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Gi ing News — Aivovtac Néa Expressions — Exppaceic as I said before — dnwe gina Kai piv ‘come to think of it -rdpa nou To oKépTouar by the way — napeuninrdvrac anyway — onwadijnote/Mavring mind you -ce neipazer to tell you the truth = va cou / cag nw Tay ahiiGe1a what with ... and = 7 yiverat ye ... ka Tcould do with ~ @a pnopouca va Ta Bohéyo to come up ~ va karahiger to let sb down — va anoyontetse! Kinoiov to look sb up — va waxver kanoiov to pick sb up — va @Tidge! my 5148e0n Kanoiou / Na ndpe! KGnoIov (n.x He To auToKivnTo) to put paid to — va anoteheidoe! Idioms a dream come true — Eva éveipo nou éyive npayyariKéTnTa life's ups and downs — ExaunaveBacpara tng Gag sb’s pride and joy — Ynepnpavera Kar xapa Kano1ou a piece of cake — MoAU elkoho just the job — AkpiBibg 6m: xpeiaZyouv/ABeha hell of a time — Mepacaye pavtacrixa out of the blue ~ AnpéBAenta a blessing in disguise ~ Mia euAoyia Herapieopévn put your mind to sth — A@ogiwen o= xem to see eye to eye — Exw Tig iStec, andyelc / BAénw Ta npdypara pe To iSi0 pari ue Kéno1ov to lose face — Aiyétepo ceBactéc, to take to heart ~ To ¢haBa un’ dyiv coBapa to be in two minds - Eiya oe Sina Opinion expressions — Ex@ppageig Tvaung I think / believe / feel (that) ~ NopiZ / Mictebw / AioBavoual on: I strongly believe that ~ Mictelw évrova én In my opinion / view - Kata Tn yvyn Hou The way I see it ~ ‘Ons To Bhénu eyed It seems/appears to me that ~ Mou @aiverai é In my mind ~ Ero puahd wou 1 (do not) agree with / that - (Bev) cuppaved pe / ér1 As far as I am concerned ~ Ze 6,n1 ue axpopa T completely / fully agree that - Zungwvdd anoddTws or Lam totally against ~ Eiyer anoAUTw< evavtiov I strongly disapprove of - AnoBoripétio évrova I completely agree with (the idea, suggestion, statement, proposal, etc...) - Euupawd anodic ye (ry 18éa, npétaon, SAAwan, KAN.) I fully support ~ Ynoornpifw nkipws, am entirely in favour of ~ Ela anoktra unép Tou According to me ~ Kara Tm yuibun wou Connectors — EuvSerixég AzEe1G Consequently ~ Zuvenia, For instance ~ Ta napdbe1yya Given ~ AsBopévou Granted ~ Xopnyobvrat Admittedly ~ Ovohoyoupé ving In accordance ~ Ziypwva In addition to - EninpooBérag In all ~ Ze dhec In case ~ Ze nepintwan In comparison with - Ee abykpion we In opposition ~ Ee avninoAireuon In order to ~ Rote va In the event of — Ee nepintwon, In the light of — Yn6 ro pw Taw The key point - To Baoiké enpeio Largely ~ Ze peydho Ba®Lé Much as ~ ‘Ooo On top of ~ Emy Kopuph Tou Particularly ~ ISiairepa While, yet - Eveb, axdpn Verb combinations te arouse suspicion ~ Kivid unoyieg tp cut comers — xavw xém BiaoTiKa to cut a long story short ~ ev ouvroyiia to draw a crowd ~ Ehrw noc ‘to jump to the conclusion that ~ Bya%w auBaipero oypnépagya to keep abreast of — nponyoun to keep sb in the dark — pani oro oxovddi to lose track of time — xavw Tay aio&non Tou xpévou to meet one's death — oxortivopar to run rings around sb ~ nayiSeiw Prepositional phrases to disapprove of - Sev eyxpive ‘0 excel at — apiotetw oe information on / about - nhnpowopiss ya to be impressed about ~ evrunwaidZouar to have a flair for = Eyw Egeon o to be reckless with ~ eijar anpécexrog to be related to sb — éxw oxéon pe KénoIOv to keep sth at bay ~ Kpavid und éheyxo ‘to hold at gunpoint — xpart> Sunpo ‘ata loss to explain ~ Sev pnopid va eEnyrhow te keep sth at bay — kpartb und eyo ‘to lose touch — yvw Ty enaxph ‘to lose my way ~ xavw To Spepo wou to raise the alarm ~ eyeipw cuvayepue to throw a punch — pixvw unouvid to elaborate on - divi Aenropéperes Judging by — kpivovTag and ‘to be indicative of ~ Seiypa tou / zag to be engrossed in — eitai anoppognpévos to be justified in doing sth ~ Bixaidvouar yia 2 reflection on ~ avravékhoon a struggle for—ayiivag ya to be translated into — yerawppaterai oe to be at stake ~ SiaruBevevar at the latest - ro apyérep0 Reviews -Types T/Films an epic ~ erixé 2 comedy ~ pia Kapsobia a remake of ~ ia enavéxBoan Story script - cevapio to be based on ~ Bactopévo oe to deal with = va coyohnéei we to tel the story of —yia va nia Tay ioTopia and Praise ‘outstanding ~ efaipericic superb — unépoxe spectacular ~ SeayaTiKds haunting—nov ce cnpodede: compeling ~ nov oe Kavel va To Bhénesc poignant ~ nahi Aunnepd witty = nveuparoSng action packed ~ yeyéro nepinéreia Types of books fiction - pavrasiag a romance - éva cidUANO a thriller ~ éva @pihep People . Scriptwriter — cevopioypaxpos Producer ~ napaywyos Stuntman ~ kaoKavrép the protagonist — 0 npwsTaywviorg author ~ cuyypapéag editor ~ cuvraxms Criticism oor ~ prwxd to leave sb cold - va apivers aouyxivnro humorless - EMen xtodyop non-fiction — vrompavtép a thriler ~ va Bpihep a sequel ~n ouvéxeia plot ~ mhoxi, to be set in ~ SiaBpaparizerat brillant - Aaunpd¢ inspired - eunveuoyévo original ~ npwtérunog ripping ~ rou Kparae To evBraxpépov roving — ouyKnrKd stiming — nou oz Eeonxiaves fast-moving - ¢¢ ypriyopn Spaon non-fiction — vrorspavrép | 22 murder mystery ~ Eva puoTipio ovou 2 historical novel - éva ioTopiKé wu8ierrionba Director — oxnvoBErns, Cameraman = exovohinme the cast - 0 Glace the extras ~ 01 kounapao1 publisher ~ exSémn¢ boring ~ Baperd ‘unamusing = jin BiaoxeBaorixé slow-moving - apyorivnro to fail to live up to sb’s expectations ~ va anovdxe1 va avranoKpiGei omic npooboxieg KAnoIou Expressing opinion In my opinion / view ... = Karam yin wou... To my mind... kara my Kpion pou .. According to my way of thinking ..~ Karé tr hoya pou . Tam convinced that... - eivat neneiouevor én... Te strikes me that .. = Hou @aiverat cov va It’s my firm belief that ..- elvan nenoiGqo you... am inclined to believe that ..- reivw va niorey It seems to me that... = Hou gaiverai és far as I am concemed .. - 0€ 611 Ke apopa I think that... - vopita ér firmly believe .. - Mpaypanké nioredw .. am not convinced that... = Sev sluar nensigpvog én Ido not agree that .. = Bev oupnpavd pe. 1 defintely feel... « ciyoupa voit. I definitely think = ciyoupa meredw Te appears to me pou gaiverar To introduce an example — fa va Scour éva napaSeryna for example ..- fia napabenua .. for instance... - Fia napa8eiyua .. ‘The fact that. shows that ...- To yeyovbs én... Seixver or ‘To emphasise a point ~ fia va Sé:coupe éupaon, clearly. - FexéBope ‘obviously. -elval npapaveg oF course .. = dveixd indeed ...« npdyuon To explain a point — Ta va e€nyooupe in other words ...- pe ahha Adyia that is to sey. this means that .. auré onpaive ar: To list points - va napadéreic entxeiphyara ‘ute onpaivel firstly ~ Kea npdétov secondly = kata SeiTepov first ofall -npdora an’ éha to begin — ya apy to start with - opyiZovrag finally - TeAiké To list advantages / disadvantages — va napa®éreig nAcovexripara / peiovexripara One .. = €va Another ..- aMho éva ‘A further... - éva enunhéov ‘An additional ..~ éva eninpSo8evo advantage / disadvantage of .. The main..- 0 Boos kzoveerapa / ueiovéernpa TOU. eva ‘The greatest... - to weyahirepo “The most serious ... - To mio coBapS To introduce for/ against arguments — yia napaBeon enixeipnHaTey unép Kal KaTa One argument in favour of = éva enixeipqua unép Tou One argument against ..s .. - va eniyeipnua kara Tou ‘Accommon criticism of... .. ~ pla KON) KpIIKA VIO TO... eiva Tt could be argued that... - 8a unopouae Kénoiog va 1oxupiorei claimed that .. -joyupitByeve It is often .. / widely ... / generally suggested that... - npotewepevo ~ elvai cuyvé ... - giva! koa anodexté ... argued that... 1oxupiCopevo ... + sivan yevinis ‘maintained that...unoomnpiZSuevo felt that... 9 aiaqon believed that... = ro nioreb ‘claim that... - joxupiovrat : suggest that..- nporeivouy Some ...- uepikol argue that...- 1axupi¥evrat Many ...= noAAoi feel that... - aio8vovran People... - 01 avapunc! maintain that... - unoonpizouv én. Experts... 01 8ikoi believe that... - neretouy Scentists ..- o1 smiotmpoves___| point out that... - onusiavouv Proponents... - ot unogrnpixrés | agree that... cuypovouv éri Opponents... - ot avrinakor | hold. Critics .. = oF KpITIKO! advocate - cuvnyopoiv support that...- unoarnpiZouv are in favour / against... - eivai unép / xard are of the opinion that .. - éxouv 7m yvaun are convinced that ..-eivar nensiopévor 671 _ate opposed to .. eivar avri8eror pe Making suggestions giving reasons — arriohoydbvtag in view of ~ evoyer TAS due to ~ Adyw resulting in ~ we anoréheopa not surprisingly — xwpig va anorehei éxnhnén regrettably — aTuya@¢ in the light of ~ und 0 gag Twv considering — hauBavovrag un’ é on account of ~ efarriag commenting ~ apxiZovras predictably ~ npoBhéyiya interestingly — pe eviagépov Making observations appeared to - @avnxe va is felt - undpxei n aio8qon it is proposed — nporeiverai is found to ~ Saniordverai or. it seemed to - waivovrav va is thought ~ mictederar it is considered ~ @ewpeirat Making recommendations Would be well advised to - @a fray Kahd va It is proposed - nporeive It is advicable to — eivai oxnipo it is recommended - cuviotétat it is suggested - npoteiverar Linking this would mean - auré 6a ofpave if we (they, you) were to... - av enpdxerro va one /another solution is to — iia / ya &\An Adon consequently - ouvendic this would... - auTé 6a va one Janother recommendation is to ~ pia / pia aNAn npéraon eivai va steps should be taken - npénei va Anp8obv uetpa measures should be taken - 8a npéne! va AapBavovrar wérpa Reporting and body expressions to accuse - katnyopé to beg - napaxah to claim - Siex5ixid to compliment ~ enarved to congratulate - cuyxaipw to deny - apvodpat to predict - npoBAérw to suggest ~ npoteivw to warn — nposiBonor to curl up ~ Kouhoupazoyar to fidget — veupidzwo to frown - auvoppuavopat to nod -velw to clear your throat - va KaBapigeic To Aaipi6 ou to cross your legs - oTaupiveic Ta nddia cou to fold your arms - va craupivere Ta yéoia cag to sit back — EexoupaZopat to pluck your eyebrows ~ va Bydlerc Ta ppibia cou to shrug your shoulders - va anxibveis Tous douous to assure - SiaBeBarive to blame - katnyopa> to complain - Siayaprupoyat to confirm - eniBeBardveo to demand - anarnis to dissuade - anoBappivw to swear - opxiZopat to threaten - oneihd to crouch - apdver to duck - Bourdd to flinch - Beiniateo to kneel - yovari{w to shiver -rpé uw to clench your fist - va awiyyeic ™m ypo6i@ cou to flex your muscles ~ va AuyigeTe Tous Wu¢ oa to grit your teeth - va oqigete Ta GévTia oc to lean forward yépvw npoota to shake your head xouva To KeipdN cou

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