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Process Of Report Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is not something that can be ignored or joke about. It is a serious matter
as it involves womens rights. This scenario happens all over the world including Malaysia. It
is usually associated with top managements powers to the employee because sexual
harassment at workplace is common. Therefore, this problem must be overcame through
these procedures:-

1) Formal Letter
When an individual is the victim of a sexual harassment, they have to immediately
make a report to the upper management about the case. They are required to write an
official letter regarding the details of the incident. The letter must include dates, times,
and places of the occurrence also state the name of the offender.

2) Supervisor
After writing the letter, the victim needs to see or report to the person who in-charge
or supervisor of the department. The authorised person will then take action on the
offender. The offenders will be punished accordingly based on the organisations
policy statement.


3) Human Resource Department

All registered companies and organisations normally have their own Human Resource
Department which is responsible for doing standard operation procedures (SOP), job
description, training and development also dealing with behavioural issues in the
company. The Human Resource Department will conduct a thorough investigation
and take serious actions on the offender.


4) Head Of Department (HOD)

Besides that, the victim can also report to the head of the respective department. This
is because the head of department is the one that has the authority or power to act
upon the offenders when matters like this occur in the workplace. When such
incidents happen in a government organisation, the offender will be transferred to a
different department. As for private sectors, the offenders will be dismissed/fired right
after they receive the third warning letter.

In Malaysia the unfortunate victims are presently facing distressing constraints to report
sexual harassment because there is no established procedure to guide them how and where to
report. At the enterprise level, very few employers have so far provided complaints or
grievance procedure for reporting sexual harassment.

Hence, there must be many mechanism to avoid sexual harassment especially in the
workplace. A comprehensive in-house mechanism that employers are encouraged to establish
at the enterprise level to prevent, handle, and eradicate sexual harassment in the workplace
should include at least the following elements :-
A policy statement probhiting sexual harassment in the organization.
A clear definition of sexual harassment.
A complaint or grievance procedure.
Disciplinary rules and penalties against the harasser and those who make false
Protective and remedial measures for the victim.
Promotional and educational programmes to explain the companys policy on sexual
harassment and to raise awareness of sexual harassment and its adverse consequences
among the companys employees, supervisors and managers.

Tiada akta yang khusus mengenai sexual harassment ini, namun trdapat beberapa langkah
yang telah diambil oleh piak kerajaan seperti code of practise of prevention and eradication of
sexua harassment.
Selain itu terdapat juga, amendment pada employment act 1955 (revision 2012) yang mana
menekankan kepada cara mengadu dan hukuman untuk pesalah. Terdapat juga pada penal

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