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Hochiminh University of Education

Department of English- ELT sector

ELT Methodology Module 1


Affective factors

A positive learning cycle

(Hutchinson & Waters, 1996, p.47)

Learning strategies


include ways to:

what we need to learn.

new language,

other people to learn

Using the right strategy at the right time helps us learn the language better and become more
independent / autonomous.


o Different learners use different strategies.

o The strategies that learners use successfully depend on
=> there are no best strategies.
Using definitely
making learning more successful
o Lrs can be trained to use strategies.

Who is a good language learner??

Characteristics of a Good Language Learner (Lightbown and Spada, 2009, p. 55)

1. Good learners are willing and accurate guessers

2. Good learners are willing to make mistakes

3. Good learners try to communicate even without language

4. Good learners look for patterns

5. Good learners practice whenever possible

6. Good learners analyse their own speech

7. Good learners pay attention to their own standards

8. Good learners enjoy grammar

9. Good learners begin learning in childhood

10. Good learners have above average IQs

11. Good learners have good academic skills

12. Good learners have good self image and self confidence

Learner characteristics .

to learning a lg & how they learn it

to different learning styles & approaches in the classroom,
they are at learning a lg.

Leaner differences

What are the differences included?

The differences include:

A. Motivation in the classroom

Motivation is that determines a person's desire to do sth.

According to the writer, motivation is the relationship between the cognitive and emotional aspects of

Two forms of motivation

A.1. Instrumental/ External/ Extrinsic motivation

Definition: Extrinsic motivation refers to . The motivating factors are

or , such as grades or compliments. These
rewards provide satisfaction and pleasure that the task itself may not provide.

e.g. Learners want to learn because it is useful for certain instrumental goals; for instance, getting a job,
passing exams, getting a scholarship, getting good qualifications, etc.

A.2. Integrative/Internal/Intrinsic motivation

Definition: Intrinsic motivation refers to rather than from any

external or outside rewards, such as compliments or grades.

Intrinsic motivation drives sb to do things just for the fun of it, or because s/he believes it is a good or right
thing to do.

In other words, Intrinsically motivating activities are those in which people will engage for no reward
other than the interest and enjoyment that accompanies them.

E.g. Most people's hobbies are intrinsically motivated: people collect little bits of china or build detailed model

With , it is much easier to stay academically motivated.

Why so?

How can teachers encourage greater motivation in their learners?

B. Brain dominance

B.1. Left and Right hemisphere

LEFT (Analytic) RIGHT (Global)

Successive Hemispheric Style Simultaneous Hemispheric Style
1. Verbal 1. Visual
2. Responds to word meaning 2. Responds to tone of voice
3. Sequential 3. Random
4. Processes information linearly 4. Processes information in varied order
5. Responds to logic 5. Responds to emotion
6. Plans ahead 6. Impulsive
7. Recalls people's names 7. Recalls people's faces
8. Speaks with few gestures 8. Gestures when speaking
9. Punctual 9. Less punctual
10. Prefers formal study design 10. Prefers sound/music background while
11. Prefers bright lights while studying 11. Prefers frequent mobility while studying

B.2. In short

Both sides of the brain are involved in nearly every human activity.
of the brain is the seat of language and processes in a logical &
sequential order.
The right side is and processes intuitively, holistically, & randomly.
C. Leaning Styles


Learning styles relates to

the physical sense we prefer to use to learn.

our way of interacting with other people (personality: extroverted/ introverted)

our style of thinking = cognitive style (Right / Left Brain Dominance) : Left brain Hemisphere:
controls language

C.1. VAK classification

learn best through seeing

learn best through hearing
learn best through using body

Classroom implications


Learning through seeing and visual stimuli


Learning through listening, speaking and auditory stimuli


Incorporating physical activity into the learning process

C.2. (CA)2 classification

Learners style use active and direct means of taking in and processing information. They are interested in
information that has immediate value. They are curious, spontaneous, and willing to take risks. They like
variety and a constant change of pace. They dislike routine learning and written work, and prefer verbal or
visual experiences. They like to be entertained, and like to be physically involved in learning.

Learners are independent, like to solve problems, and enjoy tracking down ideas and developing principles on
their own. Such learners prefer a logical, systematic presentation of new learning material with opportunities for
learners to follow up on their own. Analytical learners are serious, push themselves hard, and are vulnerable to

Learners prefer a social approach to learning. They need personal feedback and interaction, and learn well from
discussion and group activities. They thrive in a democratically run class.

Learners are said to be responsible and dependable. They like and need structure and sequential progression.
They relate well to a traditional classroom. They prefer the teacher as an authority figure. They like to have
clear instructions and to know exactly what they are doing; they are not comfortable with consensus-building

Implications for classroom practices

D. Intelligences

Multiple intelligences




Learners as


to find out students

to teach them learning strategies


- Language teachers must consider all the factors that can their
- Ss in language learning and use appropriate techniques to learners in
- (being relaxed, feeling positive & unthreaiened): as important
as their mental/cognitive abilities.
- Lrs need to feel that:
* what they are learning is personally relevant to them,
* they have to experience learning.
* their self-image needs to be enhanced.
- Lg teachers must consider the above-mentioned factors when teaching their ss so as to make them want
to learn/ motivate them:
* Keep criticism to a minimum, encouraging them.
* Lrs are emotionally involved in the learning.
* Lrs are encouraged to reflect on how learning happens.
* Their creativity is fostered.

Ways of motivating Ss/ making them want to learn

Find outthrough formal interview / questionnaire/ survey

or informal talk.
Choose thethat are relevant to their needs so that they can achieve their goals in
language learning/ get satisfaction from the actual experience of learning.

on the inner self as this limits the range of lg. Irs can
experience; more emphasis on interpersonal & infml lg.
Paying too much attention may mean that T neglects lrs'
cognitive & intellectual development.

In greater detail

diagnose learners' needs, interests, learning X treat learners as if they were all the same
styles, goals, etc.
provide a range of different activity types, X use the same approach all the time, e.g. to
topics etc. teaching grammar or practising vocabulary
offer choices, and involve the learners in X use the coursebook all the time
making decisions about the materials,
activities, etc.
help learners make the best use of their X expect all learners to work comfortably at the
learning style/intelligence same pace and rhythm
show learners how to take advantage of X ignore learner resistance or frustrations
opportunities for learning outside the
teach specific strategies to improve learning X assume everyone learns in the same way that
(learner training) you do
mix and match learners, providing different
opportunities for collaboration and interaction
provide individual assistance and counselling
where possible
get feedback on the learning process at regular


Where possible, ask learners to choose what activities they want to do.
Encourage parents to motivate their children to learn English.
Remind learners how important English is.

Choose activities and materials that are motivating.
Bring to the classroom any materials (e.g. brochures, photos, souvenirs) you have collected on your trip
to English speaking countries.
Praise learners frequently but honestly
Give learners opportunities to use English to talk about their own lives.
Motivation is very important in language learning, so teachers should do all they can to motivate

Questions for discussion

1. Point out some characteristics of Vietnamese learners.

2. What are the two views about learners? Which one do you favor?
3. Discuss the importance of the emotional factor.
4. What makes learners different from each other?
5. Describe the relationship between the cognitive and emotional aspects presented in the learning cycle.
6. What is motivation? How many types of motivation are there? Explain them.
7. What is the affective filter in Krashen's view? What would happen if this filter is raised/ lowered?
8. Explain the ideas of learning styles and learning strategies.
9. In what ways can we find out Ss' motivation?
10. Suggest some ways to motivate learners in Vietnamese teaching conditions.
11. What do teachers of English in Vietnam think about their learners? Does their view affect their language
teaching? Explain why.
12. What should Vietnamese teachers do in order to help learners study effectively?
13. Suggest some ways to motivate students in Vietnamese teaching conditions.
14. Discuss and find out how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be combined in English language
teaching in Vietnam.
15. Suggest some ways to find out students' needs in Vietnamese classroom of English.
16. What are some common extrinsic motivations of Vietnamese learners?
17. As a language learner, what do you expect from the teacher in motivating his/her students?
18. Think about the teaching environment in Vietnam, discuss whether they can motivate or demotivate
learners in their language learning.

Appendix A

Which Side Are You On? Circle either "A" or "B" that most accurately describes you.

1. A. At home, my room has organized drawer and closets. I even try to organize other things
around the house.
B. At home, I like the "lived-in" look. I clean as I see a need and when I have the time.

2. A. My desk is usually clean and has everything in place.

B. I leave my work out on my desk so I can work as I am inspired by ideas.

3. A. I like using the "tried and true" method.

B. I like creating new methods.

4. A. I follow directions carefully when I build a model, make a craft, etc.

B. I like to build a model my way, making my own creation.

5. A. I complete one project at a time.

B. I like to start many different projects, but do not like to finish them.

6. When I am asked to write a report on a subject, I .......

A. research information, then outline and organize my writing.

B. work in my own self-inspired direction.

7. When I had to do a project in class, I ....

A. used my parents' ideas, a book's illustrated project or modeled another student's project who
received an "A+" from my teacher.
B. loved the challenge, and like a "mad scientist," I produced a unique project.

8. When I am in charge of a big job with many people working, I usually...

A. organize, give everyone their responsibilities, make lists, and make sure everyone finishes their part
on time.
B. work at my own pace, let others work on the job as they want. I want to take care of
needs/problems as they arise.

9. Which of these activities would you like to do the most?

A. planning the details for a trip/project

B. creating an original art form

10. I hate it when other people

A. are indecisive about what activities to do when I am with them.

B. plan activities in step-by-step detail when I am with them.

Appendix B

VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment.

Questionnaire Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally behave.

1. When I operate new equipment I generally:

a) read the instructions first

b) listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before
c) go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it

2. When I need directions for travelling I usually:

a) look at a map
b) ask for spoken directions
c) follow my nose and maybe use a compass

3. When I cook a new dish, I like to:

a) follow a written recipe

b) call a friend for an explanation
c) follow my instincts, testing as I cook

4. If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to:

a) write instructions down for them

b) give them a verbal explanation
c) demonstrate first and then let them have a go

5. I tend to say:

a) watch how I do it
b) listen to me explain
c) you have a go

6. During my free time I most enjoy:

a) going to museums and galleries

b) listening to music and talking to my friends
c) playing sport or doing DIY

7. When I go shopping for clothes, I tend to:

a) imagine what they would look like on

b) discuss them with the shop staff
c) try them on and test them out

8. When I am choosing a holiday I usually:

a) read lots of brochures

b) listen to recommendations from friends
c) imagine what it would be like to be there

9. If I was buying a new car, I would:

a) read reviews in newspapers and magazines

b) discuss what I need with my friends
c) test-drive lots of different types

10. When I am learning a new skill, I am most comfortable:

a) watching what the teacher is doing

b) talking through with the teacher exactly what I'm supposed to do
c) giving it a try myself and work it out as I go

11. If I am choosing food off a menu, I tend to:

a) imagine what the food will look like

b) talk through the options in my head or with my partner
c) imagine what the food will taste like

12. When I listen to a band, I can't help:

a) watching the band members and other people in the audience

b) listening to the lyrics and the beats
c) moving in time with the music

13. When I concentrate, I most often:

a) focus on the words or the pictures in front of me

b) discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head
c) move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch things

14. I choose household furnishings because I like:

a) their colours and how they look

b) the descriptions the sales-people give me
c) their textures and what it feels like to touch them

15. My first memory is of:

a) looking at something
b) being spoken to
c) doing something

16. When I am anxious, I:

a) visualise the worst-case scenarios
b) talk over in my head what worries me most
c) can't sit still, fiddle and move around constantly

17. I feel especially connected to other people because of:

a) how they look

b) what they say to me
c) how they make me feel
a) write lots of revision notes and diagrams
b) talk over my notes, alone or with other people
c) imagine making the movement or creating the formula

19. If I am explaining to someone I tend to:

a) show them what I mean

b) explain to them in different ways until they understand
c) encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it

20. I really love:

a) watching films, photography, looking at art or people watching

b) listening to music, the radio or talking to friends
c) taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines or dancing

21. Most of my free time is spent:

a) watching television
b) talking to friends
c) doing physical activity or making things

22. When I first contact a new person, I usually:

a) arrange a face to face meeting

b) talk to them on the telephone
c) try to get together whilst doing something else, such as an activity or a meal

23. I first notice how people:

a) look and dress

b) sound and speak
c) stand and move

24. If I am angry, I tend to:

a) keep replaying in my mind what it is that has upset me

b) raise my voice and tell people how I feel
c) stamp about, slam doors and physically demonstrate my anger

25. I find it easiest to remember:

a) faces
b) names
c ) things I have done

26. I think that you can tell if someone is lying if:

a) they avoid looking at you

b) their voices changes
c) they give me funny vibes

27. When I meet an old friend:

a) I say "it's great to see you!"

b) I say "it's great to hear from you!"
c) I give them a hug or a handshake

28. I remember things best by:

a) writing notes or keeping printed details

b) saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head
c) doing and practising the activity or imagining it being done

29. If I have to complain about faulty goods, I am most comfortable:

a) writing a letter
b) complaining over the phone
c) taking the item back to the store or posting it to head office

30. I tend to say:

a) I see what you mean

b) I hear what you are saying
c) I know how you feel

Now add up how many A's, B's and C's you selected.

A's = B's = C's =

Appendix C


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