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Hannah Garza Math- Angles March 8, 2017

Standard: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines.
Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
Objective: Students will be able to identify and locates all angles based on their attributes.
Essential Question: How do we use angles in everyday life?
Content Vocabulary: angle, right angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, acute angle, vertex, ray
Relevance: Angles are all around us. Everywhere you look you will see all kinds of angles. Right angles
are the most common angle we see.
HOTS: Looking around the room, what types of angles do you see? In what situations would you need to
know the different types of angles? Can you think of any jobs that would require you to know the types of
Differentiated Instruction: I have activities that accommodate multiple levels of knowledge and
supports needed to make instruction effective. I also accommodate to different learning styles.
Activating Strategy Work Session: Summarizing Strategy:
[whole group] [whole group] (assessing knowledge)
Introduce angles with anchor chart Explain angles can be seen Needs support:
Angles song to YMCA tune everywhere. Small group with teacher
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Students will create polygons with flexible straws and pipe
v=HgMYZHBgUxI rubberbands on a geoboard. cleaners
Has visuals of angles and lyrics for Square 4 right angles - Recognize right, acute,
the song. Trapezoid 2 acute 2 obtuse and obtuse angles
Hexagon 6 obtuse
Equilateral triangle 3 acute On level:
How often do we see angles?
Create your own shape and
Are there any angles in the
identify all the types of angles you
Where are the angles and
what kind are they?

Above level:
Grab a sheet of copy paper.
Write your name in capital
Identify all the types of angles
the letters in your name

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