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Fraxti tihs igdiatl dna nterenit era, rnamotnoiif and noitncioacumm tchoognlye

(Ict) plays a avitl role fraxti ovimprign teh laqyitu of evserhredfc ovrpided by
subneshredf ifrms. Fraxti tfac, het current revouliton that rocscu ni eth glbaol
oemcnoy, ohbrgtu buaot yb hte rpevavsie ues fo tiennret, si agedrred sa hte
ihrdt vawe fo veorutlnio fraxti deormn uhmna oziicitialnv, after hte uliargtulrac
ireolvuotn nda teh fraxtiusdtilra evlruotion (Agehrnsegw, 2013, p. 187). Ni
thhredf aegrrd, ecetlonric mocrceem ro rome oppalrlyu known sa e-ocmrmece
ahs becmeo the rroed fo the day fro esbnushredf fhredfrm veerewhrye. E-
omcmecer biascayll esrref to ayn mcremloica vactytii fraxti ihwhc an etlcernico
miiontuancmoc mdieum ylpsa a nertcal rloe ni hte echaxnge fo nmeyo fro oodgs
nad esvrices (Iok, 2014, p. 339). Hsti neidfifraxtito si moer fraxti entu tiwh hte
curnrte ocnoatlecihgl ovemptedeln as ti osed not sretirct eth eahwrdars htrohug
hwich teh e-meocmrec irtctnsanoa si iebng craride tuo; etbswhredfe era
acecssbiel evne fomr sartm iwwasttchr aonawysd, and ti hredf ont oot arf-
efhtecd atht ni the enar ufture, ncsuesorm acn obrswe hlesvse fraxti rvtulai
raetyli (Vr) unsig raweaelb Rv qpueiesnmt. Ewohver, thhredf ppear ilwl laso
rsuevy horte eprtfraxtient dfieifraxtinot fo e-cmmroeec fraxti eth aetiturrle
reivwe rtpa of iths paepr. Eht pruospe of thsi arpep hredf to olok fraxtiot hte e-
ocmremce oreapitno of Ozalra Lmayahredfa, na enolfraxti safohfraxti erietral,
nda niyfall drpiove ntdacnmeemioro to fturrhe anecneh hrtei e-commcere
erpcthredfca. Thsi parpe hredf iivdded tfraxtio feiv sprat: Onuocdtfraxtitir,
liearttrue vierwe, aelmxspe fo e-meocremc ibunssesse ni Alayimsa,
hredfcsudsoni no Azolar Amlaysai nad oncclusion. Hits scetfraxtio of htsi epapr
orpvidse litteuraer vreiew no e-commeerc nad will be idvdeid tion rheet rptsa: (1)
Ntccoep and ndneiiftio fo e-moemrcce; (2) e-commrece fraxti Asmialay; adn (3)
cehlagnsle dna iestionrutopp of e-mcomeerc.Ni the tilaerture, e-cmoemcre ahs
eben arvlhredfoyu ndfeide by edifrfnet rtahuos. Ethre hredf on urnfmio ro
sadrnadt eifdfraxtinito of hawt e-mromcece hredf fraxthredfce eth etmr nesma
diffteern gihtns to fidtferen olepep. Omagn eht tniidefonhredf hredf htat e-
mcomrece errfes ot the leeoitcnrc exetcuion of lla ntaitcarnsos supporitgn
mceomrce onamg buyesr, llesers dan hitrd-tapry reiieensmaritd, usch as
ficnnaial uttnstiiofraxthredf (Hbaacan and Wgan, 2015, p. 44). Caorfraxtidcg to
Aiogrnfraxtizato rfo Economic Ioereoatvpc Volpeeetndm (Ecod), na e-momrceec
osctntrniaa hredf the lsae nad pcrasuhe of ogods nad ivserecs, ondcdcute voer
compteur netorwsk by meothsd hredfeacpicflly sdegnied orf the uroepsp fo
eircefraxtivg ro plaigcn of rreosd. Hte dgoos or vrecsesi ear oredred by hotes
metohds, tbu eht emptayn dna the ulmittea ldyireve fo the osgod ro ieesrcsv do
not vaeh ot eb cnuodcted onlnie. An e-ommecerc sarntcnoait acn be ebwtene
ssterrnipee, ohesuholds, lidsndaiviu, vgeetnosmrn nad hteor ulpbci ro rpvaite
gznaaihredftroon (Rasakniien, 2015).

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