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TEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 3, No.1, February 1988 APOSTURING STRATEGY AGAINST VOLTAGE INSTABILITIES IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS. A Trenuchit R. J. Thomas, Senior Member, IEEE Cornell University, School of Electrical Engineering Ithaca, NY 14853, ABSTRACT ‘The problem of system collapse or blackout charactorized by a local severe vollage depression ie ‘generally believed to be associated with inadequate VAR. Support at Key busses. In {1}, we proposed the minimum singular value of the Jacobian of the descriptor network equations as a vollage secutly index. In this paper, we Giscuss techniques for improving the system security with respect to this index. The elfct of adding capacitors are ‘examined. We also preset a continuation technique that tedistrbutos the systom generation to the opimal operating ‘condition with respect to the mimimum singular value index. INTRODUCTION ‘The blackout problem of an electric power system has classically boon associated with th transient stability problom, That is, one mechanism fo loss of a major portion of a grid isthe inabilty of certain generators to maintain ‘synchronism inthe face of a severe distubance. However this type of stability problem, whi Important, is being controlled to a great éxent by the advent of faster and more reliable protection systoms. In recent years an instability Lsualy termed a voltage insiabilly has been responsible for ‘serveral major network collapses world-wide [2-4], In some cases. angle and frequency remained constant while voltage continued 10 decay to a crtical value causing protection equipment to dismantle the notwork. In other bases, frequency and anglo swings accompanied the voltage decay. The phenomenon was not always. in response to a contingency such as a three-phase faut, but rather in response to what is generaly characterized as an inadequate VAR support at ertical network busses. The fundamental research issue has been the identification of Control or suppor techniques which wil causo the syetem to maintain the necessary vollage profile when an increase in Power flow is required. The actual cases of blackouts Characterized by voltage depressions reported in tho ltorature indicate thet standard practice procedures such as transformer tap changing, capactor switching, synchronous Condenser adjustment, and load sheccsng may aggravate fan already unstable voltage profile [4,5]. As with any at the TEE/bes 1987 Winter Meet tag, How Orlecees nonlinear system, there appears to be more than ono way to auso the instability. The most commonly investigated Phenomenon involves relating steady-state stabilly and ‘otage instability wih neighboring multiple equiva (6-3) Steady-state stabilty involves maintenance of a stable ‘equilibrium as cortain parameters are allowed to vary. In fact, Venikow [10] showed that its the Jacobian of the load-tlow equations. that characterizes the classical steady-state stably limits and therefor eigenvalues of the linearized systom matrix have a direct Dearing on any bifurcation of the equilbrium state. Several researchers have noted the singularity ofthe Jacobian during a votage ‘collapse and hence the problem involves abilucation of an fquilbrium ia much the same way as does the classical Steady-state stablity problem. In {t4], Glaviteh etal \ovelopad a voltage stabilly index based on the feasibilty Of solution to the power-flow equation for each nade. A Comparison of several proposed perlormance indices are given in {12} In [1] ana in the sequel we ciscuss the use of {he minimum singular value of the Jacobian as a global voliage stabity index and suggest @ way to improve the system operating condition it givan the resources to do £0. Futuro work wil bo needed to\corpare this index with other ‘existing Incices. PROBLEM FORMULATION The basic configuration used to explain voltage collapse 's shown in figure ta, In this veut the vollage source Vg in series with impedance Zy represents the ‘Thevenin equivalent of a network connected toa load. The load is deseribed by is real and reactive flows Pj and Q ‘and the load voltage V that resus. We should note that any loaditlow that requies loads to be represented as constant impedances will not be capable of simulating a volage collapse problem. If we denote « and 0 asthe angles ofthe load voltage and the network impedance respectively, we may show that the governing algebra relavons aro given by Well 2 Ne coca) Meo 0m Teel Teel ard Vel lvl Ii? singar0) + sin) «) ar amen) Tare Under steady-state conditions, equations (1a) and (18) repceseht the votagerpower relation at tho load end of the clout. Figure 1 portrays the voltage vs real powor Surves for several power factors and for a load power factor (0f 0.90 (lagging). The stars represent points of maximum 0385 4950/88/C200.0087501.0001988 IEEE ovo votre yo) Fig:b. Vokage-power charactensc for atferent Vg. Power transfer, ae theoretical operating limits fr the load, ‘and are points such that the volage sensitivity 1o power disturbance at the load is Infinite. Note that these cuves indicate that there are two possible values of vattage for each value of power. A system operating st the lower ‘excessively high current 10 In-@ normal operating condition, an ‘erator wil attempt to coroct the low voltage cancion by imereasing the source voltage V,. However, as ilustratod In figure 1b, when the systom is operating onthe lower portion ‘ofthe curves, nereasing V, wil cause an even futher crop in the toad voltage, clearly an unstabe situation, tt wil be Useful to know not only thatthe system is operating on the lable portion of tho curve, but also how cloge isto the bifurcation boundary. This issue ie clearly related to the voltage/power sensitvly ag thie coetticient rises without bound when the system operating point approaches the ‘maximum load power imi ‘The quoction is now to generalize these ‘observations fo an nei-machine, mload bus problem. Busses with both a load and a generator or a condense) connected will be treated as generator or candenast busses. We assume thatthe slack bus ie numbered meme! Analogous to the voltageipower realtion {1) ara the load-fow equations (13) fore ton) He Pi EViVayncosidyseye,)=0 (2) and =) EVVNasing yc) =0 (9) where (P,Q) isthe net complox power entering bus i, Vida 's tho bus complex votage, and Yj,2-0y isthe (i) enty of the_network admitance matix, There are dynamics for ‘gonorator angles but system equillrrum is completely ‘termined by equations {2) and (3). These equations can be writen compactly in vector frm tag) =0 o where = [Hota Stee Gmen IT: AMM) 5 RAIN) x = [a sVmenl Te RAIm=N), ang B= [Pyons Pngny Qs Oman” EFM ao uncon state, and parameter vectors respoctvely. Here, wo teat the loads as independent parameters. In practice, the load is belived to be very sensitive to voltage magnitude. tis generally very difficult to. accurately “determine an ppropiate load model. Howaver, given a load model diferent trom the real and reactive injection model assumed here, the techniques presented in this paper can be ‘odiied to accomasate “The continuation method is an excellent tool for Providing insight inte extensions of classic example ‘Sbservations to the larger network probloms. The method Involves finding a locus of roots of equations ofthe form {s) = 0 for specited g [14] by nating that along the Tocus the tota derivative “men VI ote0)=0 6 must hold I and gare regarded as parameterized by seal, then (5) may be writen explicitly as at a (8 4-28 ° way so (6) we need 9 ston par 3) sen tha ti 8 anda pettpion oP ta reo parr var pa vane We cantata ek eee fgQs0) where | is the 2(mén) x 2(men) identity matrix, and (6) Socones ax 1@ --@) ” Hore we use the neaion fy ad or da and ao respectively. Equation (2)"provdee the. basis of a Characteaation‘o sats vokoge colapco s ag Seasysatesabiy ns. haere gan some eit Suppoce only one lod, say leds hanglag eh oat powors changing at ual mtoment. Wee meh te Wee Strona ris at is port ht tre abn "rates acon othe cass example. Wore ore caso at we may tte G)ae (x = -@) ® were x dV}, Note that since y ie non zero it must be the case that matrix fy Is singular. The natural extension then from the voltago/power sensitivity in the classic problem to the general network is embedded in the singularity otf ‘The question Is "how close is {, to being singular ‘The answer to the question involves the minimum singular value of the Jacobian {,. To $80 why let E= {, and consider the folowing basic problem: given the matrix E, determi conditions on perturbation matix AE such that E + AE Is singular. The notion of singular E + AE is itimatoly related to the ability to compute its inverse, We note tht fis non Singular, we may wite (sag = dee Tae EY Two torm +E" AE) can bo shown to have an invorse it WETAEW <1 hich is guaranteed it Waen< YEN since WE AEH <1) E111 AE for some suitable matrix norm |. Hence a measure ofthe nearness of matrk Eto singulanty is the number || E" I In order to obtain numerical results we must choose ' particular norm. Perhaps the most natural choice is. NEUF = Anar(ETE) = ons? (E) where tax (ETE) Is tho maximum eigenvalue of eymmetric ‘mattis (ETE) an onax (Eis the largest singular value of E. In terms of singular values we have HEV = om) omever, if tho singular value decompastion ie given by £ =uzyt where LL ané V are orthogonal matrices (UUT = 1 and WT = 1) and E = diag (04, 69.» 8p4mqn)) Wh ‘9001 © 209.2 03fm4n) =i thon El =vEtur and a) where oni (E) is the smallest singular value of E. Hence the ‘minimum singular value i a natural security index for ‘monitoring how close a power system is operating to a voltage Instabtty. Figure 2 portrays the minimum singular value vs real power for the basic configuration shown in figure ta, Note {atthe minimum singular valve ie very sensitive to changes In load near the steady-state boundary In this paper, we examine two contra techniques for Improving system security. In the next section, we discuss {he otfoc of VAR suppor where lavorable busses for acing capacitors are identified. The derivation is a special case of the relation between the minimum singular value ana the system paramoter vector, Detlid discussion of this method Is gWvon in {15}. In the following section, we present a Continuation technique that maves the system equim fo the optimal operating concton with respect to the minimum singular value index by generation cispatch LOW VOLTAGE Vou one 0 bg FEALLOAD POWER Apu) Fig. 2. Voltage magnitude and amin vs load power. EFFECT OF CHANGE IN PARAMETERS ‘ON THE MINIMUM SINGULAR VALUE. Let r= 2{min) be the dimension of xp and range of 4. Suppose that ("is on a iajectary of {eg} = O with [aly -uzyT @ the singular va decomposion of he Jacobian matrix. Wo would ke to know now changes in p affect one. AS tdscussed in the previous section, x must change according to Auf" 40 (19) Hore nonsingulaty of fy is assumed. Writing a fist order “Taylor sores on the Jacobian, we obtain drean” Ueda” = lhadae 48 on where fg 8a threecimensional ray. Let Fidjpang «Meso eas WAT — 12) be the singular vale decompostion ot [ighegay, Whoo AU, AY, and Ax. are small perturbations on ULV, and & respectively. Subettuting (8), (10), an (12) inio (11) ‘expanding the mattx mulipicatons, and. csrogardng ‘second and third order perturbations, wo obtain MAEW TAU EY HUZAVT =

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