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CIMSA 2003 - lntemational Symposium on

Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications

Lugano, Switzerland, 29-31 July 2003

Development of a Smart Technique in Plastic Identification Independent of the

Components Dimensions
Ahmad Lotfi
School of Engineering,
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
Phone: +44-I 15-8486429, Fax: +44-115-8486166, Email: ahmad.lotfi@ntu.ac.uk

J. B. Hull
School of Engineering,
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
Phone: +44-115-8486449, Fax: +44-115.8486506, Email: bany.hull@ntu.ac.uk

Abstrafl- Using ultrasound attenuation technique and f u w rule- is being developed, but currently most recyclers are still
based system analysis, an intelligent technique is developed to sorting plastics by hand.
produce a signature independent of component dimensions for a
range of differentpolymers (plastics) such as PET, PE, PS,etc. 11. AUTOMATIC PLASTIC IDENTIFICATION
The technique can be employed in recyclina . - wocess
. to sorl
differentpo&meric materiaG in-a relatively fast response time and
in an antomafedhemi-automatedsyslem. The early study indicates In order to reuse polymeric materials, polymer
that the method is a powerful tool for the idenfification of identification and analysis of additives are required.
components of complex shape where access to all surfaces may be Economic aspects demand fast response times, easy handling
restricted. and integration in automated or at least semi-automated
systems. As macroscopic physical methods, e.g. based on
I. INTRODUCTION density measurements, are not sufficient to separate
polymers, identification has to use methods monitoring
Recycling of plastics that used to end up only at city structural or molecular properties of the plastic under
landfills or incinerators is increasing around the world. It is investigation (Bledzki and Kardasz, 1998). A number of
estimated that by the year 2000, the amount of plastics throw techniques have been developed to assist in identification of
away will be 50 percent greater than at the beginning of the plastic. They are: Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Huthfehre, et-
1990s. Currently only about 3.5% of all plastics generated is al, 1995, VandenBroek, et-al, 1995, Sattmann, 1998), Direct
recycled compared to 34% of paper, 22% of glass and 30% of Pyrolysis Mass-Spectrometry (Qian, Killinger, Casey and
metals. Nicol, 1996), Electrostatic method: Triboelectric ( H e m . ,
For recycling purpose, it is required to identify which Mucci, E y e s and Amner, 1996), X-ray Spectroscopy (Haaga,
particular plastic material has been used for a given product. Engel, Tietz and Radusch, 1996) and Chemical Recycling
Most consumers recognise the types of plastics by the (Paszun and Spychaj, 1997). However, none of these methods
numerical coding system created by the Society of the has proved to be either completely satisfactory or acceptable
Plastics Industry in the late 1980s. There are six different to a wide proportion of the industrial plastic waste.
types of plastic resins that are commonly used to package The most recent developed technique, Broadband
household products. They are: Polyethylene Terephthalate Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA) analysis, (Hull, Dawson and
(PET), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Jones, 1995, Hull, Langton, Barker and Jones, 1996) is a
Polyvinylchloride (PVC), Low-Density Polyethylene versatile technique that can be applied to a wide variety of
(LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS). Plastic material analysis applications. It is based on a simple
consumer goods not identified by code numbers are not principle of physics: the motion of any wave will be affected
usually recycled. There are actually thousands of different by the medium through which it travels. Thus, changes in one
varieties of plastic resins or mixtures of resins. For example or more of any measurable parameters associated with the
PVC bottles are hard to tell apart from PET bottles, but one passage of a high frequency sound wave through a material
stray PVC bottle in a melt of 10,OOO PET bottles can ruin the such as transit time and attenuation can be correlated with the
entire batch. It's understandable why identifying the type of physical properties of plastics
recycled plastics are so important. Equipment to sort plastics

0-7803-7783-4/03/$17.00 0 2 0 0 3 IEEE

Ultrasound waves are mechanical vibration involving

movement within the medium in which they are travelling. ",It) X,It) Y,IV ",I) =*Ill V.1')
The particles in the medium vibrate, thus transferring energy
from particle to particle, along the wave path. Ultrasound Fig. 2. Schematic block diagram illustrating the waveforms in different
pulses are normally generated and received by piezoelectric stages.
transducers that have been acoustically coupled to the test
material. An ultrasound wave is launched by exciting the released. However, the displacement of the crystal does not
transducer using an electric signal. The sound wave travels exactly follow the applied pulse. This is doe to the
through the test material, being received by another mechanical resonance of the crystal. The vibration from the
transducer at the far side. The received signal is then transducer is coupled into the plastic test piece by the liquid
amplified and analysed. couplant. The sound travels through the test piece and the
The relevant measurement parameters will typically be second transducer in the opposite side vibrates, which in turn
Sound Velocity, Attenuation and Spectrum content in the produces an electrical signal v,(t). Figure 2 illustrates the
received signal. The speed of sound is directly related to both waveforms in different stages of the process.
elastic modulus and density. Sound energy is absorbed or
attenuated at different rates in different kind of plastics,
governed in a complex fashion by interactive effects of B. Equipment
density, hardness, viscosity, and molecular structure.
Attenuation normally increases with frequency in a given A schematic of hardware setup for developed system is
plastic. All kind of plastics materials tend to act to some shown in Figure 3. The IPR-100 pulserlreceiver unit from
degree as a low pass filter, attenuating the higher frequency Physical Acoustics Corporation is a PC based expansion card
components of a broadband sound wave more than the lower with a high energy spike pulser, and a wideband (100MHz)
frequency components. Thus, analysis of changes in the amplifier receiver. The pulser produces an impulse (spike)
remaining frequency content of a selected broadband pulse electrical signal. It is a negative pulse programmable from
that has passed through the test material can track the effect 50-400 volts. The rise time is less than 5 nanosecond with a
of attenuation (Povey, 1997, Fitting and Adler, 1981). repetition rate from 0.5 to loo00 Hz. There are four
programmable energy levels, and variable damping control
A. Description from 34 to 2000 ohms.
ADC-200 data acquisition unit from Pic0 Technology
The time-domain representation of the signal in an Limited is a two channels analog to digital converter. The
ultrasonic spectroscope model is shown in Figure 1. The minimum sampling time is I O nanosecond (100 MHz). This
analysis of subsystems provides the transformation to the card features a signal generator from 2Hz to 25 WIZ,which is
frequency domain. In (Fitting and Adler, 1981) the analysis is used as an external trigger for the pulserlreceiver unit. The
performed assuming that all subsystems are Linear Time- transducers are piezoelectric ultrasonic having resonant
Invariant (LTI). To identify the impulse response of the frequencies of 5 MHz from Panametrics.
unknown plastic H(t) from input and output signals v,(t) and
v,(t), the impulse response of other subsystems must be IV. IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUE
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)algorithm calculates the

I7 c
amplitude spectrum, vz(f), of the received signal v,(t). The



Fig. 1 . Ultrasonic spectroscopy system
The pulser generates a series of sharp spike pulse v,(t),
which is applied to the first transducer. The piezoelectric
crystal is therefore suddenly strained and deformed and then Fig. 3.Hardware and software configurationof developed
identification system.

Fig. 4. A typical attenuation trace.

resulting amplitude spectrum for unknown plastics is

subtracted from the amplitude spectrum for a reference
material, w(0. chosen to be de-gassed water. Water is used to
use the base trace due to its minimal attenuation properties. A
typical attenuation trace for plastics is shown in Figure 4.
The use of fuzzy systems to model physical plant is a
rapidly developing field.
0,rtance (") 0-0 Frequency [MHz)
Fig. 5. Attenuation vs. frequency and thickness of PP block.
The fuzzy clusters can be characterized by a q X r class
membership function (CMF) m a t r i x 0 = hkl], whose
entries satisfy the following conditions:
x u k =I, k=1,2,3,._.,l-
r 4. If control error, is less than&, stop. Otherwise substitute
<r, i = 1 , 2 , 3,...,
U with U and return to step 2.
After a number of iterations, cluster centers satisfy the
where uk
I .
IS the grade of membership for v, object in minimization of cost function, J(U ,C ) ,to a local minimum.
the lIh cluster.
In FCM, cluster centers are determined first at the learning
stage, and then the classification is made by the comparison VI. CONCLUSIONS
of distance between the incoming feature and each cluster
center. At the learning stage, cluster centers are obtained by An intelligent technique, using a fuzzy rule-based system
the minimization of a cost function given below: and ultrasound attenuation analysis has been introduced to
produce a signature independent of component dimensions
for a range of different polymers (plastics) such as PET, PE,
PS, etc. The early study indicates that the method is a
- powerful tool for the identification of components of complex
where c
= {Cl,C , ,C, ,..., C, ,._.,
C,}are q vectors of shape.
cluster centers. The following algorithm is used to determine In our investigation separate transmitting and receiving
the CMFs of each object to a cluster. transducers on opposite sides of the test component are used
(through transmission mode). It is more practical for industry
I . Estimate the CMF matrix 0 .
to use a single transducer coupled to one side of the test piece
2. Calculate cluster centers (C, ,c,,c,
c,, serves as both transmitter and receiver (pulselecho mode).
,..., Cl,___,
using the following equation: Although plastics are highly attenuating materials We are still
continuing our research in this area.

3. Update the CMF matrix, U to c*with:


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