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Conflict is a major problem that occurs in daily life where everyone does not want to give in to
each other. conflict is a social problem that exists in society when someone have a difference or
conflicting ideas with others. According Alabaness, conflict is a situation where there is a feeling
among the group mismatch between opportunity and purpose. There are three view about
conflict that first traditional, second human relation and lastly interaction view. Traditional view
states that the conflict must be avoided because it will cause harm. In this flow view conflict as
something beneficial, something bad and always detrimental to the organization. Therefore,
conflicts must be prevented and avoided as much as possible to find the root of the problem.
Human relation view state that conflict is natural, normal and inevitable in any human group.
Conflict is not always seen as bad as it has potential positive force in determining the group's
performance. This conflict is not always detrimental, even profitable, which is why the conflict
must be managed properly. Lastly, interaction view that the conflict is not just something positive
force in a group, but is absolutely necessary for a group to be a positive performance, as such a
conflict must be created. This view is based on the belief that the organization is harmonious,
quiet and peaceful this will only make the organization was becoming static and not innovative.
It is then impact on organizational performance becomes low. So, conflict have a good and bad
impact in our life.

Every human being is a unique individual. It mean everyone has the establishment and feeling
different from another person. Differences establishment and feeling of something or a real
environment can be a factor causing social conflict. Everyone have an own ways to live in their
life. So, difference idea sometime make people to have a conflict with another else. Besides that,
seizure of limited resources is also a factor that conflict of two this experienced managers.

The problem of conflict between two managers in the company's Healthcare corporation
is the history of past conflicts. Both managers are not able to cooperate in doing the work that
was given to achieving the company's objectives. In addition, Brooke attitude more selfish than
Gantman trying to achieve the company's goals. For example when Gantman group needed
resources to bring an idea on-line, Brooks announced that all of his people were busy and that
could not assign anyone to help. It causes Gantman have a complicated to solve his work. The
conflict between Gantman and Brooke become more difficult when Brooke not to help their
friend to achieve organization goals.

The human factor is one of the causes of conflict, human nature different from one
another and also unique. This is potential to become conflict. The conflict in the past between
Brooke and Gantman that not be solved with a good causes worsening in their relations right
now. They should find a solution immediately so that their conflicts can be solved. One of them
must give a way to a good relationship so that they can create a good relationship and indirectly
prevent from hostilities. The conflict both of them did not provide any benefit to themselves.

After that, Brooke and Gantman practice difference style in management. Brooke
practicing traditional style that where communication is conducted vertically. Then Gantman
adopt a management style that emphasize the value of open communication channel to
encourage employees to work in team. Both of them practicing difference style in management
to achieve of company goals. This case should be good rival to both of them to achieve company
objective and should not be hostilities. The conflict of two managers has to be resolved as
quickly as possible to not affect their subordinates.

Konflik mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan terhadap mereka yang mengalami konflik
tersebut. Seperti yang kita tahu, konflik hanya mempunyai keburukan namun di sebalik
berlakunya konflik terdapat juga kebaikannya. Keburukan dan kebaikan konflik bergantung
sepenuhnya kepada mereka yang mengawal konflik tersebut ke arah yang positif mahupun
negatif. Oleh itu, konflik boleh dibincangkan dalam pelbagai aspek untuk dihuraikan sama ada ia
mendatangkan kebaikan dan keburukan.

Antara kebaikan konflik yang kita boleh lakukan semasa sesuatu konflik itu berlaku
termasuklah mempunyai persaingan dengan individu lain. Melalui konflik tersebut kita boleh
mempertingkatkan potensi diri dengan berusaha lebih kuat untuk bersaing dengan individu lain.
Dalam kes ini, Brooke dan Gantman mempunyai corak pengurusan yang berbeza dalam
organisasi yang mereka bekerja. Oleh itu, mereka perlu bersungguh-sungguh untuk
membuktikan kepada majikan mereka bahawa corak pengurusan yang mereka amalkan
mendatangkan keuntungan kepada syarikat. Sepatutnya mereka perlu bersaing secara sihat untuk
meningkatkan potensi diri mereka sebagai seorang pengurus yang hebat bukan jadikan konflik
tersebut sebagai penghalang untuk mereka berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Perkara ini secara
tidak langsung mendatangkan kebaikan kepada diri mereka dan syarikat.

Selain itu, konflik juga mempunyai keburukan terhadap mereka yang mengalami konflik
sekiranya tidak dapat diatasi dengan betul. Disebabkan konflik, Brooke dan Gantman tidak dapat
berinteraksi dengan baik dan menyebabkan kesulitan berlaku dalam menyempurnakan tugasan
yang diberi oleh syarikat. Dendam yang tersirat di dalam diri mereka merupakan faktor utama
mereka tidak dapat bekerjasama dengan baik. Hal ini menyebabkan kerugian terhadap diri
mereka sendiri dan juga syarikat memandangkan mereka adalah dua orang pengurus yang
berpengalaman. Sebagai seorang pengurus mereka sepatutnya lebih bijak dalam menangani
konflik yang berlaku dan dapat bertindak dengan lebih profesional. Namun hakikat yang berlaku
permusuhan di antara mereka menjadi lebih kuat kerana masing-masing tidak mampu untuk
merendahkan tahap keegoan mereka.

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