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Historia Oral, Oral History, Histria de vida


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VIEIRA, Alberto, 2013, Histria Oral/Oral History, Funchal, CEHA. Disponvel em :. Acesso: ../../....

A Histria Oral as memrias e recordaes da gente viva sobre o seu passado. (T.
Sitton, G. Mehaffy e O.C Davis Jr, Oral History, Austin, 1983)

No mos devemos jamais esquecer que tudo comea pelo testemunho, e no pelos
arquivos, e que, seja o que for que possa faltar sua fiabilidade, no dispomos, em
ltima anlise, de nada melhor do que o prprio testemunho para asseverar que
alguma coisa se passou, qual cada um declara ter assistido pessoalmente, face ao
que, para alm do recurso a outro tipo de documentos, nos resta sempre a
confrontao entre diferentes testemunhos. (Ricoeur, 2000: 182)

Sous l`histoire, la mmoire et loubli. Sous la mmoire et loubli, la vie. Mais crire
la vie est une autre histoire. [Inachvement. Paul Ricoeur ]

[] a evidncia oral pode conseguir mais penetrante e mais fundamental para a

histria. Enquanto os historiadores estudam os atores da histria a distncia, a
caracterizao que fazem de suas vidas, opinies e aes sempre estar sujeita a ser
descries defeituosas, projees da experincias e da imaginao do prprio
historiador: uma histria erudita defico. A evidncia oral, transformando os
objetos de estudo em sujeitos, contribui para uma histria que no s mais rica,
mais viva e mais comovente, mais tambm mais verdadeira.

(THOMPSON, P.1992, A voz do passado: Histria oral. Rio de

Janeiro: Paze Terra, p.137)

Hoje a Histria no se resume apenas aos testemunhos da tradio escrita. Sendo assim
como entender a Histria dos Povos sem escrita ou que basearam a sua transmisso atravs

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 2

da tradio oral. Por outro lado a histria como cincia dos homens, no deve preocupar-se
apenas com as grandes personalidades, mas com todos, afinal factores do processo histrico
em formas distintas. Assim a Historiografia na segunda metade do sculo XX deu um
avano significativo no mbito dos contedos, dando voz aos sem histria, sem expresso
historiogrfica e documental. A Histria da gente a expresso perfeita desta nova realidade
da Histria individual no discurso histrico.

A Histria Oral surgiu na dcada de cinquenta como forma de valorizao das memrias e
recordaes do indivduo. Com a criao em 1966 da Associao de Histria Oral abriu-se
caminho para a afirmao desta nova tcnica de recolha da informao oral.

A Histria Oral entendida como um mtodo de recolha e preservao da informao

histrica atravs do registo de vivncias e acontecimentos vividos pelos testemunhos ou
entrevistados. A sua realizao obedece tcnica da entrevista, mas no pode ser
considerada como um acto jornalstico. Os seus mtodos conferem a quem quer que seja a
possibilidade de acesso a esse registo. Esta ltima situao implica a existncia de um
Laboratrio e Arquivo de Histria Oral. Este passo importante permite que o testemunho
oral assume o atributo de documento histrico. A popularizao da Histria Oral nos EUA
tornou-se mais clara com a publicao de Roots: the Saga of an American Family (1976)
de Alex Haley. O livro e a srie televisiva lanaram o sucesso de Histria pessoal e da
genealogia. E desta primeira que se alimenta a Histria Oral.

So mltiplos e variados os exemplos em que esta disciplina pode e merece ser aplicada. No
caso vertente da Histria da Madeira temos alguns acontecimentos importantes do nosso
sculo onde ainda existem testemunhos presenciais que rapidamente podem desaparecer.
Recordo-me, por exemplo, da Revolta da Farinha de 1931, da Revolta do Leite de 1936, dos
primeiros momentos da transformao poltica de 1974, que agora se comemoram vinte e
cinco anos.

Histria Local um dos campos onde a Histria Oral tem plena aplicao, com excelentes
resultados, se tiver em conta as regras formais da sua realizao. Atravs dos testemunhos
dos residentes mais idosos possvel resgatar mltiplos aspectos da Histria local,
nomeadamente do quotidiano dos ltimos cem anos, ou mesmo de perodos anteriores, se
for caso de a memria oral estar muito desenvolvida e ter havido tradio de transmisso. A
partir daqui ser possvel historiar os acontecimentos mais importantes da localidade, que

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 3

muitas vezes no tem lugar ou no merecem registo da documentao oficial. Alm disso
poder-se- reconstituir o quotidiano, com usos e costumes, de diversas pocas, atravs de
testemunhos, registos fotogrficos e objectos materiais.

A preservao de todo o acervo da memria e Histria oral dever ser feito atravs da
criao no mbito da escola de um Laboratrio e Arquivo de Histria Oral, para salvaguarda
do material reunido. A divulgao dos resultados poder ser feita atravs de exposies,
publicaes em suporte papel e digital. A criao de um espao de divulgao na Internet
fundamental para a consolidao desta componente divulgativa.


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YOW, Valerie Raleigh, 1994. Recording Oral History: A Practical Guide for Social Scientists.
Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

YOW, V. R., 2005, Recording Oral History: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2nd
edition, Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press.

ZHANG, X. and Ye, S., Chinese Lives, Harmondsworth, London: Penguin, 1989.

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 41

Publicaes peridicas

Bios - Zeitschrift fur Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen [Germany],

vol. 1 1988--

URL: http://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/bios

Canadian Oral History Association Journal, vol. 1 (1975)

URL: http://oral-history.ncf.ca/

Family & Community History Journal, vol.1 issue 1 1998--

URL: http://www.fachrs.com/pages/journal/journal_of_fachrs_archive.htm

Historia y Fuente Oral, [Spain] no. 1 1989--

URL: http://www.hayfo.com/

Historial Oral [Brazil], vol. 1 June 1998-

URL: http://revista.historiaoral.org.br/

International Journal of Oral History, vol. 1 (1980)

URL: http://revista.historiaoral.org.br/index.php?journal=rho

International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories, vol. 1 1993

URL: http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/HistoryWorld/Modern/?view=usa&ci=9780198202509

Life Stories/Recits de Vie, [UK/France] no. 1 1985--no. 5 1989

URL: www.ohs.org.uk/publications.php

Oral History Association Newsletter. Published by the Oral History Association.

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org/publications/oha-newsletter/

Oral History Association of Australia Journal, no. 1(1978)

URL: http://www.ohaa.net.au/publications.htm

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 42

Oral History in New Zealand, vol. 1 1988--

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org.nz/

Oral History Review, [US] no. 1 (1973)

URL: http://ucpressjournals.com/journalSoc.asp?jIssn=0094-0798

Oral History, [UK] vol. 1 no. 1, (1969)

URL: http://www.ohs.org.uk/journal/

Oral History: The Journal of the Oral History Society (1972 ). Department of Sociology


Oralidades Revista de Histria Oral do Ncleo de Estudos em Histria Oral (NEHO/USP)

existe desde 2007

URL: http://oralid.vitis.uspnet.usp.br/

Revista de Histria Oral [BR], n.1[1998]

URL: http://revista.historiaoral.org.br/index.php?journal=rho

Sound Historian: Journal of the Texas Oral History Association [USA], n.1(1993)

Url: http://www.baylor.edu/toha/index.php?id=29344

Testimonios La Asociacin de Historia Oral de la Repblica Argentina

URL: http://www.historiaoralargentina.org

The Oral History Forum (formerly the Canadian Oral History Association Journal), vol. 1 1975/6-

URL: http://www.oralhistoryforum.ca

Voces Recobradas, [Argentina] no. 1, 1998--

URL: htp://vocesrecobradas.historiaoralargentina.org/

Words and Silences / Palabras y Silencios, [International] no. 1 1997

URL: http://wordsandsilences-org.iohanet.org/

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 43

Pginas da internet

"Making Sense of Oral History," by Linda Shopes, is a manual on interpreting oral history.


1936-40: American Life Histories. WPA Writers' Project 19361940. Library of Congress.

URL: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/wpaintro/wpahome.html

This American Life: the television show! This American Life.


Johnson Space Center (JSC) Oral History Project


Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

URL: http://www.kentuckyoralhistory.org/

MEMORO Bank of Memories:

URL: http://www.memoro.org/ (VIDEO narrations archive)

National Day of Listening.


National Public Radio.


Oral History of Heavy Metal:


Regional Oral History Office (ROHO), Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

URL: http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/ROHO/

Southern Oral History Program, University of North Carolina.


Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 44

Story Corps.


The heart of hope: South Africas transition from Apartheid to Democracy.

URL: http://www.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/

Theater Museum Canada's "The Legend Library" Oral History Project

URL: http://www.youngpeoplestheatre.ca/blog/2012/checkthisout/an-interview-with-our-founder-susan-douglas-rubes

Voice of Witness: Illuminating human rights crisis through oral history.

URL: www.voiceofwitness.com

Voices: Palestinian women narrate displacement.

URL: http://almashriq.hiof.no/palestine/300/301/voices/index2.html

WW2 People's War. (2006). British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/

Food Stories - Food-related oral history recordings from the BL Sound Archive.

URL: http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/foodstories/index.html

ABHO Site da Associao Brasileira de Histria Oral

URL: http://www.historiaoral.org.br/

Advice on how to conduct oral history interviewing from the East Midlands Oral History Archive.

URL: http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/training.html

African American Oral History Collection at University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky).

URL: http://digital.library.louisville.edu/collections/afamoh/

Ahozko Historiaren Archivoa, Archivo de la memoria


American Century Oral History Project at St. Andrew's Episcopal School is one of the largest pre-
collegiate oral history projects and archives in the US.


Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 45

American Oral History Association

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org/

Asocacin de Historia Oral de la Repblica Argentina (AHORA)

URL: www.ahoargentina.com.ar

Associaao Brasileira de Histria Oral


Associao Internacional de Arquivos Sonoros e Audiovisuais

URL: http://www.iasa-web.org/

Associao Internacional de Histria Oral

URL: http://www.iohanet.org/

Australian National University Centre for Immigration andMulticultural Studies


Baylor University Institute for Oral History, practicing professional oral

URL: http://www.baylor.edu/oral_history

British Library National Sound Archive--Curator Rob Perks, London,

URL: http://www.bl.uk

British Library Sound Archive


California State University Long Beach - Oral History Program

URL: http://www.csulb.edu/colleges/cla/departments/history/programs/oral/oral01.html

Campus virtual del archivo oral de ORT

URL: http://historiaoralort.blogspot.com/

Canadian Military Oral History Collection at University of Victoria, Special Collections.

URL: http://library.uvic.ca/spcoll/military/miloral.html

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 46

Canadian Oral History Association


Capturing the Living Past: An Oral History Primer, by Barbara W. Sommer and Mary Kay Quinlan,
is provided by the Nebraska State Historical Society.


CASA DE OSWALDO CRUZ. Desde 1986, no Rio de Janeirocom projecto virado para ae Sade
no Brasil.

URL: www.fiocruz.br/coc/depho1.html

CPDOC - PROGRAMA DE HISTRIA ORAL. Centro de Pesquisa e Documentao da Faculdade

Getlio Vargas (CPDOC/FGV), criado em 1975.

URL: www.cpdoc.fgv.br/historal/htm/ho_programahistoria.htm


URL: www.favelatemmemoria.com.br

IOHA (International Oral History Association)

URL: http://www.ioha.fgv.br/

CEDINCI: Centro de Documentacin e Investigacin de la Cultura de Izquierdas de la Argentina.

URL: http://www.cedinci.org/

Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University

URL: http://cds.aas.duke.edu/

Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling - Concordia University

URL: http://storytelling.concordia.ca/

Centre for Popular Memory (CPM), University of Cape Town

URL: www.popularmemory.org.za

The Sinomlando Centre for Oral History and Memory-Work, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

URL: http://www.ukzn.ac.za/sorat/sinomlando/

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 47

Centre for Popular Memory, South Africa, Interview Ethics:


Centro Documentao 25 De Abril- Projecto Histria Oral

URL: http://www.uc.pt/cd25a/wikka.php?wakka=HistoriaOral

CMC collections in living history at the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

URL: http://www.civilization.ca/

Colectivo de Historia Oral (Colombia)


Columbia Center for Oral History


Columbia University Oral History Research Office:

URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/oral/

Czech Oral History Association


DHistria. El fil dAriadna. Enlaces a recursos de historia


Ddalo Project - Open software platform for management of intangible cultural heritage and oral

URL: http://www.fmomo.org/dedalo/pg/?lang=en

Espao Latino Americano de Historia Oral

URL: www.prohola.pro.br

Exploring the History of Maunalua, Ann Marie Kirk, Blue Crater Media



Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 48

URL: http://www.wix.com/malibupat/firstpersonusa

Fundaao Getulio Vargas. Programa de Histria Oral. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

URL: http://www.fgv.br/cpdoc

General principles and best practices for oral history.


Georgia Government Documentation Project, GSU Special Collections

URL: http://www.library.gsu.edu/spcoll/ggdp/index.htm

Guidelines for Oral History Interviews, The History Channel


H-Oralhist - a network for scholars and professionals active in studies related to oralhistory


H-Oralhist (H-Oralhist is a network for scholars and professionals active in studies related to oral

URL: http://www.h-net.org/~oralhist/

Hicke, Carol. A Quick Guide to Oral History. Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft


Historias de vidas- emigrantes em Venezuela

URL: http://www.correiodevenezuela.com

History Matters: Making Sense of Oral History, American Social History Project/Center for Media
and Learning, City University of New York and Center for History and New Media, George Mason


H-Oralhist, H-Net and Michigan State UniversityH-Oralhist is a network for scholars and
professionals in the field of oral history

URL: http://www.h-net.org/~oralhist/

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 49

How to Do Oral History on Video, Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
and Bristol Productions


Behind the Veil: Documenting African American Life in the Jim Crow South.

URL: http://cds.aas.duke.edu/btv/btv_basic_html/projectoverview.html

In the First Person,


Indiana University Oral History Research Center

URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~cshm

Institut d'histoire du temps prsent (French):

URL: http://www.ihtp.cnrs.fr/

Institut fr Geschichte und Biographie

URL: http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/INST_GESCHUBIOG/

Institute for Oral History, Baylor University, Waco, Texas


Instituto Histrico de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina

URL: http://www.buenosaires.gov.ar/cultura_institutociudad.as

Instituto Mora. Mxico

URL: http://www.institutomora.edu.mx/carpetaInves/historia_oral.htm

Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e Historia. Centro Zacatecas. Los archivos de la memoria.


URL: http://www.logicnet.com.mx/~zac450/archmemo.htm

International Oral History Association (IOHA)

URL: http://www.iohanet.org/


Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 50

URL: www.unicamp.br/suarq/cmu/laho/

LABHOI (Laboratrio de Histria Oral e Iconografia)

URL: http://www.historia.uff.br/labhoi/


Histria Oral, ligado ao Departamento de Histria, da Universidade de So Paulo.

URL: www.fflch.usp.br/dh/neho/


Departamento de Histria, da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

URL: www.ufop.br/departamentos/nucleos/nehom/nehom.htm

International Oral History Association


Iranian Oral History

URL: www.oral-history.ir

Japan Oral History Association

URL: http://joha.jp

John F Kennedy Library Oral History Project

URL: http://www.cs.umb.edu/~serl/jfk/oralhist.htm

Living Voices, National Museum of the American Indian


Louisiana State University T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History

URL: http://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/williams/

Matrix, Michigan State University


Memorial do Imigrante. Histria Oral. Sao Paulo, Brasil.


Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 51

Michigan State University, MATRIX: The Center for Humane, Arts, Letters and Social Sciences

URL: http://www.matrix.msu.edu/

Michigan State University, The Vincent Voice Library, Maurice Crane,

URL: http://vvl.lib.msu.edu/index.cfm

Moyer, Judith. Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History. DoHistory.

URL: http://dohistory.org/on_your_own/toolkit/oralHistory.html

Museu da Pessoa. So Paulo, Brasil

URL: http://www.museudapessoa.org.br/

National Archives of Singapore Oral History Centre

URL: http://cord.nhb.gov.sg/cord/public/internetSearch/

National Library of Australia Oral History Collection.

URL: http://www.nla.gov.au/oh

National Library of Australia Oral History Collection


National Oral History Association of New Zealand

URL: http://www.nohanz.org.nz/

National Park Service-Links to the past. Sites

URL: http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/oh/index.htm

Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History - University of Maine Archive Collections


Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History.

URL: http://www.umaine.edu/folklife

Ncleo de Estudos em Histria Oral. Brasil.


Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 52

Oral Historians Toolbox, Concordia University


Oral Histories, Go For Broke Educational Foundation


Oral History Association Evaluation Guidelines:


Oral History Association

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org/

Oral History Association of Australia Guidelines of Ethical Practice:

URL: http://www.ohaa.net.au/guidelines.htm

Oral History Association of Australia:


Oral History Association of Australia

URL: http://www.ohaa.net.au/

Oral History Association of South Africa

URL: http://www.ohasa.org.za/

Oral history collections and activities, including National Life Stories.


Oral history in China


Oral history in the teaching of US History,


Oral History of the US House of Representatives.

URL: http://oralhistory.clerk.house.gov/

Oral History on Space, Science, and Technology. Department of Space /History, National Air and

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 53

Space Museum.

URL: http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/dsh/ohp-introduction.html

Oral History Research Office Columbia University, New Yor

URL: khttp://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/oral

Oral History Society (UK):

URL:http://www.ohs.org.uk/ & http://www.ohs.org.uk/resources.php

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org.uk

Oral History Society UK Copyright and Ethical Guidelines:

URL: http://www.ohs.org.uk/ethics/index.php

Oral History Techniques, by Barbara Truesdell, is available from the Indiana University Center for
the Study of History and Memory.

URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~cshm/contact.html

Palgraves Studies in Oral History series, edited by Linda Shopes and Bruce M. Stave, [2001]

URL: http://us.macmillan.com/series/PalgraveStudiesinOralHistory

Programa de Historia Oral de la Universidad de Buenos Aires

URL: www.historiaoraluba.org/

Projecto Histria Oral Para O Ensino Mdio

URL: http://www.historiadoreletronico.com.br/artigo.php?seccod=giz&idartigo=161

Projecto Municipal No Brasil

URL: http://www.historiadesaogoncalo.pro.br/hist_oral.htm

Projecto Museu da Pessoa

URL: http://www.museudapessoa.net/escolas/oq_eh_memoria.htm

Recollections of WWII - Directory of oral history collections relating to WWII,

URL: http://www.recollectionsofwwii.co.uk/

Red Latinoamericana de Historia Oral

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 54


Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, Berkeley University


Resources for Digital Storytelling, University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyResources


SA History On-Line


International Society for Oral Literature in Africa (ISOLA)

URL: http://isola.binghamton.edu/

South African Archives

URL: http://www.national.archives.gov.za/

Saint Vincent College, Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Oral History Program.

URL: http://facweb.stvincent.edu/academics/english/faculty/wissolik/center.htm

Santa Cruz Regional Oral History Project: University of California


School of Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh


Shopes, Linda. "Making Sense of Oral History." History Matters


Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage


"Smithsonian Folklore and Oral History Interviewing Guide"

URL: http://www.folklife.si.edu/education_exhibits/resources/guide/introduction.aspx
Smithsonian Institution Archives

URL: http://www.siris.si.edu

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 55

Presidential Oral History Program, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia

URL: http://www.millercenter.virginia.edu

Social Security Administration History Archives

URL: http://www.ssa.gov/history/orallist.html

Sociopolitical Studies Institute.

URL: www.ikme.eu

South Dakota Oral History Center/Institute of American Indian Studies.

URL: http://www.usd.edu/iais/

Southern Oral History Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

URL: http://www.unc.edu/sohp // http://www.sohp.org/

Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History, Film Study Center, Harvard University

URL: http://www.oralhistory.hawaii.edu/pages/links.html
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation

URL: http://www.vhf.org

Texas Oral History Association, 1982,

URL: http://www.baylor.edu/~TOHA/

The Australian Centre for Oral History:

URL: http://www.acoh.com.au/

The Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS)


The Cyprus Oral History and Living Memory project.

URL: www.frederick.ac.cy/research/oralhistory/

The Cyprus Oral History:

URL: http://www.frederick.ac.cy/research/oralhistory/

The Hawaii Nisei Story, University of Hawaii

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 56

URL: http://nisei.hawaii.edu/object/about

The HistoryMakers: African American Video Oral History Archive (non-profit),

URL: http://thehistorymakers.com/

The Institute of Oral History at the University of Texas El Paso.

URL: http://www.dmc.utep.edu/oralh

The International Oral History Association


The International Oral History Association


The Minnesota Historical Society 1948.

URL: http://www.mnhs.org/collections/oralhistory/oralhistory.htm

The Oral History Association, established in 1966,

URL: http://www.oralhistory.org

The Oral History Interviews of the University of New South Wales

URL: http://info.library.unsw.edu.au/archives/about/holdings/archoral.html


URL: http://oralhistorynoticeboard.wordpress.com/

the Oral History Society

URL: http://www.ohs.org.uk/

The Oral History Workshop on the Web,

The Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

URL: http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/ROHO/

The Southern Oral History Program Practical Guide,

URL: http://www.sohp.org/site_images/csas/practical_guide_(Apr2009).pdf

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 57

The State Historical Society of Wisconsin Archives.

URL: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/

The T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History, Louisiana State University Libraries


Tell Me Your Stories, Living Legacies Historical Foundation


The University of Kentucky Oral History Program Division of Special Collections and Archives
University of Kentucky Libraries.

URL: http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/Special/oral_history/

Turkish Cypriot Heritage Project.

URL: http://www.turkishcypriotheritage.org/

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Oral History Department and Archive.

URL: http://www.ushmm.org

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington


University of Alaska Fairbanks Oral History Program


University of Alaska Fairbanks: The Oral History Program 1981

URL: http://www.uaf.edu/library/oralhistory/index.html

University of California at Berkeley Regional Oral History Office: at the Bancroft Library,

URL: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC/ROHO/

University of Connecticut at Storrs- Center for Oral History.

URL: http://www.ucc.uconn.edu/~cohadm01/

University of Connecticut Center for Oral History

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 58

URL: http://www.oralhistory.uconn.edu

University of Hawai'i Center for Oral History


University of Hawaii at Manoa, Center for Oral History

URL: http://www.oralhistory.hawaii.edu/

University of London Institute of Historical Research

URL: http://www.ihr.sas.ac.uk

University of Missouri Center for Studies in Oral Tradition.

URL: http://www.oraltradition.org/about/

University of New Mexico Oral History.

URL: http://elibrary.unm.edu/oanm/NmU/nmu1%23unma123/nmu1%23unma123_m1.html

University of New South Wales Oral History Program, Sydney, Australia


University of Rochester Medical Center Oral History Project.

URL: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/hslt/miner/rare_books/oral_histories/index.cfm

University of South Florida, Tampa, FL - USF Oral History Collection -

URL: http://web.lib.usf.edu/flasc/oralhistory.html

University of Southern Mississippi - Center for Oral History & Cultural

URL: http://www.usm.edu/oralhistory/

US Senate Oral History Project.

URL: http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/history/g_three_sections_with_teasers/oralhistory.htm

Veterans History Project. World War I (1914-1920), World War II (1939-1946), Korean War
(1950-1955), Vietnam War (1961-1975), Persian Gulf War (1990-1995) and Afghanistan and Iraq
conflicts (2001-present)

URL: http://www.loc.gov/vets/

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 59

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

URL: http://spec.lib.vt.edu/specgen/oralindx.htm

Voices Through Corridors - Oral History accounts of hospital patients and staff in Walsall,

URL: http://www.voicesthroughcorridors.co.uk/

Walter P. Reuther Library ,Wayne State University

URL: http://www.reuther.wayne.edu/

URL:http://historymatters.gmu.edu/mse/oral/ , February 2002.

Witness to War Foundation (non-profit) - Over 600 oral histories of combat veterans,


Women and Work in Hawaii, Hawaii Womens Heritage Project, Womens Studies
Program,University of Hawaii


World War II Internment in Hawaii, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii

URL:http: www.jcch.com/index.php

WPA Life Histories Home Page, Library of Congress


Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem, Israel


Youngstown State University, Center for Historic Preservation, 1974.

URL: http://www.as.ysu.edu/~histpres/

Centro de Estudos de Histria do Atlntico 60

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