Final velocity Vf = 15 ms-1
Time taken t =5s
Change in velocity = Vf V i = 15 ms-1 30 ms-1 = -15 ms-1
as a = (Vf Vi)/ t = 15 ms-1 / 5 s = - 3 ms-2
Since negative acceleration is called retardation,
Thus the retardation of the car is 3 ms-2.

Graphical Analysis of Motion

127. Define Graph, Variables, Independent quantity and dependent quantity.
Graph is a pictorial way of presenting information about the relation between various
The quantities between which a graph is plotted are called variables.
One of the quantities is called independent quantity.
The value of which varies with the independent quantity is called the dependent

Physics 9th Page 29 of 47

128. What is the purpose of distance time graph?
It is useful to represent the motion of objects using graphs.

129. What is Distance-time graph?

A graph which shows the relationship between distance
and time is called Distance-time graph.
The distance traveled is taken on the vertical axis (y-axis)
while the time is taken on the horizontal axis (x-axis).
The slope of the graph denotes speed or Velocity.

130. What is the shape of distance-time graph when a

body is at rest?
The shape of the distance-time graph will be a horizontal
line parallel to time axis when a body is at rest. Graph shows that speed of the object
is zero (fig. 2.18).

131. What is the shape of distance-time graph when a body is moving with
constant speed? How can we calculate speed of the object?

The shape of the distance-time graph will be a straight line when a body is moving
with uniform speed (Fig 2.19).
Mathematically: Speed of the object = slope of line AB = distance EF / time CD
= 20 m / 10 s = 2 ms-1

132. What is the shape of distance-time graph when a body is moving with
variable speed? How can we calculate speed of the object?

The shape of the distance-time graph is not a straight

line when a body is moving with variable speed (Fig 2.20).
Slope of the tangent at p = RS / QS
= 30 m / 10 s = 3 ms-1
Thus, speed of the object at P is 3 ms-1

The speed is higher at instants when slope is greater; speed is zero at instants when slope
is horizontal.
133. Figure 2.21 shows the distance-time graph of a moving car. From the graph,
(a) the distance car has travelled.
(b) the speed during the first five seconds.
(c) average speed of the car. .
(d) speed during the last 5 seconds.


Physics 9th Page 30 of 47

(a) Total distance travelled = 40 m
(b) Distance travelled during first 5 s is 35 m
Speed = 35 m / 5 s = 7 ms-1
(c) Average speed = Total distance / Total time taken
= 40 m / 10 s = 4 ms-1
(d) Distance moved during the last 5 s= 5 m
Speed =5m/5s = 1 ms-1


134. What is Speed-time graph?

A graph which shows the relationship between speed and time is called speed-time
graph. The speed is taken on the vertical axis (y-axis) while the time is taken on the
horizontal axis (x-axis).
The slope of the graph denotes acceleration.

135. What is the shape of speed-time graph when

a body is moving with constant speed?
How can we calculate speed of the object?

When the speed of an object is constant (4 ms-1) with

time, then the speed-time graph will be a horizontal line
parallel to time-axis along x-axis as shown in figure.
In other words, a straight line parallel to time axis represents constant speed of the

136. What is the shape of speed-time graph when a body is

moving with uniform changing speed (uniform
acceleration)? How can we calculate speed of the object?

Let the speed of an object be changing uniformly.

In such a case speed is changing at constant rate.
Thus its speed-time graph would be a straight line such as shown in figure. A straight
line means that the object is moving with uniform acceleration. Slope of the line gives
the magnitude of its acceleration.

137. Find the acceleration from speed-time graph shown in figure 2.23.
On the graph in figure,
Point A gives speed of the object as 2 ms-1 after 5 s
Point B gives speed of the object as 4 ms-1 after 10 s

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138. Find the acceleration from speed-time graph shown in figure 2.24.
The graph in figure shows that the speed of the
object is decreasing with time. The speed after
5s is 4 ms-1 and it becomes 2ms-1 after 10 s.
As acceleration = Slope of CD

139. A car moves in a straight line. The speed-time graph of its motion is shown in
figure 2.25. From the graph, find;
(a) Its acceleration during the first 10 seconds.
(b) Its deceleration during the last 2 seconds.
(c) Total distance travelled.
(d) Average speed of the car during its journey.

(a) Acceleration during the first 10 s

= change in velocity / Time taken
= (16 ms-1 0 ms-1) / 10 s = 1.6 ms-2

(b) Acceleration during the last 2 s = (0 ms-1 16 ms-1) / 2 s = - 8 ms-2

(c) Total distance travelled = area under the graph (trapezium OABC)
= 1/2(sum of parallel sides) x height = 1/2 (18s+30s)x(16ms -1)
= 1/2 (48 s) x (16 ms-1) = 384 m
(d) Average speed = Total distance covered / Time taken
= 384 m / 30 s = 12.8 ms-1

140. Which from the following can be obtained from speed-time graph;
Initial Speed, Final Speed, Distance covered in time and Acceleration of motion.
All above factors can be obtained from speed-time graph.


141. Derive First Equation of Motion.

Speed-time graph for the motion of a body is shown in figure Slope of line AB gives
the acceleration of a body.

Physics 9th Page 32 of 47

142. Derive Second Equation of Motion
In speed-time graph shown in figure, the total distance
S travelled by the body is equal to the total area OABD
under the graph. That is
Total distance S = area of (rectangle OACD + triangle ABC)
Area of rectangle OACD = OA x OD = vi x t
Area of triangle ABC = 1/2 (AC x BC) = 1/2 t x at
Since Total area OABD = area of rectangle OACD + area of triangle ABC
S = vit + 1/2 t x at
S = vit + 1/2 at2

143. Derive Third Equation of Motion

In speed-time graph shown in figure, the total distance S travelled by the body is equal
to the total area OABD under the graph.

Total area OABD =S = (OA + BD) /2 x OD

2S = (OA + BD) x OD
Multiply both sides by BC/OD, we get:
2S x BC/OD = BC/OD x (OA + BD) x OD = (OA + BD) x BC
As BC/OD = a
Therefore, 2S x a = (vi + vf) x (vf vi)
2aS = vf2 vi2

144. A car travelling at 10 ms-1 accelerates uniformly at 2 ms-2. Calculate its

velocity after 5 s.
vi = 10 ms-1

Physics 9th Page 33 of 47

a = 2 ms-2
t =5s
vf =?
Using the first equation of motion, we get
vf = vi + at
= 10 ms-1 + 2 ms-2 x 5 s = 20 ms-1

The velocity of the car after 5 s is 20 ms-1.

145. A train slows down from 80 kmh-1 with a uniform retardation of 2 ms-2. How
long will it take to attain a speed of 20kmh-1?

vi = 80 kmh-1 = (80 x 1000 m) / (60 x 60 s) = 22.2 ms-1

vf = 20 kmh-1 = (20 x 1000 m) / (60 x 60 s) = 5.6 ms-1
a = - 2 ms-2
t =?
vf = vi + at (First equation of motion)
t = (vf vi) / a = (5.6 ms-1 22.2 ms-1) / -2 ms-2 = 8.3 s

Thus the train will take 8.3 s to attain the speed.

146. A bicycle accelerates at 1 ms-2 from an initial velocity of 4 ms-1 for 10 s. Find
the distance moved by it during this interval of time.

vi = 4 ms-1
a = 1 ms-2
t = 10 s
S =?

S = vit + 1/2 at2 (Second equation of motion)

S = 4 ms-1 x 10 s + 1/2 x 1 ms-2 x (10 s)2 = 40 m + 50 m
= 90 m
Thus, the bicycle will move 90 meters in 10 seconds.

147. A car travels with a velocity of 5 ms-1. It then accelerates uniformly and travels
a distance of 50 m. If the velocity reached is 15 ms -1, find the acceleration and
the time to travel this distance.

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vi = 5 ms-1
vf = 15 ms-1
S = 50 m
a =?
t =?
2aS = vf2 vi2 (Third equation of motion)
a = (vf2 vi2) / 2S = {(15 ms-1)2 (5 ms-1)2} / 2 x 50 m
a = 200 m2 s-2 / 100 m = 2 ms-2
a = 2 ms-2
Using first equation of motion to calculate time,

vf = vi + at (First equation of motion)

t = (vf vi) / a = (15 ms-1 5 ms-1) / 2 ms-2 = 10 ms-1 / 2 ms-2
t =5s

Thus, the acceleration of the car is 2 ms-2 and it takes 5 seconds to travel 50
m distance.


148. Question: Define Gravitational Acceleration.

The acceleration of freely falling bodies is called gravitational acceleration. It is
denoted by g. Its value is approximately 10 ms -2. For bodies falling down freely g is
positive and is negative for bodies moving up.

149. Write equation of motion under gravity.

i) vf = vi + gt
ii) S = vit + gt2
iii) 2gS = vf2 vi2

150. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower. The stone hits the ground after 5
seconds. Find
(a) the height of the tower.
(b) the velocity with which the stone hits the ground.

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vf = 50 ms-1
Thus the height of the tower is 125 meters and it will hit the ground with a velocity of 50 ms -1.

151. A boy throws a ball vertically up. It returns to the ground after 5 seconds. Find
(a) the maximum height reached by the ball.
(b) the velocity with which the ball is thrown up.

As the acceleration due to gravity is uniform, hence the time t taken by the ball to go up
will be equal to the time taken to come down = 1/2 t 0

or t = 1/2 x 5 s = 2.5 s
(b) vf = vi+ g t
vi = vf gt = 0 (-10 ms-2) x (2.5) = 25 ms-1
to calculate height equation is

h = vit + gt2 = (25 ms-1 x 2.5 s) + 1/2 x -10 ms-2 x (2.5 s)2
= 62.5 m 31.25 m = 31.25 m

Thus, the ball was thrown up with a speed of 25 ms -1 and the maximum height to which the ball rises
is 31.25 m.

Useful Information

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152. To convert ms-2 to kmh-2
Multiply acceleration in ms-2 by {(3600x3600)/1000} = 12960 to get its value in kmh -2

1 ms-2 = 0.001 km x 3600 x 3600 h-1 = 12960 kmh-2

153. To convert kmh-2 to ms-2

Divide acceleration in kmh-2 by 12960 to get its value in ms-2.

154. Can a body moving at a constant speed have acceleration?

Yes, when a body is moving with constant speed, the body can have acceleration if its
direction changes. For example if the body is moving along a circle with constant
speed. It will have acceleration due to the change of direction at very instant.

155. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion but not circular
Riders in a Ferris wheel possess translatory motion because their motion is in a circle
without rotation.

156. What is Gyration Length?

A length that represents the distance in a rotating system between the point about
which it is rotating and the point to or from which a transfer of energy has the
maximum effect.

157. The value of g at a height one earth radius above the surface is.

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158. A train starts from rest. It moves through 1 km in 100 s with uniform
acceleration. What will be its speed at the end of 100 s.
(20 ms-1)

159. A car has a velocity of 10 ms-1. It accelerates at 0.2 ms-2 for half minute. Find
the distance travelled during this time and the final velocity of the car.
(390 m, 16 ms-1)

160. A tennis ball is hit vertically upward with a velocity of 30 ms -1. It takes 3 s to
reach the highest point. Calculate the maximum height reached by the ball. How
long it will take to return to ground?
(45 m, 6 s)

161. A car moves with uniform velocity of 40 ms -1 for 5 s. It comes to rest in the
next 10 s with uniform deceleration. Find (i) deceleration (ii) total distance
travelled by the car.
(-4 ms-1, 400 m)
162. A train staring from rest accelerates uniformly and attains a velocity 48 kmh -1
in 2 minutes. It travels at this speed for 5 minutes. Finally, it moves with uniform
retardation and is stopped after 3 minutes. Find the total distance travelled by
the train. (6000 m)

163. A cricket ball is hit vertically upwards and returns to ground 6 s later.
Calculate (i) maximum height reached by the ball. (ii) initial velocity of the ball.
(45 m, 30 ms-1)

164. When brakes are applied, the speed of a train decreases from 96 kmh -1 to 48
kmh-1 in 800 m. How much further will the train move before coming to rest?
(Assuming the retardation to be constant) (266.66 m)

165. In the above problem, find the time taken by the train to stop after the
application of brakes.
(80 s)

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1. A body has translatory motion if it moves along a

(a) straight line (b) circle (c) line without rotation (d) curved path

2. The motion of a body about an axis is called

(a) Circular motion (b) rotatory motion (c) vibratory motion (d) random motion

3. Which of the following is a vector quantity?

(a) speed (b) distance (c) displacement (d) power

4. If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance time graph will-be a straight

(a) along time-axis (b) along distance-axis (c) parallel to time-axis (d) inclined to time-axis

5. A straight line parallel to time-axis on a distance-time graph tells that the object is

(a) moving with constant speed (b) attest (c) moving with variable speed (d) in motion

6. The speed-time graph of a car is following statement is true?

(a) car has an acceleration of 1.5 ms-2 (b) car has constant speed of 7.5 ms-1
( c) distance traveled by the car is 75 m (d) average speed of the car is 15 ms-1

7. Which one of the following graphs is representing uniform acceleration? a

(a) (b) (c) (d)

8. By dividing displacement of a moving body with time, we obtain b

(a) speed (b) acceleration (c) velocity (d) deceleration

9. A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is: c

(a) -10 ms-1 (b) zero (c) 10 ms-2 (d) none of these
10. A change is position is called:
36kmh-1 =
(a) speed (b) velocity (c) displacement (d) distance 36x1000/3600
11. A train is moving a(a speed of 36 kmh-1 Its speed expressed in ms-1 is: = 10 ms-1

(a) 10 ms-1 (b) 20 ms-1 (c) 25 ms-1 (d) 30 ms-1 v=25 ms-1,
Physics 9th S =Page
vt =43
S = 500 m
12. A car starts from rest. It acquires a speed of 25 ms-1 after 20 s.
The distance moved by the car during this time is:

(a) 31.25 m (b) 250 m (c) 500 m (d) 5000 m

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