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ED 3601

Grade/Subiect: math 6 Unit: ratios and Lesson Duratio-n: 37 min (x2

PROGRAiI OF {2-3, clear, and measurable) ASSESSMENTS ptow
STUDIES witl you knowthery met 0\
leaming obiectives?)
Students will: (Observations, Key Questions,
5. Demonstrate Students will use ratio and percent to describe
an scale diagrams-
understanding rL\'/Ly'tt dsr-
of ratio,
N-'\" $" \/d'
pictorially and


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Bodv { min-):
What is the teache" doins? What are the $udents doins?

# Becaase of snack shack tadq will be an individual

bosed day. Kids are to do the masters worksheets for ratio ond
percent Any worksheefr conqleted correctly will be worth poin$ fodsy!! If
some time allowsfor instruction, go to activity 2.
Formative & Sumrnative Assessments :
Spe cifi c Le arner C ons i derati ons :

estimnting percents. If I gof 4 out of 20
on my spelling test, did I get mnre then 25%? Youftgure this out by looking ut
the number 20 und trying tofigurc out what 2595 of 20 is. Once we hnow that,
we can see thal 4 is less then 5 (which i$ 25o/o).
-if 7 people from our eloss of 22 got sick, would there be 50% af the students
presenl today? Erylain your arrswet
-if out whole clsss was sick, wauld 25% of the sekool be ahenl that day?
Formative & Summative Asse ssmenls :
Sp e cifi c Le arner C ow ide rations :

Transilion to Activity 3:
LenrnW Ae{H,ily #3t if more time allows, talk ubout mptoring seale ditgranx.
Put the image of the butterfiy up on the smart board: Iink on math power poinl
Talk about lhe definition of scale diagrams, show different scales of the
butterJ$ by drugging il bigger and smaller. Talk about the numberc: bigger in
front mcons that our uctual image will be smallq than whol you see on the
screm, stwller number infiont means the actual funtge ir larger than what
you see.
-hund oul the roller eoaster hund out
&" -Jirst let's tske a look at the legmd: on a secle diagrum sueh as a world map,
there is always a legend that tells yau the seale. Here the legend is tem
renrusenls 4m.

ED 3601 VERSION "8" KR 201 1

-discuss the uni$: this legend suggests a ralio, bat il's not until the units are
the samc. 7cm represents 400cm: l:400. This legend means we need to times
our number by 400 to get the amount of cm's in real life. Or we eould times
our number by 4 to get the amount af meters in real life. Bul keep in mind, if a
question on the tesl asks if lhi$ is a rolio lcm:1m, the ansver is no hecause the
units don't match.
-so, how mflny cm is 44m? 4400
-what would you estimate the other atrou's to mcosure in meterc? How did you
decide that? the second tallest anow loohs like a bit less than half of the tallcr
so it's likely around 2Om.-the smsllest arrow looks to be ahout a third of the
second tallest so it's likely around 7 meterc.
Formatiye & Summative Assesshents :
SpeciJic Le arner C onsiderations

Transition to Closure:
Glosure (3 min.): * Connect vour closure wlth learning obiectivesl
C ons olidation/As s essment of Learning :
Feedback From Students :
Feedback To Students: .,w
Transition To Next Lesson: A^I- und
What went well:
*rylJpf "*"';i..n,*,.*
what can be improved
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Describe how the students met your lesson ou;""tfflq

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